RNS No 5658n
8th September 1997

                            1997 INTERIM RESULTS
                           CONTINUED GOOD PROGRESS
Brammer plc, the European industrial services group, today announces its
interim results for the six months ended 30 June 1997.


Turnover                                       #111.9m            +8.9%
Profit before interest                          #14.3m           +12.5%
Profit before tax                               #14.0m            +9.9%
Earnings per share                               21.0p           +13.5%
Dividend per share                                5.6p            +6.7%

At constant exchange rates:

* Group profit before tax and EPS increased by 15.2% and 20.0%

* Increased market penetration, new products and acquisitions combined to
  move distribution profits forward by 13.0% to #11.0m despite competitive
  European market conditions

* Livingston, benefiting from its Dutch acquisition, Hamilton, and good
  performances in the UK and France, made excellent progress increasing
  profits by 39.6% to #3.2m

* Profits from continental Europe increased 52.6% to #3.6m

Hugh Lang, the chairman, commented:

"We continue to trade ahead of last year's levels.  Market conditions in the
UK remain more subdued than we would like but we are giving a good account of
ourselves.  In Spain and Holland we are producing very satisfactory results
and there are welcome signs of improvement in both France and Germany.  If
these conditions continue we would expect to make further progress in the
remainder of the year."

Enquiries:     Brammer plc         0171 638 9571 (8:00am-1:00pm)
                                   0161 928 3363 (1:00pm-4.30pm)
               Hugh Lang, Chairman
               Robert Ffoulkes-Jones, Chief executive
               John Cumming, Finance director

                            INTERIM ANNOUNCEMENT
                    FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 1997

                            CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The first six months of 1997 was another successful period for Brammer with
both our core businesses continuing their profitable growth.  Group turnover
increased to #111.9 million, some 8.9% higher than in the first half of the
previous year.  Profit before tax was 9.9% ahead at #14.0 million, while
earnings per share rose by 13.5% to 21.0p.  Although encouraging, this
outcome significantly understates the real performance of our businesses
whose results on translation have been reduced by the strength of sterling.
At constant exchange rates the turnover increase would have been 16.2%,
profit before tax would have risen by 15.2% and earnings per share by 20.0%.
In order to facilitate comparative analysis we have included figures, where
appropriate, adjusted to eliminate the effects of exchange rate movements
during the period.

Our control of working capital remained good, although net borrowings
increased during the half year from #0.4 million to #4.7 million after early
payment of a dividend of #4.8 million, which normally falls in the second
half year, and cash payments for acquisitions of #3.8 million.

We have declared an interim divided of 5.6p per share, an increase of 6.7%
over the 1996 figure.  This will be paid on 11 November 1997 to all
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 19 September 1997.
As usual, we are offering a scrip alternative.

Business highlights
We continued to make good progress, pushing forward with our strategy of
growing and developing our core business in distribution and electronic
equipment services in a European context.

During the period our distribution business advanced with sales and profits
increasing, at constant exchange rates, by 15.6% to #91.7 million and 13.0%
to #11.0 million respectively.

The European bearings market has been extremely competitive with the
principal manufacturers all seeking to increase their market shares at a time
of sluggish demand.  Power transmission products have generally enjoyed
better market conditions and we have increased our share in this sector,
particularly in France.  New additions to our product range have also done
well.  We have substantially increased our business in seals following the
acquisitions of Abec and Mecro; and BSL is now the leading UK distributor.
Also BSL has recently launched a new range of more than 8,000 industrial
tools in response to our customers' demand for "one stop shopping".

We are pleased with our recent acquisitions.  Mecro has been smoothly
integrated with BSL and at nine locations we have already merged the two
operations.  Abec was initially more difficult, but we
are now benefiting from Abec's know-how in seals and other fields
such as industrial tools and motion control.

BSL Engineering has had a good first half continuing to progress
our motion control business and commencing delivery of important
aerospace orders referred to at last year end.  The added value
brought to our distribution business by BSL Engineering, through
our gearbox rebuilding and other specialised services, is of
growing importance.

In France at Roulement Service, despite a tough economic
environment, both sales and profits have moved ahead, while we
have taken steps to increase our penetration of the very large market in
Ile-de-France.  In Spain we have continued to invest to bring
Rodamientos fully into the group fold.  We have moved into more
appropriate new offices on the same site as our warehouse and we
have been busy preparing for the new IT system which is due to be
installed early next year.

Our progress can be measured by the fact that we now have 176
customer service centres in the UK, France and Spain, compared to
150 this time last year.  In March we took the important step of
adopting a common house style across our European distribution
business, using the distinctive genie logo to project our message
of quality and customer service.  This is already bringing
benefits in terms of marketing, customer recognition and employee
motivation.  Our strategy remains to build a specialised European
network, taking advantage of increasing economies of scale,
handling more of the supply chain for our customers and
strengthening our leadership position.

Electronic equipment services
Livingston, our electronic equipment services business, made
excellent progress in the first half year.  Sales and profits, at
constant exchange rates, were up 19.2% to #20.2 million and 39.6%
to #3.2 million respectively.

Our new business in Holland which we acquired in July 1996
contributed significantly to these pleasing figures, while in both
the UK and France we performed well.  In Germany the results were
below those of the previous year, but important new contracts have
been secured which will lead to improved trading in the second
half year.

Very much in line with Livingston's strategy for growing its
business with Europe's leading high technology companies we have
contracted with a number of leading companies in several different
countries for both the calibration and the management of their
inventories of specialist electronic equipment.  We are confident
that more business will flow from these partnerships enabling us
to continue to widen the range of services that we offer.

Current trading and prospects
We continue to trade ahead of last year's levels.  Market
conditions in the UK remain more subdued than we would like but we
are giving a good account of ourselves.  In Spain and Holland we
are producing very satisfactory results and there are welcome
signs of improvement in both France and Germany.  If these
conditions continue we would expect to make further progress in
the remainder of the year.

Hugh Lang


Consolidated profit and loss account
The unaudited group results for the six months

                    Six months  Six months   Full year  Six months   Full year
                    to 30 June       to 30                   to 30            
                                      June                    June
                          1997        1996        1996        1996        1996
                                  Proforma    Proforma                        
                         #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000
Continuing             111,911      91,855     180,059      97,302     184,671
   Acquisitions              -       4,429      18,687       5,442      20,132
                       _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Total turnover         111,911      96,284     198,746     102,744     204,803
Cost of sales         (68,580)    (59,567)   (120,598)    (63,589)   (124,294)
                       _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Gross profit            43,331      36,717      78,148      39,155      80,509
Distribution costs    (19,530)    (15,193)    (32,302)    (16,403)    (33,570)
Administrative         (9,909)     (9,834)    (18,661)    (10,511)    (19,437)
expenses               _______     _______     _______     _______     _______

Operating profit                   _______     _______     _______     _______
Continuing                          10,914      24,256      11,273      24,316
   Acquisitions                        776       2,929         968       3,186
                                   _______     _______     _______     _______
Total operating         13,892      11,690      27,185      12,241      27,502
Profit on sale of          361         377         779         431         836
fixed assets            _______     _______     _______     _______     _______

Profit on ordinary                                                            
   before interest      14,253      12,067      27,964      12,672      28,338
Net interest             (211)       (144)       (415)       (161)       (439)
                       _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Profit on ordinary                                                            
   after interest       14,042      11,923      27,549      12,511      27,899
Share of                     -         266         280         266         280
associate's pre-
tax profit
                       _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Profit on ordinary      14,042      12,189      27,829      12,777      28,179
activities before
Tax                    (4,364)     (4,226)     (9,446)     (4,376)     (9,574)
                       _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Profit on ordinary                                                            
activities after
tax being profit         9,678       7,963      18,383       8,401      18,605
for the financial

Dividends              (2,624)     (2,389)     (7,358)     (2,389)     (7,358)
__________________     _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Profit for the                                                                
period retained
   in the business       7,054       5,574      11,025       6,012      11,247
__________________     _______     _______     _______     _______     _______
Earnings per share       21.0p       17.5p       40.3p       18.5p       40.7p
__________________     _______     _______     _______     _______     _______

Dividend per share       5.60p       5.25p      16.00p       5.25p      16.00p
__________________     _______     _______     _______     _______     _______

The proforma figures for 1996 represent the group's results for
1996 translated at the rates of exchange which ruled as at 30 June

During 1997, apart from Mecro (see note 3), the group consisted of
only continuing businesses.

There is no significant difference between the results as
disclosed above and the results on an unmodified historic cost


Consolidated balance sheet
The unaudited group financial position as at

                       30 June     30 June      31 Dec     30 June      31 Dec
                          1997        1996        1996        1996        1996
                                  Proforma    Proforma                        
                         #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                                                  
Tangible assets         37,577      28,660      32,160      30,819      33,373
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Current assets                                                                
Stock                   30,607      29,663      31,355      31,845      32,258
Debtors                 53,761      45,876      47,050      49,866      48,766
Cash and deposits       15,428      24,447      20,158      25,107      20,642
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                        99,796      99,986      98,563     106,818     101,666
Creditors - due       (66,324)    (60,707)    (64,743)    (64,317)    (66,477)
within one year
Net current assets      ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                        33,472      39,279      33,820      42,501      35,189
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Total assets less       71,049      67,939      65,980      73,320      68,562
Creditors - due       (19,895)    (15,152)    (19,262)    (20,245)    (21,597)
after one year
Provisions for         (2,135)     (2,811)     (2,205)     (2,881)     (2,242)
liabilities and
__________________      ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Net assets              49,019      49,976      44,513      50,194      44,723
__________________      ______      ______      ______      ______      ______

Capital and                                                                   
Called up share          9,274       9,102       9,202       9,102       9,202
Shares to be                45          57          52          57          52
Share premium           12,290      10,967      11,454      10,967      11,454
Revaluation                 75          75          75          75          75
Merger reserve        (18,070)     (6,628)    (18,070)     (6,628)    (18,070)

Profit and loss         45,405      36,403      41,800      36,621      42,010
__________________      ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Shareholders'           49,019      49,976      44,513      50,194      44,723
__________________      ______      ______      ______      ______      ______

Consolidated cash flow statement
The unaudited group cash flow for the six months

                    Six months  Six months   Full year  Six months   Full year
                    to 30 June  to 30 June              to 30 June            
                          1997        1996        1996        1996        1996
                                  Proforma    Proforma                        
                         #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000
Operating profit        13,892      11,690      27,185      12,241      27,502
Loss on sale of              -           -         339           -         339
Depreciation of          7,228       5,693      12,364       6,144      12,848
tangible fixed
Movement in            (7,849)     (6,168)     (2,376)     (7,728)     (2,977)
working capital
Net cash inflow         ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
operating activities    13,271      11,215      37,512      10,657      37,712
Returns on              ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
investments and
servicing of finance
 Interest received         244         865       1,386         874       1,390
 Interest paid           (528)       (906)     (1,587)       (938)     (1,615)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                         (284)        (41)       (201)        (64)       (225)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Tax paid               (1,104)       (337)     (8,184)       (433)     (8,226)
Capital                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
expenditure and
financial investment
   Purchase of        (13,955)     (7,949)    (18,998)     (8,236)    (19,731)
   tangible fixed assets

   Sale of               3,362       2,957       6,469       2,939       6,812
   tangible fixed assets
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                      (10,593)     (4,992)    (12,529)     (5,297)    (12,919)
Acquisitions and        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
   Purchase of         (2,730)     (8,147)    (18,745)     (8,147)    (18,745)
   Net cash acquired      (43)           -       2,132           -       2,132
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                       (2,773)     (8,147)    (16,613)     (8,147)    (16,613)
   Disposal of               -           -         128           -         128
   Deferred              (996)           -           -           -           -
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                       (3,769)     (8,147)    (16,485)     (8,147)    (16,485)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
Equity dividends       (4,796)           -     (6,334)           -     (6,334)
paid                    ______      ______      ______      ______      ______

Net cash outflow before
   management of liquid
   resources and
   financing           (7,275)     (2,302)     (6,221)     (3,284)     (6,477)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
   Share options           721         207         326         207         326
   SAYE scheme               -           -           1           -           1
   Deposits            (1,669)           -           -           -           -
   Loans less than         (6)         655     (2,315)         805     (1,709)
   one year
   Loans greater         1,452     (4,231)     (3,286)     (2,937)     (1,168)
   than one year
   Finance leases         (61)        (56)       (132)        (67)       (142)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______
                           437     (3,425)     (5,406)     (1,992)     (2,692)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______

Decrease in cash       (6,838)     (5,727)    (11,627)     (5,276)     (9,169)
                        ______      ______      ______      ______      ______

Notes to the accounts

1.Comparative results
  Comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 1996 are
  taken from the company's statutory accounts which have been
  delivered to the Registrar of Companies with an unqualified
  audit report.  The proforma figures for 1996 represent the
  group's results for 1996 translated at the rates of exchange
  which ruled as at 30 June 1997.

2.Segmental analysis
  Six months ended 30 June

                    Turnover                    Profit before interest
          1997        1996        1996        1997        1996       1996
                      Proforma                            Proforma
         #'000   %   #'000   %   #'000   %   #'000   %   #'000   %  #'000  %
Distr-   91,722  82  79,341  82  83,952  82  11,016  77   9,749  81 10,129  80
services 20,189  18  16,943  18  18,792  18   3,237  23   2,318  19  2,543  20
          _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __  _____  __

        111,911 100  96,284 100 102,744 100  14,253 100  12,067 100 12,672 100
          _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __  _____  __

United    75,928  68  67,380  70  67,380  66  10,640  75   9,699  80  9,699  77
Other     35,983  32  28,904  30  35,364  34   3,613  25   2,368  20  2,973  23
           _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __  _____  __
         111,911 100  96,284 100 102,744 100  14,253 100  12,067 100 12,672 100
           _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __   _____  __  _____  __

  On 27 January 1997 the group acquired the assets and business
  of the Mecro Group Limited ("Mecro").  As the business of Mecro
  was immediately absorbed by BSL Limited it is not possible to
  separately identify their results.

4.Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                    Six months  Six months   Full year  Six months  Full year
                    to 30 June  to 30 June              to 30 June
                          1997        1996        1996        1996       1996
                                  Proforma    Proforma
                         #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000

Decrease in cash       (6,838)     (5,727)    (11,627)     (5,276)    (9,169)
in the period
Cash inflow from
in debt and lease          284       3,632       5,733       2,199      3,019
                         _____       _____       _____       _____      _____
                       (6,554)     (2,095)     (5,894)     (3,077)    (6,150)
Loans acquired               -           -     (3,542)           -    (3,542)
with subsidiaries
Translation              2,267       5,433       6,517       1,626      4,676
                         _____       _____       _____       _____      _____
Movement in net        (4,287)       3,338     (2,919)     (1,451)    (5,016)
                         _____       _____       _____       _____      _____
Net funds at 31          (426)       4,590       4,590       4,590      4,590
December 1996
                         _____       _____       _____       _____      _____
Net funds at 30        (4,713)       7,928       1,671       3,139      (426)
June 1997                _____       _____       _____       _____      _____
5.A copy of the interim announcement is available for inspection
  at the registered office of the company, 1 Tabley Court,
  Victoria Street, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1EZ and the offices
  of Dewe Rogerson Ltd, 3 1/2 London Wall Buildings, London Wall,
  London EC2M 5SY, and will be posted to shareholders.

6.Relevant dates concerning the payment of the interim dividend

  Record date    19 September 1997
  Payment date   11 November 1997


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