charles SCHWAB

Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.

211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105

Management Statement Regarding Compliance

with Certain Provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940

We, as members of management of Schwab Balanced Fund, Schwab Target 2010 Fund, Schwab Target 2015 Fund, Schwab Target 2020 Fund, Schwab Target 2025 Fund, Schwab Target 2030 Fund, Schwab Target 2035 Fund, Schwab Target 2040 Fund, Schwab Target 2045 Fund, Schwab Target 2050 Fund, Schwab Target 2055 Fund, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Moderate Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Enhanced Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Maximum Payout, Schwab MarketTrack Growth Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Portfolio and Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Portfolio (eighteen of the portfolios comprising Schwab Capital Trust), are responsible for complying with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2, Custody of Investments by Registered Management Investment Companies, of the Investment Company Act of 1940. We are also responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal controls over compliance with those requirements. We have performed an evaluation of Schwab Balanced Fund, Schwab Target 2010 Fund, Schwab Target 2015 Fund, Schwab Target 2020 Fund, Schwab Target 2025 Fund, Schwab Target 2030 Fund, Schwab Target 2035 Fund, Schwab Target 2040 Fund, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Moderate Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Enhanced Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Maximum Payout, Schwab MarketTrack Growth Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Portfolio and Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Portfolio’s (collectively referred to as the “Preexisting Funds”) compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 as of May 31, 2013, and from October 31, 2012 (date of our last evaluation) through May 31, 2013. We have performed an evaluation of Schwab Target 2045 Fund, Schwab Target 2050 Fund, and Schwab Target 2055 Fund’s (collectively referred to as the “New Funds”) compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 as of May 31, 2013, and from January 23, 2013 (inception date of the new funds) through May 31, 2013.

Based on this evaluation, we assert that the Preexisting Funds were in compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 as of May 31, 2013 and from October 31, 2012 through May 31, 2013, with respect to securities reflected in the investment accounts of the Preexisting Funds.

In addition, based on this evaluation, we assert that the New Funds were in compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 as of May 31, 2013 and from January 23, 2013 through May 31, 2013, with respect to securities reflected in the investment accounts of the New Funds.


Schwab Capital Trust

/s/ Marie Chandoha

Marie Chandoha
President and Chief Executive Officer

/s/ George Pereira

George Pereira
Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer
February 14, 2014



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of

Schwab Capital Trust

We have examined management’s assertion, included in the accompanying Management Statement Regarding Compliance with Certain Provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, that Schwab Balanced Fund, Schwab Target 2010 Fund, Schwab Target 2015 Fund, Schwab Target 2020 Fund, Schwab Target 2025 Fund, Schwab Target 2030 Fund, Schwab Target 2035 Fund, Schwab Target 2040 Fund, Schwab Target 2045 Fund, Schwab Target 2050 Fund, Schwab Target 2055 Fund, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Moderate Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Enhanced Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Maximum Payout, Schwab MarketTrack Growth Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Portfolio and Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Portfolio (eighteen of the portfolios comprising Schwab Capital Trust, hereafter referred to as the “Funds”) complied with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“the Act”) as of May 31, 2013. Management is responsible for the Funds’ compliance with those requirements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion about the Funds’ compliance based on our examination.

Our examination was conducted in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and, accordingly, included examining, on a test basis, evidence about the Funds’ compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Included among our procedures were the following tests performed as of May 31, 2013. In addition the following procedures were performed with respect to agreement of security purchases and sales for the period from October 31, 2012 (date of the last examination) through May 31, 2013 for Schwab Balanced Fund, Schwab Target 2010 Fund, Schwab Target 2015 Fund, Schwab Target 2020 Fund, Schwab Target 2025 Fund, Schwab Target 2030 Fund, Schwab Target 2035 Fund, Schwab Target 2040 Fund, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Moderate Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Enhanced Payout, Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Maximum Payout, Schwab MarketTrack Growth Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Portfolio, Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Portfolio and Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Portfolio (collectively referred to as the “Preexisting Funds”). Furthermore, the following procedures were performed with respect to agreement of security purchases and sales for the period from January 23, 2013 (inception date) through May 31, 2013 for Schwab Target 2045 Fund, Schwab Target 2050 Fund, and Schwab Target 2055 Fund (collectively referred to as the “New Funds”). All procedures were performed without prior notice to management.


    Confirmation of Charles Schwab & Co, Inc.’s (“CSC”) omnibus accounts for the underlying mutual fund investments at May 31, 2013 with the underlying mutual funds’ transfer agents.


    Reconciliation of the omnibus accounts for the underlying mutual fund investments per the books and records of CSC to the omnibus accounts for the underlying mutual fund investments per the books and records of their transfer agents, at May 31, 2013, in all material respects.


    Agreement of the Funds’ underlying mutual fund investments at May 31, 2013 as recorded on the shareholder books and records of the Funds to the books and records of CSC.

    For the Preexisting Funds, agreement of a sample of security purchases and security sales of the underlying mutual fund investments for the period from October 31, 2012 through May 31, 2013 from the books and records of the preexisting funds to the books and records of CSC.


    For the new funds, agreement of a sample of security purchases and security sales of the underlying mutual fund investments for the period from January 23, 2013 through May 31, 2013 from the books and records of the New Funds to the books and records of CSC.

We believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our examination does not provide a legal determination on the Funds’ compliance with specified requirements.

In our opinion, management’s assertion that the Funds were in compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Rule 17f-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 as of May 31, 2013 with respect to mutual fund investments reflected in the investment accounts of the Funds are fairly stated, in all material respects.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the Board of Trustees of Schwab Capital Trust, and the Securities and Exchange Commission and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.


/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
San Francisco, California
February 14, 2014



U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013
2. State Identification Number:
    AL   20699   AK   60032864   AZ   15575   AR   60008426   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   214158   DE   4552   DC   60009345   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   47175   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-36814   KS   1997S0000158   KY   60013915
    LA   153301   ME   203312   MD   SM19961316   MA   —     MI   928263   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60025053   MO   1993-00496   MT   35532   NE   31682   NV   —     NH   MF96-0027905
    NJ   MF-4470   NM   15571   NY   S27-59-46   NC   3181   ND   R487   OH   BE1216674
    OK   SE-2188615   OR   1996-726   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF10155   SD   8359
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 51014   UT   006-9891-16   VT   08/06/96-22   VA   116961   WA   60016323
    WV   BC 30440   WI   319301-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-17284    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab Balanced Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   20707   AK   60039730   AZ   20205   AR   60008428   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   214160   DE   339   DC   60009385   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   49355   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-41482   KS   1998S0001357   KY   60005040
    LA   148821   ME   213755   MD   SM19981147   MA   —     MI   924329   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60030817   MO   1993-00496   MT   39119   NE   35612   NV   —     NH   MF98-0033613
    NJ   MF-4485   NM   4944   NY   S30-55-49   NC   3181   ND   V578   OH   BE1317751
    OK   SE-2181916   OR   2006-1136   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF11533   SD   15702
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 56104   UT   004-8656-45   VT   05/07/98-01   VA   116961   WA   60020838
    WV   MF 32088   WI   349089-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-19466    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Portfolio (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   20703   AK   60036878   AZ   13076   AR   60008422   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   214153   DE   3149   DC   60009290   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   45975   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-34553   KS   1996S0000067   KY   60005040
    LA   148821   ME   202648   MD   SM19950826   MA   95-0438   MI   928265   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60022539   MO   1993-00496   MT   33571   NE   29687   NV   —     NH   MF95-0015276
    NJ   MF-4485   NM   11440   NY   S27-32-26   NC   3181   ND   N129   OH   BE1317751
    OK   SE-2181913   OR   1995-665   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF9250   SD   6517
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 48139   UT   004-8656-45   VT   07/24/95-14   VA   116961   WA   60014080
    WV   BC 30435   WI   303932-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO       S-16021    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab MarketTrack Balanced Portfolio (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:

  Date examination completed:


  May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   20704   AK   60036879   AZ   13077   AR   60008421   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   214151   DE   3150   DC   60009291   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   45978   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-34554   KS   1996S0000069   KY   60005040
    LA   148821   ME   202647   MD   SM19950827   MA   95-0423   MI   928266   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60022517   MO   1993-00496   MT   33573   NE   29680   NV   —     NH   MF95-0013906
    NJ   MF-4485   NM   15784   NY   S27-32-28   NC   3181   ND   N130   OH   BE1317751
    OK   SE-2181914   OR   2006-1134   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF9261   SD   6516
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 48129   UT   004-8656-45   VT   07/24/95-13   VA   116961   WA   60014088
    WV   BC 30436   WI   303935-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-16019    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Portfolio (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   20705   AK   60034922   AZ   13078   AR   60008420   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   214152   DE   3151   DC   60009292   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   45976   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-34555   KS   1996S0000068   KY   60005040
    LA   148821   ME   202646   MD   SM19950820   MA   95-0424   MI   928267   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60022514   MO   1993-00496   MT   33572   NE   29681   NV   —     NH   MF95-0036453
    NJ   MF-4485   NM   15782   NY   S31-76-61   NC   3181   ND   N131   OH   BE1317751
    OK   SE-2181915   OR   2006-1135   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF9260   SD   6518
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 48130   UT   004-8656-45   VT   07/24/95-15   VA   116961   WA   60014083
    WV   BC 30437   WI   303933-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-16002    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab MarketTrack Growth Portfolio (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013
2. State Identification Number:
    AL   37634   AK   60060625   AZ   50238   AR   60020972   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049549   DE   49847   DC   60032616   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62434   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68834   KS   2008S0001159   KY   60016807
    LA   151949   ME   10018621   MD   SM20080708   MA   —     MI   953631   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60047312   MO   2008-00685   MT   62749   NE   71710   NV   —     NH   MF08-0045427
    NJ   MF-6047   NM   28636   NY   S32-18-45   NC   3181   ND   BA571   OH   BE1214608
    OK   SE-2193604   OR   2008-491   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17472   SD   42546
    TN   RM13-0255A   TX   C 86588   UT   007-0664-79   VT   03/18/08-37   VA   116961   WA   60048037
    WV   MF 62022   WI   530030   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34947-1    

Other (specify):



3.  Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:



     Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Enhanced Payout (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)


4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)

     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105







U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704           May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   37633   AK   60060624   AZ   50239   AR   60020971   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049550   DE   49848   DC   60032639   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62435   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68833   KS   2008S0001160   KY   60016807
    LA   151949   ME   10018620   MD   SM20080707   MA   —     MI   953628   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60047439   MO   2008-00686   MT   62750   NE   71711   NV   —     NH   MF08-0032525
    NJ   MF-6047   NM   28635   NY   S32-18-46   NC   3181   ND   BA572   OH   BE1214608
    OK   SE-2193605   OR   2008-488   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17473   SD   42545
    TN   RM13-0255A   TX   C 86589   UT   007-0664-79   VT   03/18/08-39   VA   116961   WA   60048039
    WV   MF 62023   WI   530031   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34947    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Maximum Payout (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704           May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   37635   AK   60060626   AZ   50240   AR   60020973   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049547   DE   49846   DC   60032624   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62436   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68835   KS   2008S0001161   KY   60016807
    LA   151949   ME   10018622   MD   SM20080709   MA   —     MI   953630   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60047311   MO   2008-00684   MT   62751   NE   71712   NV   —     NH   MF08-0034430
    NJ   MF-6047   NM   28637   NY   S32-18-44   NC   3181   ND   BA573   OH   BE1214608
    OK   SE-2193603   OR   2008-492   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17471   SD   42547
    TN   RM13-0255A   TX   C 86590   UT   007-0664-79   VT   03/18/08-38   VA   116961   WA   60048038
    WV   MF 62021   WI   530004   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34947-2    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:


     Schwab Monthly Income Fund – Moderate Payout (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)


4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)


     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105







U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   33587   AK   60055518   AZ   41142   AR   60017059   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1032982   DE   45693   DC   60023971   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   58395   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-60269   KS   2005S0001033   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10008609   MD   SM20051289   MA   —     MI   945073   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60038621   MO   1993-00496   MT   54741   NE   63524   NV   —     NH   MF05-0013362
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   20223   NY   S31-22-190   NC   3181   ND   AR186   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193130   OR   2005-804   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF15893   SD   34179
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 77193   UT   006-9580-98   VT   06/29/05-31   VA   116961   WA   60039055
    WV   MF 52719   WI   495560-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-29570    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
    Schwab Target 2010 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
    211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704           May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   37500   AK   60060363   AZ   49877   AR   60020841   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049037   DE   49710   DC   60032274   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62283   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68576   KS   2008S0001023   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10018268   MD   SM20080407   MA   —     MI   953374   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60046962   MO   2008-00362   MT   62464   NE   71488   NV   —     NH   MF08-0027443
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   28312   NY   S32-17-80   NC   3181   ND   BC128   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193137   OR   2008-523   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17424   SD   42410
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 86366   UT   006-9580-98   VT   02/20/08-17   VA   116961   WA   60047752
    WV   MF 61675   WI   529364   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34704    

Other (specify):



3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
    Schwab Target 2015 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704           May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   33588   AK   60055519   AZ   41143   AR   60017060   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1032981   DE   45694   DC   60023972   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   58396   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-60270   KS   2005S0001034   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10008610   MD   SM20051288   MA   —     MI   945074   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60038622   MO   1993-00496   MT   54742   NE   63525   NV   —     NH   MF05-0040163
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   20222   NY   S31-22-18   NC   3181   ND   AR187   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193131   OR   2005-805   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF15892   SD   34177
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 77194   UT   006-9580-98   VT   06/29/05-32   VA   116961   WA   60039056
    WV   MF 52720   WI   495561-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-29571    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:


     Schwab Target 2020 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)


4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)

     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105







U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   37499   AK   60060362   AZ   49878   AR   60020839   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049036   DE   49711   DC   60032277   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62284   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68577   KS   2008S0001024   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10018269   MD   SM20080408   MA   —     MI   953373   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60046961   MO   2008-00361   MT   62465   NE   71489   NV   —     NH   MF08-0049357
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   28311   NY   S32-17-79   NC   3181   ND   BC129   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193138   OR   2008-521   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17425   SD   42411
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 86367   UT   006-9580-98   VT   02/20/08-18   VA   116961   WA   60047751
    WV   MF 61674   WI   529363   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34703    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab Target 2025 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   33590   AK   60055521   AZ   41144   AR   60017062   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1032980   DE   45695   DC   60023974   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   58398   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-60272   KS   2005S0001036   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10008612   MD   SM20051290   MA   —     MI   945076   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60038624   MO   1993-00496   MT   54744   NE   63527   NV   —     NH   MF05-0025610
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   20221   NY   S31-22-16   NC   3181   ND   AR188   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193132   OR   2005-807   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF15891   SD   34176
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 77195   UT   006-9580-98   VT   06/29/05-33   VA   116961   WA   60039058
    WV   MF 52721   WI   495563-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-29572    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab Target 2030 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   37498   AK   60060361   AZ   49879   AR   60020840   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1049035   DE   49709   DC   60032278   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   62285   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-68578   KS   2008S0001025   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10018270   MD   SM20080409   MA   —     MI   953372   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60046960   MO   2008-00363   MT   62466   NE   71490   NV   —     NH   MF08-0033600
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   28310   NY   S32-17-78   NC   3181   ND   BC130   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193139   OR   2008-522   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF17423   SD   42412
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 86368   UT   006-9580-98   VT   02/20/08-19   VA   116961   WA   60047750
    WV   MF 61673   WI   529362   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-34702    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
    Schwab Target 2035 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
    211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   33589   AK   60055520   AZ   41145   AR   60017061   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1032979   DE   45696   DC   60023973   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   58397   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-60271   KS   2005S0001035   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10008611   MD   SM20051291   MA   —     MI   945075   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60038623   MO   1993-00496   MT   54743   NE   63528   NV   —     NH   MF05-0049963
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   20220   NY   S31-22-17   NC   3181   ND   AR189   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2193133   OR   2005-806   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF15890   SD   34175
    TN   RM12-1313A   TX   C 77196   UT   006-9580-98   VT   06/29/05-34   VA   116961   WA   60039057
    WV   MF 52722   WI   495562-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-29573    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
    Schwab Target 2040 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
    211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   46268   AK   60075610   AZ   66981   AR   60029628   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1073763   DE   —     DC   60049241   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   71104   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-84486   KS   2013S0001095   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10037272   MD   SM20130237   MA   —     MI   969247   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60062998   MO   R2013-522   MT   85781   NE   —     NV   —     NH   MF13-0081732
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   44345   NY   S33-22-64   NC   3181   ND   BT832   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2211739   OR   2013-462   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF19862   SD   57893
    TN   M13-0029A   TX   C 102993   UT   006-9580-98   VT   BEVT-1376   VA   116961   WA   60063635
    WV   —     WI   665227-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-44766    

Other (specify):



3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:

    Schwab Target 2045 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
    211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013
2. State Identification Number:
    AL   46269   AK   60075611   AZ   66982   AR   60029629   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1073765   DE   —     DC   60049242   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   71105   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-84487   KS   2013S0001096   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10037273   MD   SM20130238   MA   —     MI   969248   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60062999   MO   R2013-523   MT   85782   NE   —     NV   —     NH   MF13-0081733
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   44346   NY   S33-22-65   NC   3181   ND   BT833   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2211740   OR   2013-463   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF19863   SD   57892
    TN   M13-0029A   TX   C 102992   UT   006-9580-98   VT   BEVT-1377   VA   116961   WA   60063636
    WV   —     WI   665228-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-44767    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
    Schwab Target 2050 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
    211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105






U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549



FORM N-17f-2



Certificate of Accounting of Securities and Similar

Investments in the Custody of

Management Investment Companies

Pursuant to Rule 17f-2 [17 CFR.17f-2]


1. Investment Company Act File Number:   Date examination completed:
811-7704   May 31, 2013

2. State Identification Number:

    AL   46270   AK   60075612   AZ   66983   AR   60029630   CA   505-6972   CO   IC 1993 06 160
    CT   1073764   DE   —     DC   60049243   FL   —     GA   SC-MF-019938   HI   —  
    ID   71106   IL   60005106   IN   93-0319 IC   IA   I-84488   KS   2013S0001097   KY   60012844
    LA   151950   ME   10037274   MD   SM20130239   MA   —     MI   969249   MN   R-36652.1
    MS   60063000   MO   R2013-524   MT   85783   NE   —     NV   —     NH   MF13-0081734
    NJ   MF-4486   NM   44374   NY   S33-22-66   NC   3181   ND   BT834   OH   BE1317858
    OK   SE-2211741   OR   2013-464   PA   1993-05   RI   —     SC   MF19864   SD   57891
    TN   M13-0029A   TX   C 102994   UT   006-9580-98   VT   BEVT-1378   VA   116961   WA   60063637
    WV   —     WI   665229-03   WY   18237   PUERTO RICO   S-44765    

Other (specify):


3. Exact name of investment company as specified in registration statement:
     Schwab Target 2055 Fund (one of the series in Schwab Capital Trust)
4. Address of principal executive office: (number, street, city, state, zip code)
     211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105




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