RNS Number:6695F
Petaling Tin Berhad
31 December 2002


Quarterly Report on Consolidated Results For the Fourth Quarter Ended 31st
October 2002

(The figures have not been audited)


                                                   INDIVIDUAL QUARTER            CUMULATIVE QUARTER          
                                                CURRENT       PRECEDING        CURRENT        PRECEDING   
                                                   YEAR            YEAR        YEAR TO    CORRESPONDING 
                                                QUARTER   CORRESPONDING           DATE          YEAR TO    
                                                                QUARTER                            DATE      
                                              31 Oct 02       31 Oct 01       31 Oct 02       31 Oct 01   
                                                 RM'000          RM'000          RM'000          RM'000     
Revenue                                          42,109           1,888          84,758          23,827  
Gross Profit                                     18,642             637          36,453          10,879 
Other Operating Income                              241             119           1,535           1,213  
Operating Expenses                               (7,486)         (5,161)        (12,627)         (9,540) 
Profit /(Loss) From Operations                   11,397          (4,405)         25,361           2,552  
Finance Cost                                         (3)             (5)            (14)            (46) 
Share of profits and losses of
 associated companies                                 -               -               -               -  
Profit/(loss) before taxation                     11,394         (4,410)         25,347           2,506                 
Income tax                                        (5,456)          (122)        (10,043)         (1,917) 
Net profit/(loss) attributable to 
 shareholders of the Company                       5,938         (4,532)         15,304             589  
Earning Per Share (Sen)  
      - Basic                                       1.90          (2.03)           5.81            0.36 
      - Fully Diluted                               1.72          (1.31)           4.42            0.17 
(The Condensed Consolidated Income Statements should be read in conjunction with
the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2001) 

                                        Registered Office :         
PETALING TIN BERHAD                     Level 19, Menara PanGlobal  
                                        50250 Kuala Lumpur.         
                                        Tel    :    03-2026 4491  
                                        Fax    :    03-2031 2263  
                                                 (UNAUDITED)       (AUDITED)       
                                                    AS AT            AS AT         
                                                   CURRENT   PRECEDING FINANCIAL  
                                                    QUARTER        YEAR ENDED      
                                                  31 Oct 2002     31 Oct 2001      
                                                    RM'000           RM'000        
1    Property, Plant & Equipment                     16,897          14,260 
2    Investment in Associated Companies                   -               - 
3    Long Term Investments                          239,043         249,203 
4    Intangible Assets                                    -              - 
5    Current Assets                                                                               
     Development properties and expenditure         109,530         127,698 
     Stocks                                          17,745          15,658 
     Trade debtors & other receivable                88,423          39,780 
     Short term investments                             448             373 
     Fixed deposits with financial institutions         531             484 
     Cash and bank balances                           2,733           2,335 
                                                    219,410         186,328 
6    Current Liabilities                                                                          
     Trade creditors                                 15,610           8,112 
     Other creditors and accrued liabilities         11,830          17,854 
     Borrowings                                          15           1,096 
     Taxation                                        28,025          10,614 
                                                     55,480          37,676 
7    Net Current Assets                             163,930         148,652 
                                                    419,870         412,115 
8    Shareholders' Funds  
     Share Capital                                  344,292         247,223 
     Reserves                                        40,702           9,867 
                                                    384,994         257,090 
9    Deferred Taxation                               32,722          40,256 

10   Long Term Borrowings                                54              69 
11   Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured
      Loan Stocks 2000/2010 ("ICULS")                 2,100         114,700 
                                                    419,870         412,115 
12   Net Tangible Assets Per Share (RM)                1.12            1.04 
(The Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets should be read in conjunction with
the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2001) 
Quarterly Report on Consolidated Results For the Fourth Quarter Ended 
31st October 2002  (The figures have not been audited) 

                           SHARE      SHARE     RESERVES      ACCUMULATED      SHAREHOLDERS' 
                          CAPITAL    PREMIUM                PROFIT/(LOSSES)       EQUITY     
                           RM'000     RM'000     RM'000          RM'000           RM'000     

At 1 November 2001        247,223     28,133       2,584         (20,850)          257,090 
Conversion of Irredeemable
Convertible Unsecured 
Loan Stocks                97,069     15,531           -               -           112,600 
Net Profit for the Year         -          -           -          15,304            15,304 

At 31 October 2002        344,292     43,664       2,584          (5,546)          384,994 
At 1 November 2000        100,844      4,712       2,584         (21,439)           86,701 
Conversion of Irredeemable
Convertible Unsecured
Loan Stocks               146,379     23,421           -               -           169,800 
Net Profit for the Year         -          -           -             589               589 

At 31 October 2001        247,223     28,133       2,584         (20,850)          257,090 
(The Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity should be read in 
conjunction with the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2001) 

Quarterly Report on Consolidated Cashflow For the Fourth Quarter Ended 
31st October 2002  (The figures have not been audited) 

                                      (UNAUDITED)               (AUDITED)         
                                        CURRENT          PRECEDING CORRESPONDING  
                                         YEAR                  YEAR TO DATE       
                                        TO DATE                                   
                                      31 Oct 2002              31 Oct 2001        
                                        RM'000                    RM'000          
Cash Flows From Operating Activities 
Net Profit Before Tax                     25,347                   2,506 
Adjustment for:-  
  Non-cash Items                           1,583                   2,847  
  Non-operating Items                      4,796                    (642) 
  Operating Profit before Working 
   Capital Changes                        31,726                   4,711 
Changes in Working Capital 

  Net Change in Current Assets           (32,753)                (12,380) 
  Net Change in Current Liabilities        1,382                 (25,723) 
  Cash Generated From/(Used In) Operations   355                 (33,392) 

  Tax Paid                                  (166)                   (148) 
  Interest Received                          116                     665 
  Interest Paid                              (52)                    (43) 
Net Cash Generated From/(Used In)
 Operations                                  253                 (32,918) 
Cash Flow From Investing Activities 
  Equity Investments                          20                      20 
  Other Investments                        1,221                    (591) 
                                           1,494                 (33,489) 
Cash Flow From Financing Activities 
  Bank Borrowings                         (1,096)                 (2,707) 

  Net Changes in Cash & Cash Equivalents     398                 (36,196) 
  Cash & Cash Equivalents At Beginning 
   of Year                                 2,335                  38,531 
Cash & Cash Equivalents At End of
  Period/Year                              2,733                   2,335 
(The Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statements should be read in conjunction 
with the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2001) 

1.       Basis of Preparation

The interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with MASB 26,
Interim Financial Reporting and Paragraph 9.22 of the KLSE Listing Requirements.
The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted by the Group in this
interim financial report are consistent with those adopted in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 October 2001.

The interim financial report should be read in conjunction with the audited
financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 October 2001.

2.       Qualification of Financial Statements

The Group's audited financial statements for the preceding year ended 31 October
2001 was not subject to any qualification.

3.       Seasonality or Cyclical Factors

The Group's current quarter performance was not affected nor influenced by
seasonal or cyclical factors.

4.       Items of unusual Nature and Amount

There were no items affecting the assets, liabilities, equity, net income, or
cash flow of the Group that are unusual because of their nature, size or
incidence, except for the items as disclosed in Note 6 and Note 9.

5.       Changes in Estimates

There were no changes in the estimates of amounts reported in prior quarters of
the current financial year or estimates of amounts reported in prior financial
years that have a material effect in the current quarter.

6.       Issuance and Repayment of Debt and Equity Securities for the Financial
Year to Date

On 2 September 2002, RM112,600,000 nominal value of ICULS (2000/2010) was
converted into 97,068,965 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company at a
conversion price of RM1.16 per share.

There were no other issuance and repayments of debt and equity securities, share
buy-backs, share cancellations, shares held as treasury shares and resale of
treasury shares for the financial year to date.

7.     Dividends Paid

There were no dividend paid during the financial year to date.

8.     Segmental Reporting for the Current Financial Year to Date

                                                              Profit/(loss) before
                                                           taxation, minority interest
                                                 Turnover    and extraordinary items       Assets Employed
Analysis by activity                               RM'000            RM'000                     RM'000

Investment holding                                      -            (641)                     1,352
Manufacturing                                           -          (7,419)                     6,607
Property Development                               84,758          33,407                    467,391

                                                   84,758          25,347                    475,350

The geographical analysis is not presented as the Group's operations are solely
based in Malaysia.



 9. Property, Plant and Equipment

The values of property, plant and equipment have been brought forward without
amendment from the previous annual financial statements except for the valuation
of property, plant and equipment of a subsidiary company which have been written
down to their recoverable amount estimated by independent valuation based on
Forced Sale Value carried out on 27 December 2002. Consequently, an amount of
RM5.587 million was written off in the current quarter ended 31 October 2002.

10.  Material Events Subsequent to the Financial Year to Date

There were no material events subsequent to the fourth quarter ended 31 October
2002 till the date of this report that have not been reflected in the financial
statements in the said quarter.

11.  Changes in the Composition of the Group

There were no changes in the composition of the Group for the current quarter
and financial year to date.

12.  Changes in Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

There were no contingent liabilities and contingent assets that had arisen since
the last annual balance sheet date.

Additional information required by the KLSE's Listing Requirements

 1. Review of Performance of the Company and its Principal Subsidiaries

 (a)          For the current quarter ended 31 October 2002, the Group has
recorded a pre-tax profit of RM11.394 million as compared to pre-tax loss of
RM4.41 million for the preceding year's corresponding quarter ended 31 October
2001.  The profits generated mainly from sales of completed and uncompleted
development properties of Bandar Domain in Karambunai, Sabah and Desa Bukit
Magilds in Sungai Buloh.

(b)           For the current financial year to date ended 31 October 2002, the
Group has recorded a pre-tax profit of RM25.347 million as compared to pre-tax
profit of RM2.506 million for the preceding year to date ended 31 October 2001.
The profits generated mainly from sales of completed and uncompleted development
properties of Bandar Domain in Karambunai, Sabah and Desa Bukit Magilds in
Sungai Buloh.

 2. Material Changes in the Quarterly Results Compared to the Results of the
    Preceding Quarter

For the current quarter ended 31 October 2002, the Group has recorded a pre-tax
profit of RM11.394 million as compared to a pre-tax profit of RM11.632 million
for the previous quarter ended 31 July 2002.  The current quarter pre-tax profit
of RM11.394 million accrues mainly from the sales of completed and uncompleted
development properties of Bandar Domain in Karambunai, Sabah and Desa Bukit
Magilds in Sungai Buloh.



3.       Prospects for the Remaining Period of the Financial Year

Financial year 2003 is expected to present its own challenges to the Group in
the face of continued global economic uncertainties through a phase of recovery.
The country's moderate growth forecast and an expected weak consumer sentiment
will bear challenges for players in the property development business. However,
pro-active measures and stimulus packages introduced by the Government to revive
the country's economy will provide impetus to stimulate spending and domestic
consumption. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Board is optimistic that
the Group will remain profitable in the next financial year.

 4. Shortfall in the Profit Guarantee

There is no shortfall in aggregate actual profits achieved as compared to the
aggregate minimum profit guarantee for the three (3) financial years ended 31
October 2002 by the vendors of Golden Domain Holdings Sdn Bhd.

5.       Taxation
                                                  Quarter               Year
                                                   Ended              To Date
                                                31.10.2002           31.10.2002
                                                  RM'000               RM'000

Taxation comprises of the followings:

Malaysian taxation based on profit for
the period:
        Current                                    10,339               17,932
        Deferred                                   (4,527)              (7,533)
                                                    5,812               10,399
Over provision in prior period                       (356)                (356)
                                                    5,456               10,043

The Group effective tax rate for the current quarter and financial year to date
is higher than the standard tax rate as there is no Group relief for losses
suffered by the Company and certain subsidiary companies and certain expenses
were disallowed for tax purposes.

6.     Profit on sales of Unquoted Investments and/or Properties

There were no profit on sales of unquoted investments and properties as there
were no disposal of investment or properties for the current quarter and
financial year to date other than disposal of development properties.

 7. Quoted securities

a)                   There were no purchases nor disposal of quoted securities
for the financial year to date.

b)                   Total investments in quoted securities as at 31 October
2002 are as follows:

Quoted shares, at cost                            1,152
Provision for diminution in value                  (704)
At book value                                       448

Market value                                        455



8.     Status of Corporate Proposals

As at the date of the report the rescue exercise duly approved by the
shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 20 August 1999 ("Rescue
Proposals") has been completed, save and except for the transfer of land title
of the Ulu Kelang Project, which is in progress.

9.     Group Borrowings and Debt Securities

Total Group borrowings as at 31 October 2002 are as follows:

Secured                                         RM'000
Long Term Borrowings
     Total outstanding balances                   69
     Repayment due within the next 12 months     (15)
                           Total                  54

Short Term Borrowings
     Current portion of term loan and hire
      purchase                                    15

The above borrowings are denominated in Ringgit Malaysia.

10. Off Balance Sheet Financial Instruments

The Group does not have any financial instruments with off balance sheet risk as
at the date of this report.

11. Material Litigation

Save as disclosed below, the Group is not engaged in any material litigation as
at the date of this report.

(a)                 On 12 April 1996, Lam Hong Kee Sdn. Bhd. ("LHKSB") entered
into a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Magilds Park Sdn. Bhd. ("MPSB"), a
subsidiary of the Company, for the purchase of an industrial lot held under the
land title HS(D) 37590 P.T. No. 19694, Mukim Batu, District of Kuala Lumpur at
the purchase price of RM786,258.00. On 18 April 2000 LHKSB as the Plaintiff
filed a suit against MPSB. LHKSB is claiming among others for a refund of
RM314,503.20 which they have paid in respect of the progressive payment towards
the purchase price and a claim for the sum of RM92,394.90 being interest of the
progressive purchase price paid. The case has been fixed for hearing in Court on
15 April 2003.

 (b)          On 24 October 1996, Excel Chemical Trading Sdn. Bhd. ("Excel")
entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement with MPSB for the purchase of an
industrial lot held under the land title HS(D) 37590 P.T. No. 19694, Mukim Batu,
District of Kuala Lumpur at the purchase price of RM996,912.00. On 4 December
2000, Excel as the Plaintiff filed a suit against MPSB. Excel is claiming among
others for a refund of RM398,764.80 which they have paid in respect of the
progressive payment towards the purchase price and late delivery of vacant
possession in the sum of RM93,682.41. The Senior Assistant Registrar (SAR) has
passed a judgement in favour of the Plaintiff. MPSB has appealed to the High
Court Judge in Chamber against the SAR's decision. The case has been fixed for
hearing in the High Court on 13 January 2003.

Provision has been made in the accounts of MPSB in accordance to legal advice.



12. Dividend

There was no dividend proposed for the financial year to date.

13.  Earnings Per Share

a.                    The calculation of basic earnings per share for the
current quarter and the financial year to date are based on the Group profit
after tax of RM5,938,060 for the current quarter and RM15,303,673 for the
financial year to date divided by weighted average ordinary shares in issue of
311,936,013 for the current quarter and 263,401,531 for the financial year to

b.                   The calculation of diluted earnings per share for the
current quarter and the financial year to date are based on the Group profit
after tax of RM5,938,060 for the current quarter and RM15,303,673 for the
financial year to date divided by weighted average ordinary shares in issue of
346,102,681, on the assumption that the outstanding 2,100,000 nominal value of
ICULS (2000/2010) have been exercised and converted into new ordinary shares of
RM1.00 each in the Company on 1 November 2001.

By Order of The Board

Chief Financial Officer

Kuala Lumpur
Date :   31 December 2002

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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