RNS Number:0573M
15 November 2006

Embargoed for release until 7.30 a.m. Wednesday 15th November 2006

                                   ADVFN PLC

                           ('ADVFN' or 'the Company')

              Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2006

ADVFN, Europe's number one stocks and shares website, today announces
preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2006.


  * Turnover up 35% to #4.5M (2005: #3.3M)

  * ADVFN user numbers up over 30% to over 700,000 (2004: 540,000)

  * Total user numbers across all group media properties up 108% to over
    2,000,000 (2005: 960,000)

  * Equity Holdings group successfully acquired and integrated into the group
    during second half of the year

  * InvestorHub.com Inc and SI Holdings LLC successfully acquired since the
    year- end

  * #1M cash raised since year-end to strengthen balance sheet and provide for
    further expansion

For further information, please contact:

ADVFN Clem Chambers, Managing Director    clemc@advfn.com

Francesca De Franco, PR                   francescad@advfn.com    020 7070 0932

Chairman's Statement

Behind the scenes ADVFN has undergone a transformation. In the past I have said
to look at the website to see the results of our efforts, but this year this
doesn't do justice to the extent of developments in the last year. ADVFN
is no longer solely a UK-centric stocks and shares website. If you are in Italy,
Japan, Brazil, Germany, France, India or the USA you will see a geo-targeted,
native language version of the site. We are operating on a global basis, while
enjoying the cost benefits of managing these sites, primarily, from London.

ADVFN is now becoming an international brand. We have taken data from most of
the world's stock exchanges for many years; however we have now tailored
this data to specific localized regional markets. We have been number one in the
UK for some years now; while this is very good, the UK is only a small part of
the opportunity for ADVFN.

Our tactics have been to address familiar markets from London and partner in
territories such as Japan and Brazil which, although exciting and potentially
lucrative, are hard for us to approach directly. Meanwhile we have made
acquisitions when opportunities have arisen. Each of these has offered us the
chance to incorporate complementary businesses at a keen purchase price. This
means we are currently in a position where we have all the pieces in place to
grow in territories we have already entered and can replicate this model in new
global markets.

Since the year end we have made big strides towards our growth strategy by
buying InvestorsHub.com and Silicon Investor - two top five online investment
community websites in the North American market which have over 100 million
combined monthly page views. The purchase was completed in September of this
year and we are now starting the process of integrating the businesses. The
addition of these two sites has doubled the size of ADVFN's traffic - a
significant development for our future revenue development. Advertising space on
the UK part of ADVFN often sells out months in advance, and once integrated this
new traffic greatly expands our advertising inventory. We are constantly adding
new pages and features to keep up with the demand from our advertisers and this
new traffic is an exciting boost, arriving as it does within a strong
advertising market with significant pent up demand.

We are also pleased to report ongoing progress from Equity Development, which we
acquired in February of this year. The first turnover milestone, in respect of
the financial year to June 2006, was comfortably met. Equity Development's core
product is the production of high quality equity research. Their profitable
financial year saw a rise of over 40% in the number of companies paying for this
product. In addition, Equity Development was able to expand its range of
services approved by the FSA and became an authorised Corporate Adviser for
companies on the thriving PLUS Markets exchange.

ADVFN's wholly-owned dating website CupidBay.com announced at the end of
March that it had surpassed the milestone of one million registered users. In
the last seven months user numbers have accelerated and now stand at 1.3
million; an increase of 30%. With page impressions of 45 million a month and
approximately 1,800-2,000 new members registering each day, the site's
full advertising potential is ready to be exploited.

Since its acquisition in July 2005, Fotothing.com has continued its transition
from a niche product to a more mainstream website that now sees 100 new sign ups
a day and boasts approximately 120,000 registrants. At the time of purchase the
site had around 4000 users; reaching 95,000 plus users at the end of June.

I always take this opportunity to thank our staff for their hard work and this
time is no different. I also want to welcome new members of the ADVFN team at
our joint ventures in Brazil, Japan, and at InvestorsHub.com and Silicon
Investor. It has been an exciting year of developments.

Michael Hodges


14 November 2006

Managing Director's Review

This has been a very busy year for ADVFN and has seen sales grow from #3,303,000
last year to #4,463,000; a growth of 35% in turnover. It has seen both our
subscription levels grow to record levels and our advertising income rise
strongly to reach historic highs. We have also been on the acquisition trail,
buying Equity Development and entering the acquisition process with
InvestorsHub.com and Silicon Investor, two superb US investment bulletin boards
which we have subsequently purchased.

This strong sales performance extends the consistent year-by-year growth and
expansion of ADVFN. We have set out to grow by investing both at home and abroad
and this objective is being realised at an accelerating rate. Alongside
developments in direct markets we have been developing our Japanese and
Brazilian joint ventures which by the year end were reaching completion, and
have since enjoyed successful soft launches.

By aggressively investing, we have not only grown sales but also broadened the
scope of our offering and our international revenue from both subscriptions and
advertising sales. The ADVFN platform is now addressing exciting global markets
with local language versions of the site and this is driving growing levels of
business. This is most easily appreciated when looked at in terms of registered
user acquisition which is currently running at levels 50% higher than in 2005.

We now have sites in Brazilian, English (British and American), French, German,
Italian and Japanese, with a geo-targeted site aimed at the Indian market and a
new joint venture for China and Hong Kong. Meanwhile the acquisition of
InvestorsHub.com and Silicon Investor, a process that began in the spring of
2006, has added significant traffic and sees ADVFN become a top tier US stock
information provider. This platform gives us critical mass in the key US market,
and 2007 will see us bring our content to the Silicon Investor and
InvestorsHub.com user bases while exploiting the exciting revenue opportunities
provided by the leading equity market in the world. ADVFN has had good
advertising sales in the US in 2006; and 2007 should see a substantial rise in
revenue from North America.

Current Trading

Since June of this year our user base has expanded and has grown a further 10%
from 700,000 to over 770,000. Across all our businesses, total user numbers grew
100% over the last year to 2,000,000 from 960,000 at June 2005.


We have long stated that we believe that it is in the best interests of
shareholders that ADVFN invests to grow and that no one wants to own a tiny cash
cow operating in a market that would fast pass it by. As such we have carefully
invested our capital into developing ADVFN so that it can become more than a
small niche provider of UK price data and share chat. We feel that this process
is coming to fruition. 2007 will see ADVFN using its global platform - and in
particular its US acquisitions - to generate further strong top line growth.
Gross margins for an online service are high and this will drive a strengthening
bottom line. We are particularly enthusiastic about the prospects for
InvestorsHub.com and Silicon Investor where traffic levels offer many lucrative
opportunities for sales revenue and where traffic levels can be enhanced by
ADVFN's information products.

This leads us to believe we are opening a new chapter in ADVFN's history,
one in which we will grow quickly.

Clem Chambers

Managing Director

14 November 2006

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30 June 2006

                                                  Continuing    Acquisitions    Total
                                                  2006          2006            2006          2005
                                          Notes   #'000         #'000           #'000         #'000

Turnover                                          4,088         375             4,463         3,303

Cost of sales                                     (374)         (163)           (537)         (182)

Gross profit                                      3,714         212             3,926         3,121

Administrative expenses
Exceptional item - impairment loss                -             -               -             (1,027)
Other administrative expenses                     (4,874)       (255)           (5,129)       (3,252)
Total administrative expenses                     (4,874)       (255)           (5,129)       (4,279)

Operating loss                                    (1,160)       (43)            (1,203)       (1,158)

Exceptional item: Gain on part disposal           761           -               761           2,202
of associates

Share of operating losses of associate            (567)         -               (567)         (72)

                                                  (966)         (43)            (1,009)       972

Net interest                                      45            -               45            29

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities              (921)         (43)            (964)         1,001
before taxation

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary                  58            -               58            11

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities              (863)         (43)            (906)         1,012
after taxation

(Loss)/profit per ordinary share
Basic                                       2                                   (0.19)p       0.23p
Fully diluted                               2                                   (0.19)p       0.22p

All operations are continuing.

There were no recognised gains and losses other than the loss for the year.

Balance Sheets at 30 June 2006
                                                    Group         Company       Group         Company
                                                    2006          2006          2005          2005
                                            Notes   #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                   874           21            281           281
Tangible assets                                     1,681         1,407         1,180         820
Investments                                         2,402         1,055         2,150         20
                                                    4,957         2,483         3,611         1,121
Current assets
Debtors                                             938           1,200         655           1,049
Investments                                         48            29            13            13
Cash at bank and in hand                            938           862           1,824         1,790
                                                    1,924         2,091         2,492         2,852
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year                                            (1,512)       (1,305)       (974)         (974)

Net current assets                                  412           786           1,518         1,878

Total assets less current liabilities               5,369         3,269         5,129         2,999

Creditors: amounts falling due after more           (28)          (28)          (12)          (12)
than one year
                                                    5,341         3,241         5,117         2,987

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                             4,798         4,798         4,618         4,618
Share premium account                               5,634         5,634         5,403         5,403
Merger reserve                                      221           221           -             -
Shares to be issued                                 498           498           -             -
Profit and loss account                             (5,810)       (7,910)       (4,904)       (7,034)
Shareholders' funds                           3     5,341         3,241         5,117         2,987

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 November

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2006

                                                                       2006                     2005
                                                 Notes                 #'000                    #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities          4                   65                       951

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                      50                       48
Interest paid                                                          (5)                      (19)
                                                                       45                       29

Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                              (1,067)                  (1,666)
Payments to acquire investments                                        (15)                     (33)
                                                                       (1,082)                  (1,699)

Acquisitions                                                           (246)                    -

Net cash outflow before financing                                      (1,218)                  (719)

Issue of ordinary share capital                                        344                      2,139
Share issue costs                                                      (3)                      (121)
Capital element of finance leases and hire                             (24)                     (5)
purchase contracts repaid
Net cash inflow from financing                                         317                      2,013

(Decrease)/increase in cash                       5,6                  (901)                    1,294

Notes for the year ended 30 June 2006

1.  General

The financial information herein does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information has been extracted from the group's 2006 statutory
financial statements upon which the auditors reported on 14 November 2006. Their
opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement under section 237 of
the Companies Act 1985. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with
applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention.

Copies of the annual report are being posted to shareholders and copies will be
available from the company's registered office at 642a Lea Bridge Road,
Leyton, London, E10 6AP.

2.  (Loss)/earnings per ordinary share

The calculation of the basic earnings or loss per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average numbers of
shares in issue during the year.

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of
dividends and/or interest, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and
other dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Reconciliations of earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the
calculation are set out below.

                                                2006                                 2005
                                                Number of    Loss                    Number of    Earnings
                                    Loss        shares       per share  Profit       shares       per share
                                    #'000       '000         p          #'000        '000         p

(Loss)/profit for the year          (906)                               1,012
Weighted average number of shares               469,165                              439,932
Basic (loss)/ earnings per share                             (0.19)p                              0.23p

Number of shares under option                   -                                    45,478
Number of shares that would have
been issued at average market value             -                                    (20,096)
Diluted earning per share           (906)       469,165      (0.19)p    1,012        465,314      0.22p

There is no diluted loss per share as the options are anti-dilutive.

3.  Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                                                2006          2005
                                                                                #'000         #'000

(Loss)/profit for the financial year                                            (906)         1,012
Net receipts from issues of shares                                              632           2,018
Shares to be issued                                                             498           -
Net increase in shareholders' funds                                             224           3,030
Shareholders' funds at 1 July 2005                                              5,117         2,087
Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2006                                             5,341         5,117

4.  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating 

                                                                             2006            2005
                                                                             #'000           #'000

Operating loss                                                               (1,203)         (1,158)
Exceptional item - impairment loss                                           -               1,027
Amortisation                                                                 337             260
Depreciation                                                                 678             621
Increase in debtors                                                          (135)           (100)
Increase in creditors                                                        388             301
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                    65              951

The exceptional items were all non-cash and had no impact on the cash flow.

5.  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
                                                                             2006            2005
                                                                             #'000           #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash for the year                                     (901)           1,294
Cash acquired on acquisitions                                                15              -
Inception of new finance leases and hire purchase agreements                 (75)            (23)
Cash outflow from capital repayments of hire purchase agreements             24              5
Movement in net funds in the year                                            (937)           1,276
Net funds at 1 July 2005                                                     1,806           530
Net funds at 30 June  2006                                                   869             1,806

6.   Analysis of movements in net funds

                                           At                                        Non-cash     At
                                           1 July 2005     Cash flow   Acquisitions  items        30 June 2006
                                           #'000           #'000       #'000         #'000        #'000

Cash in hand and at bank                   1,824           (901)       15            -            938
Finance leases and hire purchase           (18)            24          -             (75)         (69)
                                           1,806           (877)       15            (75)         869

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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