RNS Number : 5872K 
Helesi PLC 
22 April 2010 

22 April 2010 
                                   Helesi PLC 
                    ("Helesi", "the Company" or "the Group") 
                 Final Results for the year to 31 December 2009 
Helesi PLC (AIM: HLS), the Greece, Italy and Cyprus based waste management 
products manufacturer and services supplier announces final results for the year 
to 31 December 2009. 
·      Group revenues increased by 12% to EUR73.9 million (2008: EUR65.8 million): 
·      Profit before finance charges and tax EUR8.9 million (2008: EUR10.5 million) 
·      Net profit EUR2.8 million (2008: EUR6.6 million) as a result of increased 
cost of financing (EUR4.5 million compared to EUR3.2 million in 2008). 
·      Remains cash positive despite unprecedented trading conditions, with 
operating cash flow of EUR2.5 million (2008: EUR7.0 million). 
·      Transformation in scale of Vehicles division means Company now has 
critical scale for high margin supply and distribution of specialist waste 
collection vehicles both in Greece and Cyprus - fulfillment of two large 
contracts in 2009 
o  Municipality of Athens contract, worth an initial EUR14.5 million, 
o  EUR10 million contract with the Prefecture of East Macedonia Thrace for the 
supply of specialist waste vehicles. 
·      Year end net debt at EUR71.7 million (2008: EUR70 million) as a result of 
completion of investment programme, delays in receipt of government grants and 
slower payment by customers. 
·      Appointment of Dimitri Goulandris as Non-Executive Chairman, Apostolos 
Binomakis moves to Non Executive Director from Chief Financial Officer, 
appointment to the Board of Ioannis Tolias as Chief Financial Officer. 
Commenting on the results, Sakis Andrianopolous, Chief Executive of Helesi, 
said: "Despite the generally weak economic environment Helesi remains a cash 
generative business and, even though it could sustain the current level of 
borrowings pending receipt of the outstanding government grants, the Board 
continues to believe that it is prudent to prioritize the reduction in the level 
of borrowings. 
"We enter 2010 with expanded cost competitive manufacturing facilities, and a 
vehicles and equipment business that now has the scale and resources to tender 
for the largest of projects in our area of geographical focus." 
For further information please visit www.helesi.com or contact: 
| Helesi PLC                           | +30 (0) 22990 82700      | 
| Sakis Andrianopoulos, Chief          |                          | 
| Executive                            |                          | 
| Ioannis Tolias, Finance Director     | itolias@helesi.com       | 
|                                      |                          | 
| Panmure Gordon (Nomad and broker)    | +44 (0) 20 7459 3600     | 
| Andrew Godber                        |                          | 
|                                      |                          | 
| Tavistock Communications             | + 44 (0) 20 7920         | 
|                                      | 3150                     | 
| Simon Hudson                         | shudson@tavistock.co.uk  | 
| Gemma Bradley                        | gbradley@tavistock.co.uk | 
Chairman's Statement 
The nadir of the global economic crisis, 2009, was a challenging year for almost 
all businesses in almost all sectors. Helesi was not immune but managed to 
perform reasonably given the torrid environment. 
I took over as non-executive Chairman on 24th June 2009 after the death of Roger 
Parsons who had been Chairman of the Company for two years.  Along with my 
appointment, Apostolos Binomakis, the Company's CFO resigned and became a 
non-executive director and the Company hired Ioannis Tolias from ABN Amro as its 
new Chief Financial Officer. 
Whilst the Company continues to have strong growth prospects, my immediate focus 
is to drive cash generation and to pay down debt to enable the Company to return 
to growth once a more stable capital structure has been restored. Selectively 
the Company may look to expand beyond its core markets of Greece and Italy but 
only on condition of payment terms that ensure that new markets will be cash 
generative in 2010. 
We expect 2010 to be another difficult year as EU budget cuts and credit issues 
in Greece and Italy affect our payment terms. We are focused on managing our 
cost base and our receivables to ensure that we generate as much cash as 
possible.  We expect our sales to be at similar levels to that of last year. 
As always, we are grateful for the dedication and enterprise of our staff in 
Greece, Italy, Cyprus and around the world. We thank them all for the 
contribution they have made to Helesi and seek their continued commitment in 
Dimitri Goulandris 
Non-executive Chairman 
21 April 2010 
Chief Executive's Review of Operations 
Despite the worsening economic environment during the year, Helesi continued to 
be cash positive, although at lower levels than the year before, with operating 
cash flow of EUR2.5 million (2008: EUR7.0 million). The worldwide recession did not 
allow for the reduction of our borrowings as planned. Customers took longer to 
pay and required more funding, and the agreed government grants were not 
received in full, and were late in arriving. Together with the completion of our 
three year, EUR87 million investment program, this has meant that net debt peaked 
at the year end at higher levels than originally anticipated. However we 
estimate that the remaining EUR11.3 million from grants will be collected within 
2010, and allow net debt to be reduced to more normal levels. 
Group sales revenues continued to grow, albeit at a slower pace, up by 12% in 
2009 to EUR73.9 million (2008: EUR65.8 million) mainly supported by the outstanding 
performance of the vehicles division. EBITDA was similar at EUR12.7 million (2008: 
EUR12.8 million). After increased costs and depreciation largely relating to the 
additional capacity created by the investment program, this resulted in profit 
before interest and taxation of EUR8.9 million (2008: EUR10.5 million), a decrease 
of 14.7%. However, the continuing high levels of debt throughout the year 
resulted in a 40% increase in cost of financing to EUR4.5 million (2008: EUR3.2 
million). Consequently profit before tax dropped to EUR4.4 million (2008: EUR7.3 
million). Net profits, after a 35% tax charge (2008: 9.2%), reduced to EUR2.8 
million (2008: EUR6.6 million) and basic and fully diluted earnings per share were 
EUR0.08 (2008: EUR0.20). 
The level of net debt rose slightly during 2009 to a year end figure of EUR71.7 
million (2008: EUR70 million). This accommodated the completion of the investment 
program but also, and unexpectedly, reflected the worsening payment terms from 
customers against a normalized 120 days. In addition there was a delay in the 
payment of government grants to support the program in Greece and Italy. Our 
priority remains to secure the receipt of government grants expected in full 
this year to reduce the level of short term borrowing. 
Despite the generally weak economic environment Helesi remains a cash generative 
business and, even though it could sustain the current level of borrowings 
pending receipt of the outstanding government grants, the Board continues to 
believe that it is prudent to prioritize a reduction in the level of borrowings. 
The Board is exploring a number of measures to sustain the Company's cash flow 
further, by partially rescheduling its long-term debt obligations, and 
diversifying part of its client base. 
Given the current economic climate and the temporarily high level of Group 
borrowing, the Board is not recommending the payment of a dividend in respect of 
Due to the budgetary constraints of Helesi clients across all geographical 
regions, the sales mix of our revenues has changed. In 2009, revenues were split 
43%, 46%,11% in terms of Plastic Products (principally bins and pallet boxes), 
Vehicles and Services. This compares with 59%, 24%,17% in 2008 and reflects a 
slowdown in sales growth of Plastic Products and Services mitigated by increased 
sales in Vehicles. The changing sales mix, has slightly affected operating 
margins which resulted at 17.2% in 2009 (2008: 19.3%). 
Investment Program 
The investment program is now complete. The EUR25 million new plant to produce 
pallet boxes and food containers in southern Italy was completed and production 
commenced, supporting Group sales mainly in the second half of 2009. Due to the 
economic environment, we now expect a more gradual build up to target production 
levels than originally predicted and these levels are now expected in the second 
half of 2011. The new plant for production of wheeled bins at Komotini in 
northern Greece was completed in February 2009 and commercial production 
commenced subsequently. Both projects were completed on budget and as a result 
of the increased available capacity they bring, Helesi reported in its Interim 
Results the cessation of production in the UK. UK demand can be satisfied from 
the unutilized Greek capacity. The UK continued to operate as an assembly and 
distribution center. Consequently, in 2010 the management decided to sell part 
of the assets to Straight PLC, and enter into a strategic alliance with that 
company for the UK and Ireland. 
The completion of the investment program, which doubled our pre-IPO 
manufacturing capacity, marks an end for now to the substantial organic 
expansion of manufacturing capacity in Plastic Products. We take immense pride 
in our capital investment. Helesi has delivered state-of-the-art facilities, new 
injection moulding lines, more moulds, upgraded robotics systems, and doubled 
silo capacity. The efficiency upgrades will enable the Division to maintain its 
competitive advantages in terms of cost and quality. We will now seek to 
increase the return we generate on this investment as conditions improve. 
Plastic Products 
Utilisation rates across all production sites in Komotini Greece, at Bradford 
UK, and Pisticci in Italy were almost 50% of the actual capacity. The world 
recession resulted in volume reduction - especially in the fourth quarter of 
2009 - which combined with slightly lower price levels affected the Group's 
sales top line. 
Waste Management Services 
Services Revenue declined in 2009 reflecting the budgetary restriction the Greek 
municipalities were facing throughout the year. In addition, the year's results 
do not reflect the revenue contribution from the 10 year waste transfer station 
contract in Cyprus. This is because although the construction of one of the two 
stations is complete, the construction of the second station has not proceeded 
according to plan. The delay was due to the change of the location of the 
station, as the local community near the original site is opposed to its 
construction. In accordance with the contract the Group is entitled to 
significant compensation for delays and non-performance based upon stated 
criteria. Encouragingly the authorities have now indicated a new location, and 
the intention is to operate one station until the construction of the second one 
is complete. Our goal is to grow our waste management activities and expand our 
portfolio of services, focusing both on Greece and Cyprus where the principal 
drivers continue to be legislative and regulatory. 
Waste Management Vehicles and Equipment 
The acquisition in November 2007 of the Perivallontiki businesses, and their 
subsequent integration during the first half of 2008, transformed this Division. 
Helesi now has the critical scale necessary to become a leading player in the 
high margin supply and distribution of specialist waste collection vehicles both 
in Greece and Cyprus. This new scale was illustrated with the fulfillment of 
large contracts in 2009. The Municipality of Athens contract, worth EUR14.5 
million initially plus EUR1 million per annum in services for five years has been 
completed as scheduled in the second half of 2009. Another large contract worth 
EUR10 million with the Prefecture of East Macedonia Thrace for the supply of 
specialist waste vehicles and ancillary related equipment has also been 
successfully completed. 
In June, we announced the appointment of Dimitri Goulandris as non-executive 
Chairman in succession to Sakis Andrianopoulos who had taken on the role on an 
interim basis after the death of Roger Parsons. Dimitri is Managing Partner of 
Cycladic Capital LLP, which he set up in November 2002 to focus on making public 
and private investments in small and medium sized companies predominantly in 
Europe. Previously, Dimitri set up and ran the European operations of the 
private equity firm Whitney & Company and spent eight years at Morgan Stanley in 
the private equity group, structuring derivative products and executing mergers 
and acquisitions both in New York and in London. Dimitri has an MBA from Harvard 
Business School and a Masters in Electrical and Information Sciences from 
Cambridge University. 
At the AGM in July, Frithjof Stoud Platou retired as a non-executive director. 
Mr Platou had been a director of Helesi since its IPO and his advice, based on 
long experience of commerce and finance, will be missed. The Board wishes him a 
very happy retirement. 
The impact of the global recession on plastic prices and budgetary constraints 
on local municipalities slowing expansion of Waste Services will be more evident 
in 2010. The Group's performance in the currently difficult economic environment 
represents a very creditable achievement and thanks are due to all the Group's 
management and staff for their hard work. 
Helesi will continue its businesses for the year as a whole, although growth in 
some geographical areas will be slower than previously anticipated due to the 
effects of the recession. In the first quarter of 2010 the Group has a pipeline 
of EUR40 million of products and services. Helesi entered new markets such as 
India, Abu Dhabi, and Qatar to diversify our revenue stream. Moreover in Waste 
Services, Helesi is seeking opportunities to participate in tenders in South 
East Europe, capitalising on the Group's past experience in handling mass scale 
projects. In addition, Waste Management Services is repositioning itself in the 
Greek market aiming for waste collection services apart from those already 
provided to government bodies, which contracts under new Greek laws will not be 
The principal focus for the short term is on cash collection and management. In 
parallel, the Group will also focus on progressing plans to reduce net debt. 
Since the year end the directors can report that further grant payments totaling 
EUR2 million have been received and, as announced on 8 March 2010, the sale of the 
business and parts of the assets of its UK operations for EUR1.7 million in cash. 
The management has reacted rapidly to market developments, putting in action a 
step by step cost reduction program and a Group restructuring. 
We enter 2010 with expanded cost competitive manufacturing facilities and a 
vehicles and equipment business that now has the scale and resources to tender 
for the largest of projects in our area of geographical focus. 
Sakis Andrianopoulos 
Chief Executive Officer 
21 April 2010 
Statement of comprehensive income 
|                                   |          |   31 December |         31 | 
|                                   |          |          2009 |   December | 
|                                   |          |               |       2008 | 
|                                   |  Notes   |          EUR000 |       EUR000 | 
| Sales revenue                     |    2     |        73,998 |     65,803 | 
| Other revenue                     |    3     |         1,228 |      1,061 | 
| Changes in inventories of         |          |         2,371 |      (521) | 
| finished goods                    |          |               |            | 
| Cost of materials used            |          |      (44,125) |   (34,089) | 
| Personnel-related costs           |    4     |       (7,750) |    (6,247) | 
| Directors' emoluments             |          |         (295) |     (305)  | 
| Depreciation charges              |    5     |       (3,770) |    (2,374) | 
| Other operating expenses          |          |      (12,722) |   (12,846) | 
| Cost of financing, net            |    6     |       (4,530) |    (3,200) | 
|                                   |          |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Profit  before taxes              |          |         4,405 |      7,282 | 
| Income taxes                      |    7     |       (1,539) |      (673) | 
|                                   |          |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Income of the year                |          |         2,866 |      6,609 | 
|                                   |          |     --------- |  --------- | 
| EBITDA                            |          |        12,705 |     12,856 | 
|                                   |          |           711 |    (1,354) | 
| Currency translation adjustments  |          |               |            | 
| Other                             |          |             - |          - | 
| Total comprehensive income        |          |         3,577 |      5,255 | 
|                                   |          |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Basic and diluted earnings per    |    19    |          0.08 |       0.20 | 
| share (in Euro)                   |          |               |            | 
|                                   |          |     --------- |  --------- | 
Statement of financial position 
|                                  |  Notes   |    31 December |             31 | 
|                                  |          |           2008 |       December | 
|                                  |          |                |           2007 | 
|                                  |          |           EUR000 |           EUR000 | 
| Assets                           |          |                |                | 
| Non-current assets               |          |                |                | 
| Property Plant and Equipment     |    10    |         77,670 |         67,674 | 
| Goodwill                         |    11    |         12,559 |         12,559 | 
| Other intangible assets          |    11    |          1,766 |            833 | 
| Other long-term assets           |    12    |             80 |             76 | 
| Investment in subsidiaries       |          |              - |              - | 
|                                  |          |    ----------- |    ----------- | 
| Total non current assets         |          |         92,075 |         81,142 | 
|                                  |          |    ----------- |     ---------- | 
| Current assets                   |          |                |                | 
| Inventories                      |    13    |         11,948 |         18,680 | 
| Trade and other receivables      |    14    |         53,105 |         58,271 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |    15    |          1,411 |          2,360 | 
|                                  |          |   ------------ |   ------------ | 
| Total current assets             |          |         66,464 |         79,311 | 
|                                  |          |      --------- |   ------------ | 
| Total assets                     |          |        158,539 |        160,453 | 
|                                  |          |   ------------ |   ------------ | 
| Share capital                    |          |        (3,981) |        (3,278) | 
| Share premium                    |          |       (33,641) |       (29,950) | 
| Capital reserves                 |          |        (9,981) |        (8,903) | 
| Currency translation adjustments |          |            950 |          1,661 | 
| Retained earnings                |          |        (8,163) |        (6,375) | 
|                                  |          |   ------------ |   ------------ | 
| Total equity                     |          |       (54,816) |       (46,845) | 
|                                  |          |                |                | 
| Non current liabilities          |          |                |                | 
| Long-term  borrowings            |    16    |       (26,129) |       (26,778) | 
| Long-term liabilities due to     |          |              - |        (3,000) | 
| related parties                  |          |                |                | 
| Employee benefits                |          |          (115) |           (84) | 
| Deferred tax liabilities         |    20    |        (2,590) |        (1,706) | 
|                                  |          |  ------------- |      --------- | 
| Total non current liabilities    |          |       (28,834) |       (31,568) | 
|                                  |          |                |                | 
| Current liabilities              |          |                |                | 
| Trade and other payables         |    17    |       (26,915) |       (39,193) | 
| Short-term borrowings            |    16    |       (47,016) |       (42,424) | 
| Current tax payable              |          |          (958) |          (423) | 
|                                  |          |  ------------- |  ------------- | 
| Total current liabilities        |          |       (74,889) |       (82,040) | 
|                                  |          |  ------------- | -------------- | 
| Total liabilities                |          |      (103,723) |      (113,608) | 
|                                  |          | -------------- | -------------- | 
| Total liabilities and equity     |          |      (158,539) |      (160,453) | 
|                                  |          |  ------------- |  ------------- | 
Statement of changes in shareholders' equity 
|                            |     Share |     Share |   Capital |          Currency |  Retained |     Total | 
|                            |   capital |   premium |  reserves |       translation |  earnings |           | 
|                            |           |           |           |       adjustments |           |           | 
| EUR 000                      |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Balances, as at            |     3,278 |    29,950 |     6,202 |             (307) |     2,861 |    41,984 | 
| 31 December 2007           |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Total comprehensive income |         - |         - |         - |          (1,354)  |     6,609 |     5,255 | 
| for the year               |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Transferred to capital     |         - |         - |     2,701 |                 - |   (2,701) |         - | 
| reserves                   |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Dividends paid             |         - |         - |         - |                 - |     (394) |     (394) | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- |         --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Balances, as at            |     3,278 |    29,950 |     8,903 |           (1,661) |     6,375 |    46,845 | 
| 31 December 2008           |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- |         --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Balances, as at            |     3,278 |    29,950 |     8,903 |           (1,661) |     6,375 |    46,845 | 
| 31 December 2008           |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Total comprehensive income |         - |         - |         - |               712 |     2,866 |     3,578 | 
| for the year               |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| New shares issued          |       703 |     3,691 |         - |                 - |         - |     4,394 | 
| Transferred to capital     |         - |         - |     1,078 |                 - |   (1,078) |           | 
| issued                     |           |           |           |                   |           |         - | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- |         --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Balances, as at            |     3,981 |    33,641 |     9,981 |             (950) |     8,163 |    54,816 | 
| 31 December 2009           |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- |         --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Balances, as at            |     3,278 |    29,950 |     6,202 |             (307) |     2,861 |    41,984 | 
| 31 December 2007           |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Total comprehensive income |         - |         - |         - |          (1,354)  |     6,609 |     5,255 | 
| for the year               |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
| Transferred to capital     |         - |         - |     2,701 |                 - |   (2,701) |         - | 
| reserves                   |           |           |           |                   |           |           | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- |         --------- | --------- | --------- | 
Statement of cash flows 
|                                        |            31 |         31 | 
|                                        |      December |   December | 
|                                        |          2009 |       2008 | 
| Cash flows related to operating        |          EUR000 |       EUR000 | 
| activities                             |               |            | 
| Profit before taxes                    |         4,405 |      7,282 | 
| Adjustments in respect of non-cash     |             - |            | 
| transactions:                          |               |            | 
| Depreciation of fixed assets           |         3,770 |      2,370 | 
| Interest expense, net                  |         4,530 |      4,230 | 
| Profit/loss from sale units            |            52 |            | 
| Employee retirement benefits           |            31 |          - | 
| Other adjustments                      |           645 |      (403) | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
|                                        |        13,433 |     13,479 | 
| Decrease (increase) in inventories     |         6,733 |    (6,539) | 
| Decrease (increase) in receivables     |       (2,580) |    (8,291) | 
| Increase (decrease) in payables        |      (11,647) |     12,123 | 
|                                        |  ------------ |  --------- | 
|                                        |         5,939 |     10,772 | 
| Interest received (paid)               |       (4,596) |    (3,369) | 
| Income taxes paid                      |         (939) |      (399) | 
|                                        |    ---------- |  --------- | 
| Net operating cash inflows (outflows)  |           404 |      7,004 | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Cash flows related to investing        |               |            | 
| activities                             |               |            | 
| Acquisition of tangible fixed assets   |      (17,640) |   (44,734) | 
| Disposal of tangible fixed assets      |           348 |        130 | 
| Investment grants received             |         7,987 |      5,663 | 
| Acquisition of intangible fixed assets |         (480) |      (575) | 
| Interest received                      |            66 |        169 | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries net of     |             - |      (757) | 
| cash acquired                          |               |            | 
|                                        | ------------- | ---------- | 
| Net investment cash inflows (outflows) |       (9,719) |   (40,104) | 
|                                        | ------------- | ---------- | 
| Cash flows related to financing        |               |            | 
| activities                             |               |            | 
| Dividends paid                         |             - |      (394) | 
| Proceeds of new shares issued          |         4,395 |          - | 
| Loans contracted (repaid)              |         3,942 |     25,860 | 
| Finance lease payments                 |             - |       (96) | 
| Loan repaid by (granted to) Helesi AE  |             - |          - | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Net financing cash inflows (outflows)  |         8,337 |     25,370 | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Increase (decrease) of cash balances   |         (978) |    (7,730) | 
| Cash balances, at the beginning of the |         2,360 |     10,396 | 
| period                                 |               |            | 
| Effect of currency translation         |            29 |      (306) | 
| adjustments                            |               |            | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
| Cash balances, at the end of the       |         1,411 |      2,360 | 
| period                                 |               |            | 
|                                        |     --------- |  --------- | 
                          Independent Auditor's Report 
To the Members of Helesi PLC 
Report on the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements 
We have audited the accompanying financial statements and the consolidated 
financial statements of Helesi PLC (the "Company") and its subsidiaries ('the 
Group') on pages 9 to 43, which comprise the statement of financial position and 
the consolidated statement of financial position of the Company and the Group as 
at 31 December 2009, and the respective statements of comprehensive income, 
changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of 
significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. 
Board of Directors' Responsibility for the Financial Statements and the 
Consolidated Financial Statements 
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of financial 
statements and consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view 
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the 
European Union (EU) and the requirements of the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113. 
This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal 
control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial 
statements and consolidated financial statements that are free from material 
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate 
accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the 
Auditor's Responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and 
consolidated financial statements based on our audit.  We conducted our audit in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Standards require 
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements and consolidated 
financial statements are free from material misstatement. 
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the 
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and the consolidated 
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, 
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial 
statements and the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or 
error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control 
relevant to the entity's preparation of financial statements and consolidated 
financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit 
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of 
expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An 
audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used 
and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board of Directors as 
well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and the 
consolidated financial statements. 
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and 
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 
In our opinion, the financial statements and the consolidated financial 
statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of Helesi PLC and 
its subsidiaries as at 31 December 2009, and of its financial performance and 
their cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and the requirements of the 
Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113. 
Emphasis of Matter 
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to note 23 to the consolidated 
financial statements which indicates that the Group's net current liabilities 
exceed its net current assets by EUR8.4 million. The Group's ability to continue 
as a going concern is dependent upon the Group successfully rescheduling part of 
its short term bank obligations. 
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 
Pursuant to the requirements of the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113, we report 
the following: 
·             We have obtained all the information and explanations we 
considered necessary for the purposes of our audit. 
·             In our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the 
·             The Company's financial statements and consolidated financial 
statements are in agreement with the books of account. 
·             In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to 
the explanations given to us, the financial statements and consolidated 
financial statements give the information required by the Cyprus Companies Law, 
Cap. 113, in the manner so required. 
·             In our opinion, the information given in the report of the Board 
of Directors on page XX is consistent with the financial statements and the 
consolidated financial statements. 
Pursuant to the requirements of the Directive DI190-2007-04 of the Cyprus 
Securities and Exchange Commission, we report that a corporate governance 
statement has been made for the information relating to paragraphs (a), (b), 
(c), (f) and (g) of article 5 of the said Directive, and it forms a special part 
of the Report of the Board of Directors. 
Other Matter 
This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for and only for the 
Company's members as a body in accordance with Section 156 of the Cyprus 
Companies Law, Cap.113 and for no other purpose.  We do not, in giving this 
opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other 
person to whose knowledge this report may come to. 
| BDO Ltd                          |                                  | 
| Certified Public Accountants     |                                  | 
| (CY) and Registered Auditors     |                                  | 
|                                  |                                  | 
| Nicosia, 20 April 2010           |                                  | 
Notes to the financial statements 
1. Basis of preparation 
The financial statements have been compiled on the basis of the International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that have been adopted by the European 
Union.  The financial statements have been compiled on the basis of historical 
cost and the amounts reported therein are stated in Euro thousand. 
2. Sales revenue 
|                                            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                                            |       EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Sales of plastic products                  |     31,623 |    38,916 | 
| Sales of vehicles                          |     34,413 |    15,490 | 
| Fees for services rendered                 |      7,962 |    11,397 | 
|                                            |  --------- | --------- | 
|                                            |     73,998 |    65,803 | 
|                                            |  --------- | --------- | 
3. Other revenue 
|                                           |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                           |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Government grants                         |       417 |       388 | 
| Recharging of transportation costs        |       169 |       156 | 
| Gain from disposal of tangible assets     |       172 |       260 | 
| Other revenues                            |       470 |       257 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
|                                           |     1,228 |     1,061 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
4. Persons employed and related costs 
|                                           |        31 |        31 | 
|                                           |  December |  December | 
|                                           |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                           |    Number |    Number | 
|                                           |           |           | 
| Number of persons employed (at year end)  |       348 |       298 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
|                                           |           |           | 
|                                           |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                           |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Salaries and wages                        |   (6,658) |   (5,106) | 
| Social insurance costs                    |   (1,624) |   (1,294) | 
| Other personnel costs                     |      (76) |      (73) | 
| Employment termination benefits           |      (30) |      (26) | 
| Payroll costs capitalised                 |       638 |       252 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
|                                           |   (7,750) |   (6,247) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
| Cost per employee (in Euro)               |    22,270 |    21,809 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
5. Analysis of depreciation charges 
|                                           |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                           |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                                           |           |           | 
| Buildings and building installations      |     (355) |     (218) | 
| Plant and machinery                       |   (2,477) |   (1,409) | 
| Vehicles                                  |     (647) |     (633) | 
| Furniture and other equipment             |     (140) |     (100) | 
| Computer software                         |     (151) |      (34) | 
| Depreciation charges recapitalised        |         - |        20 | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
|                                           |   (3,770) |   (2,374) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
6. Cost of financing 
|                                            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                                            |       EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                                            |            |           | 
| Interest charges on bank loans             |    (3,647) |   (2,888) | 
| Finance lease charges                      |            |       (3) | 
| Cost of letters of credit, letters of      |      (949) |     (478) | 
| guarantee and                              |            |           | 
| similar instruments                        |            |           | 
|                                            |  --------- | --------- | 
|                                            |    (4,596) |   (3,369) | 
| Interest income                            |         66 |       169 | 
|                                            |  --------- | --------- | 
| Net financing costs                        |    (4,530) |   (3,200) | 
|                                            |  --------- | --------- | 
7. Income taxes 
|                                           |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                           |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                                           |           |           | 
| Profit (loss), before taxes, per the      |     4,405 |     7,282 | 
| statement of earnings                     |           |           | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
| Income taxes, at the nominal tax rate     |   (1,055) |   (1,785) | 
| Taxes on permanent differences between    |     (166) |     (366) | 
| accounting and taxable profits            |           |           | 
| Effect of tax losses carried forward      |     (388) |         - | 
| Group relief                              |         - |        59 | 
| Income not subjected to taxation          |       324 |       591 | 
| Tax relief associated with profits the    |         - |       422 | 
| taxation of which is indefinitely         |           |           | 
| deferred                                  |           |           | 
| Extra ordinary tax                        |     (370) |           | 
| Tax relief  (Charge) due to the reduction |       116 |       410 | 
| (increase) of the tax rate                |           |           | 
| Adjustments in prior year expenses        |         - |       (4) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
| Total tax charge                          |   (1,539) |     (673) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
| Current tax charge                        |     (662) |     (369) | 
| Deferred tax charge                       |     (877) |     (304) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
| Total tax charge                          |   (1,539) |     (673) | 
|                                           | --------- | --------- | 
[The fact that, in certain cases, revenues and expenses are recognised for 
accounting purposes in a different period than the period in which these income 
items are taxed or expense items provide tax relief, requires the recognition of 
deferred tax assets and liabilities. 
The nominal tax rate applicable to Helesi PLC is 10%. However, the dividends 
payable to natural persons, who are tax residents of Cyprus, are subject to a 
withholding tax of 15%. 
The tax relief that is associated with profits that are not taxed or are taxed 
at reduced rates primarily emanates from the profits derived from the Greek 
activities of the Helesi PLC Group. In Greece, the taxation of certain forms of 
income may be deferred indefinitely, provided that the said income is 
transferred to reserves and its distribution is, likewise, deferred. 
This year, Greek authorities levied by Law 3808/2009 
to impose an income tax resembling charge, 
Social Responsibility Contribution applicable to all large Greek enterprises 
whose profits exceed EUR5 million. For this reason, the Greek company was levied 
with an amount of about EUR370.000 from this special tax 
 However, given that the provisions of this piece of 
legislation have not been utilised by Helesi SA, it is not anticipated that the 
issue will have any impact on the Helesi Group. 
The tax returns of the entities forming part of the Helesi PLC Group, for 
certain years, have not been examined by the tax authorities as yet.  As a 
consequence, it is possible that additional taxes may be assessed at the time of 
such an examination.  These financial statements reflect a provision in respect 
of this contingent liability, based on management's best estimate of the amount 
that is likely to be assessed.] 
8. Segmental analysis 
As from 2007, the Helesi PLC Group recognises two business segments: the 
environmental products segment and the environmental services segment. The 
financial results and the financial position of these two business segments are 
set out below. 
|                              |                   2009                    | 
|                              | Environmental | Environmental |    Helesi | 
|                              |      products |      services |       PLC | 
|                              |               |               |     Group | 
|                              |          EUR000 |          EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                              |               |               |           | 
| Third-party sales            |        66,036 |         7,962 |    73,998 | 
| Other third-party revenues   |         1,138 |            90 |     1,228 | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Total revenues               |        67,174 |         8,052 |    75,226 | 
| Cost of Sales                |      (41,754) |             - |  (41,754) | 
| Personnel-related costs      |       (4,485) |       (3,265) |   (7,750) | 
| Directors' emoluments        |         (295) |             - |     (295) | 
| Depreciation charges         |       (3,245) |         (525) |   (3,770) | 
| Other operating expenses     |      (10,096) |       (2,626) |  (12,722) | 
| Intersegment expenses        |               |               |           | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Segmental profit, before     |         7,299 |         1,636 |     8,935 | 
| finance charges              |               |               |           | 
| Cost of financing            |       (4,043) |         (487) |   (4,530) | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Segmental profit, before     |         3,256 |         1,149 |     4,405 | 
| taxes                        |               |               |           | 
| Elimination of               |               |               |           | 
| intersegmental profits       |               |               |           | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Profit from ordinary         |         3,256 |         1,149 |     4,405 | 
| activities                   |               |               |           | 
| Income taxes                 |       (1,137) |         (402) |   (1,539) | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Net profit, after taxes      |         2,119 |           747 |     2,866 | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
|                              |                   2008                    | 
|                              | Environmental | Environmental |    Helesi | 
|                              |      products |      services |       PLC | 
|                              |               |               |     Group | 
|                              |          EUR000 |          EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                              |               |               |           | 
| Third-party sales            |        54,406 |        11,397 |    65,803 | 
| Other third-party revenues   |         1,061 |             - |     1,061 | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Total revenues               |        55,467 |        11,397 |    66,864 | 
| Cost of materials used       |      (32,810) |       (1,800) |  (34,610) | 
| Personnel-related costs      |       (3,926) |       (2,321) |   (6,247) | 
| Directors' emoluments        |         (305) |             - |     (305) | 
| Depreciation charges         |       (2,031) |         (343) |   (2,374) | 
| Other operating expenses     |       (9,263) |       (3,583) |  (12,846) | 
| Intersegment expenses        |           620 |         (620) |         - | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Segmental profit, before     |         7,752 |         2,730 |    10,482 | 
| finance charges              |               |               |           | 
| Cost of financing            |       (2,795) |         (405) |   (3,200) | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Segmental profit, before     |         4,957 |         2,325 |     7,282 | 
| taxes                        |               |               |           | 
| Elimination of               |             - |             - |         - | 
| intersegmental profits       |               |               |           | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Profit from ordinary         |         4,957 |         2,325 |     7,282 | 
| activities                   |               |               |           | 
| Income taxes                 |         (458) |         (215) |     (673) | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
| Net profit, after taxes      |         4,499 |         2,110 |     6,609 | 
|                              |     --------- |     --------- | --------- | 
The third-party sales and the value of the related trade receivables outstanding 
at each year end, on the basis of the location at which the customers operate 
(inclusive of the balances that are doubtful of collection and have been 
provided for), is analysed as follows: 
|                      |    Greece |    United |     Italy |     Other |     Other |    Helesi | 
|                      |           |   Kingdom |           |        EU |  (non-EU) |       PLC | 
|                      |           |           |           |    states |    states |     Group | 
|                      |      EUR000 |      EUR000 |      EUR000 |           |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| 2009                 |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
| Value of sales       |    45,966 |     7,061 |     8,483 |     9,032 |     3,456 |    73,998 | 
|                      | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Trade receivables,   |    30,122 |     1,552 |    14,184 |     6,894 |       353 |    53,105 | 
| at year end          |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
|                      | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| 2008                 |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
| Value of sales       |    28,921 |     6,308 |     4,697 |    22,855 |     3,022 |    65,803 | 
|                      | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Trade receivables,   |    37,846 |     1,873 |    10,376 |     7,216 |       960 |    58,271 | 
| at year end          |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
|                      | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
9. Interest in joint ventures 
In the year 2007, Helesi SA acquired the 70% of the joint venture in Cyprus with 
the purpose of construction and operation of two transhipment stations in SW 
Cyprus. In the beginning of 2008, the company purchased the other 30% for an 
amount of EUR700,000 . These two separate stages of the project, construction and 
operation, have been recognised at their fair value. The construction stage is 
in progress and 75% is estimated to have been completed on 31 December. Income 
and expenses related to the construction stage have been recognised in the 
present financial statements by the percentage mentioned above. On 31 December 
2009 the total assets were EUR2,683,000 and the total liabilities were EUR2,193,000. 
Additionally during 2009, Helesi SA and Mesogeios SA formed the joint-venture 
Perivallontiki - Mesogeios with the purpose of waste management for West 
Macedonia Perfecture. Helesi participation is 60%. Revenues for the current 
financial year are EUR1,648,000 and net profit after tax was EUR26,000. On 31 
December 2009 total assets were EUR5,000 and total liabilities were EUR127,000. The 
JV has been proportionally consolidated in the Group statements. 
10. Tangible fixed assets 
| The Group           |      Land |     Buildings |     Plant |         Vehicles | Furniture |       Assets |     Total | 
|                     |           |           and |       and |                  | and other |        under |           | 
|                     |           |      building | machinery |                  | equipment | construction |           | 
|                     |           | installations |           |                  |           |           or |           | 
|                     |           |               |           |                  |           | installation |           | 
|                     |      EUR000 |          EUR000 |      EUR000 |             EUR000 |      EUR000 |         EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| At cost or          |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| valuation           |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| As at 31 December   |     2,987 |         8,867 |    23,820 |            2,611 |       434 |       23,462 |    62,181 | 
| 2007                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Effect of currency  |           |               |     (716) |             (10) |       (4) |              |     (730) | 
| translation         |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Additions 2008      |        -  |         418   |   2,714   |            580   |     456   |      7,489   |  11,657   | 
| Acquisitions        |        74 |             9 |        57 |            1,948 |        53 |           -  |     2,141 | 
| through business    |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| combinations        |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Capitalised         |         - |             - |         - |                - |         - |        1,030 |     1,030 | 
| interest charges    |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Disposals 2008      |     (147) |           (9) |     (123) |              (2) |           |              |     (281) | 
| Transfers           |        -  |            -  |         2 |              (1) |       (1) |           -  |         - | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| As at 31 December   |     2,914 |         9,285 |    25,754 |            5,126 |       938 |       31,981 |    75,998 | 
| 2008                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| As at 31 December   |     2,914 |         9,285 |    25,754 |            5,126 |       938 |       31,981 |    75,998 | 
| 2008                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| Effect of currency  |           |               |       150 |                2 |      (65) |              |        87 | 
| translation         |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Additions 2009      |           |         7,960 |    11,287 |              124 |       383 |      (4,941) |    14,813 | 
| Disposals 2009      |      (88) |           (5) |     (261) |            (357) |       (5) |            - |     (716) | 
| Transfers           |     (217) |         3,747 |    19,957 |               23 |      (22) |     (24,345) |     (856) | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
|                     |     2,609 |        20,987 |    56,887 |            4,918 |     1,229 |        2,695 |    89,326 | 
| Accumulated         |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| depreciation        |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| As at 31 December   |         - |         (845) |   (3,667) |          (1,020) |     (161) |            - |   (5,693) | 
| 2007                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Effect of currency  |        -  |             1 |       202 |                9 |         3 |            - |       215 | 
| translation         |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Depreciation charge |        -  |         (218) |   (1,409) |            (633) |     (100) |            - |   (2,360) | 
| 2008                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Disposals 2008      |        -  |            -  |        25 |                2 |        -  |            - |        27 | 
| Acquisitions        |         - |             - |      (21) |            (452) |      (40) |            - |     (513) | 
| through business    |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| combinations        |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| As at 31 December   |         - |       (1,062) |   (4,870) |          (2,094) |     (298) |            - |   (8,324) | 
| 2008                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| Effect of currency  |        -  |             - |      (38) |                - |         9 |            - |      (29) | 
| translation         |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Depreciation        |        -  |         (355) |   (2,477) |            (647) |     (140) |              |   (3,619) | 
| charges 2009        |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| Disposals 2009      |        -  |               |        47 |              268 |         1 |            - |       316 | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| As at 31 December   |         - |       (1,417) |   (7,338) |          (2,473) |     (428) |            - |  (11,656) | 
| 2009                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
| Net book values     |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| As at 31 December   |     2,609 |        19,570 |    49,549 |            2,445 |       801 |        2,695 |    77,670 | 
| 2009                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
| As at 31 December   |     2,914 |         8,223 |    20,884 |            3,032 |       640 |       31,981 |    67,674 | 
| 2008                |           |               |           |                  |           |              |           | 
|                     | --------- |     --------- | --------- |        --------- | --------- |    --------- | --------- | 
The assets under construction or installation refer to work in progress at the 
Komotini plant due for completion in 2010. 
The cost of the acquisition of tangible fixed assets is reported net of the 
grants received for partly financing their purchase.  The full purchase cost of 
these assets and the related grants that have been utilised to partially finance 
their acquisition is reflected in the following table: 
| The Group                             |           Full | Investment |         Reported | 
|                                       |       purchase |     grants |      acquisition | 
|                                       |           cost |            |            costs | 
|                                       |           EUR000 |       EUR000 |             EUR000 | 
| 2009                                  |                |            |                  | 
| Land                                  |          2,609 |          - |            2,609 | 
| Buildings and building installations  |         30,815 |    (9,828) |           20,987 | 
| Plant and machinery                   |         97,208 |   (40,321) |           56,887 | 
| Vehicles                              |          5,915 |      (997) |            4,918 | 
| Furniture and other equipment         |          1,645 |      (416) |            1,229 | 
| Assets under construction             |          2,695 |          - |            2,695 | 
|                                       |      --------- |  --------- |        --------- | 
|                                       |        140,887 |   (51,562) |           89,325 | 
|                                       |      --------- |  --------- |        --------- | 
| 2008                                  |                |            |                  | 
| Land                                  |          2,914 |          - |          2,914   | 
| Buildings and building installations  |         12,084 |    (2,799) |          9,285   | 
| Plant and machinery                   |         40,917 |   (15,163) |         25,754   | 
| Vehicles                              |          6,123 |      (997) |          5,126   | 
| Furniture and other equipment         |          1,172 |      (234) |            938   | 
| Assets under construction             |         65,228 |   (33,247) |         31,981   | 
|                                       |      --------- |  --------- |        --------- | 
|                                       |      128,438   |   (52,440) |         75,998   | 
|                                       |      --------- |  --------- |        --------- | 
In 2009, the development costs that have satisfied the capitalisation criteria 
set, amounted to EUR761,000 while for 2008 it was EUR129,000. These costs comprised 
(in EUR'000): 
|                                                       |      2009 |      2008 | 
| Personnel related costs                               |       638 |        56 | 
| Depreciation charges                                  |         - |        20 | 
| Miscellaneous other expenses                          |       123 |        53 | 
|                                                       | --------- | --------- | 
|                                                       |       761 |       129 | 
|                                                       | --------- | --------- | 
As at 31 December 2009 and 2008, there were mortgages and other charges on the 
property of the Helesi PLC Group, as a form of security for the financing 
facilities placed at the disposal of the Helesi PLC Group and for guarantees 
given in favour of the Helesi PLC Group, which amounted, in aggregate, to EUR33 
million and EUR23 million, respectively.  In the course of 2009, new charges of 
EUR10 million were added. 
11. Intangible fixed assets 
The intangible fixed assets of the Helesi PLC Group entirely comprise goodwill 
of EUR12,559,000 (2008: EUR12,559,000) and computer software of EUR1,766,000 (2008: 
The carrying value of EUR12,5 million of goodwill which arose on the acquisition 
of the vehicles division is assessed annually for impairment. 
12. Other long-term assets 
Other long-term assets primarily comprise guarantee deposits given in relation 
to operating leases. 
13. Inventories 
|                                                |        31 |        31 | 
|                                                |  December |  December | 
|                                                |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Vehicles                                       |     1,974 |     9,306 | 
| Manufactured goods                             |     4,832 |     2,162 | 
| Raw and packaging materials                    |     5,142 |     7,212 | 
|                                                | --------- | --------- | 
|                                                |    11,948 |    18,680 | 
|                                                | --------- | --------- | 
14. Receivables 
|                                                |        31 |        31 | 
|                                                |  December |  December | 
|                                                |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Trade receivables                              |    33,366 |    29,258 | 
| Receivables doubtful of collection             |   (1,114) |     (955) | 
|                                                | --------- | --------- | 
|                                                |    32,252 |    28,303 | 
| Advances to suppliers                          |     3,370 |       436 | 
| State receivables (including VAT,grants and    |    13,419 |    24,500 | 
| refundable taxes)                              |           |           | 
| Blocked deposit accounts                       |         - |       309 | 
| Other receivables                              |     4,064 |     4,723 | 
|                                                | --------- | --------- | 
|                                                |    53,105 |    58,271 | 
|                                                | --------- | --------- | 
The provision for bad debts was increased by EUR336,000 (2008: EUR100,000) out of 
which EUR177,000 were utilized. The past due receivables that have not been 
impaired amount to EUR6.5 million and are past due 3 months more or less from the 
contractual maturity. Management considers that these receivables will be 
collected in full. 
The ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows: 
|                                                       | 31 December 2009 |            31 | 
|                                                       |                  | December 2008 | 
| Period                                                |                  |               | 
| Up to 6 months                                        |           20,950 |        21,301 | 
| 6 to 9 months                                         |            5,769 |         2,642 | 
| 9 to 12 months                                        |              753 |           652 | 
| Over 12 months                                        |            5,780 |         3,708 | 
|                                                       |        --------- |     --------- | 
|                                                       |           32,252 |        28,303 | 
|                                                       |        --------- |     --------- | 
15. Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise notes held by the Helesi PLC Group as well as 
bank deposits available on demand. 
16. Borrowings 
The loans contracted by the Helesi PLC Group have been advanced by Greek banks 
and are denominated in Euros.  The amounts that are repayable within one year of 
the balance sheet date are reported as short-term liabilities while the amounts 
that are repayable at a subsequent stage are reported as long-term obligations. 
The loans of the Helesi PLC Group are analysed as follows: 
|                                             |        31 |         31 | 
|                                             |  December |   December | 
|                                             |      2009 |       2008 | 
|                                             |      EUR000 |       EUR000 | 
|                                             |           |            | 
| Short-term borrowings                       |           |            | 
| Bank loans                                  |  (41,362) |   (40,455) | 
| Short-term portion of long-term loans       |   (5,646) |    (1,969) | 
| Finance lease obligations                   |       (8) |          - | 
|                                             | --------- |  --------- | 
|                                             |  (47,016) |   (42,424) | 
|                                             | --------- |  --------- | 
| Long-term borrowings                        |           |            | 
| Debenture loan                              |  (26,115) |   (26,778) | 
| Finance lease obligations                   |      (14) |          - | 
|                                             | --------- |  --------- | 
|                                             |  (26,129) |   (26,778) | 
|                                             | --------- |  --------- | 
Depending on the date of maturity, long-term borrowings are analysed as follows: 
|                                                       |        31 |          31 December | 
|                                                       |  December |                 2008 | 
|                                                       |      2009 |                      | 
|                                                       |      EUR000 |                 EUR000 | 
|                                                       |                      |           | 
| Long-term borrowing repayable in:                     |                      |           | 
|             1 to 2 years                              |              (6,295) |   (4,537) | 
|             2 to 5 years                              |             (14,372) |   (8,686) | 
|             Over 5 years                              |              (5,462) |  (13,555) | 
|                                                       |            --------- | --------- | 
|                                                       |             (26,129) |  (26,778) | 
|                                                       |            --------- | --------- | 
|                                                       |           |          |           | 
The following are the contractual maturity of bank loans including interest 
|                                              |        31 |        31 | 
|                                              |  December |  December | 
|                                              |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                              |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|             1 to 2 years                     |   (7,673) |   (6,760) | 
|             2 to 5 years                     |  (16,852) |  (10,796) | 
|             Over 5 years                     |   (6,332) |  (12,946) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
|                                              |  (30,857) |  (30,502) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
The weighted average cost of borrowing for 2009 was 4% for 2009 due to the 
historical low Euribor rate.  The Greek subsidiary Helesi SA was in breach of 
covenants related to a total amount of EUR9.5 million of long term debt. A waiver 
has been obtained for the covenants. 
17. Payables 
|                                              |        31 |        31 | 
|                                              |  December |  December | 
|                                              |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                              |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Trade creditors                              |  (24,630) |  (34,207) | 
| Accrued expenses                             |     (433) |   (2,708) | 
| Social security contributions payable        |     (418) |     (433) | 
| Payable salaries                             |     (304) |     (320) | 
| Liabilities due to related parties           |         - |   (3,000) | 
| Liabilities due to subsidiaries              |         - |         - | 
| Taxes (other than income tax) payable        |     (702) |     (519) | 
| Other payables                               |     (428) |   (1,006) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
|                                              |  (26,915) |  (42,193) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
| Long term liabilities                        |         - |   (3,000) | 
| Short term liabilities                       |  (26,915) |  (39,193) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
|                                              |  (26,915) |  (42,193) | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
18. Government grants 
Government grants relate to Helesi SA and Helesi Italia srl and have been 
granted in relation to investments in fixed tangible assets, effected in the 
period from 2000 to 2008 or currently under construction.  The reported value of 
the acquired fixed tangible assets has been reduced by the grants received and 
receivable for the purposes of partially financing their acquisition cost. 
Depending on the provisions of the law, under which the grants were advanced, 
certain restrictions apply as to the transfer of the ownership of the subsidised 
assets and to changes of the legal status of the entity to which the grants were 
advanced.  The inspections carried out by the supervisory authorities, to date, 
have not disclosed cases of non-compliance with these restrictions that had not 
been approved, in advance. 
The amount of government grants received and receivable, for the purposes of 
financing the purchase of fixed assets, is reported under the note covering 
fixed tangible assets.  The resultant reduction of the depreciation charges that 
would have, otherwise, burdened the operations of the Helesi PLC Group is 
quantified in the following table: 
| The Group                                                |      EUR000 | 
|                                                          |           | 
| Effective reduction of the value of tangible fixed       |  (23,415) | 
| assets, as at 31 December 2007                           |           | 
| New grants secured in 2008                               |  (25,833) | 
| Effective reduction of the depreciation charges, in 2008 |     1,045 | 
|                                                          | --------- | 
| Effective reduction of the value of tangible fixed       |  (48,203) | 
| assets, as at 31 December 2008                           |           | 
| New grants secured in 2009                               |       800 | 
| Effective reduction of the depreciation charges, in 2009 |     1,576 | 
|                                                          |           | 
|                                                          | --------- | 
| Effective reduction of the value of tangible fixed       |  (45,827) | 
| assets, as at 31 December 2009                           |           | 
|                                                          | --------- | 
19. Earnings per share and proposed dividends 
Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the 
shareholders of Helesi PLC by the weighted average number of issued and 
outstanding shares in the accounting period covered by the financial statements. 
|                            |      Basic EPS        |      Diluted EPS      | 
| The Group                  |        31 |        31 |        31 |        31 | 
|                            |  December |  December |  December |  December | 
|                            |      2009 |      2008 |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                            |      EUR000 |      EUR000 |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                            |           |           |           |           | 
| Net profit attributable to |     2,866 |     6,609 |     2,866 |     6,609 | 
| the shareholders (in Euro  |           |           |           |           | 
| thousand)                  |           |           |           |           | 
| Weighted average number of |    37,109 |    32,775 |    37,109 |    32,775 | 
| issued shares (in          |           |           |           |           | 
| thousands)                 |           |           |           |           | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
| Earnings per share (in EUR)  |      0.08 |      0.20 |      0.08 |      0.20 | 
|                            | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | 
For 2009, the Board of Directors has decided not to propose dividend, taking 
into account the financial environment. 
20. Deferred tax assets and liabilities 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are quantified at the level of each separate 
entity forming part of the Helesi PLC Group and, to the extent that deferred tax 
assets and deferred tax liabilities arise, they are off set against each other. 
The deferred tax assets and liabilities emanate from the following causes: 
|                                              |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                              |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
| Tax impact of the differentiation of the     |   (2,930) |   (1,858) | 
| accounting and the tax depreciation rates    |           |           | 
| Anticipated tax burden on the disposal of    |      (28) |      (28) | 
| revalued land                                |           |           | 
| Providing for doubtful receivables, while    |       191 |       238 | 
| tax relief entails a write-off               |           |           | 
| Reducing the value of stocks to eliminate    |        78 |        48 | 
| the effect of tax depreciation               |           |           | 
| Tax relief from taxable losses               |           |        61 | 
| Miscellaneous timing differences between     |        99 |     (167) | 
| accounting profits and taxable income        |           |           | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
| Income taxes, which will burden future       |   (2,590) |   (1,706) | 
| accounting periods                           |           |           | 
|                                              | --------- | --------- | 
21. Commitments and contingent liabilities 
The construction of one of the two waste transfer stations in Cyprus has not 
proceeded according to the contract with the Cyprus government as the local 
community of the original site strongly opposes its construction. In accordance 
with the contract, the group is entitled to significant compensation for delays 
and non-performance based upon a number of criteria. The Group is presently 
negotiating the level of compensation that will be finally paid with the 
appropriate authorities, but no provision has been made in these financial 
statements as the final figure cannot be determined with any degree of accuracy 
at the present time and will depend upon  the alternative site already indicated 
by the state, and the estimated time required to be able to start its 
construction and operation. Income from compensation will be realised as these 
uncertainties are resolved. 
The Helesi PLC Group is contractually committed under operating leases for the 
leasing of office space and warehouses and of certain production facilities in 
the UK, as follows: 
|                                               |    Within |    Within | 
|                                               |    1 year |       2-5 | 
|                                               |           |     years | 
|                                               |      EUR000 |      EUR000 | 
|                                               |           |           | 
| Office premises                               |        17 |        36 | 
| Production facilities                         |         - |       117 | 
|                                               | --------- | --------- | 
|                                               |        17 |       153 | 
|                                               | --------- | --------- | 
The Helesi PLC Group is contractually committed under operating leases for the 
leasing of office space and warehouses and of certain production facilities in 
the UK, as follows: 
|                                       | Within 1 year |   Within 2-5 | 
|                                       |               |        years | 
|                                       |          EUR000 |         EUR000 | 
|                                       |               |              | 
| Office premises                       |            41 |           36 | 
| Production facilities                 |           141 |          117 | 
|                                       |     --------- |    --------- | 
|                                       |           182 |          153 | 
|                                       |     --------- |    --------- | 
The Helesi PLC Group has provided guarantees in favour of third parties EUR 
22. Post balance sheet events 
Helesi Plc sold the business and some of the assets of Helesi UK Ltd, which 
constitute Helesi's UK based two-wheeled bin manufacturing operations, to 
Straight Plc. The consideration payable by Straight is a total of EUR1.7 million 
in cash and consists of an initial payment of EUR0.9 thousand on completion with 
the balance paid in 10 equal monthly instalments commencing on 30th April 2010. 
The proceeds of the sale were used for the reduction of the group's short term 
debt obligations. 
In addition Helesi has entered into a strategic alliance with Straight in the UK 
and Ireland under which Straight will pay Helesi an ongoing process fee for the 
use of its brand on jointly branded products, Straight will also become the 
exclusive UK and Irish distributor and licensee for other Helesi products 
including plastic 4-wheeled bins. Both companies expect to work together on the 
development of new products. 
There are no other reportable post-balance sheets events. 
23. Going Concern 
The financial statements are prepared under the going concern assumption. As at 
the balance sheet date, the Group's current liabilities exceed its current 
assets by an amount of EUR8.4 million. 
The Group projections and budget for 2010 reflect a sustainable net operating 
cashflow. However Helesi relies also on its long-term relationship with domestic 
banks, aiming to increase headroom and reschedule part of its short-term 
obligations. Helesi's standard practise in effort to renew its short term 
obligations for the following year is to provide additional comfort to banks and 
collateralize a significant part of the credit lines provided. Note that the 
tail of EUR11.3 million Greek and Italian State grants are still outstanding. 
Their collection will instantly reduce net debt levels, and will allow banks to 
provide additional headroom. Management places the collection of grants in the 
second half of 2010. Nevertheless in the case of significant delays, the 
management may examine the sale and lease back of certain assets. 
Despite the budgetary constraints on local and foreign municipalities, the 
management's view is that Helesi does not face a high collection risk and the 
Group will be able to meet its liabilities. Group receivables are safeguarded 
against defaults as primary customers are government bodies with the higher 
level of credibility compared to the rest of the corporate world. The 
consequences of a Greek sovereign default, if it were to occur, on the Greek 
Banking System and the Greek economy as a whole, could adversely affect the 
group's ability to meet its budget for 2010.  Management believes that it is 
highly unlikely to experience a Greek sovereign default since the Greek 
government has applied a strict supervised programme, and the EU and IMF support 
will be provided if it is necessary. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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