RNS Number:5378G
Moorfield Group PLC
2 March 2000

                     Moorfield Group PLC
          Preliminary Results for the 12 months to
                      31 December 1999


- Pre-tax profit up 491% to #13.06 million
  (1998: #2.21 million)
- Earnings per share up 385% to 5.24p (1998: 1.08p)
- Net asset value per share 42p, up 16.7% after adjusting
  for share issue in the year
- Dividend per share up 10% to 0.6655p (1998: 0.605p)
- Ongoing reduction in gearing to 47% as cash resources
  continue to build
- Formation of Moorfield Capital Partners (MCP)

Sir Brian Corby, Chairman of Moorfield Group, commented:
"The  results  for the year to 31 December 1999 conclusively
present the benefits of the Group's strategy.  Moorfield  is
in   a  strong  financial  position  with  significant  cash
resources and almost #450 million of assets remaining  under

"With  its  venture capital approach, Moorfield believes  in
investing  in  property  and related opportunities  and,  as
such, will continue to refocus its activities as directed by
the  returns  it can achieve.  It has been an  exceptionally
good year for the Group".

Marc Gilbard, Managing Director said:
"The  past  year  has  been the most active  in  Moorfield's
history,  as  we have continued to successfully  pursue  our
stated  strategy  for  growth.  The  MCP  investment  was  a
landmark  deal  for  the Group and has been  followed  by  a
number  of  other  transactions across the  portfolio.   The
future is exciting as we look to continue to invest in  both
traditional and internet based businesses".

Press Enquiries:

Marc Gilbard/Graham Stanley
Moorfield Group
Tel: 020 7399 1900

Jonathon Brill/Charlotte
Bell Pottinger Financial
Tel: 020 7353 9203


Moorfield Group PLC is a quoted property investment, trading
and  development  Company that combines  the  advantages  of
being a listed public company, including access to the stock
market  and  investment liquidity,  with  some  of  the  key
structural  advantages  available to private  equity  funds.
Shareholders'  returns  are derived from  a  combination  of
returns  on  assets both wholly owned and under  management,
income  from management fees and income from profit  sharing
arrangements negotiated with co-investors in joint projects.


Formation  of  Moorfield Capital Partners (MCP)  to  acquire
#392 million of property.

Since  formation, MCP generates over #210 million of  sales,
enables repayment of original equity and produces profit  of
#41.93  million.   Over #230 million of MCP  property  still
owned at year-end.

#16.6  million sold from wholly owned portfolio at a  profit
of #1.52 million, with further disposals since the year-end.

Acquisition of a property investment company owning a  3,066
sq. m. (33,000 sq. ft.) office building in Edinburgh.

Completion  of five new 20 year full repairing and  insuring
institutional leases, with an additional Agreement to  Lease
on  a  'courtyard building', to Arthur Andersen  at  Arundel
Great Court.

Terms  agreed to form a #50 million joint venture with  Bank
of  Scotland  to  grow  a  branded  accommodation  business,
'Dom@in',  focused  principally  on  students,  nurses   and
similar key workers.

Acquisition for Dom@in of 2 freehold sites in Liverpool, one
currently  under development for 962 students and the  other
intended for some 736 nurses.

Establishment of a company to explore the potential  for  an
internet  infrastructure business  together  with  a  funded
incubator  for  property  and  property  related  e-commerce


The  results  for the year to 31 December 1999  conclusively
present  the  benefits of Moorfield's  strategy,  stated  as
combining  the  advantages of being a listed public  company
with  some  of  the key structural advantages  available  to
private  equity  funds.  Equity returns are derived  from  a
combination  of  returns on assets under management,  income
from   management  fees  and  income  from  profit   sharing
arrangements negotiated with co-investors in joint projects.

Pre-tax  profits for the year were #14.89 million, prior  to
#1.83 million of provisions against trading properties.  The
resultant  pre-tax  profit,  after  provisions,  of   #13.06
million  is 491% up from the previous year figure  of  #2.21
million.   Earnings  per share were  385%  higher  at  5.24p
compared to 1.08p last year.

The  Board  is recommending an increased final dividend  per
share  of  0.363p, up 10%, taking the full  year  figure  to
0.6655p (1998:0.605p).

In  April  1999, Moorfield issued approximately  44  million
shares at 28p per share to fund its #11.4 million investment
in  the  Moorfield  Capital  Partners  Limited  Partnerships
(MCP).   MCP was set up to acquire from Royal & Sun Alliance
three  companies  which together owned  a  portfolio  of  75
properties valued at approximately #392 million.  The stated
net asset value per share as at 31 December 1998 was 39p but
was diluted to 36p as a result of the share issue at 28p per
share.   Net  asset  value per share at the  1999  year-end,
stated  after  provisions of #1.06  million  in  respect  of
deferred  taxation, was 42p, which is 16.7% higher than  the
net  asset value per share for last year once the impact  of
the dilutive equity issue is taken into account.

During   the  year,  over  #400  million  of  property   was
purchased,  the majority of which was acquired through  MCP.
Over #200 million of property was sold both from Moorfield's
wholly  owned portfolio and, principally, that of MCP.   The
MCP  disposals  resulted in a profit of #31.56  million,  of
which Moorfield's share was #9.78 million, and the disposals
of  the Group's wholly owned property generated a profit  of
#1.52 million.

In  addition  to the property disposals, MCP made  a  profit
after financing costs of #10.37 million, arising from rental
income,  of which Moorfield's share was #3.22 million.   The
Group also earned some #852,000 in management fees from  its
partnerships over the year and has benefited in all  of  its
partnerships to date from enhanced profit share arrangements
due to the performance of the underlying assets.

In  March  1999 Moorfield completed the acquisition  of  the
entire  issued  share  capital of  Firmwalk  Limited.   This
special  purpose  property investment company  owns  Wallace
House,  a  3,088 sq. m. (33,241 sq. ft.) office building  in

In  April  1999  the  acquisition by  MCP  of  the  property
portfolio  from  Royal & Sun Alliance became  unconditional.
The  portfolio  comprised well-let  properties  with  strong
covenants and properties where active asset management could
lead to an increase in value.

The  MCP  business plan for the portfolio was to dispose  of
the  properties when the value to the partnerships had  been
maximised.   This  was to be achieved through  active  asset
management   and   taking  advantage  of   property   market
conditions to sell individual assets or portfolios  thereof.
In August 1999, MCP sold 9 Central London properties for #70
million  and  in December it sold a further #69  million  of
industrial   property,  simultaneous  with  #4  million   of
industrial property wholly owned by Moorfield.

Other individual asset sales from MCP over the year amounted
to  #71.49 million by value and, in addition, Moorfield sold
#12.56 million by value of its wholly owned property.

In   April  1999,  Moorstone  Arundel  Partners  L.P.,   the
partnership  between  Moorfield and Blackstone  Real  Estate
Advisers   completed  the  legal  formalities  with   Arthur
Andersen  (UK)  for  their long-term occupation  of  Arundel
Great  Court.  Arthur Andersen now occupy the 29,357 sq.  m.
(316,000  sq. ft.) complex under new 20 year full  repairing
and   insuring   institutional  leases  together   with   an
additional Agreement to Lease 3,344 sq. m. (36,000 sq.  ft.)
of net lettable accommodation to be developed in the central
courtyard.   The  development has planning approval  and  is
underway with an anticipated completion in 2001.

In   December   1998,   Moorfield  conditionally   exchanged
contracts  to  purchase a 2.63 hectare (6.5  acre)  site  in
Leeds  Street,  Liverpool  for  #1.65  million.   The   site
required  planning  consent  to  be  developed  for  student
accommodation and retail use, and this was obtained in April
1999.   As  a result, the site was purchased and development
is  currently underway to provide a 962 bed student village,
with  65  parking  spaces  and  a  complementary  commercial
element on a 0.81 hectare (2 acre) site.  Completion of  the
student village is expected in August 2000.

Moorfield   has  also  agreed  terms  for  the   conditional
acquisition of both the freehold and leasehold interests  in
a site on Prescott Street, Liverpool for some #3.26 million,
where   it   is   intended  to  provide  approximately   736
residential units, principally for nurses, together with 850
car  parking spaces.  Liverpool's largest teaching  hospital
is directly opposite the site.

Moorfield has agreed to form a joint venture, called Dom@in,
with  Bank  of Scotland for all of its activities  based  on
accommodation  for  students, nurses and other  similar  key
workers.   Both of the Liverpool projects are likely  to  be
taken  into Dom@in, within which Moorfield will be an equity
provider  as  well as site finder and developer/manager  and
Bank  of Scotland will provide both debt and equity finance.
The  intention  of  both partners is to  grow  the  business
around  a  quality  branded product that can  be  replicated
across the country.

In  September 1999 Moorfield announced that it had  received
outline planning consent for the 167,224 sq. m. (1.8 million
sq.  ft.)  first  phase  of the development  opportunity  at
Teesside International Airport.  The project is designed  to
provide  a total of 327,158 sq. m. (3.5 million sq. ft.)  of
airport related development over 101 hectares (250 acres) of
land within the boundary of the airport.  Interest from both
potential investors and occupiers remains strong but as with
all  sensitive  developments progress will  be  governed  by
factors beyond the basic property issues.

Moorfield  is  currently exploring a  number  of  investment
opportunities  based on an internet infrastructure  business
to be created within one of its existing assets.  It is also
considering the creation of a property and related  business
incubator  fund to complement this infrastructure  business.
Despite  current valuations, we believe that analysis  based
on  sound business principles will enable investments to  be
made  that  remain  underpinned by fundamentals.   This  new
business  area for the Group will be pursued in  partnership
with  management expertise in the various fields of interest
to us.

Moorfield is in a strong financial position with significant
cash  resources  and  almost #450 million  of  assets  under
management.   The property cycle for traditional  assets  is
maturing  and the opportunities for investment, where  there
are  high  returns  on equity invested,  are  becoming  more
scarce.    However,  with  its  venture  capital   approach,
Moorfield  believes  in investing in  property  and  related
opportunities  and, as such, will continue  to  refocus  its
activities as directed by the returns it can achieve.


Business Overview

At  the  year-end,  the property portfolio under  management
totalled  some  #450 million, excluding any value  from  the
development opportunities, and produced an annualised rental
income  of #31.40 million p.a.  Of the total portfolio,  #85
million  represented  the  wholly owned  portfolio  and  the
balance   represented  properties  owned  in   partnerships,
including  Arundel Great Court, held jointly with Blackstone
Real  Estate  Advisors, and the MCP portfolio  held  jointly
with Ellerman Investments Limited.

Investment and Trading Portfolio

Over  the most active year in Moorfield's history, the  only
investment   acquisition  made  within  the   wholly   owned
portfolio was announced in March, when a property investment
company  was  acquired.  This company owns a  3,066  sq.  m.
(33,000  sq.  ft.)  office building  in  Edinburgh,  for  an
effective  cost  of  #11 million, which  generates  a  gross
rental  income  of  #793,000 p.a. and is  subject  to  fixed
rental  uplifts.  The secure nature of the asset income  has
enabled  the Group to take full advantage of asset  gearing,
and as the property has increased in value over the year the
return  on  equity  has  proven to  be  significantly  above
target.   The  investment has also produced  a  high  income
return  that  will increase from February 2001, after  first

Despite  the  environment  of  rising  short  and  long-term
interest  rates, finance costs have remained relatively  low
on  a  historic basis, and the market for smaller  well  let
investments  has been reasonably buoyant through  the  year.
As such, Moorfield has taken advantage of this to dispose of
a  number of holdings in the value band below #2m.  The bulk
of assets sold have been secondary retail stock and included
properties at Atherstone, Epsom, Erdington, Haywards  Heath,
Hove,  Loughton,  Swindon, Wilmslow and Worthing.   These  9
properties  realised  a total of #7.4 million.   One  office
building  in  London SE1 was sold in 1999 for  #1.4  million
and,  since the year-end, another office building in Romford
has been sold for #1.3 million.

Three industrial holdings in Leeds, Bognor Regis and Windsor
were   sold  for  #4  million  simultaneous  with  a  larger
portfolio  sold from MCP, and an industrial unit  in  Merton
was sold earlier in the year for #3.85 million.

Overall,  these sales of wholly owned commercial  properties
showed  a surplus over book value of #1.589 million.   Since
the   year-end  a  number  of  further  disposals  have  had
contracts  exchanged,  or  are anticipated,  as  the  active
trading programme is progressed.

The  past  year  has also been a successful one  for  active
asset  management  progress on  a  number  of  wholly  owned
properties.   At New St, Birmingham there has proven  to  be
strong  occupier  demand for the building  from  recruitment
consultants and A2 occupiers where Zone A retail rents  have
risen from #8,611 per sq. m. (#80 per sq. ft.) to #1,667 per
sq.  m.  (#155  per sq. ft.) since purchasing the  property.
Extensive  refurbishment  of  the  common  parts  has   been
undertaken  on  the  office space to assist  lettings  where
quoting rents have increased from #75 per sq. m. (#7 per sq.
ft.)  to  #135 per sq. m. (#12.50 per sq. ft.).  At Eastgate
House,  Leeds 33% of the income has been secured  through  a
lease re-gear for a 10 year term with the Secretary of State
for Environment, resulting in the property being fully let.

Chapel  Market,  Islington  had proved  to  be  a  difficult
property up to and following the liquidation of the previous
tenant.  However, Moorfield has successfully secured  a  new
letting  for  a  15  year  term at  #120,000  p.a.,  thereby
improving  certainty of income and value.  At  Atlas  House,
Sutton  Coldfield,  our exposure to lease  expiries  on  the
retail element was mitigated with the letting of all 5 units
to  Bass for a 25 year term.  The vacant offices and  common
parts are being upgraded and actively marketed.

At   11/15  Victoria  Street,  Wolverhampton,  Moorfield  is
developing  a  297  sq. m. (3,200 sq. ft.)  2nd  floor  roof
extension  to  the  property.  After  a  series  of  complex
negotiations Moorfield has successfully secured a pre-let to
HMV for a 15 year term at #35,000 p.a., thereby enabling HMV
to  expand  and  link  through from an  adjoining  property.
Building works have commenced with HMV taking occupation  by
April 2000.

Since  the new management team joined Moorfield, the  assets
acquired,  both directly and in partnership, have  performed
well  in  excess of the stated equity return hurdle  of  20%
p.a.,  enabling  the  management to progress  the  business.
However,  many of the assets that were within the  Group  at
the  beginning  of  1996, continue to underperform  and,  as
such,  these  properties are being actively disposed  of  as
asset  management  and market conditions allow.   The  total
write  down  in the value of the wholly owned portfolio  was
#3.13 million.  This comprised a current year charge against
profit  of  #1.83  million in respect  of  the  trading  and
development  portfolio, as well as a #1.3 million  provision
through  reserves made in respect of prior year  revaluation
deficits of certain investment properties.

Overall,  the  portfolio  of  wholly  owned  investment  and
trading  properties increased in capital value  by  only  1%
adding  approximately #430,000 to the  net  asset  value  of
Moorfield.   The  annualised rent roll of the  wholly  owned
portfolio  was  #5.39  million  which  represented  a  gross
initial  income  yield of 7.50%, with a  reversionary  gross
yield of approximately 8.45%.

Development Activities

Further  development is taking place at  North  Quay  Retail
Park  Lowestoft where #372 sq. m. (4,000 sq. ft.) of  retail
space  has been pre-let to Choices Video at #135 per sq.  m.
(#12.50  per  sq. ft.), with completion due in summer  2000.
The  rent  to  be  paid by Choices Video sets  an  increased
rental  tone  for  the park.  In addition,  there  has  been
development  of a further 2,787 sq. m. (30,000 sq.  ft.)  of
industrial  units as part of an existing planning condition.
These units are being actively marketed.

Since  the year-end Moorfield has conditionally agreed terms
for  the disposal of the retail element of North Quay Retail
Park  in  Lowestoft, to a listed property  company  for  #17
million.  An exchange of contracts is expected imminently.

South Side Development - Teesside International Airport
Moorfield has been successful in obtaining outline  planning
consent for the first phase of its development proposals for
Teesside  International  Airport (TIA).   The  Secretary  of
State  for  the  Department  of Environment,  Transport  and
Regions  issued  the consent, following a protracted  Public
Inquiry,  on 27 September 1999.  The consent authorised  the
construction of up to 167,286 sq. m. (1.8 million  sq.  ft.)
of  airport related development on the first phase of a  101
hectare  (250 acre) site intended to eventually  accommodate
325,158  sq.  m.  (3.5 million sq. ft.) of  airport  related
development.  The land is currently held under option by the
Group and is abutting the main runway.

On  9  February 2000 Moorfield completed the acquisition  of
the  land  which will provide road access to the South  Side
development,  for  #436,000, which  is  fundamental  to  the
opening-up of the South Side area of the airport.

Marketing  of the development will commence in  earnest  now
planning   consent   has  been  obtained,   with   Moorfield
continuing to work closely with local, regional and national
bodies  to  ensure  that the airport receives  international
exposure.   A  virtual reality model of the development  has
recently  been completed and will form an integral  part  of
this marketing process.

Darlington and Drighlington
Moorfield established strong tenant interest and thus agreed
to   acquire  the  retail  warehouse  development  site   in
Darlington.  However, the British Rail  Property  Board  was
unable  to  complete  the transaction as  a  result  of  the
Department  of  the Environment, Transport and  the  Regions
implementing  an embargo that prevented them from  disposing
of  land assets with a potentially strategic transport  use.
Moorfield continues to receive occupational interest in  the
site  and hopes to be able to resurrect a viable opportunity
before expiry of the existing planning consent.

Moorfield had been negotiating over the last year to  extend
the  terms  of the various options under which it  holds  an
interest in the approximately 20 hectare (50 acre)  site  in
Drighlington.   It  was felt necessary to seek  a  timetable
that  would  span  the  next  two Unitary  Development  Plan
reviews  for both Leeds and Kirklees Councils, to bring  the
site  forward  from a greenbelt allocation to a  developable
status.  However, after protracted discussion, Moorfield has
been  unable  to agree acceptable terms with the land-owners
and  has,  therefore, withdrawn from an active position  and
written off the carrying costs of the project.

Moorfield  has  agreed to form a joint venture,  branded  as
Dom@in  Limited,  with  Bank of  Scotland  for  all  of  its
activities  based on accommodation for students, nurses  and
similar  key workers.  Moorfield will be an equity  provider
as  well  as site finder and developer/manager and  Bank  of
Scotland  will  provide both debt and equity  finance.   The
intention of both partners in Dom@in is to grow the business
around  a  quality  branded product that can  be  replicated
across the country.

In January 2000, Matthew McAdden was recruited as a director
of  Dom@in,  to work exclusively within this sector  of  the
business.  He has a background in public sector finance, and
has  extensive  contacts throughout the Higher  and  Further
Education  sectors.   These  links  are  already  generating
prospective opportunities.

In   December   1998,   Moorfield  conditionally   exchanged
contracts to purchase a 3 hectare (6.5 acre) site  in  Leeds
Street, Liverpool for #1.65 million.  The site was zoned for
industrial use and required planning consent to be developed
for  student  accommodation and retail use.  In  April  1999
Liverpool City Council issued a 'minded to approve' planning
decision that subsequently went unchallenged.  As a  result,
the site was purchased and development is currently underway
to provide a 962 bed student village, with 65 parking spaces
and a complementary 1,858 sq. m. (20,000 sq. ft.) commercial
element on a 0.81 hectare (2 acre) site.  Completion of  the
student village is expected in August 2000.

Moorfield   has  also  agreed  terms  for  the   conditional
acquisition of both the freehold and leasehold interests  in
a site on Prescott Street, Liverpool for some #3.26 million,
where   it   is   intended  to  provide  approximately   736
residential  units,  principally for nurses,  together  with
some  850  car parking spaces.  Liverpool's largest teaching
hospital is directly opposite the site.

There  are  many  direct and related business  opportunities
currently  being  explored  with  regard  to  growing   this

Joint Projects

The most significant event of the year for Moorfield was the
establishment  of MCP to acquire from Royal &  Sun  Alliance
three  companies  which together owned  a  portfolio  of  75
properties, independently valued on an open market basis  as
at  31 March 1999, at #392.35 million.  Moorfield identified
and  negotiated the acquisition and arranged  the  formation
and financing of MCP.

MCP  comprises  two  limited  partnerships,  established  in
England.  Each Partnership comprises three limited partners,
being  the  investors, and a general partner.  The investors
are  Moorfield,  Ellerman  (whose main  activities  are  the
operation  of  hotels  in  the UK and  Europe  and  property
investment)  and  Dover  Trading Limited/Weir  Limited  (two
companies owned by a Moorfield Employee Benefit Trust  which
hold these interests in MCP on trust).  The general partners
are  MCP Trading and MCP Investment, each of which is  owned
as to 50% each by Moorfield and Ellerman.

On 9 March 1999, Moorfield announced a 1 for 3 Open Offer of
New  Ordinary Shares at 28p per share, the net  proceeds  of
which  were applied towards financing Moorfield's investment
in  MCP.   The issue was fully underwritten by Royal  &  Sun
Alliance  and  resulted  in them owning  just  over  10%  of

Moorfield invested #11.4 million for a 24% interest in  MCP,
Ellerman  invested  #32.4 million for  a  72%  interest  and
Dover/Weir  invested #1.8 million for a  4%  interest.   Net
proceeds  from  realisations of properties from  MCP  (after
debt  repayment) together with surplus income is distributed
to  investors  pro rata to their respective interests  until
each  has  received distributions equal to  its  investment.
Thereafter, distributions are amended to generate a  carried
interest return to Moorfield whereby Moorfield receive  31%,
Ellerman 65% and Dover/Weir 4%.

As  part  of the acquisition funding, Depfa Bank loaned  MCP
#295  million  of  non-recourse bank debt and  Royal  &  Sun
Alliance  subscribed  for #60 million  of  MCP  subordinated

Moorfield  is property manager of the MCP portfolio  and  is
paid  a  management fee equal to the greater of 3% of  gross
rental  income from the portfolio or the costs  incurred  in
managing  the  business  of  MCP.   Ellerman  also  paid   a
founder's fee of #1.5 million to Moorfield.

The  properties within the MCP portfolio have been  actively
managed  around a business plan established at the  time  of
acquisition and continually reviewed in the light of  market
circumstances  and  opportunities  arising.   Some  specific
management highlights and a sales summary are set out below.

MCP Asset Management Summary
The  quality refurbishment carried out of the 7th  floor  of
Holland House, Bournemouth was justified with the letting of
all  743 sq. m. (8,000 sq. ft.) to Abbey Life for a 10  year
term  at #113 per sq. m. (#10.50 per sq. ft.), the best rent
achieved  in Bournemouth for over 5 years.  Similar  success
was   achieved   at  172/176  High  Road,  Streatham   where
Sainsburys  was secured by way of a pre-let for  a  20  year
term  at a rent of #125,000 p.a. (#50 Zone A).  This  is  in
excess  of  our  ERV  and provides favourable  evidence  for
adjoining rent reviews and lease renewals on property  owned
by MCP.

Considerable proactive asset management is being  undertaken
at   Kembrey  Park,  Swindon  (the  largest  asset  in   the
portfolio)  which  is  a  22 hectare  (55  acre)  mixed  use
business  park, totalling 66,890 sq. m. (720,000  sq.  ft.),
with  a total rent of approximately #4 million p.a. MCP  has
rebranded the park and renewed the marketing to increase the
occupancy  rate  from  its current  83%.   We  are  actively
seeking  pre-lets for the vacant buildings  and  development
sites,  having  taken  lease  surrenders  and  carried   out
refurbishment on vacant space.

Increased  office  occupier  demand  around  the   M25   has
considerably assisted the rent review negotiations  for  the
two  office  buildings at Thames Street, Staines,  totalling
3,252  sq.  m.  (35,000 sq. ft.) where the rents  agreed  at
approximately #236 per sq. m. (#22 per sq. ft.) show  a  20%
increase  in  the passing rental level, against expectations
of nil increase when the property was purchased.

At  50/52  Regent Street, London a sublease was  sold  to  a
serviced office operator, for the remainder of the MCP  head
lease term, for a capital sum of #2.1 million together  with
a  base  annual  income of #50,000 (plus a potential  profit
share).    Whilst  this  removes  the  intensive   financial
management  liabilities  of the serviced  offices,  MCP  has
retained  an  interest in the event that the head  lease  is
renewed upon expiry.

Tenant negotiations were successfully concluded with British
Gas  at  Heron  House, Holborn, London where MCP  secured  a
substantial  reverse  premium for a surrender  of  the  head
lease  and  simultaneously inherited  various  sub  tenants.
This property has subsequently been sold.

The  lack  of development sites generally available  enabled
MCP to negotiate a sale option with Asda at 134 Bridge Road,
Maidenhead.  Asda have paid a non-refundable deposit and are
attempting to secure a supermarket planning consent  on  the

Considerable asset enhancement opportunities exist at Cavern
Walks  Shopping  Centre, Liverpool  where  MCP  is  actively
negotiating flexibility within the tenants leases to  enable
a  reconfiguration of the centre at a later date to  refocus
the  scheme  for top quality fashion retailers.  The  vacant
offices  are  being  refurbished to take  advantage  of  the
strong  occupier demand and over 1,858 sq.  m.  (20,000  sq.
ft.) is currently under offer.

MCP Sales Summary
Since  acquiring the MCP Portfolio, Moorfield,  as  property
manager,  has  been responsible for sales in 1999  totalling
#210.49   million,  which  consisted  of  a  total   of   35
properties.   A further 4 properties have been sold  in  the
first two months of 2000.

The properties sold produced a total rental income of #11.19
million which yielded approximately 6.45% and were sold  for
an increase in capital value over cost of 21.3%.

Notable  disposals included a portfolio of 9 central  London
properties  for #70 million.  These properties  produced  an
annual rental income in the order of #4.62 million and  were
sold  on  a net initial yield of approximately 6.3%.   Terms
were  agreed  directly  with  the  purchaser  and  Moorfield
progressed  the  transaction to  an  exchange  of  contracts
within 3 weeks.

A  further portfolio of properties were sold from  both  MCP
and  those  wholly owned by Moorfield Group.  The  portfolio
comprised 15 properties from MCP, sold for #69 million,  and
a  further 3 properties from the wholly owned portfolio sold
for  #4  million.  The gross rental income on this portfolio
was  in the order of #5.34 million and sold on a net initial
yield of approximately 6.9%.

Other  notable  disposals included the sale of  Bevis  Marks
House in the City for #28 million.  The building produced  a
rental income of #2.37 million and was sold on a net initial
yield  of 8%.  Cory House and Ocean House in Bracknell,  was
sold for #14.7 million and 137 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, a
building let to the Prudential, was sold for #10.35 million,
based on a net initial yield of 6.4%.

Retail properties in Rushden, Wallingford, Chesham, Wickford
and  Truro  were sold for a total consideration  of  #11.265

Since acquisition, the cash generated from net rental income
and  sales  has  enabled the repayment of all  the  original
equity  and  has generated a profit of over #41.93  million.
At  the  year-end, property valued at over  #230million  was
still owned by MCP.

Arundel Great Court
The Moorfield Group acting for Moorstone Arundel Partners LP
(MAP),  the joint venture partnership between Moorfield  and
Blackstone  Real Estate Advisors, the property fund  of  The
Blackstone  Group,  completed  the  legal  formalities  with
Arthur  Andersen for their long-term occupation  of  Arundel
Great Court in April 1999.

Arundel Great Court comprises a complex of five inter-linked
office  buildings totalling 29,357 sq. m. (316,000 sq.  ft.)
with  a  central courtyard located just off  the  Strand  in
Central  London.   Agreements  were  exchanged  with  Arthur
Andersen  to surrender their existing relatively  short-term
occupational  leases and they will now occupy under  new  20
year full repairing and insuring institutional leases with 5
yearly upward only rent reviews.

In  addition,  MAP have agreed to undertake a  comprehensive
refurbishment of the Strand entrance providing  an  imposing
new  entrance  lobby which will provide a  strong  corporate
identity   for  Arthur  Andersen.   Agreements   were   also
exchanged with Arthur Andersen for the pre-let of a new high
quality  3  storey office building in the central  courtyard
which  will provide a further 3,344 sq. m. (36,000 sq.  ft.)
of  net lettable accommodation, with a new conference centre
and meeting rooms as well as grade A office accommodation.

Moorfield obtained planning permission for this new building
in  August  1999 subject to the resolution of a Section  106
Agreement  for a contribution to environmental  improvements
in  the  Strand  area.  Construction for the  new  courtyard
building  is  due to commence in late February 2000  and  in
addition  Arthur  Andersen have requested the  developer  to
undertake all of their fitting out works and produce a turn-
key building for them to occupy.

With  the  new  building completed, the entire complex  will
produce  a  rental income of #11.2 million  p.a.  with  rent
reviews due in February 2003.

Since the year-end, discussions have commenced with a Middle
Eastern  buyer  for  MAP to dispose  of  their  interest  in
Arundel  Great Court.  However, the transaction is  only  in
the early stages of legal due diligence.

Internet and e-Commerce Related Activities

Moorfield has been researching the internet market  and  the
property related opportunities therein for some 2 years.  It
has  been  a  very  difficult market to analyse  based  upon
business  fundamentals, particularly  the  establishment  of
corporate  value.  However, the time spent on  research  has
developed  some very interesting contacts and  opportunities
for  Moorfield and has given it the confidence to  begin  to
invest  time and capital into specific internet and  related
business areas.

Moorfield considers it has identified a building within  its
own  portfolio that may prove to be suitable for  conversion
into a web hosting facility.  Further property due diligence
will  be  undertaken  but  the  most  important  aspects  in
determining  the  building's suitability have  already  been
established.   Not  only would this building  become  income
producing  as a result of its new occupation, but  it  could
also  be  the  foundation  for  an  internet  infrastructure
business.  There will be substantial capital costs  involved
in  making  this  property fully compatible  with  its  user
requirements if it proves suitable.

As  a  result  of  the possible creation  of  this  internet
infrastructure  business, Moorfield has also been  exploring
various  internet  opportunities that either  separately  or
together may be of significant value.  The Group intends  to
act  as  an  initial  financial supporter  and  catalyst  to
various   property  and  related  internet  and   e-commerce

It  is  not  Moorfield's  intention to  become  an  internet
investor for the sake of inclusion in the current e-commerce
euphoria.   If the identified building proves unsuitable  or
no  business opportunities of value or interest  arise,  the
Group will not play a part in this activity until it is able
to justify doing so based on sound fundamental criteria.

Financial Position

Moorfield is in a strong financial position with almost #450
million   of  assets  under  management,  significant   cash
resources  and  balance sheet gearing of  47%.   On  Balance
Sheet  property gearing, net of cash, was 41%, although  the
average  level of property gearing in the MCP and  Moorstone
partnership  vehicles  was 82%.  The  strategy  of  a  lowly
geared  core  business with higher gearing in  non-recourse,
off-balance sheet vehicles, is one that the Group intends to
continue to employ.

Interest  cover  from  the wholly owned portfolio  currently
runs  at  approximately 1.8 times and produces a surplus  of
almost  #2.4  million  p.a.   This  provides  a  significant
contribution  to Group profit with additional income  coming
from the partnership investments.

The  property  cycle for traditional assets is maturing  and
the  opportunities  for investment,  where  there  are  high
returns  on  equity  invested,  are  becoming  more  scarce.
However,   with  its  venture  capital  approach,  Moorfield
believes  in investing in property and related opportunities
and,  as  such,  will continue to refocus its activities  as
directed by the returns it can achieve

for the year ended 31 December 1999

                                                      1999     1998
                                          Notes      #'000    #'000
Turnover - group and share of associates            76,947   12,957
Less - share of associates turnover                (55,939)  (2,407)
                                                    ======    =====
Group turnover - continuing operations      1       21,008   10,550
                                                    ======    =====
Gross rental income                                  6,603    6,742
Rents payable and other outgoings                     (595)    (650)
                                                  --------  -------
Net rental income                                    6,008    6,092
Administration expenses                             (4,353)  (2,213)
(Loss)/profit on trading properties                   (429)     181
Profit on investment properties                        122      226
Other operating income                               1,524      553
                                                  --------  -------
Operating profit - continuing operations             2,872    4,839
Group share of operating profit of                                 
 associated undertakings                    2       19,687    2,460
                                                   -------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities before                               
 interest and taxation                              22,559    7,299
Net interest payable - group                        (2,925)  (3,106)
Net interest payable                                               
 - share of associated undertakings         2       (6,578)  (1,984)
                                                  --------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities before                               
 taxation                                           13,056    2,209
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities   3       (4,569)    (663)
                                                  --------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities after                                
 taxation                                            8,487    1,546
Equity dividends                            4       (1,173)    (831)
                                                  --------  -------
Retained profit for the year                         7,314      715
                                                     =====    =====
Basic earnings per ordinary share           5        5.24p    1.08p
                                                     =====    =====
Diluted earnings per ordinary share         5        5.24p    1.08p
                                                     =====    =====

for the year ended 31 December 1999
                                        1999               1998
                         Notes      #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000
Fixed assets                                                          
Investment and                                                        
 development properties    6       64,060             45,540
Other tangible assets                 260                302          
Investment in associated                                              
 undertakings                      29,543              6,093
                                  -------    93,863   ------    51,935
Current assets                                                        
Trading properties         7       17,258             31,498          
Debtors                             6,764              1,896          
Other investments                      62                 62          
Cash at bank and in hand           11,750              8,273          
                                  -------             ------          
                                   35,834             41,729          
Amounts falling due                                                   
 within one year                  (17,751)            (5,662)
                                 --------   -------   ------   -------
Net current assets                           18,083             36,067
                                            -------            -------
Total assets less                                                     
 current liabilities                        111,946             88,002
Amounts falling due                                                   
 after more than                                                      
 one year                                   (39,830)           (39,589)
Provisions for                                                        
 liabilities and charges                      (643)                  -
                                           --------           --------
Net assets                                   71,473             48,413
                                              =====              =====
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called up share capital                      17,623             13,217
Share premium account                        36,744             29,793
Investment revaluation                                                
 reserve                                     11,318              6,606
Capital reserve                                 648                648
Capital redemption                                                    
 reserve                                      1,148              1,148
Profit and loss account                       3,992             (2,999)
                                           --------           --------
Shareholders' funds -                                                 
 equity interests                            71,473             48,413
                                              =====              =====

for the year ended 31 December 1999

                                          1999               1998
                            Notes      #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000
Net cash inflow from                                                    
 operating activities         9                15,518              1,819
Dividends from Associated                                               
Dividend received from                                                  
 Moorstone associates                               -                544
Returns on investment and                                               
 servicing of finance
Interest received                        492                363         
Interest and finance fees                                               
 paid                                 (3,248)            (3,461)
                                     -------            -------         
Net cash outflow from                                                   
 returns on investment                         (2,756)                   
 and servicing of finance                                         (3,098)
Taxation - UK Corporation                                               
 tax paid                                      (1,171)              (334)
Capital expenditure and                                                 
 financial investment
Purchase of investment                                                  
 properties                           (9,707)              (723)
Additions to tangible fixed                                             
 assets                                 (109)              (109)
Sale of investment                                                      
 properties                            2,074              7,141
Sale of tangible fixed                                                  
 assets                                   41                 24
                                     -------            -------         
                                               (7,701)             6,333
Acquisitions and disposals                                              
Original investment in MCP                                              
 associated undertakings             (11,400)                 -
Repayment of investment in                                              
 MCP associated                                                
 undertakings                          6,120                  -
Investments in Moorstone                                                
 associated undertakings                (355)             2,222
Acquisition of subsidiary                                               
 (Firmwalk Ltd)                         (633)                 -
                                    --------            -------         
                                              (6,268)              2,222
Equity dividends paid                           (969)               (826)
                                              -------            -------
Cash (outflow)/inflow                                                   
 before use of liquid                                                   
 resources and financing                      (3,347)              6,660
Share issue proceeds                  12,336                  -         
Share issue expenses                    (979)                 -         
Consideration for                                                       
 acquisition of own shares                 -            (1,750)
Increase/(decrease) in                                                  
Capital element of finance                                              
 lease payments                           (7)                (7)
Loans advanced in the year                 -             20,685         
Loan repayments in the year           (4,598)           (21,983)         
                                    --------           --------         
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                       6,752            (3,055)
 from financing
                                              -------             ------
Increase in cash in the                                                 
 period                                         3,405              3,605
                                                =====              =====

for the year ended 31 December 1999

1. Group Turnover

                         1999                          1998
              Turnover   Cost of  Property  Turnover  Cost of  Property
                           sales    income              sales    income
                 #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000
 income          6,603         -     6,603     6,742        -     6,742
  property)     13,046  (11,579)     1,467         -        -         -
  property)      1,359   (1,426)      (67)     3,808  (3,627)       181
              --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------
                21,008  (13,005)     8,003    10,550  (3,627)     6,923
              ========     =====     =====     =====    =====     =====

2. Results from Associated Undertakings

                          MCP       Moorstone       Total   Moorstone
                       Associates  Associates  Associates  Associates
                             1999        1999        1999        1998
                            #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000
(i) Operating profit                                                 
    for the year
Gross rental income        26,035       9,173      35,208       9,629
Property outgoings/                                                  
 administration            (2,505)        (85)     (2,590)       (161)
Profit on property                                                   
 sales                     30,668           -      30,668         370
Other income                1,982           -       1,982           -
                           ------      ------     -------      ------
                           56,180       9,088      65,268       9,838
                           ======      ======      ======       =====
Group share                17,415       2,272      19,687       2,460
                           ======      ======      ======       =====
(ii) Net interest                                                    
     payable               14,250       8,644      22,894       7,935
                           ------      ------      ------      ------
Group share                 4,417       2,161       6,578       1,984
                           ======      ======      ======       =====

3. Taxation on Profit on Ordinary Activities

                                                   1999       1998
                                                  #'000      #'000
Current year charge:                                              
 UK corporation tax on profit on ordinary                         
  activities - group                                  -        937
 UK corporation tax on profit on ordinary                         
  activities - share of associated undertakings   3,927         54
Deferred tax                                        642          -
Advance corporate tax written back                    -       (262)
Prior year adjustments                                -        (66)
                                                  -----    -------
                                                  4,569        663
                                                  =====    =======

Deferred  tax  has been provided in respect  of  Accelerated
Capital Allowances.

4. Dividends

                                                      1999    1998
                                                     #'000   #'000
Interim dividend of 0.3025p per share                             
 (1998 - 0.275p) paid                                  533     395
Proposed final dividend of 0.363p per share                       
 (1998 - 0.33p) payable                                640     436
                                                    ------  ------
Total dividends on equity shares                     1,173     831
                                                     =====   =====


5. Earnings per Ordinary Share

The  calculation of basic earnings per share  is  calculated
using profit after tax of #8,487,000 (1998 - #1,546,000) and
the  weighted average number of shares in issue  during  the
year of 161,861,794 (1998 - 143,367,699).
As required by Financial Reporting Standard 14 "Earnings per
Share", the component figures used in calculating the  fully
diluted earnings per share are disclosed below.
The weighted average number of dilutive shares is arrived at
by  comparing  the difference between the weighted  exercise
price of the share options with the daily average mid-market
share price over the period.

                                               1999         1998
Weighted average exercise price of                              
 share options in the period                 28.97p       29.00p
Average daily share price in the                                
 period                                      27.33p       27.67p
                                        -----------  -----------
Weighted average number of shares in                            
 issue in the period                    161,861,794  143,367,699
Weighted average number of dilutive                             
 share options                               19,618       12,026
Total number of shares used in                                  
 calculation of diluted earnings per                            
 share                                  161,881,412  143,379,725
                                        ===========  ===========

6. Investment and Development Properties

                            Investment          Development
                        Freehold  leasehold   Freehold    Total
                           #'000      #'000      #'000    #'000
Cost or valuation                                              
At 1 January 1999         41,840      3,700          -   45,540
Additions                 12,462          -      9,720   22,182
Disposals                 (3,347)         -          -   (3,347)
Revaluation (deficit)/                                         
 surplus                     360       (675)          -    (315)
                         -------     ------    -------  -------
At 31 December 1999       51,315      3,025      9,720   64,060
                           =====      =====    =======    =====
The year end book                                              
 values are analysed
 as follows:
Historical cost           48,125       3046      9,720   60,891
Revaluation surplus/                                           
 (deficit)                 3,190        (21)         -    3,169
                           =====      =====    =======    =====

Freehold  and leasehold investment properties  held  by  the
subsidiaries were valued at #54,340,000 by DTZ Debenham  Tie
Leung  Limited, acting as external valuers.  The  properties
were  valued  as at 31 December 1999 on the  basis  of  Open
Market Value, in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation
Manual of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

7. Trading Properties

                    Freehold                  Freehold          
                  commercial  Development  residential          
                  properties  expenditure   properties     Total
                       #'000        #'000        #'000     #'000
At 1 January                                                    
 1999                 29,125        1,158        1,215    31,498
 expenditure               -          123            -       123
Additions                 53            -          262       315
Disposals            (11,423)           -       (1,426)  (12,849)
Write down                                                      
 provisions           (1,264)        (565)            -   (1,829)
                   ---------    ---------    ---------  --------
At 31 December                                                  
 1999                 16,491          716           51    17,258
                       =====        =====        =====     =====

The  freehold  commercial trading  properties  held  by  the
subsidiaries were valued at #17,950,000 by DTZ Debenham  Tie
Leung  Limited, acting as external valuers.  The  properties
were  valued  as at 31 December 1999 on the  basis  of  Open
Market Value, in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation
Manual of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.  The
development expenditure comprises costs incurred in relation
to the projects at Darlington and Teesside.  The residential
properties are held by Upwood LP.

8. Borrowings

                                           1999      1998
                                          #'000     #'000
The aggregate amount repayable falls                     
 due over the following time periods:
Within one year                           5,537       426
Between one and two years                 4,832       434
Between two and five years               30,998     5,729
Over five years                           4,000    33,404
                                       --------  --------
                                         45,367    39,993
                                       ========  ========

                                           1999      1998
                                          #'000     #'000
Variable rate bank loans and                             
 overdrafts                              31,983    28,993
Fixed rate bank loans                                    
 (8.65 per cent until February 2004)     11,000    11,000
Fixed rate bank loans                                    
 (6.54 per cent until February 2004)      2,384         -
                                       --------  --------
                                         45,367    39,993
                                       ========     =====

9. Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Cash Inflow from
Operating Activities

                                1999              1998
                            #'000   #'000    #'000     #'000
Operating profit                     2,872               4,839
Depreciation of tangible                                      
 assets                        103              100
Profit on sale of                                             
 investment properties        (123)            (226)
Profit on sale of other                                       
 fixed assets                    7               (8)
                           -------          -------           
                                       (13)               (134)
Working capital movements                                     
Stocks                      14,240           (2,998)           
Debtors                     (3,062)            (154)           
Creditors                  (1,481)              266           
                           -------          -------           
                                    12,659              (2,886)
                                    ------           ---------
Net cash inflow from                                          
 operating activities               15,518               1,819
                                    ======               =====

The  preliminary statement, which has been agreed  with  the
auditors, was approved by the Board on 2 March 2000.  It  is
not   the   Company's  statutory  accounts.   The  statutory
accounts  for  the  year ended 31 December  1998  have  been
delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies  and  received  an
audit  report  which was unqualified and did not  contain  a
statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies  Act
1985.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December
1999 have not yet been approved, audited or filed.

The  Directors recommend the payment of a final dividend  of
0.363p  per  ordinary share for the year ended  31  December
1999  making a total of 0.6655p per ordinary share  for  the
year.  Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting  on
22  May  2000, the dividend will be paid on 26 May  2000  to
shareholders  on  the Register of members at  the  close  of
business on 17 March 2000.



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