Rule 8.3 - Inter Alliance Group PLC
January 22 2004 - 10:36AM
UK Regulatory
FORM 8.1/8.3
Lodge with an RIS and Newstrack, if appropriate, and the Takeover Panel.
Use separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been
Date of disclosure: 22/01/2004
DISCLOSURE UNDER RULES 8.1(a), 8.1(b)(i) AND 8.3
Date of dealing: 21/01/04
Dealing in Inter Alliance Group PLC (name of company)
(1) Class of securities (eg ordinary shares) Ordinary shares
(2) Amount bought Amount sold Price per unit
500,000 �0.0317
(3) Resultant total of the same class owned or controlled (and percentage of
class) 18,500,000 (2.04%)
(4) Party making disclosure Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Securities Limited
(5) EITHER (a) Name of purchaser/vendor (Note 1) Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
Securities Limited
OR (b) If dealing for discretionary client(s), name of fund management
organisation n/a
(6) Reason for disclosure (Note 2)
(a) associate of:
(i) offeror (Note 3) (please advise Yes or No) No
(ii) offeree company (please advise Yes or No) No
Specify which category or categories of associate (1-8 overleaf):
If category (8), explain: n/a
(b) Rule 8.3 (ie disclosure because of ownership or control of 1% or more of
the class of relevant securities dealt in) (please advise Yes or No) Yes
(Also print name of signatory): Clare Chatfield
Telephone and extension number: 0207 475 5890