RNS Number : 8526U 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc 
01 July 2009 

| Date:              | 1 July 2009                                                  | 
| On behalf of:      | Mobile Doctors Group Plc ("Mobile Doctors" or "the Group")   | 
| Embargoed for:     | 0700hrs            |                    |                    | 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc 
Interim Results for the six months ended 31 May 2009 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc (AIM: MDG.L), one of the leading providers of 
medico-legal reports for personal injury claims in the UK market, today 
announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 May 2009. 
Financial highlights: 
  *  Revenue: GBP14.06m (2008: GBP9.63m), an increase of 46% 
  *  Profit before tax: GBP667,000 (2008: GBP21,000) 
Commenting on the results, Matthew Game, Chief Executive Officer, said: 
"Three years ago we embarked on a journey to re-engineer our business and build 
a low-cost highly scalable platform. I am delighted to present half year results 
that confirm the steps taken are now beginning to return not only improved 
customer service and faster turnaround time but also improved financial results 
for our shareholders." 
Enquiries to: 
| Mobile Doctors Group Plc            | Tel: 020 8787 2000                   | 
| Matthew Game                        | www.mobile-doctors.co.uk             | 
| Daniel Stewart & Company plc        | Tel: 020 7776 6550                   | 
| Oliver Rigby                        |                                      | 
| Redleaf Communications              | Tel: 020 7566 6700                   | 
| Emma Kane/Adam Leviton              | Email:                               | 
|                                     | mobiledoctors@redleafpr.com          | 
Notes to Editors: 
  *  Mobile Doctors, established in 1989, has grown organically to become one of the 
  leading suppliers of medico-legal reports for personal injury claims in the UK. 
  It provides independent and objective medical evidence via a national panel of 
  medical experts and therapists. 
  *  Mobile Doctors has a database of approximately 2,500 medical experts covering 
  many areas of the UK and currently provides approximately 60,000 reports out of 
  approximately 600,000 reports required annually. 
  *  In addition to its core medical report service, Mobile Doctors also 
  provides ancillary services such as arranging MRI scans, X-Rays, CT scans, and 
  ultrasounds and rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, hospital 
  treatment and cognitive behavioural therapy. 
  *  Mobile Doctors Group Plc listed on AIM on 18 July 2007. 
Chief Executive Officer's Statement 
Three years ago we embarked on a journey to re-engineer our business and build a 
low-cost highly scalable platform. I am delighted to present half year results 
that confirm the steps taken are now beginning to return not only improved 
customer service and faster turnaround time but also improved financial results 
for our shareholders. 
Mobile Doctors Group continues to make strong progress with turnover for the 
first half up 46% and profit before tax of GBP667,000, compared to GBP21,000 in 
the same period last year. 
Volume has continued to increase with 27% more medical reports being 
returned than in the first half of 2008. Revenue growth of 46% over the 
comparative period reflects this increased volume coupled with significant 
growth in rehabilitation delivered in partnership with Nuffield Health. Gross 
margins on medico-legal reports continue to improve as we work more closely with 
our examiners although the change in product mix has resulted in overall gross 
margin moving from 24.8% to 23.0%. Overheads per case, and as a percentage of 
revenue, have continued to come down as a result of management focus on reducing 
fixed costs. The business has benefited from the reduction in base lending 
rates. The percentage of revenue discounted has also reduced in line with 
prospective interest rates, resulting in a net credit to interest expense. 
The Group continues to operate comfortably within its borrowing limits for 
working capital. Debtor days have continued to fall although the reduction due 
to early settlement under the MRO agreement has been less marked than in 2008. A 
further GBP395,000 of long-term loan stock has been repaid in the period and 
capital expenditure of GBP161,000 includes a major investment in IT server 
equipment which extends our capacity for future growth. 
We have long term contractual and strategic relationships with Steria (who 
manage our back office processing and IT support); Nuffield Health (who manage 
the physiotherapy, diagnostics and rehabilitation needs of our customers) and 
more recently TNT (who manage all of our in and out-bound mail, print, scanning 
and logistics). I am delighted to have the support of these three blue chip 
organizations who in their sectors operate at world class standards enabling us 
to deliver more to our customers. 
The introduction of TNT has been a major milestone in our re-engineering 
journey. This step has seen the TUPE of a number of our staff along with a major 
leap forward in the use of leading edge technology to deliver high quality 
scanning, print and delivery. 
We now have a highly scalable low-cost platform for growth and continue to seek 
suitable opportunities both organically and via acquisitions that meet our 
criteria for investment. 
Matthew Game 
Chief Executive 
1 July 2009 
  Condensed Consolidated Income Statement 
for the period ended 31 May 2009 
|                               |      |     Six months ended |      Six months ended | 
|                               | Note |          31 May 2009 |           31 May 2008 | 
|                               |      |    GBP000 |   GBP000 |    GBP000 |    GBP000 | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Revenue                       |      |           |   14,058 |           |     9,627 | 
| Cost of sales                 |      |           | (10,823) |           |   (7,235) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Gross profit                  |      |           |    3,235 |           |     2,392 | 
| Administrative expenses       |      |           |  (2,614) |           |   (2,220) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Operating profit before       |      |           |      621 |           |       172 | 
| financing costs               |      |           |          |           |           | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Financial income              |    3 |       450 |          |       642 |           | 
| Financial expenses            |    3 |     (404) |          |     (793) |           | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Net financing income/(costs)  |      |           |       46 |           |     (151) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Profit before tax             |      |           |      667 |           |        21 | 
| Taxation                      |      |           |    (212) |           |      (57) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period  |      |           |      455 |           |      (36) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Earnings/(loss) per share     |      |           |          |           |           | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
| Basic                         |    7 |           |    2.72p |           |   (0.21p) | 
| Diluted                       |    7 |           |    2.72p |           |   (0.21p) | 
|                               |      |           |          |           |           | 
Revenue and profits are derived from continuing activities. The entire profit 
for the period is attributable to equity holders of the Company. 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 
for the period ended 31 May 2009 
|                               |      |                |  Six months ended 31 May | 
|                               |      |                |         2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |      |                |       GBP000 |    GBP000 | 
|                               |      |                |              |           | 
|                               |      |                |              |           | 
|          Profit/(loss) for    |      |                |          455 |      (36) | 
|          the period           |      |                |              |           | 
|                               |      |                |              |           | 
|          Total recognised     |      |                |          455 |      (36) | 
|          income and expense   |      |                |              |           | 
|                               |      |                |              |           | 
All recognised income and expense for the period is attributable to equity 
holders of the Company. 
  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet 
at 31 May 2009 
|                                   | Note |          |        |    31 May |   30 Nov | 
|                                   |      |          |        |      2009 |     2008 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
|                                   |      |          |        |    GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| ASSETS                            |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Non-current assets                |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment     |    4 |          |        |       235 |      107 | 
| Intangible assets                 |    5 |          |        |     8,541 |    8,590 | 
| Deferred tax asset                |      |          |        |        72 |       77 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total non-current assets          |      |          |        |     8,848 |    8,774 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Current assets                    |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Trade and other receivables       |      |          |        |    25,552 |   23,300 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         |      |          |        |         - |       24 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total current assets              |      |          |        |    25,552 |   23,324 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total assets                      |      |          |        |    34,400 |   32,098 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| LIABILITIES                       |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Current liabilities               |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Bank overdraft                    |      |          |        |       159 |       85 | 
| Other interest-bearing loans and  |      |          |        |    14,849 |   13,444 | 
| borrowings                        |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Trade and other payables          |      |          |        |    14,116 |   13,641 | 
| Current tax                       |      |          |        |       303 |       71 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total current liabilities         |      |          |        |    29,427 |   27,241 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Non-current liabilities           |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Other interest-bearing loans and  |      |          |        |     2,172 |    2,511 | 
| borrowings                        |      |          |        |           |          | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total liabilities                 |      |          |        |    31,599 |   29,752 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Net assets                        |      |          |        |     2,801 |    2,346 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| EQUITY                            |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Share capital                     |      |          |        |     6,685 |    6,685 | 
| Share premium                     |      |          |        |       531 |      531 | 
| Merger reserve                    |      |          |        |   (4,113) |  (4,113) | 
| Retained earnings                 |      |          |        |     (302) |    (757) | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
| Total equity                      |      |          |        |     2,801 |    2,346 | 
|                                   |      |          |        |           |          | 
  Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the period ended 31 May 2009 
|                                           | Note |           | Six months ended 31 | 
|                                           |      |           |                 May | 
|                                           |      |    |      |     2009 |     2008 | 
|                                           |      |    |      |   GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities      |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period              |      |    |      |      455 |     (36) | 
|                   Adjustments for:        |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Depreciation and        |  4,5 |    |      |       82 |       27 | 
|                   amortization            |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Net financing costs     |    3 |    |      |     (46) |      151 | 
|                   Taxation                |      |    |      |      212 |       57 | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Operating profit before changes in        |      |    |      |      703 |      199 | 
| working capital                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   (Increase)/decrease in  |      |    |      |  (2,252) |      334 | 
|                   trade and other         |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   receivables             |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Increase in trade and   |      |    |      |      923 |    1,358 | 
|                   other payables          |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
|          Cash generated from operations   |      |    |      |    (626) |    1,891 | 
|                   Interest paid           |      |    |      |    (404) |   (1075) | 
|                   Tax reclaimed           |      |    |      |       25 |        6 | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
|          Net cash from operating          |      |    |      |  (1,005) |      822 | 
|          activities                       |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Cash flows from investing activities      |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Interest received       |      |    |      |        2 |        9 | 
|                   Acquisition of          |  4,5 |    |      |    (161) |     (30) | 
|                   property, plant and     |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   equipment               |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Acquisition of          |      |    |      |        - |       40 | 
|                   subsidiary net of cash  |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   acquired                |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Net cash from investing activities        |      |    |      |    (159) |       19 | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Cash flows from financing activities      |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Increase/(decrease) in  |      |    |      |    1,066 |    (876) | 
|                   borrowings              |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Net cash from financing activities        |      |    |      |    1,066 |    (876) | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Net decrease in cash    |      |    |      |     (98) |     (35) | 
|                   and cash equivalents    |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   Cash and cash           |      |    |      |     (61) |    (105) | 
|                   equivalents at start of |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                   period                  |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of       |      |    |      |    (159) |    (140) | 
| period                                    |      |    |      |          |          | 
|                                           |      |    |      |          |          | 
(forming part of the interim financial statements) 
1Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AIM 
Rules for Companies February 2007. The interim financial statements are 
presented in pounds sterling, rounded to the nearest thousand and have been 
prepared on the historical cost basis. 
The interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 May 2009 have not 
been audited. Comparative information presented in the Condensed Consolidated 
Balance Sheet and the related notes is extracted from the consolidated statutory 
accounts of Mobile Doctors Group plc for the year ended 30 November 2008. Those 
accounts have been reported upon by the Company's auditors and delivered to the 
registrar of companies. The report of the auditors: 
  *  was unqualified; 
  *  did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention 
  by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and; 
  *  did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 
Significant accounting policies 
The interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with and have 
been prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies that were 
applied in the preparation of the Group's financial statements for the year 
ended 30 November 2008. 
2    Dividends 
No dividends were paid or proposed in the six months ended 31 May 2009 (2008: 
3    Financial income and expense 
|                                                      | Six months ended 31 May | 
|                                                      |       2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                      |     GBP000 |     GBP000 | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
| Interest income                                      |          2 |          9 | 
| Unwinding of discount on revenue                     |        448 |        633 | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
| Financial income                                     |        450 |        642 | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
| Interest expense on bank loans and overdrafts        |      (336) |      (611) | 
| Interest expense on all other loans                  |       (68) |      (182) | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
| Financial expenses                                   |      (404) |      (793) | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
| Net financing income/(expense)                       |         46 |      (151) | 
|                                                      |            |            | 
  Notes (continued) 
4Property, plant and equipment 
|                               |   Fixtures and |      Plant and |          Total | 
|                               |       fittings |      equipment |                | 
|                               |         GBP000 |         GBP000 |         GBP000 | 
|          Cost                 |                |                |                | 
|          Balance at 30        |             18 |            434 |            452 | 
|          November 2008        |                |                |                | 
|          Additions            |              - |            159 |            159 | 
|          Disposals            |              - |           (21) |           (21) | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
|          Balance at 31 May    |             18 |            572 |            590 | 
|          2009                 |                |                |                | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
|          Depreciation         |                |                |                | 
|          Balance at 30        |             18 |            327 |            345 | 
|          November 2008        |                |                |                | 
|          Charge for the       |              - |             31 |             31 | 
|          period               |                |                |                | 
|          Disposals            |              - |           (21) |           (21) | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
|          Balance at 31 May    |             18 |            337 |            355 | 
|          2009                 |                |                |                | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
|          Net book value       |                |                |                | 
|          At 31 May 2009       |              - |            235 |            235 | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
|          At 30 November 2008  |              - |            107 |            107 | 
|                               |                |                |                | 
5    Intangible assets 
|                        |    Customer |    Goodwill |     Software |        Total | 
|                        |       Lists |             |              |              | 
|                        |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |       GBP000 |       GBP000 | 
|          Cost          |             |             |              |              | 
|          Balance at 30 |         838 |       7,768 |           88 |        8,694 | 
|          November 2008 |             |             |              |              | 
|          Additions     |           - |           - |            2 |            2 | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
|          Balance at 31 |         838 |       7,768 |           90 |        8,696 | 
|          May 2009      |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
|          Amortisation  |             |             |              |              | 
|          Balance at 30 |          95 |           - |            9 |          104 | 
|          November 2008 |             |             |              |              | 
|          Charge for    |          42 |           - |            9 |           51 | 
|          the period    |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
|          Balance at 31 |         137 |           - |           18 |          155 | 
|          May 2009      |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
|          Net book      |             |             |              |              | 
|          value         |             |             |              |              | 
|          At 31 May     |         701 |       7,768 |           72 |        8,541 | 
|          2009          |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
|          At 30         |         743 |       7,768 |           79 |        8,590 | 
|          November 2008 |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |             |             |              |              | 
Notes (continued) 
6    Related party transactions 
Transactions between group companies, which are related parties, have been 
eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. 
7Earnings Per Share 
|                                                |        Six months ended 31 May | 
|                                                |              2009 |       2008 | 
|                                                |            GBP000 |     GBP000 | 
|                                                |                   |            | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period                   |               455 |       (36) | 
|                                                |                   |            | 
|                                                |            Shares |     Shares | 
| Number of shares                               |                   |            | 
| Issued ordinary shares at the beginning of the |        16,712,129 | 14,530,311 | 
| period                                         |                   |            | 
| Shares issued during the period                |                 - |  2,181,818 | 
|                                                |                   |            | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares at  |        16,712,129 | 16,461,756 | 
| 31 May                                         |                   |            | 
|                                                |                   |            | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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