March 26, 2008

Final Downhole Logging Results From Bir En Nar Uranium Prospect, Mauritania

WEST PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA--(Marketwire - March 26, 2008) - Murchison United NL (ASX:MUR)(AIM:MUU) -


- Further high-grade uranium intersections indicated from final downhole radiometric logging results from RC
drilling at the Bir En Nar uranium prospect (Zednes Region, Mauritania).

- Best intercepts identified included:

   Drill Hole    Section     Intersection              eU3O8
           RC    From (m)    Thickness (m)              (ppm)
   ----------    -------     ------------             ------
        BNR02      58.30             0.70              5,750
        BNR04       6.25             1.00              7,180
        BNR08      70.80             2.35    (ii)     11,250
          " "      87.45             1.55              5,060
        BNR11      85.35             1.55    (ii)     18,280
          " "     114.20             5.35              9,310
        BNR14      33.35             2.90              6,100
        BNR21      46.05             0.95              5,500
        BNR41      26.15             0.30              5,100
          " "      28.25             0.35              8,140

- Assay results expected shortly and will be released when received.

Drillhole Radiometric Logging Results - Mauritania

Murchison United NL (ASX:MUR)(AIM:MUU)("Murchison") is pleased to announce that it has now received the final
downhole radiometric logging results, including further significant high-grade results from the recently
completed maiden RC drilling program at the Company's 100% owned Bir En Nar uranium prospect, located in the
northern Zednes region of the Republic of Mauritania, West Africa (see Fig. 3).

This drilling programme was carried out during December 2007 by AMCO Construction under the supervision of
Murchison's Technical Director, Bosse Gustafsson (see Fig. 1). The programme consisted of 41 RC drill holes of
50 to 150 metres in length for a total of 4,006m. Further details of the drill holes are provided in Appendix 2
at the end of this announcement.

The downhole gamma ray logging, calculation of equivalent uranium grades, and compositing of mineralised
intervals was conducted by consultants Poseidon Geophysics (Pty) Ltd. All holes logged were inclined at
approximately 50 degrees, with the deepest hole probed being 150 metres. Three holes were not able to be
logged due to collapsed bore holes. The logging programme was undertaken with an Auslog Logging System with the
estimated grades reported herein based on calculations by Poseidon Geophysics using data logged at 5 cm
sampling intervals (see Note at end of this report for further details).

Fig.1 Drilling in Mauritania, December 2007 (to view image, please open the following link in a new window):

26 of the 38 holes tested returned intercepts calculated at greater than 1,000ppm eU3O8. Seven holes contained
intercepts exceeding 5,000ppm eU3O8, with a maximum intercept of 1.55m at 18,280ppm eU3O8. Murchison considers
these results to be very encouraging and confirm the prospectivity for uranium mineralisation.

A table containing full results from the radiometric logging is shown as Appendix 1 at the end of this

Approximately 1,000 assay samples, each representing 1 metre of drilling, were also collected for multi-element
analysis in Canada by ALS Chemex. Assay results will be released as they become available.

Fig.2 Bir En Nar 2007 drilling program, locations of first eight holes (to view image, please open the
following link in a new window):

The drilling focused on one of the Company's southernmost licences at the Bir En Nar, where episyenite samples
collected during previous field reconnaissance visits returned assays of up to 9,500ppm Uranium.

The Bir En Nar prospect is a 900 metre long radioactive zone extending 50-70 metres in width and following a
tectonic structure in a NW-SE direction (see Fig. 2). A smaller parallel zone occurs a few hundred metres to
the SW. The main mineralisation occurs along a fracture zone at the contact between higher radioactive granite
in south west and lower radioactive syenite in north east. Episyenite pods with uranium impregnation build up
the mineralisation. The prospect was covered by RC drilling with SW-NE traverses at 70 metre spacings.

The permit areas are located in the north of the country near the town of Bir Moghrein and at Bir En Nar in
Zednes region. These were originally identified by the Company's Technical Director, Mr Bosse Gustafsson, from
a study commissioned by the World Bank and further refined from aeroradiometric data highlighting the region's
prospectivity for uranium occurrences.

Fig.3 Location of Murchison United's exploration permits in Mauritania (to view image, please open the
following link in a new window):

Murchison United has secured an extensive portfolio of uranium exploration projects comprising some 13,600km2
of highly prospective tenements in Mauritania and Guinea, West Africa. Its objective is to delineate
significant new uranium deposits within these under-explored terrains.

In Guinea, initial drilling of the Company's Bohoduo uranium prospect and reconnaissance exploration at the
Sesse uranium prospect is to be carried out during Q2 2008.

A 5,000m diamond drilling program at Firawa prospect in Guinea, is scheduled to commence in September 2008
following the wet season, targeting a JORC compliant resource estimate to follow up initial drilling carried
out in 2007.

Commenting on the results, Murchison United's Managing Director, Mr Mark Reilly, said "The exciting downhole
logging results attained at Bir En Nar in Mauritania follow on from the successful drilling program undertaken
last year at Firawa, Guinea, and the recently completed A$7.4 million share placement.

We are eagerly awaiting the assay results from Bir En Nar and we look forward to embarking on further drilling
programmes this year at the Bohoduo and Firawa Prospects in Guinea."

Murchison United NL is an Australian-based no liability company whose principal activity is minerals
exploration. The company currently has uranium exploration projects in Mauritania and Guinea in West Africa and
copper interests in the Millennium copper leases in Cloncurry, Queensland and the Maroochydore copper project
in Western Australia.

Shares in the company are listed on both the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:MUR) and the Alternative Investment
Market (AIM:MUU) of the London Stock Exchange.

For further information regarding this announcement, please call Mark Reilly.

Mark Reilly, Managing Director

Murchison's Nominated Advisor for the AIM market is RFC Corporate Finance Ltd.

Contact: Stuart Laing, Ph: +618 9480 2506


The information in this report that relates to exploration results in West Africa is based on information
compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a member of the European Federation of Geologists a Recognised
Overseas Professional Organisation ("ROPO"). Mr Bosse Gustafsson is a full time Technical Director of Murchison
United NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr Gustafsson has sufficient
experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and the type of deposit under consideration and to
the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserve'. Mr Gustafsson
consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in
which it appears.

Down hole gamma logging/probing of drill holes provides a powerful tool for uranium companies to explore for,
and evaluate, uranium deposits. Such a method measures the natural gamma rays emitted from material surrounding
a drill hole out to around 0.5 metre from its centre - the gamma probe is therefore capable of sampling a much
larger volume than that which would normally be recovered from a core or RC hole. These measurements are used
to estimate uranium concentrations with the commonly accepted initial assumption being that the uranium is in
(secular) equilibrium with its daughter products (or radio-nuclides) which are the principal gamma emitters. If
uranium is not in equilibrium (viz. in disequilibrium) - as a result of the redistribution (depletion or
enhancement) of uranium and/or its daughter products - then the true uranium concentration in the holes logged
using the gamma probe will be higher or lower than those reported in the announcement.

Total count gamma logging does not account for energy derived from thorium and potassium but is calibrated on
the uranium band and factor applied to account for the average effect of thorium and potassium and thus the
result is expressed as an equivalent value or ppm eU308. The logging programme was undertaken by Poseidon
Geophysics (Pty) Ltd utilising an Auslog Logging System using instruments calibrated at Pelindaba, South
Africa, an IAEA accepted and approved standard facility. Data was converted from raw counts per second of
natural gamma rays to eU3O8 using the calibration constant obtained from measurements made at the Pelindaba
calibration borehole. Poseidon Geophysics carried out regular checks to validate the accuracy of probe data
using a test hole, BNR14, located on site. Uranium mineralisation grades through this report annotated with a
sub-prefix 'e' have been reported as uranium equivalent grades derived from down-hole gamma ray logging results
and should be regarded as approximations only.


Complete radiometric logging results received from initial drilling at the Bir En Nar Prospect:

Drill Hole   Length of    Section     Intersection         eU3O8
RC            Hole (m)    From (m)    Thickness (m)         (ppm)
----------   --------     -------     ------------        ------
BNR01              77        4.60             0.65           540
BNR02             109       27.20             5.65         4,070
"       "                   34.20             2.15           770
"       "                   58.30             0.70         5,750
"       "                   62.75             0.30         1,470
"       "                   89.40             0.75         1,230
"       "                  104.30             0.55         1,730
BNR03              79                                 No anomaly
BNR04              48        6.25             1.00         7,180
BNR05             111       40.20             3.85         3,400
BNR06              98       91.60             4.00           580
BNR07              49       24.40             2.15         2,510
"       "                   33.40             1.75           640
"       "                   39.70             0.55           660
"       "                   44.95             0.35         1,270
BNR08                       55.50             1.45         3,010
"       "                   70.80             2.35        11,250
"       "                   74.10             0.40         2,060
"       "                   85.15             1.40         3,130
"       "                   87.45             1.55         5,060
BNR09             148      124.85             2.10         1,420
BNR10              79                                 No anomaly
BNR11             125       85.35             1.55        18,280
"       "                   90.35             1.00           630
"       "                   92.35             0.85           660
"       "                  114.20             5.35         9,310
BNR12             149       84.45             0.35         4,300
BNR13             109       75.40             1.05           650
"       "                   79.45             0.75           500
"       "                   91.20             0.35           490
"       "                   92.55             1.40           570
"       "                   98.95             2.00           620
BNR14              77       29.10             0.45           570
"       "                   33.35             2.90         6,100
BNR15              99        0.85             0.30         3,410
"       "                   77.40             0.95         3,950
"       "                   80.65             0.60           820
"       "                   95.70             1.20           490
BNR16             148                                 No anomaly
BNR17              79       47.75             0.20           450
"       "                   49.10             0.80           230
BNR18              49       19.40             1.20           850
"       "                   21.70             0.25           970
BNR19              99       60.50             0.40         1,740
BNR20              71       49.15             1.05         2,070
"       "                   54.00             0.35         1,240
"       "                   55.70             1.40           550
"       "                   65.60             0.35         1,320
BNR21              97       21.05             0.45           940
"       "                   24.15             4.60         3,510
"       "                   46.05             0.95         5,500
"       "                   47.75             0.30         2,950
BNR22                                               Hole blocked
BNR23              98                                 No anomaly
BNR24                                               Hole blocked
BNR25              97       80.60             0.45           950
BNR26              99                                 No anomaly
BNR27              99       49.75             0.45         1,750
"       "                   52.70             0.35         2,430
BNR28              99       50.30             1.25         1,480
BNR29              97        46.2             0.65         1,860
BNR30              98       44.35             2.05         1,130
BNR31              99       25.70             1.30         2,040
BNR32              98       28.10             0.45           830
"       "                   30.15             0.30         1,080
"       "                   31.65             1.90         3,990
BNR33             119       12.70             0.55         1,450
"       "                   13.80             0.30         1,700
"       "                   18.35             0.90         1,040
"       "                   84.55             0.55           710
BNR34              98                                 No anomaly
BNR35              99       37.95             0.30         3,790
"       "                   46.60             0.25         2,580
BNR36              78       38.65             0.35         2,360
"       "                   41.90             0.20           550
"       "                   77.80             0.35           630
BNR37              98       85.45             1.70         2,180
BNR38              48       24.85             1.10           970
"       "                   37.00             0.25           930
BNR39             149       74.95             0.75         4,480
"       "                  110.20             1.30           700
BNR40                                               Hole blocked
BNR41              59       14.30             0.25           820
"       "                   19.90             1.50           910
"       "                   23.45             0.65         1,420
"       "                   26.15             0.30         5,100
"       "                   28.25             0.35         8,140

APPENDIX 2 - Drilling Programme

This initial drilling program consisted of 41 holes for a total of 4,006m of RC drilling. The holes were
drilled to between 50m and 150m. Further details of the drill holes are contained in the following table:

Hole        East     North   Inclination (deg)   Bearing   Length (m)
BNR 01    360750   2661050                 50         SW          80
BNR 02    360800   2661100                 50         SW         109
BNR 03    360700   2661000                 50         NE          80
BNR 04    360700   2661100                 50         SW          50
BNR 05    360750   2661150                 50         SW         114
BNR 06    360775   2661175                 50         SW         101
BNR 07    360800   2661000                 50         SW          50
BNR 08    360850   2661050                 50         SW         100
BNR 09    360900   2661100                 50         SW         150
BNR 10    360850   2660950                 50         SW          80
BNR 11    360900   2661000                 50         SW         126
BNR 12    360950   2661050                 50         SW         150
BNR 13    360950   2660950                 50         SW         110
BNR 14    360975   2660975                 50         SW          78
BNR 15    361000   2660900                 50         SW         100
BNR 16    361050   2660950                 50         SW         150
BNR 17    361025   2660825                 50         NE          80
BNR 18    361037   2660837                 50         NE          50
BNR 19    361200   2660700                 50         SW         100
BNR 20    361250   2660650                 50         SW          90
BNR 21    360850   2660650                 50         SW         100
BNR 22    361287   2660587                 50         SW         100
BNR 23    361337   2660537                 50         SW         100
BNR 24    361400   2660500                 50         SW         100
BNR 25    361450   2660450                 50         SW         100
BNR 26    361500   2660400                 50         SW         100
BNR 27    360962   2660562                 50         SW         100
BNR 28    361000   2660600                 50         SW         100
BNR 29    360912   2660612                 50         SW         100
BNR 30    360800   2660700                 50         SW         100
BNR 31    361037   2660537                 50         SW         100
BNR 32    361000   2660500                 50         SW         100
BNR 33    360950   2660850                 50         NE         120
BNR 34    361050   2660450                 50         SW         100
BNR 35    360700   2661200                 50         SW         100
BNR 36    360625   2661225                 50         SW          80
BNR 37    360825   2661125                 50         SW         100
BNR 38    360650   2661150                 50         SW          50
BNR 39    360987   2660987                 50         SW         150
BNR 40    360650   2661250                 50         SW         100
BNR 41    360800   2661000                 45         NE          60

ACN 009 087 852


Murchison United N.L


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