Martin Currie High Income Trust plc
Stock Exchange Announcement - 2 December 2003

In accordance with the Listing Rules, which require, inter alia, UK-
listed investment companies to notify to a Regulatory Information
Service, within two business days of the end of each calendar month, a
list of all investments in other investment companies that do not have a
stated investment policy to invest no more than 15% of their gross
assets in other UK-listed investment companies as at the last business
day of that month, Martin Currie High Income Trust plc announces that,
as at 28 November 2003, its investments in such other investment
companies were:

                                 % of gross assets 
BFS Equity Inc & Bond Trust Plc        0.340%      
Exeter Selective Assets Plc            0.008%      
Gartmore Distribution Trust            0.006%      

For further information, please contact:

Michael Woodward
Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd      0131 229 5252