RNS Number:1921Z
Royal London UK Eqty&Income Tst PLC
28 May 2004


Preliminary announcement of unaudited interim results for the half year ended 29
February 2004

Chairman's Statement

The last six months have seen a continuation of the recovery in stock markets,
which started in March 2003. Growing optimism about the strength of the global
economic recovery continued to be the major factor affecting sentiment.

I am pleased to report that your Company's equity, bond and income portfolios
have performed well in absolute terms during the period under review and that
their performance has been considerably enhanced by the retention of the
Company's substantial gearing. The UK equity market has had a good six months -
the FTSE All-Share Index rising by 8.65% to give a total return of 9.79%. The
Company's equity portfolio has risen by 8.90% on a total return basis.

The corporate bond portfolio has performed exceptionally well, registering a
gain of 4.73% during the half year and outperforming the Barclays Non-Gilt Over
10 Year Index by no less than 2.38%. The income portfolio is now a very small
part of the overall portfolio and returned 10.57% over the period.

The structure of your Company has not changed since I last reported to you, with
total borrowings remaining at #50 million and a latest loan to value ratio of
51.20%. The Company has continued to operate within its covenant agreements.

During the six months under review, 285,000 Zero Dividend Preference ("ZDP")
shares issued by Royal London UK Equity & Income Securities plc were bought by
its parent, Royal London UK Equity & Income Trust plc. These ZDP shares are
presently being held as an investment, with the option to cancel them at a later
stage if deemed appropriate. At the time of writing this report, there remain
13,424,100 ZDP shares in issue (including those held as investments).


Your Company remains unable to declare or pay a dividend due to its inability to
meet the requirements of Section 265 of the Companies Act 1985 as your Company's
assets remain less than 1.5 times its liabilities.


At 29 February 2004, the breakdown of the assets of Royal London UK Equity &
Income Trust plc and Royal London UK Equity & Income Securities plc (the
"Group") was as follows:
                                               Market value                             %

UK Equity Portfolio                                  59,509                          59.7
UK Bond Portfolio                                    29,334                          29.4
Income Portfolio                                      4,694                           4.7
Cash (Net Liquidity)                                 _6,218                          _6.2
                                                     99,755                         100.0

Source: Royal London Asset Management Limited


Your Manager believes that 2004 is likely to see higher global economic growth.
This recovery is likely to act as a catalyst for equity out-performance over the
coming twelve months as the improved economic background feeds into corporate
earnings. Overall, your Board believes that your Company is well positioned to
benefit from these trends.

Jonathan Carr


28 May 2004

Group Statement of Total Return (unaudited)

(incorporating the revenue account)

for the half year ended 29 February 2004

                                             (Unaudited)                      (Unaudited)            (Audited)
               Notes                     Half year ended                  Half year ended           Year ended
                                        29 February 2004                 28 February 2003       31 August 2003

                   Revenue    Capital       Total    Revenue    Capital      Total    Revenue    Capital      Total
                     #'000      #'000       #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
Total capital
from                     -      4,919       4,919          -   (13,223)   (13,223)          -    (4,585)    (4,585)

Income from
fixed asset
investments          2,142          -       2,142      2,424          -      2,424      5,133          -      5,133

Other interest
receivable and
similar income          78          -          78         52          -         52        100          -        100

                    --------    -------    --------   --------    -------   --------   --------   --------   --------
Gross revenue
and capital
gains/(losses)       2,220      4,919       7,139      2,476   (13,223)   (10,747)      5,233    (4,585)        648

management fee        (227)      (341)       (568)      (208)      (312)      (520)      (422)      (633)    (1,055)

expenses              (220)          -       (220)      (186)          -      (186)      (369)          -      (369)

                    -------    -------     -------    -------    -------    -------   --------   --------   --------
Net return/
(loss) on
before                1,773      4,578       6,351      2,082   (13,535)   (11,453)      4,442    (5,218)      (776)
payable and

Interest               (651)      (977)     (1,628)    (1,120)    (1,680)    (2,800)    (1,775)    (2,663)    (4,438)
                    -------    -------     -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
Net return/
(loss) on
before                1,122      3,601       4,723        962   (15,215)   (14,253)      2,667    (7,881)    (5,214)

Tax on net
on ordinary              -          -           -          -          -          -          -          -          -
                    -------    -------     -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
Net return/
(loss) on
after taxation        1,122      3,601       4,723        962   (15,215)   (14,253)      2,667    (7,881)    (5,214)

Provision for
redemption of
ZDP shares in             -      (669)       (669)          -      (741)      (741)          -    (1,396)    (1,396)

Gain on
repurchase and
redemption of
ZDP shares                -         63          63          -      3,426      3,426          -      3,426      3,426
                   ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

                      1,122      2,995       4,117        962   (12,530)   (11,568)      2,667    (5,851)    (3,184)

Dividends and
to annuity
of dividend
to annuity
shareholders         (1,275)          -     (1,275)    (1,275)          -    (1,275)    (2,550)          -    (2,550)
                    --------   --------    --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
                     (1,275)          -     (1,275)    (1,275)          -    (1,275)    (2,550)          -    (2,550)

                    --------   --------     -------   --------   --------    -------   --------   --------   --------
Transfer               (153)      2,995       2,842      (313)   (12,530)   (12,843)        117    (5,851)    (5,734)
reserves              ======     ======      ======     ======     ======     ======     ======     ======     ======

per share on
an FRS 4

Ordinary       1      (0.22p)      4.28p       4.06p    (0.45p)   (17.90p)   (18.35p)      0.17p    (8.36p)    (8.19p)
Annuity        1       4.25p          -        4.25p     4.25p          -      4.25p       8.50p          -     8.50p
ZDP (in        1          -        5.03p       5.03p          -      4.59p     4.59p          -      9.47p      9.47p

The revenue column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of
the Group.

Group Balance Sheet (unaudited)

at 29 February 2004
                                                   (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                              29 February 2004 28 February 2003    31 August 2003
                                  Notes                  #'000            #'000             #'000
Fixed asset investments
Listed investments                                      93,537           84,293            86,849

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Current assets
Debtors and prepayments                                    935              863             1,563
Cash at bank                                             6,545            2,041             8,987

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
                                                         7,480            2,904            10,550

Creditors: amounts falling due                         (1,262)            (923)           (2,086)
within one year
                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Net current assets                                       6,218            1,981             8,464

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Total assets less current                               99,755           86,274            95,313

Creditors: amounts falling due                        (50,000)         (50,000)          (50,000)
after more than one year
                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Total net assets                                        49,755           36,274            45,313

                                                       =======          =======           =======

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                                  1,000            1,000             1,000
Share premium                                           94,500           94,500            94,500
Capital reserve - realised                            (15,685)          (8,253)          (12,027)
Capital reserve - unrealised                          (53,034)         (70,140)          (59,687)
Revenue reserve                                          6,826            3,999             5,704

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Shareholders' funds                                     33,607           21,106            29,490
Minority interest - ZDP shares                          16,148           15,168            15,823

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
                                                        49,755           36,274            45,313

                                                       =======          =======           =======

Attributable on an Articles
Annuity shareholders (Non-equity)                       27,700           21,106            26,425
Ordinary shareholders (Equity)                           5,907                -             3,065

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Total                                                   33,607           21,106            29,490

                                                       =======          =======           =======

Net asset value per share on an
Articles basis:
Annuity share                     2                     92.33p           70.35p            88.08p
Ordinary share                    2                      8.44p                -             4.38p
ZDP share in subsidiary           2                    122.90p          112.99p           117.87p

Attributable on an FRS 4 basis:
Annuity shareholders (Non-equity)                       27,700           25,150            26,425
Ordinary shareholders (Equity)                           5,907          (4,044)             3,065

                                                  ------------     ------------      ------------
Total                                                   33,607           21,106            29,490

                                                       =======          =======           =======

Net asset value per share on an
FRS 4 basis:
Annuity share                     3                     92.33p           83.83p            88.08p
Ordinary share                    3                      8.44p          (5.78p)             4.38p
ZDP share in subsidiary           3                    122.90p          112.99p           117.87p

Approved by the Board of Directors on 28 May 2004

Jonathan Carr


Group Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

for the half year ended 29 February 2004

                                                 (Unaudited)                   (Unaudited)                     (Audited)
                                             Half year ended               Half year ended                    Year ended
                                            29 February 2004              28 February 2003                31 August 2003

                                        #'000          #'000          #'000          #'000          #'000          #'000

Net cash inflow from operating                         1,577                         2,110                         4,021

Servicing of finance
Interest paid                          (1,647)                       (3,140)                       (4,759)
                                --------------                --------------                --------------
                                                     (1,647)                       (3,140)                       (4,759)
Financial Investment
Acquisition of investments             (8,593)                      (10,007)                      (14,556)
Sale of investments                      6,502                        25,242                        36,445

                                --------------                --------------                --------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                       (2,091)                        15,235                        21,889
financial investment
                                              --------------                --------------                --------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                            (2,161)                        14,205                        21,151
before financing

Purchase of ZDP shares                   (281)                       (3,826)                       (3,826)
Issue expenses paid                          -                         (443)                         (443)
Loan repayment                               -                      (20,000)                      (20,000)

                                --------------                --------------                --------------
Net cash outflow from financing                        (281)                      (24,269)                      (24,269)

                                              --------------                --------------                --------------
Decrease in cash                                     (2,442)                      (10,064)                       (3,118)

                                                    ========                      ========                      ========

Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net debt
Decrease in cash as above                            (2,442)                      (10,064)                       (3,118)
Net cash outflow from loans                                -                        20,000                        20,000
                                                ------------                  ------------                  ------------

                                                     (2,442)                         9,936                        16,882
Net debt at start of period                         (41,013)                      (57,895)                      (57,895)

                                                ------------                 -------------                 -------------
Net debt at end of period                           (43,455)                      (47,959)                      (41,013)

                                                    ========                      ========                      ========

NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (for the half year ended 29 February 2004)

1. (Loss)/return per share

(Loss)/return per ordinary share on an FRS4 basis

The revenue loss per ordinary share is based on the net revenue loss for the
half year ended 29 February 2004 of #153,000 (half year ended 28 February 2003:
loss of #313,000; year ended 31 August 2003: gain of #117,000) and on 70,000,000
(half year ended 28 February 2003 and year ended 31 August 2003: 70,000,000)
ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue during the half
year ended 29 February 2004.

The net capital gain per ordinary share is based on the net capital gains, after
deduction of appropriations attributable to Zero Dividend Preference ('ZDP')
shares, of #2,995,000 (half year ended 28 February 2003: loss of #12,530,000;
year ended 31 August 2003: loss of #5,851,000) and on 70,000,000 (half year
ended 28 February 2003 and year ended 31 August 2003: 70,000,000) ordinary
shares being the number of ordinary shares in issue during the half year ended
29 February 2004.

Revenue return per annuity share

The revenue return per annuity share is based on appropriations of #1,275,000
(half year ended 28 February 2003: #1,275,000; year ended 31 August 2003:
#2,550,000) and on 30,000,000 (half year ended 28 February 2003 and year ended
31 August 2003: 30,000,000) annuity shares, being the number of annuity shares
in issue during the half year ended 29 February 2004.

Return per ZDP share in the subsidiary

The capital return per ZDP share in the subsidiary is based on appropriations of
#669,000 (half year ended 28 February 2003: #741,000; and year ended 31 August
2003: #1,396,000), and on 13,305,089 (half year ended 28 February 2003:
16,146,622; and year ended 31 August 2003: 14,741,705) ZDP shares being the
weighted average number of ZDP shares in issue during the half year ended 29
February 2004.

2. Net asset value per share on an Articles basis

The net asset value per annuity share is based on net annuity shareholders'
funds of #27,700,000 (28 February 2003: #21,106,000; and 31 August 2003:
#26,425,000) and on 30,000,000 annuity shares, being the number of annuity
shares in issue at the end of each period.

The net asset value per ordinary share is based on net ordinary shareholders'
funds of #5,907,000 (28 February 2003: Nil; and 31 August 2003: #3,065,000) and
on 70,000,000 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue at
the end of each period.

The net asset value per ZDP share is based on net ZDP shareholders' funds of
#16,148,000 (28 February 2003: #15,168,000; and 31 August 2003: #15,823,000) and
on 13,139,100 (28 February 2003 and 31 August 2003: 13,424,100) ZDP shares,
being the number of ZDP shares in issue, on a Group basis, at 29 February 2004.

3. Net asset value per share on an FRS 4 basis

The net asset value per annuity share is based on net annuity shareholders'
funds of #27,700,000 (28 February 2003: #25,150,000; and 31 August 2003:
#26,425,000) and on 30,000,000 annuity shares, being the number of annuity
shares in issue at the end of each period.

The net asset value per ordinary share is based on net ordinary shareholders'
funds of #5,907,000 (28 February 2003: loss of #4,044,000; and 31 August 2003:
#3,065,000) and on 70,000,000 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary
shares in issue at the end of each period.

The net asset value per ZDP share is based on net ZDP shareholders' funds of
#16,148,000 (28 February 2003: #15,168,000; and 31 August 2003: #15,823,000) and
on 13,424,100 (28 February 2003 and 31 August 2003: 13,424,100) ZDP shares,
being the number of ZDP shares in issue at 29 February 2004.

4. 2003 Accounts

The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 August 2003 are
extracted from the latest published accounts of the Group and do not constitute
statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and included the report of the Auditors which was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or 237
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The interim report will be issued to shareholders in early June 2004 and further
copies will be available from the Company's registered office at 55 Moorgate,
London EC2R 6PA.

 BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited

28 MAY 2004

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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