RNS Number : 5160U

LSL Property Services PLC

23 November 2023

LSL Property Services plc (LSL)

Notification of Transactions of Directors, Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMRs) or Connected Persons.

All Employee Share Scheme - Share Incentive Plan (SIP) Purchase.

In accordance with DTR 3, LSL was notified on 21(st) November 2023 that the following transactions, which relate to LSL's Directors and PDMRs, took place in relation to LSL's Share Incentive Plan (SIP) on 10(th) November 2023.

The SIP is an all-employee trust arrangement approved by HM Revenue and Customs, under which employees are able to buy ordinary shares in LSL of 0.2p each (Ordinary Shares), using deductions from their salary in each monthly pay period (Partnership Shares), and receive allocations of matching free Ordinary Shares (Matching Shares). The SIP also acquires shares pursuant to LSL's dividend re-investment plan (DRIP) (Dividend Shares).

Following the payment of the interim dividend on 10(th) November 2023 and pursuant to the DRIP, the SIP Trustees (Link Market Services Trustees Limited) acquired a total of 13,088 Dividend Shares on 10(th) November 2023 at a price of GBP2.39 per Ordinary Share and total cost of GBP31,369.88. The Dividend Shares were acquired by purchase in the market and allocated to employees participating in the SIP, including the Directors/PDMRs detailed below. As the purchase of shares was pursuant to the DRIP, no Matching Shares were awarded.

Director/PDMR details   Number of  Number of  Total shareholding post 
                         Dividend   Matching   transaction (including 
                         Shares     Shares     shares held by the SIP 
                                               on behalf of the director/PDMR) 
                                               as of 10(th) November 
David Stewart, Group 
 CEO                       29          0                   26,543 
Adam Castleton, Group 
 CFO                       113         0                   95,139 
Paul Hardy, PDMR           100         0                   21,660 
Jon Round, PDMR            115         0                  146,053 
Andy Deeks, PDMR           29          0                   1,929 
Steve Goodall, PDMR         2          0                    137 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       David Stewart 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            Group Chief Executive 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) each 
       type of instrument; (ii) each type 
       of transaction; (iii) each date; 
       and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     29 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    29 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       Adam Castleton 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            Group Chief Financial 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) 
       each type of instrument; (ii) each 
       type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where 
       transactions have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     113 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    113 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       Paul Hardy 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            PDMR 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) 
       each type of instrument; (ii) each 
       type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where 
       transactions have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     100 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    100 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       Jon Round 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            PDMR 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) each 
       type of instrument; (ii) each type 
       of transaction; (iii) each date; 
       and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     115 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    115 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       Andy Deeks 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            PDMR 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) 
       each type of instrument; (ii) each 
       type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where 
       transactions have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     29 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    29 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

 1    Details of the person discharging 
       managerial responsibilities/ person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name                                       Steve Goodall 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2    Reason for notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Position/Status                            PDMR 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment             Initial notification 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission 
       allowance market participation, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or 
       auction monitor 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Name                                       LSL Property Services 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                                        213800T4VM5VR3C7S706 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): 
       section to be repeated for (i) each 
       type of instrument; (ii) each type 
       of transaction; (iii) each date; 
       and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 a)   Description of the financial instrument,   Ordinary shares of 
       type of instrument                         0.2p each in LSL Property 
                                                  Services plc 
       Identification code 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of transaction                      Purchase of Dividend 
                                                  Shares under the LSL 
                                                  Property Services Share 
                                                  Incentive Plan's Dividend 
                                                  Reinvestment Plan. 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                                   GBP2.39     2 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 d)        Aggregated information                 Price      Aggregate 
             *    Aggregated volume                            Volume 
                                                   GBP2.39    2 
             *    Price 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction                    10(th) November 2023 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction                   London Stock Exchange 
     -----------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

For further information, please contact:

Sapna B FitzGerald, Company Secretary


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 23, 2023 11:28 ET (16:28 GMT)

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