RNS Number:2591J
Ottakar's PLC
27 March 2003

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          27 March 2003

Ottakar's plc
Audited Preliminary Results
For the 53 weeks ended 1 February 2003

Ottakar's plc, one of the UK's leading specialist book retailers announces its 
audited preliminary results for the 53 weeks to 1 February 2003.

                                  "Record Results"

                                                2003            2002
                                                53 weeks        52 weeks

Group Turnover                                  #114.8m         #98.0m              UP 17%

Gross Margin                                    41.6%           39.7%

Operating Profit                                #5.6m           #4.6m               UP 22%

Profit before Tax                               #5.1m           #4.0m               UP 28%

Basic EPS                                       16.41p          12.88p              UP 27%

Final Dividend                                  2.55p           2.0p                UP 28%

Year end stores                                 93              78

Year end trading space (sq ft)                  380,400         312,000               UP 22%

* Sharp rise in gross margin due to improved supply chain efficiencies
* James Thin acquisition in line with expectations
* Strong Christmas sales from Constantine and Woodall's What Not to Wear, Schott's Original Miscellany and Michael      
  Palin's Sahara.
* Satisfactory start to new financial year - sales up 17.4%  (1% like for like) for the seven weeks to 22 March 2003,   
  despite the understandable focus on military action in Iraq.

Commenting on prospects for the current year, Philip Dunne, Chairman, said:

"Ottakar's enjoyed a record year in 2002 with strong organic growth being complemented by the James Thin acquisition.  
The outlook for 2003 also looks encouraging, subject to the impact of events in Iraq. Further progress will be driven by
the launch of the fifth Harry Potter novel, coupled with our continued store opening programme and additional supply 
chain efficiencies."

For further information, contact:

James Heneage, Managing Director                                  01722 428500
Edward Knighton, Finance Director                                 07714 458566
Buchanan Communications:
Charles Ryland/Nicola Cronk                                       020 7466 5000

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to report the record results of Ottakar's for the 53 week period
to 1 February 2003. This represents the third year running in which the Company
has generated earnings per share growth in excess of 25%.

Ottakar's is one of the UK's leading specialist book retailers trading from a
portfolio of 93 prime sited stores in towns and cities across England, Scotland
and Wales. Ottakar's stores provide depth of range and high levels of service to
a broad customer base.


During the year under review, the Group demonstrated a strong trading
performance. Sales increased by 17.1% to #114.8m (2002: #98.0m) and pre-tax
profits increased by 27.5% to #5.1m (2002: #4.0m). Diluted earnings per share
increased by 3.48p to 16.18p (2002: 12.70 p).

Further operational improvements were implemented during 2002 with a particular
concentration on margin. I am particularly pleased to report that gross margins
increased from 39.7% to 41.6% during the year. This was achieved by increased
buying from direct suppliers, the introduction of new technology, reduced
shrinkage and measures to minimise obsolete stock. In addition, 0.3% of the
increase relates to the benefit of stock acquired from the administrators of
James Thin Limited at less than our normal cost. This stock was sold during the
period under review.

Ottakar's core stores traded well throughout the period with like-for-like sales
increasing over the comparable 52 week period by 3.2% to #87.3m  (2002: #84.5m).
We were pleased to note that ING's December 2002 research note on the accuracy
and credibility of 52 quoted retailers' like for like sales calculations placed
Ottakar's top, as we exclude all stores which have been extended, relocated or
refurbished in either comparative period from the like for like estate. New and
refurbished stores and those opened during the 52 weeks to 26 January 2002
contributed 13.8% to sales growth during the period.  Performance from the seven
new stores in Abergavenny, Ayr, Greenwich, Hexham, Market Harborough, Ormskirk
and Tenterden was encouraging. The eight stores acquired from the administrators
to James Thin Limited in April 2002 contributed 7.2% of the total sales

The Launchpad concept was started in 1999 both as a stand alone store in the
Meadowhall shopping centre and as an extension to the childrens departments of
our major stores. We have decided not to roll out the stand alone store concept
and therefore have incurred a one-off charge of #300,000 in closing the
Meadowhall store, of which #120,000 is a cash item. Launchpad areas continue to
provide a key element of entertainment within our Lifestyle stores.

Trading period

These results are for a 53 week trading period to 1 February 2003. We estimate
that the 53rd week contributed #1.9m to turnover and #33,000 to profit before


Due to the continuing improvement in profitability, the consequent strengthening
in the balance sheet and our confidence in the future, the directors are
recommending a 28% increase in the final dividend to 2.55 pence per share (2002:
2.0 pence per share). This makes a total dividend of 4.0 pence per share for the
53 weeks to 1 February 2003 (2002: 3.2 pence per share), an increase of 25% for
the year as a whole.  Subject to shareholders' approval, the final dividend will
be paid on 16 May 2003 to shareholders on the register at 18 April 2003.

New Stores

During the 53 weeks to 1 February 2003, we opened seven stores adding 21,600
square feet of net retail space. Four existing stores were refurbished with no
change in retail space, and one store was relocated and extended by 3,000 square
feet to include a coffee shop. In addition we acquired eight stores from the
administrators of James Thin totalling 43,800 square feet. New net retail space
for the period was, therefore, 68,400 square feet (2002: 13,000 square feet). At
the period end, total selling space was 380,400 square feet (2002: 312,000
square feet), of which 14,400 square feet opened in the 27 weeks to 1 February

Ottakar's traded from 93 stores at the year end, of which 28 stores covering
184,000 square feet are in our Lifestyle format including a coffee shop, some
48% of our total selling space. At the previous year end the group had 21
Lifestyle stores trading from 146,500 square feet.

James Thin acquisition

As stated above, we acquired eight stores (of which three were freehold sites)
in April from the administrators of James Thin for #1.6m. This acquisition has
been successfully integrated into the group with all stores rebranded as
Ottakar's. Costs of #320,000 incurred in integrating this acquisition have been
included in selling and distribution costs. We have refurbished five of the
eight stores (Aviemore, Edinburgh George Street, Fareham, Weston-super-Mare,
Woking) and will relocate Dumfries and Inverness in 2003. Dundee will relocate
in 2004. Meanwhile we sold the Aviemore (on a sale and leaseback basis) and
Inverness freehold sites in October 2002 and March 2003 respectively and we are
actively seeking to dispose of the remaining freehold in Dumfries.

Coffee Concessions

Our long standing arrangements with Costa Coffee have proved mutually beneficial
and Costa now operate concessions in 26 of our 28 stores with coffee shops.
Indeed Ottakar's is Costa's largest in-store concession partner in the UK. We
are pleased to announce today that all current five year agreements with Costa
have been extended to seven years and that all future agreements with Costa will
be on a seven year term.

Current Trading and Prospects

Ottakar's enjoyed a record year in 2002 with strong organic growth being
complemented by the James Thin acquisition.  The outlook for 2003 also looks
encouraging, subject to the impact of events in Iraq. Further progress will be
driven by the launch of the fifth Harry Potter novel, coupled with our continued
store opening programme and additional supply chain efficiencies.

I am pleased to report that total sales for the 7 weeks to 22 March 2003 were up
17.4% on 2002 - a like-for-like increase of 1%. Since the year end we have
refurbished our Aviemore, East Grinstead and Basildon stores and relocated in
Truro and Inverness to new lifestyle stores. A total opening programme of around
40,000 square feet is expected this year, to include the opening of a new
lifestyle store in Guildford.

Since the year end the group has won three awards at the British Book Awards
2002 - for our innovations in buying systems and internal information microsites
and most significantly, as inaugural winner of the "Bookselling Company of the
Year" award. Accordingly on behalf of the Board I would especially like to thank
our staff for their continuing commitment to the business. It is our staff who
are responsible for delivering our distinctive customer service in our stores -
to them we owe thanks for achieving the record results and for winning these

Philip Dunne, Chairman
                                                                   26 March 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                    Note                         Acquisition              Total     52 weeks to
                                            53 weeks to 1      53 weeks to 1      53 weeks to 1 26 January 2002
                                            February 2003      February 2003      February 2003         Audited
                                                  Audited            Audited            Audited            #000         
                                                     #000               #000               #000
Turnover                                          107,796              7,043            114,839          98,049
Cost of sales                                    (63,046)            (4,064)           (67,110)        (59,152)
Gross profit                                       44,750              2,979             47,729          38,897
Selling and distribution costs                   (33,949)            (2,672)           (36,621)        (29,881)
Administration expenses                           (5,483)                  -            (5,483)         (4,400)

Operating profit                                    5,318                307              5,625           4,616

Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                              -            (53)
Profit before interest and taxation                                                       5,625           4,563
Other interest receivable and                                                                 -               2
similar income
Interest payable and similar                                                              (525)           (562)

Profit on ordinary activities                                                             5,100           4,003
before taxation
Taxation on profit on ordinary      9                                                   (1,822)         (1,417)

Profit for the financial period                                                           3,278           2,586
Equity dividends paid and proposed  2                                                     (800)           (640)

Retained profits for the period for                                                       2,478           1,946
equity shareholders

Earnings per share:                 3
Basic earnings per share                                                                 16.41p          12.88p
Diluted earnings per share                                                               16.18p          12.70p

All of the results presented above derive from continuing business activities.

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                           Note         53 weeks to             52 weeks to
                                                                         1 February              26 January
                                                                               2003                    2002
                                                                               #000                    #000    
Profit for the financial period                                               3,278                   2,586

Prior period adjustment                                                                               (364)
Total gains and losses recognised since last annual report                                            2,222

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                      1 February 2003           26 January
                                                                              Audited                 2002
                                                                                 #000              Audited
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                                 752                  801
Tangible assets                                                                22,000               17,968
Investments                                                8                      350                  350
                                                                               23,102               19,119
Current assets
Stocks                                                                         20,505               16,307
Debtors                                                                         4,031                3,099
Cash at bank and in hand                                   6                      210                  680
                                                                               24,746               20,086
Amounts falling due within one year                                          (21,833)             (15,709)
Net current assets                                                              2,913                4,377

Total assets less current liabilities                                          26,015               23,496
Amounts falling due after more than one year                                  (7,455)              (7,515)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                                          (764)                (713)

Net assets                                                                     17,796               15,268

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                         1,012                1,009
Share premium account                                                           6,128                6,081
Capital redemption reserve                                                        512                  512
Profit and loss account                                                        10,144                7,666

Equity shareholders' funds                                 7                   17,796               15,268

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                  Note         53 weeks to          52 weeks to
                                                                                1 February           26 January
                                                                                      2003                 2002
                                                                                   Audited              Audited
                                                                                      #000                 #000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                         4                  9,174                5,931

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                        -                    2
Interest paid                                                                        (525)                (562)

Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of                        (525)                (560)

Taxation                                                                           (1,638)              (1,085)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                          (7,006)              (3,070)
Payments to acquire investments                                                          -                (350)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets                                           204                    -

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial                            (6,802)              (3,420)

Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of business                                                            (1,587)                 (55)
Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals                                   (1,587)                 (55)

Equity dividends paid                                                                (688)                (544)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                         (2,066)                  267

Gross proceeds from issue of share capital                                              50                   43

Net cash inflow from financing                                                          50                   43

(Decrease)/Increase in cash                                       5                (2,016)                  310

Notes to financial information

1.  Basis of preparation

The financial information set out above has been prepared on a 53 week basis (2002: 52 week basis). It does not 
constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the 53 weeks ended 1 February 2003 or 52 weeks ended 26 January 2002, but 
is derived from those statements.  Statutory accounts for 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and 
those for 2003 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

The Auditors have reported on the accounts for the 52 weeks to 26 January 2002 and 53 weeks to 1 February 2003. Their 
reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2.  Dividends
                                                                           53 weeks to        52 weeks to
                                                                            1 February         26 January
                                                                                  2003               2002
                                                                                  #000               #000
Interim paid 1.45p per share (2002: 1.20p)                                         290                242
Final proposed 2.55p per share (2002: 2.00p)                                       510                398
                                                                                   800                640

A final dividend of 2.55 pence per share (2002: 2.00p) has been declared.  The final dividend will be paid on 16 May 
2003 to shareholders on the register as at 18 April 2003.

3.  Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share of 16.41 pence (2002: 12.88 pence) are based on earnings of #3,278,000 (2002: #2,586,000)  and 
on 19.982 million ordinary shares (2002: 20.073 million) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
throughout the period. Diluted earnings per share of 16.18 pence (2002: 12.70 pence) are based on adjusted earnings of 
#3,278,000 (2002: #2,586,000) and on a weighted average of 20.258 million (2002: 20.358 million) ordinary shares.

4.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                                                     53 weeks to                 52 weeks to
                                                                      1 February                  26 January
                                                                            2003                        2002
                                                                            #000                        #000

Operating profit                                                           5,625                       4,616
Impairment of tangible fixed assets                                          571                           -
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                      3,242                       2,741
Amortisation of positive goodwill                                             49                          47
Release of negative goodwill                                               (308)                           -
Increase in stocks                                                       (3,346)                     (1,615)
Increase in debtors                                                        (932)                       (301)
Increase in creditors                                                      4,273                         518
Decrease in provisions                                                         -                        (75)
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                  9,174                       5,931

5.  Reconciliation of cash flows to net debt

                                                                     53 weeks to                  52 weeks to
                                                                      1 February                   26 January
                                                                            2003                         2002
                                                                           #'000                        #'000

(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the period                                 (2,016)                         310
Change in debt from cash flows                                            (2,016)                         310
Net debt brought forward                                                  (6,320)                     (6,630)
Net debt carried forward                                                  (8,336)                     (6,320)

6.  Analysis of net debt

                                     At 26 January 2002                Cash          At 1 February 2003
                                                   #000               Flows                        #000

Cash at bank and in hand                            680               (470)                         210
Bank Overdraft                                        -             (1,546)                     (1,546)
Long term loan                                  (7,000)                   -                     (7,000)
Total                                           (6,320)             (2,016)                     (8,336)

7.  Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds


                                                   53 weeks to 1      52 weeks to 26
                                                   February 2003        January 2002
                                                            #000                #000

Profit for the financial period                            3,278               2,586
Dividends                                                  (800)               (640)
Retained profit for the period                             2,478               1,946
Net proceeds from the issue of shares                         50                  43
                                                           2,528               1,989
Equity shareholders' funds at the beginning of            15,268              13,279
the period
Equity shareholders' funds at the end of the              17,796              15,268

8.  Investments

                                                      At 1 February 2003  At 26 January 2002
                                                                    #000                #000

Loan to Employee Benefit Trust                                       350                 350

The employee benefit trust, funded by a loan from the Company acquired 260,000 shares for a total nominal value of 
#13,000. The shares will be held in trust until such time as they may be transferred to participants of the Ottakar's 
Approved and Second Unapproved share schemes.

9.  Taxation on profit on ordinary activities

Analysis of charge in the period                                           53 weeks to        52 weeks to
                                                                            1 February         26 January
                                                                                  2003               2002
                                                                                  #000               #000
UK corporation tax
Current tax on income for the period at 30% (2002: 30%)                          1,728              1,305
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                                             43                 91
Total current tax                                                                1,771              1,396

Deferred tax
Origination / reversal of timing differences                                        51                 21
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                             1,822              1,417

Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period

The current tax charge for the period is higher (2002: higher) than the standard
rate of corporation tax in the United Kingdom (30%, 2002: 30%). The differences
are explained below.

                                                            53 weeks to       52 weeks to
                                                             1 February        26 January
                                                                   2003              2002
Current tax reconciliation
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                          5,100             4,003
Current tax rate at 30%                                           1,530             1,201
Effects of:
Depreciation for period in excess of capital allowances             328               190
Other items treated differently for tax purposes (primarily the
treatment of amortisation of goodwill and lease premia)           (130)              (86)
Adjustments to tax charge on respect of prior periods                43                91
Total current tax charge (see above)                              1,771             1,396

10.  Acquisition of business

During the period under review, 8 stores were acquired from the administrators of James Thin Limited. Certain assets 
were acquired at below fair value, giving rise to negative goodwill. These assets were subsequently disposed of using 
the period under review and so the negative goodwill of #308,000 has been released to profit in accordance with 
Financial Reporting Standard 10. Costs of #320,000 incurred in integrating this acquisition have been included in 
selling and distribution costs.

Details of the negative goodwill are outlined below.

                                                              Cost         Adjustments          Fair Value
                                                              #000                #000                #000

Freehold property                                              989                  54               1,043
Stock                                                          503                 349                 852
                                                             1,492                 403               1,895
Negative goodwill                                                                                    (308)

Represented by: Gross cash consideration                                                             1,587

The fair value adjustments were:

Freehold property
One of the acquired properties was subsequently resold.  The adjustment revalues the property at sales value so as to 
record the subsequent disposal at nil gain/nil loss.
Stock has been adjusted to value it at the lower of replacement cost and net realisable value.

11.  Copies of this announcement

Copies of this announcement are available from the Company Secretary,
Ottakar's plc, St Johns House, 72 St Johns Road, London, SW11 1PT.

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be distributed to shareholders
and delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course.

12.  Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the offices of Teather & Greenwood,
Beaufort House, 15 St.Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QR at 11:00am on 13 May 2003.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange