RNS Number : 3348C
  Strategic Retail PLC
  29 August 2008

    Strategic Retail Plc
    Announcement of results for the 53 weeks ended 1 March 2008


    It has been another difficult year in the home decorating and home furnishings sectors with pressure on consumer spending. A slowing of
the housing market with rising interest rates, rising fuel costs and increases in food prices have placed a fair amount of strain on non
essential purchases.

    The high street businesses which focus predominantly on home decoration have had to trade in a difficult market.  The Fads store
locations, which have nationwide coverage, have been carefully reduced to eliminate loss makers or to achieve premiums where appropriate. We
have seen the positive impact of
    the portfolio reduction this year with a significant reduction in operating losses.

    The Leveys business, which is based in the North East, has been the star performer this year. The poorer performing stores were disposed
of last year leaving a batch of stores which showed strong sales growth.

    The Texstyle World business, which is primarily based in Scotland, saw the closure of our store in Elgin offset by a new store in
Manchester. Since the year end we have opened further stores at East Kilbride and Sheffield.  These stores also showed like for like growth
in a difficult market.  The roll out of further Texstyle World stores has been put on hold due to worsening general retailing conditions. We
feel it is not presently appropriate to launch new stores, with their obvious drain on working capital, whilst the economy is so close to
recession. We will carefully monitor market conditions before pursuing further opportunities.

    The Furniture Express store in Carlisle has performed poorly and our results reflect a �90,000 write off of goodwill.

    In line with our objectives we continue to review opportunities to acquire other companies.

    I thank employees for their continued hard work and commitment to the group.

    IW Currie


    The year has seen further planned reductions in our store base which may be analysed as follows:

                                                                     Texstyle         Furniture
                                     Fads            Leveys             World           Express
                                (Trading)            (Fads)            (Fads)            (Fads)
                                  Limited           Limited           Limited           Limited

 Total at start of year                39                12                 6                 1
 Closed in the year                   (7)                 -               (1)                 -
 New in year                            -                 -                 1                 -
 Total at end of year                  32                12                 6                 1

    Revenues and operating profit, as restated for IFRS, by business segment may be summarised as:

                                                           Texstyle         Furniture
                           Fads            Leveys             World           Express
                      (Trading)            (Fads)            (Fads)            (Fads)
                        Limited           Limited           Limited           Limited
                           �000              �000              �000              �000

 Revenue 2008             9,113             3,791             6,367               647
 Revenue 2007            11,198             3,922             6,268               169

                                                                           Texstyle         Furniture
                                           Fads            Leveys             World           Express
                                      (Trading)            (Fads)            (Fads)            (Fads)
                                        Limited           Limited           Limited           Limited
                                           �000              �000              �000              �000

 Operating (loss)/profit 2008              (36)               260               186             (165)
 Operating (loss)/profit 2007             (545)               515               351              (19)

    Fads (Trading) Limited revenue was down over �2m year on year. This in part was due to the significant number of loss making stores
which have been closed over the past two years. At the start of the 2007 year we traded out of 55 stores which was reduced to 39 stores by
24 February 2007 and to 32 stores by 1 March 2008. Using a simple average, we traded out of an average of 47 stores in 2006/2007 versus 36
in 2007/2008.

    Average revenue per store was therefore up from circa �238,000 last year to �253,000 this year. On a like for like basis, our stores
traded some �160,000 or 2% down which was disappointing but not entirely unexpected given the difficult trading conditions described in the
Chairman's Statement.

    At operating profit level, we were pleased to show the positive effects of condensing the portfolio down to better performing stores
seeing a significant reduction in operating losses.

    Leveys (Fads), like Fads (Trading), operated out of a far larger portfolio in the previous year. At the start of 2006/2007 these stores
operated from 17 locations which was condensed to 12 at 24 February 2007. No further store reductions occurred during 2007/2008.

    Average revenue last year was circa �270,000 per store versus �316,000 this year. This bears out in terms of like for like performance
which demonstrated a �261,000 or 6.4% improvement on the previous year. Operating profit of �515,000 last year included �418,000 profit on
stores which are now closed. Taking this into account, an operating profit of �260,000 for this group was quite pleasing.

    Texstyle World achieved growth in overall turnover year on year. On a like for like basis, this growth amounted to circa 2.5%. The new
store at Manchester showed strong performance in the period under review and with this model in mind we embarked upon further store

    Furniture Express was an opportunistic acquisition where we took a single store and a block of stock. The stock obtained was cleared
through this store and utilised by other group companies. The previous year's consolidated results contain the first four months of trading
with a full year's trading reflected within the 2007/2008 results. This store did not perform well in the period despite converting it to
the Texstyle World trading format. We found that a major competitor opening in Carlisle led to a dilution of sales which left the store
barely breaking even. As trading conditions have worsened, we have written off goodwill recognised in last year's accounts and we are
pursuing an orderly exit.

                                                          Texstyle         Furniture
                          Fads            Leveys             World           Express
                     (Trading)            (Fads)            (Fads)            (Fads)
                       Limited           Limited           Limited           Limited
                             %                 %                 %                 %

 Margin 2008                48                48                51                48
 Margin 2007                48                44                50                66

    Gross margins were strong across the group companies with a notable improvement at Leveys (Fads) Limited. The gross margin for the
single store in Furniture Express (Fads) Limited was strong in the previous year as we were able to sell off stock purchased at a
significant discount from the administrator. This year's margin reflects both the selling off of the tail end of that stock and normal
product margins being achieved.


    The group's key financial performance indicators are revenue, margin and like for like growth rates which are discussed in the Review of
the Business above.


    The principal non-financial performance measures are summarised below:

    Laws and regulations
    The group ensures that it is fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulations such as Health & Safety, Waste Packaging and other
environmental regulations by employing the services of external specialists and service providers. The group aims to minimise the number of
breaches of laws and regulations. There have been no reported breaches of laws and regulations in the period (2007: nil).

    Employee skills and morale
    The group's aim is to recruit and retain sufficient skilled and motivated employees to meet the needs of the business. The required
skills have been defined and targets set for each employee. These form the basis for recruitment and training. The training expense in the
period is in line with budget. Staff turnover rates are monitored monthly.


    We will continue to exit loss making stores or marginal stores especially where an appropriate premium is available. We are hopeful that
new Texstyle World stores can be opened and have opened East Kilbride and Sheffield since the year end. We will review potential sites and
look for the correct level of incentives before further stores are launched. We continue to look for potential companies which would enhance
the group.


    Copies of the annual accounts will be despatched to shareholders on 29 August 2008. Additional copies will be available to the public,
free of charge, from the company's registered office: 3 Ralli Courts, West Riverside, Manchester M3 5FT and from the company's website at


    The Annual General Meeting of Strategic Retail Plc will be held at Nelson House, Park Road, Timperley, Cheshire on 23 September 2008 at

    For further information, please contact:

 Ian Currie, Strategic Retail plc    Tel: 0161 831 1512
 David Youngman, WH Ireland Limited  Tel: 0161 832 2174

    For the 53 week period ended 1 March 2008

                                 Note      53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24
                                                 March 2008         February 2007
                                                       �000                  �000

 REVENUE                          1                  19,918                21,557
 Cost of sales                                     (10,150)              (11,161)
 GROSS PROFIT                                         9,768                10,396
 Distribution costs                                 (7,820)               (8,394)
 Administrative expenses                            (1,791)               (1,814)
 GROUP OPERATING PROFIT                                 157                   188

 Profit on sale of property,                              -                   125
 plant and equipment
 Finance revenue                  2                       2                     3
 Finance costs                    3                   (139)                 (122)
 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION          1-5                     20                   194
 Taxation                         6                   (165)                     -
                                                      (145)                   194

 - Basic and diluted              8                 (0.67p)                 1.09p

    No separate Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been presented as all such gains and losses have been dealt with in the
profit and loss account.
    At 1 March 2008

                                          Note           1 March       24 February
                                                            2008              2007
 ASSETS                                                     �000              �000
 NON CURRENT ASSETS                                               
 Intangible assets                         9               3,731             3,908
 Property, plant and equipment             10              1,299             1,115
 Deferred tax                              15                  -               150
                                                           5,030             5,173
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                   
 Inventories                               13              4,182             4,269
 Trade and other receivables            14                 1,276               878
 Cash and cash equivalents                                     -               194
                                                           5,458             5,341
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                              
 Trade and other payables                  16            (2,946)           (4,154)
 Financial liability                       17              (901)                 -
 Provision for liabilities and charges     21              (162)             (253)
 Corporation tax                                            (15)                 -
                                                         (4,024)           (4,407)
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                                        1,434               934
 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES                                          
 Convertible loan notes                    18            (1,353)           (1,507)
 Provision for liabilities and charges     21              (794)             (918)
 Accruals and deferred income              19              (780)                 -
                                                         (2,927)           (2,425)
 NET ASSETS                                                3,537             3,682
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                             
 Called up share capital                   22                108               108
 Share premium account                     23              3,688             3,688
 Shares to be issued                       23                 21                25
 Retained earnings                         23              (280)             (139)
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                      3,537             3,682

    For the 53 week period ended 1 March 2008

                                                53 weeks ended    52 weeks ended
                                                  1 March 2008      24  February
 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS FROM                             �000              �000
 OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                           
 Operating profit                                          157               188
 Adjusted for:                                                  
 Depreciation                                              286               266
 Goodwill impairment                                       177                 -
 Profit on disposal of property, plant                          
 and equipment                                            (44)                 -
                                                           576               454
 CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL                                     
 Decrease in inventories                                    87               324
 Increase in trade and other receivables                 (398)             (262)
 Decrease in trade and other payables                  (1,208)             (179)
 Decrease in provisions                                  (215)             (887)
 Increase in accruals and deferred                         780                 -
 Cash generated from operations                          (378)             (550)
 Finance costs                                            (68)              (15)
 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      (446)             (565)
 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                           
 Acquisition of subsidiary                                   -             (166)
 Purchase of property, plant and                         (426)             (260)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant                       -               313
 and equipment                                                  
 Finance revenue                                             2                 3
 NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                          
                                                         (424)             (110)
 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                           
 Issue of ordinary shares                                    -               386
 Repayment of convertible debt                           (225)              (75)
 NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES                          
                                                         (225)               311
 NET DECREASE IN CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS                         
 AND FINANCIAL LIABILITY                               (1,095)             (364)
 Cash, cash equivalents and financial                           
 liability at beginning of period                          194               558
 CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND FINANCIAL                           
 LIABILITY AT END OF THE PERIOD                                 
                                                         (901)               194

    For the 53 week period ended 1 March 2008

                                                        Attributable to equity holders of the parent company
                                      Called up share         Share premium  Shares to be issued  Retained earnings          Equity
                                              capital               account
                                                 �000                  �000                 �000               �000            �000

 Balance at 26 February 2006                       84                 3,025                   32              (340)           2,801
 Ordinary shares issued                            24                   677                    -                  -             701
 Share issue expenses debited
 to share premium                                   -                  (14)                    -                  -            (14)
 Reserves transfer                                  -                     -                  (7)                  7               -
 Profit for the financial                           -                     -                    -                194             194
 Balance at 24 February 2007                      108                 3,688                   25              (139)           3,682
 Reserves transfer                                  -                     -                  (4)                  4               -
 Loss for the financial period                      -                     -                    -              (145)           (145)
 Balance at 1 March 2008                          108                 3,688                   21              (280)           3,537


                                      Called up share         Share premium  Shares to be issued  Retained earnings          Equity
                                              capital               account
                                                 �000                  �000                 �000               �000            �000

 Balance at 26 February 2006                       84                 3,025                   32              (294)           2,847
 Ordinary shares issued                            24                   677                    -                  -             701
 Share issue expenses debited
 to share premium                                   -                  (14)                    -                  -            (14)
 Reserves transfer                                  -                     -                  (7)                  7               -
 Loss for the financial period                      -                     -                    -              (252)           (252)
 Balance at 24 February 2007                      108                 3,688                   25              (539)           3,282
 Reserves transfer                                  -                     -                  (4)                  4               -
 Loss for the financial period                      -                     -                    -              (169)           (169)
 Balance at 1 March 2008                          108                 3,688                   21              (704)           3,113

    At 1 March 2008

                              Note           1 March       24 February
                                                2008              2007
 ASSETS                                         �000              �000
 NON CURRENT ASSETS                                   
 Investments                   11                257               257
 Trade and other receivables   14              4,149             4,149
                                               4,406             4,406
 CURRENT ASSETS                                       
 Trade and other receivables   14                320               433
 Cash and cash equivalents                         3                 2
                                                 323               435
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                  
 Trade and other payables      16              (263)              (20)
 Corporation tax                                   -              (32)
                                               (263)              (52)
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                               60               383
 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                              
 Convertible loan notes        18            (1,353)           (1,507)
 NET ASSETS                                    3,113             3,282
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                 
 Called up share capital       22                108               108
 Share premium account         23              3,688             3,688
 Shares to be issued           23                 21                25
 Retained earnings             23              (704)             (539)
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                          3,113             3,282

    For the 53 week period ended 1 March 2008

                                                53 weeks ended    52 weeks ended
                                                  1 March 2008       24 February
                                                          �000              �000
 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           
 Operating loss                                           (87)             (113)
                                                          (87)             (113)
 CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL                                     
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other                    113             (161)
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other                    211             (101)
 Cash generated from operations                            237             (375)
 Finance costs                                            (11)                 -
 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                        226             (375)
 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                           
                                                             -                 -
 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                           
 Issue of ordinary shares                                    -               386
 Repayment of convertible debt                           (225)              (75)
 NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES                          
                                                         (225)               311
 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH, CASH                          
 EQUIVALENTS AND FINANCIAL LIABILITY                            
                                                             1              (64)
 Cash, cash equivalents and financial                           
 liability at beginning of period                            2                66
 CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND FINANCIAL                           
 LIABILITY AT END OF THE PERIOD                                 
                                                             3                 2


    The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards as endorsed by the EU (IFRS) for the first time.

    This is the first year that the Group has presented its financial statements under IFRS. The last financial statements under UK GAAP
were for the year ended 24 February 2007 and the date of transition to IFRS was therefore 26 February 2006. The disclosures concerning the
transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are given in note 28.

    IFRS 1 requires that IFRS is applied retrospectively to establish the Group's balance sheet at the date of transition, 24 January 2006
unless a specific exemption is applied. In preparing this IFRS information the Group has adopted the following exemption:- business
combinations completed prior to the date of transition to IFRS have not been restated.

    The group is currently experiencing difficult trading patterns which are directly linked to the current UK economic conditions and the
'credit crunch'.

    In order to ensure it remains appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis the directors have carefully considered the
likely working capital requirements for the forthcoming period through to August 2009. They have prepared detailed profit and cash flow
forecasts which, based on conservative assumptions indicate they will be able to operate within the current overdraft facilities agreed with
their bankers.

    Bank facilities were renewed on 22 July 2008 and discussions with the companies' bankers indicate that there is no intention to withdraw
the facilities during the period examined. The board continually monitors trading conditions and facility requirements and, should trading
conditions significantly deteriorate further, will endeavour to seek funding from alternative commercial sources where appropriate.

    On this basis the directors consider it appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis. The financial statements do not
include any adjustments that would result from the withdrawal of support by the group's bankers.

    The company is incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom.

    The consolidated financial statements incorporate those of Strategic Retail Plc and all of its subsidiary undertakings for the period.
Subsidiary undertakings are consolidated using the purchase method under IFRS 3. Any excess of the cost of the business combination over the
group's interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities is recognised in the balance sheet
as goodwill and is annually reviewed for impairment. To the extent that the net fair value of the acquired entity's identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities is greater than the cost of investment, a gain is recognised immediately in the income statement.

    The consolidated financial statements exclude intra-group transactions and balances.

    As permitted by Section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985, the company has not presented its own Income Statement.

    Goodwill arising on the acquisition of a subsidiary represents the excess of the fair value of the consideration given over the fair
value of the identifiable net assets acquired. Goodwill is recognised as an asset and is reviewed annually for impairment and is carried at
cost less accumulated impairment. On disposal of a subsidiary or cash generating unit, the attributable amount of goodwill is included in
the determination of the profit or loss on disposal.

    Goodwill has been allocated to profit making stores, or groups of geographically based stores, within the acquired group based on
expected future store contributions and store size.

    No critical judgements, apart from those involving estimations (see below) have been made by management in the process of applying the
entity's accounting policies which would have a significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements.

    Preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires that management make certain estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities. If in the
future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management's best judgements at the date of the financial statements, deviate from
actual circumstances, the original estimate and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change.
Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

    Such estimates include, but are not limited to, goodwill and asset impairment and stock provisioning. These are discussed below.

    The group determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires an estimation of the recoverable amount of
the cash generating unit, being the higher of 'value in use' and 'fair value less costs to sell'.  

    Value in use is calculated from cash flow projections for five years using data from internal forecasts reviewed by the board. The key
assumptions for the value in use calculations are those regarding discount rates, growth rates and expected changes in margins. The discount
rate used is our expected cost of borrowing. Changes in selling prices and direct costs are based on past experience and expectations of
future changes in the market.  

    Fair value less costs to sell has been estimated by assessing an average expected store contribution over the next five years and
multiplying this by a P/E ratio. The P/E ratio has been adopted by reference to recent store disposals and managements' assessment of
relevant market data for similar assets in the retail industry.

    Property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may
not be recoverable. When a review for impairment is conducted, the recoverable amount of an asset or a cash generating unit is determined
based on value-in-use calculations prepared on the basis of management's assumptions and estimates.

    The Group sells goods which may be subject to changing consumer demands . As a result, it is necessary to consider the recoverability of
the cost of stocks and the associated provisioning required. Stock provisioning is based on the age and condition of stock, as well as
anticipated saleability.

    The group has estimated a dismantling provision based on the level of improvement spend incurred at the transition date. Future
dismantling provisions on new stores will be based on average levels of provision by store compared to the magnitude of leases and
managements estimation of the appropriateness of provision required. The adequacy of the provision will be monitored against dismantling
spend actually incurred.  Historically dismantling spend has been low as the company utilises an in-house dismantling team.

    Effective for the Group for the financial year beginning 2 March 2008

    *     IFRIC 11 'IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions'
    *     IFRS 7 - Financial Instruments Disclosures

    Effective for the Group for future financial years

    *     Amendment to IAS 23 'Borrowing costs'
    *     IFRS 8 'Operating Segments'
    *     IFRIC 12 'Service Concession Arrangements'
    *     Revision of IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements'
    *     Amendments to IFRS 3 'Business Combinations'
    *     Amendments to IAS 27 'Consolidated and separate financial statements'
    *     Amendments to IFRS 2 'Share based payment'
    *     Amendments to IAS 32 'Financial Instruments'
    *     Amendments to IFRS 1 'First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards'
    *     IFRIC 13 - Customer Loyalty Programme
    *     IFRIC 14 - IAS 19 The Limit on a Refund Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction.
    *     IFRIC 15 - Agreement for the Construction of Real Estate
    *     IFRIC 16 - Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation

    The Group has considered the above new standards, interpretations and amendments to published standards that are not yet effective and
concluded that they are either not relevant to the Group or that they would not have a significant impact on the Group's financial
statements, apart from additional disclosures.

    The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in the financial statements and have been
applied consistently by the Group and the Company

    Revenue represents the invoiced value, net of Value Added Tax, of goods sold to customers. Revenue is recognised at the point of sale. A
provision for sales with a right of return is recognised at the year end.

    Activities are allocated to a distinct business segment. A business segment is a group of operations engaged in providing products or
services that are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is engaged
in providing products or services within a particular economic environment that is subject to risks and returns which are different from
those segments operating in other economic environments.

    Segments have been identified by reference to mix of products sold, brand name used during trading and geographical location which bear
unique risks and rewards.

    The consolidated financial statements are presented in pound sterling, which is the Group's functional and presentational currency. The
Group determines the functional currency of each entity and items included in the financial statements of each entity are measured using
that functional currency. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the actual rate of exchange ruling
at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at rates ruling at the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences are included in the income statement.

    The Group makes payments to a defined contribution scheme. The assets of the scheme are held separately from the Group in independently
administered funds. Contributions made by the Group are charged to the income statement in the period to which they relate.  Differences
between contributions payable in the period and contributions actually paid are shown as either accruals or prepayments.

    Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment value. The cost of an asset
includes the estimated costs of dismantling and removing the asset and restoring the site on which the asset was located. The corresponding
obligation is recognised as a provision under IAS 37. Expenditures incurred after equipment has been placed into operation, such as repairs
and maintenance and overhaul costs, are normally charged to the income statement in the period in which the costs are incurred. In
situations where it can be clearly demonstrated that the expenditure has resulted in an increase in future economic benefits expected to be
obtained from use of an item of equipment beyond its original assessed standard of performance, the expenditures are capitalised as an
additional cost of equipment.

    Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment at rates calculated to write down each asset to its estimated residual
value over its expected useful life as follows:

    Freehold properties                          -    2% per annum straight line
    Short leasehold properties                 -    over life of lease
    Fixtures, fittings and equipment         -    10-20% per annum straight line

    An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or where no future economic benefits are expected from its use or
disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset) is included in the income statement in the year the asset is derecognised.

    The assets residual values, useful lives and methods of depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year

    Non-current investments are stated at cost. Provision is made for any impairment in the value of non-current investments.

    Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. In determining the cost of raw materials, consumables and goods
purchased for resale the weighted average purchase price is used.  

    Trade receivables are recognised initially at fair value. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established when there is
objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. The amount of
the provision is the difference between the assets carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows, discounted at
the effective interest rate. The amount of the provision is recognised in the income statement within administrative expenses.

    Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held with banks.

    Financial liabilities include bank overdrafts.

    Instruments where the holder has the option to redeem for cash or convert into a pre-determined quantity of equity instruments are
classified as compound instruments in the balance sheet and presented partly as a liability and partly within equity.

    At the date of issue, the fair value of the liability component is estimated using the prevailing market interest rate for similar
non-convertible instrument. The difference between the proceeds of issue and the fair value assigned to the liability component,
representing the embedded option to convert the liability into equity of the Group, is included in equity.

    Transaction costs are apportioned between the liability and equity components of the convertible loan notes based on their relative
carrying amounts at the date of issue. The portion relating to the equity component is charged directly against equity.

    The interest expense on the liability component is calculated by applying the prevailing market interest rate for similar
non-convertible debt to the instrument. The difference between this amount and the interest paid is added to the carrying value of the
convertible loan note.

    Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to
the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

    Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to income on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.

    Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to enter into an operating lease are also spread on a straight line basis over the
lease term.

    The tax expense represents the sum of the current tax expense and deferred tax expense.

    The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income
statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that
are never taxable or deductible. The Group's liability for current tax is calculated by using tax rates that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

    Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in
the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance
sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised
to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.
Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or from the
initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction which affects neither the tax
profit nor the accounting profit.

    Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and
interests in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the
temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

    Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is
settled based upon tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is charged or credited
in the income statement, except when it relates to items credited or charged directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also
dealt with in equity.

    Liabilities for employee benefits are recognised on the basis of a legal constructive obligation. Liabilities and expenses for employee
benefits, which would include outstanding holidays, are recognised in the period in which the service is rendered.

    The operating (loss)/profit represents the (loss)/profit of the Group before accounting for finance costs or revenue and income tax
credits and expense.

    For the 53 week period ended 1 March 2008


    For management purposes, the group is currently organised into four operating business divisions, being Fads (Trading) Ltd, Leveys
(FADS) Ltd, Texstyle World (FADS) and Furniture Express (FADS) Ltd.  

    The Board has determined that the primary segmental reporting format is business segments, these divisions reflecting the different
brand and product offerings within the Group. As the Group operates solely in the UK the secondary segmental reporting format is

    PRIMARY REPORT FORMAT - Business segments

 2008                        FADS   Leveys  Texstyle World  Furniture Express  Unallocated  Consolidation

                             �000     �000            �000               �000         �000           �000

 Revenue                    9,113    3,791           6,367                647            -         19,918
                          _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______

 Operating profit/(loss)     (36)      260             186              (165)         (88)            157
 Finance revenue                                                                                        2
 Finance costs                                                                                      (139)
 Profit before tax                                                                                     20

 Income tax expenses                                                                                (165)
 Loss after tax                                                                                     (145)

 Capital additions             26        6             283                 67           44            426
 Depreciation                 122       50              89                  9           16            286
 Impairment of goodwill
                                -        -              87                 90            -            177
                          _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______

 Assets                     2,393    2,959           4,827                269           40         10,488
 Liabilities              (3,091)    (914)         (1,482)               (86)      (1,378)        (6,951)
                          _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______


 2007                               FADS   Leveys  Texstyle World  Furniture Express  Unallocated  Consolidation

                                    �000     �000            �000               �000         �000           �000

 Revenue                          11,198    3,922           6,268                169            -         21,557
                                 _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______
 Operating profit/(loss)           (545)      515             351               (19)        (114)            188
 Unallocated corporation
 expenses                                                                                                      -
 Profit on sale of property,
 plant and equipment

 Finance revenue                                                                                               3
 Finance costs                                                                                             (122)
 Profit before tax                                                                                           194

 Income tax expenses                                                                                           -
 Profit after tax                                                                                            194

 Capital additions                   191       11              51                  7           14            274
 Depreciation                        122       52              77                  1           14            266
                                 _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______

 Assets                            3,161    3,164           3,979                227         (17)         10,514
 Liabilities                     (3,367)  (1,150)           (755)               (53)      (1,507)        (6,832)
                                 _______  _______         _______            _______      _______        _______

    SECONDARY REPORTING FORMAT - analysis by origin

    The revenue and results are all derived in the UK and all assets are held in the UK.

 2  FINANCE REVENUE      53 weeks ended 1 March  52 weeks ended 24 February 2007
                                           �000                             �000

    Bank interest                             2                                3

 3  FINANCE COSTS             53 weeks ended 1  52 weeks ended 24 February 2007
                                    March 2008
                                          �000                             �000

    Bank interest                           44                                5
    Interest expense                        82                              107
    generated by
    financial liability
    Other finance costs                     13                               10
                                           139                              122

 4  PROFIT BEFORE             53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24
    TAXATION                        March 2008         February 2007
                                          �000                  �000
    Profit before
    taxation is stated

    Depreciation and
    amounts written off
    property, plant and
     Charge for the
      Owned assets                         286                   266
    Impairment of                          177                     -
    Premiums achieved on                 (862)                 (390)
    lease disposals
    Operating lease
      Land and buildings                 3,007                 3,181
      Plant and                            126                    98
    Net foreign exchange                     1                     1
    Write down of                          276                   335
    inventories during
    the year
    Cost of inventories                  9,958                10,850
    recognised as an
    Profit on disposal                    (44)                 (125)
    of property, plant
    and equipment


    Amounts payable to Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP and their associates in respect of both audit and non-audit services:

                              53 weeks ended 1  52 weeks ended 24 February 2007
                                    March 2008
                                          �000                             �000
   Audit services
   - Statutory audit                         6                                3
   Other services
   - Audit of                               31                               27
   Baker Tilly Tax and
   Advisory Services
   Tax services
   - Compliance                             10                                9
   Other services                            3                                4
                                            50                               43
 5  EMPLOYEES                                                             53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24
                                                                                March 2008         February 2007
                                                                                    Number                Number
    The average monthly number of persons (including directors)
    employed by the group during the period was:

    Administration and management                                                       40                    40
    Retailing                                                                          318                   377
                                                                                       358                   417

                          Staff costs for the                  53 weeks ended 1 March 2008     52 weeks ended 24
                          above persons:                                                           February 2007
                                                                                      �000               �000   

                          Wages and salaries                                         3,918                 4,314
                          Social security                                              288                   303
                          Other pension costs                                           71                    79
                                                                                     4,277                 4,696

   DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION                              53 weeks ended 1 March 2008  52 weeks ended 24 February 2007
                                                                               �000                             �000
   Emoluments                                                                    54                               73
   Money purchase pension contributions                                           -                                -
   Total emoluments                                                              54                               73
                                                                   53 weeks ended 1 March 2008     52 weeks ended 24
                                                                                                       February 2007
                      The number of directors to whom retirement                        Number                Number
                      benefits are accruing under:

                      Money purchase schemes was                                             -                     -

 6  TAXATION                                  53 weeks ended 1 March 2008  52 weeks ended 24 February 2007
                                                   �000              �000             �000            �000
    Current tax:
    UK corporation tax                                9                                  -
    on profits of the
    Adjustments in                                    6
    respect of previous
    Total current tax                                                  15                                -

    Deferred tax:
    Origination and reversal of timing              150                                  -
    Total deferred tax                                                150                                -
    Tax on profit on                                                  165                                -
    ordinary activities

   Factors affecting         53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24
   tax charge for the              March 2008         February 2007
                                         �000                  �000
   The tax assessed for
   the period is lower
   than the standard
   rate of corporation
   tax in the UK (30%).
   The differences are
   explained below:
   Profit on ordinary                      20                   194
   activities before
   Profit on ordinary
   activities                               6                    58
   multiplied by
   standard rate of
   corporation tax in
   the UK 30% (2007:
   Effects of:
   (Income not                             17                 (370)
   not deductible for
   tax purposes
   Fixed asset                           (62)                    27
   Losses unutilised                       16                   111
   Losses utilised                        (6)                   (9)
   Chargeable gains                         -                   164
   Profit on sale of                       16                     -
   fixed assets in
   excess of chargeable
   Adjustments in                           6                     -
   respect of previous
   Other temporary                         22                    19
   Reversal of                            150                     -
   recognised deferred
   tax asset
   Current tax charge                     165                     -
   for the period
   Factors that may
   affect future tax
    The group has trading losses of approximately �3,853,000 (2007: �4,133,000) which may be available for offset against trading profit
arising in the future, which would reduce tax payments.

    As permitted by Section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985 the profit and loss account of Strategic Retail plc has not been presented with
the financial statements.

    The results after taxation of the parent undertaking for the year ended 1 March 2008 showed a loss of �169,000 (2007: loss �252,000).



    The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and number of shares:

                                                          Basic               Diluted                 Basic               Diluted
                                               53 weeks ended 1      53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24     52 weeks ended 24
                                                     March 2008            March 2008         February 2007         February 2007
                                                           �000                  �000                  �000                  �000
   (Loss)/profit for the financial period                 (145)                 (145)                   194                   194
   Weighted average number of shares                                                       53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24
                                                                                                 March 2008         February 2007
                                                                                                     Number                Number
   For basic and diluted earnings per share                                                      21,696,703            17,718,439

                                      Basic               Diluted                 Basic                  Diluted
                           53 weeks ended 1      53 weeks ended 1     52 weeks ended 24        52 weeks ended 24
                                 March 2008            March 2008         February 2007            February 2007
   Earnings per share               (0.67p)               (0.67p)                 1.09p                    1.09p


                                             Positive goodwill
 At 26 February 2006                                     4,510
 Acquisitions                                               91
 Additions - fair value adjustment                          30
 At 24 February 2007 and 1 March 2008                    4,631
 Amounts written off                       
 At 26 February 2006                                       723
 Charged for the period                                      -
 At 24 February 2007                                       723
 Charged in the period                                     177
 At 1 March 2008                                           900
 Net book value                            
 At 1 March 2008                                         3,731
 At 24 February 2007                                     3,908
 At 26 February 2006                                     3,787

    Impairment testing of goodwill

    Goodwill arising on business combinations is not amortised but is reviewed for impairment on an annual basis or more frequently if there
are indications that goodwill may be impaired. Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to cash generating units according
to the level at which management monitor that goodwill. Cash generating units are defined as stores or group of stores within each business
segment. The business segments are as detailed in note 1 segmental report.

    Recoverable amounts for cash generating units are based on the higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell.  

    Value in use is calculated from cash flow projections for five years using data from internal forecasts reviewed by the board. The key
assumptions for the value in use calculations are those regarding discount rates, growth rates and expected changes in margins. The discount
rate used is our expected cost of borrowing. Changes in selling prices and direct costs are based on past experience and expectations of
future changes in the market.  

    Fair value less costs to sell has been estimated by assessing an average expected store contribution over the next five years and
multiplying this by a P/E ratio. The P/E ratio has been adopted by reference to recent store disposals and managements' assessment of
relevant market data for similar assets in the retail industry.

    The recoverable amounts were based on fair value less costs to sell.

    At the transition date an impairment review at cash generating unit level identified certain cash generating units which in isolation
required separate impairment.  The impairments arose where certain stores were not performing in line with original expectations at the time
of their acquisition.  Appropriate amounts were duly provided as detailed in the table below.

    In 2008 a cash generating unit within Texstyle World was disposed of and the associated goodwill was taken to the income statement as

    The Furniture Express goodwill identified in 2007 was fully impaired due to expected future negative contributions and management
believing it unlikely that a premium in excess of selling costs could be achieved.

                              2008            2007            2006
                              �000            �000            �000

 Texstyle World               (87)               -           (277)
 Leveys                          -               -           (199)
 Furniture Express            (90)               -               -
                             (177)               -           (476)

    These amounts are charged to distribution costs in the years in which the review was carried out.

    The carrying value of goodwill of the cash generating units after impairment may be summarised as follows:

                              2008            2007            2006
                              �000            �000            �000

 Texstyle World              1,638           1,725           1,694
 Leveys                      2,093           2,093           2,093
 Furniture Express               -              90               -
                             3,731           3,908           3,787

 10                   PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
                         Freehold land and       Short leasehold   Fixtures, fittings and           Total
                                 buildings              property                equipment

                                      �000                  �000                     �000            �000

 At 26 February 2006                   171                    53                    1,613           1,837
 Acquisitions                            -                     -                        2               2
 Additions                               -                    13                      261             274
 Disposals                          (143)-                  (16)                    (283)           (442)
 At 24 February 2007                    28                    50                    1,593           1,671
 Additions                               -                     -                      426             426
 Disposals                               -                  (14)                    (500)           (514)
 At 1 March 2008                        28                    36                    1,519           1,583
 At 26 February 2006                     2                    14                      385             401
 Charged in period                       2                     6                      258             266
 Disposals                               -                     -                    (195)           (195)
 Impairment                              -                     -                       84              84
 At 24 February 2007                     4                    20                      532             556
 Charged in period                       1                     6                      279             286
 Disposals                               -                  (13)                    (545)           (558)
 At 1 March 2008                         5                    13                      266             284
 Net book value
 At 1 March 2008                        23                    23                    1,253           1,299
 At 24 February 2007                    24                    30                    1,061           1,115
 At 26 February 2006                   169                    39                    1,228           1,436
                                                       Shares in
           Cost and net book value             
           At beginning and end of period                    257

    The company holds more than 20% of the equity (and no other share or loan capital) of the following undertakings:

 Subsidiary undertaking         Country of            Principal activity    Class and percentage of shares held
                                                                            Group             Company

 Fads (Trading) Limited         UK                            Retailing of  100% ord          100% ord
                                                       decorating and home
                                                          fashion products

 Leveys (Fads) Limited          UK                            Retailing of  100% ord          100% ord
                                                       decorating and home
                                                          fashion products

 Texstyle World (Fads) Limited  UK                            Retailing of  100% ord          100% ord
                                                       decorating and home
                                                          fashion products

 Leveys Limited                 UK                    Dormant - In          100% ord                          -


    On 10 November 2006 the group acquired part of the trade and assets of Furniture Express Limited (in Administration) for a cash
consideration of �166,000. 

    Positive goodwill of �91,000, being the difference between the fair value of net assets acquired and consideration paid, arises from
this transaction.  This has been fully impaired during the year.

 13  INVENTORY                          Group                            Company
                                        1  24 February 2007               1  24 February 2007
                               March 2008                        March 2008
                                     �000              �000            �000              �000

     Finished goods and             4,182             4,269               -                 -
     goods for resale

 14  TRADE AND OTHER                    Group                            Company
                                        1  24 February 2007               1  24 February 2007
                               March 2008                        March 2008
                                     �000              �000            �000              �000
     Due within one year:
     Trade receivables                111               172               -                 -
     Amounts owed by                    -                 -             320               433
     group undertakings
     Other receivables                662               100               -                 -
     Prepayments and                  503               606               -                 -
     accrued income
                                    1,276               878             320               433
     Due within more than
     one year:
     Amounts owed by                    -                 -           4,149             4,149
     group undertakings
                                    1,276               878           4,469             4,582

                                                               1              24
                                                           March        February
                                                            2008            2007
                                                            �000            �000
     At beginning of period                                  150             150
     Credit for the period taken to the         
     income statement                                      (150)               -
     At end of period                                          -             150

    The elements of the deferred tax asset, which is carried within current assets, are as follows:

                                                1              24
                                       March 2008   February 2007
                                             �000            �000
   Fixed asset timing differences            (64)            (84)
   Tax losses                                  64             234
                                                -             150

    The deferred tax asset has been recognised based on the directors' view of the group's potential future profitability.

   Un-provided deferred tax assets are as                      1              24
   follows:                                                March   February 2007
                                                            2008            �000
   Other temporary differences                                23              36
   Tax losses                                              1,156           1,094
                                                           1,179           1,130

     PAYABLES                          Group                          Company
                                        1              24               1              24
                               March 2008   February 2007      March 2008   February 2007
                                     �000            �000            �000            �000

     Trade payables                 1,294           2,286               -               -
     Other taxation and               355             545               -               -
     social security
     Other payables                   444             341               4              20
     Accruals                         853             982               3               -
     Amounts owed to                    -               -             256               -
     other group
                                    2,946           4,154             263              20


                                 Group                          Company
                                  1              24               1              24
                         March 2008   February 2007      March 2008   February 2007
                               �000            �000            �000            �000

     Bank overdraft             901               -               -               -

    The bank overdraft is secured by a cross company guarantee and debenture dated 22 May 2007. This constitutes a covenant to pay or
discharge to the bank, upon written notice, all indebtedness due now or in the future by any group company.

    The charges created include a legal mortgage over land vested but not registered at HM Registry.

    There is a fixed charge over land vested and registered, land which will become our property, the plant and machinery attaching to that
land, rental and other income relating to the land, all securities, all insurance and assurance contracts relating to property covered by
the charge, all goodwill and uncalled share capital, all intellectual property, all trade debts now or in future owing and the benefit of
all instruments guarantees or other rights available as security in respect of any asset subject to the fixed charge.

    There is a floating charge over all assets which are not effectively charged by the fixed charge.


    The company issued two series of convertible loan notes, series A and series B, on 30 August 2005.

    Series A
    The total principal sum due under the original loan note instrument was �601,286. Against this a total of 886,129 shares of �0.34 were
issued to the A holders on 19 December 2006. The remaining �300,000 was repaid under a variation in terms of the loan note instrument with
�75,000 repaid on 8 January 2007 and �225,000 repaid (with 5% interest) on 29 October 2007.

    Series B
    The total principal sum due under the original loan note instrument was �1,563,714. Against this �150,000 of this balance was repaid on
8 November 2005 with 882,352 shares of �0.34p issued to the value of �300,000 on 17 November 2005.

    According to the terms of Loan Note Instrument, interest will have been payable on these sums at 3% per annum from 30 August 2005 - 30
August 2006, then at 8% per annum from 31 August 2006 - 30 August 2007 and then at 10% per annum from 31 August 2007 until the final
redemption date which is 31 August 2010.

    Interest in respect of B shares has been accrued and is repayable upon redemption.

    The net proceeds received from the issue of the convertible loan notes have been split between the liability element and an equity
component, representing the fair value of the embedded option to convert the liability into equity of the Group.
                                                        GROUP AND COMPANY       
                                        Series A        Series B           Total
                                            �000            �000            �000
   Nominal value of                          601           1,563           2,164
   convertible loan notes       
   Equity component                         (11)            (29)            (40)
   Liability component at date               590           1,534           2,124
   of issue                     
   Interest charged                           17              86             103
   Interest paid                               -             (1)             (1)
   Redemption of loan notes                    -           (150)           (150)
   for cash                     
   Conversion of loan notes                    -           (300)           (300)
   Liability component at 25                 607           1,169           1,776
   February 2006                
   Interest charge                            17              90             107
   Redemption of loan notes                 (75)               -            (75)
   for cash                     
   Conversion of loan notes                (301)               -           (301)
   Liability component at 24                 248           1,259           1,507
   February 2007                
   Interest charged                           18              94             112
   Interest paid                            (11)               -            (11)
   Redemption of loan notes                (225)               -           (225)
   for cash                     
   Profit on final redemption               (30)               -            (30)
   Liability component at 1                    -           1,353           1,353
   March 2008                   

     DEFERRED INCOME                   Group                          Company
                                        1              24               1              24
                               March 2008   February 2007      March 2008   February 2007
                                     �000            �000            �000            �000

     Accruals and                     780               -               -               -
     deferred income

    Accruals and deferred income relates solely to the fair value of lease incentives which will be released to the income statement over
the lives of the lease contracts.



    It is the policy of the group to seek to reduce the risks arising from currency exposure. Speculation is not part of the group's
treasury activities. Where appropriate, the net position relating to foreign currency exposure, if material, would be hedged using forward

    The fair values of the group's financial instruments are as follows:

                                  1 March 2008                  24 February 2007
                             Book value      Fair value      Book value      Fair value
                                   �000            �000            �000            �000
   Cash and cash
   equivalents/                   (901)           (901)             194             194
   Convertible loan             (1,353)         (1,353)         (1,507)         (1,507)

    Maturity. The financial liabilities are repayable on demand.  The details of the maturity of the convertible loan notes is set out in
note 18.

   The currency and interest rate exposure of the financial assets
   of the group are as follows:

                                      1 March 2008                                                   24 February 2007
               Fixed rate  Floating rate  Non interest bearing         Total    Fixed rate  Floating rate  Non interest bearing        
                     �000           �000                  �000          �000          �000           �000                  �000         
   Sterling             -          (901)                     -         (901)             -            194                     -          

   The floating rate cash deposits bear interest based on relevant national
   LIBOR equivalents.

    The only current risk which is sensitive to exposure is that in respect of interest rate movements. The sensitivity to a one percentage
point increase in interest rates based on the average anticipated bank debt for 2008/09 is �8,000 income loss.


    Credit risk predominantly arises from trade receivables and cash and cash equivalents. Credit exposure is managed on a group basis and
given the low values involved is deemed to be low risk by the board.

                                         CURRENCY ANALYSIS OF NET ASSETS
   The group's borrowing and net assets are all denominated in Sterling.


    The carrying values less impairment provisions of trade receivables and payables are assessed to approximate to their fair values.


    The Group's objectives when managing capital are:

    *     To safeguard the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, so that it can continue to provide returns for shareholders and
benefits for other stakeholders, and
    *     To provide an adequate return to shareholders by pricing products and services commensurately with the level of risk.

    The Group sets the amount of capital in proportion to risk. The Group manages the capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the
light of changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of the underlying assets. In order to maintain or adjust the capital
structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares, or sell
assets to reduce debt.

                          Property, plant and  Onerous leases  Retention of title  Other provisions           Total
                                         �000            �000                �000              �000            �000
   At beginning of                        184             901                  85                 1           1,171
   Credit for the                          52               -                   -                 -              52
   Utilised in the                       (16)           (181)                (83)                 -           (280)
   Increase during the                      -              13                   -                 -              13
   year in the
   discounted amount
   arising from the
   passage of time
   At end of period                       220             733                   2                 1             956

                                   1  24 February 2007
                          March 2008              �000
   Current                       162               253
   Non-current                   794               918
                                 956             1,171

    The onerous lease provision relates to onerous contracts on stores where rent commitments are charged at levels above the local market
rate. This provision was established as a fair value provision on the acquisition of certain subsidiaries.  The provision is calculated
using a five year discounted cash flow analysis.  

    Certain valid retention of title claims existed against stock acquired from Room 2 Limited (in Administration). These have been
provided, in full.  This provision is expected to be utilised within the next three years.

    The costs of closing unwanted stores held by the administrator together with certain other pre-administration liabilities were also
provided as other provisions.

    The property, plant and equipment provision relates to amounts that have been accrued to satisfy the legal obligations to bring store
premises back into the condition in which they were originally received at the commencement of the lease.

 22                                SHARE CAPITAL               1              24
                                                      March 2008   February 2007
                                                            �000            �000
     Equity: 40,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p              200             200
     Non-equity: 50,000 redeemable shares of �1               50              50
                                                             250             250

   Allotted, issued and fully paid:
   Equity: 21,696,703 (2007: 21,696,703)                     108             108
   ordinary shares of 0.5p each

 23  RESERVES                         Shares to be issued  Share premium account

     Balance at 26 February 2006                       32                  3,025
     Ordinary shares issued                             -                    677
     Share premium expenses debited                     -                   (14)
     to share premium
     Transfer to retained earnings                    (7)                      -
     Balance at 24 February 2007                       25                  3,688
     Transfer to retained earnings                    (4)                      -
     Balance at 1 March 2008                           21                  3,688

    Share premium account

    The share premium account comprises the premium over nominal value on shares. The use of this reserve is restricted by the Companies Act

    Shares to be issued

    Shares to be issued reflects the equity component of the convertible loan notes.

    This represents accumulated earnings to date.

                                               Group         Company
                                                �000            �000
   At 26 February 2006                         (340)           (294)
   Transfer from shares to be issued               7               7
   Profit/(loss) for the period                  194           (252)
   At 24 February 2007                         (139)           (539)
   At 24 February 2007                         (139)           (539)
   Transfer from shares to be issued               4               4
   Loss for period                             (145)           (169)
   At 1 March 2008                             (280)           (704)


    The minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating lease rentals are in aggregate as follows:
                                          Group                           Company
                                      1  24 February 2007               1              24
                             March 2008                        March 2008        February
                                   �000              �000            �000            �000
   Land and buildings
     Within one year              3,150             3,406               -               -
     In second to fifth          11,026            12,204               -               -
   year inclusive
     After five years            17,267            20,368               -               -
     Within one year                 72                39               -               -
     In the second to               117                24               -               -
   fifth year inclusive
                                 31,632            36,041               -               -

    The group operates a defined contribution pension scheme whose assets are held separately from those of the group in an independently
administered fund. The pension cost charge represents contributions payable by the group and amounted to �71,000 (2007: �79,000).
Contributions totalling �7,000 (2007: �7,000) were payable to the funds at the period end and are included in creditors.


    The company is a member of a group registration for Value Added Tax purposes. Under the terms of this registration, each member is
jointly and severally liable for the VAT liability for all members. As at 1 March 2008 the VAT liability amounted to �273,000 (2007:


    During the year the company purchased goods for resale of �4,000 (2007: �473,000) from a company in which a director of Strategic Retail
plc is also a director. There are no balances outstanding at the balance sheet date in respect of these transactions.

    The company has entered into an agreement with a company of which a director of Strategic Retail Plc is a partner, dated 29 September
2003 and subsequently amended on 28 November 2003 under which the company has agreed to provide the services of the director as executive
chairman of the company and specifically to monitor the performance of the company from a shareholder perspective. The services are provided
on a non-exclusive "ad-hoc" basis for an annual fee of �18,000 (2007: �18,000). No amounts were outstanding at the year end. 

    The company has also entered into an agreement with a company whereby the services of another director are supplied for an annual fee of
�18,000 (2007: �18,000). At the year end �3,000 was outstanding (2007: �3,000).

    Remuneration of key management personnel

    The remuneration of the other key management personnel who are not directors of the Group, is set out below in aggregate. Further
information about the remuneration of directors is set out in note 5.

                                       53 weeks        52 weeks
                                        ended 1        ended 24
                                         March         February
                                           2008            2007
                                           �000            �000
   Short term employee benefits             200             196
   Post employment benefits                  19              19
                                            219             215
    Parent company

    Other than the settlement of part of inter-company indebtedness there were no transactions between the parent company and its
subsidiaries. The aggregate amount due from fellow subsidiaries to the parent company at 1 March 2008 was �4,179,224 (2007: �4,514,593).


    The effects of the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are shown in the reconciliation statements below:  

    The adjustments relate to the following:

    *     The first two UK GAAP columns represent a decommissioning/dismantling provision and holiday pay accrual which would not fall to be
adjusted as prior year end adjustments due to their materiality. They have been effected to fully align accounting policies with IFRS.  
    The third column reflects a changed accounting treatment for certain convertible loan notes which were issued in August 2005. In 2006
these were treated solely as shares to be issued. The directors now believe a more appropriate treatment is to show these as a compound
financial instrument split between financial liabilities and shares to be issued reserve.
    *     Goodwill at the transition date has been reviewed for impairment and where applicable adjusted.  Amortisation in subsequent
periods has been reversed.
    *     Outstanding holiday pay has been reviewed and accrued as appropriate.
    *     The costs of bringing leased properties back to the state they were received in has been provided and an equivalent amount
capitalised in property, plant and equipment.

    The Group has taken the exemption under IFRS 1 not to restate business combinations completed prior to the date of transition.

   Consolidated income statement for the year ended 24 February 2007

                                UK GAAP   UK GAAP Adjustments         UK GAAP        UK  GAAP        Revised UK       IFRS 3 Business       
                            24 February             Property,     Adjustments      Adjustment              GAAP          combinations     24
                                   2007   plant and equipment        Employee       Financial       24 February                             
                                                                     benefits     Instruments              2007
                                   �000                  �000            �000            �000              �000                  �000       
   REVENUE                       21,557                     -               -               -            21,557                     -       
   Cost of sales               (11,161)                     -               -               -          (11,161)                     -       
   GROSS PROFIT                  10,396                     -               -               -            10,396                     -       
   Distribution costs           (8,621)                  (13)               9               -           (8,625)                   231       
   Administrative               (1,814)                     -               -               -           (1,814)                     -       
   GROUP OPERATING                 (39)                  (13)               9               -              (43)                   231       
   Profit on sale of                                        -               -               -               125                     -
   property, plant and              125                                                                                                     
   Finance revenue                    3                     -               -               -                 3                     -       
   Finance costs                   (15)                     -               -           (107)             (122)                     -       
   PROFIT BEFORE                     74                  (13)               9           (107)              (37)                   231       
   Taxation                           -                     -               -               -                 -                     -       
   PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                   (13)               9           (107)              (37)                   231
    - basic and diluted           0.42p                                                                                                     

    Consolidated balance sheet as at 25 February 2006

                                UK GAAP    UK GAAP adjustment               UK GAAP            UK GAAP  Revised UK GAAP  IAS36 Impairment 
IAS1 Presentation           IFRS 
                            25 February   Property, plant and   adjustment Employee        adjustments      24 February         of assets   
   of financial     25 February
                                   2006             equipment              benefits          Financial             2007                     
     statements            2006
   ASSETS                          �000                  �000                  �000               �000             �000              �000   
           �000            �000
   Intangible assets              4,263                     -                     -                  -            4,263             (476)   
              -           3,787
   Property, plant and            1,337                    99                     -                  -            1,436                 -   
              -           1,436
   Deferred tax                     150                     -                     -                  -              150                 -   
              -             150
                                  5,750                    99                     -                  -            5,849             (476)   
              -           5,373
   Inventories                    4,472                     -                     -                  -            4,472                 -   
              -           4,472
   Trade and other                  609                     -                     -                  -              609                 -   
              -             609
   Cash and cash                    558                     -                     -                  -              558                 -   
              -             558
                                  5,639                     -                     -                  -            5,639                 -   
              -           5,639
   Trade and other              (4,250)                     -                  (58)                  -          (4,308)                 -   
              -         (4,308)
   Corporation tax                 (12)                     -                     -                  -             (12)                 -   
              -            (12)
   Provisions for                     -                     -                     -                  -                -                 -   
          (550)           (550)
   liabilities and
                                (4,262)                     -                  (58)                  -          (4,320)                 -   
          (550)         (4,870)
   NET CURRENT ASSETS             1,377                     -                  (58)                  -            1,319                 -   
          (550)             769
   NON-CURRENT                        -                     -                     -            (1,776)          (1,776)                 -   
              -         (1,776)
   Financial liability
   Provisions for
   liabilities and
   charges                      (1,945)                 (170)                     -                  -          (2,115)                 -   
            550         (1,565)
   NET ASSETS                     5,182                  (71)                  (58)            (1,776)            3,277             (476)   
              -           2,801
   Called up share                   84                     -                     -                  -               84                 -   
              -              84
   Share premium                  3,025                     -                     -                  -            3,025                 -   
              -           3,025
   Shares to be issued            1,715                     -                     -            (1,683)               32                 -   
              -              32
   Profit and loss                  358                  (71)                  (58)               (93)              136             (476)   
              -           (340)
   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           5,182                  (71)                  (58)            (1,776)            3,277             (476)   
              -           2,801

   Consolidated balance sheet as at 24 February 2007

                                        UK GAAP         UK GAAP         UK GAAP         UK GAAP  Revised UK GAAP  IAS38 Intangible          
IAS36         IAS 37            IFRS 
                                    24 February    adjustments      adjustments     adjustments      24 February            assets     
Impairment      Provisions     24 February
                                           2007       Property,        Employee       Financial             2007                         of
assets                            2007
                                                      plant and        benefits     Instruments
                                           �000            �000            �000            �000             �000              �000          
 �000            �000            �000
 Intangible assets                        4,153               -               -               -            4,153               231          
(476)               -           3,908
 Property, plant and equipment            1,015             100               -               -            1,115                 -          
    -               -           1,115
 Deferred tax                               150               -               -               -              150                 -          
    -               -             150
                                          5,318             100               -               -            5,418               231          
(476)               -           5,173
 Inventories                              4,269               -               -               -            4,269                 -          
    -               -           4,269
 Trade and other receivables                878               -               -               -              878                 -          
    -               -             878
 Cash and cash equivalents                  194               -               -               -              194                 -          
    -               -             194
                                          5,341               -               -               -            5,341                 -          
    -               -           5,341
 Trade and other payables               (4,105)               -            (49)               -          (4,154)                 -          
    -               -         (4,154)
 Provisions for liabilities and                               -               -               -                -                 -          
    -           (253)           (253)
 charges                                      -
                                        (4,105)               -            (49)               -          (4,154)                 -          
    -           (253)         (4,407)
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                       1,236               -            (49)               -            1,187                 -          
    -           (253)             934
 Financial liability                          -               -               -         (1,507)          (1,507)                 -          
    -               -         (1,507)
 Provisions for liabilities and                           (184)               -               -          (1,171)                 -          
    -             253           (918)
 charges                                  (987)
 NET ASSETS                               5,567            (84)            (49)         (1,507)            3,927               231          
(476)               -           3,682
 Called up share capital                    108               -               -               -              108                 -          
    -               -             108
 Share premium account                    3,688               -               -               -            3,688                 -          
    -               -           3,688
 Shares to be issued                      1,339               -               -         (1,314)               25                 -          
    -               -              25
 Profit and loss account                    432            (84)            (49)           (193)              106               231          
(476)               -           (139)
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                     5,567            (84)            (49)         (1,507)            3,927               231          
(476)               -           3,682


   Consolidated cash flow statement for the 12 months ended 24 February 2007

                                 Notes                 UK GAAP         UK GAAP adjustments         UK GAAP    Revised UK GAAP             
                                                       24 February               Property,     adjustments   24 February 2007        
Intangible  24 February
                                                       2007                      plant and        Employee                               
assets  2007
                                                                                 equipment        benefits
 CONSOLIDATED CASH                                     �000            �000                 �000            �000               �000         
 Operating profit                                      (39)            (13)                 9               (43)               231          
 Adjusted for:
 Depreciation                    (iii)                 253             13                   -               266                -            
 Amortisation of goodwill        (i)                   231             -                    -               231                (231)        
 Finance revenue                                       3               -                    -               3                  -            
 Finance costs                                         (15)            -                    -               (15)               -            
                                                       433             -                    9               442                -            
 Decrease/(increase in                                 324             -                    -               324                -            
 Decrease in trade and other                           (262)           -                    -               (262)              -            
 Increase/(decrease) in trade    (ii)                  (170)           -                    (9)             (179)              -            
 and other payables
 Decrease in provisions                                (887)           -                    -               (887)              -            
 CASH GENERATED FROM OPERATIONS                        (562)           -                    -               (562)              -            
 Acquisition of subsidiary                             (166)           -                    -               (166)              -            
 Purchase of property, plant                           (260)           -                    -               (260)              -            
 and equipment
 Proceeds from sale of property,                          313                    -                       -                     313    -     
 plant and equipment
 NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                 (113)                     -                      -               (113)              
-     (113)
 Issue of ordinary shares                              386             -                    -               386                -            
 Payment in lieu of shares                             (75)            -                    -               (75)               -            
 NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES                     311                   -                     -                  311               
 -                  311
 NET (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                                                          
 -                (364)
 AND BANK OVERDRAFT                                    (364)                 -                           -               (364)     

 Cash, cash equivalents and
 bank overdrafts at beginning                          558             -                    -               558                -            
 of period
 BANK OVERDRAFTS AT END OF THE                         194             -                    -               194                -            


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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