RNS Number : 8554S

Mears Group PLC

08 November 2023

8 November 2023

Mears Group PLC

Transaction in Own Shares

Mears Group PLC ('Mears' or the 'Group') announces that, in accordance with the terms of its share buyback programme announced on 3 October 2023 (the 'Buyback Programme'), the Group has purchased the following number of ordinary shares of 1 penny each (the 'Ordinary Shares') through Numis Securities Limited.

 Date of purchase                 8 November 2023 
 Number of Ordinary Shares 
  purchased:                      95,021 
 Highest price paid per share 
  (GBp):                          260.00 
 Lowest price paid per share 
  (GBp):                          256.50 
 Volume weighted average price 
  paid (GBp):                     257.9517 

The purchased Ordinary Shares will be cancelled. Since the announcement of the Buyback Programme on 3 October 2023, Mears has purchased 1,905,098 Ordinary Shares in aggregate for cancellation.

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 as it applies in the UK (the Market Abuse Regulation), the table below contains detailed information of the individual trades made by Numis Securities Limited on behalf of Mears as part of the share buyback programme.

For further information, contact:

    Mears Group PLC           Tel: +44(0)1452 634 600 
    Andrew Smith 
    Deutsche Numis            Tel: +44(0)207 260 1000 
    Julian Cater 
    Kevin Cruickshank 
    Panmure Gordon            Tel: +44(0)207 886 2500 
    Tom Scrivens 
     James Sinclair-Ford 

Individual Transactions

Number of ordinary  Transaction   Time of transaction  Transaction reference  Trading 
 shares purchased    price         (UK Time)            number                 venue 
                     (GBp share) 
543                 258.50         09:04:34            00067665191TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1000                258.50         09:04:34            00067665190TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
295                 260.00         09:16:40            00067665372TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1140                260.00         09:16:40            00067665373TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
700                 259.50         09:17:20            00067665380TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
617                 259.50         09:17:20            00067665381TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
239                 259.50         09:26:23            00067665551TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
532                 259.50         09:26:23            00067665552TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
583                 259.50         09:26:23            00067665553TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
116                 259.50         09:26:23            00067665554TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1317                259.00         09:26:23            00067665555TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1388                259.00         09:26:23            00067665556TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
63                  257.50         09:31:14            00067665657TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
300                 258.50         10:28:41            00067666849TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
700                 258.50         10:28:41            00067666850TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
561                 258.50         10:28:41            00067666851TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
224                 258.00         10:28:51            00067666856TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
244                 258.00         10:28:51            00067666857TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
968                 258.00         10:28:51            00067666858TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1645                257.00         10:29:08            00067666862TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1521                257.00         11:28:54            00067667954TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1484                257.00         11:28:54            00067667955TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1                   257.50         11:57:44            00067668432TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
500                 257.50         12:09:44            00067668626TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
500                 257.50         12:10:50            00067668685TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
500                 257.50         12:10:50            00067668686TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
37                  257.50         12:13:21            00067668726TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1444                257.50         12:13:21            00067668727TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1342                257.50         12:13:21            00067668728TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
498                 257.00         12:13:22            00067668729TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
466                 257.00         12:13:22            00067668730TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
201                 257.00         12:13:22            00067668731TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
466                 257.00         12:13:22            00067668732TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1345                257.50         13:11:12            00067669860TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1459                257.50         13:11:12            00067669861TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1532                257.50         13:11:12            00067669862TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
521                 257.00         13:11:14            00067669863TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
38                  257.00         13:11:14            00067669864TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1344                257.00         13:11:14            00067669865TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1160                256.50         13:11:14            00067669866TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
150                 257.50         13:45:43            00067670585TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
225                 257.50         13:45:43            00067670586TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
317                 257.50         13:45:43            00067670587TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1                   257.50         13:49:43            00067670695TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
115                 257.50         13:49:59            00067670701TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
536                 257.50         13:52:39            00067670744TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
745                 257.50         13:52:39            00067670745TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
472                 257.50         13:52:40            00067670747TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
2107                257.00         14:31:20            00067672633TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
30000               257.75         14:38:04            00067673061TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
21                  258.00         14:53:23            00067674240TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
436                 258.00         14:53:47            00067674262TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1336                258.50         15:01:18            00067674664TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
2199                258.50         15:01:18            00067674665TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1572                258.50         15:01:18            00067674666TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
2325                257.00         15:01:23            00067674674TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1517                257.00         15:20:14            00067675530TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
135                 258.00         15:29:28            00067675935TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
325                 258.00         15:29:28            00067675936TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1061                258.00         15:29:28            00067675937TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1194                258.00         15:32:38            00067676071TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
337                 258.00         15:32:38            00067676072TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
8                   258.00         15:33:48            00067676104TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1322                258.00         15:33:48            00067676105TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
165                 258.00         15:33:48            00067676106TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
88                  258.00         15:35:38            00067676184TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
317                 258.00         15:35:38            00067676185TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
88                  258.00         15:35:38            00067676186TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
527                 258.50         15:38:28            00067676298TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
330                 258.50         15:38:28            00067676299TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
326                 258.50         15:38:58            00067676320TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
71                  258.50         15:39:28            00067676337TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
219                 258.50         15:40:48            00067676373TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
698                 258.50         15:40:48            00067676374TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
100                 258.50         15:40:48            00067676375TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
487                 258.50         15:40:48            00067676376TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
150                 258.50         15:43:08            00067676417TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
39                  258.50         15:43:58            00067676508TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1596                258.50         15:51:51            00067676812TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1405                258.50         15:51:51            00067676813TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1323                258.50         15:51:51            00067676814TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1539                258.50         15:51:51            00067676815TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1114                258.50         16:02:16            00067677280TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
201                 258.50         16:02:16            00067677281TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
403                 258.50         16:02:16            00067677282TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
724                 258.50         16:02:16            00067677283TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
219                 258.50         16:02:16            00067677284TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
306                 258.50         16:02:16            00067677285TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1176                259.00         16:02:16            00067677286TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
201                 259.00         16:02:16            00067677287TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1277                259.50         16:02:16            00067677288TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
201                 259.50         16:02:16            00067677289TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
720                 259.50         16:02:16            00067677290TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 
1021                258.00         16:09:53            00067677754TRLO0       XLON 
                    ------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 08, 2023 13:19 ET (18:19 GMT)

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