RNS Number : 1930P

Petmin Limited

30 September 2013

Petmin Limited

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

(Registration number 1972/001062/06)

JSE code: PET AIM code: PTMN

ISIN: ZAE000076014

("Petmin" or "the Group")

Condensed Provisional Consolidated

Financial Statements

for the year ended 30 June 2013

Dividend Declaration

and renewal of Cautionary Announcement

"Expansion at Somkhele Anthracite Mine delivering results"

- Earnings from continuing operations excluding impairments were up 18% to 15.25 cents (2012: 12.98 cents).

- 92% increase in second-half headline earnings per share from an improved performance compared to first-half

at Somkhele Anthracite Mine.

- Headline earnings per share of 15.25 cents (2012: 19.06 cents) - 2012 included 6.68 cents from discontinued

operations (SamQuarz) which was sold in June 2012.

- Third plant successfully commissioned and fully operational in H2 FY 2013, producing 207 238 tonnes of

energy product.

- Dividend policy maintained and a dividend of 3 cents per share (20% of HEPS) declared

on 30 September 2013 (2013: 5 cents, 2012: 4 cents).

- R200 million impairment of investment in the Veremo project.

- Successful smelt tests conducted in the North Atlantic Iron Corporation ("NAIC") pig iron project.

Condensed Provisional Consolidated Income Statement

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                        Reviewed      Audited 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                            Year   Year ended 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                         30 June      30 June 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                            2013         2012 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                Note       R'000        R'000 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Revenue                                     490      516 303 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Cost of sales                              100)    (360 461) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Gross profit                                390      155 842 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Operating (expenses)/income               (589)        6 532 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Administration                              (24 
  expenses                                  384)     (20 611) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Results from operating                      144 
  activities                                 417      141 763 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 - Mark-to-market 
  of listed securities                     5 683     (20 234) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Net finance expense                        172)      (6 988) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 - Finance income                          4 306        2 936 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 - Finance expenses                         478)      (9 924) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Separately disclosed 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Impairment loss 
  on equity accounted                       (200 
  investee                         7        000)            - 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Impairment loss 
  on exploration 
  asset                                        -     (18 841) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Fair value gain 
  on investment in 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 controlled entity                             -        3 404 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Share of losses 
  of equity accounted 
  investees                              (1 625)      (1 707) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/profit before                        (75 
  income tax                                697)       97 397 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Income tax expense                         335)     (41 377) 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  the year from 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 continuing operations                      032)       56 020 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Profit for the 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 from discontinued 
  operation                        8           -       38 517 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Profit on sale 
  of subsidiary                    8           -       18 145 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/profit for                          (112 
  the year                                  032)      112 682 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Basic earnings 
  per ordinary share 
  (cents)                          9     (19.42)        19.53 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 continuing operations 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Basic earnings 
  per ordinary share 
  (cents)                          9     (19.42)         9.71 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Diluted earnings 
  per ordinary share 
  (cents)                          9     (19.42)         9.56 
-----------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 

Condensed Provisional Consolidated Statement of

Financial Position

at 30 June 2013

                                         Reviewed      Audited 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                             Year   Year ended 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                          30 June      30 June 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                             2013         2012 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                 Note       R'000        R'000 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                            1 765 
 Non-current assets                           955    1 541 541 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Property, plant                            1 425 
  and equipment                               327    1 042 840 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Investment in equity                         271 
  accounted investee                7         686      468 757 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Loan due from joint 
  venture                          10      30 478            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Investments                               38 464       29 944 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Current assets                               425      494 701 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Inventories                                  779      100 312 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Trade and other                              201 
  receivables                                 768      111 741 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Receivable on sale 
  of subsidiary                     8       1 158      281 064 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Current tax assets                         2 772            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  4 948        1 584 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
                                            2 140 
 Total assets                                 380    2 036 242 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Ordinary share                             1 273 
  capital and reserves                        521    1 405 188 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Share capital                                575      143 763 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Share premium                                654      334 104 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Share option reserve                       9 440        3 508 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Hedging reserve                          (2 619)            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Foreign currency 
  translation reserve                      11 000        3 558 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Retained earnings                            471      920 255 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Non-current liabilities                      478      262 502 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Interest free loan                         1 122            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Interest-bearing                             372 
  loans and borrowings             13         032       68 074 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Loan due to venturer 
  in joint venture                 10      30 478            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Deferred taxation                            206 
  liabilities                                 658      172 233 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Environmental rehabilitation 
  provision                                39 188       22 195 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Current liabilities                          381      368 552 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Trade and other                              131 
  payables                                    023      157 968 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Current portion 
  of interest-bearing 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 and borrowings                    13      51 434       59 590 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Hedge liability                            3 637            - 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Current tax liabilities                        -       34 816 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Shareholders for 
  dividend                                  1 355        1 287 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Bank overdraft                            29 932      114 891 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 
 Total equity and                           2 140 
  liabilities                                 380    2 036 242 
------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------- 

Condensed Provisional Consolidated Statement of

Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                        Reviewed        Audited 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                            Year     Year ended 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                         30 June        30 June 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                            2013           2012 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                           R'000          R'000 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the                      (112 
  year                                      032)        112 682 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Other comprehensive 
  income (after tax) 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Items that may be reclasssified 
  to profit and 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                              7 442          3 877 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Effective portion of 
  changes in fair value 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 of cash flow hedges                     (2 619)              - 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the year, 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 net of income tax                         4 823          3 877 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive                        (107 
  income for the year                       209)        116 559 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Condensed Provisional Consolidated Statement of

Cash Flows

 for the year ended 30 June                   Reviewed      Reviewed 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
                                                  Year    Year ended 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
                                               30 June       30 June 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
                                                  2013          2012 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
                                      Note       R'000         R'000 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Profit from operations before 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 (expense)/income                              144 417       193 865 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Adjustments for: 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - depreciation and amortisation        14     474 562       262 041 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - notional interest                             2 250         3 014 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - profit on disposal of 
  property, plant and 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
  equipment                                      (340)          (17) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - share options granted                         5 932           962 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Operating cash flows before 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 in working capital                            626 821       458 865 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade 
  and other 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
  receivables                                 (68 270)        12 453 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Increase in inventories                      (62 061)      (88 760) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade 
  and other payables                          (42 894)        66 781 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Cash generated by operations            8     453 596       449 339 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Income tax (paid)/refunded                   (37 588)         1 425 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Finance income                                  4 306         4 010 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Finance expenses                             (28 478)      (10 958) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                                   391 836       443 816 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from investing 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Investment in jointly controlled 
  entities                              10    (91 765)      (45 716) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Investment in listed shares                   (2 838)      (16 616) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Acquisition of property,                         (672 
  plant and equipment                             594)     (688 548) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - to expand operations                           164)     (270 707) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - to expand operations -                         (529 
  capitalised pre-strip                 14        701)     (405 558) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 - to maintain operations                     (12 729)      (12 283) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Proceeds from sale of subsidiary, 
  net of cash 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 disposed                                8     279 906      (23 889) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 equipment                                       7 068            24 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Net cash flows from investing 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 activities                                       223)     (774 745) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from financing 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Proceeds from options exercised                     -         3 331 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Treasury shares acquired                      (1 638)       (9 590) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Payment on options forfeited                        -         (160) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Repayment of borrowings                      (78 997)      (29 189) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Increase in borrowings                        286 122         6 984 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Dividends paid                               (28 777)      (22 785) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from financing 
  activities                                   176 710      (51 409) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash 
-----------------------------------  -----  ----------  ------------ 
 equivalents                                    88 323     (382 338) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                     (113 
  beginning of the year                           307)       269 031 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 the year                                     (24 984)     (113 307) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 

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This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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