RNS Number : 5538I

Premier Gold Resources PLC

02 June 2014

Embargoed: 0700hrs, 2 June 2014

Premier Gold Resources plc

("Premier Gold" or the "Company")

Financial results for the year ended 31 December 2013

Premier Gold (AIM: PGR), the Central Asia-focused gold exploration and development company, announces financial results for the year ended 31 December 2013.

2013 Summary

   --     Five year licence extension to Cholokkaindy Licence through to 31 December 2017 
   --     Licence area extended by 8 square kilometres adding to potential future resource 
   --     Convertible loan note for GBP1 million provided by new institutional investor 
   --     Subscription of GBP260,000 by institutional investor by way of equity swap agreement 
   --     Subscription for GBP200,000 worth of new ordinary shares by investor 
   --     Field work currently suspended as a result of resistance from local groups 
   --     Board working towards a resolution in country 

Chairman's Statement

2013 was a frustrating year for Premier Gold as we were prevented from engaging in any activity in the field. The Company had substantially laid all the groundwork to commence drilling operations during the 2013 field season only to be thwarted by resistance from factions of local groups seeking to hold up the work programme at Cholokkaindy illegally. Even more frustrating than having a highly attractive asset but being unable to progress its development, is the absence of any logical reason for being prevented from doing so. At this stage the board considers the local resistance which continues to prevent Premier Gold and certain other operators from working safely in the Kyrgyz Republic at present is as a result of a fundamental lack of understanding as to the impact that the development of mining operation would have upon local communities.

Notwithstanding Premier Gold's legal right, and support from the government, to progress its work programme on Cholokkaindy, such obstruction has caused us to delay the commencement of our work programme several times. The Company's first priority must be the safety of its employees and contractors and the board is doing everything it can to work through the issues being encountered in the Kyrgyz Republic in order to get the teams back out in the field to progress the development of the asset.

The board's attention is focused on working with representatives at all three of the relevant levels within Kyrgyz Government:

i. at leadership level through the office of the First Deputy Prime Minister;

ii. at a regional level through the governor of Chui Valley (the region in which the Company's licence is situated); and

iii. through the head of the local administration of Panfilov (the immediate surrounding area of the Company's licence).

Progress, however, has been inhibited by changes in Government at all three levels. In March 2014 the Ata-Meken party announced its withdrawal from the Kyrgyz Government coalition, thereby effectively dissolving the Government; while the positions of both governor of Chui Valley and head of the local administration of Panfilov were also unfilled for several weeks during the early part of 2014.

I am pleased to observe that political progress in the Kyrgyz Republic has since been made at all three levels pertinent to the Company's situation, with a viable new Government having recently been formed; and the appointments in February 2014 of a new governor of Chui Valley and a new head of the local administration (the "Akim") of Panfilov. The political transitions were, however, highly disruptive to Premier Gold's efforts to resolve its local issues.

What is apparent is the extent of the local influence held by the disruptive factions within their community; and indeed the unwillingness of the PanfilovAkim to simply ignore their objections. Equally it is apparent that the governor's office is cautious as to the extent to which it exerts political influence over local communities.

We continue to press our case so that Premier Gold can implement an exploration programme that will be of benefit to all stakeholders. To achieve this objective the Company is working with a broad range of professionals in the Kyrgyz Republic and in the United Kingdom.

Licence Developments

In February 2013, Premier Gold was successful in achieving a licence extension on Cholokkaindy through to 31 December 2017; and in May 2013 the Company also announced the award of an 8 square kilometre extension of the Cholokkaindy licence boundary, into an area in which we believe the mineralised zone further extends. This has obvious beneficial impacts on the size of the future potential resource at Cholokkaindy.

During the year, London- and Bishkek-based staff continued to work on the geological information and databases. In addition, visits were made to the accredited laboratories where facilities for drill core sampling and storage were reserved. Procedural protocols for quality control of drilling, logging, sampling, analysis, health and safety were also updated. The exploration team is ready to implement the drill programme within two weeks of returning to operations in the field.

Corporate Developments

In July 2013 Premier Gold entered into a convertible loan agreement (the "Convertible Loan") with Tridevi Capital Partners (I) L.P. ("Tridevi Capital") for the provision of GBP1 million to advance the Company's exploration programme at the Cholokkaindy gold licence in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In September 2013 the Company raised gross funds of GBP200,000 by way of a subscription for a total of 100,000,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 0.2 pence per ordinary share.

In December 2013 the Company raised gross funds of GBP260,000 by way of an equity swap agreement with an existing institutional shareholder for a total of 200,000,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 0.13 pence per share.

The board stated its intention in December 2012 to simplify the share structure of the Company by cancelling all warrants. In January 2013 approximately 84 per cent. of the warrants in issue were purchased by the Company for a nominal consideration and duly cancelled. In October 2013 the remaining warrants expired and were duly cancelled.

Financial Results

Premier Gold is an early-stage exploration company and, as such, has no revenues. The Company's expenditure relates predominantly to the exploration-related costs and general and administrative overhead. The Company recorded a loss before tax for the period of GBP1,531,593 (2012: GBP1,528,360). The Company had cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2013 of GBP274,539 (2012: GBP181,857).


The Kyrgyz Government continues to indicate its commitment to helping Premier Gold through to a resolution of its local issues, such that the Company can resume operations. The new Government's preferred approach is one of engagement and public dialogue with local communities who, it seems, simply do not understand the implication or future impact of a development such as Cholokkaindy. The Company continues to express to the Government its dissatisfaction with the pace at which it is progressing a resolution. In parallel with the Government's efforts, Premier Gold is proactively working with local communities to overcome the educational barrier.

At the same time, the Company continues to consider assets beyond Cholokkaindy where the Company believes it can deploy its considerable geological expertise to create value for shareholders in a shorter time frame than the Company may be able to achieve at Cholokkaindy. The Company will report on any such developments as and when appropriate.

I am acutely aware that the disruption caused at Cholokkaindy is immensely frustrating for shareholders. We must however remind ourselves of the prospective anomalies and structures already recognised at Cholokkaindy which bear the hallmarks of a substantial gold deposit which would, if developed, be a highly valuable asset.

Colonel Robert Stewart DSO MP


30 May 2014


 Premier Gold Resources plc 
 Richard Nolan, CEO                           020 7078 9566 
 WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser and 
 Katy Mitchell                                0113 394 6600 
 Vigo Communications 
 Ben Simons / Alex Aleksandrov                020 7016 9570 

For further information please visit: www.premiergoldresources.com

                                               2013               2012 
                                                GBP                GBP 
 Administrative expenses                  (873,310)        (1,232,234) 
 Share based payments                      (24,666)           (69,655) 
                                   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Operating loss                           (897,976)        (1,301,889) 
 Loss on disposal of subsidiary           (150,724)                  - 
 Finance income                                 190              1,802 
 Fair value loss on derivative 
  financial assets                        (473,833)          (193,750) 
 Finance expense                            (9,250)           (34,523) 
                                   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Loss before income taxation            (1,531,593)        (1,528,360) 
 Income tax expense                               -                  - 
                                   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Loss on ordinary activities 
  after taxation                        (1,531,593)        (1,528,360) 
 Non-controlling interests                   52,771             54,618 
                                   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Loss for the year and 
  total comprehensive income 
  attributable to owners 
  of the parent                         (1,478,822)        (1,473,742) 
 Loss per share - basic 
  and diluted 
 From continuing operations                 (0.14)p            (0.22)p 
 AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 
                                                                      2013                                      2012 
                                                                       GBP                                       GBP 
 Non current assets 
 Intangible assets                                               3,752,241                                 3,780,831 
 Tangible assets                                                    14,628                                    23,789 
 Derivative financial 
  assets                                                           126,875                                   436,719 
                                                        ------------------                        ------------------ 
                                                                 3,893,744                                 4,241,339 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                        -                                        68 
 Trade and other receivables                   16,445                                   117,699 
 Derivative financial 
  assets                                      236,250                                   369,531 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    274,539                                   181,857 
                                   ------------------                        ------------------ 
                                              527,234                                   669,155 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                   (240,207)                                 (218,145) 
 Borrowings                                 (410,717)                                         - 
                                   ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net current assets                                              (123,690)                                   451,010 
                                                        ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net assets                                                      3,770,054                                 4,692,349 
 Share capital                                                   2,288,898                                 1,951,415 
 Share premium account                                           6,059,750                                 5,932,983 
 Equity component - convertible loan 
  note                                                              89,283                                         - 
 Capital redemption reserve                                         43,333                                    43,333 
 Merger reserve                                                  2,416,667                                 2,416,667 
 Profit and loss account                                       (7,722,515)                               (6,268,359) 
 Foreign currency reserve                                          (3,874)                                    26,230 
                                                        ------------------                        ------------------ 
                                                                 3,171,542                                 4,102,269 
 Non-controlling interests                                         598,512                                   590,080 
                                                        ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Total equity                                                    3,770,054                                 4,692,349 
 Approved by the Board and authorised for issue on ......................... 
 ..............................    .............................. 
 Richard Nolan                     Dr Reza Tabrizi 
 Director                          Director 
 Company Registration No. 03896382 
                                                                                             Foreign            Capital 
                                      Share              Share           Retained           currency         redemption             Merger    Non controlling        Convertible 
                                    capital            premium           earnings            reserve            reserve            reserve          interests          loan note              Total 
                                        GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP                GBP 
 Balance at 1 January 
  2012                            1,471,207          4,821,530        (4,864,272)                  -             43,333                  -                  -                  -          1,471,798 
 Changes in equity for 2011                                                                                                                                                    - 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the year                            -                  -        (1,473,742)                  -                  -                  -           (54,618)                  -        (1,528,360) 
 On acquisition of 
  subsidiaries                            -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -            642,950                  -            642,950 
 Issue of shares                    480,208          1,260,625                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -          1,740,833 
 Costs in respect of 
  shares issued                           -          (149,172)                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -          (149,172) 
 On issue of shares for 
  acquisition of Central 
  Asia Resources Limited                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -          2,416,667                  -                  -          2,416,667 
  payments                                -                  -             69,655                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -             69,655 
 Currency translation 
  on foreign currency 
  investments                             -                  -                  -             26,230                  -                  -              1,748                  -             27,978 
                           ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2012                            1,951,415          5,932,983        (6,268,359)             26,230             43,333          2,416,667            590,080                  -          4,692,349 
 Changes in equity in 2012 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the year                            -                  -        (1,478,822)                  -                  -                  -           (52,771)                  -        (1,531,593) 
 On disposal of 
  subsidiaries                            -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -             54,210                  -             54,210 
 Issue of shares                    337,483            147,517                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -            485,000 
 Costs in respect of 
  shares issued                           -           (20,750)                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -           (20,750) 
 Convertible loan note 
  - equity component                      -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -             89,283             89,283 
  payments                                -                  -             24,666                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -             24,666 
 Currency translation 
  on foreign currency 
  investments                             -                  -                  -           (30,104)                  -                  -              6,993                  -           (23,111) 
                           ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------   ---------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2013                            2,288,898          6,059,750        (7,722,515)            (3,874)             43,333          2,416,667            598,512             89,283          3,770,054 
                                                                        2013                                      2012 
                                                    GBP                  GBP                  GBP                  GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Operating loss                                                    (897,976)                               (1,301,889) 
 Depreciation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                            4,649                                     8,334 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                        77                                         - 
 Decrease in inventories                                                   -                                     4,700 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other 
  receivables                                                         53,244                                   659,899 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other 
  payables                                                            35,291                                 (551,141) 
 Equity-settled share based payments                                  24,666                                    69,655 
 Other movement                                                       10,723                                    39,093 
                                                          ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net cash used in operating activities                             (770,366)                               (1,071,349) 
 Investing activities 
 Finance income                                     190                                     1,802 
 Finance expense                                (1,233)                                  (34,523) 
                                     ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                                         (1,043)                                  (32,721) 
 Capital expenditure 
 Payments to acquire intangible 
  assets                                       (51,479)                                 (154,613) 
 Payments to acquire tangible 
  assets                                              -                                   (5,805) 
                                     ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net cash outflow for 
  capital expenditure                                               (51,479)                                 (160,418) 
 Acquisitions and disposals 
 Purchase of subsidiary 
  undertakings                                        -                                   (3,170) 
 Cash acquired on acquisition                                                                                        - 
  of subsidiary undertakings                          -                                    21,760 
 Cash on disposal of 
 undertaking                                    (9,955)                                         - 
                                     ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
  for acquisitions and 
  disposals                                                          (9,955)                                    18,590 
 Financing activities 
 Issue of share capital                         225,000                                   557,500 
 Proceeds received from 
 issue of derivative 
 asset                                          221,275                                         - 
 Cost of share issue                           (20,750)                                  (49,172) 
 Convertible unsecured loan 
  notes                                         500,000                                         - 
                                     ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net cash generated from 
  financing activities                                               925,525                                   508,328 
                                                          ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents 
  in year                                                             92,682                                 (737,570) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of the year                                           181,857                                   919,427 
                                                          ------------------                        ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  the year                                                           274,539                                   181,857 

Annual Report and Accounts

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts, together with a notice of the annual general meeting, are being posted to all shareholders today and will be available on the Company's website www.premiergoldresources.com

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Nabarro LLP, Lacon House, 84 Theobald's Road, London WC1X 8RW at 11 a.m. on 24 June 2014.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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