Consolidated Vending plc
                                        ('CV' or 'the Company')

                        Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2007
Date: 27 June 2008

Chairman's statement

Our  first  full year as an AIM company has been challenging and difficult.   As
previously  reported,  we  ceased the development  of  Aqua  Polar  (pure  water
vending),  ceased  our  activities  with  Powerpod  (mobile  telephone   battery
recharging  vending)  and  sold  the trade, assets  and  liabilities  of  BFresh
(toiletry  vending).   We  acquired Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited,  which  operates
children's  rides.   We  have not been able to place our stock-pile  of  ex-post
office  photobooths in suitable retailers because the market terms  dictated  by
the  dominant  company  in  photobooth  vending  (our  main  competitor)  remain
commercially unattractive.  In summary, we have made some progress  towards  the
promises made when we listed on AIM, but not enough progress.

We  currently  have 407 photobooths in operation (approximately  7%  of  the  UK
market)  and  330  children's rides in operation (approximately  4%  of  the  UK
market).   These  are similar levels of machines to those which  we  had  on  31
December  2006 for photobooths and as at 28 June 2007 for children's rides  (the
day after the acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited).

Revenue   for  the  year  from  continuing  operations  was  �3,403,000   (2006:
�1,459,000),  which analyses as �2,962,000 (2006: �1,459,000)  from  photobooths
and  �441,000  (2006: �Nil) from children's rides and revenue from  discontinued
operations  was �111,000 (2006: �86,000) from BFresh units (the children's  ride
turnover is effectively six months turnover from the date of acquisition).  Loss
before  taxation  was  �1,160,000  (2006:  �1,268,000),  adding  back  interest,
depreciation and amortisation produces a continuing operations EBITDA figure  of
a  loss of �353,000 (2006: loss of �677,000) which is a more appropriate way  of
looking  at  our  achievements.   The  comparative  figures  for  2006  are  not
comparable  as they cover some seven months of photobooth turnover  and  include
the  period  of the run off of the post office contract and they do not  include
any turnover for children's rides.

Our  control  of overheads and cash flows remains tight as is to be expected  of
such a relatively small company.

We  continue  to  seek  new opportunities to grow the  business.   This  can  be
frustrating because of our cash constraints and the commercial conditions set by
our  main  competitor.  To retailers, we are the only realistic alternative  for
photobooths and children's rides as a package of operating equipment.

I  applaud  the  determination shown by the executive team in their  search  for
commercially viable opportunities.

RJ Steele                                                       
                                                    27 June 2008


Andrew Coll
01494 513927
Chief Executive Officer

Nick Harriss
020 7489 4500
Blomfield Corporate Finance Ltd (Nomad)

Peter Ward
020 7638 5600
SVS Securities plc (Broker)

Consolidated income statement
for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                 Note   Year ended       209 day
                                       31 December  period ended
                                              2007   31 December
                                              �000          �000

Continuing operations                            
Revenue                             2        3,403         1,459
Cost of sales                               (2,190)         (765)
                                            ______        ______      
Gross profit                                 1,213           694
Other operating income                           2           155   
Distribution expenses                         (736)         (437)
Administrative expenses                     (2,089)       (1,675)
                                            ______        ______      
Operating loss                              (1,610)       (1,263)
Financial income (including               
exceptional item of �450,000                 
  (2006: �Nil))                                479            48
Financial expenses                             (29)          (53)
                                            ______        ______
Net financing costs                            450            (5)
                                            ______        ______
Loss before tax                             (1,160)       (1,268)
Taxation                            6          233            67
                                            ______        ______      
Loss from continuing operations               (927)       (1,201)
Discontinued operation                            
(Loss)/profit from discontinued     3          (25)           76
operations, net of tax                      ______        ______

Loss for the year being               
attributable to equity holders  of     
the parent                                    (952)       (1,125)
Earnings per share                                
Loss per share                       7         0.4p          0.8p
                                            ======        ======      
Continuing operations                             
Loss per share                       7         0.4p          0.8p
                                            ======        ======      

Consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the year ended 31 December 2007

                               Issued       Share     Retained     Total
                                share     premium     earnings
                              capital     account
                                 �000        �000         �000      �000
Year ended 31 December 2007                                  

At 1 January 2007                 206       1,387           43     1,636
Loss for the period being                                
total recognised income  
and expense for the period          -           -         (952)     (952)

Shares issued                      54         466            -       520
Issue of convertible debt          94          -             -        94
Share based payments                -          -           274       274
                               ______     ______        ______    ______
At 31 December 2007               354      1,853          (635)    1,572
                               ======     ======        ======    ======                         
209 day period ended 31                                  
December 2006

At 6 June 2006                      -          -             -         -
Loss for the period being                                
total recognised income             -          -        (1,125)   (1,125)
and expense for the period

Share-based payments                -          -         1,168     1,168
Shares issued                     206      1,387             -     1,593
                               ______     ______        ______    ______
At 31 December 2006               206      1,387            43     1,636
                               ======     ======        ======    ====== 

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 December 2007
                                    Note      Year ended         209 day
                                             31 December    period ended 
                                                    2007     31 December 
                                                    �000            �000
Non-current assets                                      
Property, plant and equipment                      1,495           1,688
Intangible assets                                    978           1,052
Other receivables                    8                 -              42
                                                  ______          ______       
                                                   2,473           2,782
                                                  ______          ______
Current assets                                         
Inventories                                          299             336
Trade and other receivables          8               398             591
Cash and cash equivalents                            171             955
                                                  ______          ______
                                                     868           1,882
                                                  ______          ______
Total assets                                       3,341           4,664
                                                  ______          ______
Current liabilities                                     
Interest bearing loans and           7               210           1,335

Trade and other payables            10               940           1,069
                                                  ______          ______
                                                   1,150           2,404
                                                  ______          ______
Non-current liabilities                                 
Interest bearing loans and           7               341             309

Deferred tax liabilities                             278             315
                                                  ______          ______
                                                     619             624
                                                  ______          ______
Total liabilities                                  1,769           3,028
                                                  ______          ______
Net assets                                         1,572           1,636
                                                  ======          ======
Equity   attributable   to   equity                     
holders of the parent
Share capital                       11               354             206
Share premium                                      1,853           1,387
Retained earnings                                   (635)             43
                                                  ______          ______
Total equity                                       1,572           1,636
                                                  ======          ======
These  financial statements were approved by the board of directors on  27  June
2008 and were signed on its behalf by:

AP Coll
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                        Year ended        209 day
                                      31 Decemeber   period ended
                                              2007   31 Decemeber
                                              �000           �000
Cash flows from operating                     

Loss for the year/period                      (952)        (1,125)
Adjustments for:                                        
  Depreciation and amortisation              1,257            586
  Impairment of negative goodwill                -            (70)
  Financial income                            (479)           (48)
  Financial expense                             29             53
  Loss on sale of property, plant                -           (126)
  and equipment
  Equity   settled   share-based               140          1,168
  payment expenses
  Gain  on  sale of  discontinued               (8)             -
  Taxation                                    (233)           (67)
                                            ______         ______
                                              (246)           371
Decrease/(increase)  in  trade  and            329           (180)
other receivables

Decrease(increase) in inventories               25           (272)

(Decrease)   in  trade  and   other           (616)          (979)
                                            ______         ______
Net  cash  generated from operating           (508)        (1,060)
Cash     flows    from    investing                     
Interest received                               29             48
Proceeds  from  sale  of  property,             87            377
plant and equipment

Disposal of discontinued operation,             85              -
net of cash disposed of

Acquisition of subsidiary,  net  of           (275)           774
cash acquired

Acquisition of property, plant  and            (52)           (12)
                                             ______        ______ 
Net cash from investing activities            (126)         1,187
                                             ______        ______           
Cash flows from financing activities                    
Proceeds  from the issue  of  share            370          1,511
Proceeds from new loan                         692          1,300
Repayment of borrowings                     (1,183)        (1,930)
Interest payable                               (29)           (53)
                                             ______        ______
Net cash from financing activities            (150)           828
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and           (784)           955
cash equivalents
Cash  and cash equivalents at start            955              -
of year/period                               ______        ______
Cash and cash equivalents at end of            171            955

(forming part of the financial statements)

1    Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards
These  annual  financial  statements are the first annual  financial  statements
following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted
by  the  European Union ("Adopted IFRSs") for Consolidated Vending Plc  and  its
subsidiaries  ("the Group").  These financial statements have been  prepared  in
accordance with the accounting policies set out below and take into account  the
requirements in IFRS 1 "First time adoption of International Financial Reporting

The transition date for the Group's application of adopted IFRS was the date  of
incorporation  on 6 June 2006 and the comparative figures for 31  December  2006
have  been  restated  accordingly.  Reconciliations  of  the  income  statement,
balance sheet and net equity from previously reported UK GAAP to IFRS are  shown
in  note  26.  The consolidated statements are prepared on the basis of  adopted
IFRS published by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") that are
currently in issue.

The  information  presented for the year ended 31 December 2007  represents  the
consolidated results of the Consolidated Vending Group for that period.

2    Accounting policies

Consolidated Vending Plc ("the Company") is a company incorporated and domiciled
in the UK.

The  group  financial  statements consolidate  those  of  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries  (together  referred  to as the "Group")  and  equity  account  the
Group's  interest  in  associates and jointly controlled entities.   The  parent
company financial statements present information about the Company as a separate
entity and not about its group.

The  group financial statements have been prepared and approved by the directors
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
EU.   The Company has elected to prepare its parent company financial statements
in accordance with UK GAAP, these are presented on pages 43 to 51.

The Group's significant accounting policies are listed below:

First time adoption

The  Group  has  applied IFRS 1 "First time adoption of International  Financial
Reporting Standards" in its initial application of IFRS.  The Group is  required
to   select   appropriate  accounting  policies  under  IFRS  and   apply   them
retrospectively   to  its  financial  statements  such  that   all   comparative
information is presented on the same basis.

Basis of preparation

The  financial  statements are presented in sterling,  rounded  to  the  nearest
thousand.  They are prepared on the historical cost basis.

The  financial  statements are prepared on a going concern basis notwithstanding
the consolidated deficit of current assets over current liabilities position  at
31  December  2007.   The  directors believe this  to  be  appropriate  for  the
following  reason.  The directors have prepared projected cash flow  information
for  the  period to December 2009.  On the basis of this cash flow  information,
the  directors  consider that the company will continue to  operate  within  its
available cash resources and bank facilities.  Any financial forecasts by  their
nature contain uncertainty.

The  preparation  of  financial  statements in  conformity  with  Adopted  IFRSs
requires  management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions  that  affect
the  application  of  policies and reported amounts of assets  and  liabilities,
income  and  expenses.  The estimates and associated assumptions  are  based  on
historical  experience  and  various other  factors  that  are  believed  to  be
reasonable  under  the circumstances, the results of which  form  the  basis  of
making  the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that  are
not  readily apparent from other sources.  Actual results may differ from  these

The  estimates  and  underlying assumptions are reviewed on  an  ongoing  basis.
Revisions  to  accounting estimates are recognised in the period  in  which  the
estimate  is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the  period
of  revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and  future

In  particular,  information about significant areas of estimation,  uncertainty
and  critical  judgements in applying accounting policies  that  have  the  most
significant  effect  on  the amounts recognised in the financial  statements  is
included in the following notes:

*    Note 5 - business combination

*    Note 10 - utilisation of tax losses

*    Note 20 - measurement of share based payments

The  financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute  the
company's  statutory  accounts for the years ended 31 December  2007.  Statutory
accounts  for  the year ended 31 December 2007 will be delivered to shareholders
on  Friday 27 June 2008 and will be available on the Company's website  ( The report of the auditors on these accounts was unqualified  and  did
not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Basis of consolidation


Subsidiaries  are  entities  controlled  by  Consolidated  Vending   Plc   ("the
Company").   Control  exists  when  the  Company  has  the  power,  directly  or
indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to
obtain  benefits from its activities.  The financial statements of  subsidiaries
are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control
commences until the date that control ceases.

Transactions eliminated on consolidation

Intra-group balances and any unrealised gains and losses, or income and expenses
arising   from  intra-group  transactions,  are  eliminated  in  preparing   the
consolidated financial statements.

New standards and interpretations not yet adopted

The  following Adopted IFRS's were available for early application but have  not
been applied by the Group in these financial statements.  Their adoption is  not
expected  to have a material affect on the financial statements unless otherwise

*    IFRS 8 "Operating segments" introduces the "management approach" to segment
 reporting.   2008 financial statements will require the disclosure  of  segment
 information  based on the internal reports regularly reviewed  by  the  Group's
 Chief Operating Decision Maker in order to assess each segment's performance and
 to   allocate  resources  to  them.   Currently,  the  Group  presents  segment
 information in respect of its business and geographical segments (see note  4).
 Under the management approach, the Group does not expect the presentation of its
 segment information to be significantly different.

3    Discontinued operations

Discontinued operation

In  October  2007,  the Group sold the trade, assets and liabilities  of  BFresh

The  company  could  no longer continue to suffer the losses of  BFresh  Limited
(toiletries vending) and successfully sold the trade, assets and liabilities  of
the  company on 3 October to Underlease Limited.  The consideration for the sale
was  �85,000  which  was fully paid with a final instalment  of  �60,000  on  15
January 2008.

A  pre-tax gain of �8,000 was recorded. The attributable tax was �Nil, leaving a
gain after tax of �8,000.

During  the  year ended 31 December 2007, BFresh Limited had cash  inflows  from
operating  activities of �31,000 (2006: �263,000), cash inflows  from  investing
activities of �58,000 (2006: �3,000) and cash flows from financing activities of
�17,000 outflow (2006: �273,000 inflow).

Results of the discontinued operations
                                      Year ended    209 day period
                                     31 December             ended
                                            2007       31 December
                                            �000              �000
Revenue                                      111                86
Expenses                                    (144)              (10)
Profit before tax                            (33)               76
Tax on profit                                  -                 -
Gain recognised on disposal of assets          8                 -
Tax on gain on disposal                        -                 -
                                           ======           ======          
(Loss)/profit per share (see note 11)          0p                0p
                                           ======           ======   
Due  to  the  tax  losses generated in both the current and proceeding  periods,
there is no tax expense on the discontinued operation.

Effect of the disposals on individual assets and liabilities
                                      Year ended    209 day period
                                     31 December             ended
                                            2007       31 December
                                            �000              �000
Property, plant and equipment                 58                75
Inventories                                   28                35
Trade payables                                (9)             (161)
                                           _____             _____
Net identifiable assets and liabilities       77               (51)
                                           =====             =====           
Consideration received, satisfied in cash     85
Gain recognised on disposal                    8         

4    Acquisitions of subsidiaries

On  27  June  2007, the Group acquired 100% of the ordinary shares  in  Kiddies
Rides  (UK)  Limited for �638,000, satisfied by �338,000 of cash on completion,
�150,000  of  contingent  cash payment and the issue of  �150,000  of  ordinary
shares  in  Consolidated  Vending Plc.  Kiddies Rides  (UK)  Limited's  clients
include  Tesco,  Mothercare and Asda.  In the year to  31  December  2007,  the
subsidiary  contributed  a  profit  of  �29,000  before  amortisation  to   the
consolidated net loss for the year.

As  the  financial statements for Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited were  historically
prepared for 12 months to October, management cannot estimate the impact on the
group revenue and loss as if the acquisition took place on 1 January 2007.

Effect of acquisitions

The acquisitions had the following effect on the Group's assets and liabilities:

                                  Acquiree's   Fair value       Recognised
                                        book  adjustments            value
                                       value                on acquisition
                                        �000         �000             �000
Acquiree's net assets at the                      
acquisition date:
Customer relationships                     -          701              701
Property, plant and equipment            382            -              382
Inventories                               16            -               16
Trade and other receivables               94            -               94
Cash and cash equivalents                 63            -               63
Interest-bearing loans and              (126)           -             (126)
Trade and other payables                (296)           -             (296)
Deferred tax liabilities                   -         (196)            (196)
                                      ______       ______           ______       
Net identifiable assets and              133          505              638
liabilities                                                         ______
Contingent consideration                                               150
Shares allotted                                                        150
Consideration paid satisfied in cash                                   338
Cash (acquired)                                                        (63)
Net cash outflow to date                                               275

The  contingent  consideration is due on 30 June  2008,  management  expect  the
conditions for the consideration to be paid to be substantially met.

Notes (continued)

4    Acquisitions of subsidiaries (continued)

Acquisitions in prior years

Snap Digital Imaging Limited
                                  Acquiree's   Fair value       Recognised
                                        book  adjustments            value
                                       value                on acquisition
                                        �000         �000             �000
Net assets acquired:                           
  Customer relationships                   -        1,274            1,274
  Property, plant and equipment        2,047            -            2,047
  Trade and other receivables            410            -              410
  Cash and cash equivalents              807            -              807
  Trade and other payables            (1,910)           -           (1,910)
  Interest bearing loans              (2,200)           -           (2,200)
  and borrowings
  Deferred tax liabilities                 -         (382)            (382)
                                      ______       ______           ______ 
Net liabilities                         (846)         892               46
                                      ======       ======           ======
Total consideration                                                     46
Consideration paid                                                      46
satisfied in cash
Cash (acquired)                                                       (807)
Net cash inflow                                                        761

BFresh Limited
                                                                    Acquiree's book
                                                                         values and
                                                                 acquisition amount
Net assets acquired:      
  Property, plant and equipment                                                 244
  Inventories                                                                    64
  Trade and other receivables                                                    43
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                      13
  Trade and other payables                                                     (138)
  Interest bearing loans and borrowings                                         (74)
Net assets                                                                      152
Negative goodwill                                                               (70)
Total consideration                                                              82
Satisfied by:             
  Shares allotted                                                                82
  Cash (acquired)                                                                13
Net cash inflow                                                                  13

The  full  value  of the negative goodwill of �70,000 was taken  to  the  income
statement in 2006 and is included within administrative expenses.

5    Remuneration of directors
                                        Year ended        209 day
                                      31 Decemeber   period ended
                                              2007   31 Decemeber
                                              �000           �000
Directors' emoluments                          231            110
Company contributions to money                  15              7
purchase pension schemes
                                            ______         ______
                                               246            117
                                            ======         ======

The  aggregate emoluments of the highest paid director were �149,000 and company
pension contributions of �15,000 were made to a money purchase pension scheme on
his behalf.

6    Taxation

Recognised in the income statement
                                        Year ended        209 day
                                      31 Decemeber   period ended
                                              2007   31 Decemeber
                                              �000           �000
Deferred tax expense                        
Origination and reversal of                    233             67
temporary differences                       ______         ______
Deferred tax credit                            233             67
                                            ______         ______
Total tax expense                              233             67
                                            ======         ======

Reconciliation of effective tax rate
                                        Year ended        209 day
                                      31 Decemeber   period ended
                                              2007   31 Decemeber
                                              �000           �000
Loss for the year                             (952)        (1,125)
Total  tax credit (including  tax             (233)           (67)
on discontinued operations)                 ======         ======
Loss excluding taxation                     (1,185)        (1,192)
                                            ======         ======
Tax using the UK corporation tax              (356)          (358)
rate of 30% (2006: 30%)
Effects of:                                 
Capital allowances for the period              (36)           (83)
in excess of depreciation
Expenses not deductible for tax                 32            256
Increase in tax losses                         129             85
Other items                                     (2)            33
                                            ______         ______
Total tax credit                              (233)           (67)
                                            ======         ======

Factors that may affect future tax charges

The  group  has  unrecognised  tax losses of approximately  �839,000.   The  net
resulting deferred tax asset at 28% of �235,000 has not been recognised  due  to
the  level  of  uncertainty regarding its utilisation through the generation  of
future taxable trading profits.

The  corporation tax rate applicable to the company changed from 30% to 28% from
1 April 2008.

Due  to  the  tax  losses generated in both the current and proceeding  periods,
there is no tax expense on the discontinued operation.

7    Loss per share

The  basic  loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss after taxation  of
�952,000 (2006: �1,125,000) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue  during the period of 233,873,230 (2006: 153,412,178) ordinary  shares  of
0.1p each.

Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                    2007                                     2006
               Continuing   Discontinued       Total    Continuing   Discontinued      Total
               operations     operations                operations     operations     
                     �000           �000        �000          �000           �000       �000
attributable to      (927)           (25)       (952)       (1,201)            76      (1,125)
ordinary shareholders                               

Weighted average number of ordinary shares
                                                                            2007           2006
Issued ordinary shares at 1 January                                   205,789,474             -
Effect of shares issued                                                28,083,756   153,412,178
                                                                      ___________   ___________
Weighted average number of                                            233,873,230   153,412,178
ordinary shares at 31 December                                        ===========   ===========

                                      2007                              2006
                          Loss    Weighted    Loss per     Loss/    Weighted   Loss per
                                 number of       share   (profit)  number of      share
                                    shares      (pence)               shares     (pence)
                          �000                            �000            
Basic earnings per share   952   233,873,230       0.4   1,125     153,412,178      0.8
Basic earnings per share                                           
from continuing operations 927   233,873,230       0.4   1,201     153,412,178      0.8
Basic earnings per share                                          
from discontinued operations25   233,873,230       0.0     (76)    153,412,178      0.0
                          ====   ===========       ===   =====     ===========      ===

8    Trade and other receivables
                                 2007      2006
                                 �000      �000
Non-current assets                         
Pre-contract costs                 -         42
                                 =====     ====

                                2007      2006
                                �000      �000
Current assets                            
Trade receivables                 47       190
Other receivables                277       316
Pre-contract costs                42        50
Prepayments                       32        35
                                ______     ____
                                 398       591
                                ======     ====
Pre-contract  costs  relate to expenses incurring in  tendering  for  a  6  year
contract.  These costs are being written off over the life of the contract which
ends in October 2008.

9    Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

This  note  provides  information about the contractual  terms  of  the  Group's
interest-bearing loans and borrowings, which are measured at amortised cost. For
more  information  about  the  Group's exposure to  interest  rate  and  foreign
currency risk, see note 24.
                                 2007      2006
                                 �000      �000
Non-current liabilities                    
Finance lease liabilities          14         5
Trafalgar capital loan            273         -
3i Group plc                        -       250
Arc convertible debt               54        54
                                 ____      ____
                                  341       309
                                 ====      ====    
Current liabilities                        
Current portion of bank loans       -        29
Current portion of finance lease   25         6
Other loan                         68         -
Trafalgar capital loan            117         -
3i Group plc                        -     1,300
                                 ____      ____
                                  210     1,335
                                 ====      ====                                           

The bank loan shown in 2006 represented an amount advanced to a subsidiary under
the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme and was unsecured.

Obligations under finance leases are secured on the assets to which they relate.

The  other  loan of �68,000 is payable to Lawrence Collins and was part  of  the
Share Purchase Agreement on acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited.  The debt
is  payable in equal instalments of �5,667 until December 2008.  No interest  is

The  ARC loan of �54,000 was a convertible loan agreement set up between  BFresh
and  Arc,  which  has since moved into the holding company Consolidated  Vending
Plc.  This loan is for a term of five years from 6 February 2006 and is interest
bearing at 7% per annum.  The loan is convertible at the option of the lender in
exchange  for 2,834,483 ordinary shares of Consolidated Vending plc.   The  fair
value  of  the convertible element of the loan is immaterial to these  financial

The debt due to 3i Group plc of �1,550,000 was repaid in 2007 with a discount of
�450,000 as part of their exit from the group.

A  convertible  loan agreement was entered into on 27 June 2007  with  Trafalgar
Capital Specialised Investment Fund for an amount of �625,000.  This carries  an
initial  interest rate of 8%.  The first capital repayment becomes due  in  June
2008  and  the  loan is repaid by July 2009.  From July 2008, the interest  rate
increases  to 12% and is then incremental by 1% per month to 24% at the  end  of
the term.  The loan becomes convertible at the request of the lender.

Trafalgar loan
Face value of loan                     625,000
Transaction costs paid in cash         (54,000)
Transaction costs paid through        (134,000)
share issue
Transaction costs taken to              47,000
income statement
Amount classified as equity            (94,000)
Carrying amount as at 31               390,000
December 2007                         ========

Finance lease liabilities

Finance lease liabilities are payable as follows:

                                 2007                          2006
                     Minimum                     Minimum
                       lease                       lease
                    payments Interest  Principal payments  Interest Principal
                        �000     �000       �000    �000       �000      �000
Less than one year        27        2         25       6          -         6
Between one  and five 
years                     18        4         14       6          1         5
                          45        6         39      12          1        11

10   Trade and other payables
                                     2007      2006
                                     �000      �000
Trade payables                        539       701
Other taxes and social security        82       144
Accruals                              319       224
                                      940     1,069
11   Share capital
                                      Ordinary shares
                                     2007          2006
On issue at 1 January           205,789,474           -
Issued for cash                  54,524,352 205,789,474
On issue at 31 December 
- fully paid                    260,313,826 205,789,474

                                2007           2006
                                �000           �000
Ordinary shares of 0.1p each   1,000          1,000
Allotted, called up and fully             
Ordinary shares of 0.1p each     260            206
Equity element of convertible     94              -
debt                           ________________________ 
                                 354            206
On  27  June  2007, the company issued 3,361,344 shares to Lawrence  Collins  at
1.4875p per share as part of the Share Purchase Agreement of Kiddies Rides  (UK)

On  27  June  2007, the company issued 10,084,034 shares to Collins Holdings  at
1.4875p  per share as part of the purchase consideration of Kiddies  Rides  (UK)

On  27 June 2007, the company issued 22,667,209 shares to Arc Shares Nominees at
1.4875p  per  share  in exchange for an investment in the company  of  �350,000.
This was used to part fund the purchase of Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited.

On  27  June  2007, the company issued 2,689,076 shares to Arc  Fund  Management
Limited at 0.1p per share which was satisfied in cash of �2,689.08.  The  shares
were  issued  at  a  discount to market value in order to reimburse  Arc  Shares
Nominees  for  their fees in relation to their investment in the business.   The
difference between issue cost and market value of �40,000 has been treated as  a
share based payment.

On  27 June 2007, the company issued 6,722,689 shares to SVS Securities at  0.1p
per  share satisfied in cash of �6,722.69.  The shares were issued at a discount
to  market value in order to reimburse SVS Securities for their fees in relation
to  their  introduction  of Trafalgar Capital to the business.   The  difference
between  issue  cost and market value of �100,000 has been treated  as  a  share
based payment.

On  27  June  2007, the company issued 9,000,000 shares to Trafalgar Capital  at
0.1p  per  share as a condition of the loan agreement.  This was  part  used  to
repay  3i  debt and aid the purchase of Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited.  The  shares
were  issued  at  a  discount to market value in order  to  reimburse  Trafalgar
Capital  for  their fees in relation to their investment in the  business.   The
difference between issue cost and market value of �134,000 has been treated as a
share based payment and offset against the debt.

The  holders  of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends  as  declared
from  time  to  time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings  of  the

12   Share based payments

Employee share scheme

The  following options over the company shares were in issue and unexercised  at
the beginning and end of the year:

Name of Option Holder                     Number of Option      Option Exercise
                                                    Shares                Price                     

AP Coll                                         34,000,000                 0.1p
AP Coll                                          6,000,000                   3p
RJ Steele                                        6,000,000                 0.1p
RJ Steele                                        4,000,000                   3p
JC Dowse                                         6,000,000                   3p
Other                                            4,000,000                   3p

Share based payments

All  of the options are exercisable at any time following grant on 23 June  2006
until  23 June 2016.  The holders of 0.1p options have entered into an agreement
with  the  company,  SVS  Securities Plc (the company's  broker)  and  Blomfield
Corporate  Finance Limited (the company's nominated advisor)  under  which  they
have  accepted a 24 month restriction on their ability to dispose of any options
held by them and on any shares deriving from their exercise, this expires on  22
June 2008.


In order to measure the value of the shares under the options granted, a version
of  the  Black-Scholes  model  was used.  The following  factors  were  used  in
arriving at the value of the scheme:

Exercise price           -    0.1p or 3p respectively

Fair value per option    -    2.9p per option and 0.04p per option respectively

Life of option           -    vested immediately upon date of grant

Risk free interest rate  -    6%

Volatility               -    54%

Shares issued in exchange for services

Shares  were  issued in exchange for services as outlined in note  19.   As  the
shares were issued on the same day as the service was performed their fair value
has been taken as the market price on that day of 1.4875p per share.

Total shares issued were 18,411,765 with a total market value of �274,000.

�134,000 of these costs were eligible to be capitalised as loan issue costs, the
remaining �140,000 has been charged to the income statement.

The  total  charge  to the income statement in respect of equity  settled  share
based  payments  was �140,000 (2006: �1,168,000).  This charge is  shown  within
administrative expenses.

13   Contingent liability

Powerpod Holdings Plc

On 20 February 2006, BFresh entered into a share sale agreement with some of the
shareholders  of  Powerpod Holdings Plc whereby for a consideration  of  �5,000,
BFresh acquired 6,500,000 ordinary shares in Powerpod Holdings comprising 65% of
the  issued  ordinary  share capital of Powerpod Holdings.   This  triggered  an
obligation  on BFresh under the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers  to  make  an
offer to acquire the remaining shares in Powerpod Holdings not already owned  by
it.  The acquisition cost of the compulsory offer was estimated to be �2,692.31.
As  at  31  December  2007,  BFresh owned 94.1% of  Powerpod  Holdings  Plc  and
initiated  the process of Compulsory Share Purchase Procedure for the  remaining
shares, via our company secretary (Woodside Corporate Services Limited).

14   Related parties

Transactions with key management personnel

Directors  of the Company and their immediate relatives control 4.7 (2006:  6.0)
per cent of the voting shares of the Company.

The compensation of key management personnel (the directors) is as follows:
                                              2007      2006
                                              �000      �000
Key management emoluments                     231        110
Social security costs                          22         16
Company contributions to money purchase        15          7
 pension schemes
 Share options granted                          -      1,166
                                              268      1,299
The share options granted are still outstanding as at 31 December 2007.

On  23  June 2006, the company issued 8,200,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each  at
the  subscription price of 1.65p each to Arc Fund Management Limited, a  company
of  which RR Haddow is a director, in consideration for services in coordinating
the raising of equity finance for the company.

On  23  June 2006, the company issued 7,600,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each  at
the  subscription  price  of 1.65p each to Arc Management  Services  Limited,  a
company of which RR Haddow is a director, in consideration for a finders fee  in
respect  of  the  investment made by the Arc EIS 4 Fund  and  corporate  finance
advice in relation to the structure of the investment in the company.

On  23 June 2006, the company issued 800,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each at the
subscription price of 1.65p each to Arc Corporate Services Limited, a company of
which RR Haddow is a director, in consideration for corporate services.

On  27 June 2007, the company issued 22,667,209 ordinary shares of 0.1p each  to
Arc  Shares  Nominees at 1.4875p per share, a company of which RR  Haddow  is  a
director, in consideration for corporate services.

On  27  June  2007, the company issued 2,689,076 ordinary shares to  Arc  Shares
Nominees  at 0.1p per share which was satisfied in cash of �2,689.08, a  company
of which RR Haddow is a director, in consideration for corporate services
Notes (continued)

15   Pension costs

The  group  makes contributions to defined contribution pension arrangements  on
behalf  of certain employees.  The pension cost charge for the period represents
the contributions payable by the group and amounted to �24,000 (2006: �12,000).

The  amount  outstanding at the end of the financial period amounted  to  �3,000
(2006: �3,000).
Notes (continued)

16   Explanation of transition to Adopted IFRSs

As  stated  in  note  1,  these  are the Group's  first  consolidated  financial
statements prepared in accordance with Adopted IFRSs.

The  accounting policies set out in notes 1 and 2 have been applied in preparing
the  financial  statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, the  comparative
information presented in these financial statements for the 209 day period ended
31  December 2006 and in the preparation of an opening IFRS balance sheet  at  6
June 2006 (the Group's date of transition).

In  preparing  its  opening IFRS balance sheet, the Group has  adjusted  amounts
reported previously in financial statements prepared in accordance with its  old
basis of accounting (UK GAAP). An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP
to  Adopted  IFRSs  has  affected  the  Group's  financial  position,  financial
performance and cash flows is set out in the following tables and the notes that
accompany the tables.

No  reconciliation  at the date of transition (6 June 2006) has  been  presented
since  the  company  was  newly  incorporated on  that  date  and  therefore  no
adjustments arose on transition to IFRS.

Reconciliation of equity
                            31 December
                              Effect of
                          transition to
                                Adopted   Adopted
                      UK GAAP     IFRSs     IFRSs
                         �000      �000      �000
Non-current assets                           
Property, plant and     1,688         -     1,688
Intangible assets:                           
  Goodwill                800      (800)        -
  Customer relationships    -     1,052     1,052
  Other receivables        42         -        42
                        2,530       252     2,782
Current assets                                
Inventories               336         -       336
Trade and other           591         -       591
Cash and cash             955         -       955
equivalents             ___________________________
                        1,882         -     1,882
Total assets            4,412       252     4,664
Current liabilities                           
Other interest-bearing(1,335)         -    (1,335)
loans and borrowings
Trade and other 
payables              (1,069)         -    (1,069)
                      (2,404)         -    (2,404)
Non-current liabilities                       
Interest-bearing  loans (309)         -      (309)
and borrowings
Deferred tax liability     -       (315)     (315)
                        (309)      (315)     (624)
Total liabilities     (2,713)      (315)   (3,028)
Net assets             1,699        (63)    1,636
Equity  attributable   to                     
equity holders of the parent
Share capital            206          -       206
Share premium          1,387          -     1,387
Retained earnings        106        (63)       43
Total equity           1,699        (63)    1,636

Notes to the reconciliation of equity

(a)     Under  Adopted IFRS an exercise has been undertaken to restate  previous
  acquisitions  under IFRS 3 "Business combinations" which has resulted  in  the
  derecognition  of  goodwill previously arising on business combinations  under
  UK  GAAP  and  the  recognition  of customer contracts  as  intangible  assets
  arising  from previous acquisitions.  These amounts have further increased  at
  30 June 2007 following the acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK) Limited.

(b)     The  decrease in retained earnings at 31 December 2006  is  made  up  as

  -    net adjustments to income statement of �63,000

Reconciliation of loss
                              Effect of
                          transition to
                                Adopted   Adopted
                      UK GAAP     IFRSs     IFRSs
                         �000      �000      �000
Revenue                 1,545       (86)    1,459
Cost of sales            (856)       91      (765)
Gross profit              689         5       694
Other operating income    369      (214)      155
Distribution expenses    (502)       65      (437)
Administrative expenses(1,613)      (62)   (1,675)
Operating loss before 
net financing costs    (1,057)     (206)   (1,263)
Financial income           48         -        48
Financial expenses        (53)        -       (53)
Net financing costs        (5)        -        (5)
Loss before tax        (1,062)     (206)   (1,268)
Taxation                    -        67        67
Loss after tax but before                     
gain on discontinued                 
operation              (1,062)     (139)   (1,201)
Profit  from discontinued   -        76        76
operation, net of tax
Loss for the year      (1,062)      (63)   (1,125)
Attributable to:                              
Equity holders of the  (1,062)      (63)   (1,125)
parent                  _________________________
Loss for the year      (1,062)      (63)   (1,125)

Notes to the reconciliation of loss

(a)   Under  UK  GAAP,  goodwill was amortised over its estimated  useful  life.
Under IFRS 3 "Business combinations, goodwill is not amortised but is subject to
annual  impairment review.  In addition, the directors have reviewed the balance
of  negative goodwill upon transition to IFRS and in accordance with IFRS 3 they
have  written off this balance of negative goodwill.  The reversal  of  goodwill
amortisation  resulted  in  a credit of �21,000.   The  write  off  of  negative
goodwill  resulted in a credit of �68,000 and the amortisation of  the  customer
contracts  and  the associated deferred tax liability resulted  in  a  debit  of
�152,000.  The net effect on the loss for the year was a debit of �63,000.

(b)   The  trade  assets and liabilities of BFresh Limited were  sold  in  2007.
Under  IFRS this has resulted in all income and expenditure relating  to  BFresh
being  reclassified  into the profit from discontinued operations  line  in  the
income statement.

Reconciliation of cash flow

There  has  been  no  effect on the Company's cash flows  as  a  result  of  the
transition to Adopted IFRS.

The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 were posted to 
shareholders on 27 June 2008.


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