RNS Number : 2591L

Puma VCT 10 PLC

30 September 2016

Puma VCT 10 plc

Interim Report

For the period ended 30 June 2016

Officers and Professional Advisers

 Directors                     Auditor 
 David Vaughan (Chairman)      RSM UK Audit LLP 
  Stephen Hazell Smith          Chartered Accountants 
  Graham Shore                  25 Farringdon Street 
                                London EC4A 4AB 
  Eliot Kaye                     Sponsors and Solicitors 
                                 Howard Kennedy 
  Registered Number              No 1 London Bridge 
  08714913                       London SE1 9BG 
 Registered Office             Bankers 
  Bond Street House             The Royal Bank of Scotland 
  14 Clifford Street            plc 
  London W1S 4JU                London City Office 
                                PO Box 412 
                                62-63 Threadneedle Street 
  Investment Manager            London EC2R 8LA 
  Puma Investment Management 
  Limited                       Lloyds Bank International 
  Bond Street House             Limited 
  14 Clifford Street            Sarnia House 
  London W1S 4JU                Le Truchot 
                                St Peter Port 
                                Guernsey, GY1 4EF 
 Registrar                     VCT Tax Advisor 
  SLC Registrars                PricewaterhouseCoopers 
  42- 50 Hersham Road           LLP 
  Walton-on- Thames             1 Embankment Place 
  Surrey, KT12 IRZ              London WC2N 6RH 
 Administrator                 Custodian 
  PI Administration Services    Pershing Securities Limited 
  Limited                       Capstan House 
  Bond Street House             One Clove Crescent 
  14 Clifford Street            East India Dock 
  London W1S 4JU                London E14 2BH 

Chairman's Statement


   --    Fund substantially invested in a diverse range of high quality businesses and projects. 

-- First 6p per share dividend paid during the period, equivalent to an 8.6% per annum tax-free running yield on investment.

-- Strong pipeline of VCT qualifying investment opportunities to ensure that the Company remains on track to meet its 3-year target.

   --    Full recovery of interest on loan to Ennovor Trading generated an extra GBP168,000 of income. 
   --    NAV per share up 0.18p in the half year to 96.53p (adding back dividends paid to date). 

Chairman's Statement


The Company has now deployed a substantial proportion of its funds in both qualifying and non-qualifying investments, and remains on track to meet its minimum qualifying investment percentage of 70 per cent within the requisite timeframe. Our portfolio is well positioned to deliver attractive returns to shareholders within its expected remaining time horizon.

Net Asset Value ('NAV')

The NAV per share at the period end was 90.53p, 96.53p after adding back dividends paid to date, comprising income for the period of GBP70,000 and representing a return of 0.18p per ordinary share.

Qualifying Investments

During the period, the Company made a GBP2 million qualifying investment in Saville Services Limited, a company providing contracting services over a series of projects across the United Kingdom. We are pleased to confirm that, following the period end, Saville Services entered into a new contract to provide contracting services in connection with the construction of a 77-bed, purpose-built care home in Chester.

The Company's GBP1.875 million qualifying investment (as part of a GBP5 million investment alongside other Puma VCTs) in Urban Mining Limited, a member of the Chinook Urban Mining group of companies, continues to perform well. Chinook Urban Mining is a well-funded energy-from-waste business which is developing a flagship plant in East London to generate electricity through the gasification of municipal solid waste and will benefit from Renewable Obligations Certificates. The investment is secured with a first charge over the Chinook Urban Mining business and the eight acre site of the East London plant and is yielding an attractive return to the Company.

As previously reported, a major fire occurred on 28 February 2016 at the Materials Recycling Facility ("MRF") operated by Opes Industries Limited ("Opes"), into which the Company has invested a total of GBP3.45m (as part of an GBP8.8m investment by Puma entities). As a result of the incident, and as reported in the Company's previous annual report, the Company has made a provision of GBP510,000 against the carrying value of its investment in Opes.

Opes owns a 73 hectare site in north Oxfordshire with a MRF, including a landfill site for non-hazardous materials and an aggregates/gravel quarrying business. The Company's investment was to provide funding for the construction and equipping of the MRF and working capital during the build-up of the trade. The funding was provided in the form of equity and loan stock and our interests are covered by a first fixed and floating charge over Opes' assets.

Following the incident, the Company appointed an administrator over Opes in order to best protect the Company's investment. The administrator has implemented various measures to preserve the value of Opes' assets, mitigate costs and seek to realise best value for the Company. Discussions are also continuing with Opes' insurers regarding the reimbursement of the damage to the plant and the building and of the costs of business interruption.

As previously reported, before the passing of the Finance (2) Act 2015, the Company invested a total of GBP7.5 million in three newly established businesses. Warm Hearth Limited, in which the Company invested GBP2.5 million (as part of a GBP5 million investment alongside other Puma VCTs), was established to operate a trading business in the hospitality and leisure sectors and/or to acquire businesses and companies that operate within those sectors. Mini Rainbows Limited, in which the Company invested GBP2.5 million (as part of a GBP5 million investment alongside other Puma VCTs), was established to operate a trading business in the childcare sector and/or to acquire businesses and companies that operate within that sector. Welcome Health Limited, in which the Company invested GBP2.5 million (as part of a GBP5 million investment alongside other Puma VCTs), was established to operate a trading business in the healthcare sector and/or to acquire businesses and companies that operate within that sector.

I am pleased to report that, during the period, Warm Hearth Limited commenced its trade, seeking to capitalise on the strong growth trends within the craft beer sub market and add value from the roll-out and use of a strong brand. In pursuit of this strategy Warm Hearth was able to negotiate a franchise agreement with Brewhouse & Kitchen Limited ("B&K"), a strong and fast-growing branded operator. Its differentiation is to have craft micro-brewing activities within each of its pub units as a point of focus. Warm Hearth acquired three substantial freehold pub assets in Chester, Wilmslow and Bedford, two of which are now open and trading as fully branded B&K units with the third opening in early October 2016. We are pleased with the performance of the units to date.

We understand that the directors of Mini Rainbows Limited and Welcome Health Limited are actively pursuing opportunities to deploy their funds in the near future. We have been advised by PwC that these investments should also be qualifying for VCT purposes but will seek confirmation from HMRC in due course.

Non-Qualifying Investments

As previously reported, we adopted a strategy for the non-qualifying portfolio of investing in secured loans (and other similar instruments) offering a good yield with hopefully limited downside risk.

During the period, the Company advanced a GBP575,000 loan (through an affiliate, Meadow Lending Limited) to Windsar Care (UK) LLP to fund the development and initial trading of a 68-bed purpose-built care home in Egham, Windsor. The loan is secured with a first charge over the site and is expected to generate an attractive return. Construction has commenced on site and is progressing well.

The Company's various loans to entities within the Citrus Group, as part of a series of facilities from other vehicles managed and advised by your Investment Manager to provide working capital to the Citrus PX business, continue to deliver attractive returns to the Company. Citrus PX operates a property part exchange service facilitating the rapid purchase of properties for developers and homeowners. The facility provides a series of loans to Citrus PX, with the benefit of a first charge over a geographically diversified portfolio of residential

properties on conservative terms. At the period-end, the Company's investment (through affiliates Valencia Lending Limited and Victoria Lending Limited) totalled just over GBP2.5 million, including an GBP1 million advance during the period.

The Company's GBP1.2 million loan (advanced through an affiliate, Lothian Lending Limited) to Richmond Global Properties Limited continues to perform well. This loan, together with loans from other vehicles managed and advised by your Investment Manager totalling GBP6.9 million, is being advanced to fund the development of a 112-bed purpose-built care home in Hamilton, Scotland. The loan is secured with a first charge over the site and is expected to generate an attractive return. The construction programme is progressing well and the care home is expected to open in Q1 2017.

As previously reported, the Company had extended a GBP1.3 million loan which (through Lothian Lending Limited) provides a facility, together with another Puma VCT, of GBP2.6 million to RPE FL1 Limited, a member of the Renewable Power Exchange group. The facility provided funding towards the construction of a 1.5MW wind farm in East Lothian, Scotland, with the electricity once generated, used to supply those on low incomes in the local community. The loan is secured on the site in East Lothian and is earning an attractive rate of interest. We are pleased to report that the turbines are operating well, generating electricity and EBITDA is in line with forecasts. In accordance with the planned amortisation schedule, the loan balance now stands at GBP1.175 million.

The Company's GBP800,000 loan (through another affiliate, Lavender Lending Limited) to Athena (Alpha) Limited continues to perform. The loan, as part of a GBP4.4 million facility from other vehicles managed and advised by your Investment Manager, is funding the development of a new purpose-built, 80-bed residential care home in Dover, Kent. The site occupies a prominent location adjacent to the recently opened new community hospital, approximately a 5 minute drive into Dover town centre. We are pleased to report that construction is progressing well and expects to complete before the end of the year. We understand that the borrower, who has recently developed and sold two similar care homes, is in discussions with a potential purchaser of this care home on terms which would see the Company's loan repaid in full.

The Company had extended a GBP474,000 loan (through Valencia Lending Limited) as part of a GBP2.9 million facility from other vehicles managed and advised by your Investment Manager to Churchill Homes (Culter House) Limited. Churchill Homes is a longstanding Aberdeenshire developer and the facility provides funding towards the construction of a private detached housing development in one of Aberdeen's finest residential suburbs. The loan is secured with a first charge over the site and is earning an attractive rate of interest. Whilst the Aberdeen housing market has slowed during the period, primarily as a result in the reduction in the price of oil, the loan is being serviced and the Company's security remains at an appropriate level.

As reported in the Company's annual report, at the start of the period the Company retained a GBP523,000 holding in Nextenergy Solar Fund, an investment company focusing on operational solar photovoltaic assets located in the United Kingdom. In response to a change in power-generation markets resulting from declining energy prices, the Company's position was further reduced and was fully exited during the period.

To further manage liquidity, the Company holds GBP2.5 million (through an affiliate Piccadilly Lending Limited) in a floating rate bond issued by Royal Bank of Canada and GBP835,000 (through Latimer Lending Limited) in a bond issued by J Sainsbury plc. During the period, the Company sold its GBP1 million holding (also through Latimer Lending Limited) in a floating rate bond issued by Commonwealth Bank of Australia to free up cash for the Company to make qualifying investments.

VCT Qualifying Status

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ('PwC') provides the board and the Investment Manager with advice on the ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs ('HMRC') rules and regulations concerning VCTs. PwC assists the Investment Manager in establishing the status of investments as qualifying holdings and has reported that the Company has met all HMRC's criteria to date.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Although the UK economy continues to improve, it remains fragile. The consequences of this for the Company's investment portfolio constitute the principal risk and uncertainty for the second half of 2016.


We are pleased that a significant proportion of the Company's available cash is now invested in a diverse portfolio of qualifying and non-qualifying investments, generating an attractive return. The Investment Manager has a pipeline of further investment opportunities in legal process which are likely to lead to suitable investments in the second half of the year. We therefore believe the Company is strongly positioned to deliver attractive returns to shareholders during its remaining expected time horizon.

David Vaughan


30 September 2016

Income Statement (unaudited)

For the period ended 30 June 2016

                                  Six months                    Six months                    Year ended 
                                     ended                         ended                      31 December 
                                  30 June 2016                  30 June 2015                      2015 
                   Note   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Loss on 
  investments                   -      (23)      (23)         -         -         -         -     (427)     (427) 
 Income                       444         -       444       607         -       607     1,336         -     1,336 
                              444      (23)       421       607         -       607     1,336     (427)       909 
                         --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  fees              4        (62)     (186)     (248)      (67)     (201)     (268)     (135)     (405)     (540) 
 Other expenses             (103)         -     (103)     (131)         -     (131)     (222)         -     (222) 
                            (165)     (186)     (351)     (198)     (201)     (399)     (357)     (405)     (762) 
                         --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  on ordinary 
  taxation                    279     (209)        70       409     (201)       208       979     (832)       147 
 Tax on 
  on ordinary 
  activities                 (56)        37      (19)       (7)         -       (7)     (242)       146      (96) 
  and total 
  for the 
  year                        223     (172)        51       402     (201)       201       737     (686)        51 
                         ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ======== 
 Basic and 
  per Ordinary 
  Share (pence)     2       0.81p   (0.63p)     0.18p     1.41p   (0.71p)     0.71p     2.59p   (2.41p)     0.18p 
                         ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ======== 

The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

Balance Sheet (unaudited)

As at 30 June 2016

                                           As at      As at          As at 
                                         30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                 Note       2016       2015           2015 
                                         GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Fixed Assets 
 Investments                      6       24,910     15,310         26,407 
                                       ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Current Assets 
 Debtors                                     968        553          1,033 
 Cash                                        802     11,360            418 
                                       ---------  ---------  ------------- 
                                           1,770     11,913          1,451 
 Creditors - amounts 
  falling due within one 
  year                                   (1,663)      (449)        (1,234) 
 Net Current Assets                          107     11,464            217 
                                       ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Net Assets                               25,017     26,774         26,624 
                                       =========  =========  ============= 
 Capital and Reserves 
 Called up share capital                      17         17             17 
 Share premium account                    15,624     15,624         15,624 
 Capital reserve - realised                (743)      (599)          (575) 
 Capital reserve - unrealised              (503)         10          (499) 
 Revenue reserve                          10,622     11,722         12,057 
 Equity Shareholders' 
  Funds                                   25,017     26,774         26,624 
                                       =========  =========  ============= 
 Net Asset Value per 
  Ordinary Share                  3       90.53p     96.89p         96.35p 
                                       =========  =========  ============= 
 Diluted Net Asset Value 
  per Ordinary Share              3       90.53p     96.89p         96.35p 
                                       =========  =========  ============= 

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

For the period ended 30 June 2016

                                  Six months   Six months 
                                       ended        ended     Year ended 
                                     30 June      30 June    31 December 
                                        2016         2015           2015 
                                     GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Reconciliation of profit 
  after tax to net cash 
  generated from operating 
 Profit after tax                         51          208             51 
 Taxation                                 19            -             96 
 Losses on investments                    19            -            427 
 Decrease/(increase) in 
  debtors                                 65        (461)          (941) 
 Increase in creditors                   410          192            385 
 Net cash generated from 
  operating activities                   564         (61)             18 
                                 -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Cash flow from investing 
 Purchase of investments             (3,575)      (3,290)       (18,242) 
 Proceeds from sale of 
  investments                          5,053        1,009          4,940 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                           1,478      (2,281)       (13,302) 
                                 -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Equity dividend paid                (1,658)            -              - 
                                 -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents           384      (2,342)       (13,284) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of the 
  year                                   418       13,702         13,702 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the year                 802       11,360            418 
                                 ===========  ===========  ============= 

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited)

For the period ended 30 June 2016

                           up      Share     Capital       Capital 
                        share    premium    reserve-      reserve-    Revenue 
                      capital    account    realised    unrealised    reserve     Total 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Balance as at 
  1 January 2015           17     15,624       (405)            17     11,320    26,573 
 Total recognised 
  for the period            -          -       (194)           (7)        402       201 
 Balance as at 
  30 June 2015             17     15,624       (599)            10     11,722    26,774 
 Total recognised 
  for the period            -          -          24         (509)        335     (150) 
 Balance as at 
  31 December 
  2015                     17     15,624       (575)         (499)     12,057    26,624 
 Total recognised 
  for the period            -          -       (168)           (4)        223        51 
 Dividends paid             -          -           -             -    (1,658)   (1,658) 
 Balance as at 
  30 June 2016             17     15,624       (743)         (503)     10,622    25,017 
                    =========  =========  ==========  ============  =========  ======== 

Notes to the Interim Report

For the period ended 30 June 2016

   1.             Accounting Policies 

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments, and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice, "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ("SORP") and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard 102 ("FRS102").

   2.             Return per Ordinary Share 

The total profit per share of 0.18p is based on the profit for the period of GBP51,000 and the weighted average number of shares in issue as at 30 June 2016 of 27,633,222.

   3.             Net asset value per share 
                    As at        As at          As at 
                  30 June      30 June    31 December 
                     2016         2015           2015 
 Net assets    25,017,000   26,774,000     26,624,000 
 Shares in 
  issue        27,633,222   27,633,222     27,633,222 
 Net asset 
  value per 
 Basic             90.53p       96.89p         96.35p 
 Diluted           90.53p       96.89p         96.35p 
   4.             Management fees 

The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee of 2% of the Company's net assets. The fee is payable quarterly in arrears. The annual management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to revenue.

   5.             Financial information provided 

The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2016 has not been audited and does not comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section 423 of the Companies Act 2006. The interim financial statements have been prepared on the same basis as will be used to prepare the annual financial statements.

Notes to the Interim Report continued

For the period ended 30 June 2016

   6.             Investment portfolio summary 
                                                                   as a % 
                                                                   of Net 
                            Valuation      Cost   Gain/(loss)      Assets 
                              GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
 As at 30 June 2016 
 Qualifying Investment 
  - Unquoted 
 Urban Mining Limited           1,875     1,875             -          7% 
 Opes Industries 
  Limited                       2,940     3,450         (510)         12% 
 Saville Services 
  Limited                       2,000     2,000                        8% 
 Warm Hearth Limited            2,500     2,500                       10% 
 Total Qualifying 
  Investments                   9,315     9,825         (510)         37% 
                           ----------  --------  ------------  ---------- 
 Valencia Lending 
  Limited                       2,564     2,564             -         10% 
 Lothian Lending 
  Limited                       2,325     2,325             -          9% 
 Mini Rainbows Limited          2,500     2,500             -         10% 
 Welcome Health 
  Limited                       2,500     2,500             -         10% 
 Lavender Lending 
  Limited                         800       800             -          3% 
 Victoria Lending 
  Limited                       1,000     1,000             -          4% 
 Meadow Lending 
  Limited                         575       575             -          2% 
 Total Non-Qualifying 
  investments                  12,264    12,264             -         48% 
                           ----------  --------  ------------  ---------- 
 Liquidity Management 
 Piccadilly Lending 
  (Royal Bank of 
  Canada Bond)*                 2,508     2,503             5         10% 
 Latimer Lending 
  (Sainsbury (J) 
  plc Bond)*                      823       822             1          3% 
 Total Liquidity 
  Management investments        3,331     3,325             6         13% 
                           ----------  --------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total Investments             24,910    25,414         (504)         98% 
 Balance of Portfolio             107       107                        2% 
 Net Assets                    25,017    25,521         (504)        100% 
                           ----------  --------  ------------  ---------- 

*Quoted investment listed on the LSE.

Of the investments held at 30 June 2016, all are incorporated in England and Wales.

Copies of this Interim Statement will be posted to shareholders in due course and made available on the website:


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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