BUDAPEST--Magyar Telekom Nyrt. (MTELEKOM.BU), Hungary's leading
Hungarian telecommunications service provider, said Thursday that
it acquired nine smaller cable networks in Hungary during 2013 for
a total of 850 million forints ($3.9 million)
Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE.XE) holds a 59.3% stake in Magyar
- With a combined household coverage of 33,000, these cable
companies have the capability of providing TV, fixed broadband and
voice services on their networks.
- These transactions will further strengthen Magyar Telekom's
high-speed internet coverage and market position, in line with the
company's corporate strategy.
- Total consideration for these acquisitions amounted to about
HUF850 million with an average valuation based on an estimated 2014
EV/Ebitda multiple of about 3.
Write to Margit Feher at
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