RNS Number:9547I
Mid Kent Water PLC
30 November 2007

                              Chairman's statement


As the financial year commenced, the company entered a new period of challenge.
In May 2007, the Competition Commission ruled that the merger between Mid Kent
Water Limited and South East Water Limited could go ahead and that it would
create limited prejudice to Ofwat's ability to measure the performance of water
companies. Following their ruling, our shareholders, Utilities Trust of
Australia and Hastings Diversified Utilities Funds, together with the South East
Water Board and Mid Kent Water Board approved the merger. Since this time the
management of both businesses have been preparing for the merger. The Board has
also been working with the shareholders and their advisors to ensure that full
due legal and regulatory processes are followed. These processes will lead to
the creation of a new company using the name of South East Water Limited and the
removal of the name of Mid Kent Water Limited from the list of English Water
Companies after a period of 119 years of operation.

This has been a challenging time for staff in the business who have continued to
focus on the company's operational requirements whilst activity on the merger
front continues in parallel. There have been no significant supply issues in the
six months to September 2007 and water resources available for supply are at an
acceptable level.

Mid Kent Water concluded the last financial year with the lifting of water
restrictions in its area of supply. Mid Kent Water was the last Water Company to
lift restrictions in the South East of England. Operationally, the business has
continued to perform in the current year to the high standard expected by its
customers. An OPA score of 270 was reported in November 2007 for the year to 31
March 2007. This represents a drop from 275 in the previous year. It is worth
noting that 9 points were lost in 2006/7 owing to the introduction of water


Profitability remains strong for the first half of 2007/8, with Operating Profit
increasing by #1.2m from #8.0m for the six month period to 30 September 2007 to
#9.2m for the corresponding six month period in the previous year.

Turnover increased by #1.2m from #23.5m to #24.7m. This represents an increase
of 5.2% on last year's first half performance. With the price increase allowed
by Ofwat of 1.9% and RPI of 3.78% reflective in our tariff base from 1 April
2007, the revenue levels for the six month period are broadly in line with the
same period for the previous year. Changes in customer behaviour, in terms of
water consumption and conservation from the year in which drought restrictions
were in place into the current year, is evident. The wetter than predicted
summer resulted in a summer where no water restrictions were imposed.

Operating costs of the business have been maintained at #15.5m with the
underlying increase in costs being compensated by efficiencies within the

Whilst interest receivable has increased marginally by #241k for the period to
30 September 2007, compared to the previous year, interest payable has increased
from #4.5m to #6.7m, an increase of #2.2m. This is due to the increase in RPI
applicable to the company's index linked loans in the 6 months to 30 September
2007 compared to the same period in the previous year.

Profit on ordinary activities after tax has reduced from #4.2m to #3.0m.

Capital Expenditure
The Company continues to deliver the capital programme with capital expenditure
for the first half of the year at #16.5m - a significant increase on the same
period for the previous year (#11.4m).

Water Quality
Our Water Quality performance has improved, with compliance indices above the
Industry Average for the first six months of the year.

Looking ahead
The merger planning process has almost concluded and the business will shortly
be executing those plans. The assets, staff and liabilities of Mid Kent Water
will be transferring under a statutory transfer scheme to South East Water in
compliance with the Water Industry Act 1991.

I would again thank and commend all the staff in Mid Kent Water for their
contribution and commitment over the past 6 months and I wish them all well in
the newly formed company. It has been a privilege to serve as Executive Chairman
for the past 14 months.

Graham Setterfield
23 November 2007

                            Profit and loss account

Notes                             Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                  30 September     30 September     31 March
                                  2007             2006             2007
                                     (unaudited)      (unaudited)    (audited)
                                            #000             #000         #000

    3   Turnover                          24,699           23,467       47,125
        Operating costs                   15,493           15,476       31,096
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

    4   Operating profit                   9,206            7,991       16,029
        Profit on sale of fixed              232               19          476
        assets                          ----------       ----------   ----------

        Profit on ordinary                 9,438            8,010       16,505
        activities before
        Interest receivable                2,105            1,864        3,826
        Interest payable and              (6,698)          (4,536)     (12,864)
        similar charges
        Return on pension scheme             150              150          364
        assets                          ----------       ----------   ----------

        Profit on ordinary                 4,995            5,488        7,831
        activities before
        Tax charge/(credit) on            (1,965)          (1,309)       2,298
        profit on ordinary              ----------       ----------   ----------

        Profit on ordinary                 3,030            4,179       10,129
        activities after                ----------       ----------   ----------

        Earnings per ordinary               15.3             21.1         51.2
        share                           ----------       ----------   ----------

                    Statement of recognised gains and losses

Notes                        Half year ended 30 Half year ended 30 Year ended 31
                             September 2007     September 2006     March 2007
                                  (unaudited)        (unaudited)     (audited)
                                         #000               #000          #000

        Profit for the                  3,030              4,719        10,129
        financial period
        Pension schemes                 2,052               (868)        1,263
        actuarial gain/              ----------         ----------    ----------

                                        5,082              3,311        11,392
                                     ----------         ----------    ----------

                                 Balance sheet

Notes                             Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                  30 September     30 September     31 March
                                  2007             2006             2007
                                     (unaudited)      (unaudited)    (audited)
                                            #000             #000         #000

        Fixed assets
        Tangible assets                  224,977          204,353      214,137
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

        Current assets
        Stocks                             1,036              720          618
        Debtors: amounts falling           9,836           10,335        9,242
        due within one year
        Debtors: amounts falling          42,827           39,375       41,033
        due after more than one
        Investments                        2,000            9,000       10,662
        Cash at bank and in                4,777            4,405        1,703
        hand                            ----------       ----------   ----------

                                          60,476           63,835       63,258
        Creditors: amounts               (33,343)         (23,276)     (27,349)
        falling due within one          ----------       ----------   ----------

        Net current assets                27,133           40,559       35,909
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

        Total assets less current        252,110          244,912      250,046
        Creditors: amounts              (190,066)        (182,154)    (187,058)
        falling due after more
        than one year
        Provision for liabilities        (13,486)         (14,519)     (11,656)
        and charges                     ----------       ----------   ----------

        Net assets excluding              48,558           48,239       51,332
        pension asset
        Pension asset                      5,105              286        2,738
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

        Net assets                        53,663           48,525       54,070
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

        Capital and reserves
        Called up share capital           19,781           19,781       19,781
        Share premium account              5,672            5,672        5,672
        Profit and loss account           28,210           23,072       28,617
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

        Capital employed                  63,663   
        48,525       54,070
                                        ----------       ----------   ----------

                              Cash flow statement

Notes                                  Half year      Half year      Year ended
                                       ended 30       ended 30       31 March
                                       September      September      2007
                                       2007           2006
                                        (unaudited)    (unaudited)   (audited)
                                               #000           #000        #000

    5   Net cash inflow from operating       14,938         12,639      25,326
    6   Returns on investment and            (3,366)        (3,066)     (6,133)
        servicing of finance
        Taxation and group relief                 -              -        (300)
    6   Net capital expenditure             (15,892)       (11,206)    (24,562)
    6   Equity dividends paid                (1,268)        (1,503)     (5,307)
                                           ----------     ----------  ----------

        Cash inflow/(outflow) before         (5,588)        (3,136)    (10,976)
        management of liquid resources
        and financing
    6   Management of liquid                  8,662          6,312       4,650
    6   Financing                                 -              -       6,800
                                           ----------     ----------  ----------
                                              3,074          3,176         474
                                           ----------     ----------  ----------

                             Notes to the accounts

  1   The figures for the year ended 31 March 2007 do not constitute the Company's
      statutory accounts for that period but have been extracted from the statutory
      accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors
      have reported on those accounts and that report was unqualified and did not
      contain a statement under Section 237 (2) of the Companies Act. The accounts
      for the six months ended 30 September 2007 have not been audited, nor have the
      accounts for the equivalent period in 2006. They comply with relevant
      accounting standards and have been prepared on a consistent basis using
      accounting policies set out in the 2007 Annual Report.
  2   The tax charge for the period ended 30 September 2007 has been based on the
      estimated effective rate for the full year.

                                          Half year      Half year     Year ended 31
                                          ended 30       ended 30      March 2007
                                          September      September
                                          2007           2006
                                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                  #000          #000          #000

  3   Analysis of turnover
      Unmeasured supplies                       11,818        11,592        22,903
      Measured supplies                         11,196        10,213        20,514
      Other activities                           1,685         1,662         3,708
                                              ----------    ----------    ----------

                                                24,699        23,467        47,125
                                              ----------    ----------    ----------

  4   Operating profit
      Operating profit is stated after
      Refinancing costs                             13            25            40
                                              ----------    ----------    ----------

  5   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
      Operating profit                          9,206           7,991       16,029
      Depreciation charge                       5,621           5,187       10,642
      (Increase)/decrease in stocks              (418)            (84)          18
      Decrease/(increase) in debtors             (608)         (1,470)        (371)
      (Decrease)/increase in creditors          1,437           1,264         (498)
      Adjustment for pension funding             (300)           (249)        (494)
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                                               14,938          12,639       25,326
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

  6   Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in cash flow statement
      Returns on investments and servicing of finance

      Interested received                         325             367          665
      Interest paid                            (3,691)         (3,406)      (6,770)
      Loan issue costs                              -             (27)         (28)
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                                               (3,366)         (3,066)      (6,133)
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

      Net capital expenditure
      Purchase of tangible fixed assets       (17,555)        (12,496)     (28,217)
      Contributions to infrastructure           1,408           1,261        3,054
      Sale of tangible fixed assets               255              29          601
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                                              (15,892)        (11,206)     (24,562)
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                                          Half year     Half year ended Year ended
                                          ended 30      30 September    31 March
                                          September     2006            2007
                                          (unaudited)     (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                 #000            #000         #000

  6   Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in cash flow statement (continued)

      Equity dividends paid
      Dividends paid                           (1,268)         (1,503)      (5,307)
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

      Management of liquid resources
      Decrease/(Increase) in cash               8,662           6,312        4,650
      deposits                                ---------      ----------    ---------

      Bank loans repaid                             -               -      (21,500)
      Index linked loan                             -               -       34,000
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                                                    -               -       12,500
                                              ---------      ----------    ---------

                             At 1 April     Cash flow       Non-cash        At 30
                                   2007                      changes    September
                                   #000          #000           #000         #000

  7   Analysis of net debt
      Cash at bank and in         1,703         3,074               -        4,777
      Short term deposits        10,662        (8,662)              -        2,000
                                ---------     ---------      ----------    ---------

                                 12,365        (5,588)              -        6,777
      Index linked loan        (189,059)            -          (2,959)    (192,018)
      Bank loans                 (6,800)            -               -       (6,800)
      Issue costs                 2,461             -             (48)       2,413
      Debenture stock              (461)            -               -         (461)
                                ---------     ---------      ----------    ---------

                               (181,494)       (5,588)         (3,007)    (190,089)
                                ---------     ---------      ----------    ---------

                                          Half year      Half year     Year ended 31
                                          ended 30       ended 30      March 2007
                                          September      September
                                          2007           2006
                                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                  #000          #000          #000

  8   Reconciliation of net cash to movements in net debt
      Increase in cash in period                 3,074         3,176           474
      Cash inflow from increase in debt              -             -        (6,772)
      Cash (inflow)/outflow from movement       (8,662)       (6,312)       (4,650)
      in liquid resources                      ---------     ---------     ---------

      Movement in net debt resulting from       (5,588)       (3,136)      (10,948)
      cash flows
      Loan indexation                           (2,959)       (1,144)       (6,002)
      Amortisation of loan issue costs             (48)          (21)          (95)
      Net debt at start of period             (181,494)     (164,449)     (164,449)
                                               ---------     ---------     ---------

      Net debt at end of period               (190,089)     (168,750)     (181,494)
                                               ---------     ---------     ---------

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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