RNS Number : 7703Q

Kenrick No.3 PLC

01 March 2021

             Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
    Annual report and financial statements 
      for the year ended 31 March 2020 
         Registered number: 11001450 
   Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
     Contents                                                           Page 
   Directors and advisors                                              1 
   Strategic report                                                    2 
   Directors' report                                                   4 
     Statement of Directors' responsibilities in respect of 
     the strategic report, Directors' report and the financial 
     statements                                                        5 
   Independent auditor's report to the members of Kenrick 
    No. 3 Plc                                                          6 
   Statement of comprehensive income                                    10 
   Statement of changes in equity                                       10 
   Statement of financial position                                      11 
   Statement of cash flows                                              12 
   Notes to the financial statements                                    13 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Directors and advisors 
  Charles Michael Leahy 
  MaplesFS UK Corporate 
   Director No.1 Limited 
  MaplesFS UK Corporate 
   Director No.2 Limited 
  Company secretary 
  Maples Fiduciary Services 
   (UK) Limited 
  Chartered Accountants 
  One Snowhill 
   Snow Hill Queensway 
   B4 6GH 
  Clifford Chance LLP 
    Registered office 
  11th Floor 
  200 Aldersgate Street 
  EC1A 4HD 
    Registered number 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Strategic report 
  The Directors present their strategic report for Kenrick No. 
   3 Plc (the Company) for the year ended 31 March 2020. 
  Business model, objectives and future developments 
  The principal activity of the Company is the holding of secured 
   residential mortgage portfolios. 
  On 25 January 2018, the Company acquired a 99% beneficial 
   interest in a mortgage portfolio secured on residential properties 
   located in England and Wales. The assets were acquired from 
   West Bromwich Building Society (the Seller), the originator 
   of the mortgages. The acquisition of these loans was financed 
   by the issue of mortgage backed floating rate loan notes (GBP350,000,000 
   Class A and GBP33,100,000 Class B floating rate notes with 
   a final maturity date of October 2054). The notes are listed 
   on the London Stock Exchange. 
  The securitisation structure has been established as a means 
   of raising finance for West Bromwich Building Society and 
   its subsidiaries. Under the terms of the securitisation transaction 
   the activities of the Company are managed through a series 
   of agreements whereby the Company retains the rights to a 
   profit of 
   GBP1,000 per annum, subject to there being sufficient available 
   revenue receipts. Deferred consideration is payable to West 
   Bromwich Building Society to the extent to which surplus income 
   is generated by the residential mortgage assets to which the 
   Company holds the beneficial title. 
    The Company's tax charge is based on the tax regime for securitisation 
    The principal asset of the Company is a beneficial interest 
    in a mortgage portfolio, which is classified as a deemed loan 
    in the Company's statement of financial position, as described 
    in note 1. The deemed loan is subject to economic factors 
    affecting the residential loan market and reviewed annually 
    for impairment. 
  The Directors are not, at the date of this report, aware of 
   any likely major changes in the Company's activities in the 
   next year. 
  Results and review of the business 
  The Company's loss for the year of GBP796,000 (2019 restated: 
   loss GBP414,000) has been transferred to reserves. 
  The statement of financial position on page 11 of the financial 
   statements shows the Company's financial position at the period 
   end date. 
  Key performance indicators 
  The key performance indicators used by management in assessing 
   the performance of the Company are monitoring of actual cash 
   flows against planned cash flows within the scheduled waterfall 
   of payments and the level of arrears in the underlying mortgage 
   During the period, the Company made all required payments 
   on the loan notes and paid all normal operating expenses. 
   At 31 March 2020, there were no loans with arrears of three 
   months or more in the underlying mortgage portfolio (2019: 
  Principal risks and uncertainties 
  The Company's financial instruments comprise a deemed loan 
   to West Bromwich Building Society (equivalent to the value 
   of its investment in the mortgages held in trust), cash and 
   liquid resources, derivatives and a subordinated loan between 
   the Company and West Bromwich Building Society. The Company 
   is a securitisation company and has been structured so as 
   to avoid, as far as possible, all forms of financial risk. 
  As explained above, during the period, the Company has made 
   all required payments on the loan notes and paid all normal 
   operating expenses. 
   As with the financial impact on the economy, the longer-term 
   impact of COVID-19 on the Company is, as yet, unquantifiable 
   with any degree of confidence. The sheer scale of the government's 
   various support initiatives for individuals and businesses 
   is targeted at minimising the adverse impact on the economy. 
   The Company revisited assumptions used in its ECL calculations 
   as a result of the pandemic and the introduction of UK government 
   support schemes that followed. 
   The outcome of Brexit is not expected to directly impact the 
   Company's operations, with its activities being entirely UK-based. 
   However, there are risks that could impact the wider economy 
   in the transitional period. 
    It is, and has been throughout the period under review, the 
    Company's policy that no trading in financial instruments 
    be undertaken. 
  The principal risks arising from the Company's financial instruments 
   are credit risk and interest rate risk. These, and other risks 
   which may affect the Company's performance, are detailed below 
   and in note 2 to the financial statements. 
  Credit risk 
  Credit risk can be described as the risk of customers or counterparties 
   being unable to meet their financial obligations to the Company 
   as they become due. 
    The ability of the Company to pay loan interest and principal 
    will depend on the amount and timing of payment of interest 
    on the mortgage loans and the repayment of principal by the 
    borrowers. Credit risk arises on the individual loans within 
    the mortgage loan portfolio which are in turn secured on the 
    underlying UK residential properties. The performance of these 
    loans is therefore influenced by the economic background and 
    the UK residential property market. Under International Financial 
    Reporting Standards (IFRSs) the beneficial interest in the 
    mortgage portfolio is classified as a deemed loan in the Company's 
    statement of financial position. 
  In terms of administrator/cash management, the Company has 
   engaged West Bromwich Building Society to monitor repayments 
   on the mortgage loans in accordance with its credit policies. 
   West Bromwich Building Society is also responsible for ensuring 
   residential loans in the Trust loan pool meet the eligibility 
   criteria at loan and pool level. 
  As the Company is only required to make repayments of interest 
   and principal to the extent that repayments are received from 
   the mortgage administrator in respect of the mortgage loans, 
   impairment losses on the deemed loan are not borne by the 
   Company but by the Seller (in terms of impacting the Company's 
   ability to pay deferred consideration and repay principal 
   and interest on the subordinated loan provided to the Company 
   by the Seller). 
  Interest rate risk 
  Interest rate risk exists where assets and liabilities have 
   interest rates set under a different basis or which reset 
   at different times. The Company minimises its exposure to 
   interest rate risk by ensuring that the interest rate characteristics 
   of assets and liabilities are similar. Where this is not possible 
   the Company uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate 
   interest rate risk. Interest rate swaps have therefore been 
   entered into to manage the Company's exposure to interest 
   rate risk. 

Kenrick No. 3 Plc Strategic report (continued) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company either does not have sufficient financial resources to enable it to meet its obligations as they fall due or can secure such resources only at excessive cost. The Company's policy to mitigate liquidity risk is through the use of a subordinated loan from West Bromwich Building Society.

The loan notes are obligations solely of the Company and will not be the responsibility of, or guaranteed by, any other entity. In particular, the loan notes will not be obligations or responsibilities of, or guaranteed by, the Seller or any of its affiliates. However due to the limited recourse nature of the Notes the Company is only obliged to make repayments of interest and principal in respect of the Notes to the extent that repayments are received from the mortgage administrator in respect of the mortgage loans. Further details of the loan notes are given in note 12.

Operational risk

Operational risk is the risk of loss and/or the negative impact on the Company resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes or systems, inability to attract, retain and motivate people, or from external events.

The activities of the Company are strictly governed by the transaction documents and Prospectus which are designed to facilitate effective and efficient operations whilst managing the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. The Company does not have any employees and has entered into contracts with a number of third parties whose responsibilities are determined by the transaction agreements.

The Company's operations are managed by West Bromwich Building Society, which has established a thorough operational risk framework which involves a Group Operational and Conduct Risk team, which co-ordinates regular reviews with the function managers and collates the output for review by executive management, the Operational, Conduct and Information Risk Group and the Group Risk Committee.

The Company's operations are also subject to periodic review by the Internal Audit function of West Bromwich Building Society.

Capital risk management

The Company is not subject to any external capital requirements except for the minimum requirement under the Companies Act 2006. The Company has not breached the minimum requirement.

Section 172 Statement

A new requirement for firms is to explain how the directors have considered the views of stakeholders as part of long-term decision making, in the form of a Section 172 Statement.

Obligations included within the new statement require directors to act in the way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the organisation and in doing so have regard to a number of key areas:

- The likely consequences of any decision in the long term;

- How constructive relationships with wider stakeholder groups are fostered;

- How any community and environmental impacts of our operations are considered;

- How a reputation for high standards of business conduct is maintained; and

- The need to act fairly and balance the interests of stakeholders

The entity's key stakeholders are its parent undertaking and noteholders, its customers as well as the regulator. The entity does not have any employees and does not occupy stand-alone premises thereby minimising the community and environmental impacts.

A summary of the entity's engagement with its key stakeholders is presented below. Additionally, the WBBS Group makes use of feedback from engagement with its wider stakeholder group including investors, intermediaries and suppliers to ensure it is achieving high standards of business conduct.

  Our Stakeholders  How the Board has considered        How else we engage to 
                     views within decision making        ensure views are considered 
Parent and          The West Bromwich Building          Decisions taken at WBBS 
 noteholder          Society (WBBS) manages its          Group level are aligned 
 undertakings        operations on a Group basis         to the long term strategic 
                     as discussed in its annual          objectives of the Group 
                     report.                             and factor in the views 
                                                         of the Group's Employee 
                     A number of Group Committees        and Member Councils as 
                     support the Company Board in        well as the wider stakeholders 
                     the effective measurement and       of the Group as described 
                     management of risk as described     below. 
                     in the principal risks and 
                     uncertainties section. 
                    ----------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Our Customers       The Group has a Member Council      - Management information 
                     which acts as a formal body         supplied to the Group 
                     that helps to inform the Group      Board monthly covering 
                     Board's long-term strategic         key customer metrics 
                     decision making.                    - An active programme 
                     Examples include the importance     of Members' ViewPoint 
                     of extending the Society's          Events providing an opportunity 
                     digital capabilities.               for members to ask questions 
                                                         of Group Executive Directors 
                                                         and senior management. 
                    ----------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Our Regulators      The West Bromwich Building          - Monthly updates provided 
                     Society's Board maintains an        on key regulatory items 
                     open and transparent relationship   covered within the material 
                     with both the FCA and the PRA.      supplied to the Group 
                     Key engagement includes:            Board. 
                     - The management of any actions     - The Group engages in 
                     raised by regulatory reviews        regular dialogue with 
                     at Board level with key updates     regulatory supervisors 
                     provided at regular intervals;      covering principal risks 
                     and                                 and other matters. Regular 
                     - Attendance of Board members       regulatory 'horizon scanning' 
                     both Executive and non-Executive    completed by the Group 
                     at key regulatory update meetings   Legal and Regulatory 
                     so the Society's position is        Team to remain well informed 
                     considered in light of emerging     regarding latest updates 
                     developments.                       and actions required. 
                    ----------------------------------  -------------------------------- 

On behalf of the Board

Charles Leahy

Representing MaplesFS UK Corporate Director No.1 Limited, Director 17 September 2020

  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Directors' report 
  The Directors present their annual report and the audited 
   financial statements of Kenrick No. 3 Plc (the Company) for 
   the year ended 31 March 2020. 
  Going concern 
  After considering the principal risks and uncertainties within 
   the strategic report, the directors have a reasonable expectation 
   that the Company will have adequate resources to continue 
   in operational existence for the foreseeable future. This 
   is further discussed in note 1. 
    Share capital 
  The issued share capital consists of 1 fully paid ordinary 
   share of GBP1 and 49,999 quarter paid ordinary shares of GBP1 
   each. The shares are beneficially owned by the Company's parent, 
   Kenrick No. 3 Holdings Limited. 
  Directors and Directors' interests 
  The Directors who held office during the period and subsequently 
   were as follows: 
  Charles Michael Leahy 
  MaplesFS UK Corporate Director No.1 Limited 
  MaplesFS UK Corporate Director No.2 Limited 
  None of the Directors has any beneficial interest in the ordinary 
   share capital of the Company. None of the Directors had any 
   interest either during or at the end of the period in any 
   material contract or arrangement with the Company. 
  Company secretary 
  Maples Fiduciary Services Limited served as the Company Secretary 
   during the period. 
  The Directors do not recommend a payment of a dividend (2019: 
  Third party indemnity 
  Qualifying third party indemnity provisions for the benefit 
   of the Directors were in force during the period under review 
   and remain in force as at the date of approval of the annual 
   report and financial statements. 
  Information included in the strategic report 
   In accordance with Section 414(c) of the Companies Act 2006 
   (Strategic Report and Directors Report) Regulations 2013, 
   the Company has prepared a strategic report that contains 
   information that would have previously been included in the 
   Directors' report, which includes the principal activity of 
   the company and review of the business. 
  Disclosure of information to the auditor 
  The Directors who held office at the date of approval of this 
   Directors' report confirm that, so far as they are each aware, 
   there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's 
   auditor is unaware, and each Director has taken all the steps 
   that they ought to have taken as a Director to make themselves 
   aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that 
   the Company's auditor is aware of that information. 
   This confirmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance 
   with the provisions of section 418(2) of the Companies Act 
  In accordance with the relevant sections of the Companies 
   Act 2006, the Company has dispensed with the requirements 
   to re-appoint the auditor annually. New auditors will be proposed 
   at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Directors' report (continued) 
  Statement of Directors' responsibilities in respect of the 
   strategic report, Directors' report and the financial statements 
  The Directors are responsible for preparing the strategic 
   report, the Directors' report and the financial statements 
   in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
   Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements 
   for each financial period. Under that law they have elected 
   to prepare the financial statements in accordance with International 
   Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European 
   Union (IFRSs as adopted by the EU) and applicable law. 
   Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial 
   statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true 
   and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and 
   of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. In 
   preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required 
    *    select suitable accounting policies and then apply 
         them consistently; 
    *    make judgements and estimates that are reasonable, 
         relevant and reliable; 
    *    state whether they have been prepared in accordance 
         with IFRSs as adopted by the EU; 
    *    assess the Company's ability to continue as a going 
         concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related 
         to going concern; and 
   -- use the going concern basis of accounting unless they 
   either intend to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, 
   or have no realistic alternative but to do so. 
   The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting 
   records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's 
   transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any 
   time the financial position of the Company and enable them 
   to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies 
   Act 2006. They are responsible for such internal control 
   as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation 
   of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, 
   whether due to fraud or error, and have general responsibility 
   for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard 
   the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud 
   and other irregularities. 
                                    On behalf of the Board 
                                    Charles Leahy 
    Representing MaplesFS UK Corporate Director No.1 Limited, 
  17 September 2020 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Independent auditor's report to the members of Kenrick No. 
   3 Plc 
  1 Our opinion is unmodified 
  We have audited the financial statements of Kenrick No. 3 
   plc ("the Company") for the year ended 31 March 2020 which 
   comprise the statement of comprehensive income, statement 
   of changes in equity, statement of financial position, statement 
   of cash flows, and the related notes, including the accounting 
   policies in note 1. 
  In our opinion the financial statements: 
    *    give a true and fair view of the state of the 
         Company's affairs as at 31 March 2020 and of its loss 
         for the year then ended; 
    *    have been properly prepared in accordance with 
         International Financial Reporting Standards as 
         adopted by the European Union; and 
    *    have been prepared in accordance with the 
         requirements of the Companies Act 2006. 
    Basis for opinion 
  We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards 
   on Auditing (UK) ("ISAs (UK)") and applicable law. Our responsibilities 
   are described below. We believe that the audit evidence we 
   have obtained is a sufficient and appropriate basis for our 
   opinion. Our audit opinion is consistent with our report 
   to those charged with governance. 
  We were first appointed as auditor by the directors in 2018. 
   The period of total uninterrupted engagement is for the two 
   financial years ended 31 March 2020. We have fulfilled our 
   ethical responsibilities under, and we remain independent 
   of the Company in accordance with, UK ethical requirements 
   including the FRC Ethical Standard as applied to listed public 
   interest entities. No non-audit services prohibited by that 
   standard were provided. 
  2 Key audit matters: our assessment of risks of material 
  Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional 
   judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the financial 
   statements and include the most significant assessed risks 
   of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified 
   by us, including those which had the greatest effect on: 
   the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in 
   the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team. 
   We summarise below the key audit matters, in arriving at 
   our audit opinion above, together with our key audit procedures 
   to address those matters and, as required for public interest 
   entities, our results from those procedures. These matters 
   were addressed, and our results are based on procedures undertaken, 
   in the context of, and solely for the purpose of, our audit 
   of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our 
   opinion thereon, and consequently are incidental to that 
   opinion, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these 

Kenrick No. 3 Plc

Independent auditor's report to the members of Kenrick No. 3 Plc (continued)

The risk                                 Our response 
Going concern 
 Refer to page 4 (strategic report) and page 13 (basis of 
Disclosure quality                       Our procedures included: 
 The financial statements                 Tests of detail: We inspected 
 explain how the directors                the securitisation agreement to 
 have formed a judgement that             identify the timings from which 
 it is appropriate to adopt               parties have the power to instruct 
 the going concern basis of               redemption of the loan notes 
 preparation for the Company's 
 financial statements.                    Assessing transparency: We critically 
                                          assessed the completeness and accuracy 
 The nature of the Company                of the matters covered in the going 
 is such that it is governed              concern disclosure in the financial 
 by a securitisation agreement            statements using our knowledge 
 that stipulates the parties              of the relevant facts and circumstances 
 whom have the power to redeem            developed during our audit work 
 the issued loan notes and                and by considering the securitisation 
 proceed to collapse the securitisation   structure and agreements. 
 and the timing of when these 
 parties can instigate redemption.        Our results 
 There is a risk to the application       We found the resulting disclosure 
 of the going concern assumption          of the going concern basis of preparation 
 where the securitisation                 to be acceptable (2019: acceptable). 
 agreement allows for redemption 
 of the loan notes within 
 12 months of the date of 
 this audit report. 
 As such, clear and full disclosure 
 of the facts and the directors' 
 rationale for the use of 
 the going concern basis of 
 preparation is a key financial 
 statement disclosure and 
 so was the focus of our audit 
 in this area. 
Valuation of deemed loan 
 Deemed loan: GBP283,745k (2019: GBP337,299k) 
 Refer to pages 14 to 16 (accounting policy) and notes 2 
 and 9 (financial disclosures) 
Subjective estimate                      Our procedures included: 
 The Company recognises a                 Historical comparisons: We critically 
 deemed loan asset, being                 assessed certain assumptions used 
 the beneficial interest in               in the model, being LGD and PD, 
 a mortgage portfolio secured             against historical experience. 
 on residential properties.               This included assessing the accuracy 
 The value of the deemed loan             of the model's predicted PDs against 
 is subject to the performance            actual default experience and comparing 
 of the underlying loan portfolio         valuation haircut assumptions used 
 and to economic factors affecting        in estimating LGDs against actual 
 the residential loan market.             historical sales data of the West 
                                          Bromwich Building Society, the 
 The directors consider the               originator of the mortgage loans. 
 valuation of the deemed loan 
 by assessing the underlying              Benchmarking assumptions: We compared 
 residential mortgage loans               assumptions and judgements made 
 for impairment.                          by management, for example regarding 
                                          significant increase in credit 
 The directors use models                 risk criteria and the definition 
 to determine the level of                of default, against comparable 
 expected credit loss ("ECL")             peers to assess their reasonableness. 
 required to be recognised 
 on the underlying loans.                 Tests of details: We critically 
 Given the subjectivity inherent          assessed the collateral valuations 
 in estimating the recoverability         used in the ECL model by comparing 
 of loan balances on a forward-looking    the original valuation to the underlying 
 basis, the assessment of                 valuation report for a selection 
 ECLs becomes highly judgemental.         of loan accounts and recalculating 
 The subjectivity in respect              the indexation applied to the original 
 of these assumptions has                 valuation in determining a current 
 increased further at the                 collateral valuation for those 
 current year end as a result             loan accounts. 
 of the uncertainties arising 
 from COVID-19.                           Our market expertise: Our economics 
                                          specialists assessed the forward 
 In particular, there is subjectivity     economic guidance applied by the 
 in the following key areas:              Company in the ECL models to consider 
 - Significant increase in                the reasonableness of assumptions 
 credit risk ('SICR'): The                against market data, our own independent 
 criteria selected to identify            assumptions and peer experience. 
 a significant increase in                This included considering the impact 
 credit risk is a key area                of uncertainties arising from COVID- 
 of judgement within the Company's        19 in the current economic forecasts. 
 ECL calculation as these 
 criteria determine whether               Sensitivity analysis: We performed 
 a 12 month or lifetime provision         stress testing on the key assumptions 
 is recorded.                             to assess the sensitivity of the 
                                          resulting expected credit loss 
 - Model estimations: Inherently          to these. 
 judgemental modelling is 
 used to estimate ECLs, particularly      Test of details: We critically 
 in determining Probabilities             assessed adjustments made outside 
 of Default ("PD") and Loss               of the Company's models by challenging 
 Given Default ("LGD"), including         the calculation methodology applied 
 collateral valuations. The               and critically assessing the assumptions 
 PD and LGD assumptions used              used in determining the value of 
 in the models are the key                the post-model adjustments recognised. 
 drivers of the ECL results 
 and are therefore the most               Assessing transparency: We evaluated 
 significant judgemental aspect           the adequacy of the Company's disclosures 
 of the Company's ECL modelling           in note 1 regarding the estimation 
 approach.                                uncertainty inherent in arriving 
                                          at the expected credit loss amount. 
 - Economic scenarios: IFRS               This included an assessment of 
 9 requires the Company to                the disclosures made in light of 
 measure ECLs on an unbiased,             the increased uncertainty arising 
 forward-looking basis reflecting         from COVID-19. 
 a range of future economic 
 conditions. Significant management       Our results 
 judgement is applied in determining 
 the economic scenarios used              We found the resulting estimate 
 and the probability weightings           of the valuation of the deemed 
 applied to them.                         loan to be acceptable (2019: acceptable). 
 - Post-model adjustments: 
 The overall level of expected 
 credit losses recognised 
 is also sensitive to the 
 application of post-model 
 adjustments made by management 
 in respect of COVID-19. 
 The effect of these matters 
 is that, as part of our risk 
 assessment, we determined 
 that the valuation of the 
 deemed loan has a high degree 
 of estimation uncertainty, 
 with a potential range of 
 reasonable outcomes greater 
 than our materiality for 
 the financial statements 
 as a whole, and potentially 
 many times that amount. 

Kenrick No. 3 Plc

Independent auditor's report to the members of Kenrick No. 3 Plc (continued)

  Complexity of the securitisation structure contractual terms 
  present a risk to the accounting of interest income, interest 
  expense, deemed loan and borrowings 
  Interest income GBP4,589k (2019 GBP6,028k) Interest expense 
  GBP4,011k (2019: GBP5,228k) 
  Deemed loan receivable GBP283,745k (2019: GBP337,299k) Debt 
  securities in issue GBP298,423k (2019: GBP351,347k) 
  Refer to pages 14 to 18 (accounting policy) and notes 3, 
  4, 9 and 12 (financial disclosures) 
Securitisation structure 
                                        Inspection of documents: We compared 
 The company was set up by              the underlying transaction flows 
 West Bromwich Building Society         and accounting against key legal 
 with the sole purpose being            and contractual documents and reports. 
 to issue asset-backed notes 
 as part of the securitisation          These included: 
 of a pool of loans. 
                                        - The base prospectus and final 
 The complex structure can              terms of the Deemed loan and Debt 
 lead to a lack of understanding        Securities in Issue which govern 
 of transactions and the contractual    the operation of the Company and 
 terms of the various financial         its transaction flows to understand 
 instruments, hence there               the securitisation structure and 
 is risk that interest income           accounting impact of the securitisation 
 and principal balances receivable      transaction. 
 from loans (referred to as 
 'Deemed loan receivable'),             - All minutes of board of directors' 
 interest expense and principal         meetings for the year to identify 
 balances of asset backed               and investigate any unusual trends 
 notes payable to investors             or incidents that would indicate 
 (referred to as 'Debt securities       a misstatement in the balances 
 in issue') are not appropriately       of the Deemed loan, Debt Securities 
 accounted and reported.                in Issue and associated interest 
                                        income and interest expense. 
                                        Test of details: We have recalculated 
                                        interest income and interest expense 
                                        arising from the Deemed loan and 
                                        Debt Securities in Issue respectively. 
                                        Our results 
                                        We found the accounting and reporting 
                                        of the Deemed Loan, Debt Securities 
                                        in Issue, interest income and interest 
                                        expense to be acceptable (2019: 

We continue to perform procedures over the impact of uncertainties due to the UK exiting the European Union on our audit. However, as time has passed since Article 50 was first triggered, and the UK has now left the EU, the Company has had more time to plan for different scenarios of exit and the level of understanding about how Brexit might impact the Company has increased. As such, we have not assessed this as one of the most significant risks in our current year audit and, therefore, it is not separately identified in our report this year.

3 Our application of materiality and an overview of the scope of our audit

Materiality for the financial statements as a whole was set at GBP800k (2019: GBP800k), determined with reference to a benchmark of total assets, of which it represents 0.27% (2019: 0.23%).

We consider total assets to be the most appropriate benchmark for materiality as the Company is not set up to make a statutory profit and accordingly its strategy is not one purely of profit maximisation. Total assets are deemed to be the benchmark which users of the financial statements focus their attention on.

We agreed to report to those charged with governance any corrected or uncorrected identified misstatements exceeding GBP40k, in addition to other identified misstatements that warranted reporting on qualitative grounds.

4 We have nothing to report on going concern

The directors have prepared the financial statements on the going concern basis as they do not intend to liquidate the Company or to cease its operations, and as they have concluded that the Company's financial position means that this is realistic. They have also concluded that there are no material uncertainties that could have cast significant doubt over their ability to continue as a going concern for at least a year from the date of approval of the financial statements ("the going concern period").

Our responsibility is to conclude on the appropriateness of the directors' conclusions and, had there been a material uncertainty related to going concern, to make reference to that in this audit report. However, as we cannot predict all future events or conditions and as subsequent events may result in outcomes that are inconsistent with judgements that were reasonable at the time they were made, the absence of reference to a material uncertainty in this auditor's report is not a guarantee that the Company will continue in operation.

We identified going concern as a key audit matter (see section 2 of this report). Based on the work described in our response to that key audit matter, we are required to report to you if we have anything material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors' statement in Note 1 to the financial statements on the use of the going concern basis of accounting with no material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt over the Company's use of that basis for a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements.

We have nothing to report in this respect.

5 We have nothing to report on the other information in the Annual Report

The directors are responsible for the other information presented in the Annual Report together with the financial statements. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or, except as explicitly stated below, any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether, based on our financial statements audit work, the information therein is materially misstated or inconsistent with the financial statements or our audit knowledge. Based solely on that work we have not identified material misstatements in the other information.

  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Independent auditor's report to the members of Kenrick No. 
   3 Plc (continued) 
  Strategic report and directors' report 
  Based solely on our work on the other information: 
    *    we have not identified material misstatements in the 
         strategic report and the directors' report; 
    *    in our opinion the information given in those reports 
         for the financial period is consistent with the 
         financial statements; and 
    *    in our opinion those reports have been prepared in 
         accordance with the Companies Act 2006. 
    6 We have nothing to report on the other matters on which 
    we are required to report by exception 
  Under the Companies Act 2006, we are required to report to 
   you if, in our opinion: 
    *    adequate accounting records have not been kept, or 
         returns adequate for our audit have not been received 
         from branches not visited by us; or 
    *    the financial statements are not in agreement with 
         the accounting records and returns; or 
    *    certain disclosures of directors' remuneration 
         specified by law are not made; or 
   -- we have not received all the information and explanations 
   we require for our audit. We have nothing to report in these 
  7 Respective responsibilities 
   Directors' responsibilities 
   As explained more fully in their statement set out on page 
   5, the Directors are responsible for: the preparation of 
   the financial statements including being satisfied that they 
   give a true and fair view; such internal control as they 
   determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial 
   statements that are free from material misstatement, whether 
   due to fraud or error; assessing the Company's ability to 
   continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters 
   related to going concern; and using the going concern basis 
   of accounting unless they either intend to liquidate the 
   Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative 
   but to do so. 
   Auditor's responsibilities 
   Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether 
   the financial statements as a whole are free from material 
   misstatement, whether due to fraud or other irregularities 
   (see below), or error, and to issue our opinion in an auditor's 
   report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, 
   but does not guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance 
   with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement 
   when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud, other 
   irregularities or error and are considered material if, individually 
   or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence 
   the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the 
   financial statements. 
   A fuller description of our responsibilities is provided 
   on the FRC's website at www.frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities. 
   Irregularities - ability to detect 
   We identified areas of laws and regulations that could reasonably 
   be expected to have a material effect on the financial statements 
   from our general commercial 
   and sector experience and through discussion with the directors 
   and other management (as required by auditing standards), 
   and discussed with the directors and other management the 
   policies and procedures regarding compliance with laws and 
   regulations. We communicated identified laws and regulations 
   throughout our team and remained alert to any indications 
   of non-compliance throughout the audit. 
   The potential effect of these laws and regulations on the 
   financial statements varies considerably. 
   The company is subject to laws and regulations that directly 
   affect the financial statements including financial reporting 
   legislation (including related companies legislation), distributable 
   profits legislation and taxation legislation and we assessed 
   the extent of compliance with these laws and regulations 
   as part of our procedures on the related financial statement 
   Whilst the company is subject to many other laws and regulations, 
   we did not identify any others where the consequences of 
   non-compliance alone could have a material effect on amounts 
   or disclosures in the financial statements. 
   Owing to the inherent limitations of an audit, there is an 
   unavoidable risk that we may not have detected some material 
   misstatements in the financial statements, even though we 
   have properly planned and performed our audit in accordance 
   with auditing standards. For example, the further removed 
   non- compliance with laws and regulations (irregularities) 
   is from the events and transactions reflected in the financial 
   statements, the less likely the inherently limited procedures 
   required by auditing standards would identify it. In addition, 
   as with any audit, there remained a higher risk of non-detection 
   of irregularities, as these may involve collusion, forgery, 
   intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override 
   of internal controls. We are not responsible for preventing 
   non-compliance and cannot be expected to detect non-compliance 
   with all laws and regulations. 
   8 The purpose of our audit work and to whom we owe our responsibilities 
   This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a 
   body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies 
   Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might 
   state to the Company's members those matters we are required 
   to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other 
   purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not 
   accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the 
   Company and the Company's members, as a body, for our audit 
   work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
   Matthew Rowell (Senior Statutory Auditor) 
   for and on behalf of KPMG LLP, Statutory Auditor 
   Chartered Accountants 
   One Snowhill 
   Snow Hill Queensway Birmingham 
   B4 6GH 
   21 September 2020 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Statement of comprehensive 
  for the year ended 31 March 
                                                                           Year ended       Period 
                                                           Notes                   31     ended 31 
                                                                           March 2020   March 2019 
                                                                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Interest receivable and 
   similar income                                  3                         4,589           6,028 
  Interest expense and similar 
   charges                                         4                        (4,011)        (5,228) 
                                                                  -------------------  ----------- 
  Net interest receivable                                                      578             800 
  Net fair value losses on 
   derivatives                                                                (796)          (431) 
  Administrative expenses                                                     (578)          (779) 
                                                                  -------------------  ----------- 
  Loss before tax                                  5                          (796)          (410) 
  Taxation                                         7                                -          (4) 
                                                                  -------------------  ----------- 
  Loss for the year                                                             (796)        (414) 
  The loss for the year was derived wholly from continuing 
  There has been no comprehensive income or expense other than 
   the profit for the year. 
  *2019 fair value losses on derivatives have been restated 
   as explained in note 19. 
    Statement of changes in 
  for the year ended 31 March 
                                                   Share capital    Retained                 Total 
                                                         GBP'000              GBP'000      GBP'000 
  Balance at 1 April 2019                                     13              (414)          (401) 
  Loss for the year                                            -              (796)          (796) 
                                    ----------------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
  Balance at 31 March 2020                                    13            (1,210)        (1,197) 
                                    ============================  ===================  =========== 
                                                   Share capital       Retained              Total 
                                                         GBP'000              GBP'000      GBP'000 
  Balance at 6 October 2017                                    -                    -            - 
  Issue of share capital                                      13                    -           13 
  Loss for the period (restated)*                              -              (414)          (414) 
                                    ----------------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
  Balance at 31 March 2019 
   (restated)*                                                13              (414)          (401) 
                                    ============================  ===================  =========== 
    The notes on pages 13 to 29 form part of 
    these financial statements. 
  *2019 loss for the period and retained earnings 
   have been restated as explained in note 19. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Statement of financial position 
  at 31 March 2020 
                                                      Notes              2020               2019 
                                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Cash and cash equivalents                      8                     14,808             13,852 
  Deemed loan due from Group 
   undertaking                                   9                    283,745          337,299 
  Derivative financial instruments                     10                   -                  - 
  Trade and other receivables                          11                 343                617 
                                                             ------------------  --------------- 
  Total assets                                                     298,896               351,768 
    Debt securities in issue                            12              298,423          351,347 
  Derivative financial instruments                     10               1,529                658 
  Trade and other payables                             13                 141                160 
  Current tax                                                          -                       4 
                                                             ------------------  --------------- 
  Total liabilities                                                300,093               352,169 
  Share capital                                        15                  13                 13 
  Retained losses                                      16              (1,210)             (414) 
                                                             ------------------  --------------- 
  Total equity attributable 
   to equity holders of parent                                     (1,197)                 (401) 
                                                             ------------------  --------------- 
  Total liabilities and equity                                     298,896               351,768 
    The notes on pages 13 to 29 
    form part of these financial 
  *2019 derivative financial instruments and retained earnings 
   have been restated in note 19. There was no impact on the 
   brought forward figures for the period ended 31 March 2019 
   from the restatement detailed in note 19. 
  These financial statements were approved by the Board of 
   Directors on 17 September 2020 and were signed on its behalf 
  Charles Leahy 
   Representing MaplesFS UK Corporate 
   Director No.1 Limited, Director 
    Registered number: 11001450 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Statement of cash flows 
  for the period ended 31 March 
                                                                         Year ended       Period 
                                                          Notes                  31     ended 31 
                                                                         March 2020   March 2019 
                                                                            GBP'000      GBP'000 
  Cash flows from operating 
  Loss before tax                                                            (796)         (410) 
  Amortisation of Note issue 
   costs                                                                      334            472 
  Accrued interest on debt 
   securities in issue                                                        698            966 
  Movement in fair value of 
   derivative financial instruments                                           871            658 
                                                                 ------------------  ----------- 
  Net cash inflow from operating activities 
   before changes in operating assets and liabilities                       1,107          1,686 
  Repayment of deemed loan 
   due from Group undertaking                                              53,554      (337,299) 
  Movement in trade and other 
   receivables                                                                274          (617) 
  Movement in trade and other 
   payables                                                                   (19)           160 
  Tax paid                                                                      (4)            - 
                                                                 ------------------  ----------- 
  Net cash outflow from operating 
   activities                                                          54,912          (336,070) 
  Cash flows from financing 
  Issue of share capital                                                          -           13 
  Issue of debt securities                                                        -      381,629 
  Repayment of debt securities 
   in issue                                                        (53,956)             (31,720) 
                                                                 ------------------  ----------- 
  Net cash flows from financing 
   activities                                                         (53,956)           349,922 
    Net increase in cash and 
    cash equivalents                                                            956       13,852 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at beginning of period                                                  13,852              - 
                                                                 ------------------  ----------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at end of period                               8                    14,808             13,852 
    The notes on pages 13 to 
    29 form part of these financial 
  *2019 loss before tax and derivative financial instruments 
   have been restated as explained in note 19, which have no 
   impact on net cash inflow from operating activities. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements 
 1      Accounting policies 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc (the Company) is a public limited company 
   incorporated in the United Kingdom and registered in England 
   and Wales under the Companies Act 2006. The Company's registered 
   office and principal activities are set out on pages 1 and 
   2 respectively. 
  The principal accounting policies applied consistently in 
   the preparation of these financial statements are set out 
  Basis of preparation 
  The financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
   with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and 
   its interpretations as adopted by the European Union (EU) 
   and effective at 31 March 2020. 
  The financial statements have been prepared under the historical 
   cost convention as modified by the revaluation of derivatives 
   at fair value through profit or loss. 
  The financial statements are presented in pounds Sterling 
   and, except where otherwise indicated, have been rounded to 
   the nearest thousand. 
  Going concern 
  The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern 
   basis, as defined in 'IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements'. 
   In order to prepare financial statements on this basis, the 
   directors must conclude that management does not intend to 
   liquidate the Company or cease trading, and that the Company 
   has the ability to continue to trade and will be able to satisfy 
   its liabilities as they fall due. 
   As a result of the transaction documents governing the Company's 
   mortgage backed floating rate note borrowings described in 
   note 12, the Company will continue to trade in the same way 
   as it did in the year ended 31 March 2020 until either: 
    *    All of the class A and B notes are repaid from 
         principal cash flows arising from the Company's 
         mortgage portfolio; 
   -- The call option, exercisable for the first time on the 
   earlier of: 11th January 2023, when the aggregate principal 
   amount outstanding of the notes is equal to or less than 10% 
   of the issued notes principal amount, or when there is a change 
   in tax law which has certain impacts on the Company as specified 
   in the securitisation prospectus, is exercised; or 
    *    The final repayment date for the notes in October 
         2054 is reached. 
   The directors have reviewed the balance sheet performance 
   of the company and consider that it is unlikely that any of 
   these events will occur during the next 12 months. 
   Before this point, repayments of the principal liabilities 
   of the Company, the mortgage backed floating rate notes described 
   in note 12, are limited to available principal cash received 
   on the Company's loan portfolio until the final repayment 
   date. Therefore, the directors have a reasonable expectation 
   that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational 
   existence until this point, satisfying all liabilities as 
   they fall due. 
   On that basis, the directors have concluded that it is appropriate 
   to continue to adopt the going concern basis in the preparation 
   of these financial statements. 
  New or amended accounting standards 
  The following new or amended accounting standards, which are 
   relevant to the Company, have been adopted during the year 
   ended 31 March 2020: 
    *    Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Amendments to IFRS 9, 
         IAS 39 and IFRS 7) 
  Future accounting developments 
  There were no new or amended accounting standards and interpretations 
   relevant to the Company that have been issued, and not effective 
   for the period ended 
   31 March 2020. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements 
 1     Accounting policies (continued) 
  Interest receivable and expense 
  Interest receivable and expense are recognised in the income 
   statement for all instruments measured at amortised cost using 
   the effective interest method. Interest income on defaulted 
   loans categorised as 'stage 3' under IFRS 9 is recognised 
   by applying the effective interest rate to the balances net 
   of provisions for expected credit losses. 
  Deferred consideration 
  Under the terms of the securitisation agreements, the Company 
   retains the rights to a profit of GBP1,000 p.a. subject to 
   there being sufficient available revenue receipts. Amounts 
   in excess of this accrue to West Bromwich Building Society 
   as deferred consideration. 
    Effective interest rate 
  The effective interest rate is the method used to calculate 
   the amortised cost of financial instruments and to recognise 
   interest receivable or payable over the relevant period. The 
   effective interest rate is the internal rate of return (IRR) 
   or the level yield to maturity, i.e. the rate that exactly 
   discounts estimated future cash flows or receipts through 
   the expected life of the instrument, or where appropriate, 
   a shorter period, to the net carrying amount at initial recognition. 
  Financial instruments 
  a) Financial assets 
  Under IFRS 9, financial assets are classified based on the 
   business model under which they are held and the characteristics 
   of their contractual cash flows. 
    Amortised cost 
  Financial assets are measured at amortised cost if they are 
   held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows 
   and have contractual terms which give rise on specified dates 
   to cash flows which are solely payments of principal and interest 
   (SPPI) on the outstanding amount. 
    Assets measured at amortised cost are initially recognised 
    at fair value, being the cash consideration to originate or 
    purchase the asset including any directly attributable transaction 
    costs, and measured subsequently using the effective interest 
  This category includes cash and cash equivalents and the deemed 
   loan asset. 
  Deemed loan 
  The loans and advances to customers legally sold to the Company 
   fail the derecognition criteria of IFRS 9 (and its predecessor 
   IAS 39) as West Bromwich Building Society (the Seller) has 
   retained significant risk and rewards of ownership and therefore 
   these loans remain on the statement of financial position 
   of the Seller. IFRS 9 (and its predecessor IAS 39) therefore 
   requires the Seller to recognise a deemed loan financial liability 
   on its statement of financial position and the resulting deemed 
   loan asset is held on the Company's statement of financial 
   position. This deemed loan initially represents the consideration 
   paid by the Company in respect of the acquisition and the 
   beneficial ownership of the securitised loans and advances 
   to customers and is subsequently adjusted due to repayments 
   made by the Seller to the Company. 
    The deemed loan balance is shown net of any deferred consideration, 
    start up loan and subordinated loan payable to West Bromwich 
    Building Society. Similarly, interest receivable on the deemed 
    loan is presented net of deferred consideration, start up 
    loan and subordinated loan interest payable. 
  Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) 
  Financial assets which do not meet the classification criteria 
   to be held at amortised cost are measured at FVTPL. 
  This category includes derivative assets. The fair values 
   of derivatives are based on level 2 valuation techniques, 
   as described in note 2. Changes in the fair value of derivative 
   assets are presented as net fair value gains/(losses) on derivatives 
   in the statement of comprehensive income. Interest arising 
   on derivative financial instruments is recognised within net 
   interest on an accruals basis. 
  b) Financial liabilities 
  In accordance with IFRS 9, all of the Company's financial 
   liabilities are classified as subsequently measured at amortised 
   cost except for financial liabilities at fair value through 
   profit or loss. 
    Amortised cost 
  This category includes debt securities in issue. 
  Liabilities subsequently measured at amortised cost are recognised 
   initially at fair value, being the issue proceeds, net of 
   premia, discounts and directly attributable transaction costs 
   incurred. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost 
   using the effective interest method. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
 1     Accounting policies (continued) 
  Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) 
  This category includes derivative liabilities. The fair values 
   of derivatives are based on level 2 valuation techniques, 
   as described in note 2. Changes in the fair value of derivative 
   liabilities are presented as net fair value gains/(losses) 
   on derivatives in the statement of comprehensive income. 
   Interest arising on derivative financial instruments is recognised 
   within net interest on an accruals basis. 
  c) Impairment of financial assets 
  Impairment of financial assets 
  Expected credit losses (ECLs) are recognised for all financial 
   assets carried at amortised cost. 
  COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and UK government support 
   measures only came into play towards the end of the Company's 
   financial year. Nevertheless this required an update of certain 
   assumptions used in the Company's ECL calculation which included 
   the Company revisng its macroeconomic scenarios and revisited 
   the probability weightings assigned to each scenario to reflect 
   a more pessimistic outlook. 
  At each reporting date, financial assets subject to the impairment 
   requirements of IFRS 9 are categorised into one of three 
  Stage 1 
  On initial recognition, financial assets which are not credit 
   impaired are categorised as stage 1 and provision is made 
   for 12-month ECLs, being the losses from default events expected 
   to occur within the next 12 months. Assets remain in stage 
   1 until such time as they meet the criteria for another stage 
   or are derecognised. 
  Stage 2 (significant increase in credit risk) 
  Financial assets which are not in default, but have experienced 
   a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, 
   are categorised as stage 2. The loss allowance recognised 
   is equivalent to lifetime ECL, being the loss arising from 
   default events expected to occur over the lifetime of the 
   financial asset. 
    Determining whether a significant increase in credit risk 
    has occurred is a critical aspect of the IFRS 9 methodology 
    and one which involves judgement, based on a combination 
    of quantitative and qualitative measures, including the IFRS 
    9 'backstop' of 30 days past due. 
    Stage 3 (default) 
  Defaulted or credit-impaired financial assets are categorised 
   stage 3, requiring recognition of lifetime ECLs. 
  Transfers to lower stages (curing) 
  Financial assets in stages 2 or 3 can transfer back to stages 
   1 or 2, respectively, once the criteria for significant increase 
   in credit risk or default cease to be met for a period of 
   time defined within the ECL methodology for that portfolio, 
   sometimes known as the 'cure' period. In practice, this means 
   that a stage 2 or 3 loan which ceases to breach the threshold(s)/criteria 
   for that stage will remain in the higher stage for a pre-determined 
   number of months. The use of cure periods gives assurance 
   that accounts have rehabilitated before re-entering lower 
   stages and reduces the level of volatility that might otherwise 
   arise from accounts regularly migrating between stages. 
    Forward-looking ECL approach 
  ECL is measured as the present value of the difference between 
   the cash flows contractually due on a financial asset and 
   the cash flows expected to be received. In the statement 
   of financial position, the loss allowance is presented as 
   a reduction in the carrying value of the financial asset. 
   The estimate of ECL is unbiased and probability-weighted, 
   taking into account a range of possible outcomes. In accordance 
   with IFRS 9, forecasts of future economic conditions are 
   integral to the ECL calculations. The Company currently models 
   four forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios: a central forecast 
   with economic assumptions aligned to the West Bromwich Building 
   Society Group (the Group) Medium Term Plan (and therefore 
   assigned the highest probability), together with upside, 
   downside and stress scenarios. The scenarios have been updated 
   with due regard to the latest market data available following 
   the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. A more pessimistic 
   view has been taken when developing the forecasts this year, 
   combined with reduced 
   weightings assigned to the central scenario, offset by a 
   higher weighting assigned to the severe low rate scenario. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
 1     Accounting policies (continued) 
  ECL calculation - deemed loan 
  The loss allowance held against the deemed loan is determined 
   based on the IFRS 9 provision requirements for the underlying 
   mortgage portfolio. The residential impairment model employs 
   industry-accepted statistical techniques to address the complex 
   requirements of IFRS 9, with model assumptions and parameters 
   initially determined by regression analysis of the West Bromwich 
   Building Society Group's (the Group's) historical default 
   data. The assumptions are validated using 'out of time' samples, 
   across a range of economic scenarios, enabling the predictive 
   capabilities of the models to be confirmed. 
    The model incorporates quantitative factors for identifying 
    a significant increase in credit risk by comparing reporting 
    date lifetime probability of default (PD) with residual origination 
    lifetime PD. Residual origination PD curves and (relative 
    and absolute) threshold levels are established via an iterative 
    process involving statistical analysis of the Group's default 
    data. In addition, a range of internally monitored potential 
    impairment indicators have been selected as qualitative criteria 
    for classifying an individual loan as stage 2. Examples of 
    qualitative indicators include cancelled direct debit instructions, 
    certain forbearance measures and evidence of impaired credit 
    history obtained from external agencies. 
    Loans in the underlying portfolio are considered to be in 
    default or credit-impaired if they are in arrears by three 
    or more months, in litigation, possession or LPA receivership 
    or meet one of a range of internal 'unlikely to pay' indicators. 
    Within the residential impairment model, ECL is calculated 
    by multiplying forward-looking probability of default (PD), 
    exposure at default (EAD) and loss given default (LGD). The 
    model outputs monthly ECLs, which are aggregated over the 
    first 12 months to obtain 12-month ECL and over the life 
    of the loan to calculate lifetime ECL. The model combines 
    a number of account-specific variables and forecasts of future 
    economic conditions within the calculation of PD. Macroeconomic 
    variable inputs to the model are reviewed quarterly and include 
    house price index (HPI), interest rates, unemployment and 
    GDP. The variables were selected based on statistical tests 
    and other analysis which evidenced their correlation with 
    credit risk. 
    As the Company is only required to make repayments of interest 
    and principal to the extent that repayments are received 
    from the mortgage administrator in respect of the mortgage 
    loans, impairment losses on the deemed loan are not borne 
    by the Company but by the Seller (in terms of impacting the 
    Company's ability to pay deferred consideration and repay 
    principal and interest on the subordinated loan provided 
    to the Company by the Seller). 
  Where a loan is not recoverable, it is written off against 
   the related provision for loan impairment once all the necessary 
   procedures have been completed and the amount of the loss 
   has been determined. 
  d) Derecognition of financial assets and liabilities 
  The Company's policy is to derecognise financial assets when 
   the contractual right to the cash flows from the financial 
   asset expires. The Company also derecognises financial assets 
   that it transfers to another party provided the transfer 
   of the asset also transfers the right to receive the cash 
   flows of the financial asset and substantially all the risks 
   and rewards of ownership. 
   The Company derecognises financial liabilities only when 
   the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled 
   or has expired. 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
  For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash comprises 
   cash and bank balances repayable on demand. Cash equivalents 
   comprise highly liquid investments that are convertible into 
   cash with an insignificant risk of changes in value, with 
   maturities of 90 days or less on acquisition. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
1     Accounting policies 
  The Company has elected to be taxed as a securitisation company 
   under the Taxation of Securitisation Companies Regulations 
   2006 ("the permanent regime"). Under the permanent regime 
   the Company will be taxed on an amount which broadly represents 
   its net cashflows as determined by the transaction documents. 
   This is different to the basis on which the accounting profit 
   or loss is reported in these financial statements. 
   All differences between the Company's accounting profits 
   or losses and taxable net cashflows are therefore treated 
   as permanent differences and as no timing difference with 
   future tax consequences arise, no deferred tax is required 
   to be recognised. 
    Critical accounting estimates and judgements in applying 
    accounting policies 
  In the process of applying accounting policies, the Company 
   makes various judgements, estimates and assumptions which 
   affect the amounts recognised in the financial statements. 
   Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are 
   based on historical experience and other factors, including 
   expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable 
   under the circumstances. 
  Significant judgements in applying accounting policies 
  For IFRS 9 impairment, judgement is required to define the 
   staging criteria, i.e. what constitutes a significant increase 
   in credit risk (stage 2) and what circumstances give rise 
   to a default (stage 3). Where assets meet the stage 2 or 
   3 criteria, lifetime ECL must be recognised. 
  In accordance with IFRS 9, forecasts of future macroeconomic 
   conditions are integral to the impairment modelling processes. 
   The selection of economic variables which are genuine drivers 
   of credit risk and adequately capture the impact of changes 
   in the economic outlook involves a degree of judgement. 
  The staging methodologies and macroeconomic scenario selection 
   processes for each portfolio are detailed within the financial 
   assets (impairment) accounting policy above. Model monitoring 
   and model validation procedures are used to continually evaluate 
   the appropriateness of the staging criteria and macroeconomic 
   variable inputs. 
  Sources of estimation uncertainty 
  Impairment on loans and advances - forward-looking ECL approach 
  The estimation of ECLs is inherently uncertain and the IFRS 
   9 impairment model incorporates a number of assumptions and 
   estimates, changes in which could materially affect the carrying 
   amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial 
   year. The IFRS 9 requirements to incorporate forward-looking 
   information within the ECL calculation, including forecasts 
   of future macroeconomic conditions, necessitate judgement 
   thereby increasing the potential for volatility in future 
  The impairment model incorporates four macroeconomic forecasts 
   (central, upside, downside and stress), each comprising a 
   number of economic variables considered to be credit risk 
  Impairment on deemed loan - residential mortgages 
  The scenarios have been updated with due regard to the latest 
   market data available following the emergence of the COVID-19 
   pandemic. A more pessimistic view has been taken when developing 
   the forecasts this year, combined with reduced weightings 
   assigned to the central scenario, offset by a higher weighting 
   assigned to the severe low rate scenario. 
  The following table indicates the main economic variables 
   included within the IFRS 9 macroeconomic scenarios at 31 
   March and the associated probability weightings. 
      At 31 March 
      Probability                                             Current scenario (%) 
                                                         2020/21   2021/22    2022/23 
       scenario                            Bank_Rate         0.1        0.3        0.3 
                                50%        HPI             (4.0)        4.0        3.4 
                                           Unemployment      6.0        4.5        3.7 
                                           GDP             (5.0)        3.5        3.5 
      Upside scenario                      Bank_Rate         0.3        0.8        1.0 
                                5%         HPI               2.9        3.8        4.6 
                                           Unemployment      4.1        3.6        3.1 
                                           GDP             (5.0)        6.0        6.0 
      Downside scenario                    Bank_Rate         0.1        0.1        0.1 
                                30%        HPI             (6.0)       -           1.0 
                                           Unemployment     10.0        6.0        3.7 
                                           GDP            (15.0)       -           6.0 
                                           Bank_Rate         0.1       -             - 
   Stress scenario              15%        HPI            (15.0)      (5.0)          - 
                                           Unemployment     12.0        8.0        6.0 
                                           GDP            (15.0)      (5.0)          - 
  Key assumptions for the residential portfolios are the probability 
   weightings of the macroeconomic forecasts, which each incorporate 
   a different outlook for the economic variables shown in the 
   table above, the forecast of future house price inflation 
   and the relative threshold used to identify a significant 
   increase in credit risk. Any increase in provision requirements 
   would not result in a loss to the Company but an adjustment 
   to the carrying value of its assets/liabilities. 
   Under the terms of the securitisation, impairment losses 
   on the deemed loan are borne by the Seller (in relation to 
   receipt of deferred consideration and capital and interest 
   on the subordinated loan). 
   Limited sensitivities have been performed for the Company, 
   with the total ECLs equating to GBP12k, from a GBP0.3bn loan 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
 2      Financial instruments 
  A financial instrument is a contract that gives rise to a 
   financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or 
   equity of another entity. The Company's activities expose 
   it to a variety of financial risks including interest rate 
   risk and liquidity risk. 
  The activities of the Company are conducted primarily by reference 
   to a series of securitisation documents (the programme documentation). 
   The securitisation structure has been set up as a means of 
   raising finance for West Bromwich Building Society and no 
   business activities will be undertaken by the Company beyond 
   those set out in the programme documentation. 
  The Company's exposure to risk on its financial instruments 
   and the management of such risk is largely set out at the 
   inception of the securitisation transaction. The Company's 
   activities and the role of each party to the transaction are 
   clearly defined and documented. 
    Interest rate risk 
  The Company has a policy of maintaining floating rate liabilities 
   and matching these with the floating rate assets to mitigate 
   against interest rate risk. 
   Interest rate swaps are undertaken as part of the securitisation 
   to hedge interest rate exposure arising from the underlying 
   financial instruments. The derivative counterparty is selected 
   as a highly rated, regulated financial institution to reduce 
   the risk of default and loss for the Company. 
  Sensitivity analysis 
  As previously noted, the Company has been set up in such a 
   way as to eliminate, as far as possible, any impact on the 
   Company's cash flows from changes in market conditions. The 
   Company is subject to a number of contractual agreements including 
   the use of derivatives to eliminate market risk from interest 
   rate changes. 
  At 31 March 2020, if interest rates were 25 basis points higher 
   or lower with all other variables held constant, the effect 
   on net interest receivable in the statement of comprehensive 
   income would not be material. 
  Liquidity risk 
  The Company's policy to mitigate liquidity risk is through 
   the use of a subordinated loan from West Bromwich Building 
   Society. As the length of the funding is designed to match 
   the length of the mortgages, there is deemed to be no further 
   liquidity risk facing the Company. 
  The mortgage assets are principally funded by mortgage backed 
   loan notes. The maturity profile of the loan notes is matched 
   to that of the assets being funded. The loan notes are subject 
   to mandatory redemption in part on each repayment date in 
   accordance with the redemption of the assets. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
2     Financial instruments (continued) 
    The table below analyses the Company's financial assets and 
    liabilities across maturity periods that reflect the residual 
    duration from the period end date to the contractual maturity 
    date. In the case of the deemed loan, the analysis is based 
    on the contractual maturity of the underlying mortgage assets. 
    The actual repayment profiles of financial assets and liabilities 
    are likely to be significantly different to that shown in 
    the analysis. 
                                           Less than        1 to           Over            No specific      Total 
                                            12 months        5 years        5 years         maturity 
                                               GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000 
  At 31 March 2020 
  Financial assets 
  Cash and cash equivalents                     14,808              -               -               -      14,808 
  Deemed loan due from Group 
   undertaking                                       -            853         282,904            (12)     283,745 
                                          ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ------- 
                                                14,808            853         282,904            (12)     298,553 
                                          ============  =============  ==============  =================  ======= 
  Financial liabilities 
  Derivative financial instruments                   -          1,529           -                -          1,529 
  Debt securities in issue                         698            853         297,537           (665)     298,423 
                                          ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ------- 
                                                   698          2,382         297,537           (665)     299,952 
                                          ============  =============  ==============  =================  ======= 
                                             Less than        1 to            Over           No specific    Total 
                                             12 months        5 years         5 years        maturity 
                                               GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000 
  At 31 March 2019* 
  Financial assets 
  Cash and cash equivalents                     13,852              -               -               -      13,852 
  Deemed loan due from Group 
   undertaking                                       -          1,016         336,295            (12)     337,299 
                                          ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ------- 
                                                13,852          1,016         336,295            (12)     351,151 
                                          ============  =============  ==============  =================  ======= 
  Financial liabilities 
  Derivative financial instruments                   -            658               -               -         658 
  Debt securities in issue                         966          1,016         350,364           (999)     351,347 
                                          ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ------- 
                                                   966          1,674         350,364           (999)     352,005 
                                          ============  =============  ==============  =================  ======= 
    *2019 derivative financial instruments have been restated 
    as explained in note 19. 
    Gross contractual cash flows 
  The timing and amount of any payments to be made in respect 
   of financial liabilities is determined by the waterfall of 
   payments as laid out in the initial prospectus. In practical 
   terms, the waterfall of payments only allows for (and expects) 
   payments to be made to the extent that funds have been generated 
   from the underlying mortgage assets. If insufficient funds 
   have been generated to meet the full payments expected, then 
   these amounts continue to be accrued until such time as funds 
   are available. The current expected cash flows to be generated 
   from the underlying mortgage loans are included in the maturity 
   table above. 
    Cash and cash equivalents are held with an A+ rated bank. 
  Credit risk 
  Credit risk arises on the individual loans within the mortgage 
   portfolio which are secured on the underlying properties. 
   Under IFRS the portfolio is reclassified as a deemed loan. 
   To the extent that the income on the deemed loan does not 
   provide sufficient funds to recover the Company's investment 
   in the mortgage portfolio, the Company has no claim on the 
   assets of West Bromwich Building Society. The Company's maximum 
   gross exposure to credit loss is therefore equal to the fair 
   value of its involvement in the portfolio (subject to mitigation 
   which may result in the elimination of any obligation to 
   pay deferred consideration to West Bromwich Building Society). 
  Deemed loan 
  The deemed loan is a single financial instrument under IFRS 
   9 and is allocated within IFRS 9 stage 1. 
  The table below shows an analysis of the deemed loan: 
                                                                                                2020         2019 
                                                                                               GBP'000    GBP'000 
  Prime owner occupied residential 
   mortgages                                                                                289,294       343,930 
  Gross balances                                                                            289,294       343,930 
  Subordinated loan                                                                            (1,540)    (4,486) 
  Expected credit loss provisions                                                               (12)         (12) 
  Deferred consideration                                                                    (3,997)       (2,133) 
                                                                                            283,745       337,299 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
  2       Financial instruments (continued) 
  Credit quality 
  The West Bromwich Building Society Group assess credit risk 
   on owner occupied mortgages using behavioural scorecard and 
   other analysis to determine probabilities of default across 
   a number of rating grades. The IFRS 9 impairment models make 
   use of this data, incorporating forecasts of future economic 
   conditions and account-specific factors to produce forward-looking 
   probabilities of default by account and allocating loans 
   to one of three stages (as explained in note 1). 
  The table below analyses the underlying residential mortgages 
   (gross exposures) by 12-month probability of default and 
   IFRS 9 stage at the reporting date. 
    At 31 March 2020                                 Stage              Stage            Stage 3           Total 
                                                     1                      2 
                                                   GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Probability of default range 
  0.00 to < 0.25                                   263,142              7,926                   -        271,068 
  0.25 to < 0.50                                    14,490                897                   -         15,387 
  0.50 to < 0.75                                         -                  -                   -              - 
  0.75 to < 1.00                                         -                  -                   -              - 
  1.00 to < 5.00                                       255              4,388                   -          4,643 
  5.00 to < 10.00                                        -                  -                   -              - 
  10.00 to < 100.00                                      -                505                   -            505 
  100.00 (default)                                       -                  -                 438            438 
  Other                                            (2,747)                  -                   -        (2,747) 
                                              ------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------- 
                                                   275,140             13,716                 438        289,294 
                                              ============  =================  ==================  ============= 
    At 31 March 2019                                 Stage              Stage             Stage 3          Total 
                                                         1                  2 
                                                   GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Probability of default range 
  0.00 to < 0.25                                   307,648              9,696                   -        317,344 
  0.25 to < 0.50                                    18,460              2,426                   -         20,886 
  0.50 to < 0.75                                         -                  -                   -              - 
  0.75 to < 1.00                                         -                  -                   -              - 
  1.00 to < 5.00                                     4,038              4,328                   -          8,366 
  5.00 to < 10.00                                        -                  -                   -              - 
  10.00 to < 100.00                                      -                175                   -            175 
  100.00 (default)                                       -                  -                 539            539 
  Other                                            (3,380)                  -                   -        (3,380) 
                                              ------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------- 
                                                   326,766             16,625                 539        343,930 
                                              ============  =================  ==================  ============= 
    Included within 'Other' above, is GBP2.7m (2019: GBP3.4m) 
    representing intercompany balances due to West Bromwich Building 
  The table below provides further information on the underlying 
   residential loan portfolio by payment due status at 31 March 
                                                                                          2020              2019 
                                                                                         GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Not past due                                                                         289,083           343,930 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                                                        211                            - 
                                                                                289,294                  343,930 
    Expected credit losses 
  The table below illustrates the IFRS 9 staging distribution 
   of the underlying residential mortgages and related expected 
   credit loss provisions at the period end. Stage 2 loans have 
   been further analysed to show those which are more than 30 
   days past due, the IFRS 9 backstop for identifying a significant 
   increase in credit risk (SICR), and those which meet other 
   SICR criteria as detailed in note 1. 
                                                                   Gross        Expected 
    At 31 March 2020                                                exposure     credit               Provision 
                                                                                 loss provision       coverage 
                                                                      GBP'000            GBP'000               % 
  Residential loans at amortised cost 
   1                                                                  275,140                   4          0.00% 
   > 30 days past due                                                     211                   -          0.00% 
  Other SICR indicators                                                13,505                   6          0.04% 
   3                                                                      438                   2          0.46% 
                                                            -----------------  ------------------  ------------- 
                                                                      289,294                  12          0.00% 
                                                            =================  ==================  ============= 
                                                                     Gross         Expected 
    At 31 March 2019                                                 exposure      credit              Provision 
                                                                                   loss provision      coverage 
                                                                      GBP'000            GBP'000               % 
  Residential loans at amortised cost 
   1                                                                  326,766                   4          0.00% 
   > 30 days past due                                                       -                   -          0.00% 
  Other SICR indicators                                                16,625                   5          0.03% 
   3                                                                      539                   3          0.56% 
                                                            -----------------  ------------------  ------------- 
                                                                      343,930                  12          0.00% 
                                                            =================  ==================  ============= 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
 2     Financial instruments (continued) 
  The tables below analyse the movement in gross balances and 
   the related expected credit loss allowances on the underlying 
   mortgage portfolio for the period ended 31 March: 
                                                     Stage        Stage    Stage 3     Total 
                                                      1               2 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Gross balances 
  At 1 April 2019                                    326,766     16,625        539   343,930 
  Transfers due to increased credit risk: 
   From stage 1 to stage 2                             (6,180)    6,180          -         - 
  Transfers due to decreased credit risk: 
   From stage 2 to stage 1                              6,624   (6,624)          -         - 
  Net redemptions and repayments                      (52,070)  (2,465)      (101)  (54,636) 
                                                --------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
  At 31 March 2020                                   275,140     13,716        438   289,294 
                                                ==============  =======  =========  ======== 
                                                       Stage      Stage    Stage 3     Total 
                                                       1              2 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Gross balances 
  At start of period (6 October                              -        -          -         - 
  Mortgages transferred via securitisation 
   transaction                                       384,987                         384,987 
  Transfers due to increased credit risk: 
   From stage 1 to stage 2                            (16,625)   16,625          -         - 
   From stage 1 to stage 3                               (539)        -        539         - 
  Net redemptions and repayments                      (41,057)        -          -  (41,057) 
                                                --------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
  At 31 March 2019                                   326,766     16,625        539   343,930 
                                                ==============  =======  =========  ======== 
                                                       Stage      Stage    Stage 3     Total 
                                                       1              2 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Expected credit loss provision 
  At 1 April 2019                                            4        5          3        12 
  Transfers due to increased credit risk: 
   From stage 1 to stage 2                                   -        4          -         4 
  Transfers due to decreased credit risk: 
   From stage 2 to stage 1                                   -      (1)          -       (1) 
  Remeasurement of expected credit 
   losses with no stage transfer                             -      (2)        (1)       (3) 
                                                --------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
  At 31 March 2020                                           4        6          2        12 
                                                ==============  =======  =========  ======== 
                                                       Stage      Stage    Stage 3     Total 
                                                       1              2 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
  Expected credit loss provision 
  At start of period (6 October                              -        -          -         - 
  Transfers due to increased credit risk: 
   From stage 1 to stage 2                                   -        5          -         5 
   From stage 1 to stage 3                                   -        -          3         3 
  Remeasurement of expected credit 
   losses with no stage transfer                             4        -          -         4 
                                                --------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
  At 31 March 2019                                           4        5          3        12 
                                                ==============  =======  =========  ======== 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
2     Financial instruments (continued) 
  Geographical analysis 
  The table below shows the geographic spread of the underlying 
   residential mortgage portfolio at the year end date: 
                                                                                 2020           2019 
                                                                              GBP'000        GBP'000 
      East Anglia                                                              11,853         13,901 
      East Midlands                                                            37,637         46,621 
      Greater London                                                           13,332         17,479 
      North                                                                    16,403         19,677 
      North West                                                               45,081         52,168 
      South East                                                               40,558         47,466 
      South West                                                               27,802         32,980 
      Wales                                                                    14,477         18,218 
      West Midlands                                                            40,702         47,785 
      Yorkshire                                                               41,449          47,635 
                                                                              289,294        343,930 
  The table below shows the indexed loan to value distribution 
   of the underlying residential loan portfolio at the year end 
                                                                                 2020           2019 
                                                                              GBP'000        GBP'000 
      >95%                                                                          -              - 
      91% - 95%                                                                   213             84 
      86% - 90%                                                                 7,283         34,896 
      76% - 85%                                                                63,690         94,408 
      51% - 75%                                                               152,963        157,771 
      <51%                                                                    65,145          56,771 
                                                                              289,294        343,930 
  The following table indicates collateral held against the 
   underlying residential loan portfolio by IFRS 9 stage at the 
   year-end date: 
                                                                                 2020           2019 
                                                                              GBP'000        GBP'000 
      Fair value of collateral 
      Stage 1                                                                 522,115        567,251 
      Stage 2                                                                  22,951         27,213 
      Stage 3                                                                   655              972 
                                                                             545,721         595,436 
  The average indexed loan to value is 57.16%, calculated 
   as a simple average across all loans (2019: 62.48%). 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
2     Financial instruments (continued) 
  Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities 
  The following tables show the classification of the Company's 
   assets and liabilities: 
                                                      Amortised    Fair value 
                                                           cost     profit or      Total 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
      At 31 March 2020 
   Cash and cash equivalents                             14,808             -     14,808 
   Deemed loan due from Group undertaking               283,745             -    283,745 
                                               ----------------  ------------  --------- 
   Total financial assets                               298,553             -    298,553 
   Non-financial assets                                                              343 
   Total assets                                                                  298,896 
                                           Ot     her financial    Fair value 
                                                    liabilities     profit or      Total 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
   Derivative financial instruments                           -         1,529      1,529 
   Debt securities in issue                             298,423             -    298,423 
                                               ----------------  ------------  --------- 
   Total financial liabilities                          298,423         1,529    299,952 
   Non-financial liabilities                                                         141 
   Total liabilities                                                             300,093 
                                                      Amortised    Fair value 
                                                           cost     profit or      Total 
                                                                    Restated*  Restated* 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
      At 31 March 2019 
   Cash and cash equivalents                             13,852             -     13,852 
   Deemed loan due from Group undertaking               337,299             -    337,299 
                                               ----------------  ------------  --------- 
   Total financial assets                               351,151             -    351,151 
   Non-financial assets                                                              617 
   Total assets                                                                  351,768 
                                            O    ther financial    Fair value 
                                                    liabilities     profit or      Total 
                                                                    Restated*  Restated* 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
   Derivative financial instruments                           -           658        658 
   Debt securities in issue                             351,347             -    351,347 
                                               ----------------  ------------  --------- 
   Total financial liabilities                          351,347           658    352,005 
   Non-financial liabilities                                                         164 
   Total liabilities                                                             352,169 
  *2019 derivative financial instruments have been restated 
   as explained in note 19. 
  Fair values of financial assets and liabilities 
  Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an 
   asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction 
   between market participants at the measurement date. The 
   Company determines fair value by the following three tier 
   valuation hierarchy: 
   Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for 
   identical assets or liabilities. 
   Level 2: Valuation techniques where all inputs are taken 
   from observable market data, either directly (i.e. as prices) 
   or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices). Level 3: Valuation 
   techniques where significant inputs are not based on observable 
   market data. 
   Valuation techniques include net present value and discounted 
   cash flow models, comparison to similar instruments for which 
   market observable prices exist and other valuation models. 
   Assumptions and market observable inputs used in valuation 
   techniques include risk-free and benchmark interest rates, 
   equity index prices and expected price volatilities. The 
   objective of valuation techniques is to arrive at a fair 
   value determination that reflects the price of the financial 
   instrument at the reporting date that would have been determined 
   by market participants acting at arm's length. Observable 
   prices are those that have been seen either from counterparties 
   or from market pricing sources including Bloomberg. The use 
   of these depends upon the liquidity of the relevant market. 
   The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents are assumed 
   to approximate their fair value. 

Kenrick No. 3 Plc

Notes to the financial statements (continued)

   2          Financial instruments (continued) 

Fair values of financial assets and liabilities held at amortised cost

The tables below show the fair values of the Company's financial assets and liabilities held at amortised cost in the statement of financial position, analysed according to the fair value hierarchy described previously.

                               Carrying       Fair    Fair value    Fair value    Fair value 
                                  value      value         Level       Level 3         Total 
                                             Level             2 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 31 March 2020 
Financial assets 
Deemed loan due from Group 
 undertaking                    283,745          -             -       285,503       285,503 
Financial liabilities 
 Debt securities in issue       298,423    257,994        32,242             -       290,236 
                             ==========  =========  ============  ============  ============ 
                               Carrying       Fair    Fair value    Fair value    Fair value 
                                  value      Level         Level       Level 3         Total 
                                                 1             2 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 31 March 2019 
Financial assets 
Deemed loan due from Group 
 undertaking                    337,299          -             -       332,880       332,880 
Financial liabilities Debt 
 securities in issue            351,347    315,638        32,891             -       348,529 
                             ==========  =========  ============  ============  ============ 

a) Deemed loan

The deemed loan is net of provisions for impairment. The estimated fair value represents the discounted amount of estimated future cash flows expected to be received. Expected cash flows are discounted at current market rates to determine fair value.

b) Debt securities in issue

The aggregate fair values are calculated based on quoted market prices. For those notes where quoted market prices are not available, a discounted cash flow model is used based on a current yield curve appropriate for the remaining term to maturity.

Financial assets and financial liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss

The following table summarises the fair value measurement basis used for assets and liabilities held on the statement of financial position at fair value:

                             Level 2       Total 
                                2020        2020 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000 
Financial liabilities 
    Derivative financial instruments 1,529 1,529 
                             Level 2       Total 
                                2019        2019 
                           Restated*   Restated* 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000 
Financial liabilities 
Derivative financial instruments 658 658 

*2019 derivative financial instruments have been restated as explained in note 19.

  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
                                                                 Year ended 31    for the 
  3       Interest receivable and similar                           March 2020     period ended 
          income                                                                   31 March 
                                                                       GBP'000          GBP'000 
   On deemed loan                                                        5,903            7,926 
   Bank interest                                                            68               57 
   Net expense on derivative financial 
    instruments                                                        (1,382)          (1,955) 
                                                                        4,589             6,028 
        Included within interest receivable and similar income is 
         interest accrued on impaired residential mortgage assets of 
         GBP13,549 (2019: GBP14,261). For the purposes of this disclosure, 
         impaired mortgage assets are those which have been categorised 
         as stage 3 under IFRS 9. 
  4       Interest expense and similar charges 
                                                                 Year ended 31    for the 
                                                                    March 2020     period ended 
                                                                                   31 March 
                                                                       GBP'000          GBP'000 
   On debt securities in issue                                           3,973            5,193 
   Other interest payable                                                38                  35 
                                                                        4,011             5,228 
  5       Profit before tax 
                                                                 Year ended 31    for the 
                                                                    March 2020     period ended 
                                                                                   31 March 
                                                                       GBP'000          GBP'000 
        Profit before tax is stated after 
   Inter-group charges (note 18)                                           492              662 
   Fair value losses on financial instruments*                           (796)            (431) 
   Auditor's remuneration: audit services                                1 3                2 0 
        *2019 fair value losses on financial instruments have been 
         restated as explained in note 19. 
  6       Information regarding Directors 
          and employees 
        None of the Directors received any emoluments for their qualifying 
         services to Kenrick No. 3 Plc during the year ended 31 March 
         2020 or the preceding period. 
        The Company has no employees and 
         services required are contracted 
         from third parties. 
  7       Taxation 
        The Company's tax charge is based 
         on the tax regime for securitisation 
                                                                 Year ended 31     Period ended 
                                                                    March 2020               31 
                                                                                     March 2019 
                                                                       GBP'000          GBP'000 
   Tax charge                                                             -                   4 
        The tax charge for the period is reconciled to 
         the loss before tax in the income statement as 
     Loss before tax*                                                    (796)            (410) 
   Loss before tax multiplied by the 
    UK standard rate of tax of 19%                                       (151)             (78) 
   Permanent differences as a result 
    of securitisation regime                                             151                 82 
   Tax charge                                                             -                   4 
   *2019 loss before tax has been restated 
    as explained in note 19. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
  8       Cash and cash 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Bank deposits                                                                   14,808            13,852 
  9       Deemed loan to Group undertaking 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
          Repayable in: 
  1 to 5 years                                                                        853            1,016 
  Over 5 years                                                                   288,441           342,914 
                                                                                  289,294        343,930 
   loan                                                                           (1,540)          (4,486) 
  Impairment provisions                                                              (12)             (12) 
  Deferred consideration 
   (note 14                        )                                             (3,997)           (2,133) 
                                                                                 283,745           337,299 
        The deemed loan balance is shown net of the subordinated 
         loan and deferred consideration due back to West Bromwich 
         Building Society. 
        Allowance for losses on deemed loan 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
  At beginning 
   of period                                                                           12                - 
          Amounts written off net of recoveries                                         -                - 
          Charge for the 
           year comprising: 
  Provisions for 
   loan impairment                                                                      -               12 
          Adjustments to provisions resulting                                           -                - 
           from recoveries 
  Charge for the 
   year                                                                 -                               12 
  At end of year                                                       12                               12 
    10      Derivative financial instruments 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Interest rate 
   swaps                                                                         (1,529)             (658) 
        *2019 derivative financial instruments have been restated 
         as explained in note 19. 
  11      Trade and other 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Other debtors                                                                    34 3               61 7 
  12      Debt securities 
           in issue 
                                                                                     2020             2019 
                                                                                  GBP'000          GBP'000 
          Due after more 
           than 1 year: 
  Class A Notes                                                                   265,290        318,280 
  Class B Notes                                                                    33,100           33,100 
   issue costs                                                                      (665)            (999) 
  Accrued interest                                                                    698              966 
                                                                                 298,423           351,347 
            Interest on the Notes will accrue on a day to day basis 
            and be payable quarterly in arrears (subject to a longer 
            first period) at the following rates above the London 
            Interbank Offer Rate for 3 month sterling deposits (3 
            month LIBOR). 
                                   Amounts outstanding                Margin over 3 month 
                                                  2020                                  % 
  Class A                                      265,290                               0.37 
  Class B                          33,100               0.00 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
12      Debt securities in issue (continued) 
For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, debt securities 
 in issue are classified as liabilities arising from financing 
 activities. The following table analyses movements in debt 
 securities in issue. 
                                                           2020       2019 
                                                         GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At beginning of period                                  351,347    - 
         Financing cash flows 
 Proceeds from issue of debt securities                  -          383,100 
 Issue costs                                             -          (1,471) 
 Repayments of debt securities 
  in issue                                               (53,956)   (31,720) 
         Non-cash flows: 
 Accrued interest                                        698        966 
 Amortisation of issue costs                                334     472 
 At end of period                                         298,423   351,347 
  13      Trade and other payables 
                                                         2020       2019 
                                                         GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Other amounts due to related parties                    113        132 
  Other payables                                            28      28 
                                                           14 1     16 0 
  14      Deferred consideration 
Deferred consideration payable to West Bromwich Building Society 
 is dependent on the extent to which surplus income is generated 
 by the mortgage assets, to which the Company holds the beneficial 
Movements in deferred consideration due to West Bromwich Building 
 Society during the period were as follows: 
                                                         2020       2019 
                                                         GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At beginning of period                                  2,133      - 
  Deferred consideration arising 
   during the period                                     1,864      2,145 
  Movement in carrying value adjustment                      -      (12) 
 At end of period                                          3,997    2,133 
  Under the terms of the securitisation agreements, impairment 
  losses on the deemed loan are borne by the Seller (in relation 
  to receipt of deferred consideration and capital and interest 
  on the subordinated loan) and the holders of the mortgage 
  backed floating rate notes. The carrying value of the deferred 
  consideration has been decreased to reflect cumulative actual 
  and expected impairment losses. 
The deferred consideration remains a liability of the Company 
 as the associated contractual obligation has not been extinguished. 
 The deferred consideration amount is presented net against 
 the deemed loan. The carrying value adjustment will be reviewed 
 on a regular basis to reflect the cash flows expected to be 
 achieved by the underlying assets and adjusted accordingly. 
15       Share capital 
                                                         2020       2019 
                                                         GBP        GBP 
  1 ordinary share of GBP1 each, 
   fully paid                                            1          1 
  49,999 ordinary shares of GBP1 
   each, 25p paid                                         12,500    12,500 
                                                          12,501    12,501 
 A dividend shall be declared and paid according 
  to the amounts paid up on the shares. 
    Capital disclosures 
 The Company is not subject to any external capital requirements 
  except for the minimum requirement under the Companies 
  Act 2006. The Company has not breached the minimum requirement. 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
16     Retained earnings 
                                                 2020           2019 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
 At beginning of period                          (414)          - 
 Loss for the period                                 (796)      (414) 
 At end of period                                   (1,210)     (414) 
  17     Parent undertakings and ultimate 
         controlling party 
The entire ordinary share capital of the Company is owned 
 by Kenrick No. 3 Holdings Limited, a company registered in 
 England and Wales. MaplesFS UK Group Services Limited holds 
 the entire share capital of Kenrick No. 3 Holdings Limited, 
 on a discretionary trust basis for the benefit of certain 
 charities. The Company regards West Bromwich Building Society 
 as its ultimate controlling party. The results of the Company 
 are consolidated into the results of the West Bromwich Building 
 Society Group (the Group) under the rules and guidance of 
 IFRS 10 'Consolidated Financial Statements'. A copy of the 
 Group financial statements may be obtained from 2 Providence 
 Place, West Bromwich B70 8AF, the address of the ultimate 
 controlling party's registered office. 
  18      Related party transactions 
       Transactions with West Bromwich 
        Building Society 
                                                 Year ended 31  for the 
                                                  March 2020     period ended 
                                                                 31 March 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Interest receivable on deemed loan              5,903          7,926 
 Interest payable on debt securities 
  in issue                                       (262)          (294) 
 Administration and cash management 
  fees                                               (492)      (662) 
       Transactions with Maples Fiduciary 
        Services (UK) Limited 
                                                 Year ended 31  for the 
                                                  March 2020     period ended 
                                                                 31 March 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Corporate services and back-up 
  service facilitator fees                             9        1 5 
       At the period end the following 
        balances were outstanding with 
        related parties: 
         Outstanding balances with West 
         Bromwich Building Society 
                                                 2020           2019 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Deemed loan asset                               283,745        337,299 
 Debt securities in issue                        (33,154)       (33,167) 
 Other balances due to Group undertaking             (113)      (132) 
  Kenrick No. 3 Plc 
  Notes to the financial statements (continued) 
  19   Prior year adjustment 
       It was identifed during the year that derivative financial 
        instruments were incorrectly posted in the prior year 
        due to a transposition error. A prior year restatement 
        has been made to reverse the derivative financial instrument 
        asset of GBP658k and recognise a derivative financial 
        instrument liability of GBP658k. A GBP1,316k charge has 
        been made to the net fair value losses (previously 'gains') 
        on derivatives within the Income Statement. 
          The table below show the effect of the retrospective 
          restatements on the statements of financial 
         Statement of financial position 
                                                      As reported               Restated 
                                                      31-Mar-19    Restatement  31-Mar-19 
                                                      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Cash and cash equivalents                            13,852       -            13,852 
 Deemed loan due from Group undertaking               337,299      -            337,299 
 Derivative financial instruments                     658          (658)        - 
 Trade and other receivables                          617          -            617 
 Total assets                                         352,426      (658)        351,768 
 Debt securities in issue                             351,347      -            351,347 
 Derivative financial instruments                     -            658          658 
 Trade and other payables                             160          -            160 
 Current tax                                          4            -            4 
 Total liabilities                                    351,511      658          352,169 
 Share capital                                        13           -            13 
 Retained earnings/(losses)                           902          (1,316)      (414) 
 Total equity attributable to equity 
  holders of parent                                   915          (1,316)      (401) 
 Total liabilities and equity                         352,426      (658)        351,768 
          The table below show the effect of the retrospective 
          restatements on the income statement. 
                                                      As reported               Restated 
                                                      31-Mar-19    Restatement  31-Mar-19 
                                                      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
   Interest receivable and similar income               6,028        -            6,028 
 Interest expense and similar charges                 (5,228)      -            (5,228) 
 Net interest receivable                              800          -            800 
 Net fair value gains on derivatives                  885          (1,316)      (431) 
 Administrative expenses                              (779)        -            (779) 
 Profit before tax                                    906          (1,316)      (410) 
 Taxation                                             (4)          -            (4) 
 Profit for the period                                902          (1,316)      (414) 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2021 12:54 ET (17:54 GMT)

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