June 22 2010 - 1:30AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number : 9916N
Persian Gold PLC
22 June 2010
The board of Persian Gold plc ("Persian") is pleased to announce that it has
entered into an implementation agreement whereby it has agreed to acquire all of
the outstanding shares of Hydrocarbon Exploration plc ("HyEx") (the
"Acquisition"). The Acquisition will be achieved by way of a scheme of
arrangement (the "Scheme"). Persian has requested that dealings in its shares
be immediately suspended from AIM pending publication of an admission document.
Details of the Acquisition
HyEx is a UK plc which was formed when Petrominerales Ltd ("Petrominerales"), a
Latin American based oil exploration and production company listed on the
Toronto Stock Exchange, acquired AIM listed Pan Andean Resources plc, and into
which Pan Andean Resources plc transferred its non-Colombian and non-Peruvian
assets. On completion of the transaction, Persian will own 100 per cent. of the
equity of HyEx, whose assets will be the exploration interests in Bolivia and
Ghana and royalty income and licences over producing assets in the US.
Persian has conditionally offered to buy all of the outstanding shares of HyEx
from the existing shareholders of HyEx on the basis of 2,500 new shares of
Persian for every one HyEx share held, subject to certain conditions, including
Persian shareholder approval. The conditions are set out in the summary of
principal terms below.
There are currently 25,537 HyEx shares in issue and 75,172,835 Persian shares in
issue which would result in HyEx shareholders holding approximately 45.75 per
cent. of Persian as enlarged by the Acquisition. At the current Persian share
price of 6.75p, this values HyEx at approximately GBP4.3 million. It is also
anticipated that Persian will undertake a placing of new shares to raise
sufficient working capital for the enlarged group. As part of the arrangements
described, the enlarged group will change its name to Clontarf Energy plc.
The Scheme is subject to regulatory and legal approvals, including approval by
the High Court of England and Wales and approval of HyEx and Persian
shareholders. The final terms of the Offer will be set out in a circular
expected to be posted to shareholders by the end of September 2010. The
transaction is expected to complete by the end of October 2010.
Owing to HyEx's size, the Acquisition constitutes a reverse takeover of Persian
under the AIM Rules and therefore a circular will be sent to Persian
shareholders in due course to convene a general meeting to seek approval for the
Background on HyEx
HyEx holds the assets of Pan Andean Resources plc which were not acquired by
Petrominerales earlier this year, which are summarised as follows. In the US,
HyEx receives income from its royalty interests in Block High Island 52 and 63%
working interest in Block High Island the Gulf of Mexico and small
royalties from onshore holdings. Oil production from all of these assets is
declining and is expected to be negligible within two years. There is a claim
against HyEx for circa $4 million from Hunt Oil, who operate High Island 30,
which is disputed.
HyEx also has a 10% stake in the El Dorado gas field in Bolivia. El Dorado is a
well located gas field with reserves of over 1 trillion cubic feet. It was a
BP/Pan Andean joint venture. The BP stake is now owned by Chaco, the Bolivian
state oil company, which is currently producing 20 million cubic feet of gas a
day from two wells on the block.
HyEx holds a 30% interest in the Monteagudo gas/oil field (Repsol 50%, Petrobras
20%) in Central Bolivia. There is declining production from a number of shallow
gas wells and a significant deep gas play.
HyEx is a participant in an oil exploration concession in Ghana, holding a 30
per cent. interest. This is the same oil exploration concession in which
Persian also have a 30 per cent. interest, as announced on 15 April 2010.
Related Party Transaction
The fact that four of the directors of Persian are also directors and/or
shareholders of HyEx means that the Offer will constitute a related party
transaction under the AIM Rules, requiring the remaining director, Dr Manouchehr
Takin, following consultation with the Company's Nominated Adviser, Cairn
Financial Advisers LLP, to consider whether the Acquisition is fair and
reasonable insofar as the Persian shareholders are concerned, which he will do
at the time of publication of the admission document. The Acquisition is
subject to such approval being granted.
Implementation Agreement
An implementation agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the Scheme
has been entered into by Persian and HyEx. Amongst other things the agreement
governs the relationship between Persian and HyEx during the period until the
Scheme becomes effective. A summary of the principal terms and conditions of
the agreement is set out below. The Offer, if made, will not fall under the UK
takeover code or the equivalent takeover regulations in Ireland.
John Teeling, Chairman, commented:
"This is a good proposal for both companies and I strongly support it. HyEx
gets a stock exchange listing which gives liquidity to its shareholders and
Persian Gold expands its oil and gas portfolio. The increased scale will make
the combined venture more acceptable to investors."
Persian Gold plc
John Teeling, Chairman +353 1 833 2833
James Finn, Finance Director +353 1 833 2833
Nominated Adviser
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP +44(0) 20 7148 7900
James Caithie
Broker and Financial Adviser
Alexander David Securities Limited +44(0) 20 7448 9800
Ian Rice
College Hill +44(0) 20
7457 2020
Nick Elwes
A summary of the principal terms and conditions of the implementation agreement
is set out below:
Implementation of the Scheme is conditional upon (among other things):
· Approval of Persian and HyEx shareholders
· The sanction of the Scheme by the Court
· Persian and HyEx obtaining all necessary consents and approvals to
implement the acquisition contemplated by the Scheme
· The warranties provided by HyEx and Persian pursuant to the implementation
agreement being true and correct in all material respects at the effective date
of the Scheme
· The implementation agreement not having been terminated
· Related Party Transaction approval (as set out above) having been granted
The parties are required to use reasonable endeavours to satisfy the conditions.
The implementation agreement can be terminated by either party by (among other
· Mutual written consent of Persian and HyEx.
· By either party if certain conditions set out in the implementation
agreement are not fulfilled on or before 31 October 2010.
The implementation agreement contains customary non-solicitation provisions.
HyEx must pay Persian a break fee of up to a maximum of GBP250,000 if the Scheme
is not approved by the requisite majority of HyEx Shareholders or the Scheme is
not sanctioned by the Court or the board of HyEx fail to make any of its
recommendations, approvals, resolutions or determinations required in relation
to the Scheme or withdraws, modifies or changes its recommendations, approvals,
resolutions or determinations in a manner adverse to Persian.
HyEx must pay Persian a break fee of GBP450,000 if:
· the board of HyEx fail to publicly reaffirm its recommendations of
the Scheme;
· the board of HyEx recommend the shareholders of HyEx vote for an
offer by a third party;
· the agreement is terminated to permit HyEx enter into an
acquisition agreement with a third party; or
· a third party proposal is announced or offered to shareholders of
HyEx in advance of the meetings of the HyEx shareholders and they fail to
approve the resolutions and the third party acquisition is completed within
twelve months of such shareholder meetings.
Persian must pay HyEx an amount equal to HyEx's expenses directly relating to
the Scheme to a maximum of GBP250,000 in the event HyEx terminates the
implementation agreement following a failure by Persian to fulfil certain
conditions relating to its obligation to implement the Scheme.
Representations and warranties have been given by each of Persian and HyEx
including in relation to corporate capacity, authorisation and the accuracy of
certain information provided to each party.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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