RNS Number : 3822C
  Culver Holdings PLC
  29 August 2008

    Culver Holdings plc
Half-yearly financial report for the period to 30 June 2008
    Chairman's statement
    The results for the six months to 30 June 2008 are attached and reflect a period of considerable change for the Group with the
acquisition of the Lloyd's insurance broker LPH Pitman Limited and 81% of the specialist aviation broker AMS Corporate Risks in February and
the disposal of Culver Insurance Brokers Limited, the Group's retail insurance broking subsidiary announced in June. These transactions have
been detailed in previous announcements, a circular to shareholders and the Group's Report and Financial Statements for 2007.  
    The results show a profit for the period of �604,000 (2007: �20,000) on turnover of �606,000 (2007 - restated: �353,000). The
restatement is a result of the disposal of Culver Insurance Brokers Limited as required by IFRS 5 and means that the turnover of that
business is excluded for both the current period and for the comparatives and its results are reflected by a single line entry of
"discontinued activities" which, for the current period, includes the gain on disposal of �1,448,000.  
    The continuing activities of the Group are now insurance broking, which comprises Lloyd's, wholesale and speciality insurance broking,
and employee benefits.
    Insurance Broking
    The business comprises the professional indemnity and trade credit specialist teams which were recruited in the second half of last year
and the specialist aviation team and wholesale broking teams added through the acquisition of AMS Corporate Risks Limited and LPH Pitman
Limited in February 2008. Fees and commissions in the insurance broking segment's continuing activities were �212,000 (2007: Nil - restated)
and the activities showed a loss of �258,000 (2007: Nil - restated).
    As previously referred to, the development of the business of the teams recruited last year was initially hampered by the delay in
direct access to the Lloyd's market and as I stated in the circular to shareholders dated 11 July 2008, the development of income in these
businesses has been slower than anticipated. The business of AMS has continued at more or less the levels of last year in US dollar terms,
but has disappointed as a result of the weakness of the US dollar relative to Sterling.
    Over the last three months, management has taken a number of actions to bring the costs of these businesses more into line with likely
    A number of initiatives are also being pursued to increase the volume of business transacted. As a result of these, the Group has
started supplying a travel insurance product underwritten in the London market to a distributor in Kuwait. It is now investigating the
possibilities of supplying that product to other distributors in the Middle East region and of supplying other products underwritten in the
London market to the region. 
    The board is monitoring the development of this segment closely and anticipates a better result for the second half of the year.

    Employee Benefits
    The turnover of the employee benefits segment in the period increased slightly to �394,000 (2007: �353,000) and showed a slightly
increased loss of �25,000 (2007: 14,000). 
    The market for the products and advice offered by the Group has weakened over the first half of the year and, against this background,
it is perhaps understandable that the quite ambitious targets set have not been achieved. An additional factor in restricting the income
growth in the current year has been the decision made by management to accept lower initial commissions where clients wish to have an
on-going service for which the Group will earn commissions in subsequent years.
    A number of additional advisers were recruited in the latter months of 2007 and, following the completion of training and induction have
begun to generate revenue and are now generally approaching acceptable monthly income levels. Management has re-emphasised to advisers the
relationship between the Group's remuneration and theirs.
    The Group has a considerable list of clients who are not currently active with the Group and are not being serviced. Following the
installation of the new management information system and the establishment of the funds under influence, management considers that there is
a good base for continued revenue growth and, as recurring income from the Group's service proposition develops, an increase in its
    Discontinued activities comprise the retail insurance broking business of Culver Insurance Brokers Limited which has been sold as
described in the circular dated 11 July 2008. The sale arose from an unsolicited approach by Cullum Capital Ventures Limited, a so-called
"consolidator" in the retail insurance broking sector and was completed at a price of �4 million together with a payment to be received in
respect of the net assets sold. The net assets payment as calculated for the purposes of the sale agreement is, subject to final agreement,
�312,000 although, pending resolution of the claim referred to in Note 15 of the condensed financial statements, �150,000 of this will be
paid into an escrow account.
    In addition, an amount of deferred consideration may become receivable dependent on the income of the business sold over the 12 months
following completion, although the board, as they have no control over the business now, are not anticipating any amount of this sort.
    The board continues to be convinced that CIB was more valuable to CCV than it was to the Group.
    The turnover of this business represented over three quarters of the Group's turnover last year and its result for the first six months
of the year, which is amalgamated with the gain on disposal in the income statement, were close to the board's expectations in a tough
    The significant changes in the Group's business during 2008 are still being absorbed and the outturn for the full year is not clear
although the performance of each of the business segments is capable of delivering improvement through the second half and 2009. The
principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group's businesses in the second six months of 2008 are detailed below this statement.
    The key driver of Group profitability is sales and the challenge into the future is, as it has always been, to increase both revenue per
producer and the number of production staff in both segments.
    The Group as a whole has reduced its overheads significantly from the levels of last year and the first half of 2008 but, with the
obligations of the Company's shares being listed on the London Stock Exchange, it is unlikely that trading in the second half will support
that overhead without the recruitment of further productive personnel and/or the creation of new business streams.
    Once more, while I remain confident that in due course the benefits of our current strategy will be realised to the benefit of
shareholders, it is probable that there is still some pain to bear in the short term.

    RMH Read 
29 August 2008

    New business risk
    The Group's development in the employee benefit segment and in the areas of the insurance broking segment started in the second half of
2007 is dependent on winning new business. With the weakening of economies seen over the last year, the Group has already observed greater
difficulty in achieving new business and this may adversely impact on results in the second half. In addition, the ability to win new
business is dependent on the abilities of a relatively small number of staff, some of whom are only recently employed. The achievement of
new business is also therefore dependent on the retention of key established members of staff and upon newly recruited staff producing in
line with management's expectations. Additional development will require the recruitment of further suitable production personnel and this
is inevitably an uncertainty.
    Foreign exchange rates
    The Group's aviation specialist business transacts most of its business and earns most of its income in US dollars. A weakening of the
US dollar against sterling would adversely impact the Group's revenue but not reduce the cost base of this business. A strengthening would
have a converse effect.
    Liquid resources
    The Group is continuing to invest in the development of its businesses. The group has no borrowings or facilities at the current time
and, if the Group is unable to arrange a facility on acceptable terms, this may constrain the group's ability to develop.
    Regulatory risk
    The Group is subject to financial services laws, regulations, administrative actions and policies in the UK. Changes during the second
half of 2008 in the regulatory and supervisory framework in the UK could materially affect the Group's business.
    Litigation risk
    The outcome of existing and future legal actions, claims against and by the Group and arbitrations could affect the financial
performance of the Group in the second half of 2008.  CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION

    Condensed unaudited consolidated interim income statement
                                                  Note  Six months ended 30 June
                                                              2008          2007
                                                             �'000         �'000

             Fees and commissions                              606           353

             Direct broking expenses                         (466)         (104)
            Administrative expenses                          (882)         (348)

                 Operating loss                              (742)          (99)

              Finance costs - net                  8         (102)          (69)

  Loss on ongoing activities before income tax               (844)         (168)
               Income tax expense                                -             -
    Loss for the period on ongoing activities
                                                             (844)         (168)

         Gain on discontinued activities                     1,448           188

             Profit for the period                             604            20
                Attributable to:-
         Equity holders of the Company 
                                                               606            20
               Minority interests                              (2)             -
   Total recognised income and expense for the                 604            20
      (Loss)/Earnings per share for profit
    attributable to the equity holders of the
  Company during the period expressed in pence
                    per share
 -    Basic from continuing operations            9(a)     (362.9)    (73.4)
 -    Basic from continuing and discontinued      9(c)      261.2        8.7
 -    Diluted from continuing operations          9(d)     (362.9)    (73.4)
 -    Diluted from continuing and discontinued    9(f)       98.4        7.3
    The attached notes are an integral part of these consolidated interim financial statements.
       Condensed unaudited consolidated interim balance sheet

                                                                     31 December
                                     30 June 2008      30 June 2007         2007
                                            �'000             �'000        �'000

      Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                52                82            91
            Goodwill                         519             2,115         2,115
     Financial receivables                     7                 7             7
                                             578             2,204         2,213

        Current assets 
  Trade and other receivables    10         4,321             2,454        2,022
   Cash and cash equivalents     11           220             1,502          789
                                            4,541             3,956        2,811
          Total assets                      5,119             6,160        5,024

      Capital and reserves
 attributable to equity holders
         Share capital           12         2,862             2,859        2,859
         Share premium                      4,415             4,403        4,403
         Other reserves                        48                48           48
       Retained earnings                  (7,842)           (7,790)      (8,448)
                                            (517)             (480)      (1,138)
       Minority interests                      19                 -           21
          Total equity                      (498)             (480)      (1,117)

    Non-current liabilities
     Non-current borrowings                   737               690          757
 Retirement benefit obligations                 -                27            -
     Non-current provisions      14           107                 8            -
                                              844               725          757
      Current liabilities                                                       
    Trade and other payables     13         2,416             4,806        4,316
       Current borrowings                   2,142               881          789
 Current portion of non-current                78               151          236
 Current income tax liabilities                 3                 6            9
      Current provisions         14           134                71           34
                                            4,773             5,915        5,384
       Total liabilities                    5,617             6,640        6,141
  Total equity and liabilities              5,119             6,160        5,024

    The attached notes are an integral part of these consolidated interim financial statements.  

      Condensed unaudited consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders' equity
                                 Attributable to equity holders of the Company                   
                                     Share      Share       Other     Retained  Minority    Total
                                   Capital    Premium    Reserves     earnings  Interest   Equity
                                     �*000      �*000       �*000        �*000     �*000    �*000
 Balance at 1 January 2007           2,859      4,403          48      (7,810)         -    (500)
 Profitfor the period                    -          -           -           20         -       20
 Balance at 30 June 2007             2,859      4,403          48      (7,790)         -    (480)
 Balance at 1 July 2007              2,859      4,403          48      (7,790)         -    (480)
 Lossfor the period                      -          -           -        (658)        21    (637)
 Balance at 31 December 2007         2,859      4,403          48      (8,448)        21  (1,117)
 Balance at 1 January 2008           2,859      4,403          48      (8,448)        21  (1,117)
 Conversion of loan stock                3         12           -            -         -       15
 Profitfor the period                    -          -           -          606       (2)      604
 Balance at 30 June 2008             2,862      4,415          48      (7,842)        19    (498)

    The attached notes form an integral part of this Condensed unaudited consolidated interim financial information.  
    Condensed unaudited consolidated interim cash flow statement
                                                    Six months ended 30 June
                                 Note            2008                      2007
                                       Continuing  Discontinued  Continuing  Discontinued
                                       Activities    Activities  Activities    Activities
                                            �'000         �'000       �'000         �'000
   Cash flows from operating
  Cash (absorbed by)/generated    16        (882)         (185)
        from operations                                               (278)           652
         Interest paid                       (42)          (29)        (37)          (15)
         Taxation paid                          -           (7)           -             -
       Net cash (absorbed                  (924)         (221)        (315)           637
  by)/generated from operating

   Cash flows from investing
   Acquisitions (net of cash                   61             -           -             -
  Purchases of property, plant                (8)           (2)         (3)          (52)
      and equipment (PPE)
     Proceeds from sale of                     38             -           -             -
       Interest received                        3            20           -            30
 Net cash generated from/(used                 94            18         (3)          (22)
    in) investing activities

   Cash flows from financing
  Decrease/(increase) in group              (256)           256         454         (454)
    Proceeds from borrowings                 894           600            -            40
    Repayments of borrowings                 (58)         (156)        (20)         (149)
 Cash in companies leaving the                  -       (1,279)           -             -
 Net cash flows from financing               580         (579)          434         (563)

   Net (decrease)/increase in               (250)         (782)         116            52
   cash and cash equivalents
  Cash and cash equivalents at              (745)           782       (879)         1,451
      beginning of period
  Cash and cash equivalents at    11        (995)             -       (763)         1,503
         end of period
    Group cash and cash equivalents in continuing activities include amounts of �195,000 (2007 - �Nil in continuing, �954,000 in
discontinued) in respect of balances held in trust which are not available for use by the Group.
      Selected notes to the Condensed unaudited consolidated interim financial information
    1.    General information
    Culver Holdings plc (the Company) and its subsidiaries (together 'Culver Holdings' or 'the Group') provide a full range of insurance
broking and employee benefits and independent financial advisory services to businesses and high net worth individuals in the UK and other
parts of the world.
    The Company is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in the UK. The address of its registered office is Llanmaes, St
Fagans, Cardiff CF5 6DU.
    The Company has its primary listing on the London Stock Exchange.
    This Condensed unaudited consolidated interim financial information was approved for issue on 29 August 2008.
    2.    Basis of preparation
    This Condensed unaudited interim financial information for the half year ended 30 June 2008 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34,
'Interim financial reporting'. The interim Condensed unaudited financial report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. The comparative figures in the income statement have been restated to reflect activities
that have been discontinued. 
    The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 are not the company's statutory accounts for that year. Those
accounts have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was (i)
unqualified, (ii) did not contain a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by emphasis of matter without qualifying
their report, and (iii) did not contain any statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. 
    3.    Accounting policies
    The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, as
described in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.
    4.    Insurance broking assets and liabilities 
    Subsidiaries of the Company act as agents in broking the insurable risks of their clients and are generally not liable as principal for
premiums due to underwriters or for claims payable to clients. Notwithstanding the legal relationship with clients and underwriters and
since, in practice, premium and claim monies are usually accounted for by insurance intermediaries, the Group has followed generally
accepted accounting practice by showing cash, debtors and creditors relating to insurance business as gross assets and liabilities of the
Group itself.
    Separate balances are maintained and are included in the respective trade receivables and payables balances where the Group transacts
business with a party in more than one capacity.  
    5.    Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with
original maturities of three months or less, and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities on the
balance sheet. 
    Cash and cash equivalents includes cash received from insurance-broking clients and insurers referred to in note 4 above and held within
a number of non-statutory trusts for the benefit of the clients and insurers so entitled.
    6.    Provisions
    Provisions for pensions review, unpaid salaries and other claims are recognised when: the Group has a present legal or constructive
obligation as a result of past events; it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation;
and the amount has been reliably estimated. 
    Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by
considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item
included in the same class of obligations may be small.
    Provisions are measured at management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date.
    Amounts of consideration which are or may become payable at a date after the balance sheet date in respect of business acquisitions
prior to the balance sheet date are recognised at their maximum contractual amount (or, where there is no maximum, management's best
estimate thereof at the time of the acquisition).  
    7.    Segment information
    At 30 June 2008, the Group is organised into two main business segments, insurance broking; and employee benefits including the
provision of independent financial advice.
    There is no secondary reporting format for the Group. All Group income arose in the United Kingdom. 
    The segment results for the six months ended 30 June 2008 are as follows:    
                            Continuing activities                                  Discontinued
                                  Insurance  Employee  Unallocated     Group  Insurance broking
                                    broking  benefits
                                      �'000     �'000        �'000     �'000              �'000

     Fees and commissions               212       394            -       606                779

    Direct broking expenses           (289)     (177)            -     (466)              (367)
   Administrative expenses            (184)     (237)        (461)     (882)              (397)

   Operating (loss)/ profit           (261)      (20)        (461)     (742)                 15

     Finance costs - net                  3       (5)        (100)     (102)                (9)

         (Loss)/profit                (258)      (25)        (561)     (844)                  6
      Gain on discontinued                -         -            -     1,448                  -
      activities (note 15)
    (Loss)/profit before tax          (258)      (25)        (561)       604                  6
 Depreciation of tangible fixed           3         2                    12                   8
            assets                                               7
      Capital expenditure                 -         1            7        8                   2
         Segment assets               1,735       454        2,930    5,119 
      Segment liabilities           (2,145)     (934)      (2,538)  (5,617) 
    Net (liabilities)/assets          (410)     (480)          392     (498)

      The segment results for the six months ended 30 June 2007 were as follows:    
                        Continuing activities                         Discontinued
                                     Employee                            Insurance      Total
                                     benefits                  Group       broking
                                        �'000        �'000     �'000         �'000      �'000

     Fees and commissions                 353            -      353         1,514       1,867
    Direct broking expenses             (104)            -     (104)         (419)      (523)
   Administrative expenses              (256)         (92)     (348)         (923)    (1,271)

   Operating (loss)/profit                (7)         (92)      (99)          172          73

     Finance costs - net                  (7)         (62)      (69)           16        (53)

  (Loss)/Profit before income            (14)                  (168)          188          20
              tax                                    (154)

 Depreciation of tangible fixed             2                     2            12          14
            assets                                       -
      Capital expenditure                   4            -        4            52          56
         Segment assets                    91        1,526    1,617         4,543       6,160
      Segment liabilities               (426)      (1,758)  (2,184)       (4,456)     (6,640)
    Net (liabilities)/assets            (335)        (232)     (567)           87       (480)

    Unallocated costs represent corporate expenses together with investment income and finance costs.
    Inter-segment transfers or transactions are entered into under the normal commercial terms and conditions that would also be available
to unrelated third parties.
    There were no continuing insurance broking activities during the six month period ended 30 June 2007.
    8.    Finance costs - net
                                         Six months ended 30 June
                                                2008         2007
                                               �'000        �'000
         Interest expense:-
           Bank borrowings                      (39)         (33)
            Hire purchase                        (1)            -
             Other loans                        (34)          (5)
             Loan stock                         (28)         (28)
 Unwinding of interest on Loan Stock             (5)          (3)
                                               (107)         (69)

          Interest income:-
            Bank deposits                          5            -

         Finance costs - net                   (102)         (69)

    9.    Earnings per share
    (a)    Basic from continuing operations
    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
                                                                     30 June
                                                                    2008    2007
                                                                   �'000   �'000
                Loss on continuing operations                      (844)   (168)
              Attributable to minority interests                       2       -
    Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company on          (842)   (168)
                    continuing operations                      
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue             232     229
  Loss per share on continuing operations (pence per share)      (362.9)  (73.4)
    (b)    Basic from discontinued operations
    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
                                                                      30 June
                                                                     2008   2007
                                                                    �'000  �'000
     Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company on        1,448    188
                     discontinued operations                      
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)      232    229
 Earnings per share on discontinued operations (pence per share)    624.1   82.1
    (c)    Basic from continuing and discontinued operations
    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
                                                                    30 June
                                                                   2008   2007
                                                                  �'000  �'000
                  Continuing and discontinued                   
                     Profit for the period                          604     20
              Attributable to minority interests                      2      -
     Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company           606     20
      Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue           232    229
   Earnings per share on discontinued operations (pence per       261.2    8.7

    (d)    Diluted from continuing operations
    Diluted earnings per share is calculated adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of
all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Company has four categories of dilutive potential ordinary shares: 
    (i)    Warrants
    (ii)    Share options
    (iii)    Convertible Loan Stock 2009
    (iv)    Convertible Loan Stock 2011
    The exercise of the share options and certain of the warrants is conditional and any dilutive effect has been ignored. Any conversion of
the remaining warrants or the convertible loan stock 2009 would have an anti-dilutive effect on earnings per share.
    The calculation is performed for the convertible loan stock 2011 to determine the number of shares that could have been acquired based
on the conversion rights attached to that stock. The number of shares calculated as above is compared with the number of shares that would
have been issued assuming the conversion of the Loan Stock.
                                                                   30 June
                                                                  2008    2007
                                                                 �'000   �'000
               Loss on continuing operations                     (844)   (168)
             Attributable to minority interests                      2       -
             Effect of conversion of loan stock                     26      26
    Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                 (142)
                         (diluted)                               (816)
    Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                    229
                        (thousands)                                232
       Effect of conversion of loan stock (thousands)              410     405
   Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted                  634
               earnings per share (thousands)                      642
        Diluted earnings per share (pence per share)           (127.1)  (22.4)
    * The Basic earnings per share is shown as the calculation would reduce the loss per share.
    (e)    Diluted from discontinued operations
                                                                    30 June
                                                            Note   2008   2007
                                                                  �'000  �'000
  Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company on         1,448    188
                  discontinued operations
            Effect of conversion of loan stock                       26     26
   Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                    214
                         (diluted)                                1,474
    Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                    229
                        (thousands)                                 232
      Effect of conversion of loan stock (thousands)                410    405
  Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted                   634
              earnings per share (thousands)                        642
       Diluted earnings per share (pence per share)               229.6   33.8
    (f)    Diluted from continuing and discontinued operations
                                                                    30 June
                  Continuing and discontinued                   
                                                                   2008   2007
                                                                  �'000  �'000
                     Profit for the period                          604     20
              Attributable to minority interests                      2      -
              Effect of conversion of loan stock                     26     26
     Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                   46
                           (diluted)                                632
      Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                  229
                          (thousands)                               232
        Effect of conversion of loan stock (thousands)              410    405
    Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted                 634
                earnings per share (thousands)                      642
         Diluted earnings per share (pence per share)              98.4    7.3

    10.    Trade and other receivables
                                                   Note   2008   2007
                                                         �'000  �'000
              Insurance receivables                 4    1,453  2,122
 Allowance for credit losses on trade receivables         (63)   (25)
              Purchase consideration                     2,576      -
                Other receivables                          224    201
                   Prepayments                             131    156
                      Total                              4,321  2,454
    11.    Cash and cash equivalents
                              Notes   2008   2007
                                     �'000  �'000
 Cash held in trust accounts  4, 5     195    954
     Other cash balances                25    548
            Total                      220  1,502
    Cash and cash equivalents include the following for the purposes of the cash flow statement.
  Cash as above         220  1,502
 Bank overdrafts    (1,215)  (762)
      Total           (995)    740
    12.    Share capital
                                             2008        2007   2008   2007
                                           Number      Number  �'000  �'000
     Ordinary shares of 25p each        5,590,863   5,590,863  1,398  1,398
 Deferred ordinary shares of 25p each  11,209,137  11,209,137  2,802  2,802
                                                               4,200  4,200
  Allotted, called up and fully paid
     Ordinary shares of 25p each          240,921     228,757     60     57
 Deferred ordinary shares of 25p each  11,209,137  11,209,137  2,802  2,802
                                                               2,862  2,859
    During the period �15,509 Convertible loan stock 2011 was converted into 12,164 Ordinary shares.
    The deferred shares bear no right to dividends, to notice of meetings (or to attendance or to voting thereat) or to participate in
surplus assets of the Company on a winding up of the Company until ordinary shareholders have received �100,000 per share. The Company also
has the right to repurchase the entire issued class of the deferred shares for a nominal consideration without seeking holders' consent.
    13.    Trade and other payables
                     Note   2008   2007
                           �'000  �'000
 Insurance payables   4    1,441  3,152
   Other payables            332    859
      Accruals               643    795
       Total               2,416  4,806

    14.    Provisions and other liabilities
                                Other  Salaries           Deferred
                              Redress       and           Purchase
                               Claims  Benefits      Consideration  Total
                                �'000     �'000              �'000  �'000
    Balance at 1 January           59        23                  -     82
     Movements in period          (3)         -                  -    (3)

   Balance at 30 June 2007         56        23                  -     79
    Movements in period          (45)         -                  -   (45)

 Balance at 31 December 2007       11        23                  -     34
     Movements in period          (7)         -                214    207
 Current                            4        23                107    134
 Non-current                        -         -                107    107
 Balance at 30 June 2008            4        23                214    241
    Provisions categorised as current liabilities represent provisions for liabilities which are expected to be settled within one year.
    In common with other intermediaries and life offices in the United Kingdom which have written pension transfer, pension opt out and
endowment business, the Group has followed the Financial Services Authority ("FSA") guidelines, to review and secure redress for
policyholders wrongly sold such business. The directors believe that all liabilities which might arise in respect of pensions transfer
business have now been settled.
    The calculation of the provision for the remaining cases has been based on the proportion of reviewable cases where rectification will
be due and the average cost of rectification and review which has been based on experience to date. The provision is made on a gross basis
and the related recovery under the Group's professional indemnity insurance of �25,000 (2007: �25,000) is dealt with separately in the
accounts within receivables. 
    While the directors consider that the provision is a reasonable estimate of the ultimate cost, given the assumptions that must be made,
there remain a number of areas of uncertainty which may result in the ultimate cost being different. Claims continue to be made. 
    The provision for unpaid salaries and consultancy fees at the period end is �23,000 (2007: �23,000).
    Deferred purchase consideration represents the maximum consideration that may be payable to the vendors of the share capitals of AMS
Corporate Risks Limited and Culver London Limited (formerly LPH Pitman Limited) acquired during the period see (note 15).
    15.    Acquisitions and disposals
    In February 2008 the group acquired 100% of the ordinary share capital of Culver London Limited and 89% of the ordinary share capital of
AMS Corporate Risks Limited.
    Completion accounts have not been agreed with the vendors in respect of the acquisition and the best estimates of those figures have
been used below.
    The amounts recognised in respect of each class of assets acquired was as follows:-

                                          Culver London  AMS Corporate Risks Limited  
                                                  �'000                        �'000  
 Non current assets                                   -                            5  
 Current assets                                     115                        1,226  
 Non-current liabilities                              -                        (100)  
 Current liabilities                              (135)                      (1,190)  
 Net liabilities acquired                          (20)                         (59)  
 Consideration paid                                  50                           84  
 Consideration deferred                              26                          188  
 Consideration paid recoverable                    (20)                         (50)  
 Total potential consideration                       56                          222  
 Costs of acquisition                               100                           62  
 Total consideration                                156                          284  
 Goodwill arising                                   176                          343  

    The draft completion accounts of AMS Corporate Risks Limited show a state of affairs materially different from the management accounts
upon which the transaction was negotiated. The directors believe therefore that the consideration paid will be materially less than the
total potential consideration set out above.  
    If that is the case then the goodwill arising will be reduced accordingly. As a deficiency of net assets was acquired and AMS Corporate
Risks has been loss making since acquisition, no minority interest has been recognised is respect of this acquisition.
    In view of the above it is not practicable to include the results of the companies for the six months to 30 June 2008 as required by IAS
34, the results of the companies for the five month period since their acquisition, as set out below, have therefore been included. 
                                          Culver London   AMS Corporate Risks  
                                                Limited               Limited  
                                                  �'000                 �'000  
 For the period 1 February 2008                                                
  to 30 June 2008 included in                                                  
      the Group's results                                                      
 Revenue                                            118                    94  
 Loss before and after taxation                   (208)                  (50)  
    In June 2008, the Group disposed of the entire share capital of one of its insurance broking subsidiary, Culver Insurance Brokers
Limited ("CIB"), for �4.3 million. Additional payments may be received in respect of CIB's net brokerage income over the year following
Completion. �4m of the consideration was received in July 2008 and the balance of the initial consideration should be received in September
    Full details of the agreement were set out in a circular to shareholders dated 11 July 2008.
    The group has been notified by Aviva plc of its intention to attempt to recover approximately �150,000 paid by it to CIB on a
non-returnable basis in respect of a work transfer agreement. CIB performed the work transfer and the Group has been advised that the claim
is without merit. No provision has been made for any sum which Aviva plc may recover.
    The gain on disposal is made up as follows

 Assets disposed                   Note         
 Non current assets                           32
 Goodwill                                  2,115
 Current assets                            4,603
 Non-current liabilities                   (805)
 Current liabilities                     (3,460)
 Net assets disposed of                    2,485

 Consideration received                    4,000
 Consideration due                           370
 Total consideration                       4,370
 Costs of disposal                         (443)
 Net consideration                         3,927
 Surplus                                   1,442

 Profit on activities disposed        7        6
 Gain on discontinued activities      7    1,448

    16.    Cash generated from operations
                                 Six months ended 30 June 2008  Six months ended 30 June 2007
                                   Continuing     Discontinued    Continuing     Discontinued
                                   Activities       Activities    Activities       Activities
                                        �'000            �'000         �'000            �'000
  Cash (absorbed by)/generated
        from operations 
   Cash flows from operating
       Profit before tax                 598                6          (168)              188
      Interest receivable                 (3)             (20)                           (30)
       Interest payable                  105               29             69               14
    Loss on sale of tangible               1                1              -                -
      Gain on disposal of             (1,442)               - 
   discontinued activities*                                                -                -
 Depreciation of tangible fixed           12                8              2               12
    Unwinding of fair value                5                -              3                -
    Decrease in provisions                (7)               -            (1)              (2)
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors       (1,030)             319          (393)              457
     Increase/(decrease) in               879            (528)           210               13
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from         (882)            (185)
     operating activities                                              (278)              652
    *The gain on disposal of discontinued activities in the profit and loss account includes the profit on discontinued activities of


    We, RMH Read, AJ Biles, JCM Biles and CJ Yates being the directors of Culver Holdings plc, confirm that to the best of our knowledge:
    * the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the
    * this half year financial report includes a fair review of the information required by:
    (a)    DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first
six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and
    (b)    DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six
months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that
period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last Annual Report that could do so.

    On behalf of the Board
    RMH Read 
29 August 2008

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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