RNS Number:3302S
Seymour Pierce Group PLC
21 November 2003

Date             21 November 2003

Contact          Keith Harris, Chairman             020 7107 8000
                 Patrick Ingram, Finance Director   020 7107 8000
                 Seymour Pierce Group Plc

                 David Bick/Chris Steele            020 7929 5599
                 Holborn                            david.bick@holbornpr.co.uk

                            SEYMOUR PIERCE GROUP Plc

                              PRELIMINARY RESULTS
                      for the year ended 30 September 2003

During the year ended 30 September 2003 we witnessed an improvement in stock
market conditions. After a thorough assessment of our activities we have
restricted the scope of our business to operations generating recurrent fee
income. I am pleased to report on our results for the year.


Turnover in the year to 30 September 2003 fell from #20m to #17m as a result of
poor market conditions in the first half and the subsequent sale of businesses,
in particular of the investment banking unit which completed at the beginning of
the fourth quarter. Operating costs were lowered substantially across the Group.

The Group's remaining operating businesses, Pavilion Asset Management and Rowan,
returned a combined profit before tax and exceptional items of #1,249,000
against a loss of #643,000 in 2002; and businesses now disposed of or closed
reduced their losses before tax and exceptional items to #204,000, compared to
#3.2m in the previous year. The Group's retained loss for the year was reduced
to #7.5m (2002: loss #29.7m). No dividend will be proposed for the year (2002:


Pavilion Asset Management, the Group's institutional asset management business,
saw its revenues in the year rise by 20% and reduced its operating costs by a
similar proportion, producing a profit before tax and exceptional items of
#818,000 on turnover of almost #4m (2002: loss #963,000, turnover #3.3m).  This
was a pleasing outcome under the circumstances, particularly since most of the
cost savings were in effect for only a part of the period.

Rowan, which provides discretionary portfolio management and financial advice,
has succeeded in remaining profitable throughout the last three years and has
achieved some promising organic growth.  The business recorded a profit before
tax, goodwill and exceptional items of #431,000, an increase of 35%, on turnover
up 18% to #3.6m.

Strategic Review

Today the UK stock market stands approximately 10% above its level at the time
of the last Annual Report, although it had fallen to a seven year low during
this period.  Market sentiment and investor confidence were particularly badly
affected by the uncertainty surrounding the war in Iraq.

A year ago the Board, faced with these highly volatile market conditions, and a
sharp fall in the Company's share price, embarked on a strategic review which
contemplated the sale or closure of a number of our operations. The intention
was to preserve value and to return surplus cash to shareholders.

Disposals & Closures

The Group has made several disposals in the year and closed a number of

The investment banking business was sold to Alchemy Partners and a management
team for #7.35m.  This business lost #490,000 in the previous year and made a
profit of #299,000 in the period to 11 July 2003, the effective date of

A number of subsidiary businesses, which were making unacceptable losses, namely
Seymour Pierce Bell, the regional stockbroker, Seymour Pierce Green, the private
banking operation, and Asymmetric Capital Management, an associated company,
were disposed of for small amounts which brought these losses to an end.
Pavilion Capital, the multi manager hedge fund operator also ceased activity,
unable to make progress in a fiercely competitive, high cost environment and
after posting significant losses. Two other small businesses were also closed.


It remains our intention to return surplus cash to our shareholders and we will
shortly be issuing a circular to shareholders explaining this process in more

The value embedded in the Group after a return of surplus cash will comprise
chiefly its asset management operations as well as certain legacy stakes in a
number of unquoted and early stage investments: the latter are collectively
shown in our balance sheet at #227,000.

A continuation of positive stock market conditions and cost cutting measures now
sees the Group trading profitably for the first time since 2000.  Our asset
management operations have the opportunity to win new clients to add to revenues
and profits, and we now look to the future with some optimism.

Change of Name

Following the disposal of the investment banking business it is the intention of
the Board to seek shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting for a
change in the name of the Company to Investment Management Holdings plc.

Board of Directors

Given the relative size of the ongoing Group and the rationalisation of
operations a corresponding restructuring and reduction of the Board will be set
out in the forthcoming circular regarding the return of capital.

Keith Harris
21 November 2003

Seymour Pierce Group Plc
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 30 September 2003
                                                                                      2003               2002
                                                                                     #'000              #'000 
                                                                               (Unaudited)          (Audited)

   Continuing operations                                                             7,607              6,359
   Discontinued operations                                                           9,835             14,076

                                                                                    17,442             20,435
Operating costs                                                                   (18,825)           (29,449)
Goodwill amortisation                                                                (675)            (1,208)
Goodwill write down (exceptional)                                                  (1,489)           (17,957)
Write down of fixed asset investments (exceptional)                                  (185)            (6,605)
Write down of current asset investments (exceptional)                              (1,251)                  -
Restructuring and other charges (exceptional)                                      (4,312)            (5,673)

Operating loss                                                                     (9,295)           (40,457)
   Continuing operations                                                           (8,994)           (38,144)
   Discontinued operations                                                           (301)            (2,313)
Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments                                        1,467              8,618
Other income                                                                           173                  -
Share of associate's results                                                             -              (382)
Interest receivable                                                                    631                720
Interest payable                                                                     (149)              (241)

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                        (7,173)           (31,742)
Tax (charge)/credit on loss on ordinary activities                                   (357)                699

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation                                         (7,530)           (31,043)
Minority interest                                                                        -              1,362

Loss for the financial year                                                        (7,530)           (29,681)
Dividends                                                                                -                  -

Retained loss for the financial year                                               (7,530)           (29,681)

Loss per share                                                                     (1.03p)            (5.35p)
Diluted loss per share                                                             (0.97p)            (5.05p)

Seymour Pierce Group Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
30 September 2003
                                                                                      2003                2002
                                                                                     #'000               #'000 
                                                                               (Unaudited)           (Audited)
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                                    5,678               4,193
Tangible assets                                                                        128                 789
Investments                                                                            592               1,645

                                                                                     6,398               6,627
Current assets
Investments                                                                             25               2,816
Debtors                                                                              2,260               6,358
Cash at bank and in hand                                                            18,171              22,544

                                                                                    20,456              31,718

Creditors: amount falling due within one year                                      (3,065)             (8,601)

Net current assets                                                                  17,391              23,117

Total assets less current liabilities                                               23,789              29,744

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
Other long term creditors                                                          (1,588)               (457)
Minority interest                                                                        -               (308)

                                                                                   (1,588)               (765)

Provisions for liabilities and charges
Restructuring charges                                                              (1,816)             (1,639)
Deferred taxation                                                                        -               (191)

Share of deficit in associate                                                            -               (382)

Net assets                                                                          20,385              26,767

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                              7,505               7,308
Share premium                                                                       46,438              45,692
Revaluation reserve                                                                      -                 446
Profit and loss account                                                           (33,558)            (26,679)

Equity shareholders' funds                                                          20,385              26,767

Seymour Pierce Group Plc

Notes to the Preliminary Results

1. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                                                    2003             2002
                                                                                   #'000            #'000

Retained loss for the financial year                                             (7,530)         (29,681)
Ordinary share capital subscribed and issued                                         943           33,873
Transfer from deferred tax provision                                                 191                -
Foreign currency translation                                                          14              (8)

Net (reduction in)/addition to equity shareholders' fund                         (6,382)            4,184

Equity shareholders' funds at 1 October                                           26,767           22,583

Equity shareholders' funds at 30 September                                        20,385           26,767

2. Segmental analysis of turnover, profit or loss before tax and net assets

Analyses by class of business of turnover, profit/(loss) before tax and net
assets are as follows:
                                                Turnover             Profit/(loss)          Net assets
                                                                       before tax
                                                 2003       2002       2003        2002       2003        2002
Class of business                               #'000      #'000      #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000
Pavilion Asset Management Limited               3,989      3,307        818       (963)      2,377       1,534
Rowan & Co. Capital Management PLC              3,618      3,052        431         320        942       1,726
Group administration                                -          -    (1,773)     (5,261)     15,906      16,860
Subsidiaries not trading at year end              590      1,243      (282)     (1,081)      1,160       1,145
Subsidiaries disposed of in the year            9,245     12,833         78     (2,090)          -       5,502
Share of deficit in associate                       -          -          -       (382)          -           -
Exceptional items, goodwill and disposal            -          -    (6,445)    (22,285)          -           -
of fixed asset investments

                                               17,442     20,435    (7,173)    (31,742)     20,385      26,767

The Group operates almost exclusively in the United Kingdom.

3. Disposal of subsidiaries

In the year ended 30 September 2003, the Group disposed of subsidiaries with net
assets of #5,378,000.  Consideration amounted to #7,657,000 resulting in a
profit on disposal of #1,554,000.
                                                               Seymour     *Seymour      Seymour        Total
                                                                Pierce Pierce Green  Pierce Bell
                                                           Limited and                   Limited        #'000
                                                               Seymour        #'000
                                                          Pierce Ellis                     #'000

Net assets disposed
Fixed assets                                                       429          129           43          601
Investments                                                      1,197            -            -        1,197
Debtors                                                          2,529          437          371        3,337
Cash                                                             2,566           34           70        2,670
Creditors                                                      (1,984)        (357)         (97)      (2,438)
Inter company balances                                               -           11            -           11

Net assets disposed                                              4,737          254          387        5,378
Unamortised goodwill                                               181          544            -          725
Profit/(loss) on disposal                                        2,437        (496)        (387)        1,554

Cash consideration receivable                                    7,355          302            -        7,657

Goodwill previously written off                                  8,661        4,202            -       12,863

Date of disposal                                               11 July      30 Sept       4 June
                                                                  2003         2003         2003

*Seymour Pierce Investment Management Limited, Seymour Pierce Advisory Services
Limited and other businesses within the Group's private banking business.

On 30 April 2003 agreement was completed for the sale of antfactory Investments
BV, a subsidiary company, to antfactory Investments Holdings BV, an unconnected
company, which assumed an intercompany liability owed by the Group of #5.8m in
consideration. No cash consideration was received. antfactory Investments BV was
the vehicle through which the Group held residual early stage investments
acquired as part of the acquisition of antfactory Holdings Ltd on 12 February
2002 and which were fully provided against at 30 September 2002. The company had
no other assets.

4. Announcement based on draft accounts

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 2003 or 2002.  The
financial information for the year ended 30 September 2002 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that period which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The Auditors reported on those accounts, their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2003
will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the
Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the Company's annual general meeting.

Copies of the statutory accounts are to be sent to shareholders and will be
available to the public at the registered office of Seymour Pierce Group Plc,
1st Floor, 31 Southampton Row, London WC1B 5HT, as well as on the Group's
website, www.seymourpiercegroup.com.

                                    - ENDS -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange