RNS Number:4783A
Cadcentre Group PLC
9 November 1999

                      CADCENTRE GROUP PLC

CADCENTRE Group plc ("Cadcentre"), the Cambridge headquartered
leader in the international market for computer systems  which
aid  the design of process and power plants, has announced its
unaudited results for the six months ended 30 September 1999.

Key points

* Unbroken  record of growth maintained with 39%  increase  in
  pre-tax profits to #1.9m (1998 : #1.4m).

* Turnover rose by 24% to #10.9m (1998 : #8.8m) with a broadly
  even balance in growth between organic and acquisition.

* Operating margins improved to 16.9% (1998 : 14.4%).

* Earnings per share were up 59% to 8.00p (1998 : 5.03p).

* Interim dividend is being lifted to 1.8p (1998 : 1.6p) -  an
  increase of 13%.

* Cash  flow  remained strong with net cash of #3.5m  (1998  :
  #4.7m) after an outlay of some #4m on acquisitions over  the
  past twelve months.

* Strong  growth in revenues was achieved in Far East  markets
  and,  after last year's cornerstone contract win from  BASF,
  there was strong follow through with sales into the chemical
  engineering industry in Germany.

* At  the  start  of  the  current financial  year,  Cadcentre
  acquired the rights to the 3D design software customer  base
  of  AEA  Technology ("AEAT") for a consideration  of  up  to

* In September, Cadcentre acquired from Kvaerner the rights to
  additional software products for #1.7m.

* On   outlook,  Chairman,  Richard  King  stated  :  
  "We  are confident  of  achieving  a  successful  outcome   
  for   the financial  year ending March 2000, although for  
  this  year, there  may  be  a more even balance between  the  
  first and second half years than has historically been the case.

  "Looking forward over the next few years, the combination of
  new  product  and  service  sales  opportunities  within  an
  expanding customer base is expected to result in substantial
  growth in revenues."

Richard  Longdon,  Chief Executive; or John Dersley,  Finance Director
                             on 0171-466 5000 (today)
                             and on 01223-556655 (thereafter)

Steve Liebmann or Richard Darby at Buchanan Communications 
                                 on 0171-466 5000

                      CADCENTRE GROUP PLC

Results and dividend

Cadcentre  is  pleased  to  announce  record  profits  from  a
resumption of strong turnover growth, which is balanced evenly
between organic growth and that achieved through acquisition.

During  the  six  months  ended 30  September  1999,  turnover
increased  by 24% to #10.93 million (1998: #8.80 million)  and
profit before tax increased by 39% to #1.90m (1998: #1.37m).

Earnings  per  share were up 59% at 8.00p for the  six  months
(1998:  5.03p),  and an interim dividend of  1.80p  per  share
(1998:  1.60p) will be paid on 28 January 2000 to shareholders
on the register at the close of business on 6 January 2000.


The  main  thrust in recent months has been the implementation
of the company's strategy to consolidate our existing position
and expand our sphere of operations. This involves building on
our  reputation,  skills and customer base in  the  design  of
process  plant  to  become a supplier of a  broader  range  of
engineering  IT systems and services, covering  total  project
execution and operations within our chosen industries.


This  started  in  November 1998 with the acquisition  of  the
Cadcentre business of our Japanese distributor, but  had  very
little  effect until this financial year. Our new  company  in
Japan,  aided  by  a satellite office in Korea,  now  directly
handles  sales and support in those countries. The elimination
of the distributor's commission means we now retain all of the
revenue generated from our customers, but more importantly, we
have more control over the selling effort. Coinciding with the
re-awakening of the Asian market, the appreciation of the  yen
and  our taking on responsibility for the PASCE customer  base
(see  below),  this has meant that the area has enjoyed  great
success in the first half of this year. Total revenue from the
Far East more than doubled compared to the similar period last

Consolidation continued in the final days of March  1999  with
the  acquisition of the PASCE 3D design software customer base
of  AEA Technology. This opened up over 70 active customers to
reinforce  our  position  in  plant  design  and  means   that
Cadcentre now has the world's largest installed customer  base
in  high-end  3D  plant design systems.  The  first  of  those
customers  have  now  taken advantage of favourable  terms  to
transfer  their usage to Cadcentre's PDMS product.  Completion
of  a  PASCE/PDMS translator tool is set for mid-December  and
Cadcentre will be offering a comprehensive migration service.


On 13 September 1999 the Company acquired SCOPE, an integrated
suite  of  project  management software systems.  Now  renamed
FOCUS,  version 8.1 will be shipped in November 1999. Just  as
Cadcentre's  PDMS  is  used in the design  office  to  achieve
consistent, buildable designs, eliminating re-work  caused  by
design  errors, so FOCUS extends this efficiency drive to  the
entire  fabrication  and construction  cycle.  FOCUS  provides
precise  details of project activity to support the  sourcing,
planning and control of materials, contractors, equipment  and
costs.  The  main competition for FOCUS is our customers'  in-
house  systems, which are expensive to maintain and  generally
less  comprehensive, less integrated and less  effective  than

Revenue growth

As  mentioned, the new offices in the Far East have enjoyed  a
good  start  with  the Yokohama office in Japan  being  warmly
welcomed by our users. Although some of the increased  revenue
in this region was purchased, much of the business in the last
six  months  has  been generated from new customers:  five  in
Japan, one in the Philippines, two in Korea and two in China.

Following  the  major  sale  to BASF  last  year,  our  German
operation  continued  its drive into  the  chemical  industry,
adding  six  of  its  eight  new customers  from  within  that
industry and growing its total sales by a further 38% over the
previous year.  Revenue growth in the USA totalled 18% largely
as  a  result of the PASCE acquisition.  France gained  little
benefit  from the acquired businesses, but grew its net  sales
by  13%.  The International Division, which covers the rest of
Europe including the UK and east as far as India, grew revenue
by  14%.   This includes revenue from PASCE customers, support
revenue from the first few days of FOCUS and the consolidation
of the Norwegian subsidiary (previously a minority interest).


Strong  cash  generation has resulted in net cash balances  at
the  end  of six months of #3.48 million (1998: #4.66 million)
after  utilisation of approximately #4 million on acquisitions
in the last twelve months.


It  is  best to look towards the future in two parts.   First,
the  short term.  There is some immediate uncertainty over our
customers' investment intentions before the full impact of the
millennium  issues can be assessed, especially within  the  US
market.   On a sectoral view, a majority of our new  customers
in  the  first half year were linked to the chemical  industry
(19)  while the recovery in the price of oil has yet  to  feed
through  into  sales  to  the  oil  and  gas  sector  (8   new
customers).  The  energy  sector  was  also  stable   (8   new

Overall,  the  Board  is confident of achieving  a  successful
outcome for the financial year ending March 2000, although for
this  year, there may be a more even balance between the first
and second half years than has historically been the case.

Looking  forward over the next few years, the  combination  of
new   product  and  service  sales  opportunities  within   an
expanding  customer base is expected to result in  substantial
growth in revenues.

Richard King    


                                  6 months ended Year ended
                                   30 September   31 March
                                 1999       1998       1999
                           (unaudited)(unaudited)  (audited)
                                #'000      #'000      #'000
Turnover                       10,929      8,798     17,861
Cost of sales                  (4,640)    (3,883)    (6,575)
Gross profit                    6,289      4,915     11,286
Other operating expenses (net) (4,446)    (3,644)    (8,448)

Operating profit                1,843      1,271      2,838
Interest receivable                61         96        171
Interest payable and similar       
charges                            (4)         -         (8)                   

Profit      on      ordinary    
activities before taxation      1,900      1,367      3,001
Tax  on  profit on  ordinary     
activities                       (570)      (531)    (1,105)                   

Profit on ordinary              
activities after taxation       1,330        836      1,896                    

Dividends paid and proposed      (298)      (265)      (797)
Profit   retained  for   the    
period                          1,032        571      1,099                    

Basic earnings per share        8.00p      5.03p     11.41p
Diluted earnings per share      7.94p      4.92p     11.21p
Dividend per equity share       1.80p      1.60p      4.80p

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the six months ended 30 September 1999

                                     6 months         Year
                                       ended          ended 31
                                   30 September       March
                                  1999        1998        1999
                            (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited)
                                 #'000       #'000       #'000
Profit for the period            1,330         836       1,896
Translation    (loss)    gain      (33)        (10)         10
arising on consolidation                                      

                                 1,297         826       1,906
                    AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 1999

                                       At 30         At 31
                                     September       March
                                  1999       1998         1999
                            (unaudited)(unaudited)    (audited)
                                 #'000      #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                                  
Software rights                  1,686          -            -
Goodwill                         2,538          -        2,648
Tangible assets                  3,151      2,670        2,927
Investments                          -          6            6
                                 7,375      2,676        5,581
Current assets                                                
Debtors                          6,657      6,953        6,863
Cash                             3,484      4,661        4,307
                                10,141     11,614       11,170
Amounts  falling  due  within   
one year                        (7,728)    (6,097)      (8,021)                

Net current assets               2,413      5,517        3,149
Total   assets  less  current    
liabilities                      9,788      8,193        8,730
Amounts  falling  due   after        
more than one year                   -        (18)          (7)                

Provisions   for  liabilities     
and charges                        (66)         -            -                 

Net assets                       9,722      8,175        8,723
Capital and reserves                                          
Called-up share capital          1,662      1,662        1,662
Share premium account            6,833      6,833        6,833
Profit and (loss) account        1,227      (320)          228
                                 9,722      8,175        8,723

                    CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW

                                   6 months ended    Year ended
                                    30 September      31  March
                                  1999       1998         1999
                            (unaudited)(unaudited)    (audited)
                                 #'000      #'000        #'000
Net    cash    inflow    from    
operating activities             2,651      1,793        3,588 
Returns  on  investments  and       
servicing of finance                57       (95)          163
Taxation                          (581)      (679)      (1,072)
Capital    expenditure    and  
financial investment            (2,401)      (408)      (1,345)   
Acquisitions                       (19)         -         (929)
Equity dividends paid             (532)      (398)        (665)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before     
management of liquid     
resources and financing           (825)       213         (260)
Management of liquid resources       -        150        1,400             
Financing                          (17)      (100)        (126)
(Decrease)/increase  in  cash     
in the period                     (842)       263        1,014                 


1   Analysis of turnover by destination 
                                 6 months ended     Year ended   
                                 30 September         31 March         
                                1999         1998         1999
                               #'000        #'000        #'000
   United Kingdom              1,431        1,774        3,218
   Europe, Middle East and     
   Africa                      4,601        3,700        7,861
   Americas                    3,068        2,472        5,028
   Far East                    1,829          852        1,754
                              10,929        8,798       17,861

2  Interim ordinary dividend
   The  proposed  interim dividend of 1.8p per ordinary  share
   will  be payable on 28 January 2000 to shareholders on  the
   register on 6 January 2000.

3  Earnings per ordinary share  
                                   30 September      31  March                 
                                1999         1998         1999
Profit on ordinary        
activities after tax      #1,330,000     #836,000   #1,896,000   
Ordinary shares of 10p 
each in issue             16,622,000   16,622,000   16,622,000

Diluted ordinary shares 
of 10p each               16,760,414   16,993,839   16,920,350

4  Comparative figures
   The comparative figures for the financial year ended  31
   March  1999 do not constitute statutory accounts  for  that
   financial year.  These figures have been extracted from the
   audited  accounts for that year, which have been  delivered
   to  the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors
   was  unqualified  and  did not contain  a  statement  under
   section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

5  Year 2000 Compliance
   Year 2000 compliance continued to be high on the agenda  of
   Cadcentre and its customers throughout the year.  Year 2000
   compliant  versions  of  all  Cadcentre's  major   software
   products  (including  PDMS, PEGS,  Design  Manager,  REVIEW
   Reality and HyperPlant) were prepared and made available to
   customers  before the end of 1998, on both the  Windows  NT
   and UNIX platforms.
   Within   Cadcentre   itself,   the   IT   department    has
   responsibility for ensuring that all internal software  and
   hardware  systems are Year 2000 compliant,  and  they  have
   been  in liaison with all Cadcentre's major suppliers.  Any
   critical systems that have been identified as non-compliant
   have  been  replaced by Year 2000 compliant  systems.   The
   resultant costs of ensuring compliance have been  met  from
   within existing IT budgets and hence no material additional
   expense  has been incurred, or is expected to be  incurred,
   in connection with the group's Year 2000 compliance plan.
   It  is  Cadcentre's stated policy that our internal systems
   and  Year 2000 compliant releases of all our products shall
   perform  in compliance to the BSI definition DISC  DP2000-1
   'A definition of Year 2000 Conformity Requirements'.


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial
information  set  out  above  and  we  have  read  the   other
information  contained  in the interim report  and  considered
whether  it  contains any apparent misstatements  or  material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities
The   interim  report,  including  the  financial  information
contained  therein, is the responsibility  of,  and  has  been
approved  by, the directors. The Listing Rules of  the  London
Stock  Exchange  require  that  the  accounting  policies  and
presentation  applied  to  the  interim  figures   should   be
consistent  with  those  applied in  preparing  the  preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons  for
them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We  conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in  Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A
review  consists principally of making enquiries of  Cadcentre
management and applying analytical procedures to the financial
information and underlying financial data and, based  thereon,
assessing  whether  the accounting policies  and  presentation
have  been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and
verification  of assets, liabilities and transactions.  It  is
substantially  less  in  scope  than  an  audit  performed  in
accordance  with Auditing Standards and therefore  provides  a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do  not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion
On  the  basis of our review we are not aware of any  material
modifications that should be made to the financial information
as presented for the six months ended 30th September 1999.

Arthur Andersen                              9th November 1999
Chartered Accountants
Betjeman House
104 Hills Road


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