RNS Number : 7643P 
Net b2b2 PLC 
31 March 2009 

31 March 2009 
Netb2b2 plc 
Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2008 
Netb2b2 plc ("Netb2b2" or "the Group"), the digital communications business, 
today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 
December 2008. 
Enquiries, please contact: 
Geoffrey Griggs 
Finance Director 
Netb2b2 PLC 
020 7689 8800 
Azhic Basirov/ Siobhan Sergeant 
Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited 
020 7131 4000 
Chairman's statement 
Financial and operational review 
During the six months ended 31 December 2008, the Group has continued to reduce 
overhead costs although this restructuring has resulted in some non-recurring 
costs in the period. 
cScape has continued to build up a broad base of clients including big 
corporations, government bodies and membership organisations. Trading has 
continued at an acceptable level in the government and membership organisation 
However in the autumn of 2008 many large corporations took precautionary 
measures in the face of the recession. This included cutting back or postponing 
some of their digital plans which adversely affected cScape's business. In 
response cScape cut staff costs and is currently trading profitably and working 
at close to full capacity. 
Blue Sky's business has remained stable and recorded a reasonable result for the 
period. The business is currently looking for additional opportunities in cloud 
computing and related services. 
Fernhart recorded a loss during the period and ITM encountered some difficult 
market conditions with the current reduction in print advertising. 
The Group was comfortably within its overdraft facilities at the period end. 
The Group continues to explore ways of reducing its cost base and maximising its 
Keith Young 
31 March 2009 
For the 6 months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                  |                        Unaudited |          | Unaudited |  |     Year | 
|                                  |                         6 Months |          |  6 Months |  |    Ended | 
|                                  |                               to |          |        to |  |  30 June | 
|                                  |                         31/12/08 |          |  31/12/07 |  |     2008 | 
|                                  |                          GBP'000 |          |   GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 | 
|                                  |                                  |          |     3,356 |  |    7,433 | 
| Revenue                          |                                  |          |   (1,018) |  |  (2,114) | 
| Existing operations              |                            3,457 |          |           |  |          | 
| Cost of sales                    |                          (1,054) |          |           |  |          | 
| Gross profit                     |                            2,403 |          |     2,338 |  |    5,319 | 
| Administrative expenses          |                          (2,470) |          |   (2,448) |  |  (5,128) | 
| Earnings before interest, tax,   |                             (67) |          |     (110) |  |      191 | 
| depreciation, amortisation and   |                            (111) |          |      (88) |  |    (218) | 
| impairment losses                |                                - |          |         - |  |    (400) | 
| Depreciation                     |                                - |          |         - |  |  (1,026) | 
| Provisions for liabilities       |                                  |          |           |  |          | 
| Provision for impairment losses  |                                  |          |           |  |          | 
| (Loss) from operations           |                            (178) |          |     (198) |  |  (1,453) | 
| Discontinuance of business and   |                                - |          |         - |  |       75 | 
| settlement of pension            |                            (128) |          |         - |  |        - | 
| liabilities in respect thereof   |                                  |          |           |  |          | 
| Restructuring costs              |                                  |          |           |  |          | 
| Finance income                   |                                5 |          |         - |  |       24 | 
| Finance cost                     |                             (30) |          |      (13) |  |    (104) | 
| (Loss) before tax                |                                  |          |           |  |          | 
+                                  +----------------------------------+----------+-----------+  +----------+ 
|                                  |                            (331) |          |     (211) |  |  (1,458) | 
| Taxation                         |                                - |          |         - |  |        - | 
| (Loss) for the period            |                            (331) |          |     (211) |  |  (1,458) | 
| (Loss) per share- basic          |                           (3.0p) |          |    (3.4p) |  |  (17.9p) | 
For the 6 months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                     |  |  Unaudited |  | Unaudited |  |   Audited | 
|                                     |  |   6 months |  |  6 months |  |      Year | 
|                                     |  |      to 31 |  |     to 31 |  |     Ended | 
|                                     |  |   December |  |  December |  |  30 June  | 
|                                     |  |       2008 |  |      2007 |  |      2008 | 
|                                     |  |    GBP'000 |  |   GBP'000 |  |   GBP'000 | 
|                                     |  |            |  |     (211) |  |   (1,458) | 
| (Loss) for the period               |  | (331)      |  |           |  |           | 
| Total recognised income and         |  |      (331) |  |     (211) |  |   (1,458) | 
| expenses for the period             |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Shares issued in the period         |  |         25 |  |       250 |  |       500 | 
| Share issue costs                   |  |          - |  |      (27) |  |      (39) | 
| Net change in equity in the period  |  |      (306) |  |        12 |  |     (997) | 
| Opening equity                      |  |        758 |  |     1,755 |  |     1,755 | 
| Closing equity                      |  |        452 |  |     1,767 |  |       758 | 
As at 31 December 2008 
|                                     |  | Unaudited  |  | Unaudited |  |   Audited | 
|                                     |  |         31 |  |        31 |  |  30 June  | 
|                                     |  |   December |  |  December |  |      2008 | 
|                                     |  |       2008 |  |      2007 |  |   GBP'000 | 
|                                     |  |    GBP'000 |  |   GBP'000 |  |           | 
|                                     |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| ASSETS                              |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Non Current Assets                  |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Other intangible assets             |  |      1,252 |  |     2,278 |  |     1,252 | 
| Property, plant and equipment       |  |        611 |  |       524 |  |       631 | 
|                                     |  |      1,863 |  |     2,802 |  |     1,883 | 
| CURRENT ASSETS                      |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Inventories                         |  |         77 |  |        75 |  |        77 | 
| Trade and other receivables         |  |      1,289 |  |     1,272 |  |     1,498 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents           |  |        378 |  |       488 |  |       409 | 
|                                     |  |      1,744 |  |     1,835 |  |     1,984 | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                        |  |      3,607 |  |     4,637 |  |     3,867 | 
|                                     |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| LIABILITIES                         |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Current Liabilities                 |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Trade and other payables            |  |        818 |  |       921 |  |     1,045 | 
| Financial liabilities               |  |        568 |  |       495 |  |       561 | 
| Current tax liabilities             |  |      1,405 |  |     1,454 |  |     1,009 | 
|                                     |  |      2,791 |  |     2,870 |  |     2,615 | 
| Non-Current Liabilities             |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Financial liabilities               |  |         14 |  |         - |  |        94 | 
| Provisions for liabilities and      |  |        350 |  |         - |  |       400 | 
| other charges                       |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
|                                     |  |        364 |  |         - |  |       494 | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                   |  |      3,155 |  |     2,870 |  |     3,109 | 
|                                     |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| EQUITY                              |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| Share capital                       |  |      1,131 |  |       856 |  |     1,106 | 
| Share premium                       |  |        514 |  |       526 |  |       514 | 
| Capital redemption reserve          |  |          6 |  |         6 |  |         6 | 
| Retained earnings                   |  |    (1,199) |  |       379 |  |     (868) | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                        |  |        452 |  |     1,767 |  |       758 | 
|                                     |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
|                                     |  |            |  |           |  |           | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY        |  |      3,607 |  |     4,637 |  |     3,867 | 
For the 6 months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                          |     Unaudited  |    Unaudited  |    Audited | 
|                                          |    31 December |   31 December |    30 June | 
|                                          |           2008 |          2007 |       2008 | 
|                                          |        GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
|                                          |                |               |            | 
| Operating activities                     |                |               |            | 
| (Loss) from operations                   |          (178) |         (198) |    (1,453) | 
| Impairment provision                     |              - |             - |      1,026 | 
| Depreciation                             |            111 |            88 |        218 | 
| Other provision                          |           (50) |             - |        400 | 
| (Profit)/Loss on sale of fixed assets    |              - |             - |        (1) | 
| Decrease/ (increase) in trade and other  |            209 |           214 |       (16) | 
| receivables                              |                |               |            | 
| Increase/(decrease) in trade and other   |             42 |          (79) |      (185) | 
| payables                                 |                |               |            | 
| (Increase) in inventory                  |              - |             - |        (2) | 
|                                          |                |               |            | 
| Cash inflow/ (outflow) from operation    |            134 |            25 |       (13) | 
| Interest paid                            |           (30) |          (13) |      (104) | 
| Interest received                        |              5 |             - |         24 | 
|                                          |                |               |            | 
| Net cash inflow/ (outflow) from          |            109 |            12 |       (93) | 
| operating activities                     |                |               |            | 
| Purchase of property, plant and          |           (91) |          (80) |      (342) | 
| equipment                                |                |               |            | 
| Proceeds from sale                       |              - |             - |          1 | 
| Net cash used in investing activities    |           (91) |          (80) |      (341) | 
|                                          |                |               |            | 
| Cash flow from financing activities      |                |               |            | 
| Finance leases and hire purchase         |           (68) |          (35) |         84 | 
| obligations                              |                |               |            | 
| Proceeds from share issue                |             25 |           250 |        500 | 
| Expenses in connection with share        |              - |          (27) |       (39) | 
| capital                                  |                |               |            | 
| Increase in bank loan                    |              - |           120 |         32 | 
| Repayment of bank loans                  |          (110) |             - |          - | 
| Net cash (outflow)/ received from        |          (153) |           308 |        577 | 
| financing activities                     |                |               |            | 
| Net change in cash equivalents           |          (135) |           240 |        143 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the         |            209 |            66 |         66 | 
| beginning of the period                  |                |               |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end of  |             74 |           306 |        209 | 
| the period                               |                |               |            | 
For the 6 months ended 31 December 2008 
The financial information is for the six months ended 31 December 2008 and is 
neither audited nor reviewed as defined by APB Bulletin 1999/4. 
The results for the year ended 30 June 2008 have been audited whilst the results 
for the six months ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008 are unaudited. 
The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The 
statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2008, which were prepared under 
IFRS, have been filed with the registrar of Companies.The auditors' opinion on 
those accounts was unqualified. 
The consolidated financial information has been prepared using accounting 
policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as 
adopted by the European Union applied in accordance with the provisions of the 
Companies Act 1985. 
The Group operates in the UK and the whole of its turnover and profit relate to 
continuing activities and to the UK market. 
|                                                  |          |        Six |        Six |       Year | 
|                                                  |          |     months |     months |      Ended | 
|                                                  |          |      Ended |      Ended | 30.06.2008 | 
|                                                  |          | 31.12.2008 | 31.12.2007 |    Audited | 
|                                                  |          |  Unaudited |  Unaudited |            | 
|                                                  |          |   GBP000's |   GBP000's |   GBP000's | 
|                                    Turnover      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Internet      |          |      1,910 |      1,898 |      4,148 | 
|                                    services      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Publishing    |          |        869 |        747 |      1,901 | 
|                                    and           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Digital       |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Communication |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Services      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Specialist    |          |        431 |        438 |        842 | 
|                                    Hosting       |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Media         |          |        247 |        273 |        542 | 
|                                    and           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    interactive   |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    technology    |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Group         |          |      3,457 |      3,356 |    7,433   | 
|                                    turnover      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Loss          |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    before        |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    tax           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Internet      |          |         40 |         95 |        447 | 
|                                    services      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Publishing    |          |       (65) |         13 |         11 | 
|                                    and           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Digital       |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Communication |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Services      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Specialist    |          |         53 |         98 |        186 | 
|                                    Hosting       |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Media         |          |       (26) |       (39) |       (90) | 
|                                    and           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    interactive   |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    technology    |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Central       |          |      (205) |      (378) |      (661) | 
|                                    and           |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    other         |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    costs         |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Exceptional   |          |      (128) |          - |      (325) | 
|                                    costs         |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Impairment    |          |          - |          - |    (1,026) | 
|                                    of            |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    goodwill      |          |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    Group         |          |      (331) |      (211) |    (1,458) | 
|                                    loss          |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    before        |          |            |            |            | 
|                                    tax           |          |            |            |            | 
The board has assessed each subsidiary with reference to its durability, ability 
to sustain future long term profitability and assessed ability to maintain 
market position. Based on this assessment the board is of the opinion that the 
one goodwill element has an indefinite economic life. The board has carried out 
impairment reviews on this goodwill element and has concluded that its current 
recoverable amount is in excess of its carrying value. 
No liability to UK Corporation tax arose on ordinary activities for the period 
owing to trade losses brought forward from previous periods. 
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the year. 
The diluted loss per share is the same as the actual loss per share. 
|                                                  |       |        Six |        Six |      Year  | 
|                                                  |       |     Months |     Months |      Ended | 
|                                                  |       |      Ended |      Ended | 30.06.2008 | 
|                                                  |       | 31.12.2008 | 31.12.2007 |    Audited | 
|                                                  |       |  Unaudited |  Unaudited |   GBP000's | 
|                                                  |       |   GBP000's |   GBP000's |            | 
|                                                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    Basic         |       |      (331) |      (211) |    (1,458) | 
|                                    earnings      |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    attributable  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    to ordinary   |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    shareholders: |       |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    Weighted      |       | 11,069,902 |  6,197,549 |  8,144,902 | 
|                                    average       |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    number        |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    of            |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    ordinary      |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    shares        |       |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    Loss          |       |     (3.0p) |     (3.4p) |    (17.9p) | 
|                                    per           |       |            |            |            | 
|                                    share:        |       |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |       |            |            |            | 
|                                                 |            | At 1 July    | Cash flow  |      At 31 | 
|                                                 |            | 2008         |            |   December | 
|                                                 |            |              |            |       2008 | 
|                                    Net          |            |     GBP000's |   GBP000's |   GBP000's | 
|                                    cash:        |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Cash         |            |         408  |       (29) |        379 | 
|                                    at           |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    bank         |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    and          |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    in           |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    hand         |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Bank         |            |        (199) |      (106) |      (305) | 
|                                    overdrafts   |            |              |            |            | 
|                                                 |            |              |            |            | 
|                                                 |            |          209 |      (135) |         74 | 
|                                                 |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Debt:        |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Bank         |            |        (226) |        110 |      (116) | 
|                                    Loan         |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    (invoice     |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    discounting) |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Hire         |            |        (230) |         68 |      (162) | 
|                                    purchase     |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    agreements   |            |              |            |            | 
|                                                 |            |              |            |            | 
|                                    Total        |            |        (247) |         43 |      (204) | 
|                                                 |            |              |            |            | 
Copies of the interim report are available from www.netb2b2.com or the company 
secretary at Netb2b2 Plc, Central House, 142 Central Street, London, EC1V 8AR. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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