Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Results

for the year ended 31 July 2003


Performance and Markets

Although the second half showed some recovery, the past year has again been a
difficult one for the Company. Economic news from the United States and other
major developed countries was mixed at best. The global investment environment
remained volatile. For much of the period, confidence and markets were weakened
by concerns over the international security situation, notably in Iraq, but
also over Palestine, North Korea and the continuing threat of terrorism. In the
Far East and South East Asian region, the outbreak of the SARS epidemic in the
Spring of 2003 had a disproportionate impact, causing some short-term
disruption to domestic consumption and the tourism industry and preventing the
regional markets from taking full advantage of the rebound in the US and
European markets triggered by the military victory in Iraq in April.
Fortunately, the spread of the SARS virus was checked and regional markets
began to recover from late May onwards as international investors took on a
more aggressive risk appetite.

The net asset value of the Company fell by 3.0% in the year to 31 July 2003.
The MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far East Free ex Japan Index (expressed in
sterling and on a total return basis) gained 3.2% over the same period. This
underperformance was largely due to the Korean stocks held in the portfolio. In
the year to 31 July 2003 the share price fell by 4.6% and the discount to net
asset value widened to 9.55%.

Since the year end the net asset value has increased by 6.8% compared with an
increase of 4.4% in the benchmark index.

Continuation Vote

The average discount for the 12 months to 23 September 2003 was 14.1%. It
follows that there will not be a vote on the continuation of the Company at the
Annual General Meeting this year.


The Board continue to believe in gearing as a means of enhancing performance in
the medium to long term. We regularly review the level of the Company's gearing
in the light of short term trends. As at 31 July 2003, gross gearing amounted
to 33.7% of shareholders' funds and net gearing (i.e. after deducting cash
held, including the Company's investment in the Fidelity Institutional Cash
Fund) amounted to 20.4%. At the time of writing gross gearing is 30.8% and net
gearing is 18.6%. Despite the fall in the Company's net asset value in the
period the impact of the gearing was only marginally negative due to the fall
in the value of the loan resulting from the change in the US$ exchange rate.


Signs of improvement in the major industrial economies have provided a
favourable backdrop for the economies in the Asia Pacific region. Exports have
picked up and domestic consumption has also shown signs of recovery. However,
serious geopolitical risks continue to overshadow the investment environment.
The worsening security situation in Iraq; the failure so far of the Bush
administration's "roadmap" to make discernable progress in the Middle East
peace process; and the erratic behaviour of the North Korean regime may result
in continuing market volatility. The recent SARS news from Singapore and a
suspected case in Hong Kong appear to be isolated incidents and seem to have
had limited impact on the regional stock markets judging by investors' muted
reaction to these events.

China is probably the most important growth engine for the region. While it
remains a major exporter, the country now consumes a high proportion of the
commodities and semi-finished goods produced in the region. In the past year
China has attracted more inward investment than any other country,
industrialised or developing. Intra-regional trade should continue to benefit
and this should stimulate domestic consumption in other regional economies.

Stronger economic growth provides a good foundation for an increase in
corporate profits, and in recent months many regional companies have announced
better than expected profit results. Share prices continue to be attractively
valued, if not cheap, and should continue to attract international investors.

With improving corporate and economic fundamentals, the Asia Pacific ex Japan
markets offer a wide spectrum of investment opportunities, ranging from
domestic consumption to export trading and global commodities. While good stock
selection will remain the key, your Board believe that equities in the region
continue to offer long-term growth potential for investors.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is due to take place on 27 November 2003 at Fidelity's London Cannon
Street office at 11.00 am and all shareholders, ISA, PEP and Share Plan
investors are invited to attend. The Investment Manager will be making a
presentation on Asia and the prospects for Fidelity Asian Values.

Sir Victor Garland


24 September 2003


The Company does not declare a dividend for the year ended 31 July 2003.


Barbara Powley - Fidelity Investments International

01737 836883


Statement of Total Return (unaudited)

(incorporating the revenue account) of the Company for the year ended 31 July

                                2003                         2002           
                       Revenue  Capital   Total    Revenue  Capital   Total 
                         �'000    �'000   �'000      �'000    �'000   �'000 
Losses on investments        -   (1,946) (1,946)         -     (975)   (975)
Income from overseas                                                        
dividends                1,891        -   1,891      1,537        -   1,537 
Income from overseas                                                        
dividends                    4        -       4          3        -       3 
Overseas interest          266        -     266        167        -     167 
Deposit income              32        -      32         89        -      89 
Investment management     (705)       -    (705)      (826)       -    (826)
Other expenses            (344)       -    (344)      (303)       -    (303)
Exchange losses              -      (95)    (95)         -     (257)   (257)
Net return before                                                           
costs and taxation       1,144   (2,041)   (897)       667   (1,232)   (565)
Exchange gains on            -      567     567          -    2,007   2,007 
Interest payable        (1,262)       -  (1,262)    (1,392)        - (1,392)
Return on ordinary                                                          
before tax                (118)  (1,474) (1,592)      (725)     775      50 
Tax on ordinary           (214)       -    (214)       (77)       -     (77)
Return on ordinary                                                          
after tax for the                                                           
attributable to                                                             
shareholders              (332)  (1,474) (1,806)      (802)     775     (27)
Return per ordinary                                                         
Basic and diluted       (0.36p)  (1.57p) (1.93p)    (0.85p)    0.82p (0.03p)

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.

Balance Sheet (unaudited)

as at 31 July 2003

                                                    2003              2002 
                                                   �'000             �'000 
Fixed assets                                                               
Investments                                       78,736            76,980 
Current assets                                                             
Debtors - amounts falling due within                 276               724 
one year                                                                   
Cash at bank                                         343             4,547 
                                                     619             5,271 
Creditors - amounts falling due within              (555)           (1,078)
one year                                                                   
Net current assets                                    64             4,193 
Total assets less current liabilities             78,800            81,173 
Creditors - amounts falling due after                                      
more than one year                                                         
Fixed rate unsecured loan                        (19,870)          (20,437)
Total net assets                                  58,930            60,736 
Capital and reserves                                                       
Called up share capital                           23,376            23,376 
Share premium account                                  7                 7 
Capital redemption reserve                         2,330             2,330 
Other reserves                                                             
Other reserve                                     59,282            59,282 
Warrant reserve                                    7,369             7,369 
Capital reserve - realised                       (35,960)          (24,016)
Capital reserve - unrealised                       4,489            (5,981)
Revenue reserve                                   (1,963)           (1,631)
Total equity shareholders' funds                  58,930            60,736 
Net asset value per ordinary share:                                        
Basic and diluted                                  63.02p            64.95p

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

for the year ended 31 July 2003

                                                    2003              2002 
                                                   �'000             �'000 
Operating activities                                                       
Investment income received                         1,802             1,127 
Interest received                                     301               88 
Investment management fees paid                     (713)             (628)
Directors' fees paid                                 (44)              (64)
Other cash payments                                 (249)             (269)
Net cash inflow from operating                     1,097               254 
Returns on investments and servicing of                                    
Interest paid                                     (1,258)           (1,539)
Net cash outflow from returns on                                           
and servicing of finance                          (1,258)           (1,539)
UK income tax recovered                                -               369 
Financial investment                                                       
Purchase of investments                          (54,738)          (79,853)
Realised exchange losses                            (137)             (244)
Disposals of investments                           50,790           83,572 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                    (4,085)            3,475 
financial investment                                                       
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                  (4,246)            2,559 
Repurchase of ordinary shares                          -            (1,398)
6.28% fixed rate unsecured loan drawn                  -            21,709 
7.03% fixed rate unsecured loan repaid                 -           (21,709)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                         -            (1,398)
(Decrease)/increase in cash                       (4,246)            1,161 

The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
as set out in the most recently published set of annual financial statements.

The figures for the year ended 31 July 2002 have been extracted from the
accounts for the year ended 31 July 2002 which have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and on which the Auditors gave an unqualified report.

The annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in October 2003
and copies will also be available from the Secretary, Fidelity Investments
International, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey
KT20 6RP.