VANCOUVER, April 18, 2018 /CNW/ - Blind Creek
Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BCK) – ("Blind Creek" or the "Company")
reports the Company has received a metallurgical testing report
from BV Minerals - Metallurgical Division for the Company's
potentially open pit Blende Zinc-Lead-Silver Project, situated 64
kilometres northeast of Keno Hill, Yukon, Canada.

In November, 2017 Mr. Frank
Wright, P.Eng., commenced a preliminary four month staged
metallurgical test program entailing characterization and
optimization studies for comminution, dense media separation (DMS),
flotation, liquid/solid (LS) separation and concentrate
characterization on 175 kilograms of mineralized split drill core
samples obtained from the Blende Deposit, which had been stored on
site for several years. Despite an elevated extent of sulphide
oxidation the test results showed a good response using
conventional mineral processing procedures. Head grades ranged from
1.5% to 5.4% for lead, 1.5% to 3.5% for zinc, along with 17 to 65
g/t for silver. Based on the ratio of sulphide to total sulphur
analysis the extent of oxidation ranged from 32% to 92%. Studies
concluded the Blende Deposit has an average oxide content of 21%
which allows for recovery of both sulfides and oxides at the
recoveries used in the recently released Blende National Instrument
(NI) 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate. (News Release April 11, 2018)
As a means of pre-concentration prior to milling, Blende
metallurgical samples were subjected to DMS at a pre-screened
particle size from ¼" (6.3 mm) to 1" (25 mm). The samples
responded favorably with the grades of the concentrate close to
double that of the DMS feed grades. When including screened fines,
the metal recovery ranged from 85% to 90% for lead; and 82% to 86%
for zinc, while rejecting approximately half the feed mass.
Differential flotation performed on the drill core samples also
provided an encouraging initial response without the need for fine
grinding. While further optimization is required, a satisfactory
response was evident at a relatively moderate grind of a particle
size distribution 80% passing 110 microns. Locked cycle and
continuous testing flotation was not performed for this initial
portion of testing on the Blende samples. The estimated flotation
recoveries are from the open cycle tests, which include cleaner
tailing that are recycled in a locked cycle or continuous circuit.
For zinc, this recovery was more challenged than lead, likely due
to oxidation resulting in a portion of the zinc reporting to the
lead concentrate, despite use of depressant and pH control. For the
samples tested this resulted in an average estimated ~70% zinc
recovery to the zinc float concentrate. Lead float recoveries for
this test program were approximately 85%, at a corresponding
concentrate grade of ~60% lead. Most of the silver, as would
be desired for maximum smelter payments, report to the lead
concentrate, with a total silver recovery of 90%, at a grade of up
to 823 g/t silver into the lead concentrate, depending on the head
Mr. Wright, P.Eng. states "With further evaluation the process
response can be expected to improve on these results with ongoing
project advancement. In part this would be due to evaluating
more representative mineralized samples taken at depth that are
shown to have a lower extent of sulphide oxidation. In turn
that should improve process performance as compared to these more
highly oxidized samples that had been stored on surface.
Regardless, metallurgical test results to date provide an
encouraging indication that the Blende mineralogy will respond well
to standard process techniques."
Blende NI 43-101 Resource Highlights
Indicated Resource – Contained Metal
159 Million lbs. Zinc
157 Million lbs. Lead
4.19 Million oz. Silver
Inferred Resource – Contained Metal
1.461 Billion lbs. Zinc
1.364 Billion lbs. Lead
33.98 Million oz. Silver
The Blende Project is a potential bulk tonnage, open pit
approach that offers some distinct cost advantages to other
advanced lead-zinc projects in Canada, which are typically underground.
Blende Resource mineralization outcrops at surface, is confined to
2 pit shapes approximately 2 kilometres apart (view map) and
remains open in areas northwest, southeast and below the
"reasonable prospects of economic extraction" open pit shapes
within the 8 kilometre-long mineralized corridor, including the
outer Far West, Far East and Shanghai discoveries. A drill program to
extend the mineralization along strike and down-dip will start in
2018 (fully permitted) to test these potential open pit
The Base Case Mineral Resource is reported in Table 1.
Table 1. Base Case Mineral Resource (at NSR cutoff
grade of $CDN39.35 (ZnEq=2%))
Cutoff ZincEq
situ Tonnage (ktonnes)
In situ
In situ Metal
ZincEq (%)
NSR ($CDN/t)
Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have
demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that mineral
resources will be converted into mineral reserves.
The Blende Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared by Moose
Mountain Technical Services (MMTS), an independent mining
consulting company.
The Zinc Equivalent (ZnEq) and Net Smelter Return (NSR) metal
price assumptions of: $US1.20/lb
zinc, $US1.00/lb lead, and
$US19.00/oz silver and an exchange
rate of US$0.80 = $1CDN. Metal recovery assumptions are: 70% zinc,
85% lead and 90% silver (10% to zinc concentrate and 80% to lead
concentrate). Payables based on comparable smelter terms and a 3%
Royalty are; 85% zinc, 95% lead and 80% silver.
ZnEQ = Zn% + (Pb% * 1.0 * 0.85 * 0.95)/(1.2 * 0.70 * 0.85) +
(Aggpt/31.1034 * 19 * 0.90 * 0.80)/(1.2 * 0.70 * 0.85 *
Mining costs used for the "reasonable prospects of economic
extraction" pit shapes are CDN$1.88/tonne for all material within the
potential open pits. Processing, G&A, Surface Services
and Tailings costs used have a total of CDN $37.50/tonne material milled. Costs are
based on comparable Zn-Pb-Ag projects in North America. The
exchange rate is US$0.80 = CDN
$1. Open pit slopes are 45
Geologic domains are modelled based on faulting, lithology and
grade distribution. Four domains have been modelled, with
assays composted to 3m intervals
honoring domain boundaries and capped by domain based on cumulative
probability plots. Zinc, lead and silver grades have been
interpolated using Ordinary Kriging (OK).
Indicated Resources must contain at least two drill holes within
30m of the block. Inferred Resources
have at least 2 drill holes within 120% of the Variogram Range,
with extrapolation of the data limited.
Density values are based on a correlation of (Zn+Pb) grades and
re-assayed intervals from a sampling program undertaken in the
summer of 2017.
A supporting 43-101 Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR
( and on the Blind Creek website
( no later than May 25th, 2018.
Qualified Persons
Ms. Sue Bird, P.Eng., Principal
at MMTS is independent of Blind Creek Ltd. and a 'Qualified Person'
(Q.P.) as defined under Canadian National Instrument NI 43-101. Ms.
Bird is responsible for the Mineral Resource Estimate and directly
related information in this news release. Mr. Frank Wright, P.Eng., of F. Wright Consulting
Inc. and a Qualified Person (Q.P.) as defined by National
Instrument 43-101 is responsible for the Metallurgical Studies and
directly related information in this news release. Mr. Bob Morris, P.Geo, Principal Geologist of MMTS
and a Qualified Person (Q.P.) as defined by National Instrument
43-101, is responsible for all other technical information
(information not directly related to the Mineral Resource Estimate
and Metallurgical studies) in this news release. Technical aspects
of this news release have been reviewed and approved by Ms. Bird,
Mr. Wright and Mr. Morris.
About Blind Creek Resources Ltd.
Blind Creek is a Vancouver-based junior resource company
focused on lead-zinc-silver project acquisition, exploration and
development. The Company's flagship property is the Blende Deposit
in north-central Yukon, the
largest carbonate-hosted zinc-lead-silver deposit in Yukon Territory (M. Robinson and C.I. Godwin, Economic Geology
More recently the Company has signed an agreement to acquire a
100% interest in the AB Property, a mid-stage Mississippi Valley
(MV-Type) Zinc-Lead exploration property in Northwest Territories and announced its
intention to spin out its 100%-owned, Historic and fully-permitted
Engineer Gold Mine Property, situated 32 km southwest of
Atlin, B.C.
For additional information please visit the company website
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Mr. Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo.
Nelson Da Silva – Manager
Corporate Communications
(604) 722-0041
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SOURCE Blind Creek Resources Ltd.