RNS Number : 0928P 
Banco Santander S.A. 
08 July 2010 
Annex DTR3 
Notification of Transactions of Directors/Persons Discharging Managerial 
Responsibility and Connected Persons 
All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters. 
| 1.| Name of the issuer        | 2.| State whether the         | 
|  |                           |  | notification relates to   | 
|  | BANCO SANTANDER, S.A.     |  | (i) a                     | 
|  |                           |  | transaction notified in   | 
|  |                           |  | accordance with DTR 3.1.2 | 
|  |                           |  | R,                        | 
|  |                           |  | (ii) a disclosure made in | 
|  |                           |  | accordance                | 
|  |                           |  | LR 9.8.6R(1) or           | 
|  |                           |  | (iii) a disclosure made   | 
|  |                           |  | in accordance with        | 
|  |                           |  | section 793 of the        | 
|  |                           |  | Companies Act (2006).     | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  | (i).                      | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 3.| Name of person            | 4.| State whether             | 
|  | discharging managerial    |  | notification relates to a | 
|  | responsibilities/director |  | person                    | 
|  |                           |  | connected with a person   | 
|  | MR. ALFREDO SAENZ ABAD,   |  | discharging managerial    | 
|  | DIRECTOR OF THE ISSUER.   |  | responsibilities/director | 
|  |                           |  | named in 3 and identify   | 
|  |                           |  | the connected person      | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  | THIS NOTIFICATION RELATES | 
|  |                           |  | TO MR. ALFREDO SAENZ      | 
|  |                           |  | ABAD.                     | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 5.| Indicate whether the      | 6.| Description of shares     | 
|  | notification is in        |  | (including class),        | 
|  | respect of a holding of   |  | debentures or derivatives | 
|  | the person referred to in |  | or financial instruments  | 
|  | 3 or 4 above or in        |  | relating to shares        | 
|  | respect of a              |  |                           | 
|  | nonbeneficial             |  | ORDINARY SHARES OF 0.50   | 
|  | interest 1                |  | EURO NOMINAL VALUE.       | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  | AS IN 4 ABOVE.            |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 7.| Name of registered        | 8.| State the nature of the   | 
|  | shareholders(s) and, if   |  | transactions              | 
|  | more than one, the number |  |                           | 
|  | of shares held by each of |  | SHARES GRANTED UNDER LONG | 
|  | them                      |  | TERM INCENTIVE PLAN NAMED | 
|  |                           |  | "I-09" WHICH WAS APPROVED | 
|  | HOLD AFTER THE            |  | GENERAL SHAREHOLDER'S     | 
|  | THIS NOTIFICATION A TOTAL |  | 2007.                     | 
|  | OF 2,184,200 SHARES,      |  |                           | 
|  | WHICH REPRESENT 0.027% OF |  |                           | 
|  | THE ISSUER'S SHARE        |  |                           | 
|  | (CAPITAL NOT TAKING INTO  |  |                           | 
|  | ACCOUNT TREASURY STOCK).  |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 9.| Number of shares,         | 10.| Percentage of issued      | 
|  | debentures or financial   |  | class acquired (treasury  | 
|  | instruments relating to   |  | shares of that class      | 
|  | shares acquired           |  | should not be taken into  | 
|  |                           |  | account when calculating  | 
|  | SEE 8 ABOVE.              |  | percentage)               | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  | 0.001%.                   | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 11.| Number of shares,         | 12.| Percentage of issued      | 
|  | debentures or financial   |  | class disposed (treasury  | 
|  | instruments relating to   |  | shares of that class      | 
|  | shares disposed           |  | should not be taken into  | 
|  |                           |  | account when calculating  | 
|  |                           |  | percentage)               | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 13.| Price per share or value  | 14.| Date and place of         | 
|  | of transactions           |  | transaction               | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  | GRANTED 85,921 SHARES     |  | 05 JULY 2010.             | 
|  | VALUED @ EUR 8.77 PER     |  | SEE 8 ABOVE.              | 
|  | SHARE. SHARES WERE        |  |                           | 
|  | DELIVERED FREE OF         |  |                           | 
|  | PAYMENT.                  |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 15.| Total holding following   | 16.| Date issuer informed of   | 
|  | notification and total    |  | transaction               | 
|  | percentage holding        |  |                           | 
|  | following notification    |  |                           | 
|  | (any treasury shares      |  | 08 JULY 2010.             | 
|  | should not be taken into  |  |                           | 
|  | account when calculating  |  |                           | 
|  | percentage)               |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  | REPRESENTING 0.027% OF    |  |                           | 
|  | THE ISSUER'S SHARE        |  |                           | 
|  | (CAPITAL NOT TAKING INTO  |  |                           | 
|  | ACCOUNT TREASURY STOCK).  |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
If a person discharging managerial responsibilities has been granted options by 
the issuer 
complete the following boxes 
| 17.| Date of grant             | 18.| Period during which or    | 
|  |                           |  | date on which exercisable | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 19.| Total amount paid (if     | 20.| Description of shares or  | 
|  | any) for grant of the     |  | debentures involved       | 
|  | option                    |  | (class and number)        | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 21.| Exercise price (if fixed  | 22.| Total number of shares or | 
|  | at time of grant) or      |  | debentures over which     | 
|  | indication that price is  |  | options held following    | 
|  | to be fixed at the time   |  | notification              | 
|  | of exercise               |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| 23.| Any additional            | 24.| Name of contact and       | 
|  | information               |  | telephone number for      | 
|  |                           |  | queries                   | 
|  | NONE.                     |  |                           | 
|  |                           |  | JESUS MARIA DIAZ DE MERA  | 
|  |                           |  | +(34) 912-897-738         | 
|  |                           |  |                           | 
| Name of authorised official of issuer responsible for making | 
| notification                                                 | 
|                                                              | 
| JOSE MANUEL DE ARALUCE                                       | 
|                                                              | 
| Date of notification                                         | 
|                                                              | 
| 08 JULY 2010                                                 | 
|                                                              | 
Notes:    This form is intended for use by an issuer to make a RIS notification 
required by DR 3.3. 
| (1)| An issuer making a notification in respect of a         | 
|  | transaction relating to the shares or debentures of the | 
|  | issuer should complete boxes 1 to 16, 23 and 24.        | 
| (2)| An issuer making a notification in respect of a         | 
|  | derivative relating the shares of the issuer should     | 
|  | complete boxes 1 to 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 23 and 24.     | 
| (3)| An issuer making a notification in respect of options   | 
|  | granted to a director/person discharging managerial     | 
|  | responsibilities should complete boxes 1 to 3 and 17 to | 
|  | 24.                                                     | 
| (4)| An issuer making a notification in respect of a         | 
|  | financial instrument relating to the shares of the      | 
|  | issuer (other than a debenture) should complete boxes 1 | 
|  | to 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 23 and 24.               | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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