Walsenburg, CO city counsel approved a zoning change clearing
the way for a Sprout Tiny Home community development.
La Junta, CO -- July 9, 2015 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire
-- Sprout Tiny Homes (OTC:STHI)
today announced that the city counsel of Walsenburg, Colorado
approved an ordinance changing the zoning of a parcel of land
purchased by Sprout Tiny Homes that will clear the way to proceed
with a proposed 28 unit tiny home development.
Last fall, we were successful in getting Walsenburg to adopt a
tiny home friendly ordinance that would allow tiny homes to be
located in R2 and R2 residential zones. Sprout purchased a parcel
of land behind the Walsenburg library that was zoned agricultural
and Tuesday nights unanimous ordinance approval changed the zoning
to R-2, which will allow Sprout to proceed with its proposed
28-unit tiny home residential development. stated Rod Stambaugh,
President of Sprout Tiny Homes. The final hurdle before the
ordinance change becoming effective is a two week publication
period and public hearing on August 4th.
Late last year, Walsenburg was the first city in Colorado to
actively change their land use ordinance to become tiny home
friendly. Sprout believes this trend will continue as towns and
communities look for ways to address the quality and affordable
housing void faced by so many towns looking to attract new
companies to locate in their communities. Unless communities
aggressively address their affordable housing issues, they have
zero chance of attracting any companies of size to their
communities as there is essentially no modern and / or quality
housing available for employees and their families. Tiny homes
represent a perfect solution to this problem. Walsenburg has had a
recent flurry of activity from companies and industries looking for
an affordable place to locate their business and employees. We
believe the availability of high-quality, affordable and chemical
free homes will enhance the citys ability to attract and retain new
employers and their employees.
Tiny homes and economic development are a perfect match for
progressive communities trying to reverse the trend of declining
and aging population metrics. We have received very positive
indications of interest in our tiny home development from a new
company relocating to Walsenburg as well as out of state and local
residents looking to semi-retire in a beautiful colorado
About Sprout Tiny Homes
Sprout Tiny Homes is a leading designer, manufacturer and
developer of tiny homes and affordable live-work communities.
Sprout homes are built with structural insulated panels (SIPs)
resulting in stronger, greener and straighter homes that are highly
energy efficient and feature chemical free interiors to encourage
healthy living lifestyles. Using sustainable building
materials where possible and pushing the boundaries of design and
energy efficiency are key attributes of Sprout homes. We
manufacture tiny homes on wheels up to 290 sq. ft. and homes that
are secured to traditional foundations with up to 760 sq ft of
living space. Our 14,000 sq. ft. production facility is located in
La Junta, Colorado. We pride ourselves on being able to deliver
high quality tiny homes in volume. For more information on
the company, visit http://sprouttinyhomes.com
CONTACT: Rod Stambaugh
Sprout Tiny Homes, Inc.
Phone: 719.247.6195
Info@sprouttinyhomes.com or
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