RNS Number : 1465U

Nottingham Building Society

29 July 2022

                                                                          Nottingham Building Society 
                                                            Results for the period ended 30 June 2022 
                                     The Nottingham delivers a positive financial performance for the 
                                    six months ended 30 June 2022 with digital savings balance growth 
                                   increasing, gross new mortgage lending holding strong and a larger 
                                                                             mortgage offer pipeline. 
                                                                  Key performance highlights include: 
                                                               *    Group pre-tax profit of GBP11.3m; 
                                           *    Strong capital position with CET 1 ratio at 16.2% and 
                                                                              leverage ratio of 5.9%; 
                                            *    Arrears levels remain very low with arrears ratio of 
                                           *    Improving net interest margin of 1.52%; up from 1.24% 
                                                                                             in 2021; 
                                            *    Strong liquidity and funding position with liquidity 
                                                                              coverage ratio of 238%; 
                                           *    Strong customer advocacy with a Net Promoter Score of 
                                                                                             71%; and 
                                                *    Strong retail franchise with over 60,000 digital 
                                                      Lifetime ISA customers, alongside stable branch 
                                                                                    savings balances. 
                              Sue Hayes, Chief Executive of The Nottingham, commenting on the results 
                                 "This marks my first set of results as Chief Executive since joining 
                                   the Society earlier in the year and, as I settle into my new role, 
                               the warm welcome I have received from everyone highlights the strength 
                                 of the team at The Nottingham. As outlined in the 2021 Annual Report 
                          & Accounts, we entered 2022 financially strong. However extreme uncertainty 
                                   remains in the economy, and it is against this backdrop that these 
                                                                                results are reported. 
                                The first half of 2022 has been dominated by the challenging external 
                                   economic picture. The conflict in Ukraine, supply chain issues and 
                                soaring energy costs have led to an extreme inflationary environment. 
                                We are very mindful of the impact that the cost of living crisis will 
                                                              have on our members and our colleagues. 
                                Whilst 90% of our borrowers are on fixed rate products, and therefore 
                                  protected against immediate rising interest costs, rising inflation 
                                   may create affordability pressures for our borrowers in the short- 
                                    to medium-term. Our level of arrears has remained very low across 
                                    2022 but we continue to monitor this closely and will continue to 
                                                           support members experiencing difficulties. 
                              As the bank base rate has increased over recent months, we have started 
                                   to pass these rate rises on to our variable rate savings products. 
                                   We expect this to continue as we balance the interest rates we pay 
                                          our savers against the interest we earn from our borrowers. 
                                                                    Trading and financial performance 
                              Following the successful relaunch of the Beehive Money savings platform 
                              last year we have put a significant focus onto our lending propositions 
                                 and products, as well as enhancing the Executive team and supporting 
                                  resource responsible for this area. This will allow us to enter new 
                            segments in the market, which, in turn, will support our savings members. 
                             During the first half of 2022, we helped nearly 2,000 borrowers purchase 
                                   a property and over 1,000 remortgage their properties. We achieved 
                                 gross lending of over GBP250m and have a strong pipeline of mortgage 
                                   offers standing at GBP189m as at 30 June 2022. We have streamlined 
                                   a number of our application requirements to make us easier to deal 
                                       with, as well as recently launching a holiday let proposition. 
                                   Our traditional mortgage markets remain extremely competitive, and 
                                  we have started to evaluate other more niche areas of lending where 
                                                       we believe better risk adjusted returns exist. 
                                    Recognising the changes in demographic behaviours more generally, 
                                    we have continued to broaden our digital savings offering through 
                                  our Beehive Money platform. We successfully launched both fixed and 
                               regular saving products through the digital platform during the period 
                                  and are proud to reach a milestone of 60,000 Lifetime ISA customers 
                               now saving with us. This is helping more young people save for a first 
                                    home deposit in a time when it is becoming even more difficult to 
                                                                          get on the property ladder. 
                              We were also pleased for our branches to return to pre-pandemic opening 
                                  hours. This in the context of some larger banks reducing theirs. We 
                                    are, however, continuing to see decreases in the volume of visits 
                                 to branches when compared to pre-pandemic levels, and it does appear 
                                                            that behaviours have now changed forever. 
                              We are pleased to see an improving picture on our customer satisfaction 
                                    scores, with highly satisfied customers standing at 83% and a Net 
                                    Promotor Score of 71%. Supporting our members with quality advice 
                                                  and service remains a key priority for the Society. 
                               The first half of 2022 has delivered a positive financial performance, 
                                which enables the Society to invest and grow in line with longer-term 
                               strategic priorities. This has resulted in an overall statutory profit 
                               before tax of GBP11.3m, a profit after tax ratio of 0.52% and a steady 
                               balance sheet. We have continued to see fair value gains in derivative 
                                 movements arise outside of underlying performance, which contributes 
                                   to the overall financial result. These gains, however, will unwind 
                                    in future periods. We will continue to evolve our proposition and 
                                   channels to respond to market conditions and contribute positively 
                                                                                      to performance. 
                                                                     Strategic priorities and outlook 
                            My key areas of focus for the remainder of the year ahead are to conclude 
                                   on a longer-term strategic review and deliver shorter-term actions 
                                 in the areas of mortgages and technology to enable us to achieve our 
                                                                                           2022 plan. 
                                    Our strategic review is now well advanced as we focus on our plan 
                              for the next three to five years and beyond in a post-pandemic society. 
                                  This includes the role and purpose of branches; how we can use data 
                                and technology to be more relevant in the future; how do we help more 
                                people to buy their own homes; and continued investment in our people 
                                   and our capability. This work will continue during the second half 
                                                                                         of the year. 
                                 The remainder of 2022 is expected to be dominated by the challenging 
                                    external economic environment. Whilst the risks from the pandemic 
                                 seem to be abating, the uncertainty from the conflict in Ukraine and 
                                 pressures on individuals and businesses of high inflation and energy 
                               costs will persist. Further bank rate rises are expected to counteract 
                                  inflation, and this will put further pressure on our borrowers. The 
                                   Society remains well placed to support its members and we continue 
                                  to move forward with our strategy with a strong sense of confidence 
                                                                           and sound financial base." 
                                                                                          Susan Hayes 
                                                                                      Chief Executive 
                                                                                         29 July 2022 
 Consolidated income statement 
  for the six months ended 30 June 
                                                   Period              Period          Year ended 
                                               to 30 June          to 30 June         31 Dec 2021 
                                                     2022                2021 
                                              (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)           (Audited) 
                                                     GBPm                GBPm                GBPm 
 Continuing operations 
 Interest receivable and similar income              39.3                31.8                64.4 
 Interest payable and similar charges              (11.1)               (9.6)              (18.5) 
                                           --------------      --------------       ------------- 
 Net interest income                                 28.2                22.2                45.9 
 Fees and commissions receivable                      1.8                 1.6                 3.0 
 Fees and commissions payable                       (0.7)               (0.6)               (0.9) 
 Net gains from derivative financial 
  instruments                                         4.0                 2.6                 7.9 
 Total net income                                    33.3                25.8                55.9 
 Administrative expenses                           (18.2)              (18.0)              (36.5) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                      (3.9)               (2.9)               (6.8) 
 Operating profit before impairment                  11.2                 4.9                12.6 
 Impairment release - loans and advances              0.1                 0.6                 1.4 
 Profit on disposal of subsidiary 
  undertaking                                           -                   -                 0.5 
 Profit on disposal of property, plant 
  & equipment                                           -                   -                 0.4 
 Profit before tax                                   11.3                 5.5                14.9 
 Tax expense                                        (1.6)               (0.8)               (2.5) 
                                           --------------      --------------       ------------- 
 Profit after tax for the financial 
  period from continuing operations                   9.7                 4.7                12.4 
 Discontinued operations 
 Profit after tax for the financial 
  period from discontinued operations                   -                 0.2                 0.2 
                                           --------------      --------------       ------------- 
 Profit after tax for the financial 
  period                                              9.7                 4.9                12.6 
                                           --------------      --------------       ------------- 
 Consolidated statement of financial 
  as at 30 June 2022 
                                                 30 June              30 June             31 Dec 
                                                    2022                 2021               2021 
                                             (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)          (Audited) 
                                                    GBPm                 GBPm               GBPm 
 Liquid assets                                     773.0                561.7              562.5 
 Derivative financial instruments                   83.6                  4.5               26.1 
 Loans and advances to customers                 2,876.1              3,045.9            3,010.9 
 Fixed and other assets                             32.9                 38.5               35.3 
                                          --------------  ---  --------------  ---  ------------ 
 Total assets                                    3,765.6              3,650.6            3,634.8 
                                          --------------  ---  --------------  ---  ------------ 
 Shares                                          2,984.6              2,891.0            2,874.6 
 Borrowings                                        511.1                491.0              496.1 
 Derivative financial instruments                    6.4                 17.8                6.5 
 Other liabilities                                  13.4                 15.0               14.5 
 Subscribed capital                                 24.0                 24.0               24.0 
                                          --------------  ---  --------------  ---  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                               3,539.5              3,438.8            3,415.7 
 General reserves                                  228.8                211.1              219.2 
 Fair value reserves                               (2.7)                  0.7              (0.1) 
                                          --------------  ---  --------------  ---  ------------ 
 Total reserves attributable to members 
  of the Society                                   226.1                211.8              219.1 
 Total reserves and liabilities                  3,765.6              3,650.6            3,634.8 
                                          --------------  ---  --------------  ---  ------------ 
 Consolidated statement of changes 
  in members' interests for the period 
  ended 30 June 2022 
                                               General       FVOCI 
                                               reserve     reserve     Total 
                                                  GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
 Balance as at 1 January 2022 (Audited)          219.2       (0.1)     219.1 
   Profit for the period                           9.7           -       9.7 
 Other comprehensive expense for the 
  period (net of tax) 
  Net losses from changes in fair value          (0.1)       (2.6)     (2.7) 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                   9.6       (2.6)       7.0 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2022 (Unaudited)          228.8       (2.7)     226.1 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2021 (Audited)          206.3           -     206.3 
   Profit for the period                           4.9           -       4.9 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period (net of tax) 
  Net (losses)/gains from changes in 
   fair value                                    (0.1)         0.7       0.6 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                           4.8         0.7       5.5 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2021 (Unaudited)          211.1         0.7     211.8 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2021 (Audited)          206.3           -     206.3 
   Profit for the year                            12.6           -      12.6 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period (net of tax) 
  Net gains/(losses) from changes in 
   fair value                                      0.3       (0.1)       0.2 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                  12.9       (0.1)      12.8 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance as at 31 December 2021 (Audited)        219.2       (0.1)     219.1 
                                            ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Summary consolidated cash flow statement 
  for the period ended 30 June 2022 
                                                      30 June         30 June        31 Dec 
                                                         2022            2021          2021 
                                                  (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                                         GBPm            GBPm          GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities                    16.4             9.1          22.0 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities            201.2          (25.8)           3.2 
                                               --------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Net cash generated by/(used in) operating 
  activities                                            217.6          (16.7)          25.2 
 Cash flows from investing activities                 (112.6)          (67.8)       (117.2) 
 Cash flows from financing activities                   (1.4)           (1.3)         (2.8) 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                           103.6          (85.8)        (94.8) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                             287.2           382.0         382.0 
                                               --------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                                390.8           296.2         287.2 
                                               --------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Summary ratios 
                                                    30 June   30 June   31 Dec 
                                                       2022      2021     2021 
                                                          %         %        % 
 Common Equity Tier 1 ratio                            16.2      15.7     16.5 
 Liquid assets as a percentage of shares 
  and borrowings                                      22.11     16.61    16.69 
 Group profit for the year as a percentage 
  of mean total assets                                 0.52      0.26     0.34 
 Group interest margin as a percentage 
  of mean assets                                       1.52      1.20     1.24 
 Total Group management expenses as 
  a percentage of mean total assets                    1.19      1.16     1.19 
 Group continuing management expenses 
  as a percentage of mean total assets                 1.19      1.13     1.17 
        *    The financial information set out above, which was 
             approved by the Board of Directors on 28 July 2022, 
             does not constitute accounts within the meaning of 
             the Building Societies Act 1986. 
        *    The financial information for the year ended 31 
             December 2021 has been extracted from the Annual 
             Report & Accounts for the year and on which the 
             auditors have given an unqualified opinion. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 29, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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