Quarterly Report

                        MEDUSA MINING LIMITED
                             (AIM: MML)

                          QUARTERLY REPORT
                     PERIOD ENDING 31 MARCH 2008

Medusa Mining  Limited ("Medusa"  or "The  Company"), the  Australian
based company operating and developing gold mines in the Philippines,
is pleased  to provide  its quarterly  update on  activities for  the
period ending  31 March  2008, as  required by  the Australian  Stock




* Production target of 5,086 ounces achieved at an average grade of
  11.95 g/t gold and average cash cost of US$238 per ounce.


* Phase I expansion on schedule. Benefits anticipated to commence to
  flow in Q3 2008. On completion of the Agsao shaft in Q2 2009, mine
  production is expected to increase to approximately 60,000
  annualised ounces in Q3 2009;
* Phase II Hill View Shaft expansion to raise production to 100,000
  ozs per year from Co-O Mine by early 2010;
* Poles and line have arrived for installation of grid power to the
  mine, transformers awaited. Sub-station completion delayed until at
  least August 2008.


* Significant new intersections discovered, including 3.45 metres at
  12.48 g/t gold, 14.6 metres at 5.29 g/t gold and 1.45 metres at
  12.64 g/t gold;
* Resource drilling is continuing.


* Permitting is still in progress to allow drilling as soon as


* Underground exploration continuing.


* Iron ore and gold target outlined at Kamarangan.


* Remote sensing tectonic analysis has demonstrated excellent
  mega-scale structural preparation consistent with known
  mineralisation orientations and locations;
* Research programme through the University of Western Australia

For further information, please contact:

Medusa Mining Limited                   +61 8 9367 0601
Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director
Roy Daniel, Finance Director

Fairfax I.S. PLC                        +44 (0)20 7598 5368
Nominated Adviser / Joint Broker
Ewan Leggat

Mirabaud Securities Limited             +44 (0)20 7321 2508
Joint Broker
Peter Krens

Bankside Consultants                    +44 (0)20 7367 8888
Michael Padley / Louise Davis


The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 and  2
(please see the link at the end of this announcement).


On 20 March 2008, Mineral  Production and Sharing Agreement  ("MPSA")
number 262-2008-XIII mining rights was registered over the Co-O  Mine
for 25 years renewable. The MPSA covers an area of 2,209 hectares (22
km�) and replaces MPSA application number XIII-00084.


The  production  statistics  for  the  current  financial  year   are
summarised in Table I.

Table I: Gold Production

Period       Gold   Head    Cash   Comments
           produced grade  costs
            (ozs)   (g/t  (US$ per
                    gold)   oz)
Jul to Sep    5,050  9.45   248    Stoping of accessible lower grades
2007                               due to lack of development miners
                                   and re-assignment of some of
                                   workforce to the expansion
Oct to Dec    3,686 10.46   263    Expansion activities and shortage
2007                               of miners results in reduced
                                   production as advised.
Jan to Mar    5,086 11.95   238    Mainly on-vein development, some
2008                               minor stope production.
TOTAL        13,822 10.69   248

In line with  its Phase  I expansion production  target, the  Company
produced 5,086 ounces of gold at  an average grade of 11.95 g/t  gold
and average cash production costs of US$238 per ounce.

The benefits of the Phase I expansion are currently on track to start
to flow through in the third quarter 2008.



After discussions with its  resource consultants and  as a result  of
continuing positive drill intersections  west of the Oriental  Fault,
the Company  has decided  to postpone  the estimation  of an  interim
resource as it concentrates on increasing the levels of confidence by
drilling and development for the  interpretation of the veins.  Other
factors influencing this decision include:

*  At the 3050 metre level, a number of splits in the West Catto
  Veins are being delineated by the on-going on-vein development,
  including the discovery of a vein that shows dip variations from
  sub-vertical to 30� to the north and swings in strike directions.
  This vein's variable dip and strike requires further development
  work to determine its geometry, as well as for the Catto West
  veins. The wide intercept in MD 61 (14.60 metres at 5.29 g/t gold)
  may be another example of yet to be understood dip and strike
  variations not previously seen in the mine. There are also
  increasing indications of other low angle veins elsewhere in the

* At the eastern end of the vein system, additional drilling is
  required to assist with vein interpretation due to faulting of the
  vein system in this area around the Agsao River.

The drilling and underground development will continue to the point
where vein interpretations can be undertaken with confidence. At that
time a new resource estimation will be undertaken.

Drilling programme and results

Figure 1 shows the location of the  Co-O Mine and Figure 5 shows  the
diamond  drill  holes  drilled  around  the  Co-O  Mine  up  to   the
announcement of  24 January  2008. Figure  4 shows  an updated  three
dimensional model of the vein system. (Please see the link at the end
of the announcement for these images.)

Since the last drilling update on 24  January 2008 a total of 11  new
surface holes have been completed. Drilling is continuing,  utilising
four surface drilling rigs and two underground rigs.

Table II lists the diamond drilling  results greater than 3 g/t  gold
from the Co-O Mine for drill holes MD 46 to MD 68 and for underground
drill hole DBH 03. Previous announcements  on the Co-O drilling on  9
July, 15  May  and 28  February  2007 contain  information  regarding
drilling and surveying  techniques, comments  on vein  interpretation
and methodologies and assaying protocols.

Table II. Drill hole results greater than 3 g/t gold for holes MD 46
to 68.

                                Dip Azimuth     From    Width    (g/t
Hole              East   North  (�)     (�) (metres) (metres)   gold)
MD 46          614,047 912,472  -48      41   489.30     0.85    8.51
                                              501.40     0.40    4.50
                                              542.90     1.40   20.62
MD 48
(Agsao Shaft   614,257 912,704  -60     253   212.45     1.95   22.02
pilot hole)
MD 49          614,129 912,487  -50      40   449.85     2.05    6.61
                                              463.90     1.00    4.24

MD 55          614,134 912,495  -45      35   361.60     3.45   12.48
                                              421.20     0.70   12.23
                                              486.25     0.70    3.89
MD 64          614,175 912,505  -45      41   405.80     1.00    3.19
MD 67          614,173 912,504  -52      43   278.00     0.80    7.20
                                              398.30     1.30    6.55
MD 47          613,805 912,788  -55      30   153.30     1.80    4.70
MD 51          613,749 912,798  -53      17   130.50     1.30    6.50
                                              155.75     0.25   41.06
MD 52          613,754 912,816  -50      14    75.25     0.55    3.53
                                              157.60     0.30    5.31
                                              170.40     0.30   14.93
MD 54          613,830 912,745  -47      29   174.00     1.80   14.59
MD 56          613,809 912,706  -54      29   390.85     1.00    3.11
MD 57          613,739 912,767  -54      16   152.55     0.45   39.64
                                              191.90     3.45   26.26
MD 58          613,739 912,767  -58      16   176.10     0.40   43.46
                                              207.00     0.70    7.45
                                              280.40     0.90    6.18
MD 61          613,662 912,804  -47     347   249.10    14.60    5.29
                                              308.20     1.45   12.64
MD 62          613,723 912,767  -56       2   184.65     2.10    9.07
MD 65                                         115.60     0.65   25.42
                                              153.05     2.75    8.80
DBH 03         613,918 912,909 -0.2     236    29.05     1.05    6.58
                                               57.30     1.90    9.60
                                               72.20     0.40   17.21

(i)              Independent laboratory  McPhar assays are quoted  in
preference to Philsaga assays;
(ii)             Grid coordinates  based on the Philippine  Reference
System 92;
(iii)          Intersection lower cut-off grade is 3 g/t gold in line
with current resource estimation parameters;
(iv)         Some previously reported intersection widths and  grades
may have changed as a result of check assaying by McPhar.


Expansion works have  continued to  proceed well  during the  quarter
with more  of  the  activities focussed  on  on-vein  development  in
preparation for the setting up of production stopes. A total of 1,147
metres of development was  completed (compared to  821 metres in  the
previous quarter).

In the third quarter of 2008 it is anticipated that stope  production
should be underway  from five  levels in  the mine,  these being  the
3150, 3100, 3050, 3000 and 2950 metre levels.

(a)Development of the Catto Veins

A new drive following underground drill hole DBH 3 on the 3050  metre
level on the west side of the Oriental Fault has intersected the West
Catto Veins and driving west along the veins is underway. A number of
branch veins have  been encountered  including one vein  on the  3050
metre level which has a dip of 30� to 50� north together with  abrupt
changes in strike. When more  vertical and horizontal development  is
completed  in  these  areas,  interpretation  of  the  veins  can  be
completed. Driving to  the New Catto  Veins on the  east side of  the
Oriental Fault is underway by driving along the Jereme Vein first  to
the east from the 3000 metre level.

(b)Beta Shaft

The set-up  for  the  new internal  inclined  Beta  Shaft  (footings,
headframe and winder), to an inclined depth of 120 metres (100 metres
vertical) is nearly completed and sinking is underway.

Provided ground conditions are reasonable, ore production through the
Beta Shaft should commence in the last quarter of 2008.

(c)Agsao Shaft

The new external Agsao Shaft, to an inclined depth of 240 metres (200
metres vertical) has commenced sinking in hard, fresh rock  following
cementing of  the top  section of  the shaft  down through  the  soft
weathered material. The  bottom of  this shaft  will be  at the  2950
metre level and will be connected to the Beta internal inclined shaft
at the same 2950 metre level. Plate 1 (please see the link at the end
of this announcement) shows the Agsao Shaft headframe and winder.

Provided ground conditions are reasonable, ore production through the
Agsao Shaft should commence in the second quarter of 2009.

(d)3150 metre level

Development  has  intersected  the  West  Catto  Veins  and   on-vein
development is  now underway.  Provided vein  widths and  grades  are
suitable, stope production  should commence in  the third quarter  of


The current resource size, combined with on-going drill intersections
indicating the deposit is still open along strike in both  directions
as well  as at  depth, justifies  an expanded  production profile  to
approximately 100,000 ounces per year.

The initial Hill View Shaft target depth, as shown on Figures 3 and 4
(please  see  the  link  at   the  end  of  this  announcement),   is
approximately 420  metres or  100  metres below  (at the  2850  metre
level) the "in-progress" Agsao Shaft  (which will bottom at the  2950
metre level). The shaft will have the capacity to be further deepened
to 600 metres. The new shaft will have a double drum winder with  the
capacity to  hoist  up to  700  tonnes per  day  of ore,  which  when
combined with the  Agsao Shaft,  Beta, 3W  and 10W  shafts will  lift
hoisting capacity from the mine to approximately 1,000 tonnes of  ore
per day. At the current reserve grade of 11.1 g/t gold, this  equates
to approximately 100,000  ounces of  gold production  per year.  This
Phase II expansion will not  interfere with the current expansion  of
the mine to a target of  60,000 annualised ounces on commencement  of
ore haulage from the Agsao Shaft in the second quarter of 2009.


The poles and cable  for the power  line to the  Co-O Mine have  been
delivered however  transformers and  associated electrical  equipment
are now expected to be delivered during the next quarter. The upgrade
of the sub-station at the nearby  town of San Francisco to the  north
of the Co-O millsite has been delayed until at least August 2008  and
consequently the  timing of  the completion  of the  power line  will
depend on  completion  of the  sub-station  and the  arrival  of  the
outstanding items.


Soil sampling

Processing of the recently completed ridge and spur soil samples is
in progress with results anticipated in the second quarter of the


During the recent  ridge and spur  soil sampling programme  described
above, an  extensive  area  of  weathered  magnetite  with  secondary
hematite skarn mineralisation was located  (Figure 2, please see  the
link at the end  of this announcement). The  magnetite skarn area  is
also marked by extensive alluvial  gold workings from previous  local
sluicing operations. Magnetite is a magnetic iron oxide mineral  that
contains 72.36% iron.  Its magnetic  property permits  recovery of  a
magnetite  concentrate  by  relatively  simple  magnetic   separation

Skarn rocks are formed  when hot fluids  containing silica, iron  and
other metals  emanate  from  intrusive rocks  (such  as  granites  or
porphyry copper bodies)  and come  into contact with  and react  with
limestones and other calcareous rocks.  At Kamarangan the skarns  are
hosted by  a  banded  limestone  sequence which  is  older  than  the
"younger" massive white limestone which outcrops prominently to east.
The younger  limestone  is the  unit  which caps  the  blanket  style
disseminated gold  mineralisation  hosted  by  diatreme  breccias  at

Table III lists the iron, gold, silver and copper assay results from
various outcrops.

Table III. Assay results from 21 surface samples in the Kamarangan
iron skarn area

Sample number Sample type      Au (ppm) Cu (ppm) Ag (ppm) Fe (%)
425253        1m channel           1.23      602    
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