RNS Number : 5666T 
Ruukki Group PLC 
30 September 2010 
07.00 London, 09.00 Helsinki, 30 September 2010 - Ruukki Group Plc, Stock 
Exchange Release 
    Chromex Shareholders and holders of Chromex Warrants should not make any 
investment decision in relation to Chromex Shares or Chromex Warrants except on 
   the basis of the information in the Offer Document which is proposed to be 
                    published by Synergy Africa in due course 
Embargoed until 7.00 a.m. UK time, 9.00 a.m. Finnish time on 30 September 2010 
                                                               30 September 2010 
                             RECOMMENDED CASH OFFER 
                             Synergy Africa Limited 
   a company 51 per cent. owned by Ruukki Group Plc and 49 per cent. owned by 
                                 Kermas Limited 
                               Chromex Mining Plc 
Summary of the Offer 
?             The boards of Ruukki, Kermas and Chromex are today pleased to 
announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash 
offer by Synergy Africa to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share 
capital of Chromex. 
?             Synergy Africa is a newly incorporated company, 51 per cent. owned 
by Ruukki and 49 per cent. owned by Kermas, which has been established for the 
purposes of making the Offer. 
?             The Offer will be on the basis of 36.5 pence per Chromex Share. 
?             The Offer values the entire issued and to be issued share capital 
of Chromex at approximately GBP37.0 million and represents: 
o  a premium of 82.5 per cent. to the Closing Price of 20 pence per Chromex 
Share on 14 July (being the last Business Day prior to the commencement of the 
Offer Period); and 
o  a premium of 83.4 per cent. to the average Closing Price during the 90 day 
trading period up to and including 14 July 2010 (being the last Business Day 
prior to the commencement of the Offer Period). 
?             Synergy Africa also intends to make an offer to acquire the 
Chromex Warrants on the basis of 16.5 pence per Chromex Warrant in cash and will 
make appropriate proposals to holders of Chromex Share Options as soon as 
practicable after the Offer Document has been published. 
?             The Chromex Directors, who have been so advised by Panmure Gordon, 
consider the terms of the Offer and the Warrant Offer to be fair and reasonable. 
In providing advice to the Chromex Directors, Panmure Gordon has taken into 
account the Chromex Directors' commercial assessments. The Chromex Directors 
intend to recommend unanimously that Chromex Shareholders accept the Offer and 
that holders of Chromex Warrants accept the Warrant Offer, as the Chromex 
Directors and their connected parties have irrevocably undertaken to do so in 
respect of their own beneficial holdings in Chromex comprising, in aggregate, 
10,050,000 Chromex Shares, representing in aggregate approximately 11.3 per 
cent. of the existing issued share capital of Chromex. 
?             In addition, Synergy Africa has received irrevocable undertakings 
to accept, or procure the acceptance of, the Offer from certain other Chromex 
Shareholders in respect of, in aggregate, 35,975,000 Chromex Shares, 
representing approximately 40.4 per cent. of Chromex's existing issued share 
capital. Accordingly, Synergy Africa has received irrevocable undertakings to 
accept, or procure the acceptance of, the Offer in respect of, in aggregate, 
46,025,000 Chromex Shares, representing approximately 51.7 per cent. of 
Chromex's existing issued share capital. Langa Trust has given an irrevocable 
undertaking to exercise its subscription rights under the Langa Trust 
Convertible Loan Subscription Agreement and accept the Offer in respect of the 
resulting Chromex Shares acquired by it, after the Offer has been declared or 
otherwise becomes unconditional in all respects. Further details of the 
irrevocable undertakings are set out in Appendix III to the Announcement 
including details of the circumstances in which each of the irrevocable 
undertakings will lapse. 
This summary should be read in conjunction with, and is subject to, the full 
text of the following Announcement (including its appendices). Certain 
information on Chromex, Ruukki, Kermas and Synergy Africa is set out in the 
Announcement together with the conditions and certain terms of the Offer which 
are set out in Appendix I. Appendix II contains the sources and bases of certain 
information used in this summary and in the following Announcement. Appendix III 
gives more detail on the irrevocable undertakings received by Synergy Africa. 
Appendix IV contains definitions of certain terms used in this summary and the 
following Announcement. 
Further information on the Offer, Chromex, Ruukki, Kermas and Synergy Africa, 
and the expected timetable of principal events will be set out in the Offer 
Document which will be published as soon as practicable and, in any event, 
except with the consent of the Panel, within 28 days of this Announcement. 
Commenting on the Offer, Alwyn Smit, Chief Executive Officer of Ruukki, said: 
"The acquisition of Chromex is a logical transaction as it achieves all three of 
our strategic objectives; it completes the vertical integration of our South 
African business, it increases our production capacity and it expands our market 
share. By acquiring an accessible, sizeable resource base and a producing mine 
at Stellite, we are consolidating our presence in one of the world's premier 
chromite mining regions, adding immediate value to our existing operations and 
laying the foundations for future growth. 
Looking ahead to the medium term, Chromex provides a critical building block for 
our processing growth plans, particularly the construction of two 70MW DC 
furnaces, which will have a planned combined annual capacity of up to 280,000 
tonnes, and we will be examining the opportunity for building these DC furnaces 
at Stellite." 
Commenting on the Offer, Russell Lamming, Chief Executive of Chromex, said: 
"Naturally we are delighted to have received this all cash offer for Chromex. 
Chromex has developed into a cash generative chrome producer in southern Africa 
with assets that now require further investment and returns on this investment 
will take several years. In addition to the large premium to Chromex's recent 
share price, the offer removes the uncertainties inherent in any further 
investment by Chromex shareholders, who will be achieving a significant and 
certain return on their investment immediately. I am very pleased to be able to 
announce this offer and to recommend it to our shareholders." 
Ruukki Group Plc / Synergy Africa Limited 
Alwyn Smit                                                           Tel: +44 
(0)20 7368 6763 
Alex Buck, IR                                                        Tel: 
+44(0)7932 740 452 
Investec Bank plc (financial advisers to Ruukki and Synergy Africa) 
David Currie                                                          Tel: 
+44(0)20 7597 5970 
Patrick Robb 
Daniel Adams 
Stephen Cooper 
Pelham Bell Pottinger (PR advisers for Ruukki and Synergy Africa) 
Charles Vivian                                                      Tel: +44 
(0)20 7861 3126 
James MacFarlane                                               Tel: +44 (0)20 
7861 3864 
Chromex Mining plc 
Russell Lamming                                                  Tel: +44 (0) 
7810 870587 
Brian Moritz                                                          Tel: +44 
(0) 7976 994300 
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited (financial advisers to Chromex) 
Dominic Morley                                                   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
7459 3600 
Callum Stewart 
Grishma Patel 
St Brides Media & Finance (PR advisers for Chromex) 
Hugo de Salis                                                       Tel: +44 (0) 
20 7236 1177 
Felicity Edwards 
A conference call for investors, analysts and media will be held at 10.00 UK 
time today, 30 September 2010 and the presentation is available on the Ruukki 
website at www.ruukkigroup.fi. To access the call, please dial-in at least 10 
minutes beforehand and quote the reference: 720046# 
UK Toll-Free                                                         0800 376 
Finland Toll-Free                                                  0800 115 351 
South Africa Toll-Free                                        0800 983 092 
International Toll                                                 +44 (0)20 
7075 6551 
A replay facility will be available for one week after the call, using the 
reference: 275785#, please dial: 
UK Toll-Free                                                         0808 238 
International Toll                                                 +44 (0)20 
3364 5943 
The Offer Document and (in the case of Chromex Shares or Chromex Warrants held 
in certificated form) the relevant Form of Acceptance will be posted to Chromex 
Shareholders and holders of Chromex Warrants as soon as practicable and, in any 
event, except with the consent of the Panel, within 28 days of this 
Announcement, other than in relation to a Restricted Jurisdiction. A copy of the 
Offer Document will also be made available on Chromex's and Ruukki's websites. 
The Chromex Directors accept responsibility for the information contained in 
this Announcement relating to the Chromex Group, themselves and their immediate 
families and connected persons. The Synergy Africa Directors, the Ruukki 
Directors and the Kermas Directors each accept responsibility for all of the 
other information contained in this Announcement. To the best of the knowledge 
and belief of the Synergy Africa Directors, the Ruukki Directors, the Kermas 
Directors and the Chromex Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to 
ensure that such is the case) the information contained in the following 
Announcement for which they are respectively responsible is in accordance with 
the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such 
Investec Bank plc, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by 
the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Ruukki and Synergy 
Africa and no one else in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer and 
will not be responsible to anyone other than Ruukki and Synergy Africa for 
providing the protections afforded to clients of Investec Bank plc or for 
providing advice in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer. 
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United 
Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Chromex 
and no one else in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer and will not 
be responsible to anyone other than Chromex for providing the protections 
afforded to clients of Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited or for providing advice in 
relation to the Offer and the Warrant Offer. 
The release, publication or distribution of the following Announcement in 
jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by law and, 
therefore, any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other 
than the United Kingdom should inform themselves about, and observe, any 
applicable requirements. The following Announcement has been prepared in 
accordance with English law and the Code and information disclosed may not be 
the same as that which would have been prepared in accordance with the laws of 
jurisdictions outside England. 
The following Announcement does not constitute an offer or an invitation to 
purchase or subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of any vote or 
approval in any jurisdiction pursuant to the Offer, the Warrant Offer or 
otherwise. The Offer and the Warrant Offer will be made solely by means of the 
Offer Document, an advertisement to be published in the London Gazette and the 
Form of Acceptance (in respect of Chromex Shares in certificated form), which 
will contain the full terms and conditions of the Offer and the Warrant Offer, 
including details of how the Offer and the Warrant Offer  may be accepted. Any 
acceptance or other response to the Offer or the Warrant Offer should be made 
only on the basis of the information in the Offer Document and the Form of 
Acceptance (in the case of Chromex Shares in certificated form). 
Unless otherwise determined by Synergy Africa and permitted by applicable law 
and regulation, the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be made, directly or 
indirectly, in or into, or by the use of the mail or by any means or 
instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephonically or 
electronically) of interstate or foreign commerce, or any facility of a national 
securities exchange, of a Restricted Jurisdiction (including the United States, 
Canada, Australia or Japan) and the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be 
capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility or 
from within a Restricted Jurisdiction. Accordingly, copies of the following 
Announcement are not being, and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed or 
otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in or into or from a Restricted 
Jurisdiction and persons receiving the following Announcement (including, 
without limitation, custodians, nominees and trustees) must not mail or 
otherwise forward, distribute or send it in or into or from a Restricted 
Jurisdiction. Doing so may render invalid any purported acceptance of the Offer 
or the Warrant Offer. The availability of the Offer and the Warrant Offer to 
persons who are not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws 
of the relevant jurisdictions. Persons who are not resident in the United 
Kingdom should inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements. 
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is "interested" in 1 per cent. or 
more of any class of "relevant securities" of an offeree company or of any paper 
offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been 
announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an 
"Opening Position Disclosure" following the commencement of the "offer period" 
and, if later, following the announcement in which any paper offeror is first 
identified. An "Opening Position Disclosure" must contain details of the 
person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any 
"relevant securities" of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper 
offeror(s). An "Opening Position Disclosure" by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) 
applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business 
day following the commencement of the "offer period" and, if appropriate, by no 
later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the 
announcement in which any paper offeror is first identified. Relevant persons 
who "deal" in the" relevant securities" of the offeree company or of a paper 
offeror prior to the deadline for making an "Opening Position Disclosure" must 
instead make a Dealing Disclosure. 
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Takeover Code, any person who is, or 
becomes,"interested" in 1 per cent. or more of any class of "relevant 
securities" of the offeree company or of any paper offeror must make a "Dealing 
Disclosure" if the person "deals" in any relevant securities of the offeree 
company or of any paper offeror. A "Dealing Disclosure" must contain details of 
the "dealing"concerned and of the person's interests and short positions in, and 
rights to subscribe for, any "relevant securities" of each of (i) the offeree 
company and (ii) any paper offeror, save to the extent that these details have 
previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A "Dealing Disclosure" by a person to 
whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on 
the business day following the date of the relevant dealing. 
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, 
whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant 
securities of an offeree company or a paper offeror, they will be deemed to be a 
single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
"Opening Position Disclosures" must also be made by the offeree company and by 
any offeror and "Dealing Disclosures" must also be made by the offeree company, 
by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 
8.1, 8.2 and 8.4). 
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant 
securities "Opening Position Disclosures" and "Dealing Disclosures" must be made 
can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Panel's website at 
www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant 
securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was 
first identified. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make 
an "Opening Position Disclosure" or a "Dealing Disclosure", you should contact 
the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. 
Terms in quotation marks are defined in the Code, which can also be found on the 
Panel's website. 
Copies of this Announcement can be found at Ruukki's and Chromex's websites at 
www.ruukkigroup.fi and www.chromexmining.co.uk respectively. 
Embargoed until 7.00 a.m. UK time, 9.00 a.m. Finnish time on 30 September 2010 
                                                               30 September 2010 
                             RECOMMENDED CASH OFFER 
                             Synergy Africa Limited 
   a company 51 per cent. owned by Ruukki Group Plc and 49 per cent. owned by 
                                 Kermas Limited 
                               Chromex Mining Plc 
1.             Introduction 
The boards of Ruukki, Kermas and Chromex are today pleased to announce the terms 
of a recommended cash offer to be made by Synergy Africa, to acquire the entire 
issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Chromex. 
2.             The Offer 
The Offer, which will be subject to the conditions and further terms set out in 
Appendix I to this Announcement, in the Offer Document and (in respect of 
Chromex Shares in certificated form only) in the Form of Acceptance, will be 
made by Synergy Africa, on the following basis: 
36.5 pence in cash for each Chromex Share 
The Offer values the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Chromex at 
approximately GBP37.0 million. 
At 36.5 pence, the Offer represents: 
?             a premium of 82.5 per cent. to the Closing Price of 20 pence per 
Chromex Share on 14 July (being the last Business Day prior to the commencement 
of the Offer Period); and 
?             a premium of 83.4 per cent. to the average Closing Price during 
the 90 day trading period up to and including the 14 July 2010 (being the last 
Business Day prior to the commencement of the Offer Period). 
The Offer will be conditional upon, inter alia: 
·      the Offer becoming unconditional as to acceptances; 
·      Ruukki Shareholders approving the Related Party Transaction; 
·      South African competition clearance; and 
·      written confirmation from the South African Department of Mineral 
Resources that the acquisition resulting from the implementation of the Offer 
will not require the approval of the Minister of Mineral Resources under section 
11 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources development Act, No.28 of 2002 of 
South Africa (the "MPRD Act"). 
Details of the conditions and certain further terms of the Offer are set out 
below and in Appendix I to this Announcement. 
Synergy Africa also intends to make an offer to acquire the Chromex Warrants on 
the basis of 16.5 pence in cash for each Chromex Warrant held. This represents 
the difference between the 36.5 pence per Chromex Share payable under the Offer 
and the subscription price of 20 pence payable on exercise of the Chromex 
Warrants. The offer for the Chromex Warrants will be conditional only on the 
Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects. 
The expected timetable of principal events will be set out in the Offer 
Document, which will, together with the Form of Acceptance, except with the 
consent of the Panel, be posted within 28 days of this Announcement. 
3.             Irrevocable undertakings 
The Chromex Directors and their connected parties have entered into irrevocable 
undertakings to accept, or procure the acceptance of, the Offer in respect of 
their beneficial interests in Chromex Shares amounting, in aggregate, to 
10,050,000 Chromex Shares, representing approximately 11.3 per cent. of the 
existing issued ordinary share capital of Chromex. 
Synergy Africa has also received undertakings from certain other Chromex 
Shareholders to accept the Offer in respect of, in aggregate, 35,975,000 Chromex 
Shares, representing approximately 40.4 per cent. of the existing issued share 
capital of Chromex. Langa Trust has given an irrevocable undertaking to exercise 
its subscription rights under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan Subscription 
Agreement and accept the Offer in respect of the resulting Chromex Shares 
acquired by it, after the Offer has been declared or otherwise becomes 
unconditional in all respects. 
These undertakings will lapse and be of no effect if, inter alia, the Offer does 
not become or is not declared unconditional in all respects. All of these 
undertakings remain binding, even in the event of a higher competing offer for 
Chromex, unless the Offer lapses or is withdrawn. 
Further details of these irrevocable undertakings are set out in Appendix III to 
this Announcement. 
4.             Financing the Offer 
Full acceptance of the Offer, assuming the exercise of all outstanding Chromex 
Warrants, all options under the Chromex Share Options and the conversion of the 
Langa Trust Convertible Loan (including accrued interest), will result in the 
payment of approximately GBP37.0 million in cash. The cash consideration payable 
by Synergy Africa under the terms of the Offer will be funded using the cash 
resources of Ruukki and Kermas, a loan arrangement between Kermas and Ruukki 
Holdings and the committed facilities of Synergy Africa made available to 
Synergy Africa through shareholder loan arrangements between Synergy Africa and 
Ruukki Holdings and Synergy Africa and Kermas. 
Investec Bank plc (in its capacity as financial adviser to Synergy Africa) 
confirms that it is satisfied that sufficient resources are available to Synergy 
Africa to enable the satisfaction in full of the cash consideration payable as a 
result of full acceptance of the Offer. 
5.             Information on Synergy Africa, Ruukki and Kermas 
Synergy Africa is a newly incorporated joint venture company incorporated in 
England, 51 per cent. owned by Ruukki Holdings and 49 per cent owned by Kermas, 
which has been established for the purposes of making the Offer. Synergy Africa 
has not traded to date. The directors of Synergy Africa are Alwyn Smit, Alistair 
Ruiters and Dr. Danko Koncar. 
Ruukki and Kermas entered into a relationship agreement on 30 June 2010. The 
intention behind this agreement was, inter alia, to assist in the execution of 
Ruukki's strategy to operate as a vertically integrated mine-to-metals producer. 
 In line with this relationship agreement, and to provide certainty of funding, 
Ruukki, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Ruukki Holdings, and Kermas have 
entered into the joint venture. Further details on the joint venture arrangement 
between Ruukki and Kermas in relation to Synergy Africa and the existing 
Relationship Agreement between Ruukki and Kermas will be set out in the Offer 
Information on Ruukki 
Ruukki Group Plc is a growing, mid-tier natural resources company with an 
integrated mining and minerals processing business focused on the supply of 
specialist products to the stainless steel and steel industries, which has 
operations in South Africa, Turkey, Germany and Malta, and a wood processing and 
house building business in Finland.  The company is listed on Nasdaq OMX 
Helsinki (ticker: RUG1V) and has a premium listing on the Main Market of the 
London Stock Exchange (ticker: RKKI). 
Mining and Minerals Businesses 
In 2008, Ruukki diversified into the mining and minerals processing industry 
with the acquisition of the specialised European mining and minerals processing 
business from Kermas. Prior to this, the focus had been as a Finnish-based group 
with interests in a variety of sectors, including house building and wood 
The European mining and minerals processing business currently comprises a 98.74 
per cent. holding in Turk Maadin Sirketi A.S. ("TMS"), a Turkish company; a 100 
per cent. holding in the Maltese sales and marketing company, RCS Limited 
("RCS"); and a long-term ferrochrome toll manufacturing agreement with the 
German company, Elektrowerk-Weisweiler GmbH ("EWW"). 
In May 2009, Ruukki further expanded its mining and minerals processing 
interests through the acquisition of an 84.9 per cent. holding in the South 
African minerals processing company Mogale Alloys (Proprietary) Limited 
Ruukki's mining and mineral processing business produces a diverse range of 
products including specialised low carbon and ultralow carbon ferrochrome, 
charge chrome ferrochrome, silico manganese, chromium-iron-nickel alloy 
(stainless steel alloy) and lumpy chrome ore.  The end-products are distributed 
internationally by Ruukki's marketing subsidiary, RCS, to customers operating in 
the steel, stainless steel, automotive, aerospace and power plant industries 
located in the USA, Brazil, China, India, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, 
Nigeria and South Africa, as well as a number of European countries. 
On 1 September 2010, Ruukki announced two framework agreements with 
Metallurgical Group Corporation ("MCC") of China for the construction of two 70 
MW DC furnaces, which have a planned combined annual capacity of up to 280,000 
tonnes, and a 250 megawatt power plant in South Africa. 
Wood processing and house building businesses 
The Ruukki group's wood processing and house building businesses are divided 
into three business areas; house building, sawmills and pallets. The operations 
are located in Finland and the majority of end-products are sold within the 
Finnish domestic market.  During the fourth quarter of 2009 the Ruukki group 
sold three of its sawmills. These operations are currently the subject of a 
strategic review which is examining the best way to extract maximum value for 
all Ruukki shareholders. 
Information on Kermas 
Kermas Limited is a private company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands 
with registration number 504889, with interests in the minerals sector and is a 
major shareholder of Ruukki with a 28.51 per cent. holding. Kermas is owned 99 
per cent. by Danica Zagmester, a cousin of Dr. Danko Koncar. Dr. Koncar does not 
own any shares in Kermas and is an Executive Director of Ruukki. 
History of Kermas 
The Kermas group was one of the world's largest ferrochrome and chrome producing 
groups prior to the sale of its interest in Samancor Chrome Limited ("Samancor 
Chrome"). In addition to its mining and minerals processing activities, the 
Kermas group has interests in other industries including real estate 
In 2005, Kermas acquired a majority interest in Samancor Chrome, one of the 
world's leading integrated ferrochrome producers and one of South Africa's 
leading exporters of chemical-grade chromite, from Samancor Holdings 
(Proprietary) Limited ("Samancor Holdings"), which was owned in a ratio of 60 
per cent. to 40 per cent. by BHP Billiton and Anglo American Plc respectively. 
Mogale, acquired by Ruukki in 2009, was at one stage part of Samancor Chrome. 
The management of Palmiet Chrome led a black economic empowerment consortium to 
acquire Palmiet Chrome, and renamed it Mogale Alloys at the same time as Kermas 
acquired Samancor Chrome from Samancor Holdings. 
Together with the BEE consortium, the Batho Barena Consortium, and its 
international partners, Kermas successively transformed both the business and 
the profitability of Samancor Chrome before disposing of its interest in 
Samancor Chrome in November 2009. Dr. Danko Koncar, who has been a director of 
Kermas since its incorporation, was the main architect of Samancor Chrome's 
transformation during its time under Kermas's control. In connection with this 
disposal, Dr. Danko Koncar resigned from the board of directors of Samancor 
Chrome upon Kermas's disposal of its interest in Samancor Chrome and joined 
Ruukki as Chief Executive Officer of the Group's minerals processing businesses. 
He resigned this position in August 2010 when he was appointed Executive 
Director responsible for new business and elected to the Ruukki board. 
6.             Information on Chromex 
Chromex is a dedicated chrome production company established to acquire, control 
and develop chromite mining and processing facilities. It currently has two key 
mining assets located on the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, which between 
them have a gross total chromite resource of approximately 41 million tonnes as 
well as exploration claims in Zimbabwe. 
The 271 hectare Stellite chrome project, located on the Western Limb of the 
Bushveld complex in South Africa, has a New Order Mining Right which covers the 
right to mine both chrome and Platinum Group Elements ("PGE") and 31.9 million 
tonnes of SAMREC compliant chrome resources comprising four seams, namely the 
LG6, MG1, MG2 and MG4. All four seams outcrop on the property and it is 
anticipated that around six million tonnes will be open cast. The open pit 
operations at Stellite commenced production in July 2008. 
Chromex has a New Order Mining Right over the Mecklenburg farm in the Limpopo 
Province, South Africa, where it intends to mine chromite. Mecklenburg is 
located on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, well known for hosting much 
of the world's known resources of platinum, but also a major source of chromite. 
The LG-6 and LG-6A chromite reefs comprise approximately 9.1 million tonnes and 
5.7 million tonnes of SAMREC compliant chrome resources and reserves 
respectively (resources are inclusive of reserves). 
During 2009, Chromex completed the construction of a processing facility at the 
Stellite open cast chrome mine. 
The commissioning of the first phase of the Stellite chrome beneficiation plant 
was completed in August 2009 and by the beginning of November 2009 this facility 
was able to operate at full design capacity, producing 42 per cent. and 44 per 
cent. metallurgical grade chrome concentrates. All plant feed was sourced from 
existing stockpiles at the Stellite mine. Due to ongoing demand, Chromex 
recommenced mining operations at Stellite in January 2010. 
Stellite currently produces approximately 20,000 run of mine ('ROM') tonnes per 
month, which is expected to increase to 40,000 ROM tonnes per month when the 
dense media separation ('DMS') circuit is installed at the beneficiation plant. 
The DMS plant is due to be completed in the near future and is expected to 
improve yields, margins and economic efficiencies. Importantly, in addition to 
the capacity increase, Chromex will be in a position to market a sized lumpy 
chrome product as well as the chemical and metallurgical grade concentrates. 
In May 2010, Chromex acquired Waylox Mining (Private) Limited ("Waylox"), a 
chrome company in Zimbabwe. Waylox has been operating in Zimbabwe since August 
2008 after acquiring the Trixie and Prince of Wales claims located in the 
prospective Darwendale area. The Darwendale area is located on the Great Dyke of 
Zimbabwe which is host to significant chrome resources. The Trixie claims 
contain economic grades of alluvial chrome resources. The current mineral 
resources estimated on the 467ha Trixie project stands at approximately 1.9 
million tonnes at an average modelled grade of 13.8 per cent. chromite. 
Development of Chromex's Mecklenburg project has been deferred pending 
settlement of the legal dispute with Samancor Chrome over the Mining Rights. 
Mecklenburg will be an underground mine, producing high grade ore from the LG6 
and LG6A reefs, which outcrop at surface. Access to the mine will be via an 
outcrop portal and access decline on the lower slopes of Serafa Hill, with 
on-reef development and a hybrid trackless/conventional stope mining method. The 
Mecklenburg mine design will be completed once the legal dispute has been 
During the year ended 30 September 2009, the Chromex's Group Income Statement 
showed a loss before tax of GBP151,000 (2008 - loss before tax GBP1,406,000) and 
a profit after tax of GBP195,000 (2008 - loss after tax GBP1,406,000). These 
results reflect the fact that much of the year was taken up with the 
construction of the Stellite processing plant, while producing sufficient chrome 
to provide positive cash flow, and retaining valuable chrome resources in the 
ground pending an upturn in prices. 
The loss before and after tax for the six months ended 31 March 2010 was 
GBP399,000 (2009 - profit before tax GBP81,000; profit after tax GBP47,000). 
This was a period of reduced volumes and lower than expected recoveries as well 
as low Rand based chrome prices. 
The following tables provide financial information on Chromex which has been 
extracted without adjustment from Chromex's financial statements. 
Unaudited consolidated income statement 
for the six months ended 31 March 2010 
|                                |     |       |    |                       |         |          |          | 
|                     |              |   6 Months |  6 Months |          | Year ended |          |          | 
|                     |              |   ended 31 |  ended 31 |          |         30 |          |          | 
|                     |              | March 2010 |     March |          |  September |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |      2009 |          |       2009 |          |          | 
|                     |              |    GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |          |    GBP'000 |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Revenue             |              |        964 |     1,613 |          |      2,016 |          |          | 
| Cost of sales       |              |      (683) |   (1,068) |          |    (1,204) |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Gross (loss)/profit |              |        281 |       545 |          |        812 |          |          | 
| Administrative      |              |      (668) |    (500)  |          |      (993) |          |          | 
| expenses            |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Cost of bankable    |              |          - |      (27) |          |        (8) |          |          | 
| feasibility study   |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Operating           |              |      (387) |        18 |          |      (189) |          |          | 
| (loss)/profit       |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| before finance      |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| costs               |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Finance income      |              |          7 |        63 |          |         38 |          |          | 
| Finance expense     |              |       (19) |         - |          |          - |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| (Loss)/profit       |              |      (399) |        81 |          |      (151) |          |          | 
| before tax          |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Taxation            |              |          - |      (34) |          |        346 |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| (Loss)/profit for   |              |      (399) |        47 |          |        195 |          |          | 
| the period          |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| (Loss)/profit per   |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| share               |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Basic               |              |    (0.47)p |     0.06p |          |      0.23p |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
| Diluted             |              |    (0.47)p |     0.05p |          |      0.23p |          |          | 
|                     |              |            |           |          |            |          |          | 
|                     |          |   | |       |  | |         |          |  |         |          |          | 
Unaudited consolidated balance sheet 
as at 31 March 2010 
|                            |       |       6 |       6 |      Year | 
|                            |       |  Months |  Months |  ended 30 | 
|                            |       |   ended |   ended | September | 
|                            |       |      31 |      31 |      2009 | 
|                            |       |   March |   March |           | 
|                            |       |    2010 |    2009 |           | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Assets                     |       |         |         |           | 
| Non-current assets         |       |         |         |           | 
| Property, plant and        |       |  10,438 |   6,824 |     9,699 | 
| equipment                  |       |         |         |           | 
| Deferred tax               |       |     569 |      79 |       525 | 
| Intangible assets          |       |       - |     886 |         - | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       |  11,007 |   7,789 |    10,224 | 
| Current assets             |       |         |         |           | 
| Inventories                |       |   1,111 |     134 |       766 | 
| Trade and other            |       |      76 |     407 |       611 | 
| receivables                |       |         |         |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |       |   1,406 |   2,270 |     1,182 | 
| Other debtors              |       |     163 |       - |         - | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       |   2,756 |   2,811 |     2,559 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Total assets               |       |  13,763 |  10,600 |    12,783 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Equity and liabilities     |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Equity attributable to     |       |         |         |           | 
| equity holders             |       |         |         |           | 
|   of the Company           |       |         |         |           | 
| Share capital              |       |     850 |     850 |       850 | 
| Share premium              |       |   9,120 |   9,120 |     9,120 | 
| Accumulated losses         |       | (1,369) | (1,118) |     (970) | 
| Exchange reserves          |       |   1,747 |     423 |     1,180 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Total equity               |       |  10,348 |   9,275 |    10,180 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Non-current liabilities    |       |         |         |           | 
| Provisions                 |       |     383 |     399 |       353 | 
| Loans and borrowings       |       |   2,320 |     734 |     1,724 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       |   2,703 |   1,133 |     2,077 | 
| Current liabilities        |       |         |         |           | 
| Trade and other payables   |       |     712 |     192 |       526 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
|                            |       |     712 |     192 |       526 | 
|                            |       |         |         |           | 
| Total equity and           |       |  13,763 |  10,600 |    12,783 | 
| liabilities                |       |         |         |           | 
| Chromex Mining plc                                                 | 
|                                                                    | 
| Group income statement                                             | 
| for the year ended 30 September 2009                               | 
|                              |  |         |                        | 
|                              |  |         |    2009     |  2008    | 
|                              |  |         |  GBP'000    | GBP'000  | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Revenue                      |  |         |       2,016 |      440 | 
| Cost of sales                |  |         |     (1,204) |    (204) | 
| Gross Profit                 |  |         |         812 |      236 | 
| Administrative expenses      |  |         |       (993) |    (956) | 
| Cost of bankable feasibility |  |         |         (8) |     (46) | 
| study                        |  |         |             |          | 
| Share Based Payments         |  |         |           - |    (790) | 
| Operating loss before        |  |         |       (189) |  (1,556) | 
| finance costs                |  |         |             |          | 
| Finance income               |  |         |          38 |      151 | 
| Finance expense              |  |         |           - |      (1) | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Loss before tax              |  |         |       (151) |  (1,406) | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Taxation                     |  |         |         346 |        - | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year   |  |         |         195 |  (1,406) | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Profit/ (loss) per share     |  |         |             |          | 
| Basic and diluted            |  |         |       0.23p |  (1.94)p | 
|                              |  |         |             |          | 
| Chromex Mining plc                        |         |         |         | 
|                                           |         |         |         | 
| Group and Company balance sheets          |         |         |         | 
| as at 30 September 2009                   |         |         |         | 
|                              |  |      Group        |      Company      | 
|                              |  |  2009   |  2008   |  2009   |  2008   | 
|                              |  |GBP'000  |GBP'000  |GBP'000  |GBP'000  | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Assets                       |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Non-current assets           |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Property, plant and          |  |   9,699 |   5,480 |     540 |      23 | 
| equipment                    |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Deferred tax                 |  |     525 |     106 |       - |       - | 
| Intangible assets            |  |       - |     886 |       - |     519 | 
| Investments                  |  |       - |       - |   1,872 |   1,872 | 
|                              |  |  10,224 |   6,472 |   2,412 |   2,414 | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Current assets               |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Inventories                  |  |     766 |     123 |       - |       - | 
| Loans to subsidiary          |  |       - |       - |   6,113 |   4,845 | 
| companies                    |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Trade and other receivables  |  |     611 |     590 |     101 |      88 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents    |  |   1,182 |   2,566 |     898 |   2,271 | 
|                              |  |   2,559 |   3,279 |   7,112 |   7,204 | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Total assets                 |  |  12,783 |   9,751 |   9,524 |   9,618 | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Equity and liabilities       |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Equity attributable to       |  |         |         |         |         | 
| equity holders of the        |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Company                      |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Share capital                |  |     850 |     847 |     850 |     847 | 
| Share premium                |  |   9,120 |   9,071 |   9,120 |   9,071 | 
| Accumulated losses           |  |   (970) | (1,165) |   (493) |   (361) | 
| Exchange reserves            |  |   1,180 |      29 |       - |       - | 
| Total equity                 |  |  10,180 |   8,782 |   9,477 |   9,557 | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Non-current liabilities      |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Provisions                   |  |     353 |     286 |       - |       - | 
| Loans                        |  |   1,724 |       1 |       - |       - | 
|                              |  |   2,077 |     287 |       - |       - | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Current liabilities          |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Trade and other payables     |  |     526 |     682 |      47 |      61 | 
|                              |  |     526 |     682 |      47 |      61 | 
|                              |  |         |         |         |         | 
| Total equity and liabilities |  |  12,783 |   9,751 |   9,524 |   9,618 | 
7.             Background to and reasons for the Offer 
Ruukki's current operation in South Africa, Mogale, consists of processing 
facilities only. Mogale does not have any security of chrome ore supply as ore 
is procured from various sources on short term contracts. 
Chromex's Stellite mine, located in one of the world's premier chromite mining 
regions and is in operation with all the necessary infrastructure in place. In 
addition, Chromex has a total of 41 million tonnes of chrome resources, with new 
order mining rights making it an attractive and logical acquisition target. 
Stellite is located approximately 80 kilometres from Mogale. 
Ruukki expects that the Offer will enable Ruukki to achieve its stated strategy 
of increasing production capacity, expanding market share and vertically 
integrating its whole business through: 
a)     vertical integration of the South African operations as Mogale, which 
will secure its own, long term ore supply, thereby completing the business model 
of mining, processing, sales and marketing; 
b)    expansion of Ruukki's production volumes as Chromex's Stellite mine is 
currently in operation.  In addition to the expected increase from 20,000 ROM 
tonnes per month to 40,000 ROM tonnes per month when the DMS circuit is 
installed, Ruukki believes there is an opportunity to further increase Chromex's 
forecast monthly production rate over the short to medium term if the 
underground development plans for Stellite and Mecklenburg are successfully 
c)     supporting the planned increase in the production capacity of Ruukki's 
South African operations through the additional, potential increase in the 
production volume from Chromex's Stellite mine; 
d)    potential to increase Ruukki's processing capacity as there is the 
opportunity for two DC furnaces to be built at the Stellite mine. Ruukki has 
entered into a framework agreement with MCC of China for the construction of two 
such DC furnaces. Ruukki has significant technological skill and experience in 
successfully operating DC furnaces. Until such time as these furnaces are built, 
any excess ore supply from Stellite will be exported to customers in China or 
e)     consolidating Ruukki's presence in one of the world's premier chromite 
mining regions and geographically diversifying into Zimbabwe with the Waylox 
f)     enabling synergies in the areas of operational expertise, human 
resources, cost savings and efficiencies. Ruukki anticipates retaining most of 
Chromex's operational team. It is expected that following completion, Ruukki 
will bring in-house the sales and marketing operations which Chromex currently 
outsources; and 
g)    diversifying Ruukki's product range with the production of chemical, 
metallurgical, refractory and foundry grade concentrates and PGE by-products, as 
well as excess ore supply available for export in the short to medium term. 
Chromex's operations will benefit from Ruukki's management expertise and 
knowledge in mining, minerals processing and sales and marketing expertise. 
Ruukki and Kermas have entered into a joint venture and formed Synergy Africa in 
order to facilitate the acquisition and subsequent holding of Chromex. 
8.             Background to and reasons for recommending the Offer 
Since its admission to AIM in 2006, Chromex has developed an attractive base of 
chrome-producing assets in southern Africa, most recently with its acquisition 
of Waylox. Despite the recent turmoil in the industry and the wider global 
economy, Chromex has had significant success in developing its business. 
Chromex's strategy has resulted in the growth of Chromex to a stage where it is 
appropriate to consider future steps for realising shareholder value. Although 
the Chromex Directors believe that Chromex would have a strong future as an 
independent business, they consider that the Offer represents an opportunity for 
Chromex Shareholders to realise the value of their investment in Chromex at an 
attractive premium to its prevailing market value as set out in paragraph 2 
above. The Chromex Directors also believe that the Offer fully values the 
Company's assets, operations and future prospects and represents an excellent 
opportunity for Chromex Shareholders to realise a compelling value in cash for 
their Chromex Shares, particularly given the future capital expenditure that 
will be required to develop the business and the ongoing pressure on margin 
caused by the strength of the South African Rand. Accordingly, the Chromex 
Directors are unanimously recommending that Chromex Shareholders accept the 
Offer and that holders of Chromex Warrants accept the Warrant Offer. 
9.             Related Party Transaction 
Synergy Africa has been established as a joint venture company held 51 per cent. 
by Ruukki and 49 per cent. by Kermas. Kermas holds 28.51 per cent of Ruukki's 
issued shares. Accordingly, under the Listing Rules, the arrangements between 
Kermas and Ruukki relating to the establishment and financing of Synergy Africa 
(including the loan between Kermas and Ruukki Holdings) and the acquisition and 
holding of Chromex Shares constitutes a Related Party Transaction requiring the 
approval of Ruukki Shareholders (other than Kermas). A separate circular will be 
made available to Ruukki Shareholders seeking their approval for the Related 
Party Transaction by way of an ordinary resolution to be proposed at an 
extraordinary general meeting ("EGM"). Ruukki is a Finnish public limited 
liability company and, as such, the EGM will be convened and held in accordance 
with Finnish laws. No approval is required from the shareholders of Kermas. The 
Offer is conditional on the approval of the Related Party Transaction by Ruukki 
Shareholders (other than Kermas). 
Atkey Limited, Aida Djakov, Hino Resources Co. Ltd and Markku Kankaala have each 
given an irrevocable undertaking to vote in favour of the Related Party 
Transaction at the EGM in respect of, in aggregate, 86,645,653 Ruukki ordinary 
shares, representing approximately 51.4 per cent. of Ruukki's voting rights at 
the EGM. 
10.           Directors, management and employees of Chromex 
Each of the Chromex Directors has agreed the terms on which they will resign 
from the Chromex Board and the termination of their employment, conditional 
upon, and with effect from the date the Offer becomes or is declared 
unconditional in all respects. Graham Stacey will continue to work in Chromex's 
southern African subsidiary. 
Synergy Africa intends that once the Offer becomes unconditional in all 
respects, the accrued employment rights, including pension rights, of all 
management and employees of Chromex will be fully safeguarded. 
Synergy Africa intends to continue the business of Chromex in broadly its 
current form. There are currently no intentions regarding any major changes to 
the business of Chromex, nor the disposal of Chromex or a material part of the 
business of Chromex over the next 12 months. Ruukki expects to implement 
Chromex's plans to increase production at Stellite from 20,000 tonnes per month 
to around 40,000 tonnes per month and submit a mine plan for the development of 
an underground mine.  Ruukki also anticipates retaining most of Chromex's 
operational team. Further details of Ruukki's plans for Chromex can be found 
under paragraph 7 above. 
11.           Chromex Share Options  and the Langa Trust Convertible Loan 
The Offer will extend to any Chromex Shares which are issued or unconditionally 
allotted and fully paid (or credited as fully paid) before the date on which the 
Offer closes (or, subject to the Code, by such earlier date as Synergy Africa 
may decide), including Chromex Shares issued pursuant to the exercise of Chromex 
Share Options, Chromex Warrants, the subscription rights under the Langa Trust 
Convertible Loan or otherwise. 
Synergy Africa will make appropriate proposals to holders of Chromex Share 
Options as soon as practicable after the Offer Document has been published.  The 
proposals will enable holders of Chromex Share Options to exercise their options 
and subsequently accept the Offer in respect of the Chromex Shares acquired by 
them on exercise. Alternatively holders of Chromex Share Options will be 
entitled to elect to receive a cash payment equal to the gain that would 
otherwise have been made on exercise of the relevant Chromex Share Option(s) and 
receipt of 36.5 pence per Chromex Share under the Offer and adjusted for any 
applicable tax deductions.  This alternative proposal will be conditional on the 
Offer becoming unconditional in all respects. 
Under the terms of the Langa Trust Convertible Loan Subscription Agreement, 
Langa Trust is entitled to subscribe for Chromex Shares in respect of the 
outstanding principal and accrued interest under the Langa Trust Convertible 
Loan at a strike price of 22 pence per Chromex Share, converted at the 
prevailing ZAR/GBP exchange rate with such subscription price being discharged 
by ceding Langa Trust's repayment right under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan. 
Langa Trust has given an irrevocable undertaking to exercise its subscription 
rights under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan Subscription Agreement and accept 
the Offer in respect of the resulting Chromex Shares acquired by it, after the 
Offer has been declared or otherwise becomes unconditional in all respects. On 
the basis of the five day average ZAR/GBP exchange rate on the date immediately 
preceding the date of this Announcement, the number of Chromex Shares which 
would be issued to Langa Trust were it to have subscribed on the date 
immediately preceding the date of this Announcement would be 9,049,239. The 
exact number of Chromex Shares to which Langa Trust will become entitled will 
depend on the timing of the subscription and the ZAR/GBP exchange rate at the 
time of the subscription. 
Langa Trust is connected to Spruce Management, which is interested in 32,675,000 
Chromex Shares, representing 36.7 per cent. of the current issued share capital 
of Chromex. 
12.           Inducement fee and exclusivity agreement 
As an inducement to Synergy Africa to make the Offer, Chromex has agreed to pay 
Synergy Africa a cash fee of GBP370,277 (inclusive of value added tax, except to 
the extent that such VAT is recoverable by Chromex), being one per cent. of the 
value of the Offer, or such other amount as the Panel may agree, in certain 
circumstances including if: (i) another offer for Chromex is received from a 
third party which becomes or is declared wholly unconditional; (ii) the terms of 
the recommendation of the Offer from the Chromex Directors are withdrawn, 
adversely modified or qualified; or (iii) Chromex makes a direct or indirect 
disposal of a material asset. 
In addition, Chromex has undertaken not to solicit, initiate, encourage or enter 
into any discussions, negotiations, agreements or understandings with any third 
parties relating to a proposed sale or other disposal of Chromex Shares or any 
material assets of Chromex (a "Competing Proposal").  Chromex will notify Ruukki 
as soon as reasonably practicable in the event it is approached by a third party 
in connection with a Competing Proposal subject to the statutory and fiduciary 
duties and duties of confidentiality of the Chromex Directors and will notify 
Ruukki immediately if any information is provided to a third party in connection 
with a Competing Proposal. 
The inducement fee and exclusivity agreement also contains a mutual undertaking 
from Synergy Africa and Chromex to use reasonable endeavours to obtain the 
written confirmation from the South African Department of Mineral Resources 
referred to in condition (d) set out in Appendix I. 
13.           Recommendation 
The Chromex Directors, who have been so advised by Panmure Gordon, consider the 
terms of the Offer and the Warrant Offer to be fair and reasonable. In providing 
advice to the Chromex Directors, Panmure Gordon has taken into account the 
commercial assessments of the Chromex Directors. Accordingly, the Chromex 
Directors unanimously intend to recommend that Chromex Shareholders accept the 
Offer, and that holders of Chromex Warrants accept the Warrant Offer, as they 
have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of their beneficial holdings, and 
those of their connected parties, amounting to, in aggregate, 10,050,000 Chromex 
Shares, representing approximately 11.3 per cent. of the existing issued share 
capital of Chromex. 
14.           Disclosure of interests in Chromex 
Synergy Africa confirms that it is on the date of this Announcement making an 
Opening Position Disclosure, setting out the details required to be disclosed by 
it under Rule 8.1(a) of the Takeover Code. Save in respect of the irrevocable 
undertakings referred to in paragraph 3 above, as at the close of business on 29 
September 2010 (being the last Business Day prior to the date of this 
Announcement) neither Synergy Africa, nor any directors of Synergy Africa, nor, 
so far as Synergy Africa is aware, any person acting in concert with Synergy 
Africa has: (i) any interest in or right to subscribe for any relevant 
securities of Chromex, nor (ii) any short positions in respect of relevant 
Chromex securities (whether conditional or absolute and whether in the money or 
otherwise), including any short position under a derivative, any agreement to 
sell or any delivery obligation or right to require another person to purchase 
or take delivery, nor (iii) borrowed or lent any relevant Chromex securities. 
15.           Further details of the Offer 
The Chromex Shares will be acquired under the Offer fully paid and free from all 
liens, equities, charges, encumbrances and other interests and together with all 
rights attaching to them on or after the date of  this Announcement, including 
the right to receive all dividends and other distributions (if any) declared, 
made or paid thereafter. 
The Offer will extend to all Chromex Shares unconditionally allotted or issued 
and fully paid on the date of the Offer (excluding any Chromex Shares already 
owned by Synergy Africa and treasury shares except to the extent these cease to 
be held as treasury shares before such date as Synergy Africa may determine) and 
any Chromex Shares which are unconditionally allotted or issued and fully paid 
(including pursuant to the exercise of Chromex Share Options, Chromex Warrants 
or the subscription rights under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan) before the 
date on which the Offer closes or such earlier date as Synergy Africa may, 
subject to the Code, decide not being earlier than the date on which the Offer 
becomes unconditional as to acceptances. 
16.           Overseas Shareholders 
Unless otherwise determined by Synergy Africa and permitted by applicable law 
and regulation, the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be made, directly or 
indirectly, in or into, or by the use of the mail or by any means or 
instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephonically or 
electronically) of interstate or foreign commerce, or any facility of a national 
securities exchange, of a Restricted Jurisdiction (including the United States, 
Canada, Australia or Japan) and the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be 
capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility or 
from within a Restricted Jurisdiction. Accordingly, copies of this Announcement 
are not being, and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed or otherwise 
forwarded, distributed or sent in or into or from a Restricted Jurisdiction and 
persons receiving this Announcement (including, without limitation, custodians, 
nominees and trustees) must not mail or otherwise forward, distribute or send it 
in or into or from a Restricted Jurisdiction. Doing so may render invalid any 
purported acceptance of the Offer or the Warrant Offer. The availability of the 
Offer and the Warrant Offer to persons who are not resident in the United 
Kingdom may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Persons who 
are not resident in the United Kingdom should inform themselves about and 
observe any applicable requirements. If you are in any doubt about your 
position, you should consult your legal adviser in the relevant territory 
without delay. 
17.           Compulsory acquisition, cancellation of admission of Chromex 
Shares to trading on AIM and re-registration 
If Synergy Africa receives acceptances under the Offer in respect of, and/or 
otherwise acquires, 90 per cent. or more of the Chromex Shares to which the 
Offer relates and the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all 
respects, Synergy Africa intends to exercise its rights under sections 974 to 
991 (inclusive) of the Act to acquire compulsorily any remaining Chromex Shares 
following the Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects. 
When the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects, and subject 
thereto, Synergy Africa intends to procure the making of an application by 
Chromex for cancellation of the admission to trading of Chromex Shares on AIM. A 
notice period of not less than 20 Business Days prior to the cancellation of 
listing and trading will take effect after the Offer becomes or is declared 
unconditional in all respects. 
The cancellation of Chromex's admission to AIM will significantly reduce the 
liquidity and marketability of any Chromex Shares not assented to the Offer and 
their value may be affected in consequence. 
18.           General 
The Offer Document and (in the case of Chromex Shares or Chromex Warrants held 
in certificated form) the relevant Form of Acceptance will be posted to Chromex 
Shareholders and holders of Chromex Warrants as soon as practicable and in any 
event within 28 days of this Announcement, except with the consent of the Panel. 
The bases and sources of certain financial information contained in this 
Announcement are set out in Appendix II of this Announcement; further details of 
the irrevocable undertakings received by Synergy Africa are set out in Appendix 
III; and definitions of certain expressions used in this Announcement are 
contained in Appendix IV of this Announcement. 
Ruukki Group Plc / Synergy Africa Limited 
Alwyn Smit                                                             Tel: +44 
(0)20 7368 6763 
Alex Buck, IR                                                          Tel: +44 
(0)7932 740 452 
Investec Bank plc (financial advisers to Ruukki and Synergy Africa) 
David Currie                                                           Tel: 
+44(0)20 7597 5970 
Patrick Robb 
Daniel Adams 
Stephen Cooper 
Pelham Bell Pottinger (PR advisers to Ruukki and Synergy Africa) 
Charles Vivian                                                        Tel: +44 
(0)20 7861 3126 
James MacFarlane                                                 Tel: +44 (0)20 
7861 3864 
Chromex Mining plc 
Russell Lamming                                                    Tel: +44 (0) 
7810 870587 
Brian Moritz                                                            Tel: +44 
(0) 7976 994300 
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited (financial advisers to Chromex) 
Dominic Morley                                                     Tel: +44 (0) 
20 7459 3600 
Callum Stewart 
Grishma Patel 
St Brides Media & Finance (PR advisers to Chromex) 
Hugo de Salis                                                         Tel: +44 
(0) 20 7236 1177 
Felicity Edwards 
A conference call for investors, analysts and media will be held at 10.00am UK 
time today, 30 September 2010 and a presentation is available on the Ruukki 
website at www.Ruukkigroup.fi. To access the call, please dial-in at least 10 
minutes beforehand and quote the reference: 720046# 
UK Toll-Free                                                           0800 376 
Finland Toll-Free                                                    0800 115 
South Africa Toll-Free                                          0800 983 092 
International Toll                                                   +44 (0)20 
7075 6551 
A replay facility will be available for one week after the call, using the 
reference: 275785#, please dial: 
UK Toll-Free                                                           0808 238 
International Toll                                                   +44 (0)20 
3364 5943 
The Offer Document and (in the case of Chromex Shares held in certificated form) 
the Form of Acceptance will be posted to Chromex Shareholders and holders of 
Chromex Warrants as soon as practicable and, in any event, except with the 
consent of the Panel, within 28 days of this Announcement, other than in 
relation to a Restricted Jurisdiction. 
The Chromex Directors accept responsibility for the information contained in 
this Announcement relating to the Chromex Group, themselves and their immediate 
families and connected persons. The Synergy Africa Directors, the Ruukki 
Directors and the Kermas Directors each accept responsibility for all of the 
other information contained in this Announcement. To the best of the knowledge 
and belief of the Synergy Africa Directors, the Ruukki Directors, the Kermas 
Directors and the Chromex Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to 
ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Announcement for 
which they are respectively responsible is in accordance with the facts and does 
not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. 
Investec Bank plc, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by 
the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Ruukki and Synergy 
Africa and no one else in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer and 
will not be responsible to anyone other than Ruukki and Synergy Africa for 
providing the protections afforded to clients of Investec Bank plc or for 
providing advice in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer. 
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United 
Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Chromex 
and no one else in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer and will not 
be responsible to anyone other than Chromex for providing the protections 
afforded to clients of Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited or for providing advice in 
relation to the Offer and the Warrant Offer. 
The release, publication or distribution of this Announcement in jurisdictions 
other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by law and, therefore, any 
persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the United 
Kingdom should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable 
requirements. This Announcement has been prepared in accordance with English law 
and the Code and information disclosed may not be the same as that which would 
have been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside England. 
This Announcement does not constitute an offer or an invitation to purchase or 
subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any 
jurisdiction pursuant to the Offer, the Warrant Offer or otherwise. The Offer 
and the Warrant Offer will be made solely by means of the Offer Document, an 
advertisement to be published in the London Gazette and the Form of Acceptance 
(in respect of Chromex Shares in certificated form), which will contain the full 
terms and conditions of the Offer and the Warrant Offer, including details of 
how the Offer and the Warrant Offer may be accepted. Any acceptance or other 
response to the Offer or the Warrant Offer should be made only on the basis of 
the information in the Offer Document and the Form of Acceptance (in the case of 
Chromex Shares in certificated form). 
Unless otherwise determined by Synergy Africa and permitted by applicable law 
and regulation, the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be made, directly or 
indirectly, in or into, or by the use of the mail or by any means or 
instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephonically or 
electronically) of interstate or foreign commerce, or any facility of a national 
securities exchange, of a Restricted Jurisdiction (including the United States, 
Canada, Australia or Japan) and the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not be 
capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility or 
from within a Restricted Jurisdiction. Accordingly, copies of this Announcement 
are not being, and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed or otherwise 
forwarded, distributed or sent in or into or from a Restricted Jurisdiction and 
persons receiving this Announcement (including, without limitation, custodians, 
nominees and trustees) must not mail or otherwise forward, distribute or send it 
in or into or from a Restricted Jurisdiction. Doing so may render invalid any 
purported acceptance of the Offer and the Warrant Offer. The availability of the 
Offer and the Warrant Offer to persons who are not resident in the United 
Kingdom may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Persons who 
are not resident in the United Kingdom should inform themselves about and 
observe any applicable requirements. 
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is "interested" in 1 per cent. or 
more of any class of "relevant securities" of an offeree company or of any paper 
offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been 
announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an 
"Opening Position Disclosure" following the commencement of the "offer period" 
and, if later, following the announcement in which any paper offeror is first 
identified. An "Opening Position Disclosure" must contain details of the 
person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any" 
relevant securities" of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper 
offeror(s). An "Opening Position Disclosure" by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) 
applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business 
day following the commencement of the "offer period" and, if appropriate, by no 
later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the 
announcement in which any paper offeror is first identified. Relevant persons 
who "deal" in the "relevant securities" of the offeree company or of a paper 
offeror prior to the deadline for making an "Opening Position Disclosure" must 
instead make a "Dealing Disclosure". 
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, "interested" in 1 
per cent. or more of any class of "relevant securities" of the offeree company 
or of any paper offeror must make a "Dealing Disclosure" if the person "deals" 
in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any paper offeror. A 
"Dealing Disclosure" must contain details of the dealing concerned and of the 
person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any 
"relevant securities" of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper 
offeror, save to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed 
under Rule 8. A "Dealing Disclosure" by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies 
must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business day 
following the date of the relevant dealing. 
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, 
whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant 
securities of an offeree company or a paper offeror, they will be deemed to be a 
single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
"Opening Position Disclosures" must also be made by the offeree company and by 
any offeror and "Dealing Disclosures" must also be made by the offeree company, 
by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 
8.1, 8.2 and 8.4). 
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant 
securities "Opening Position Disclosures" and "Dealing Disclosures" must be made 
can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Panel's website at 
www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant 
securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was 
first identified. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make 
an "Opening Position Disclosure" or a "Dealing Disclosure", you should contact 
the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. 
Terms in quotation marks are defined in the Code, which can also be found on the 
Panel's website. 
Copies of this Announcement can be found at Ruukki's and Chromex's websites at 
www.ruukkigroup.fi and www.chromexmining.co.uk respectively. 
The Offer and the Warrant Offer, which will be made by Synergy Africa, will 
comply with the Code.  The Offer and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in 
connection with, it (whether contractual or non-contractual in nature) will be 
governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law and be subject to the 
jurisdiction of the courts of England.  The Offer and the Warrant Offer will be 
made on the terms and conditions set out in the Offer Document. 
1.     conditions of the offer 
The Offer will be subject to the following conditions: 
(a)           valid acceptances being received (and not, where permitted, 
withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the first closing date of the Offer (or such later 
time(s) and/or date(s) as Synergy Africa may, subject to the rules of the Code, 
decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or such lesser percentage as 
Synergy Africa may decide) in nominal value of the Chromex Shares to which the 
Offer relates, provided that this condition will not be satisfied unless Synergy 
Africa shall have acquired or agreed to acquire, whether pursuant to the Offer 
or otherwise, Chromex Shares carrying, in aggregate, more than 50 per cent. of 
the voting rights then exercisable at a general meeting of Chromex, including 
for this purpose to the extent (if any) required by the Panel, any such voting 
rights attaching to any Chromex Shares that may be unconditionally allotted or 
issued before the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional as to acceptances 
whether pursuant to the exercise of any outstanding conversion or subscription 
rights or otherwise, and for this purpose: 
(i)            the expression "Chromex Shares to which the Offer relates" shall 
be construed in accordance with sections 974-991 of the Act; 
(ii)           the expression "shares that may be unconditionally allotted or 
issued" shall include any Treasury Shares which are unconditionally transferred 
or sold by Chromex; and 
(iii)          shares which have been unconditionally allotted but not issued 
shall be deemed to carry the voting rights which they will carry on being 
entered into the register of members of Chromex; 
(i)            make the Offer or the acquisition of any Chromex Shares, or 
control of Chromex by Synergy Africa void, illegal or unenforceable or otherwise 
materially restrict, restrain, prohibit, delay or interfere with the 
implementation thereof, or impose material additional conditions or obligations 
with respect thereto, or require material amendment thereof or otherwise 
challenge or interfere therewith; 
(ii)           require or prevent the divestiture by Chromex or any of its 
subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings or any associated undertaking or any 
company of which 20 per cent. or more of the voting capital is held by the 
Chromex Group or any partnership, joint venture, firm or company in which any 
member of the Chromex Group may be interested (the "wider Chromex Group") or by 
Synergy Africa or any of its subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings or any 
associated undertaking or any company of which 20 per cent. or more of the 
voting capital is held by the Synergy Africa Group or any partnership, joint 
venture, firm or company in which any member of the Synergy Africa Group may be 
interested (the "wider Synergy Africa Group") of all or a material portion of 
their respective businesses, assets or property or impose any material 
limitation on the ability of any of them to conduct their respective businesses 
or own any of their material assets or property; 
(iii)          impose any limitation on or result in a delay in the ability of 
any member of the wider Chromex Group or the wider Synergy Africa Group to 
acquire or to hold or to exercise effectively any rights of ownership of shares 
or loans or securities convertible into shares in any member of the wider 
Chromex Group or of the wider Synergy Africa Group held or owned by it or to 
exercise management control over any member of the wider Chromex Group or of the 
wider Synergy Africa Group to an extent which is material in the context of the 
Chromex Group taken as a whole or, as the case may be, the Synergy Africa Group 
taken as a whole; or 
(iv)          otherwise materially and adversely affect the assets, business, 
profits or prospects of any member of the wider Synergy Africa Group or of any 
member of the wider Chromex Group; 
and all applicable waiting and other time periods during which any such Relevant 
Authority could decide to take, institute, implement or threaten any such 
action, proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference having expired, 
lapsed or been terminated; 
(i)            any monies borrowed by, or other indebtedness actual or 
contingent of, any such member of the wider Chromex Group being or becoming 
repayable or being capable of being declared immediately or prior to its or 
their stated maturity or the ability of any such member to borrow monies or 
incur any indebtedness being inhibited or becoming capable of being withdrawn; 
(ii)           the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other 
security interest over the whole or any part of the business, property or assets 
of any such member or any such security (whenever arising or having arisen) 
being enforced or becoming enforceable; 
(iii)          any such arrangement, agreement, licence or instrument being 
terminated or adversely modified or any action being taken of an adverse nature 
or any obligation or liability arising thereunder; 
(iv)          any assets of any such member being disposed of or charged, or 
right arising under which any such asset could be required to be disposed of or 
charged, other than in the ordinary course of business; 
(v)           the interest or business of any such member of the wider Chromex 
Group in or with any firm or body or person, or any agreements or arrangements 
relating to such interest or business, being terminated or adversely modified or 
(vi)          any such member ceasing to be able to carry on business under any 
name under which it presently does so; 
(vii)         the creation of liabilities (actual or contingent) by any such 
member; or 
(viii)        the financial or trading position of any such member being 
prejudiced or adversely affected, 
(i)            issued, agreed to issue or proposed the issue of additional 
shares or securities of any class, or securities convertible into, or 
exchangeable for or rights, warrants or options to subscribe for or acquire, any 
such shares, securities or convertible securities (save as between Chromex and 
wholly-owned subsidiaries of Chromex and save for options granted, and for any 
Chromex Shares allotted upon exercise of Chromex Warrants or options granted 
under the Chromex Share Options before the date hereof), or redeemed, purchased 
or reduced any part of its share capital; 
(ii)           sold or transferred or agreed to sell or transfer any Treasury 
(iii)          recommended, declared, paid or made or proposed to recommend, 
declare, pay or make any bonus, dividend or other distribution other than to 
Chromex or a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chromex; 
(iv)          agreed, authorised, proposed or announced its intention to propose 
any merger or demerger or acquisition or disposal of assets or shares which are 
material in the context of the Chromex Group taken as a whole (other than in the 
ordinary course of trading) or to any material change in its share or loan 
(v)           issued, authorised or proposed the issue of any debentures or 
incurred any indebtedness or contingent liability which is material in the 
context of the Chromex Group taken as a whole; 
(vi)          acquired or disposed of or transferred, mortgaged or encumbered 
any asset or any right, title or interest in any asset (other than in the 
ordinary course of trading) in a manner which is material in the context of the 
Chromex Group taken as a whole; 
(vii)         entered into or varied or announced its intention to enter into or 
vary any contract, arrangement or commitment (whether in respect of capital 
expenditure or otherwise) which is of a long-term or unusual nature or involves 
or could involve an obligation of a nature or magnitude, and in either case 
which is material in the context of the Chromex Group taken as a whole; 
(viii)        entered into or proposed or announced its intention to enter into 
any reconstruction, amalgamation, transaction or arrangement (otherwise than in 
the ordinary course of business) which is material in the context of the Chromex 
Group taken as a whole; 
(ix)          taken any action nor having had any steps taken or legal 
proceedings started or threatened against it for its winding-up or dissolution 
or for it to enter into any arrangement or composition for the benefit of its 
creditors, or for the appointment of a receiver, administrator, trustee or 
similar officer if it or any of its assets (or any analogous proceedings or 
appointment in any overseas jurisdiction); 
(x)           been unable, or admitted in writing that it is unable, to pay its 
debts or having stopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or suspend) payment 
of its debts generally or ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a 
substantial part of its business; 
(xi)          entered into or materially varied or made any offer to enter into 
or materially vary the terms of any service agreement or arrangement with any of 
the Chromex Directors; 
(xii)         waived, compromised or settled any claim which is material in the 
context of the wider Chromex Group; or 
(xiii)        entered into or made an offer (which remains open for acceptance) 
to enter into any agreement, arrangement or commitment or passed any resolution 
with respect to any of the transactions or events referred to in this paragraph 
(i)            there having been no adverse change in the business, assets, 
financial or trading position or profits or prospects of any member of the wider 
Chromex Group which in any such case is material in the context of the Chromex 
Group taken as a whole; 
(ii)           no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other 
legal proceedings having been instituted, announced or threatened by or against 
or remaining outstanding against any member of the wider Chromex Group and no 
enquiry or investigation by or complaint or reference to any Relevant Authority 
against or in respect of any member of the wider Chromex Group having been 
threatened, announced or instituted or remaining outstanding which in any such 
case could have a material affect on that member of the Chromex Group; and 
(iii)          no contingent or other liability having arisen or been incurred 
which might reasonably be expected to adversely affect any member of the Chromex 
Group in a manner which is material in the context of the wider Chromex Group; 
(i)            the financial, business or other information concerning the wider 
Chromex Group which has been disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member 
of the wider Chromex Group whether publicly (by the delivery of an announcement 
to a Regulatory Information Service) or to the Synergy Africa Group or its 
professional advisers, either contains a material misrepresentation of fact or 
omits to state a fact necessary to make the information contained therein not 
materially misleading; or 
(ii)           any member of the wider Chromex Group is subject to any 
liability, contingent or otherwise, which is not disclosed in the annual report 
and accounts of Chromex for the financial year ended 30 September 2009 or in the 
interim report for the six months to 31 March 2010 and which is material in the 
context of the Chromex Group taken as a whole; 
(iii)          any past or present member of the wider Chromex Group has not 
complied with all applicable legislation or regulations of any jurisdiction or 
any notice or requirement of any Relevant Authority with regard to the storage, 
disposal, discharge, spillage, leak or emission of any waste or hazardous 
substance or any substance likely to impair the environment or harm human health 
which non-compliance would be likely to give rise to any liability which is 
material in the context of the Chromex Group as a whole (whether actual or 
contingent) on the part of any member of the wider Chromex Group; 
(iv)          there has been a disposal, spillage, emission, discharge or leak 
of waste or hazardous substance or any substance likely to impair the 
environment or harm human health on, or from, any land or other asset now or 
previously owned, occupied or made use of by any past or present member of the 
wider Chromex Group, or which any such member may now or previously have had an 
interest, would be likely to give rise to any liability which is material in the 
context of the Chromex Group as a whole (whether actual or contingent) on the 
part of any member of the wider Chromex Group; 
(v)           there is or is likely to be any obligation or liability (whether 
actual or contingent) to make good, repair, reinstate or clean up any property 
now or previously owned, occupied or made use of by any past or present member 
of the wider Chromex Group or in which any such member may now or previously 
have had an interest under any environmental legislation or regulation or 
notice, circular or order of any Relevant Authority in any jurisdiction; or 
(vi)          circumstances exist whereby a person or class of persons would be 
likely to have any claim or claims in respect of any product or process of 
manufacture, or materials used therein, now or previously manufactured, sold or 
carried out by any past or present member of the wider Chromex Group which claim 
or claims would be likely to materially affect adversely any member of the wider 
Chromex Group. 
Synergy Africa reserves the right to amend condition (a) or waive, in whole or 
in part, all or any of conditions (d) to (j) inclusive.  Synergy Africa also 
reserves the right, subject to the consent of the Panel, to extend the time 
allowed under the Code for satisfaction of condition (a) (as may be amended) 
until such time as conditions (b) to (i) have been satisfied, fulfilled or, to 
the extent permitted, waived.  If Synergy Africa is required by the Panel to 
make an offer for Chromex Shares under the provisions of Rule 9 of the Code, 
Synergy Africa may make such alterations to the above conditions, including 
condition (a) above, as are necessary to comply with the provisions of that 
The Offer will lapse unless the conditions set out above (other than condition 
(a) to the Offer) are fulfilled or (if capable of waiver) waived or, where 
appropriate, have been determined by Synergy Africa in its reasonable opinion to 
be or to remain satisfied by no later than 21 days after the later of the first 
closing date of the Offer or the date on which the Offer becomes or is declared 
unconditional as to acceptances, or such later date as the Synergy Africa may, 
with the consent of the Panel, decide.  Synergy Africa shall be under no 
obligation to waive or treat as satisfied any of conditions (d) to (j) inclusive 
by a date earlier than the latest date specified above for the satisfaction 
thereof notwithstanding that the other conditions of the Offer may at such 
earlier date have been waived or fulfilled or satisfied and that there are at 
such earlier date no circumstances indicating that any of such conditions may 
not be capable of fulfilment or satisfaction. 
The Offer will lapse if it is referred to the Competition Commission before 3.00 
p.m. on the first closing date of the Offer or the date on which the Offer 
becomes or is declared unconditional as to acceptances, whichever is the later. 
If the Offer so lapses the Offer will cease to be capable of further acceptance 
and accepting Chromex Shareholders and Synergy Africa will cease to be bound by 
acceptances received before the time when the Offer lapses. 
(a)              The Offer will extend to all Chromex Shares unconditionally 
allotted or issued on the date on which the Offer is made, and any further 
Chromex Shares unconditionally allotted or issued, and any Treasury Shares 
unconditionally sold or transferred by Chromex, in each case, while the Offer 
remains open for acceptance (or such earlier date or dates as Synergy Africa may 
(b)              The Chromex Shares are to be acquired by Synergy Africa fully 
paid and free from all liens, charges and encumbrances, rights of pre-emption 
and any other third party rights of any nature whatsoever and together with all 
rights attaching thereto, including the right to all dividends or other 
distributions declared, paid or made after the date hereof. 
The Warrant Offer will be subject to the Offer becoming or being declared 
unconditional in all respects. 
1.             Historic share prices are sourced from the AIM Appendix to the 
Daily Official List and represent closing middle market prices for Chromex's 
Shares on the relevant dates. 
2.             The value of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of 
Chromex is based upon the sum of: 
(i)            88,981,755 Chromex Shares in issue, as announced on 24 September 
2010 (representing the entire issued share capital of Chromex); 
(ii)           7,625,000 Chromex Share Options with exercise prices of less than 
36.5 pence per Chromex Share; 
(iii)          2,854,665 Chromex Warrants; and 
(iv)          9,049,239 New Chromex Shares to be issued on conversion of the 
Langa Trust Convertible Loan. Whilst this is based on the five day average 
ZAR/GBP exchange rate on the date immediately preceding the date of this 
Announcement, the exact number of Chromex Shares to which Langa Trust will 
become entitled will depend on the timing of the subscription and the ZAR/GBP 
exchange rate at that time. 
3.            Unless otherwise stated, the financial information relating to 
Chromex contained in this Announcement is extracted from the audited published 
consolidated accounts of Chromex for the year ended 30 September 2009 and the 
unaudited published consolidated accounts of Chromex for the six months ended 31 
March 2010. 
              APPENDIX III 
Irrevocable undertakings to accept or procure the acceptance of the Offer have 
been received in relation to the following Chromex Shares: 
|        Name         |  Number of Chromex  |    Percentage of    | 
|                     |       Shares        | Chromex's existing  | 
|                     |                     |    issued shares    | 
|                     |                     |      capital        | 
| Spruce Management   | 32,675,000          | 36.7                | 
| Limited             |                     |                     | 
| Shia and Phax       | 3,300,000           | 3.7                 | 
| Trusts              |                     |                     | 
| James Everett       | 5,000,000           | 5.6                 | 
| Burgess             |                     |                     | 
| Brian Michael       | 4,050,000           | 4.6                 | 
| Moritz              |                     |                     | 
| Sonia Barbara       | 1,000,000           | 1.1                 | 
| Moritz              |                     |                     | 
The irrevocable undertakings entered into by the Chromex Directors also extend 
to Chromex Shares which they may acquire on exercise of their rights under the 
Chromex Share Options. Chromex Directors hold options over, in aggregate, 
5,975,000 Chromex Shares under the Chromex Share Options. The number of Chromex 
Shares which each individual Chromex Director is entitled to acquire under these 
option arrangements is 3,300,000 in respect of Russell Lamming, 600,000 in 
respect of Brian Moritz and 2,075,000 in respect of Graham Stacey. 
Under the terms of the Langa Trust Convertible Loan Subscription Agreement, 
Langa Trust is entitled to subscribe for Chromex Shares in respect of the 
outstanding principal and accrued interest under the Langa Trust Convertible 
Loan at a strike price of 22 pence per Chromex Share, converted at the 
prevailing ZAR/GBP exchange rate with such subscription price being discharged 
by ceding Langa Trust's repayment right under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan. 
Langa Trust has given an irrevocable undertaking to exercise its subscription 
rights under the Langa Trust Convertible Loan Subscription Agreement and accept 
the Offer in respect of the resulting Chromex Shares acquired by it, after the 
Offer has been declared or otherwise becomes unconditional in all respects. On 
the basis of the five day average ZAR/GBP exchange rate on the date immediately 
preceding the date of this Announcement, the number of Chromex Shares which 
would be issued to Langa Trust were it to have subscribed on the date 
immediately preceding the date of this Announcement would be 9,049,239. The 
exact number of Chromex Shares to which Langa Trust will become entitled will 
depend on the timing of the subscription and the ZAR/GBP exchange rate at that 
The Langa Trust, Shia Trust and Phax Trust are connected to Spruce Management, 
which is interested in 32,675,000 Chromex Shares, representing 36.7 per cent. of 
the current issued share capital of Chromex. 
These irrevocable undertakings will lapse only if the Offer Document is not 
despatched to Chromex Shareholders on or before the date that is 28 days after 
the date of this Announcement or such later date as may be agreed by the Panel 
or if the Offer lapses or is withdrawn provided that the reason for such lapse 
or withdrawal is not because Synergy Africa has elected to implement the Offer 
by way of a scheme of arrangement. 
                                  APPENDIX IV 
Save where otherwise stated, for the purpose of this Announcement, 
"subsidiary", "subsidiary undertaking", "associated undertaking" and 
"undertaking" shall be construed in accordance with the Act. 
In this Announcement, the singular includes the plural and vice versa, unless 
the context otherwise requires. All references to time in this Announcement are 
to London time. 
The following definitions apply throughout this document unless the context 
requires otherwise: 
| "the Act"                | the Companies Act 2006                 | 
| "AIM"                    | the AIM Market of London Stock         | 
|                          | Exchange plc                           | 
| "Announcement"           | this announcement                      | 
| "Australia"              | the Commonwealth of Australia, its     | 
|                          | states, territories and possessions    | 
| "Business Day"           | a day other than a Saturday or Sunday  | 
|                          | or public holiday in England on which  | 
|                          | banks are open for business in the     | 
|                          | City of London                         | 
| "Chromex"                | Chromex Mining plc                     | 
| "Chromex Directors"      | the directors of Chromex as at the     | 
|                          | date of this Announcement              | 
| "Chromex Group"          | Chromex and its subsidiaries and       | 
|                          | subsidiary undertakings                | 
| "Chromex Shareholders"   | holders of Chromex Shares              | 
| "Chromex Shares"         | the existing unconditionally allotted  | 
|                          | or issued and fully paid ordinary      | 
|                          | shares of 1p each in the capital of    | 
|                          | Chromex and any further such shares    | 
|                          | which are unconditionally allotted or  | 
|                          | issued and fully paid, and any         | 
|                          | Treasury Shares unconditionally sold   | 
|                          | or transferred by Chromex, in each     | 
|                          | case, before the date on which the     | 
|                          | Offer closes (or such earlier date(s)  | 
|                          | as Synergy Africa may, subject to the  | 
|                          | Code, determine), including any such   | 
|                          | shares so unconditionally allotted or  | 
|                          | issued pursuant to the exercise of     | 
|                          | Chromex Warrants or Chromex Share      | 
|                          | Options or pursuant to the Langa Trust | 
|                          | Convertible Loan Subscription          | 
|                          | Agreement                              | 
| "Chromex Share Options"  | the options to acquire Chromex Shares  | 
|                          | held by various current and former     | 
|                          | officers and employees of the Chromex  | 
|                          | Group which give the right to          | 
|                          | subscribe for, in aggregate, 5,575,000 | 
|                          | Chromex Shares at 25 pence per share   | 
|                          | and 2,050,000 Chromex Shares at 30     | 
|                          | pence per share                        | 
| "Chromex Warrants"       | the 2,854,665 warrants in issue giving | 
|                          | the right to subscribe for one Chromex | 
|                          | Share for each warrant held at a       | 
|                          | subscription price of 20 pence per     | 
|                          | share                                  | 
| "Canada"                 | Canada, its provinces and territories  | 
|                          | and all areas subject to its           | 
|                          | jurisdiction and any political         | 
|                          | sub-division thereof                   | 
| "certificated form"      | a share or security that is not in     | 
|                          | uncertificated form                    | 
| "Closing Price"          | means the middle market closing price  | 
|                          | of one Chromex Share on the relevant   | 
|                          | day as derived from the AIM appendix   | 
|                          | of the Daily Official List             | 
| "Code"                   | the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers | 
| "CREST"                  | the relevant system, as defined in the | 
|                          | CREST Regulations in respect of which  | 
|                          | Euroclear is the operator in           | 
|                          | accordance with the which securities   | 
|                          | may be held in and transferred in      | 
|                          | uncertificated form                    | 
| "CREST Regulations"      | the Uncertificated Securities          | 
|                          | Regulations 2001 (S1 2001 No. 3755)    | 
| "Daily Official List"    | the Daily Official List of the London  | 
|                          | Stock Exchange                         | 
| "Euroclear"              | Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited         | 
| "Form of Acceptance"     | the form of acceptance relating to the | 
|                          | Offer and the Warrant Offer as the     | 
|                          | case may be accompanying the Offer     | 
|                          | Document which may only be completed   | 
|                          | by holders of Chromex Shares or        | 
|                          | Chromex Warrants in certificated form  | 
| "Kermas"                 | Kermas Limited, a company incorporated | 
|                          | in the British Virgin Islands with     | 
|                          | registered number 504889               | 
| "Kermas Directors"       | the Directors of Kermas as at the date | 
|                          | of this Announcement                   | 
| "Langa Trust"            | the Trustees for the time being of the | 
|                          | Langa Trust (Master's Reference No: IT | 
|                          | 9967/05)                               | 
| "Langa Trust Convertible | the outstanding principal and accrued  | 
| Loan"                    | interest under a loan facility         | 
|                          | agreement dated 19 December 2008,      | 
|                          | being ZAR 22,038,318 as at the date of | 
|                          | this Announcement                      | 
| "Langa Trust Convertible | the subscription agreement dated 19    | 
| Loan Subscription        | December 2008 pursuant to which Langa  | 
| Agreement"               | Trust is entitled to subscribe for     | 
|                          | Chromex Shares in respect of the Langa | 
|                          | Trust Convertible Loan at a conversion | 
|                          | price of 22 pence per Chromex Share    | 
|                          | converted at the prevailing ZAR/GBP    | 
|                          | exchange rate                          | 
| "London Stock Exchange"  | London Stock Exchange plc              | 
| "Listing Rules"          | the listing rules issued by the UK     | 
|                          | Listing Authority pursuant to Part VI  | 
|                          | of the Financial Services and Markets  | 
|                          | Act 2000                               | 
| "Mogale"                 | Mogale Alloys (Proprietary) Limited, a | 
|                          | company incorporated in South Africa   | 
|                          | with registration number               | 
|                          | 2002/015207/07 and involved in the     | 
|                          | Ruukki's minerals business             | 
| "Offer"                  | the recommended cash offer to be made  | 
|                          | by Synergy Africa pursuant to the Code | 
|                          | to acquire all of the Chromex Shares   | 
|                          | on the terms and subject to the        | 
|                          | conditions to be set out in the Offer  | 
|                          | Document and the form of acceptance    | 
|                          | relating thereto, and including, where | 
|                          | the context so requires, any           | 
|                          | subsequent revision, variation,        | 
|                          | extension or renewal of such offer     | 
| "Offer Document"         | the document to be sent to Chromex     | 
|                          | Shareholders by Synergy Africa         | 
|                          | containing the terms and conditions of | 
|                          | the Offer and the Warrant Offer        | 
| "Offer Period"           | the period commencing on (and          | 
|                          | including) 15 July 2010 until          | 
|                          | whichever of the following times and   | 
|                          | dates shall be the latest of:          | 
|                          | (i)   1.00pm (London time) on the      | 
|                          | first closing date of the Offer; or    | 
|                          | (ii)  the earlier of:                  | 
|                          | (a)   the time and date at the Offer   | 
|                          | lapses; or                             | 
|                          | (b)  the time and date at which the    | 
|                          | Offer becomes unconditional as the     | 
|                          | acceptances.                           | 
| "Panel"                  | the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers     | 
| "Panmure Gordon"         | Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited            | 
| "Regulatory Information  | a Regulatory Information Service that  | 
| Service"                 | is approved by the Financial Services  | 
|                          | Authority and is on the list           | 
|                          | maintained by the Financial Services   | 
|                          | Authority in LR App 3 to the Listing   | 
|                          | Rules                                  | 
| "Related Party           | the arrangements agreed by Kermas and  | 
| Transaction"             | Ruukki relating to (i) the             | 
|                          | establishment of Synergy Africa as a   | 
|                          | joint venture (ii) the financing of    | 
|                          | Synergy Africa (including the loan     | 
|                          | between Kermas and Ruukki) and (iii)   | 
|                          | the acquisition and holding of Chromex | 
|                          | Shares                                 | 
| "Relationship Agreement" | the Relationship deed dated 30 June    | 
|                          | 2010 between Dr Danko Koncar, Kermas,  | 
|                          | Ruukki and Kermas' majority            | 
|                          | shareholder (who is Dr Danko Koncar's  | 
|                          | cousin)                                | 
| "Restricted              | Australia, Canada, Japan and the       | 
| Jurisdiction"            | United States or any other             | 
|                          | jurisdiction where local laws or       | 
|                          | regulations may result in a            | 
|                          | significant risk of civil, regulatory  | 
|                          | or criminal exposure if information is | 
|                          | sent or made available to Chromex      | 
|                          | Shareholders in that jurisdiction      | 
| "Ruukki"                 | Ruukki Group Plc, a public limited     | 
|                          | company incorporated in Finland with   | 
|                          | business identity code 0618181-8 and   | 
|                          | trade register number 360.572          | 
| "Ruukki Directors"       | the Directors of Ruukki as at the date | 
|                          | of this Announcement                   | 
| "Ruukki Holdings"        | Ruukki Holdings Limited, a company     | 
|                          | incorporated in Malta with             | 
|                          | registration number C45836 and a       | 
|                          | wholly owned subsidiary of Ruukki      | 
| "Ruukki Shareholders"    | the holders of ordinary shares of no   | 
|                          | par value each in the capital of       | 
|                          | Ruukki                                 | 
| "SAMREC"                 | the South African code for reporting   | 
|                          | of mineral resources and mineral       | 
|                          | reserves                               | 
| "GBP" or "Sterling"      | pounds sterling, the lawful currency   | 
|                          | for the time being of the UK and       | 
|                          | references to "pence" and "p" shall be | 
|                          | construed accordingly                  | 
| "subsidiary" and         | have the meanings given to them in the | 
| "subsidiary undertaking" | Act                                    | 
| "Synergy Africa"         | Synergy Africa Limited, a private      | 
|                          | limited company incorporated in        | 
|                          | England and Wales with registered      | 
|                          | number 7382978                         | 
| "Synergy Africa          | Alwyn Smit, Alistair Ruiters and Dr.   | 
| Directors"               | Danko Koncar                           | 
| "Synergy Africa Group"   | Ruukki and Kermas and their respective | 
|                          | subsidiaries and subsidiary            | 
|                          | undertakings                           | 
| "Treasury Shares"        | shares held as treasury shares as      | 
|                          | defined in section 724(5) of the Act   | 
| "UK" or "United Kingdom" | the United Kingdom of Great Britain    | 
|                          | and Northern Ireland                   | 
| "UK Listing Authority"   | the Financial Services Authority as    | 
|                          | the competent authority under Part VI  | 
|                          | of the Financial Services and Markets  | 
|                          | Act 2000                               | 
| "uncertificated form"    | recorded on the relevant register of   | 
|                          | the share or security concerned as     | 
|                          | being held in uncertificated form in   | 
|                          | CREST and title to which by virtue of  | 
|                          | the CREST Regulations may be           | 
|                          | transferred by means of CREST          | 
| "United States"          | the United States of America, its      | 
|                          | territories and possessions, any state | 
|                          | of the United States of America, the   | 
|                          | District of Columbia, and all other    | 
|                          | areas subject to its jurisdiction      | 
| "Warrant Offer"          | the recommended cash offer to be made  | 
|                          | by Synergy Africa pursuant to the Code | 
|                          | to acquire all of the Chromex Warrants | 
|                          | on the terms and subject to the        | 
|                          | conditions to be set out in the Offer  | 
|                          | Document and the form of acceptance    | 
|                          | relating thereto, and including, where | 
|                          | the context so requires, any           | 
|                          | subsequent revision, variation,        | 
|                          | extension or renewal of such offer     | 
| "ZAR" or "Rand"          | South Africa Rand, the lawful currency | 
|                          | of the Republic of South Africa        | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 
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