RNS Number:7184R
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S.
05 November 2003

                              Turk Ekonomi Bankasi
                                 Anonim Sirketi

                      Unconsolidated Financial Statements
                            As of September 30, 2003
                          Together With Review Report


(Convenience Translation of A Report And Financial Statements
Originally Issued In Turkish - See Section III, Note XXV)


We have reviewed the balance sheet of Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Anonim Sirketi as of
September 30, 2003 and the related statements of income for the interim period
then ended. These financial statements are expressed in the equivalent
purchasing power of Turkish lira as of September 30, 2003. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Bank's management. Our responsibility
as independent auditors is to issue a review report on these financial
statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the auditing standards which were
determined under the provisions of Banking Law Number 4389. These standards
require that the review should be planned and performed to obtain limited
assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquires of bank personnel and
analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance
than an audit.  We have not performed an audit and, accordingly we do not
express an opinion.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying interim financial statements of Turk Ekonomi Bankasi
Anonim Sirketi at September 30, 2003 are not presented fairly, in all material
respects, in accordance with the accounting principles and standards that are
based on the Article 13 of the Banking Law number 4389.

Additional paragraph for convenience translation to English:

The above mentioned accounting principles differ from International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by International Accounting Standards Board
and so far as such differences apply to the financial statements of the Bank
they mainly relate to the format of financial statements and disclosure
requirements, accounting for deferred taxes and accounting for retirement pay
liabilities. The effects of the differences between these accounting principles
and accounting principles generally accepted in the countries in which the
accompanying financial statements are to be used and IFRS have not been
quantified in the accompanying financial statements.  Accordingly, the
accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial
position and results of operations in accordance with the accounting principles
generally accepted in the countries of users of the financial statements and
IFRS. The Bank's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with
the accounting principles and standards that are based on the Article 13 of the
Banking Law number 4389 will be issued separately.

Guney Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik Anonim Sirketi
An Affiliated Firm of Ernst & Young International

Esra Peri, SMMM

November 5, 2003
Istanbul, Turkey


                                    SECTION ONE                         Page no.
                                General Information

    I.    Footnotes and Explanations on the Bank's Service 
          Activities and Operating Areas                                   1
    II.   The Explanations and Footnotes Regarding the Including 
          Group of the Bank                                                1
    III.  The Explanations Regarding the Interim Financial 
          Statements of the Bank                                           1

                                   SECTION TWO
                  Unconsolidated Interim Financial Statements

    I.   Balance Sheets - Assets                                           3
    II.  Balance Sheets - Liabilities                                      4
    III. Statements of Income                                              5
    IV.  Statements of Off Balance Sheet Commitments                       6

                                  SECTION THREE
                              Accounting Principles

    I.    Basis of Presentation                                            7
    II.   Explanations on Forward, Option Contracts and 
          Derivative Instruments                                           8
    III.  Netting of Financial Assets and Liabilities                      8
    IV.   Interest Income and Expense                                      8
    V.    Fees and Commission Income and Expense                           8
    VI.   Securities Held for Trading                                      9
    VII.  Sales and Repurchase Agreements and Lending of 
          Securities                                                       9
    VIII. Securities Held to Maturity, Securities Available for 
          Sale and Bank Originated Loans and Receivables                   9
    IX.   Participations                                                  10

    X.    Subsidiaries                                                    10

    XI.   Originated Loans and Receivables and Provisions for 
          Loan Impairment                                                 10
    XII.  Goodwill and Other Intangible Fixed Assets                      11
    XIII. Tangible Fixed Assets                                           11
    XIV.  Leasing Transactions                                            12
    XV.   Provisions and Contingent Liabilities                           12
    XVI.  Liabilities Regarding Employee Benefits                         13
    XVII. Taxation                                                        13
    XVIII.Additional Explanations on Borrowings                           14
    XIX.  Paid-in Capital and Share Certificates                          14
    XX.   Acceptances                                                     14
    XXI.  Government Incentives                                           14
    XXII. Securities at Custody                                           14
    XXIII.Impairment of Assets                                            14
    XXIV. Segment Reporting                                               14
    XXV.  Other Matters                                                   15

                                  SECTION FOUR
                       Information on Financial Structure
    I.   Capital Adequacy Standard Ratio                                 16
    II.  Market Risk                                                     19
    III. Foreign Currency Risk                                           19
    IV.  Interest Rate Risk                                              21
    V.   Liquidity Risk                                                  23

                                SECTION FIVE
       Footnotes and Explanations on Unconsolidated Financial Statements
    I.    Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Assets               25
    II.   Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Liabilities          33
    III.  Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Income Statement     37
    IV.   Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Off-balance 
          Sheet Commitments                                              39
    V.    Footnotes and Explanations on the Risk Group of the Bank       41
    VI.   Footnotes and Explanations on Inflation Accounting             43
    VII.  Explanations Related to Subsequent Events                      45

                                   SECTION SIX
                       Independent Limited Review Report

    I.    The Explanations on the Independent Limited Review Report      45

                                  SECTION ONE

                              GENERAL INFORMATION

     I-   Footnotes and Explanations on the Bank's Service Activities and
          Operating Areas
          a)   Commercial name of the Bank     : Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Anonim
                                                 Sirketi (the Bank)
               Reporting period                : 1 January - 30 September 2003
               Address of the head office      : Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi No: 35
                                                 Findikli 34427 - ISTANBUL
               Telephone number                : (0212) 251 21 21
               Facsimile number                : (0212) 249 65 68
               Web page                        : www.teb.com.tr
               E-mail address                  : investor.relations@teb.com.tr

          b)   The Bank's service activities and operating areas: The Bank's 
               operating areas include, commercial financing and corporate 
               banking, fund management operations, retail banking and credit 
               card operations.
          c)   Financial statements and relevant explanations together with the
               footnotes are stated in Billions of Turkish Lira.
II.  The Explanations and Footnotes Regarding the Group of the Bank

The Group of the Bank: Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Anonim Sirketi ("the Bank") is
included in the Colakoglu Group. 70.08% of the shares of the Bank belongs to TEB
Mali Yatirimlar Anonim Sirketi (TEB Mali Yatirimlar) and 8.60% of the shares
belongs to Colakoglu Metalurji Anonim Sirketi.
III. Explanations on The Interim Financial Statements
     a)   Accounting principles and basis of valuation used in the preparation 
          of year-end financial statements are also used for the preparation of 
          interim financial statements without any changes or exceptions, and 
          are summarized in Section Three below.
     b)   There are no transactions realized in the interim period that display 
          a seasonal or a periodical nature.
     c)   There are no non-recurring transactions or basic accounting 
     d)   There are no extraordinary items in terms of nature or amount that
          effect the assets, liabilities, equity, net income or the cash flow of 
          the Bank.
     e)   Prior period interim financial statements, do not contain any changes
          with respect to  the estimated values related with the current period. 
          There are no items in the prior period financial statements that are 
          recorded with their estimated value.
     f)   There are no convertible bonds or any other debt securities issued
          during the current period.
     g)   In accordance with the decision related with the distribution of
          profit, declared at the Annual General Meeting of the Bank dated 
          March 27, 2003, the Bank distributed  dividends to its shareholders 
          in the current period starting at April 4, 2003.
     h)   There are no subsequent events that occurred after the preparation 
          date of the interim financial statements which have a material impact 
          on the interim financial statements.
     i)   There are no transactions that may cause a structural change for the
          Bank such as restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, or discontinue 
          of any operations.
     j)   There are no changes in the subsequent commitments and contingencies
          of the Bank that have arisen after the year-end balance sheet date.

                                  SECTION TWO


    I.   Balance Sheets - Assets
    II.  Balance Sheets - Liabilities
    III. Statements of Income
    IV. Statements of Off Balance Sheet Commitments

                                                    Reviewed                              Audited
                                                 Current Period                        Prior Period
                                Note Ref.          30.09.2003                           31.12.2002
ASSETS                      (Section five)       TL           FC        Total         TL           FC        Total

I.       CASH AND                            19,204      409,656      428,860     23,094      452,423      475,517
         THE CENTRAL
         BANK OF
   1.1   Cash                                 9,793            -        9,793      6,709            -        6,709
   1.2   Foreign                                  -       63,531       63,531          -       89,266       89,266
   1.3   Balances with             I-1        9,411      346,125      355,536     16,385      363,157      379,542
         the Central
         Bank of
II.      TRADING                             14,078        6,479       20,557     27,673        3,255       30,928
   2.1   Public sector             I-2       14,078        6,116       20,194     27,673        2,954       30,627
 2.1.1   Government                I-2       12,615        1,030       13,645     21,316        2,954       24,270
 2.1.2   Treasury                  I-2        1,462            -        1,462      6,356            -        6,356
 2.1.3   Other                     I-2            1        5,086        5,087          1            -            1
   2.2   Share                                    -            -            -          -            -            -
   2.3   Other                                    -          363          363          -          301          301
III.     BANKS AND                           40,016      175,813      215,829     25,476      336,829      362,305
   3.1   Due from                            40,016      175,813      215,829     25,476      336,829      362,305
 3.1.1   Domestic                            40,016       39,270       79,286     25,476      117,122      142,598
 3.1.2   Foreign                                  -      136,543      136,543          -      219,707      219,707
   3.2   Other                                    -            -            -          -            -            -
IV.      MONEY MARKET                       300,000       83,063      383,063    251,610      197,892      449,502
   4.1   Interbank                          300,000       83,063      383,063    251,610      197,892      449,502
         money market
   4.2   Istanbul Stock                           -            -            -          -            -            -
         Exchange money
   4.3   Receivables                              -            -            -          -            -            -
         from reverse
V.       SECURITIES                               9       59,018       59,027         10       18,663       18,673
         SALE (Net)
   5.1   Share                     I-3            9            -            9         10            -           10
   5.2   Other                     I-3            -       59,018       59,018          -       18,663       18,663
VI.      LOANS                              489,721      585,927    1,075,648    394,220      493,609      887,829
   6.1   Short term                I-4      439,736      551,101      990,837    365,629      475,408      841,037
   6.2   Medium and                I-4       42,114       34,826       76,940     23,097       18,201       41,298
         long term
   6.3   Loans under               I-4       23,563            -       23,563     22,379            -       22,379
   6.4   Specific                  I-4      (15,692)           -      (15,692)   (16,885)           -      (16,885)
         provisions (-)

VII.     FACTORING                                -            -            -          -            -            -
VIII.    SECURITIES                          41,895            -       41,895     40,476            -       40,476
         HELD TO
         MATURITY (Net)

   8.1   Public sector             I-5       41,895            -       41,895     40,476            -       40,476
 8.1.1   Government                I-5       41,895            -       41,895     40,476            -       40,476
 8.1.2   Treasury                  I-5            -            -            -          -            -            -
 8.1.3   Other                     I-5            -            -            -          -            -            -
   8.2   Other                     I-5            -            -            -          -            -            -
IX.      INVESTMENTS                          6,137            -        6,137      6,248            -        6,248
   9.1   Financial                 I-6        6,137            -        6,137      6,248            -        6,248
   9.2   Non-Financial                            -            -            -          -            -            -
X.       SUBSIDIARIES                        65,746       49,181      114,927     63,581       48,437      112,018
  10.1   Financial                 I-7       65,746       49,181      114,927     63,581       48,437      112,018
  10.2   Non-Financial                            -            -            -          -            -            -
XI.      OTHER                                    -            -            -          -            -            -
XII.     FINANCE LEASE                            -            -            -          -            -            -
  12.1   Gross finance             I-8            -            -            -          -            -            -
  12.2   Unearned                  I-8            -            -            -          -            -            -
         income ( - )
XIII.    RESERVE                     -       13,791      123,469      137,260     10,232      135,812      146,044
XIV.     MISCELLANEOUS                          451        1,086        1,537        289           43          332
XV.      ACCRUED                             27,777        7,209       34,986     26,640        3,730       30,370
  15.1   Loans                     I-9       10,318        3,308       13,626     10,333        2,904       13,237
  15.2   Marketable                I-9        5,983          293        6,276      4,436          413        4,849
  15.3   Other                     I-9       11,476        3,608       15,084     11,871          413       12,284
XVI.     PROPERTY AND                        38,832            -       38,832     41,226            -       41,226
  16.1   Book value                          94,356            -       94,356     92,725            -       92,725
  16.2   Accumulated                        (55,524)           -      (55,524)   (51,499)           -      (51,499)
         depreciation (
         - )
XVII.    INTANGIBLE                           3,335            -        3,335      3,280            -        3,280
         ASSETS (Net)
  17.1   Goodwill                                 -            -            -          -            -            -
  17.2   Other                                8,210            -        8,210      7,297            -        7,297
  17.3   Accumulated                         (4,875)           -       (4,875)    (4,017)           -       (4,017)
         amortization (
         - )
XVIII.   OTHER ASSETS             I-10       27,165          693       27,858     20,849        1,977       22,826

         TOTAL ASSETS                     1,088,157    1,501,594    2,589,751    934,904    1,692,670    2,627,574

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


                                                     Reviewed                           Audited
                                                 Current Period                       Prior Period
                                 Note Ref.         30.09.2003                          31.12.2002
LIABILITIES                  (Section five)     TL           FC        Total         TL           FC        Total

I.        DEPOSITS                         487,627    1,226,144    1,713,771    395,073    1,477,734    1,872,807
    1.1   Bank                     II-1     42,614       53,012       95,626     20,272       46,098       66,370
    1.2   Saving                   II-1    179,431            -      179,431    181,096            -      181,096
    1.3   Public sector            II-1     12,518            -       12,518         39            -           39
    1.4   Commercial               II-1    196,627            -      196,627    156,896            -      156,896
    1.5   Other                    II-1     56,437            -       56,437     36,770            -       36,770
    1.6   Foreign                  II-1          -    1,158,870    1,158,870          -    1,406,774    1,406,774
    1.7   Precious                 II-1          -       14,262       14,262          -       24,862       24,862
          metals deposit
II.       MONEY MARKET                       8,432            -        8,432     25,244            -       25,244
    2.1   Interbank                              -            -            -          -            -            -
          money market
    2.2   Istanbul Stock                         -            -            -          -            -            -
          Exchange money
    2.3   Funds provided           II-2      8,432            -        8,432     25,244            -       25,244
III.      FUNDS                             40,412      326,541      366,953     17,655      273,580      291,235
    3.1   Funds borrowed                         -            -            -          -            -            -
          from the
          Central Bank
          of Turkey
    3.2   Other funds              II-3     40,412      326,541      366,953     17,655      273,580      291,235
  3.2.1   Domestic banks           II-3     27,372       28,948       56,320     17,655       13,446       31,101
  3.2.2   Foreign banks,           II-3     13,040      297,593      310,633          -      260,134      260,134
          and funds
IV.       MARKETABLE                             -            -            -          -            -            -
          ISSUED (Net)
    4.1   Bills                    II-4          -            -            -          -            -            -
    4.2   Asset backed             II-4          -            -            -          -            -            -
    4.3   Bonds                    II-4          -            -            -          -            -            -
V.        FUNDS                    II-5          -            -            -          -            -            -
VI.       MISCELLANEOUS            II-6     14,916       21,550       36,466     12,016       27,277       39,293
VII.      OTHER EXTERNAL           II-7     39,438       12,512       51,950     20,644        7,313       27,957
VIII.     TAXES AND                          7,968            -        7,968      6,585            -        6,585
          OTHER DUTIES
IX.       FACTORING                              -            -            -          -            -            -
X.        FINANCE LEASE                          -        5,347        5,347          -        7,469        7,469
          PAYABLES (Net)

   10.1   Finance Lease            II-8          -        6,509        6,509          -        9,051        9,051
   10.2   Deferred                 II-8          -       (1,162)      (1,162)         -       (1,582)      (1,582)
          finance lease
          expenses ( - )

XI.       ACCRUED                           29,977        7,608       37,585     13,790        2,697       16,487
          INTEREST AND
   11.1   Deposits                 II-9      9,919        1,466       11,385      5,805        1,120        6,925
   11.2   Borrowings               II-9      1,698        3,018        4,716      1,796        1,577        3,373
   11.3   Repurchase               II-9          7            -            7         31            -           31
   11.4   Other                    II-9     18,353        3,124       21,477      6,158            -        6,158
XII.      PROVISIONS                        34,822            -       34,822     30,062            -       30,062
   12.1   General                 II-10      7,571            -        7,571      6,746            -        6,746
   12.2   Reserve for             II-10      1,106            -        1,106      1,025            -        1,025
   12.3   Provisions for          II-10     25,869            -       25,869     21,692            -       21,692
          income taxes
   12.4   Insurance                   -          -            -            -          -            -            -
          reserves (Net)

   12.5   Other                   II-10        276            -          276        599            -          599
XIII.     SUBORDINATED            II-10          -       20,766       20,766          -       27,232       27,232
XIV.      SHAREHOLDERS'                    305,732          (41)     305,691    283,203            -      283,203
   14.1   Paid-in                 II-11     55,125            -       55,125     55,125            -       55,125
   14.2   Supplementary                    207,361          (41)     207,320    207,580            -      207,580
 14.2.1   Share                   II-12          -            -            -          -            -            -
 14.2.2   Share                                  -            -            -          -            -            -
 14.2.3   Marketable                             3          (41)         (38)       222            -          222
          value increase
 14.2.4   Revaluation                            -            -            -          -            -            -
 14.2.5   Value increase                         -            -            -          -            -            -
          in revaluation
 14.2.6   Other capital                          -            -            -          -            -            -
 14.2.7.  Effect on                        207,358            -      207,358    207,358            -      207,358
          accounting on
   14.3   Profit                             2,373            -        2,373          -            -            -
 14.3.1   Legal                              2,373                     2,373          -            -            -
 14.3.2   Status                                                           -          -            -            -
 14.3.3   Extraordinary                                                    -          -            -            -
 14.3.4   Other profit                                                     -          -            -            -
   14.4   Profit or                         40,873            -       40,873     20,498            -       20,498
 14.4.1   Prior year                         2,259            -        2,259          -            -            -
 14.4.2   Current year                      38,614            -       38,614     20,498            -       20,498

          TOTAL                            969,324    1,620,427    2,589,751    804,272    1,823,302    2,627,574

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.

                                                         Reviewed        Reviewed        Reviewed        Reviewed
                                                   Current Period    Prior Period      01.07.2003      01.07.2002
                                       Note Ref.       30.09.2003      30.09.2002    - 30.09.2003    - 30.09.2002
           INCOME AND EXPENSES     (Section five)           Total           Total           Total           Total
I.         INTEREST INCOME              III-1             238,818         286,060          80,135          89,778
     1.1   Interest on loans                              127,126         132,325          45,433          45,464
   1.1.1   Interest on TL loans                           107,567         109,095          38,717          37,329   Short term loans                               101,718         102,539          36,361          35,151   Medium and long term                             5,849           6,556           2,356           2,178
   1.1.2   Interest on foreign                             19,315          22,720           6,631           7,889
           currency loans   Short term loans                                18,143          21,967           6,097           7,698   Medium and long term                             1,172             753             534             191
   1.1.3   Interest on loans                                  244             510              85             246
           under follow-up
   1.1.4   Premiums received from                               -               -               -               -
           Resource Utilisation
           Support Fund
     1.2   Interest received from                           4,481           3,365           1,685           1,454
           reserve deposits
     1.3   Interest received from                          21,684          11,291           8,047           5,358
   1.3.1   The Central Bank of                                  -               -               -               -
   1.3.2   Domestic banks                                  16,929           7,305           6,584           3,642
   1.3.3   Foreign banks                                    4,755           3,986           1,463           1,716
     1.4   Interest received from                          66,238          76,542          18,368          20,457
           money market
     1.5   Interest received from                          19,026          62,139           6,550          16,918
           marketable securities
   1.5.1   Trading securities                               3,094          62,139             892          16,918
   1.5.2   Available-for-sale                               2,374               -           1,588               -
   1.5.3   Held to maturity                                13,558               -           4,070               -
     1.6   Other interest                                     263             398              52             127
II.        INTEREST EXPENSE                III-2          138,883         146,896          46,655          44,144
     2.1   Interest on deposits                            98,253          91,589          35,800          29,107
   2.1.1   Bank deposits                                    8,668           7,209           3,558           2,271
   2.1.2   Saving deposits                                 49,972          42,689          16,466          12,395
   2.1.3   Public sector                                        -               6               -               2
   2.1.4   Commercial deposits                             22,203          25,645           9,886           8,341
   2.1.5   Other institutions                                 422             149             228             108
   2.1.6   Foreign currency                                16,872          15,773           5,626           5,945
   2.1.7   Precious metals vault                              116             118              36              45
     2.2   Interest on money                                    -              36               -               -
           market transactions
     2.3   Interest on funds                               14,302          27,628           5,458           7,257
   2.3.1   The Central Bank of                                  -               -               -               -
   2.3.2   Domestic banks                                   6,707           5,960           2,469           2,204
   2.3.3   Foreign banks                                    5,040          17,784           2,989           3,778
   2.3.4   Other financial                                  2,555           3,884               -           1,275
     2.4   Interest on securities                               -               -               -               -
     2.5   Other interest                                  26,328          27,643           5,397           7,780
III.       NET INTEREST INCOME (I                          99,935         139,164          33,480          45,634
           - II)
IV.        NET FEES AND                                    13,852          14,670           4,683           4,076
     4.1   Fees and commissions                            25,048          23,217           8,503           7,533
   4.1.1   Cash loans                                       2,567           1,930             708             578
   4.1.2   Non-cash loans                                   7,026           6,276           2,554           2,293
   4.1.3   Other                                           15,455          15,011           5,241           4,662
     4.2   Fees and commissions                            11,196           8,547           3,820           3,457
   4.2.1   Cash loans                                       1,885           1,426             567             688
   4.2.2   Non-cash loans                                      27              25              10               2
   4.2.3   Other                                            9,284           7,096           3,243           2,767
V.         DIVIDEND INCOME                                      -               -               -               -
     5.1   Trading securities                                   -               -               -               -
     5.2   Available-for-sale                                   -               -               -               -
VI.        NET TRADING INCOME                              36,209           3,176          15,494           4,341
     6.1   Profit/losses on                                25,514           5,760          12,895           2,843
           trading account
           securities (Net)
     6.2   Foreign exchange gains                          10,695          (2,584)          2,599           1,498
           /losses (Net)
                                           III-3                -               -               -               -
VIII.      OTHER OPERATING                 III-4           12,132          10,572           3,805           3,839
IX.        TOTAL OPERATING INCOME                         162,128         167,582          57,462          57,890

X.         PROVISION FOR LOAN              III-5            5,134          16,725           2,789           7,235
           LOSSES OR OTHER
           RECEIVABLES (-)
XI.        OTHER OPERATING                 III-6           87,641          93,034          29,288          34,881
           EXPENSES (-)
XII.       NET OPERATING INCOME                            69,353          57,823          25,385          15,774
XIII.      PROFIT/LOSSES FROM              III-7           11,589           7,286               -           3,487
XIV.       NET POSITION INCOME/                           (18,883)        (33,889)          1,141         (13,484)
XV.        INCOME BEFORE TAXES                             62,059          31,220          26,526           5,777
           (XII+XIII+ XIV)
XVI.       PROVISION FOR TAXES ON                          23,445          16,086           7,894           4,787
           INCOME (-)
XVII.      NET OPERATING INCOME/                           38,614          15,134          18,632             990
XVIII.     EXTRAORDINARY INCOME/                                -               -               -           1,250
    18.1   Extraordinary net                                    -               -               -           1,250
           income/expense before
  18.1.1   Extraordinary income                                 -               -               -               -
18.1. 2    Extraordinary expense                                -               -               -           1,250
    18.2   Provision for taxes on                               -               -               -               -
           extraordinary income
XIX.       NET PROFIT/LOSSES               III-8           38,614          15,134          18,632           2,240
XX.        Earnings/Losses per                             350.23          137.27          169.00           20.32

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                                         Reviewed                               Audited
                                                      Current Period                         Prior Period
                                       Note Ref.         30.09.2003                            31.12.2002
         OFF BALANCE SHEET           (Section five)   TL           FC        TOTAL           TL           FC    TOTAL
A.       OFF BALANCE SHEET                       762,314    1,720,337    2,482,651      582,038    1,534,787  2,116,825
I.       GUARANTEES                  IV-2,3      347,511      678,077    1,025,588      289,990      604,523    894,513
   1.1.  Letters of                              347,439      283,768      631,207      289,911      281,357    571,268
 1.1.1.  Guarantees subject                       33,640        1,635       35,275       31,563          280     31,843
         to State Tender
 1.1.2.  Guarantees given                         75,034       16,470       91,504       77,224       10,515     87,739
         for foreign trade
 1.1.3.  Other letters of                        238,765      265,663      504,428      181,124      270,562    451,686
   1.2.  Banks loans                                   -       45,114       45,114            -       44,687     44,687
 1.2.1.  Import letter of                              -       45,114       45,114            -       44,687     44,687
 1.2.2.  Other bank                                    -            -            -            -            -          -
   1.3.  Letters of credit                            72      342,865      342,937           79      270,033    270,112
 1.3.1.  Documentary letters                          72      308,427      308,499           79      227,720    227,799
         of credit
 1.3.2.  Other letters of                              -       34,438       34,438            -       42,313     42,313
   1.4.  Prefinancing given                            -            -            -            -            -          -
         as guarantee
   1.5.  Endorsements                                  -            -            -            -            -          -
 1.5.1.  Endorsements to the                           -            -            -            -            -          -
         Central Bank of
 1.5.2.  Other                                         -            -            -            -            -          -
   1.6.  Securities issue                              -            -            -            -            -          -
   1.7.  Other guarantees                              -            -            -            -            -          -
   1.8.  Other collaterals                             -        6,330        6,330            -        8,446      8,446
II.      COMMITMENTS                             305,996      346,095      652,091      200,666      364,525    565,191
   2.1.  Irrevocable                             305,996      346,095      652,091      200,666      364,525    565,191
 2.1.1.  Asset purchase                                -            -            -        1,107            -      1,107
 2.1.2.  Deposit purchase                          7,000      346,095      353,095            -      364,525    364,525
         and sales
 2.1.3.  Share capital                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
         commitment to
         associates and
 2.1.4.  Loan granting                           109,001            -      109,001      125,005            -    125,005
 2.1.5.  Securities issue                              -            -            -            -            -          -
 2.1.6.  Commitments for                             400            -          400            -            -          -
         reserve deposit
 2.1.7.  Commitments for               IV-2       98,981            -       98,981       74,554            -     74,554
         credit card
 2.1.8.  Other irrevocable                        90,614            -       90,614            -            -          -
   2.2.  Revocable                                     -            -            -            -            -          -
 2.2.1.  Revocable loan                                -            -            -            -            -          -
 2.2.2.  Other revocable                               -            -            -            -            -          -
III.     DERIVATIVE                              108,807      696,165      804,972       91,382      565,739    657,121
   3.1.  Forward foreign                         108,807      525,840      634,647       91,382      235,547    326,929
         currency buy/sell
 3.1.1.  Forward foreign                          31,985      281,039      313,024       23,255      138,878    162,133
 3.1.2.  Forward foreign                          76,822      244,801      321,623       68,127       96,669    164,796
   3.2.  Swap transactions                             -      165,955      165,955            -      330,192    330,192
         related to f.c. and
         interest rates
 3.2.1.  Foreign currency                              -       81,963       81,963            -            -          -
 3.2.2.  Foreign currency                              -       83,070       83,070            -      164,312    164,312
 3.2.3.  Interest rate                                 -          461          461            -            -          -
 3.2.4.  Interest rate                                 -          461          461            -      165,880    165,880
   3.3.  Foreign currency                              -            -            -            -            -          -
         and interest rate
 3.3.1.  Foreign currency                              -            -            -            -            -          -
 3.3.2.  Foreign currency                              -            -            -            -            -          -
 3.3.3.  Interest rate                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
 3.3.4.  Interest rate                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
   3.4.  Foreign currency                              -        4,370        4,370            -            -          -
 3.4.1.  Foreign currency                              -        2,185        2,185            -            -          -
 3.4.2.  Foreign currency                              -        2,185        2,185            -            -          -
   3.5.  Interest rate                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
 3.5.1.  Interest rate                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
 3.5.2.  Interest rate                                 -            -            -            -            -          -
   3.6.  Other                                         -            -            -            -            -          -
B.       CUSTODY AND PLEDGED                   1,657,431      550,390    2,207,821    1,279,504      425,427  1,704,931
         ITEMS (IV+V)
IV.      ITEMS HELD IN                         1,212,583      289,336    1,501,919      895,294      284,486  1,179,780
   4.1.  Assets under                                  -            -            -            -            -          -
   4.2.  Investment                              506,228      156,711      662,939      311,863      160,376    472,239
         securities held in
   4.3.  Checks received for                     678,609       65,593      744,202      569,497       48,933    618,430
   4.4.  Commercial notes                         27,746       19,943       47,689       13,934       23,215     37,149
         received for
   4.5.  Other assets                                  -       47,089       47,089            -       51,962     51,962
         received for
   4.6.  Assets received for                           -            -            -            -            -          -
         public offering
   4.7.  Other items under                             -            -            -            -            -          -
   4.8.  Custodians                                    -            -            -            -            -          -
V.       PLEDGED ITEMS                           444,848      261,054      705,902      384,210      140,941    525,151
   5.1.  Marketable                               13,758       10,858       24,616       10,225        9,266     19,491
   5.2.  Guarantee notes                           6,128        1,190        7,318        6,873        1,460      8,333
   5.3.  Commodity                               217,142            -      217,142      208,812            -    208,812
   5.4.  Warranty                                      -            -            -            -            -          -
   5.5.  Immovables                              126,552      164,128      290,680      123,725       41,020    164,745
   5.6.  Other pledged                            81,268       84,878      166,146       34,575       89,195    123,770
   5.7.  Pledged                                       -            -            -            -            -          -

         TOTAL COMMITMENTS                     2,419,745    2,270,727    4,690,472    1,861,542    1,960,214  3,821,756

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                 SECTION THREE

                             ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES

I-   Basis of Presentation

The Bank prepares its financial statements in accordance with the  "Accounting
Application Regulations" (AAR) based on Article 13 named as "Accounting and
Recording System" of the Banking Law 4389 and related communiques and related
explanations and further communiques that add or cause a change on the content
of the relevant communiques.

Restatement of Financial Statements in Accordance with The Current Period
Purchasing Power

The "Accounting Standard on Financial Statements at Hyperinflation Periods",
Communique No:14 of  "Accounting Application Regulations" (AAR) became effective
from July 1, 2002.

In accordance with the communique No:14, the Bank's financial statements should
be restated, taking the current period equivalent purchasing power of Turkish
lira into account. In other words, Communique No:14 states that, financial
statements prepared in terms of the domestic currency of a country with high
inflation rate should be restated in accordance with the equivalent purchasing
power of the domestic currency at the balance sheet date. Prior period financial
statements should also be restated in their entirety to the measuring unit
current at the balance sheet date. One characteristic that necessitates the
application of inflation accounting under the provisions of Communique No : 14
is a cumulative three-year inflation rate approaching or exceeding 100%.
Restatement of financial statements is based on both the principles described in
Communique No.14 and the wholesale price indices published in its appendix and
the wholesale price indices announced by the State Institute of Statistics.
Detailed information on the application of inflation accounting is given in the
section V, footnote VII, "Footnotes and Explanations on Inflation Accounting" of
the following footnotes.

Other Basis of Valuation

Other basis of valuation used for assets and liabilities in the preparation of
financial statements are explained among the accounting principles for the
related assets and liabilities.

Changes in  Accounting Policies and Valuation Methods in the Current Period

Changes in Accounting Policies

Until September 30, 2002, the Bank's financial statements were being prepared in
accordance with the Uniform Chart of Accounts, standard balance sheet, income
statement, supplementary financial statements and footnotes to these financial
statements and the explanations related to the applications of such financial
statements and the accounting and valuation principles thereto that are based on
the article 13 of the Banking Law 4389 as revised by Law Number 4672 and 4491
and the "Accounting Standard on Financial Statements at Hyperinflation Periods",
Communique No:14, published at Official Gazette dated June 22, 2002 and numbered
24793 and which is related to the "Regulation of  Accounting Applications" and
became effective from July 1, 2002. After October 1, 2002, the Bank's financial
statements are prepared in accordance with the accounting policies explained
below and included in both Communique No:14 and the other communiques related to
the Regulation of Accounting Applications effective from October 1, 2002.
Accordingly, assets and liabilities were classified as of October 1, 2002 in
accordance with the provisions of the related communiques and the required
changes for the other accounts were made and the effects of such changes were
reflected in the income statement for 2002.

II-  Explanations on Forward, Option Contracts and Derivative Instruments

The Bank makes forward currency agreements and swap transactions to reduce the
foreign currency risk. In accordance with Communique No:1, "Accounting Standards
of Financial Instruments" of AAR,  derivative financial instruments that are not
designated as hedging instruments are classified as held-for-trading and carried
at fair value.

Foreign currency forward and swap transactions are evaluated by comparing the
period end Bank foreign exchange rates with the forward rate amortized to the
balance sheet date since the book values approximate their fair values. The
resulting gain or loss is reflected to the income statement.

There are no embedded derivatives separated from the host contract or that are
designated as hedging instruments.

Before the effective date of AAR, above-mentioned transactions had been recorded
by means of arbitrage accounting, the changes at the foreign currencies had been
recorded through evaluation under accounts and the liabilities at the maturity
had been followed under off balance sheet commitments. In order to avoid the
effects of the changes at the rates on the income statement, the amounts
followed under off balance sheet commitments had been evaluated and the
generated differences had been recorded under the income and expense accrual

Foreign Currency Assets and Liabilities

Gains or losses arising from foreign currency transactions are reflected in the
statement of income as they are realized during the year.  Foreign currency
assets and liabilities at each year-end are translated into Turkish lira at the
year-end foreign exchange buying rates announced by the Bank and the resulting
foreign exchange gains or losses are recorded in the statement of income as
foreign exchange loss, net. The net investment in foreign entities as of the
related year-ends were translated into Turkish lira by applying the exchange
rates prevailing at respective dates. The resulting foreign exchange gains or
losses are recorded in the statement of income.

The differences resulting from the translation of the securities issued and
monetary financial assets into Turkish lira are reflected to the statement of
III- Netting of Financial Assets and Liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are netted off when the Parent Bank has a legal
right and sanction regarding netting off, and when the Bank has the intention of
collecting or paying the net amount of related assets and liabilities or when
the Bank has the right to off set the assets and liabilities simultaneously.
There is no netting of financial assets and liabilities at the accompanying
financial statements as of September 30, 2003.
IV-  Interest Income and Expense

Interest income and expense are recognized in the income statement for all
interest bearing instruments on an accrual basis using the effective interest
method. In accordance with the related regulation, the due and not due interest
accruals of the non-performing loans are cancelled and interest income related
to these loans are recorded as interest income only when collected.
V-   Fees and Commission Income and Expense

Commission income and fees for various banking services in the period of

Fees and commissions for funds borrowed paid to other financial institutions,
which is a part of the transaction costs, are recorded as prepaid expenses and
considered as a part of interest of the related funds borrowed and accordingly,
recorded as expense monthly.

The dividend income is reflected to the financial statements on cash basis when
the profit distribution is realized by the participations and the subsidiaries.
VI-  Securities Held for Trading

Trading securities are securities which were either acquired for generating a
profit from short-term fluctuations in price or dealer's margin, or are
securities included in a portfolio in which a pattern of short-term profit
taking exists. Trading securities are initially recognized at cost. Transaction
costs of the related securities are included in the initial cost. The positive
difference occurred between the cost and fair value of the marketable security
is accounted as interest and income accrual. The negative difference occurred is
accounted under marketable security diminution in value account.

Since the foreign currency financial assets held at the same portfolio
(Eurobond) do not hold a price formed in an active market and since the fair
values of these securities could not be determined reliably, they are valued at
amortized cost by using relevant interest rates as stated in the articles 8 and
9 of the AAR's Communique No:1, "Accounting Standards of Financial Instruments."
VII- Sales and Repurchase Agreements and Lending of Securities

The Bank has been following the repurchase agreements made with the clients as a
balance sheet item since February 1, 2002 in accordance with the Uniform Chart
of Accounts. Accordingly, the government bonds and treasury bills sold to
clients under repurchase agreements are recorded under the related securities
account in the financial statements and are valued according to the valuation
principles of the related account. Funds obtained by repurchase agreements are
classified as a separate sub account under money markets account in the
liabilities. The interest expense accruals calculated by means of effective
interest method for the funds obtained by means of repurchase agreements are
reflected to the interest and other expense accruals account in the balance

The above-mentioned transactions are short term and consists of domestic public
sector debt securities.

The income and expenses generated from above mentioned operations are reflected
to the "Interest Income on Marketable Securities" and "Interest Expense on
Marketable Securities subject to Repurchase Agreement" accounts in the statement
of income.

As of September 30, 2003, the Bank does not have any reverse repo transactions
(December 31, 2002 - None).

As of September 30, 2003, the Bank does not have any lent marketable securities
(December 31, 2002 - None).
VIII-Securities Held to Maturity, Securities Available for Sale and Bank
Originated Loans and Receivables

Securities held to maturity are obtained with the intention of holding till the
maturity of the security, and accordingly, including the funding abilities, the
relevant conditions for this exist. This portfolio includes securities with
fixed or determinable payments and with a fixed maturity, excluding bank
originated loans and receivables.

Securities available for sale include all securities other than bank originated
loans and receivables, securities held to maturity and securities held for

The marketable securities are initially recognized at cost including the
transaction costs.

Foreign currency denominated financial assets included in the available for sale
securities portfolio (Eurobonds) is stated by translating the cost value to
Turkish lira at The Bank's exchange rates. The differences generated from the
translation is reflected to foreign currency gains and losses account at the
relevant period.  Since these securities do not hold a price formed in an active
market and since the fair values of these securities could not be determined
reliably, they are valued at amortized cost by using relevant interest rates as
stated in the articles 8 and 9 of the AAR's Communique No:1, "Accounting
Standards of Financial Instruments." The differences between the cost and the
valued amounts are reflected to the income accrual accounts.

Loans and receivables originated by the Bank are those generated by lending
money and exclude those that are held with the intention of trading or selling
in near future.

Held to maturity securities are remeasured at amortized cost by using original
effective interest rate and reserve for impairment in value is provided, if any.

The interests received from securities held to maturity are recorded as interest
income. There are no dividends related with any marketable securities that are
held to maturity.

There are no financial assets that were previously classified as securities held
to maturity but cannot be currently classified as held to maturity for the next
two years due to the breaching of "tainting" rules by the Bank.

The Bank classifies securities according to above-mentioned portfolios at the
acquisition date of the related security.

The sale and purchase transactions of the securities held to maturity are
recorded at the delivery dates.

Prior to the effective date of AAR, the Bank had initially recorded marketable
securities held with the intention of not selling till maturity (investment
portfolio), which were given as collateral at cost, and the income accruals of
these securities were calculated by straight line method and reflected to the
financial statements.
IX-  Participations

Turkish lira participations which are quoted at the stock exchange are valued at
fair value and any positive difference between fair value price and cost is
included under shareholders' equity at "Marketable Securities Value Increase
Fund" account in the financial statements. The others are valued by means of
restating their costs and the capital increases after deducting the ones
generated by means of adding the values accumulated at the revaluation like
funds to the capital of the participations, with the rates applicable for the
relevant dates. A provision is provided when there is a permanent diminution in
X-   Subsidiaries

Turkish lira subsidiaries are valued by means of restating their costs and the
capital increases after deducting the ones generated by means of adding the
values accumulated at the revaluation like funds to the capital of the
subsidiaries, with the rates applicable for the relevant dates. Foreign currency
denominated subsidiaries are valued with year-end foreign exchange rates. A
provision is provided when there is a permanent diminution in value of the
XI-  Originated Loans and Receivables and Provisions for Loan Impairment

The Bank initially records originated loans and receivables at cost, and at the
following periods, in accordance with the AAR, Communique No:1, these loans are
remeasured at amortized cost by means of effective interest rate method. The
taxes, transaction expenses and other expenses paid for the guarantees taken for
the originated loans are taken into consideration while calculating the banks
financing cost and these are reflected to the interest rates of the loans.

Cash loans are recorded in accordance with the regulations stated at the
Communique on the Uniform Chart of Accounts and Its Explanations.

Provision is set for the loans that may be doubtful and the amount is expensed
at the current period. The provisioning criteria for the non-performing loans
are determined by the Bank's management for compensating the probable losses of
the current loan portfolio, by means of evaluating the portfolio for its quality
and risk factors and by means of considering the economical conditions, other
facts and related regulations.

Allowances are computed and reflected in accordance with the Banking Law No.4389
as revised by Law Number 4672 and 4491, Article 3, Sub Article 11 and Article
11, Sub Article 12 published on the Official Gazette No. 24448 dated June 30,
2001on "Methods and Principles for the Determination of Loans and Other
Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves" amended by
Communiques dated 31.01.02 in the current period financial statements.
Furthermore, a general reserve of 0.5% is being provided for the cash loans and
other receivables and 0.1 % is provided for non-cash loans. These provisions are
reflected to the statement of income under "Provision and Diminishing in Value
Expenses - Special Provision Expense". The collection made regarding these loans
are first deducted from the principal amount of the loan and the remaining
collections are deducted from interest receivables.

The collections made regarding the current year provision of the above mentioned
loans are deducted from the "Provision for Loans and Other Receivables" account
in the income statement. The collections made related to the previous years'
written-off loans or allowances are recorded under "Other Operating Income"
account and interest incomes are recorded under the "Interest Received from
Non-performing Loans" account.

Release of provision are removed by means of reversing the amount to the "
Provision and Diminishing in Value Expense - Provision Expense" account.
Allowances recorded in the previous periods and lost its necessity in the
current period are credited to "Collections Regarding Previous Year's Expenses"
XII- Goodwill and Other Intangible Fixed Assets

There is no goodwill regarding the participations and subsidiaries.

The intangible fixed assets are reflected with their restated costs in
accordance with inflation accounting and depreciated with straight-line method.
The depreciation rate is 20%. The cost of assets subject to depreciation is
restated after deducting the exchange differences, capitalized financial
expenses and revaluation increases, if any, from the cost of the assets.

Major group classified as other intangible fixed assets by the Bank is
softwares. While determining the depreciation periods of these, the essentials
of General Tax Regulations are taken in to consideration and no special criteria
are used. The useful lives of these assets are determined as 5 years. Softwares
mainly used are developed within the Bank by the Bank's personnel, and the
expenses regarding these are not capitalized. Software is purchased only in
emergency cases and for special projects.

There are no expected changes in the accounting estimates about the depreciation
rate and method and residual values for the current and future periods.
XIII-Tangible Fixed Assets

Buildings are reflected to the financial statements at their restated costs and
reserve for impairment is provided, if any. In accordance with the Communique
No:14, buildings are valued by real estate expertise companies and the expertise
value is close to the restated costs at September 30, 2003. The straight-line
method for depreciation is used and economical life is accepted to be 50 years.

Other tangible fixed assets are reflected with their restated cost in accordance
with inflation accounting, and depreciated by straight-line depreciation method.
The depreciation rate is 20%. A prorate basis is used for depreciating assets
held less than one year as of the balance sheet date. The leasehold improvements
are depreciated in accordance with the lease period by means of straight-line
method. The annual rates used, which approximate rates based on the estimated
economic lives of the related assets, are as follow:
Buildings                                                     2
Motor vehicles                                                20
Furniture, fixtures and office equipment                      20
Leasehold improvements                        Lease period-not less than 5 years

Gain profit or loss resulting from disposals of the tangible fixed assets are
reflected to the statement of income as the difference between the net proceeds
and net book value.

The repairment costs of the tangible fixed assets are capitalized if the
operation lengthens the economic life of the asset. Otherwise the repairment
costs are expensed. There are no pledge, mortgage or other restrictions on the
tangible fixed assets.

There are no purchase commitments related to the tangible fixed assets.

There are no expected changes in the accounting estimates, which could have a
significant impact on the current and future periods.
XIV- Leasing Transactions

Leasing of fixed assets are recorded in accordance with AAR, Article 7 of the
Communique No:4, "Accounting Standard for Leasing Transactions." In accordance
with the above-mentioned article, the leasing transactions, which consist only
foreign currency liabilities, are translated to Turkish lira with the exchange
rates effective at the transaction dates and they are recorded both as an asset
and a liability. The foreign currency liabilities are translated to Turkish lira
with the Bank's period end exchange rate. The increases resulting from the
differences in the foreign exchange rates are recorded as expense in the
relevant period. Rent payments consist of financing costs generated due to
leasing, and the amount of the leased asset corresponding to the relevant
period. The financing cost resulting from leasing is distributed through the
agreement period to form a fixed interest rate.

In addition to interest expense, the Bank records depreciation expense in each
period for the leased assets. The depreciation rate is determined in accordance
with "Accounting Standard of Tangible Fixed Assets" and the depreciation rate is

Operating lease expenses are recognized as expense in the income statements in
the periods in which they are incurred.

The Bank has no leasing transactions as lessor.
XV-  Provisions and Contingent Liabilities

The provisions and contingent liabilities are determined in accordance with the
Communique No:8 of AAR, except for the general and specific provisions set for
the loans and other receivables. Liabilities generated from previous events are
recorded by the Bank immediately at the estimated amounts.
XVI- Liabilities Regarding Employee Benefits

In accordance with the existing social legislation, the Bank is required to make
lump-sum termination indemnities including retirement and notice payments to
each employee whose employment is terminated due to resignment or for reasons
other than misconduct. The retirement pay is calculated for every working year
within the Bank over the wage for 30 days and the notice pay is determined by
the relevant notice period time calculated over the years worked within the
Bank. In accordance with AAR, Communique No:10, the Bank sets provision for
retirement and notice pay liabilities by taking the actual payment rates for the
previous 5 years into consideration.

The Bank has no employees contracted for determined periods.

As of September 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, the arithmetical averages of the
actual payments realized for the previous five years are 8.35% and 8.44%
respectively and this forms the base of the provision amount that will be set
for the retirement and notice pay liabilities.

The Bank employees are members of Tebliler foundation. The Bank does not have
any liability to this foundation.

There are no liabilities that require additional provisions related to other
employee rights.

Corporate tax

In accordance with the incumbent tax Law, Corporate Tax is computed over
statutory net income that is subject to tax, without taking into account the
effects of inflation accounting.

In line with the new tax Law number 4842, published in the Official Gazette
dated April 24, 2003, starting with the current year income, the corporate tax
rate to be applied is 30 % (December 31, 2002 - 33%, including fund share).
Corporate tax is to be paid in a lump sum payment within the specified period
allowed by the law for the declaration of tax.

As long as the Bank does not distribute the yearly income for 2003, there will
not be any withholding taxes with regards to this income.

The addition of current year profit to the share capital will not be regarded as
a profit distribution and thus, will be exempt from any withholding taxes.

The Bank's distribution of profit to "Fully-liable" institutions will also be
exempt from any withholding taxes.  The Bank's distribution of profit to real
persons, "semi-liable" institutions, and those institutions that are not liable
and or exempt from both corporation tax and income tax, will be subject to
withholding taxes.

In accordance with the Tax Procedural Code explained above, in every three-month
period the Bank's tax assessment is made and the temporary corporate tax is
calculated over the income generated in the three-month period at a rate of 30%
and paid in cash up to the fifth day of the second month following the period.
The corporate tax provision is recorded under "Provisions and Diminishing in
Value Expenses-Tax Provision" account and expensed at every three month period
end. At the corporate tax payment periods, the cash payments made are deducted
from the tax liability calculated over the yearly income and the remaining
liability is paid in cash.

In accordance with the Tax Procedural Code, the losses presented in the tax
declarations can be deducted from the tax assessments at the current period
within five years.

In Turkey, tax returns are filed during the fourth month following the year-end.
According to existing tax regulations, the tax authorities may examine such
returns and the underlying accounting records within five years.

Deferred tax

Certain income and expense items are taxable in periods different from those in
which they are recognized in the financial statements. Deferred taxes on such
timing differences are calculated and reflected in full in the accompanying
financial statements. The Bank does not compute deferred tax on the effects of
inflation accounting.

As of September 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, the deferred tax asset is
included in other assets in the accompanying balance sheet and the deferred tax
provision is stated under the tax provision in the accompanying income
XVIII- Additional Explanations on Borrowings

The Bank has not issued any debt securities.

The Bank has not issued convertible bonds. There are no debt securities issued
by the Bank.
XIX- Paid-in Capital and Share Certificates

The Bank does not have any costs related to share issue as of September 30,
2003. In the General Assembly meeting of the Bank, dated March 27, 2002, it was
decided that the profit for the year 2002 will be distributed to the
shareholders after providing the legal reserves, which will amount to 276
(Nominal full TL) of dividend for every 1,000 TL nominal shares owned by each
shareholder. The payment of dividends to the shareholders were started at April
4, 2003 and completed as of September 30, 2003.
XX-  Acceptances

Acceptances are realized simultaneously with the payment dates of the clients
and they are presented as commitments in off-balance sheet accounts.

There are no acceptances presented as liabilities against any assets.
XXI- Government Incentives

There are no government incentives utilized by the Bank.
XXII-Securities at Custody

Securities at custody held by the Bank on behalf of clients are not reflected to
the financial statements since they are not Bank's assets.
XXIII-Impairment of Assets

At every balance sheet date, the evidence on impairment in value of assets is
evaluated objectively for existence. When an evidence regarding impairment in
value exists, the market value of the asset is determined. The difference
between book and net realizable values of the asset is recorded as provision for
impairment in the balance sheet and as an expense in the income statement.
XXIV-Segment Reporting

Segment reporting will be made effective January 1, 2004.
XXV- Other Matters

Explanation for convenience translation to English

The accounting principles used in the preparation of the accompanying financial
statements differ from International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and so
far as such differences apply to the financial statements of the Bank they
relate mainly, but not limited, to the format of financial statements and
disclosure requirements, accounting for deferred taxes and reserve for
retirement pay liabilities. The effects of the differences between these
accounting principles and the accounting principles generally accepted in the
countries in which the accompanying financial statements are to be used and IFRS
have not been quantified in the accompanying financial statements.  Accordingly,
the accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial
position and results of operations in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the countries of users of the financial statements and
IFRS. The Bank's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with
the accounting principles and standards that are based on the Article 13 of the
Banking Law number 4389 will be issued separately.

There are no other matters required to be disclosed.

                                  SECTION FOUR


I- Capital Adequacy Standard Ratio

The method used for risk measurement for capital adequacy standard ratio is
performed in accordance with the Communique on "Measurement and Assessment of
Banks Capital Adequacies ", which was published on January 31, 2002 in the
Official Gazette numbered 24657. As of September 30, 2003, the Bank's capital
adequacy ratio is % 14.57 (December 31, 2002 - %15.40).

In the computation of capital adequacy standard ratio, information prepared in
accordance with statutory accounting requirements are used. Additionally, the
market risk amount is calculated in accordance with the communique on the
"Internal Control and Risk Management Systems of the Banks" and is taken in to
consideration in the capital adequacy standard ratio calculation

The values deducted from the capital in the shareholders' equity computation are
not considered while calculating risk-weighted assets, non-cash loans and
contingent liabilities. Assets subject to depreciation and depletion among
risk-weighted assets are included in the calculations over their net book values
after the relative depreciations and provisions are deducted.

When calculating the basic amounts subject to credit risk regarding the
transactions on the non-cash loans, the net receivable amount from the counter
parties found by means of deducting the provision amount set in accordance with
the  "Communique on Methods and Principles for the Determination of Loans and
Other Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves" is multiplied
by the rates presented at the Clause 1, Article 21 of the "Communique on
Regulations on the Establishment and Operations of Banks", and included in the
related risk group and weighted by the related group's risk.

Receivables from counter parties generated from foreign currency and interest
rate transactions are included in the related risk group at the loan conversion
rates stated in Clause 2, Article 21 of the  "Communique on Regulations on the
Establishment and Operations of Banks" and weighted for a second time by the
weight of the related risk group.

Information related to the capital adequacy ratio:

                                                                           Risk Weight
                                                                   0%         20%         50%       100%

Risk Weighted Assets, Liabilities and Non-Cash Loans
Balance Sheet items (Net)                                   1,009,349     215,146      75,559  1,004,431
Cash                                                           73,324           -           -          -
Due from banks                                                355,536     215,142           -        687
Interbank money market placements                             383,063           -           -          -
Receivables from reverse repo transactions                          -           -           -          -
Reserve deposits                                              137,260           -           -          -
Special finance houses                                              -           -           -          -
Loans                                                          42,634           -      63,587    961,556
Loans under follow-up (Net)                                         -           -           -      7,871
Subsidiaries, associates and investments held to maturity           -           -           -          -
Miscellaneous receivables                                           -           -           -      1,537
Marketable securities held to maturity (Net)                        -           -           -          -
Advances for assets acquired by financial leasing                   -           -           -          -
Financial lease receivables                                         -           -           -          -
Leased assets (Net)                                                 -           -      11,972          -
Fixed assets (Net)                                                  -           -           -     20,705
Other assets                                                   17,532           4           -     12,075
Off balance sheet items                                       363,925     446,661     311,785     43,600
Guarantees and pledges                                         15,494     439,476      73,750     25,722
Commitments                                                   346,095           -     238,035          -
Other off balance sheet items                                       -           -           -          -
Transactions related with derivative financial                      -           -           -      4,175
Interest and income accruals                                    2,336       7,185           -     13,703
Non risk weighted accounts                                          -           -           -          -

                                                            1,373,274     661,807     387,344  1,048,031
Total Risk Weighted Assets                                          -     132,361     193,672  1,048,031

Summary information related to the capital adequacy ratio:

                                                                                    Current            Prior
                                                                                     Period           Period

Total Risk Weighted Assets (*)                                                    1,408,650        1,221,004
Shareholders' Equity                                                                205,223          188,018
Shareholders' Equity / Total risk weighted assets (CAR (%))                           14.57            15.40
(*)  As of September 30, 2003, the amount includes TL 34,586 (2002 - TL
     21,784) of market risk amount.

Information related to the shareholders' equity components :

                                                Current Period    Prior Period

Paid-in Capital                                         55,125          55,125
Nominal capital                                         55,125          55,125
Capital commitments (-)                                      -               -
Effect on Inflation Accounting on Share                207,358         207,358
Share Premium                                                -               -
Legal Reserves                                           2,373               -
First legal reserve (Turkish Commercial Code             2,373               -
Second legal reserve (Turkish Commercial Code                -               -
Other legal reserve per special legislation                  -               -
Statute Reserves                                             -               -
Extraordinary reserves                                       -               -
Reserves allocated by the General Assembly                   -               -
Retained earnings                                            -               -
Accumulated loss                                             -               -
Foreign currency share capital exchange                      -               -
Profit                                                  40,873          20,498
Current period profit                                   38,614          20,498
Prior period profit                                      2,259               -
Loss (-)                                                     -               -
Current period loss                                          -               -
Prior period loss                                            -               -
Total Main Capital                                     305,729         282,981
Revaluation Fund                                             -               -
Furniture, fixture and vehicles                              -               -
Buildings                                                    -               -
Profit on sale of associates, subsidiaries and               -               -
buildings to be transferred to share capital
Revaluation fund of leasehold improvement                    -               -
Increase in the Value of Revaluation Fund                    -               -
Foreign Exchange Differences                                 -               -
General Reserves                                         7,571           6,746
Provisions for Possible Losses                               -               -
Subordinated Loans                                      20,766          27,232
Marketable Securities and Investment Securities            (38)            222
Value Increase Fund
Associates and subsidiaries                                (38)            222
Available for sale securities                                -               -
Structured positions                                         -               -
Total Supplementary Capital                             28,299          34,200
TIER III CAPITAL                                             -               -
CAPITAL                                                334,028         317,181
DEDUCTIONS FROM THE CAPITAL                            128,805         129,163
Investments in unconsolidated financial
companies whose main activities are money and
capital markets, insurance and that operate
with licenses provided in accordance with
special laws
                                                       121,064         118,266
Leasehold improvements                                   6,155           7,065
Start-up costs                                               -               -
Prepaid expenses                                         1,586           3,832
The negative difference between the market
values and the carrying amounts for
unconsolidated investments, subsidiaries, other
investments and fixed assets
                                                             -               -
Subordinated loans given to other banks which                -               -
operate in Turkey
Goodwill (Net)                                               -               -
Capitalized expenses                                         -               -
                                                             -               -
Total Shareholder's Equity                             205,223         188,018

II- Market Risk

The Bank has determined market risk management operations and has taken the
necessary precautions in order to hedge market risk within its financial risk
management purposes, in accordance with the Communique on "Internal Control and
Risk Management Systems of Banks" announced in the Official Gazette dated
February 8, 2001.

The interest rate and exchange rate risks of the financial positions taken by
the Bank related to balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts are measured
and while calculating the capital adequacy, the amount subject to VAR is taken
into consideration by the standard method. Scenario analysis and stress tests
are used additionally in market risk computations.

In order to measure the market risk of the Bank, the Board of Directors has
determined risk management strategies in accordance with the proposals of the
Top Management Risk Committee and these strategies are forced to be followed up
periodically. The Board of Directors evaluates the basic risks faced and
determines limitations accordingly. The limits are revised periodically.
Additionally the Board of Directors has urged the risk management group and the
top management to take necessary precautions to consider, evaluate, control and
to control the variety of risks the Bank faces.


Capital to be employed for interest rate risk - standard method                                         2,165
Capital to be employed for general market risk                                                          2,165
Capital to be employed for specific risk                                                                    -
Capital to be employed for options subject to interest rate risk                                            -
Capital to be employed for common stock position risk - Standard method                                     -
Capital to be employed for general market risk                                                              -
Capital to be employed for specific risk                                                                    -
Capital to be employed for options subject to common stock position risk                                    -
Capital to be employed for currency risk - Standard method                                                602
Capital liability                                                                                         602
Capital to be employed for options subject to currency risk                                                 -
Total Value-at-risk (VAR)-Internal Model                                                                    -
Total capital to be employed for market risk                                                            2,767
Amount subject to market risk                                                                          34,586

III- Foreign Currency Risk

Foreign currency risk indicates the possibilities of the potential losses that
banks are subject to due to the exchange rate movements in the market. While
calculating the share capital requirement, all foreign currency assets,
liabilities and forward transactions of the Bank are taken into account. Net
short and long position of Turkish Lira equivalent of each foreign currency is
calculated. The value, which will be a base for calculating the share capital
requirement, is computed by taking the higher absolute value of the position by
adding to absolute net gold position. Share capital requirement is computed over
of this amount. The Board of Directors sets limits for the positions, which are
followed up daily. Additionally, possible value changes in the existing or
possible foreign currency positions are observed together with the follow-up of
the foreign currency risk in accordance with the provisions of the "Communique
on Internal Control and Risk Management Systems of Banks".

As an element of the Bank's risk management strategies, foreign currency
liabilities are hedged against exchange rate risk by derivative instruments.

The Board of Directors of the Bank determines the short position limits that the
Bank can hold in accordance with the present legal limitations. The Treasury
Department of the Bank is responsible for the management of Turkish Lira or
foreign currency price, liquidity and affordability risks that could occur in
the domestic and international markets. The Risk Control Department continuously
controls risk and risk related transactions occurring in the money markets and
prepares weekly reports for the Bank's Asset-Liability Committee. The related
principles and limitations of the counterparties are determined by the Loan
Committee. The limits concerning the maturity structure of the foreign currency
transactions and interest rates are examined by the  Asset-Liability Committee.

As of September 30, 2003, the Bank's net long position is TL 3,834 (December 31,
2002 - TL 722 net short) resulting from short position amounting to TL 31,297
(December 31, 2002 - TL 41,365) on the balance sheet and long position amounting
to TL 35,131 (December 31, 2002 - TL 40,643) on the off-balance sheet.

The announced current foreign exchange buying rates of the Bank at the balance
sheet date and the previous five working days are as follows:

                   23/9/03           24/9/03           25/9/03       26/9/03       29/9/03       30/9/03
USD              1,348,023         1,349,013         1,366,040     1,365,178     1,376,707     1,384,378
CHF                995,456           994,568         1,010,555     1,013,747     1,017,541     1,048,196
GBP              2,227,117         2,231,179         2,262,756     2,264,465     2,268,864     2,313,057
JPY                 12,088            12,062            12,191        12,163        12,318        12,509
EUR              1,548,070         1,547,183         1,569,171     1,567,497     1,571,236     1,615,154

The simple arithmetical average of the major current foreign exchange buying
rates of the Bank for the thirty days before the balance sheet date is as

                                                                                              Monthly Average
                                                                                             Foreign Exchange
USD                                                                                                 1,371,963
CHF                                                                                                   993,589
GBP                                                                                                 2,208,843
JPY                                                                                                    11,913
EUR                                                                                                 1,539,809

Information on the foreign currency risk of the Bank:

Current Period                                              EUR        USD       YEN   OTHER FC      TOTAL
Cash (cash in vault, foreign currency cash, money in     28,060    379,740        20      1,840    409,660
transit, cheques purchased) and balances with the
Central Bank of Turkey
Due from other banks and financial institutions          18,383    206,451       687     33,355    258,876
Trading securities (***)                                    508      5,614         -        357      6,479
Investment securities available-for-sale                      -     59,018         -          -     59,018
Loans (**)                                              232,956    423,346         -     16,105    672,407
Investments in subsidiaries and participations           49,181          -         -          -     49,181
Investment securities held-to-maturity                        -          -         -          -          -
Property and equipment                                        -          -         -          -          -
Goodwill                                                      -          -         -          -          -
Other assets                                             20,709    110,817         -        925    132,451
Total Assets                                            349,797  1,184,986       707     52,582  1,588,072

Bank deposits                                             3,215     10,165         6     39,626     53,012
Foreign currency deposits (*)                           242,203    896,463       867     33,599  1,173,132
Funds provided from other financial institutions         26,566    320,278         -        463    347,307
Marketable securities issued                                  -          -         -          -          -
Miscellaneous payables                                   14,912      6,509         -        129     21,550
Other liabilities                                         5,777     17,846         -        745     24,368
Total liabilities                                       292,673  1,251,261       873     74,562  1,619,369
Net Balance Sheet Position                               57,124   (66,275)     (166)   (21,980)   (31,297)
Net Off-Balance Sheet Position                         (63,163)     76,303         -     21,991     35,131
Financial derivative assets                             130,919    202,361         -     32,369    365,649
Financial derivative liabilities                        194,082    126,058         -     10,378    330,518
Non-cash loans (****)                                   188,826    452,763     9,301     27,187    678,077
Prior Period
Total Assets                                            393,749  1,273,288    20,523     94,377  1,781,937
Total Liabilities                                       294,356  1,444,323       225     84,398  1,823,302
Net Balance Sheet Position                               99,393  (171,035)    20,298      9,979   (41,365)
Net Off-Balance Sheet Position                         (98,326)    167,549  (20,022)    (8,558)     40,643
Non-cash loans                                          183,148    389,224     7,406     24,745    604,523

(*)       Gold account deposits amounting to TL 14,262 (December 31, 2002 - TL
24,862) are included in the foreign currency deposits.

(**)     Foreign currency indexed loans amounting to TL 86,480 (December 31,
2002 - TL 89,025) are included in the loan portfolio.

(***)  In the prior period, foreign currency indexed government bonds and
treasury bills amounting to TL 242 are included in the trading portfolio.

(****)        There are no effects on the net off-balance sheet position.

IV- Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk shows the loss probability related to the changes in the
interest rates depending on the Bank's position, and it is managed by the
Treasury Department. The interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and
off-balance sheet items related to this risk are measured by using the standard
method. The first step at calculation of interest rate risk, is to place the
instruments subject to interest rate risk in the appropriate one of the 13
maturity sections according to the remaining time to maturity or to the
repricing. At the second step, the instruments with variety of maturities are
weighted according to their risks for reflecting the interest rate risk
volatilities that match their maturities.

The first priority of the Bank's risk management is to protect from interest
rate volatility. All types of sensitivity analysis performed within the context
is calculated by the risk management and reported to the Asset-Liability

Work is performed regarding interest income according to the macro economical
indicators in the Bank's budget estimations and the effects of the market
interest fluctuations on the financial position and cash flow are purified at
the maximum level possible by means of target revisions.

The Bank management follows the market interest rates and expectations daily and
revises the interest rates of the Bank when necessary.

Since the Bank does not permit or imposes limits, on maturity mismatches it is
not expected that the Bank will face a significant interest rate risk.

Information related to the interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and
off-balance sheet items based on repricing dates):

                        Up to 1        1-3        3-6       6-12    1 Year and
                         Months     Months     Months     Months          Over      Demand        Total
Current Period
Cash (cash in vault,    492,800          -          -          -             -      73,324      566,124
foreign currency
cash, money in
transit, cheques
purchased) and
balances with the
Central Bank of
Due from banks and      572,393      3,499     16,000      7,000             -           -      598,892
other financial
Trading securities          996      1,983      6,134      5,425         5,656         363       20,557
Securities                    -          -      6,462          -        52,556           9       59,027
Loans                   447,247    237,298    203,354    104,361        75,517           -    1,067,777
Securities                1,743     36,624          -      3,528             -           -       41,895
Other assets             44,501      9,378      9,137      2,825         4,227     165,411      235,479
Total Assets          1,559,680    288,782    241,087    123,139       137,956     239,107    2,589,751
Bank deposits            80,820     11,206      3,600          -             -           -       95,626
Other deposits        1,453,064    136,470     25,388      2,415           808           -    1,618,145
Miscellaneous                 -          -          -          -             -      36,466       36,466
Marketable                    -          -          -          -             -           -            -
securities issued
Funds provided from     244,742     47,073     46,864     47,102         1,938                  387,719
other financial
Other liabilities        25,093     15,427      3,163      1,829         5,828     400,455      451,795
Total Liabilities     1,803,719    210,176     79,015     51,346         8,574     436,921    2,589,751
Balance Sheet          (244,039)    78,606    162,072     71,793       129,382    (197,814)           -
Interest Sensitivity
Off Balance Sheet             -          -          -          -             -           -            -
Interest Sensitivity
Total Interest         (244,039)    78,606    162,072     71,793       129,382    (197,814)           -
Sensitivity Gap

The other assets line at the without interest column consists of tangible fixed
assets amounting to TL 38,832 intangible fixed assets amounting to TL 3,335,
participations amounting to TL 6,137 and subsidiaries amounting to TL 114,927
and the other liabilities line consists of shareholders' equity with a total
amount of TL 305,391.

                        Up to 1        1-3        3-6       6-12          1 Year 
                          Month      Month     Months     Months        and Over     Demand        Total     

Prior Period
Cash (cash in vault,    525,588          -          -          -               -     96,232      621,820
foreign currency
cash, money in
transit, cheques
purchased) and
balances with the
Central Bank of
Due from banks and      716,808     12,180      8,857      2,837               -     71,125      811,807
other financial
Trading securities        2,799     14,012      6,875      6,516             425        301       30,928
Investment                    -     18,663          -          -               -         10       18,673
Loans                   362,210    178,134    236,718     59,665          45,608          -      882,335
Investment                  229     40,247          -          -               -          -       40,476
Other assets                  -          -          -          -               -    221,535      221,535
Total Assets          1,607,634    263,236    252,450     69,018          46,033    389,203    2,627,574
Banks deposits           65,082        181      1,107          -               -          -       66,370
Other deposits        1,647,171    132,080     11,411     15,338             437          -    1,806,437
Miscellaneous                 -          -          -          -               -     39,293       39,293
Marketable                    -          -          -          -               -          -            -
securities issued
Funds provided from       4,517    203,298     19,636     91,016               -          -      318,467
other financial
Other liabilities           121        385        623      1,044           5,298    389,536      397,007
Total Liabilities     1,716,891    335,944     32,777    107,398           5,735    428,829    2,627,574

On Balance Sheet       (109,257)   (72,708)   219,673    (38,380)         40,298    (39,626)           -
Interest Sensitivity
Off Balance Sheet             -          -          -          -               -          -            -
Interest Sensitivity

Total Interest         (109,257)   (72,708)   219,673    (38,380)         40,298    (39,626)           -
Sensitivity Gap

The other assets line at the without interest column consists of tangible fixed
assets amounting to TL 41,226, intangible fixed assets amounting to TL 3,280,
participations amounting to TL 6,248 and subsidiaries amounting to TL 112,018
and the other liabilities line consists of shareholders' equity with a total
amount of TL 283,203.

Average interest rates applied to monetary financial instruments:

                                                                  EURO          USD         Yen           TL
                                                                     %            %           %            %

Current Period

Cash (cash in vault, foreign currency cash, money in              0.98         0.40           -        21.00
transit, cheques purchased) and balances with the Central
Bank of Turkey
Due from banks and other financial institutions                      -         1.09           -        30.98
Trading securities                                               10.11        11.44           -        51.27
Securities available-for-sale                                        -         8.59           -            -
Loans                                                             5.89         5.70        7.07        41.81
Securities held-to-maturity                                          -            -           -        40.72
Bank deposits                                                     3.25         2.99           4        31.96
Other deposits                                                    3.26         3.09        3.03        27.65
Miscellaneous payables                                               -            -           -            -
Marketable securities issued                                         -            -           -            -
Funds provided from other financial institutions                  4.13         2.98        5.93        30.42

V- Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk occurs when there is not sufficient amount of cash or cash flows
to fulfill the cash outflows completely and on time, resulting from the unstable
cash inflows.

Liquidity risk may occur when the market penetration is not enough, when the
open positions cannot be closed urgently with a suitable price and sufficient
amount due to barriers and break-ups at the markets.

The Bank's policy is to establish a liquid asset structure that can afford all
kinds of liabilities by liquid sources. In this scope liquidity problem does not
happen at any period. The Board of Directors of the Bank continuously determines
the liquidity ratios and related standards, and controls them, in order to keep
this structure.

There is a system worked on to apply international measurement methods. However,
according to the general policies of the Bank, the adaptation of the assets,
liabilities, the interest rates to the payments are always established within
the asset liability management strategies. A positive difference is tried to be
established between the yields of TL and foreign currency assets and liabilities
at the balance sheet and their costs. According to this strategy, the Bank pays
special attention not to take maturity risk, and no banking service is marketed
when the price is lower than the financing cost.

When the funding and liquidity sources are considered, the Bank covers majority
of its liquidity need by deposits, and in addition to this source, it makes use
of prefinancing and syndication products to generate additional sources.
Generally, the Bank does not prefer to utilize liquidity from interbank money
markets and is in a net lender position in interbank money markets.

Presentation of assets and liabilities according to their remaining maturities :

                                                       Months      3-6       6-12 1 Year and
Current Period                            Demand (**)     (*)   Months     Months       Over        Total               

Cash (cash in vault, foreign currency       566,124         -        -          -          -      566,124
cash, money in transit, cheques
purchased) and Balances with the Central
Bank of Turkey
Due from banks and other financial          572,393     3,499   16,000      7,000          -      598,892
Trading securities                              690       976    6,659      6,028      6,204       20,557
Securities available-for-sale                     9         -    6,462                52,556       59,027
Loans                                       447,247   237,298  203,354    104,361     75,517    1,067,777
Securities held-to-maturity                       -       275   38,092      3,528          -       41,895
Other assets                                 44,311     8,807    9,830      2,839      4,281      235,479
Total Assets                              1,630,774   250,855  280,397    123,756    138,558    2,589,751
Bank deposits                                80,820    11,206    3,600          -          -       95,626
Other deposits                            1,453,064   136,470   25,388      2,415        808    1,618,145
Funds provided from other financial         187,060    47,073   46,864     47,102     59,620      387,719
Marketable securities issued                      -         -        -          -          -            -
Miscellaneous payables                       36,466         -        -          -          -       36,466
Other liabilities                           118,494    15,427    3,163      1,829    312,882      451,795
Total Liabilities                         1,875,904   210,176   79,015     51,346    373,310    2,589,751
Net Liquidity Gap                         (245,130)    40,679  201,382     72,410  (234,752)            -
Prior Period
Total Assets                              1,785,433   217,231  269,217     77,640    105,348    2,627,574
Total Liabilities                         1,854,556   159,663   56,805    198,913    357,637    2,627,574
Net Liquidity Gap                          (69,123)    57,568  212,412  (121,273)  (252,289)            -

(*)  The maturity of up to 1 month of Interbank funds sold amounting to TL
383,063, loans amounting to TL 447,247, and domestic and foreign banks
placements amounting to TL 189,329 are shown in the demand column. Furthermore,
demand deposits amounting to TL 962,172 are included in the other deposits and
shown at the demand column.

(**)     Total column includes other assets amounting to TL 165,411 consists of
TL 121,064 of subsidiaries and participations, TL 38,832 of tangible assets, TL
3,335 of intangible fixed assets, TL 1,586 of prepaid expenses and TL 594 of
office supply inventory that are not taken in to consideration at the maturity
distribution. Other liabilities which matures up to 1 year and over includes
shareholders' equity amounting to TL 305,691.

                                  SECTION FIVE
                         FOOTNOTES AND EXPLANATIONS ON
I-   Footnotes And Explanations Related to the Assets

1.   Information related to the account of the Central Bank of Turkey:

                                                                             Current Period     Prior Period

Demand unrestricted amount                                                            9,411           16,386
Time unrestricted amount                                                            346,125          363,156
Total                                                                               355,536          379,542

2.   Information about trading portfolio:
     a)   Trading securities given as collateral or blocked: None.

     b)   Trading securities subject to repurchase agreements:

                                                          Current Period              Prior Period
                                                               TL            FC           TL           FC
Government bonds                                            6,633             -       18,519            -
Treasury bills                                                321             -        6,278            -
Other debt securities                                           -             -            -            -
Bank bonds and bank guaranteed bonds                            -             -            -            -
Asset backed securities                                         -             -            -            -
Other                                                           -             -            -            -
Total                                                       6,954             -       24,797            -

3.   Information on available for sale portfolio:
     a)   Main types of available for sale securities: public sector debt
          securities, and other marketable securities and share certificates.
     b)   Information on available for sale portfolio:

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period
Debt securities                                                                    59,018             18,663
Quoted in a stock exchange                                                          6,462                  -
Not quoted                                                                         53,356             18,663
Share certificates                                                                      9                 10
Quoted in a stock exchange                                                              -                  -
Not quoted                                                                              9                 10
Provision for impairment (-)                                                        (800)                  -
Total                                                                              59,027             18,673
     c)   Available for sale securities given as collateral or blocked: None.
     d)   Information on investment securities available-for-sale given as
          collateral or blocked: None
     e)   Information on investment securities available-for-sale subject to
          repurchase agreements: None.
4.   Information on loans :
a)   Information on all types of loans and advances given to shareholders 
          and employees of the Bank:

                                           Current Period             Prior Period
                                        Cash Loans     Non-Cash Loans Cash Loans  Non-Cash Loans
Direct loans granted to shareholders       1,000          1,200          659        7,451
Corporate shareholders                     1,000          1,200          659        7,451
Real person shareholders                       -              -            -            -
Indirect loans granted to                      -              -            -            -
Loans granted to employees                   846              -          833            -

Total                                      1,846          1,200        1,492        7,451

b)   Information about the first and second group loans and other receivables 
     including loans that have been restructured or rescheduled:

                                                                      Loans and Other Receivables Under
                                Standard Loans and Other Receivables          Close Monitoring
                                 Loans and Other     Restructured or Loans and Other     Restructured or
                                     Receivables         Rescheduled     Receivables         Rescheduled
          Cash Loans
Non-specialized loans                  1,059,542                   -           4,233               4,002
Discount notes                            27,734                   -               -                   -
Export loans                             517,983                   -           1,626                   -
Import loans                                                       -               -                   -
Loans given to financial sector           35,714                   -               -                   -
International loans                       27,340                   -               -                   -
Consumer loans                            29,967                   -               -                   -
Credit cards                              17,987                   -               -                   -
Precious metals loans                     12,681                   -             550                   -
Other                                    390,136                   -           2,057               4,002
Specialized loans                              -                   -               -                   -
Other receivables                              -                   -               -                   -
Total                                  1,059,542                   -           4,233               4,002

c)   Information on consumer loans :

                                                                   Medium and                Interest Income
                                                 Short Term         Long Term        Total           Accrual
Consumer loans-TL                                    11,263             6,298       17,561               742
Real estate loans                                       438             1,096        1,534                32
Automotive loans                                      1,836             4,831        6,667               153
Consumer loans                                            -                 -            -                 -
Personnel loans                                         748                98          846                25
Other consumer loans                                  8,241               273        8,514               532
Consumer loans- Indexed to FC                         1,614            10,792       12,406                63
Real estate loans                                       143             2,348        2,491                11
Automotive loans                                        884             8,245        9,129                41
Consumer loans                                          587               199          786                11
Personnel loan                                            -                 -            -                 -
Other consumer loans                                      -                 -            -                 -
Credit cards                                         17,987                 -       17,987                 -
Total Consumer Loans                                 30,864            17,090       47,954               805
d)   Domestic and foreign loans:

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period
Domestic loans                                                                  1,040,437            868,069
Foreign loans                                                                      27,340             14,266
Total                                                                           1,067,777            882,335

e)   Loans granted to subsidiaries and investments:

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period
Direct loans granted to subsidiaries and investments                                   69                204
Indirect loans granted to subsidiaries and investments                                  -                  -
Total                                                                                  69                204

f)   Specific provisions provided against loans:

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period
Specific provisions
Loans and receivables with limited collectibility                                     535                 70
Loans and  receivables with doubtful collectibility                                   289                199
Uncollectible loans and receivables                                                14,868             16,616
Total                                                                              15,692             16,885

g)   Information on loans under follow-up account (Net) :
     g.1) Information on loans and other receivables included in loans under
          follow-up account which are restructured or rescheduled: None.
     g.2) The movement of loans under follow-up:

                                                                III. Group        IV. Group         V. Group
                                                                                  Loans and
                                                                              receivables with
                                                                Loans and         doubtful
                                                            receivables with    colectibility     Uncollectible
                                                                 limited                           loans and
                                                              collectibility                       receivables

Prior period end balance                                          1,010              399            20,970
Additions (+)                                                     3,769               22             3,155
Transfers from other categories of loans under                        -            1,416             1,160
follow-up (+)
Transfers to other categories of loans under                      1,416            1,160                 -
follow-up  (-)
Collections (-)                                                     179              103             3,307
Write-offs (-)                                                        -                -                30
Index difference (-)                                                 97               38             2,008
Current period end balance                                        3,087              536            19,940
Specific provision (-)                                              535              289            14,868
Net Balances on Balance Sheet                                     2,552              247             5,072

g.3) Information on foreign currency loans and other receivables under
     follow-up: None.
h)   Liquidation policies for the uncollectible loans and other receivables :

The loans and other receivables decided to be uncollectible are written off from
the assets according to the Tax Law by the decision of the top management in
accordance with the "Communique on Methods and Principles for the Determination
of Loans and Other Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves"
related to the clause 12 of article 11 and clause 11 of the article 3 of the
Bank Law 4389 changed by the laws 4672 and 4491 and announced at the Official
Gazette numbered 24448 and dated September 30, 2001.
5.   Information on held to maturity portfolio (Net) :

a)     Information on held to maturity portfolio:

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period

Debt securities                                                                    41,895             40,476
Quoted in a stock exchange                                                         41,895             40,476
Not quoted                                                                             -                  -
Provision for impairment (-)                                                           -                  -

Total                                                                              41,895             40,476

b)   Movement of held to maturity portfolio :

                                                                           Current Period       Prior Period

Beginning balance                                                                  40,476             95,963
Effect of inflation (-)                                                           (3,890)           (22,616)
Foreign currency differences on monetary assets                                         -              5,850
Purchases during year                                                               5,526             40,476
Disposals through sales and redemptions                                             (217)           (79,197)
Impairment provision                                                                    -                 -

Closing Balances                                                                   41,895             40,476

c.1) Information on accounts in which investment securities held-to-maturity 

                                                    Current Period                   Prior Period
                                           Historical Cost     Valuation     Historical Cost    Valuation
                                             TL      FC       TL      FC      TL      FC       TL      FC

Held to Maturity Portfolio
Given as collateral or blocked           41,895       -   42,024       -  40,476       -   41,205       -
Subject to repo transactions                  -       -        -       -       -       -        -       -
Held for structural position                  -       -        -       -       -       -        -       -
Receivables from securities lending           -       -        -       -       -       -        -       -
Collaterals on securities lending             -       -        -       -       -       -        -       -

Closing Balances                         41,895       -   42,024       -  40,476       -   41,205       -

Other than the above items, there are no held to maturity securities which are
not given as collateral.

c.2) Marketable securities held to maturity given as collateral consist
     of public sector debt securities of TL 41,895, given as collateral for 
     statutory requirements.

Securities held-to-maturity given as collateral or blocked:

                                                    Current Period                Prior Period
                                                    TL            FC            TL            FC

Share certificates                                   -             -             -             -
Bonds and similar investment securities         41,895             -        40,476             -
Other                                                -             -             -             -

Total                                           41,895             -        40,476             -

c.3) Securities held-to-maturity subject to repurchase agreements : None.
c.4) Securities held-to-maturity held for structural position: None.
6.   Information on participations (Net):
     a.1) Information on participations :

                                                                   Current Period     Prior Period

Balance at the beginning of the period                                      6,248            5,115
Movements during the period                                                 (111)            1,133
Purchases                                                                       -              745
Free shares obtained profit from current year's share                         120              431
Dividends from current year income                                              -                -
Sales                                                                           -                -
Revaluation increase                                                        (231)             (43)
Provision for impairment                                                        -                -

Balance at the end of the period                                            6,137            6,248
Capital commitments                                                             -                -
Share percentage at the end of the period (%)                                   -                -

a.2) Valuation of participations:

                                                                   Current Period     Prior Period

Valuation with cost                                                         5,891            5,891
Valuation with fair value                                                     246              357
Valuation with equity method                                                    -                -

Total                                                                       6,137            6,248

a.3) Participations which are quoted to a stock exchange:

                                                                          Current Period   Prior Period

Other financial participation / Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.                        246            357
Total                                                                                246            357

a.4) Information related to participations:

                                                       Bank's share percentage-If   Bank's risk group
                                                            different voting      share percentage (%)
         Description                   Address (City /       percentage(%)
TEB Sigorta A.S.                      Istanbul /Turkey           50.00                    50.00
Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.         Istanbul /Turkey           24.40                    31.58

Information on participations as presented in table a.4:

                                                             Income from
                                                             Securities                 Prior Period
                                                            Portfolio (*)               Profit / Loss
            Shareholders'Equity(*) Total Fixed   Interest                    Current         (*)        Fair
                                    Assets(*)   Income (*)                Period Profit               Value (*)
   Total                                                                   / Loss (*)
  25,938            4,879              494          357           -          (2,856)         582          -
   1,637            1,610               7           21            -            239           55         1,008

(*) Financial statements of Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S. have been prepared in
accordance with the incumbent Capital Market Board legislation. Financial
statements of  TEB Sigorta have been prepared in accordance with principles
stated in the Insurance Control Law. Current period information is expressed in
the equivalent purchasing power at September 30, 2003, while prior period
information are historical and are expressed with nominal figures at December
31, 2002.
a.5) Information on investments which are sold in current period : None.
a.6) Investments purchased in the current period: None.

7.   Information on subsidiaries (Net):

a)   Information on subsidiaries:
a.1) Information on subsidiaries:

                                                                   Current Period     Prior Period

Balance at the beginning of the period                                    112,018           99,753
Movements during the period                                                 2,909           12,265
Purchases                                                                       -            7,613
Free shares obtained profit from current year's share                      10,249            3,643
Dividends from current year income                                              -                -
Sales                                                                           -                -
Revaluation increase (*)                                                  (7,340)            1,009
Provision for impairment                                                        -                -

Balance at the end of the period                                          114,927          112,018

Capital commitments                                                            -                 -
Share percentage at the end of the period (%)                                  -                 -

(*)  The exchange (expense)/income generated from the difference between
     the devaluation and inflation of the foreign subsidiaries.
a.2) Valuation of subsidiaries:

Subsidiaries denominated in Turkish Lira are reflected by restating their costs
with the conversion factors applicable for the relevant dates after deducting
the capital increases generated by funds like the revaluation fund. When there
is a permanent diminution in value of the subsidiaries then a provision is set.
Subsidiaries denominated in foreign currency are translated into Turkish Lira by
applying the exchange rates prevailing at balance sheet dates.

                                                                          Current            Prior
                                                                           Period           Period

Valuation  with cost                                                      114,927          112,018
Valuation with fair value                                                       -                -
Valuation with equity method                                                    -                -
a.3) Subsidiaries which are quoted to a stock exchange: None.
a.4) Information on subsidiaries:

                                                                  Bank's share        Bank's risk group
                                                             percentage-If different  share percentage
                                                              voting percentage(%)           (%)

            Description              Address(City/ Country)

The Economy Bank N.V.                Netherlands                              100.00              100.00
Petek International  Holdings B.V.   Netherlands                              100.00              100.00
TEB Yatirim Menkul Degerler A.S.     Istanbul/Turkey                           74.80               91.81
TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S.           Istanbul/Turkey                           68.76               72.53
TEB Kiymetli Madenler A.S.           Istanbul/Turkey                           66.00               71.81
TEB Factoring A.S.                   Istanbul/Turkey                           65.80               70.77
TEB Portfoy Yonetimi A.S.            Istanbul/Turkey                           55.89               88.61

Information on subsidiaries as presented in table a.4 (*) :

                                                        Income from
                                 Total                   Securities
                                 Fixed                   Portfolio
               Shareholders'     Assets     Interest                  Current Period Prior Period      Fair
                   Equity                    Income                   Profit / Loss  Profit / Loss     Value
Total Assets
   1,111,387        74,129        5,189       39,912          (434)         3,836        8,112            -
       1,628         1,628            -            -             -           (37)        3,262            -
      17,583        14,565          418          377         2,039            739        2,983            -
     220,844        81,095      174,114        1,044            65         26,454        4,141            -
         222           215            -            -             -           (56)           40            -
      69,543         7,914        1,514        9,999             -          1,238          500            -
       5,473         4,787          526          598            76          1,022          876            -

(*)  Information is disclosed in statutory amounts.

a.5) Information on the subsidiaries that were disposed in current period: None.
a.6) Information on the subsidiaries purchased in current period: None.
8.   Information on financial lease receivables (Net): None.
9.   Explanations related to interest and income accruals :
a)   Information about accrued interest and income receivables:

                                                           Current Period            Prior Period
Accrued interest and income receivables                     TL           FC          TL         FC

Interest accruals - due                                    978            1         252          -
Interest accruals - not due                              9,329        3,304      10,068      2,903
Loan commissions and other income accruals - due             -            -           -          -
Loan commissions and other income accruals - not            11            3          13          1

Total                                                   10,318        3,308      10,333      2,904

b)   Information on other interest and income accruals :

                                                            Current Period          Prior Period
Other interest and income accruals                           TL        FC          TL          FC

Trading securities                                        5,138        30       3,707          18
Securities available for sale                                 -       263           -         395
Securities held to maturity                                 845         -         729           -
Interest accruals of reverse repo transactions                -         -           -           -
Interest accruals of reserve deposits                     1,537       152       1,019         274
Income accruals of financial derivative instruments       2,434     3,051       4,866           -
Interest and income accruals                                  -         -           -           -
Income accrual of foreign exchange gains                  2,434     3,051       4,866           -
Income accruals of financial lease income                     -         -           -           -
Others                                                    7,505       405       5,986         139

Total                                                    17,459     3,901      16,307         826

10.  Information on other assets:
a)   Information on prepaid expenses, taxes and similar items :

                                                                         Current Period       Prior Period

Deferred tax                                                                      4,297              2,252
Assets held for sale                                                                  -                  -
Advances given                                                                       36                205
Prepaid rent expenses                                                               453                417
Transaction cost related to financial liabilities                                     -              2,275
Prepaid taxes                                                                    16,982             10,097
Others                                                                            6,090              7,580

Total                                                                            27,858             22,826

b)   Other assets and liabilities which exceed 10 % of the balance sheet total
     (excluding off-balance sheet commitments) and breakdown of these which
     constitute at least 20% of grand total: None

II-  Footnotes And Explanations Related to the Liabilities

1. a)Information on maturity structure of deposits:

a.1) Current period :

                                7 day Call      Up to 1 1-3 Month 3-6 Month  6 Month-1   1 Year and
                         Demand   Accounts        month                           Year         over

Saving deposits          14,533          -       79,159    33,418    32,439      7,621       12,260
Foreign currency        345,268          -      475,772   311,695    18,488      6,462        1,185
Residents in Turkey     327,805          -      464,458   303,876    18,109      5,579        1,185
Residents abroad         17,463          -       11,314     7,819       379        883            -
Public sector            12,518          -            -         -         -          -            -
Commercial deposits      61,692          -       60,921    15,261    55,481      3,259           13
Other institutions       41,207          -       11,091     4,126        11          1            -
Precious metals           4,296          -        1,375     8,591         -          -            -
Interbank deposits       11,377          -       28,232    49,672     3,745      2,600            -
Central Bank of               -          -            -         -         -          -            -
Domestic Banks               89          -            -         -         -          -            -
Foreign Banks             4,845          -       28,232    49,672     3,745      2,600            -
Special finance           6,443          -            -         -         -          -            -
Other                         -          -            -         -         -          -            -
Total                   490,892          -      656,550   422,763   110,164     19,943       13,458

a.2) Prior period :

                                7 day Call      Up to 1 1-3 Month 3-6 Month  6 Month-1 1 Year and
                         Demand   Accounts        month                           Year       over

Saving deposits          19,445          -       86,631    42,613    13,876      3,621     14,912
Foreign currency        452,531          -      563,439   345,701    35,427      9,283        392
Residents in Turkey     434,602          -      546,076   339,475    32,720      7,827        373
Residents abroad         17,929          -       17,363     6,226     2,707      1,456         19
Public sector                39          -            -         -         -          -          -
Commercial deposits      59,280          -       83,440     4,734     9,421          6         15
Other institutions       36,269          -          475        15         9          1          -
Precious metals          10,755          -            -    12,542         -      1,565          -
Interbank deposits       21,862          -       29,278    14,123         -      1,107          -
Central Bank of               -          -            -         -         -          -          -
Domestic Banks           12,208          -            -         -         -      1,107          -
Foreign Banks             9,654          -       29,278    14,123         -          -          -
Special finance               -          -            -         -         -          -          -
Other                         -          -            -         -         -          -          -
Total                   600,181          -      763,263   419,728    58,733     15,583     15,319

b.1) Information on saving deposits under the guarantee of saving deposit     
     insurance and exceeding the limit of saving deposit insurance:

                                             Under the guarantee of       Exceeding the limit of
                                            saving deposit insurance        saving deposit    
Saving Deposits                                                        
                                         Current Period   Prior Period  Current Period   Prior Period
Saving deposits                                 178,826         26,980               -       154,116
Foreign currency saving deposits                761,412        213,539               -       699,084
Other deposits in the form of saving              1,083            753               -         7,313
Foreign branches' deposits under foreign              -                              -             -
authorities' insurance                                -
Off-shore banking regions' deposits under             -
foreign authorities' insurance                        -                              -             -

Total                                           941,321        241,272               -       860,513

In accordance with the BRSA legislation published in the Official Gazette No.
25157 at July 3, 2003, all saving deposits are taken under the guarantee of
Saving Deposits Insurance Fund until July 5, 2004.

b.2) The bank which has settled abroad should disclose, the total amount
of savings deposit in Turkey branch, and insured in the country of head office :
TL 1,500 (December 31, 2002: None)
2.   Information on funds provided from repurchase agreement

                                                          Current Period            Prior Period
                                                          TL          FC          TL           FC

From domestic transactions                             8,429           -      24,250            -
Financial institutions and organizations               3,000           -      14,395            -
Other institutions and organizations                   1,279           -       4,478            -
Real persons                                           4,150           -       5,377            -
From foreign transactions                                  3           -         994            -
Financial institutions and organizations                   -           -           -            -
Other institutions and organizations                       -           -         993            -
Real persons                                               3           -           1            -
                                                                       -                        -
Total                                                  8,432           -      25,244            -

3. a)Information on funds borrowed:

                                                     Current Period            Prior Period
                                                           TL          FC          TL          FC

Short-term                                             40,412     287,687      17,665     209,797
Medium and long-term                                        -      38,854           -      63,783

Total                                                  40,412     326,541      17,665     273,580

4. a)Information on debt securities issued: None.

b)   The explanation on the maturity structure, interest rate, type of currency
of the issued marketable securities : None.
5.   Explanation on funds: None

6.   Explanation on miscellaneous payables:

                                                                  Current Period     Prior Period
Total amount of cash collateral obtained                                     110              133

The table consists of blocked accounts regarding cash collateral, loans, import
and export transactions
7.   Other assets and liabilities which exceed 10 % of the balance sheet
     total (excluding off-balance sheet commitments) and breakdown of these 
     which constitute at least 20% of grand total: None
8.   Explanation on leasing operations:

                                                Current Period                  Prior Period
                                           Gross              Net         Gross              Net
Less than a year                           2,083            1,467         2,351            2,170
1-4 years                                  4,426            3,880         6,700            5,299
More than 4 years                              -                -             -                -
Total                                      6,509            5,347         9,051            7,469
9.   Information on interest and expense accruals:

                                                  Current Period               Prior Period
                                                  TL           FC           TL               FC
Accrued interest on deposits                   9,919        1,466        5,805            1,120
Accrued interest on funds borrowed             1,698        3,018        1,796            1,577
Accrued interest on bonds                          -            -            -                -
Accrued interest on repurchase
agreement transactions
                                                   7            -           31                -
Accrued interest on derivative
financial instruments
                                               9,820        3,124        5,057                -
Accrued interest and expense                       -            -            -                -
Foreign exchange losses accrued                9,820        3,124        5,057                -
Other interest and expense accruals            8,533            -        1,101                -
Total                                         29,977        7,608       13,790            2,697

10.  Provisions and subordinated loans :

a)   Information on general provisions::

                                                                          Current Period      Prior Period

General provisions                                                                 7,571             6,746
Provisions for First Group Loans and Receivables                                   6,356             5,723
Provisions for Second Group Loans and Receivables                                     39                35
Provisions for Non Cash Loans                                                      1,176               988
Others                                                                                 -                 -
Total                                                                              7,571             6,746

b)   Information on employee termination benefits and notice indemnity:

                                               5 PP    4 PP      3 PP       2 PP    Prior    Current
                                                                                   Period     Period
Actual Payments of Employee Termination          56    107        947        662      435        528
Benefits (*)
Reserve for Employee Termination Benefits     1,580  3,140      4,456      6,912   10,972     14,425
and  Notice Indemnity (*)
Actual Payment Ratio                          %3.57  %3.40     %21.24      %9.59    %3.96      %8.35
Ratio of reserve for Employee Termination         -      -          -          -        -      %8.35
Benefits and  Notice Indemnity (**)
Possible reserve for Employee Termination         -      -          -          -        -      1,106
  Benefits and Notice Indemnity

(*) Reflected with statutory figures

(**) 5-year actual payment ratio

As of September 30, 2003, TL 1,106 of reserve for employee termination benefits
and notice indemnity was reflected to the financial statements corresponding to
8.35% of total liability of TL 14,425.
c)   Information on free reserves for possible losses : None.
d)   Information on subordinated loans:

                                                      Current Period               Prior Period
                                                     TL           FC            TL            FC
From Domestic Banks                                   -            -             -             -
From Other Domestic Institutions                      -            -             -             -
From Foreign Banks                                    -            -             -             -
From Other Foreign Institutions                       -       20,766             -        27,232
Total                                                 -       20,766             -        27,232
11.  Information of Shareholders' Equity:
a)   Presentation of paid-in capital:

                                                                          Current Period      Prior Period
Common stock                                                                      55,125            55,125
Preferred stock                                                                        -                 -

b)   Paid-in capital amount, explanation as to whether the registered share
     capital system is applicable to the  Bank if so, amount of registered 
     share capital ceiling :

                Capital System                                Paid-in capital                    Ceiling
 Registered capital system                                             55,125                    100,000
c)   Information on share capital increases and their sources; other information 
     on increased capital shares in current period: None

d)   Information on share capital increases from revaluation funds: None.
e)   Capital commitments in the last fiscal year and at the end of the following 
     interim period, the general purpose of these commitments and projected
     resources required to meet these commitments : None.
f)   Indicators of the Bank's income, profit and liquidity for the previous
     periods and within these indicators possible affects on capital fore 
     sighting uncertainty : Not applicable.
g)   Information on privileged shares :

     7 % of the Bank's remaining net income and tax after deducting legal
     reserves and first dividends, corresponding to the Bank's 60,000 shares of 
     TL 30,000,000 (in full TL) is distributed to the founder shares.

12. a)  Common stock issue premiums, shares and equity instruments: None

13. Information on shareholders having more than 10 % share:

Name/Commercial title          Amounts       Share Percentage  Paid-in capital    Unpaid portion
Teb Mali Yatirimlar             38,631            70.08%            38,631              -

III- Footnotes And Explanations Related To the Income Statement

There is no fundamental error for any groups or items related to the prior
period. There is no change in  accounting estimates for the fiscal year.

The breakdown of other interest and non-interest income and expense accounts
that exceed 10% of the related totals are shown below.

Other interest expense amounting to TL 26,328 includes foreign exchange losses
amounting to TL 13,657 of foreign currency indexed loans occurred from the
devaluation of foreign currencies against TL and interest expenses on marketable
securities subject to repurchase agreements amounting to TL 12,406.

Other fees and commission income amounting to TL 15,455 includes fees and
commissions on credit cards amounting to TL 5,059, and other fee and commission
expense amounting to TL 9,284 includes fees and commissions on credit card and
interbank money marked transactions amounting to TL 5,011 and TL 1,278,

1.  a)Information on interest income received from investments and

                                                              Current Period    Prior Period
Interest received from investments and subsidiaries                       14              12
     b)   Information on financial lease income: None.

     c)   Interest received from reverse repurchase agreement transactions:
2. a)Information on interest expense to investments and subsidiaries: None

                                                         Current Period    Prior Period
Interest expense to investments and subsidiaries                    186             413

    b)Information on financial lease expenses :

                                                         Current Period    Prior Period
Financial lease expense                                             167             300

c)     Distribution of interest expense on deposits based on maturity of
deposits :

                                                       Time Deposits
                           Demand    Up to 1    Up to 3    Up to 6    Up to 1 More than 1          
                         Deposits      Month     Months     Months       Year        Year     Total                     
     Account name                                                                  
Bank deposits                   3      7,675          -          -          -           -     7,678
Saving deposits               189     19,828     15,207      8,606      1,801       4,341    49,972
Public sector deposits          -          -          -          -          -           -         -
Commercial deposits           322     14,855      3,757      3,097        167           5    22,203
Other deposits                 19        293        107          3          -           -       422
7 days call accounts            -          -          -          -          -           -         -
Total                         533     42,651     19,071     11,706      1,968       4,346    80,275
Foreign Currency
Foreign currency            1,051      9,413      6,644        569        169          16    17,862
deposits (*)
7 days call accounts            -          -          -          -          -           -         -
Precious metal                  -          9        100          -          7           - 116
Total                       1,051      9,422      6,744        569        176          16    17,978
Total                       1,584     52,073     25,815     12,275      2,144       4,362    98,253

(*) Interest expense on foreign currency demand deposits includes TL 990 of
foreign bank deposits interest expense.
d)   Interest expense on repurchase agreements :

                                                         Current Period            Prior Period
                                                          TL           FC          TL          FC
Interest expense on repurchase agreements             13,657            -      26,594           -

3.   Net income/losses from marketable securities for investment purposes: None

4.   Information on other operating income :

The information on the factors affecting the Bank's income including
extraordinary items and new developments, and the explanation on nature and
amount of income earned from extraordinary items : None.
5.   Provision expenses of banks for loans and other receivables:

                                                                       Current Period         Prior Period
Specific provisions for loans and other receivables                             1,601               13,238
Unsecured                                                                           -               10,894
Other groups                                                                    1,601                2,344
General provision expenses                                                      1,978                2,724
Marketable securities impairment expense                                          836                   90
Provision for impairment*                                                           -                    -
Others                                                                            719                  673
Total                                                                           5,134               16,725

(*)       Provision for impairment related to participations, subsidiaries and
securities held to  maturity.
6.a) Income and expenses relating to investments and subsidiaries : None

b)   Income / loss from investments, which are accounted for under the equity
     method : None.
c)   The information on income  and expense from related party transactions:

The Bank has certain banking transactions with group companies. These are
commercial transactions, which are realized in line with market rates. These are
reflected in income statement. The related amounts are presented in Part V,
section V.
7.   The explanations on net income / loss for the period:

a)   The nature and amount of certain income and expense items from ordinary
     operations is disclosed if the disclosure for nature, amount and repetition 
     rate of such items is required for a complete understanding of the Bank's 
     performance for the period :  None
b)   Effect of changes in accounting estimates on income statement for the
     current and, if any for subsequent periods : None.
8.   Nature and amount of changes in accounting estimates, which have a
     material effects on current period or expected to have a material effect on
     subsequent periods : None.
IV.  Footnotes And Explanations Related To the Off-Balance Sheet Commitments
1.a) Disclosure to be made separately from other contingent liabilities :

a.1) The Bank's share in contingent liabilities of joint ventures together
     with other ventures : None.
a.2) Share of joint ventures in their own contingent liabilities: None.
a.3) The Bank's contingent liabilities resulting obligations of other
     ventures in joint ventures : None.
b)   Accounting and presentation of contingent  assets and liabilities in the
     financial statements :
b.1) For contingent assets, if realization probability is close to certain,
     then it is accounted. If realization probability is low, then it is 
     explained in the footnotes. As of September 30, 2003 there are no 
     contingent assets needed to be explained.
b.2) For contingent liabilities, if realization probability is close to
     certain, then provision is set. If there is low or no realization 
     probability, then it is explained in the footnotes : None.
2.   Information on off-balance sheet liabilities :
a)   Nature and amount of irrevocable loan commitments : Credit card
     expenditure limit commitments are TL 98,981 and TL 74,554 as of September 
     30, 2003 and December 31, 2002 respectively.
b)   Nature and amount of contingent loss and commitments from off-balance
     sheet items including below statements:

The Bank, within the context of banking activities, undertakes certain
commitments, consisting of loan commitments, letters of guarantee, acceptance
credits and letters of credit.
b.1) Non-cash loans including guarantees, acceptances, financial collaterals
     and other letters of credits:

     As of September 30, 2003 total guarantees and commitments consist of
     letter of guarantees amounting to TL 631,207, acceptances amounting to 
     TL 45,114 and letters of credit amounting to TL 342,937.
b.2) Guarantees, surety ships and similar transactions : None other than the
     ones explained in article b.1).
3.a) Non-cash loans:

                                                                           Current Period     Prior Period

Guarantees given against cash loans                                                77,957           66,376
With maturity of 1 year or less than 1 year                                        19,145           24,870
With maturity of more than 1 year                                                  58,812           41,506
Other non-cash loans                                                              947,631          828,137

Total                                                                           1,025,588          894,513
b)   Collateral, mortgage and other restrictions on tangible fixed assets, the
     amount of capital expenditures related to expenses construction of tangible
     fixed assets, intangible fixed asset purchase commitments: None.

4.   The information on the Bank's rating by in the international rating
     introductions :

The results of the trading performed by Moody's Investor Services and Fitch
Ratings are shown below:
          Moody's Investor Services: March 2003

          Bank Financial Strength               D+
          Long Term FX Deposits                 B3

          Fitch Ratings: July 2003

          Foreign Currency Commitments
            Long Term                           B
            View                         Positive
          Turkish Lira Commitments
            Long Term                           B
            View                         Positive
            Long Term                     A (tur)
            View                           Stable
          Individual Rating                   C/D
          Support Points                        5

Additionally, Fitch Ratings have made an announcement at October 2, 2003 and
stated that TL and foreign currency rating and  of the Bank has been increased
to B from B(-).
V-   Footnotes And Explanations on the Risk Group of the Bank
1.   Volume of related party transactions, income and expense amounts
     involved and outstanding loan and deposit balances :
a)   Current Period :

Related Parties (*)                     Investments and      Direct and indirect     Other entities  included in
                                         subsidiaries      shareholders of the Bank        related parties
                                        Cash  Non-cash        Cash     Non-cash         Cash     Non-cash
Loans and other receivables
Balance at beginning of period           204    16,257         659        7,451       11,242        2,750
Balance at end of period                  69    10,561       1,000        1,200        6,334        6,277
Interest and commission income           499        37         416            4        1,740           14

b)   Prior Period :

Related Parties (*)                     Investments and      Direct and indirect     Other entities included in
                                          subsidiaries     shareholders of the Bank        related parties
                                        Cash  Non-cash        Cash                      Cash     Non-cash
Loans and other receivables
Balance at beginning of period            89    40,174         828        1,326        5,417        6,124
Balance at end of period                 204    16,257         659        7,451       11,242        2,750
Interest and commission income
                                       1,794       108          39          507        2,300          508

c.1) Information on related party deposits balances:

Related parties (*)                Investments and      Direct and indirect    Other entities included
                                    subsidiaries      shareholders of the Bank    in related parties
Deposits                            Current     Prior      Current       Prior     Current       Prior
                                     period    period       period      period      period      period            

Balance at beginning of period        6,606    10,337      201,556      65,758      15,421      13,592
Balance at end of period             10,976     6,606      167,405     201,556       1,597      15,421
Interest on deposits                    187       532        3,014       2,713         156      12,333

c.2) Information on forward and option agreements and other similar agreements 
     made with related parties :

Related Parties (*)                 Investments and     Direct and indirect   Other entities included
                                     subsidiaries       shareholders of the      in related parties
                                     Current     Prior     Current      Prior    Current         Prior
                                      period    period      period     period     period        period                  
Trading transactions
Beginning of period                   58,077    59,722      47,954     25,651     27,110        17,357
End of period                         77,960    58,077      54,148     47,954     17,905        27,110
Total income/loss                      1,607       893     (1,547)      (381)      (296)           684
Hedging transactions purposes              -         -           -          -          -             -
Beginning of period                        -         -           -          -          -             -
End of period                              -         -           -          -          -             -

Total income/loss                      1,607       893     (1,547)      (381)      (296)           684

(*)       The scope of the related parties are defined in the Article 20-2 of
the "Regulation on the Establishment and Operations of Banks".

2.   Disclosures for related parties
a)   The relations of the Bank with the entities controlled by the Bank and
     its related parties, regardless of whether there are any transactions or 

The Bank enters into baking transactions with related parties. These are
commercial transactions and realized on an arms-length basis.
a)   Besides the structure of relationship, nature of the transaction,
     amount and ratio to the total volume of transactions, amount of major 
     items and ratio to all items, pricing policies and other factors:

                                                                         % According to the Amounts at
                                                                            the Financial Statements

Forward transactions and option agreements                         150,013                          18.64
Deposits                                                           179,978                          10.50
Non-cash loans                                                      18,038                           1.76
Cash loans                                                           7,403                           0.69

These transactions are priced in accordance with the general pricing policies of
the Bank and are in line with market rates.
b)   In the case that disclosing items separately, total of  similar items
     is disclosed in order to present the total impact on financial statements :
     Explained in the article b.
c)   Investments accounted for under the equity method : None.

e)   Disclosures related to purchase and sale of real estate and other
     assets, trading of services, agency contracts, leasing contracts, 
     transferring information as a result of research and development, license 
     contracts, financing (loans and cash or real capital supports included), 
     guarantees, and management contracts :

The Bank has financial lease agreements with TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S.. As of
September 30, 2003 the total leasing obligations related to these agreements
amounted to TL 5,347. Additionally, the Bank provides agency services for TEB
Sigorta A.S. and TEB Yatirim Menkul Degerler A.S.

Within the limits of the Banking Law, the Bank renders cash and non-cash
loans to its related parties and the ratio of these to the Bank's total cash and
non-cash loan portfolio is 1.21 %. Amounts of these loans are explained in the
note V- 1a.

As of September 30, 2003 the Bank has no purchases and sale of real
estate and other assets, transfer of  information as a result of research and
development, license and management contracts with the related parties.

VI-  Footnotes And Explanations on Inflation Accounting

Inflation Accounting

The accompanying financial statements are prepared by applying inflation
accounting to the financial statements, which are prepared on a historical cost
basis, except for the revaluation of fixed assets in line with Turkish Tax
Legislation, in accordance with the provisions of Communique No : 14 "Accounting
Standard Related to the Preparation of Financial Statements in Hyperinflationary
Periods" related to ARR. Communique No:14 requires banks to restate their
financials in the equivalent purchasing power of Turkish Lira at the balance
sheet date. One characteristic that necessitates the application of inflation
accounting under the provisions of Communique No : 14 is a cumulative three-year
inflation rate approaching or exceeding 100%. As of September 30, 2003 based on
the wholesale price indices announced by the State Institute of Statistics, the
cumulative three-year inflation rate in Turkey is 193%.

Communique No:14 requires that the financial statements should be restated in
the equivalent purchasing power at the balance sheet date and the financial
statements of prior year should be restated in their entirety to the measuring
unit current at the balance sheet date.

The main guidelines for inflation accounting are as follows:

Cash and monetary assets and liabilities, which maintain their nominal balances
but experience a decline in purchasing power are not restated because they are
already expressed in terms of the monetary unit current at that balance sheet

Non-monetary assets and liabilities which are not carried at amounts current at
the balance sheet date and other components of shareholders' equity (except for
the revaluation surplus which is eliminated) are restated by applying the
relevant conversion factors; being the change in the general price index from
the date of acquisition to the closing date. The inflation adjusted share
capital amount has been derived by indexing each capital increase other than
bonus shares from statutory revaluation fund from the date they were
contributed. Transfers to share capital from general reserves, gain on sale of
property and investments and inappropriate profits are considered as cash
contributions and are restated from the date of contribution.

Fixed assets subject to depreciation are restated from their historical
acquisition costs after eliminating the statutory revaluation increments.
Depreciation is not separately restated in the income statement since it is
computed over restated amounts.

Non-monetary items reflected at current values are not restated since they are
already stated in the current purchasing power.

Investments and subsidiaries denominated in Turkish Lira are reflected at
restated costs by converting historical acquisition costs, excluding free shares
from revaluation fund, with the relevant conversion factors. Transfers to share
capital from general reserves, gain on sale of property and investments and
inappropriate profits are considered as cash contributions and are restated from
the date of contribution. Investments and subsidiaries denominated in foreign
currency are converted to Turkish Lira with the exchange rates prevailing and

All items in the statements of income are restated by applying the appropriate
conversion factors.

The effect of inflation on the Bank's net monetary position is included in the
statements of income and separately disclosed as a net monetary gain or loss.
The effect of inflation accounting on prior year financial statements in
included in retained earnings and the effect of restatement is disclosed
separately under shareholders' equity.

Indices and conversion factors that are used to restate the accompanying the
financial statements as of December 31, 2002, reflecting the restatement for the
changes in the general purchasing power of the Turkish is as follows;

Dates                                                                   Index           Conversion Factors
December 31, 2002                                                      6,478.8                1.107
December 31, 2001                                                      4,951.7                1.449
December 31, 2000                                                      2,626.0                2.732
September 30, 2003                                                     7,173.3                1.000
September 30, 2002                                                     6,024.6                1.191

Restatement of balance sheet and income statement items through the use of a
general price index and relevant conversion factors does not necessarily mean
that the Bank could realize or settle the same values of assets and liabilities
as indicated in the balance sheets. Similarly, it does not necessarily mean that
the Bank could return or settle the same values of equity to its shareholders.

In accordance with Communique No :14, the Bank obtains expertise reports for its

As of September 30, 2003 the total amount of legal reserves and general reserves
are TL 7,555 and TL 28,769, respectively, in the Bank's  statutory books of

Balance sheet and income statement for the period ended September 30, 2003 and
2002 are reviewed. Balance sheet as of December 31, 2002, is audited.

Income statement items do not have seasonality. However, restatement of income
statement items were made with monthly indices.
VII- Explanations Related To Subsequent Events

Disclosure related to subsequent events and their impact on the financial
statements as required by the related standard:
a)   The syndication loan which is included in the accompanying financial
     statements amounting to USD100,000,000 has been repaid at October 20, 2003 
     and with respect to the decision of the Board of the Bank dated October 17, 
     2003, an agreement for a one- year syndication loan amounting to USD 
     125,000,000 has been signed at October 27, 2003.
b)   In the Extraordinary General Meeting held at October 23, 2003, it was
     decided to increase the share capital of TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S. from
     TL10,000 to TL29,500 by revaluation fund.
c)   In the Extraordinary General Meeting held at October 30, 2003, it was
     decided to increase the share capital of  TEB Sigorta A.S. from TL3,325 to
     TL10,000 by cash resources and the Bank to participate by paying TL3,338 
     for the share capital increase.
d)   The impact of significant changes in foreign exchange rates subsequent to
     the balance sheet date on the foreign currency transactions, items and on 
     the financial statements of the Bank : There are no significant changes.

                                  SECTION SIX


I-   Explanations on The Independent Limited Review Report

The unconsolidated interim financial statements of the Bank were reviewed by
Guney Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S. (An Affiliated Firm of Ernst &
Young International) and the review report dated November 5, 2003 is presented
preceding the interim financial statements.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange