7th September 2007


                           AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC                           

                             2007 INTERIM RESULTS                              


Aga Foodservice Group ("the Group"), which sells premium cookers and
refrigerators into the domestic and commercial markets, is issuing its interim
results for the half year ended 30th June 2007.

Half year to 30th June                          2007            2006   Increase

Continuing operations                             �m              �m          %

Revenue                                        273.9           253.1          8
Operating profit                                22.8            21.1          8
Profit before tax                               22.0            21.0          5
Basic earnings per share                        14.4p           13.1p        10
Dividend per share proposed                     3.85p            3.5p        10
Shareholders' equity                           319.0           312.4           
Net (debt) / cash                              (79.7)           10.7           


  * Sixth successive first half year of revenue and profit growth.
  * Consumer cooker sales up over 7% with Rangemaster sales particularly
  * Double digit increases in earnings per share and dividend per share :
    special dividend paid in June.
  * Process to sell foodservice operations well underway.
  * Review of strategic options for funding pension scheme announced.
"In 2007 focus is being placed on driving returns from the investments we have
made. The consumer brands business emerging from the proposed sale of foodservice
will have a strong record and great potential. With Aga and Rangemaster
manufacturing and sourcing capability, the Group has an outstanding product
offering and will look for further growth with confidence and determination."

                                                                William McGrath
                                                                Chief Executive


William McGrath, Chief Executive                    020 7404 5959 (today)
Shaun Smith, Finance Director                       0121 711 6015 (thereafter)
Simon Sporborg / Charlotte Kenyon                   (Brunswick) 020 7404 5959

                           AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC                           

                             2007 INTERIM RESULTS                              

The first half of 2007 saw our strategy of "equipping the world's best
kitchens" continue to pay dividends. Revenue and operating profits of our
continuing operations progressed further. The first half year also saw the
payment of a special dividend of �56 million (43 pence per share) and a share
consolidation undertaken as part of the process of raising overall shareholder

We announced on 6th July 2007 that the Group intended to further its objective
of driving strategic change in foodservice by examining ways to separate
foodservice from our consumer operations and that this could entail the sale of
foodservice. There has been considerable interest in acquiring these operations
and formal discussions are underway with a number of parties. With the sale of
foodservice the Group will indicate its plans for using the cash proceeds
received which can be expected to involve a further return of cash to
shareholders alongside continuing investment in our exciting core consumer
appliance-led businesses.

Trading Performance

In June 2007 we sold our US home fashions operation, Domain. As a consequence
the 2006 results have been restated to exclude the Domain loss of �1.0 million;
this compares to a net loss of �0.7 million in the first half of 2007.

Reported revenue in the first half of 2007 for continuing operations was �273.9
million; 8.2% ahead of the same period last year and operating profits were
�22.8 million, up 8.1% from �21.1 million. At constant exchange rates revenues
were up 11.1% to �281 million and operating profits up 10.4% to �23.3 million.
Included in operating profit in 2007 is �1.4 million of property disposal
profits. �1.8 million was included in 2006; such profits arise from our
continuing work to upgrade and consolidate our production facilities.

Interest costs rose in the period from a net �0.1 million to �0.8 million
reflecting the additional borrowings taken on after the purchase of Amana in
September 2006 and the payment of the special dividend.

Profit before tax was up 4.8% at �22.0 million. The tax rate was 18.2% compared
with 20.0% in the same period last year because UK deferred tax rates have been

The Group's current targets are 10% ROS (return on sales) and 15% ROCE (return
on capital employed). Profit improvement was, to an extent, offset by raw
material cost increases, notably the �1.0 million absorbed as a result of the
rise in stainless steel prices.

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations, based on a weighted
average number of shares in issue of 125.6 million, were 14.4 pence per share
compared with 13.1 pence per share in the first half of 2006. This, in turn,
allowed us to raise the dividend by 10.0% to 3.85 pence per share. This follows
the special dividend of 43 pence per share paid in June and reflects the
continuing progress we have made.

Consumer Operations

The return on sales in UK and European Consumer was 10.5% (9.3% excluding

Aga and Rangemaster continued to perform well. The number of cast iron cookers
sold in the first half was 9,700, up 7%. Aga saw a continuing increase in
electric model sales - a trend that will accelerate further now that the Aga
Intelligent Management System ("AIMS") has become available. For both the
Stanley and Rayburn lines, the renewed interest in carbon neutral wood burning
models provided impetus. We continue to place an onus on explaining the
environmental case for our cookers. The cooking and home heating features of
the products; the long life and recyclability; the avoidance of a multitude of
secondary appliances and the potential links to micro-generation all mean the
case for our products is cast iron. Sales outside Britain and Ireland continue
to grow as a percentage of total sales and were 16% in the first half of 2007.
The progress of Fired Earth and Grange was encouraging but returns remain too
low and the �55 million of our annual turnover which they provide is currently
making a modest contribution.

Rangemaster had another strong six months with sales up close to 10% to 36,000
units. The expansion in international markets is an important growth factor -
22% of sales were overseas. The French business in particular is performing
well and has excellent prospects. Rangemaster growth continues to be led by
product innovation and by the multi brand strategy. Providing products for
sales under the Aga Ranges, Falcon and La Cornue brands and now the Heartland
brand in Canada too, underpins the financial success of Rangemaster's
Leamington Spa production facility. The overall first half performance also saw
noteworthy progress from La Cornue and Divertimenti, the London based cookware

In the US, Marvel leads the Group in refrigeration and continued to perform
well even though the premium appliance market in the USA has softened this
year. In constant currency, overall revenues rose including those for Heartland
and Aga Ranges and profits moved ahead to �0.9 million. The efficiencies of the
Marvel facilities continue to improve and with a new generation of electronic
controls now being rolled out, the potential of this business has increased
considerably. Marvel is adopting Rangemaster's process management standards as
the links between the operations becomes tighter.

The operational gearing of our businesses after the work on upgrading
facilities and products is significant. Rangemaster has recently seen further
sales momentum. Aga sales have been quiet over the summer but with AIMS now
available there is optimism for the key autumn selling period given strong
enquiry levels.

Foodservice Operations

The European foodservice operations performed satisfactorily in the first half
of the year boosted by supplying a further phase of the HM Prison refurbishment
programme. The UK commercial oven and refrigeration businesses saw larger roll
out programmes starting as the first half wore on, notably from the pub chains.
Eloma, the German combi-oven maker acquired last year had a good first half
with the number of project specifications obtained growing steadily. Efficiency
initiatives continue. Williams Refrigeration, for example, is set to
consolidate production on one expanded site following the exit from the Downham
Market site after its sale last year.

Bakery, after a good start slowed towards the end of the period as a number of
customers pushed back projects, notably in France. Recent activity shows this
was temporary. Led by the new head of European Bakery, Alain Peru, we are
looking at projects to raise efficiencies and cut costs within the bakery
operations. One success in the UK was with Whole Foods Markets. This US based
premium supermarket chain has fitted out its London flagship store with
products from across the Group's bakery and foodservice ranges - a number of
our lines are now specified in its satellite stores in the South East.

Overall margins in the US improved to 9.4%, well on the way towards hitting
10%. Amana, the microwave operation, had a buoyant first half backed by major
QSR roll outs. Our bakery operations continued to perform well through doughnut
lines for WalMart and Dunkin' Donuts. The lower margin, Victory Refrigeration,
finally saw some operational gearing benefits appear for its New Jersey
facility as it strengthened its buying group position. It is also enjoying the
high profile from Aga Foodservice being, for a second year, US Environmental
Protection Agency Manufacturing Energy Star Partner of the Year. We continue to
press the case for more efficient equipment in foodservice - a factor in the
Group being rated eleventh amongst the FTSE 350 companies in recent research
into corporate responsibility.

Upgrading production facilities to place our businesses at the forefront in
their sector is an important part of our planning. In this respect 2007 is a
particular milestone. Amana will shortly move to a new production and warehouse
facility close to its current Whirlpool base where it has remained housed since
acquisition. Belshaw will also move to a new facility in Seattle this year,
providing scope for further growth and production efficiencies in our US Bakery

Financial Position

Following the payment of the special dividend the Group ended the period with
net debt of �79.7 million. Operating cashflow was reduced by the high stock
levels as we prepared for the three planned factory moves. As this reverses it
will add significantly to the second half cash inflow the Group typically sees.
The possible sale of the foodservice operations will bring in cash and provide
a changed business profile. After a transaction the Group will restate its
financial targets. A factor to be taken into account is the Group's pension
schemes which, with assets at 30th June 2007 of �791.9 million and a
significant surplus of �73.4 million on an IAS 19 basis, are large in relation
to the business. As previously announced a �4.5 million payment was due to the
pension scheme in 2007 after the 2005 actuarial valuation. �1 million was paid
in the first half with a further �3.5 million paid in the second half. The
Group has appointed KPMG Pensions to assist in assessing how best to address
the financial strategy for the scheme against a changing market for risk
management of such schemes.

The tax charge was �4.0 million in the period and represented 18.2% of the
pre-tax profits from continuing operations. The net finance charge in the
period was �0.8 million reflecting the higher debt levels post the special
dividend and the 2006 acquisitions of Amana and Eloma.


In 2007 we are seeking to highlight the value embedded in the market positions
we have created in our consumer and foodservice operations.

The Group's current performance is on track to produce results in line with the
Board's expectations for the year. The consumer markets will provide a single
focus for us with the likely sale of our foodservice operations.

The production capacity, the product ranges, the brands, the routes to market
in the UK and beyond and combined customer databases are all great assets. The
plans to increase the resources committed to driving top line growth are being
finalised. The Board is also considering the options to drive shareholder value
from a focussed consumer-led business. A statement of the Group's strategy will
be made when the proposals for foodservice are put to shareholders.

V Cocker CBE                                                        W B McGrath
Chairman                                                        Chief Executive

7th September 2007

                           AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC                           

                                INTERIM RESULTS                                

                         CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                         

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                Note         �m             �m            �m
Continuing operations                                                                    
Revenue                                            3      273.9          253.1         528.9
Net operating costs                                      (251.1)        (232.0)       (481.2)
Group operating profit                             3       22.8           21.1          47.7
Non-recurring cost                                            -              -          (1.0)
Profit before net finance costs and income tax             22.8           21.1          46.7
Finance income                                              0.9            0.4           1.3
Finance costs                                              (1.7)          (0.5)         (2.0)
Profit before income tax                                   22.0           21.0          46.0
Income tax expense                                 4       (4.0)          (4.2)         (9.0)
Profit for the period from continuing operations           18.0           16.8          37.0
Discontinued operation                                                                   
Post tax loss from discontinued operation          8       (0.7)          (1.0)         (5.9)
Profit for the period                                      17.3           15.8          31.1
Profit attributable to equity shareholders                 17.4           15.9          31.1
Loss attributable to minority interests                    (0.1)          (0.1)            -
Profit for the period                                      17.3           15.8          31.1

Earnings per share - continuing                    5          p              p             p
Basic                                                      14.4           13.1          28.7
Diluted                                                    14.3           13.0          28.5
Earnings per share - total                         5          p              p             p
Basic                                                      13.9           12.4          24.1
Diluted                                                    13.8           12.3          23.9
                                                              p              p             p
Dividend per share                                 6       3.85            3.5          10.5

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                           

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007          2006*         2006*
                                                Note         �m             �m            �m
Non-current assets                                                                       
Goodwill                                                  169.7          157.9         171.5
Intangible assets                                          29.1           20.1          29.1
Property, plant and equipment                              84.6           86.1          85.7
Investments in associates                                   0.3            0.3           0.3
Retirement benefit surplus                        10       76.8            4.3          29.9
Deferred tax assets                                         6.5            5.6           6.5
                                                          367.0          274.3         323.0
Current assets                                                                           
Inventories                                               105.4           98.6          94.8
Trade and other receivables                               106.3           87.9          93.0
Current tax assets                                          7.2              -           7.2
Cash and cash equivalents                                  42.6           48.9          43.2
                                                          261.5          235.4         238.2
Assets held for sale                                          -              -           8.1
Total assets                                              628.5          509.7         569.3
Current liabilities                                                                      
Borrowings                                                 (3.7)          (3.9)         (2.4)
Trade and other payables                                 (117.0)        (113.1)       (115.2)
Current tax liabilities                                   (16.5)         (11.1)        (14.4)
Current provisions                                         (5.7)          (6.7)         (5.4)
                                                         (142.9)        (134.8)       (137.4)
Net current assets                                        118.6          100.6         100.8
Non-current liabilities                                                                  
Borrowings                                               (118.6)         (34.3)        (51.7)
Other payables                                             (1.0)          (0.8)         (1.0)
Retirement benefit obligation                     10       (3.4)          (3.3)         (5.5)
Deferred tax liabilities                                  (33.1)         (11.4)        (20.1)
Provisions                                                 (8.6)         (10.5)        (10.1)
                                                         (164.7)         (60.3)        (88.4)
Liabilities held for sale                                     -              -          (8.1)
Total liabilities                                        (307.6)        (195.1)       (233.9)
Net assets                                                320.9          314.6         335.4
Shareholders' equity                                                                     
Share capital                                      9       32.4           32.2          32.3
Share premium account                                      68.6           67.4          67.8
Other reserves                                             28.3           31.6          28.5
Retained earnings                                         189.7          181.2         204.9

Shareholders' equity                                      319.0          312.4         333.5
Minority interest in equity                                 1.9            2.2           1.9
Total equity                                              320.9          314.6         335.4
* Adjusted for fair value movements as required by IFRS (see note 11).                   

                       CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                        

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                     Note    �m             �m            �m
Cash flows from operating activities                                                    
Cash generated from operations                              2.2           11.9          38.3
Finance income                                              0.9            0.4           1.3
Finance costs                                              (1.4)          (0.5)         (1.8)
Tax payment                                                (0.7)          (1.7)         (8.5)
Net cash generated from operating activities                1.0           10.1          29.3
Cash flows from investing activities                                                    
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired             -           (5.0)        (31.8)
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary, net of cash disposed  8   1.8              -             -
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                  (7.0)          (6.4)        (14.5)
Expenditure on intangibles                                 (1.3)          (2.1)         (4.1)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment       -            2.6           4.6
Net cash used in investing activities                      (6.5)         (10.9)        (45.8)

Cash flows from financing activities                                                    
Dividends paid to shareholders                            (64.7)          (8.0)        (12.5)
Net proceeds from issue of ordinary share capital           0.9            1.7           2.2
Repayment of borrowings acquired with acquisitions            -           (3.0)         (3.0)
Finance lease repayment                                       -           (1.7)         (1.8)
Repayment of borrowings                                       -           (0.8)            -
New bank loans raised                                      68.8            5.6          21.6
Net cash generated from / (used in) financing activities    5.0           (6.2)          6.5
Effects of exchange rate changes                           (0.1)           0.5          (2.2)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                  (0.6)          (6.5)        (12.2)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           43.2           55.4          55.4
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 42.6           48.9          43.2


                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                             �m             �m            �m
Profit for the period                                      17.3           15.8          31.1
Exchange adjustments on net investments                    (0.2)          (5.4)         (9.8)
Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension schemes         43.7           15.3          33.3
Deferred tax on items taken directly to reserves          (11.8)          (4.6)         (9.9)
Net gains not recognised in income statement               31.7            5.3          13.6
Total recognised income for period                         49.0           21.1          44.7
Attributable to:                                                                        
Equity shareholders                                        49.1           21.2          44.7
Minority interests                                         (0.1)          (0.1)            -
Total recognised income for period                         49.0           21.1          44.7


Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                             �m             �m            �m
Operating profit - continuing operations                   22.8           21.1          47.7
Loss - discontinued operations                             (2.1)          (1.0)         (5.9)
Non-recurring cost                                            -              -          (1.0)
Amortisation of intangible assets                           1.0            1.0           2.5
Fair value adjustment of assets held for sale                 -              -           3.0
Depreciation                                                5.4            5.2          11.1
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment        (1.4)          (1.8)         (2.4)
Increase in inventories                                   (11.3)          (8.9)         (8.6)
(Increase) / decrease in receivables                       (3.7)           2.6          (0.7)
(Decrease) / increase in payables                          (2.0)          (2.0)          6.1
(Decrease) / increase in provisions                        (1.2)          (0.4)         (3.7)
Increase in pensions                                       (5.3)          (3.9)         (9.8)

Cash flows from operating activities                        2.2           11.9          38.3

                           AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC                           

                   NOTES TO THE INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                   

Financial information presented here is unaudited but has been reviewed by the
Group's auditor, Ernst & Young LLP. Its review opinion appears below.
Comparatives for the year ended 31st December 2006 are not the Group's
statutory accounts for that year as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified.

The interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the
information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and
should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements as
at 31st December 2006.

The interim financial statements have been prepared using the same accounting
policies as used in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements
for the year ended 31st December 2006, except for the adoption of new standards
and interpretations, noted below. Adoption of these standards and
interpretations did not have any effect on the financial position or
performance of the Group.

In the current financial year, the Group will adopt IFRS 7 'Financial
Instruments: Disclosures' for the first time. As IFRS 7 is a disclosure
standard, there is no impact of that change in accounting policy on the
half-yearly financial report. The Group also adopted IFRIC Interpretation 10
which requires that an entity must not reverse an impairment loss recognised in
a previous interim period in respect of goodwill or an investment in either an
equity instrument or a financial asset carried at cost.

For management purposes, the Group is organised into four operating divisions
and these divisions are the basis on which the Group reports its primary
segmental information.

By primary business group     Half year to           Half year to              Year to      
                               June 2007              June 2006             December 2006   
                           Revenue   Operating    Revenue   Operating    Revenue   Operating
                                        profit                 profit                 profit
                                �m          �m         �m          �m         �m          �m
UK & European Consumer       125.3       *13.1      116.1        11.5      243.1        25.1
US Consumer                   17.1         0.8       18.9         0.8       35.5         1.4
UK & European Foodservice     94.4         5.4       95.3       **8.1      194.8        18.0
US Foodservice                37.1         3.5       22.8         0.7       55.5         3.2
Total continuing operations  273.9        22.8      253.1        21.1      528.9        47.7
Non-recurring cost               -           -          -           -          -        (1.0)
Finance income                   -         0.9          -         0.4          -         1.3
Finance cost                     -        (1.7)         -        (0.5)         -        (2.0)
Total                        273.9        22.0      253.1        21.0      528.9        46.0
Income tax expense               -        (4.0)         -        (4.2)         -        (9.0)
Discontinued operations       12.8        (0.7)      20.2        (1.0)      38.8        (5.9)
Total                        286.7        17.3      273.3        15.8      567.7        31.1
* Includes �1.4m property profits (** includes �1.8m property profits).                 


Revenue by secondary segment - geographical origin                                      
                                 Half year to           Half year to              Year to       
                                  June 2007              June 2006             December 2006    
                                �m           %         �m           %         �m           %
United Kingdom               143.6        50.1      139.3        51.0      274.9        48.4
North America                 55.3        19.3       42.2        15.4       93.1        16.4
Europe                        67.8        23.7       65.6        24.0      147.2        26.0
Rest of World                  7.2         2.5        6.0         2.2       13.7         2.4
Total continuing operations  273.9        95.6      253.1        92.6      528.9        93.2
Discontinued operations       12.8         4.4       20.2         7.4       38.8         6.8
Total                        286.7       100.0      273.3       100.0      567.7       100.0

Corporation tax for the interim period to 30th June 2007 has been charged at
the estimated rates chargeable for the full year in the respective
jurisdictions as follows:

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                             �m             �m            �m
Current tax                                                                             
UK corporation tax                                          0.5            2.7           3.1
Overseas tax                                                2.3            1.5           4.3
                                                            2.8            4.2           7.4
Deferred tax                                                                            
UK corporation tax                                          1.2              -           2.2
Overseas tax                                                  -              -          (0.6)
                                                            1.2              -           1.6
Total income tax expense                                    4.0            4.2           9.0

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                             �m             �m            �m
Profit after tax from continuing operations                18.0           16.8          37.0
Minority interests                                          0.1            0.1             -
Earnings - basic and diluted EPS                           18.1           16.9          37.0
Loss from discontinued operations                          (0.7)          (1.0)         (5.9)
Profit attributable to equity                              17.4           15.9          31.1
Weighted average number of shares in issue              million        million       million
For basic EPS calculation                                 125.6          128.7         128.9
Dilutive effect of share options                            0.9            1.1           1.1
For diluted EPS calculation                               126.5          129.8         130.0
Earnings per share                                                                      
Continuing operations                                         p              p             p
Basic                                                      14.4           13.1          28.7
Diluted                                                    14.3           13.0          28.5
Discontinued operations                                       p              p             p
Basic                                                      (0.5)          (0.7)         (4.6)
Diluted                                                    (0.5)          (0.7)         (4.6)

Total operations                                              p              p             p
Basic                                                      13.9           12.4          24.1
Diluted                                                    13.8           12.3          23.9

                                                      Half year      Half year
                                                        to June        to June
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity              2007           2006
shareholders in the period:                                                             
                                                             �m             �m
Final dividend of 7.0p for the year ended
31st December 2006 (2005: 6.2p) per share                   
2006 (2005: 6.2p) per share                                 9.1            8.0
Special dividend of 43.0p per share                        55.6              -

The directors are proposing an interim dividend in respect of the financial
year ending 31st December 2007 of 3.85p per share (2006: 3.5p).

Prior year fair value adjustments relating to Amana of �0.1m have been made
finalising the provisional fair values made in 2006.

In December 2006, the Board announced its decision to sell Domain Inc. which
operates in the soft furnishings market in the US. On 21st June 2007 the Group
completed the disposal for a total consideration of �4.1m, including �2.0m of
loan notes, resulting in a gain on disposal of �1.4m. The results of the
discontinued operation are as follows:

                                                      Half year      Half year       Year to
                                                        to June        to June      December
                                                           2007           2006          2006
                                                             �m             �m            �m
Revenue                                                    12.8           20.2          38.8
Net operating costs                                       (14.9)         (21.2)        (41.5)
Loss before income tax                                     (2.1)          (1.0)         (2.7)
Finance costs                                                 -              -          (0.2)
Loss recognised on remeasurement to fair value                -              -          (3.0)
Loss for the period                                        (2.1)          (1.0)         (5.9)
Profit on disposal of operation                             1.4              -             -
Loss after tax for the period                              (0.7)          (1.0)         (5.9)

Net cash inflow arising on disposal:                                                      �m
Net consideration received                                                               1.8
Net cash disposed of                                                                       -
Total cash inflow                                                                        1.8

The operating outflows in the period were �2.2m (half year to June 2006: �1.6m,
year to December 2006: nil) and the investing cash outflows were �0.7m (half
year to June 2006: �0.3m, year to December 2006: �0.6m).

As Domain was sold prior to 30th June 2007, the assets and liabilities
classified as part of a disposal group held for sale as at 31st December 2006
are no longer included in the balance sheet.

During the period 405,765 ordinary shares (nominal value �105,341) were issued
in connection with the Company's share option schemes for an aggregate
consideration of �0.9m.

During the period, the Company undertook a share consolidation by which nine
existing ordinary shares with a nominal value of 25 pence were exchanged for
eight new ordinary shares with a nominal value of 28 1/8 pence. The new
ordinary shares carry the same rights as the old ordinary shares.

The number of shares in issue amounted to 115,137,149 on 30th June 2007.

Defined benefit schemes

Scheme assets have been valued at a market value of �791.9m and the defined
benefit liabilities at �718.5m, giving a �73.4m net surplus at the interim
date. The liabilities have been rolled forward from 31st December 2006 and
adjusted to take account of the increase in bond yields, which have increased
the discount rate from 5.2% to 5.9%.


Since transition to IFRS the Group has continued to assess the detailed impact
of IFRS on the presentation of the Group's consolidated financial statements.
It has now been concluded that deferred taxation liabilities on brands
acquired, since the transition date, which are deemed to have an indefinite
life should be recognised and in accordance with IAS 8, the 2006 deferred
taxation and goodwill balances have been restated by �3.0m.

Under IFRS 3 fair values of the net assets of acquired businesses are finalised
within twelve months of the acquisition date. All fair value adjustments are
recorded with effect from the date of acquisition and as a consequence may
result in the restatement of previously reported financial results. Fair values
of the net assets acquired for Eloma and Amana, both 2006 acquisitions, have
now been finalised. This has resulted in a restatement of 2006 deferred
taxation and goodwill balances, relating to the brands, of �0.5m and �2.0m for
Eloma and Amana respectively.

The above adjustments do not affect the consolidated income statement, cashflow
or retained earnings.


On 6th July the Group announced it was considering the sale of the foodservice

            Independent Review Report to Aga Foodservice Group plc             


We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30th June 2007 which comprises the Consolidated Income
Statement, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement,
Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense, Consolidated Cash Flow
Statement - Reconciliation and the related notes 1 to 12. We have read the
other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the
Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not
accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work,
for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/
4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices
Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data, and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied, unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities
and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30th June 2007.

Ernst & Young LLP
7th September 2007

                          MAIN ADDRESSES AND ADVISERS                          

Head Office and Registered Office:

Aga Foodservice Group plc
4 Arleston Way
B90 4LH

Telephone: 0121 711 6000
Fax: 0121 711 6001
e-mail: info@agafoodservice.com
Website: www.agafoodservice.com
Registered in England No. 354715


Lloyds TSB Registrars
The Causeway
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Telephone (Helpline): 0870 600 3953
International (Helpline): 0044 (0) 121 415 7047


Ernst & Young LLP

Joint Financial Advisers and Stockbrokers:

Dresdner Kleinwort Securities Limited
Citigroup Global Markets Limited

                            2007 FINANCIAL CALENDAR                          

Record date for interim ordinary dividend    9th November 2007
Interim ordinary dividend payable            5th December 2007
2007 year end                                31st December 2007


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