RNS Number:9759D
China Shoto plc
18 September 2007

Press Release                                                18 September 2007

                                China Shoto plc

                ("China Shoto" or "the Company" or "the Group")

                           Unaudited Interim Results

China Shoto plc (AIM:CHNS), a leading Chinese producer of industrial batteries
and power supply systems, announces its unaudited Interim Results for the six
months ended 30 June 2007.

 *   Turnover up 46.5% to #41.6 million (H1 2006: #28.4 million)
 *   Profit after tax up 30.4% to #3.0 million (H1 2006: #2.3 million)
 *   The second phase project of the Power Type Battery ("PTB") manufacturing 
     facility extension was accomplished
     and commenced commercial production in May 2007
 *   Revenue of the power type batteries business up 105% to #13.5 million 
     (H1 2006: #6.6 million)
 *   Basic earnings per share up 22.5% to 12.29p (H1 2006: 10.03p)

Commenting on the unaudited Interim Results, Cao Guifa, Executive Chairman,
said: "The Group has made excellent progress despite a number of external
factors such as increased raw materials cost, Renminbi appreciation and
increased competition. We look forward to the future with confidence."

                                    - Ends -

For further information:
China Shoto plc
Cao Guifa, Executive Chairman                          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7700

Seymour Pierce Limited
Stuart Lane / John Depasquale                          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7107 8000
jdp@seymourpierce.com                                      www.seymourpierce.com

Media enquiries:
Abchurch Communications
Henry Harrison-Topham / Ariane Comstive                Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7705
henry.ht@abchurch-group.com                               www.abchurch-group.com

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to present China Shoto's interim results for the six months ended
30 June 2007. Building on a strong performance in 2006 the Group has continued
its progress, which is an endorsement of our strategy of focusing sales efforts
on growth opportunities in our core markets.

In H1 2007, the Group achieved sales revenue of #41.6 million, an increase of
46.5% compared with #28.4 million in H1 2006; net profit was #3.0 million, an
increase of 30.4% compared with #2.3 million in H1 2006.

Despite a number of adverse external factors such as increased raw materials
cost, Renminbi appreciation and increased competition in H1 2007, the Group has
achieved excellent results and maintained growth and the Group anticipates that
the second half working capital outflow will be reversed into the positive.

The Group has become a certified supplier of Huawei Technologies which is
China's largest next-generation telecommunications equipment manufacturer.
Additionally sales revenue from the OEM market has rapidly increased from #1.13
million in H1 2006 to #2.87 million in H1 2007, an increase of 154%.

Debtor days have been reduced from 102 days in H1 2006 to 78 days in H1 2007.
However in the second quarter central purchases by China Mobile and China Unicom
resulted in deliveries of larger quantities of back up batteries which were then
treated as sales revenue. However, payments had not been received as at 30 June
2007 in accordance with the terms of these contracts, as a consequence of which
the trade receivables increased by #5.81 million to #20.82 million compared with
#15.01 million at the end of last year.

Operation Review

Back up Batteries: The revenue of the back-up batteries business was #24.5
million in H1 2007, contributing 59% of the Group's total revenues. Profit
before tax was #3.3 million in H1 2007 an increase of 65% when compared with
#2.0 million in H1 2006.

China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Netcom and China Tietong remain
the major customers of the Group.  Sales revenues to these telecommunication
service operators continued to grow in H1 2007, up 51.3% to #17.4 million from
#11.5 million in H1 2006 contributing 71% of the total back up battery business

Power Type Batteries: The revenue of power type batteries was #13.5 million in
H1 2007, contributing 32.5% of the total revenues and increasing by 105%
compared with #6.6 million in H1 2006; the profit before tax was #0.73 million
in H1 2007, an increase of 7.4% when compared with #0.68 million in H1 2006.

During the period, the daily production capacity for power type batteries
increased from 18,000 units to 24,000 units. This is the result of the
completion in May 2007 of the second phase of construction of a new production
facility undertaken by Best Co., the first phase having been completed in July
2006. The Group's primary market for these batteries is the electrical bicycle
manufacturers in Tianjin, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. In this market, we
have targeted large manufacturers with an annual production of over 100,000
bicycles. In addition, the sales revenue from the retail market for electric
bicycles and accessories was #3.4 million in H1 2007, contributing 25.2% of the
total PTB revenue which represents a six fold increase on the #0.48 million
reported in H1 2006.  The Group intends to develop the retail market for the
Group's power type batteries business in the future.

Turbine Business: The sales revenue of the turbine business was #3.6 million in
H1 2007 (compared with #6.6 million in H1 2006) representing 8.7% of Group
revenues and a marginal contribution to Group profits.  The turbine business is
not expected to make a material contribution to the Group this financial year.

Dividend policy

Against a background of growing demands for its products, the Company has
invested significantly in expanding its manufacturing capacity. The directors
believe that investing for continued growth rather than distributing profits is
in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders at the current time.
Accordingly the directors are not recommending an interim dividend. A decision
concerning the sum to be paid in respect of the final dividend will be taken at
the end of the financial year.

Board changes

In the period there have been some changes to the Board; Zhu Shiping reached
retirement age and stepped down from the Board, Wang Zhaobin retired by
rotation, and David Thomas left the Board as non-executive director and Company
Secretary. On 12 July 2007 the Board appointed Zhou Weigang and Zhou Ping as
executive directors and Peter Crystal as a non-executive director to the Board
with immediate effect.  These directors will be subject to retirement by
rotation at the AGM in 2008 at which time they will be eligible for re-election
by the shareholders.


We will continue to focus on strategic fast growing sectors of the Chinese
market.  The intention is to both increase the Company's own production capacity
and where appropriate make selective acquisitions.  We look forward to reporting
continued progress for the whole year as a whole.

Cao Guifa

17 September 2007

Consolidated income statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                         Six months           Six months              Year
                                                              ended                ended             ended
                                                            30 June              30 June       31 December
                                                               2007                 2006              2006
                                                        (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                               #000                 #000              #000

Revenue                                                      41,592               28,367            66,454
Cost of sales                                              (31,769)             (20,624)          (47,654)
Gross profit                                                  9,823                7,743            18,800
Other operating income                                          614                  517               790
Selling and distribution expenses                           (3,811)              (3,351)           (8,579)
Administrative expenses                                     (2,639)              (1,907)           (5,172)
Other operating expenses                                        (3)                  (5)              (47)
Profit from operations                                        3,984                2,997             5,792
Finance income                                                   48                   27                91
Finance costs                                                 (563)                (319)             (822)
Profit before tax                                             3,469                2,705             5,061
Tax                                                           (458)                (401)             (789)
Profit after tax                                              3,011                2,304             4,272
Attibutable to:
Equity holders of the parent                                  2,870                2,045             4,003
Minority interests                                              141                  259               269
                                                              3,011                2,304             4,272
Earnings per share in pence:
Basic                                                        12.29p               10.03p            18.30p
Diluted                                                      12.08p                9.88p            17.93p

All amounts relate to continuing operations.

Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 June 2007

                                              Notes             30 June           30 June       31 December
                                                                   2007              2006              2006
                                                            (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                                   #000              #000              #000
Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment                                    13,183             9,559            12,409
Other investment                                                    131                 -               130
Land use right                                                    1,574             1,328             1,361
Other intangible assets                                             161               200               167
Deferred tax assets                                                 118                27                31

                                                                 15,167            11,114            14,098

Current assets
Inventories                                                      17,135             7,026            10,122
Trade receivables                                                20,819            20,051            15,009
Other receivables and prepayments                                 8,542             6,780             7,224
Due from related parties                                          2,193             3,010             1,011
Short-term investments                                              578             2,214               947
Cash and cash equivalents                                         4,331            10,274             9,937

                                                                 53,598            49,355            44,250

Total assets                                                     68,765            60,469            58,348

Current liabilities
Bank borrowings                                                  18,727            13,433            12,236
Trade payables                                                   11,577             6,862             7,547
Notes payable                                                     3,917             5,642             4,041
Other payables and accruals                                       6,740             8,164             6,805
Amount due to customers for construction                          1,416             2,084             2,309
contract work
Due to related parties                                                -               180               656
Income tax payable                                                  199               164               145
Deferred tax liabilities                                             56                 -                21

Total liabilities                                                42,632            36,529            33,760

Capital and reserves
Share capital                                                     2,334             2,334             2,334
Share premium                                                     8,630             8,630             8,630
Other reserves                                                    2,916             2,916             2,916
Statutory reserves                                                5,071             4,024             5,071
Retained earnings                                                 9,102             6,045             6,769
Foreign currency translation reserve                            (2,960)           (1,146)           (2,272)
Total equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent                                                    25,093            22,803            23,448

Minority interests                                                1,040             1,137             1,140

Total equity and liabilities                                     68,765            60,469            58,348

Consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the six months ended 30 June 2007
                                                   Attributable to equity holders                      
                                  Share     Share     Other  Statutory  Retained     Currency   Total  Minority   Total
                                capital   premium  reserves   reserves  earnings  translation         interests
                                   #000      #000      #000       #000      #000         #000    #000      #000    #000

Balance as at 1 January 2006      2,000     3,875     2,916      4,024     3,837        (590)  16,062            16,062

Net profit for the financial          -         -       -          -       2,045          -     2,045       259   2,304
Foreign currency translation          -         -       -          -         -          (556)   (556)             (556)
Total recognized income and                                                                     1,489             1,748

Acquisition of subsidiary             -       -         -          -         -            -       -         878     878
Issue of ordinary shares on         314     4,716       -          -         -                  5,030         -   5,030
Share issue costs                     -     (201)       -          -         -            -     (201)             (201)
Exercise of share options            20       240       -          -         -            -       260         -     260
Share based payment expense
Employee share options                -       -         -          -         163          -       163               163

Balance as at 30 June 2006        2,334     8,630     2,916      4,024     6,045      (1,146)  22,803     1,137  23,940

Net profit for the financial          -       -         -          -       1,958          -     1,958        10   1,968
Foreign currency translation          -       -         -          -         -        (1,126) (1,126)       (7) (1,133)
Total recognized income and                                                                       832               835

Transfer to statutory reserves        -       -         -        1,047   (1,047)          -        -         -       -  
Share based payment expense
Employee share options                -       -         -          -         163          -       163        -      163
Dividends paid                        -       -         -          -       (350)          -     (350)        -    (350)

Balance as at 31 December 2006    2,334     8,630     2,916      5,071     6,769      (2,272)  23,448     1,140  24,588

Net profit for the financial          -       -         -          -       2,870          -     2,870       141   3,011
Foreign currency translation          -       -         -          -         -          (688)   (688)         5    (683)
Total recognized income and                                                                     2,182             2,328

Share based payment expense
   Employee share options             -       -         -          -         163          -       163       -       163
Dividends paid to external            -       -         -          -       (700)          -     (700)       -     (700)
Dividends paid to minority            -       -         -          -         -            -       -       (246)   (246)

Balance as at 30 June 2007        2,334     8,630     2,916      5,071     9,102      (2,960)  25,093     1,040  26,133

Consolidated cash flow statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                    Notes         Six months       Six months             Year
                                                                       ended            ended            ended
                                                                     30 June          30 June      31 December
                                                                        2007             2006             2006
                                                                 (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                        #000             #000             #000

Net cash from operating activities                                  (10,941)          (3,011)            1,606
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of associate                                                      -                -                -
Purchase of land use right                                             (241)                -            (807)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                            (1,106)          (1,025)          (4,905)
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                        -            (499)              666
Purchase of investment                                                     -                -            (130)
Purchase of short-term investment                                        375             (88)            1,664
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
                                                                         288                -              186
Cash flows used in investing activities                                (684)          (1,612)          (3,326)
Cash flows from financing activities
Net cash inflow from share placing                                         -            5,163            5,089
Increase in short-term bank borrowings                                 6,454            1,350              153
Interest paid                                                          (493)            (319)            (822)
Dividends paid                                                             -                -            (350)
Cash flows from financing activities                                   5,961            6,194            4,070

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            (5,664)            1,571            2,350
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                         9,937            8,300            8,300
Foreign exchange differences                                              58              403            (713)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                             4,331           10,274            9,937

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement

(a)     Cash flows from operating activities
                                                            Six months      Six months        Year ended
                                                                 ended           ended
                                                          30 June 2007    30 June 2006  31 December 2006
                                                                  #000            #000              #000
                                                           (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)         (Audited)
Profit before tax                                                3,469           2,705             5,061
Adjustments for:                                            
Amortisation of  other intangible assets                             7               1                14
Amortisation of land use right                                      34              65                29
Allowance for doubtful trade debts                                 546               -               104
Allowance for doubtful non-trade debts                              10               -               200
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                      560             719               820
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment               (10)               -                21
Gain on disposal of short-term investment                            -               -                 -

Profit on acquisition of subsidiary undertaking                      -             287                 -                
Share based payment expense                                        163             163               326
Financial income                                                  (48)            (27)              (91)
Financial expense                                                  493             319               822

Operating profit before working capital changes                  5,224           4,232             7,306
Working capital changes:                                    
(Increase)/decrease in:                                     
Inventories                                                    (6,990)         (3,479)           (6,392)
Trade receivables                                              (8,572)         (8,098)               714
Other receivables, deposits and prepayments                    (2,243)         (3,300)             (115)
Due from related parties                                           937         (1,047)               952
Increase/(decrease) in:                                     
Trade payables                                                   3,710           2,943               444
Other payable and accruals                                     (2,480)           5,190             (593)
Notes payables                                                   (153)           1,516              (85)
Due to related parties                                               -           (585)             (109)

Cash generated from/(used in) operations                      (10,567)         (2,628)             2,122
Interest received                                                   48              27                91
Income tax paid                                                  (422)           (410)             (607)

Net cash from operating activities                            (10,941)         (3,011)             1,606

Notes to the consolidated financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2007

1.  General information

China Shoto plc is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom on 10 May 2005
under the Companies Act 1985.  The consolidated financial statements of the
Company for the six months ended 30 June 2007 comprise China Shoto plc (the '
Company') and its subsidiary undertakings (the 'Group').

The consolidated interim financial statements were authorised for issue on 17
September 2007.

2.  Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The unaudited consolidated financial information has been prepared using
accounting policies consistent with those International Financial Reporting
Standards and Interpretations in force ('IFRS'), as adopted by the European
Union, and on the basis of the accounting policies disclosed in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2006, which are also expected to apply
for the year ending 31 December 2007. This report is prepared in compliance with
IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting'.

The comparatives for the full year ended 31 December 2006 are not the Company's
full statutory accounts for that year. A copy of the statutory accounts for that
year has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on
those accounts was unqualified, did not include references to any matters to
which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their
report and did not contain a statement under section 237(2)-(3) of the Companies
Act 1985.

Foreign currencies

The functional currency of the subsidiary undertakings is Renminbi ('RMB'), and
the unaudited financial statements of the subsidiary undertakings have been
drawn up in RMB.  The presentation currency of the Group is pounds sterling and
therefore the financial statements have been translated from RMB to pounds
sterling at the following exchange rates:

                                     Period-end rates                     Average rates

30 June 2006                         #1 = RMB 14.6280                     #1 = RMB 14.2700
31 December 2006                     #1 = RMB 15.3232                     #1 = RMB 14.7505
30 June 2007                         #1 = RMB 15.2455                     #1 = RMB 15.1841

Assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the closing rate, and all
income and expenses are translated at the average rate during the financial
period, being an approximation for the actual rates at the date of the
transactions.  All resulting exchange differences are taken to the Exchange
reserve within equity.

3.  Segment reporting

Reporting format

The primary segment reporting format is determined to be business segments as
the Group's risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by differences
in the products and services produced. The operating businesses are organized
and managed separately according to the nature of the products and services
provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers
different products and serves different markets.  The operating businesses are
all located in the People's Republic of China.

Business segments

The Group is comprised of the following business segments:

The Power Type Batteries ('PTB') business segment is comprised of power-aided
bicycle batteries.

The Back up batteries business segment includes Value Regulated Lead Acid
Batteries and Flooded and Gel Batteries.

The Turbine business segment includes the development and construction of new
turbines and the refurbishment and reconstruction of existing turbines.

Allocation basis and transfer pricing

Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as
those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.

The following tables present certain sales, profit, assets, liability and other
information regarding the Group's business segment for the years ended 30 June
2007, 30 June 2006 and 31 December 2006.

Six months to June 30 2007               Back up            PTB         Turbine     Eliminations     Consolidated
                                            #000            #000            #000            #000              #000
                                       Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited         Unaudited
Sales to external customers               24,525          13,465           3,602              -             41,592
Inter-segment sales                            3              -                -             (3)               -

Total revenue                             24,528          13,465           3,602             (3)            41,592

Segment profit                             3,302             726               1             -               4,029

Unallocated corporate expenses                                                                               (560)
Profit from operations before
taxation                                                                                                     3,469
Income taxation                                                                                              (458)
Profit for the year                                                                                          3,011

Six months to June 30 2006           Back up              PTB          Turbine     Eliminations     Consolidated
                                        #000             #000             #000             #000             #000
                                   Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
Sales to external customers           15,088            6,637            6,642              -             28,367
Inter-segment sales                      176               -                 -            (176)              -

Total revenue                         15,264            6,637            6,642            (176)           28,367

Segment profit                         1,952              683              620              -              3,255
Unallocated corporate expenses                                                                             (550)
Profit from operations before                                                                              2,705
Income taxation                                                                                            (401)
Profit for the year                                                                                        2,304

Twelve months to December 31         Back up              PTB          Turbine     Eliminations      Consolidated
2006                               Batteries
                                        #000             #000             #000             #000              #000
                                     Audited          Audited          Audited          Audited           Audited
Sales to external customers           39,218           20,326            6,910              -              66,454
Inter-segment sales                    1,706            1,166              -            (2,872)               -

Total revenue                         40,924           21,492            6,910          (2,872)            66,454

Segment profit                         3,961            1,566              552              -               6,079

Unallocated corporate expenses                                                                            (1,018)

Profit from operations before                                                                               5,061
Income taxation                                                                                             (789)

Profit for the year                                                                                         4,272

4.  Income Tax
                                                 Six months            Six months                       Year
                                                      ended                 ended                      ended
                                                    30 June               30 June                31 December
                                                       2007                  2006                       2006
                                                (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)                  (Audited)
                                                       #000                  #000                       #000

Income tax expense is as follows:                
Current income tax                                      509                   406                        778
Deferred income tax                                    (51)                   (5)                         11
                                                        458                   401                        789

5.  Dividends
                                                 Six months             Six months                     Year
                                                      ended                  ended                    ended
                                                    30 June                30 June              31 December
                                                       2007                   2006                     2006
                                                       #000                   #000                     #000
                                                (Unaudited)            (Unaudited)                (Audited)

Interim dividends                                       700                      -                      350

China Shoto plc declared a dividend of 1.5p per ordinary share amounting to
#350,215.5 on 3 November 2006 to its shareholders at that date.

China Shoto plc declared a dividend of 3p per ordinary share amounting to
#700,431 on 26 April 2007 to its shareholders at that date.

6.  Earnings per share

Earnings for the purpose of basic and diluted earnings per share are the net
profit for the financial period for the six months ended 30 June 2007 of
#2,870,000 (30 June 2006: #2,045,000) and twelve months ended 31 December 2006
of  #4,003,000.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of
earnings per share has been derived as follows:
                                                    Six months           Six months                 Year
                                                         ended                ended                ended
                                                       30 June              30 June          31 December
                                                          2007                 2006                 2006
                                                          #000                 #000                 #000
                                                   (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)            (Audited)
Number of ordinary shares
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares - basic                                      23,343,770           20,388,348           21,880,671
Dilutive effect of share options                       411,971              320,746              441,050
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares - diluted                                    23,755,741           20,709,094           22,321,721

7.  Share capital

                                                             30 June             30 June        31 December
                                                                2007                2006               2006
                                                                #000                #000               #000
                                                         (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)          (Audited)

100,000,000 Ordinary shares of 10p each                       10,000              10,000             10,000
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
23,343,770 (2005 : 20,000,020) Ordinary shares
of 10p each                                                    2,334               2,334              2,334

The numbers of share capital is 20,000,020 as at 1 January 2006. The changes
from1 January 2006 are the following:

On 3 April and 5 May 2006, 200,000 ordinary shares of 10p were issued in respect
of the exercise of share options granted to the Company's advisers at the time
of the flotation.  The weighted average price of options exercised in the year
was 130 pence.

On 12 June 2006, 3,143,750 ordinary shares of 10p were issued in connection with
the placing.

8.  Other

Copies of this document will be made available to the public free of charge for
a period of one month at the offices of Seymour Piece Limited, 20 Old Bailey,
London, EC4M 7EN.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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