RNS Number : 1300Y

Bovis Homes Group PLC

27 February 2012

27 February 2012




Bovis Homes Group PLC today announced its preliminary results for the financial year ended 31 December 2011 which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ('IFRS').

 Financial highlights         2011        2010      Change 
 Revenue                   GBP364.8m   GBP298.6m     +22% 
 Gross profit              GBP72.2m    GBP53.4m      +35% 
 Housing gross margin *      20.8%       17.9%     +2.9ppts 
 Operating profit          GBP36.4m    GBP21.6m      +69% 
 Operating margin            10.0%       7.2%      +2.8ppts 
 Profit before tax         GBP32.1m    GBP18.5m      +74% 
 Earnings per share          17.5p       10.6p       +65% 
 Dividend per share          5.0p        3.0p        +67% 
 Net cash                  GBP50.8m    GBP51.7m 

* excluding land sales

Operational highlights

   --     Legal completions of 2,045 homes (2010: 1,901), an increase of 8% 
   --     Average private sales price of GBP180,100 (2010: GBP172,300), an increase of 5% 
   --     Average active sales outlets of 73 in 2011 (2010: 66), an increase of 11% 
   --     Private reservations in 2011 increased by 24% to 1,653 homes (2010: 1,334) 

-- 13,723 consented plots at 31 December 2011, with potential gross profit of GBP524 million, calculated using current sales prices and current build costs (31 December 2010: 13,766 plots with gross profit potential of GBP461 million)

   --    18,749 potential plots of strategic land (2010: 17,325 potential plots) 

Current trading and outlook

-- 2012 private reservations to date increased by 41% from a 28% increase in active sales outlets and a sales rate improvement of 10%

   --    Sales prices achieved to date have been modestly ahead of Group expectations 
   --    On track for an average of 85 active sales outlets for 2012 (2011: 73) 

-- Terms agreed to acquire over 2,000 plots of land; circa 750 consented plots at an advanced stage of acquisition and circa 500 plots contracted, subject to planning, with legal completion expected in 2012

-- Assuming current market conditions continue, the Group anticipates achieving a return on capital employed of at least 7% in 2012

Commenting on the results, David Ritchie, the Chief Executive of Bovis Homes Group PLC said:

"The Group has delivered a strong improvement in profit in 2011 against a challenging but stable market environment. This profit improvement has been delivered through the compound positive effect of increased volumes, improved sales prices and stronger margins.

"Significant progress has also been made in positioning the Group for continued improving returns. The substantial land investment in recent years will deliver a strong increase in active sales outlets in 2012. Based on a continuation of current market conditions, this will further enhance volumes, sales prices and profit margins.

"As well as driving profitability, the Group is focused on enhancing shareholder returns through improving the efficiency of its capital employed, through land bank management, including the sale of consented plots on selected sites, and by managing working capital tightly.

"Looking forward, based on current market conditions continuing, increasing profits combined with further improvements in the use of capital will deliver a strongly increasing return on capital employed in 2012 and beyond.

"I would like to recognise the considerable effort, commitment and hard work of our employees during 2011 and to thank them all for their contribution to the Group's success."

 Enquiries:   David Ritchie, Chief     Results issued   Andrew Jaques/Reg 
               Executive                by               Hoare/ 
              Jonathan Hill, Finance                    James White 
              Bovis Homes Group PLC                     MHP Communications 
              On 27 February -                          On 27 February - 
               tel: 07855 432 699                        tel: 020 3128 8100 
              Thereafter - tel: 01474 876200 

Certain statements in this press release are forward looking statements. Forward looking statements involve evaluating a number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. Forward looking statements regarding past trends, results or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends, results or activities will continue in the future. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward looking statements.

Chief Executive's Statement

Bovis Homes has made significant progress in 2011, delivering a strong improvement in profits and earnings against a backdrop of challenging, but stable, market conditions.

The Group has continued to position itself for significant improvement in returns through the continued acquisition of high quality consented sites in order to grow active sales outlets, leading to higher volumes, increased average sales price and higher profit margins.

Additionally, the Group has taken steps to improve the efficiency of capital employed, both through the sale of consented plots on selected sites and by managing working capital tightly.

Bovis Homes aims to be a quality housebuilder delivering high returns generated from a strong land bank, much of it strategically sourced, and a quality product sold at a premium price. In order to deliver improved returns, the following clear strategic objectives for 2011 were set out and have been delivered:

   --     Increase operating profits 
   --     Build future margin potential in the land bank 
   --     Improve efficiency of capital employed 

Increase operating profits

Operating profit increased in the year by 69% to GBP36.4 million. This resulted from the compound positive effect of an increased volume of legal completions at a higher average sales price with an improved profit margin.

Volume growth was driven from the increased number of active sales outlets in 2011. Having opened 33 sales outlets during the year, the average number of active sales outlets grew to 73 from 66 in the prior year and the Group finished 2011 with 80 active sales outlets.

The increase in active sales outlets contributed to the delivery of 2,045 legal completions during 2011, 8% ahead of the previous year (2010: 1,901). The Group legally completed 1,624 private homes (2010: 1,592, including the 215 home joint venture deal), with an underlying increase, excluding the joint venture deal, of 18%. As a result of the quantity of new site openings during the year, legal completions of social homes increased by 36% to 421 (2010: 309), 21% of total volume, compared to 16% in 2010.

In addition to increased volume, the Group's average sales price also increased. The average sales price of private homes was 5% higher at GBP180,100 in 2011 (2010: GBP172,300). This uplift was almost entirely due to the mix of homes as the Group increased the contribution from family homes in the south of England. Taking private and social homes together, the overall average sales price in 2011 was GBP162,400 (2010: GBP160,700).

Gross profit margin (excluding land sales) increased to 20.8% in 2011 from 17.9% in 2010. This resulted from two factors: the full year benefit of construction cost savings in 2011 and the increased contribution from legal completions on stronger profit margin sites acquired post the housing market downturn.

As a result of the compound positive effect of volume growth, higher average sales price and improved gross profit margin, gross profit (excluding land sales) increased by 30% to GBP69.5 million. Combined with land sales profits of GBP2.7 million and with overheads well controlled, the significant growth in operating profit to GBP36.4 million (2010: GBP21.6m) was achieved at an operating margin of 10% (2010: 7.2%).

Build future margin potential in the land bank

During 2011, 2,552 plots were added to the consented land bank at a cost of GBP134 million (2010: 3,690 consented plots at a cost of GBP203 million). Approximately 88% of these plots are located in the south of England, where the housing market continues to show greater robustness. The plots added have an estimated future revenue of GBP542 million and an estimated future gross profit potential of GBP137 million, based on current sales prices and current build costs, and are expected to deliver an estimated gross margin of over 25%. Of the plots added to the consented land bank, circa 1,000 plots were delivered through conversion of strategic land.

The Group has agreed terms for the acquisition of more than 2,000 further plots. Of these, circa 750 consented plots on five sites are at an advanced stage in the acquisition process with a targeted acquisition date in H1 2012. An additional circa 500 plots on five sites are contracted, subject to planning, with planning expected in 2012.

The consented land bank amounted to 13,723 plots as at 31 December 2011, marginally below the 13,766 plots held at 31 December 2010. The Group estimates that the gross profit potential on the plots within the consented land bank at the 2011 year end, based on current sales prices and current build costs, was GBP524 million with a gross margin of 21.4% (31 December 2010: gross profit potential of GBP461 million with a gross margin of 20.0%). The increase in 2011 of GBP63 million arose from the land additions (GBP137 million) less utilisation from home sales (GBP69 million) and land sales (GBP26 million). The balancing positive value of GBP21 million reflects other added value changes delivered by the Group in respect of improving gross profit, including cost savings and site replans.

Of the 13,723 plots, 72% are located in the south of England (2010: 69%). At the year end, the consented land bank included 5,797 consented plots (42% of total), which have been acquired since the housing market downturn (2010: 3,931, 29% of total). The average consented land plot cost was GBP39,800 at the start of 2011 and increased over the year to GBP42,100, as a result of a lower number of written down plots held in the land bank (17% of land plots versus 26% at the start of the year) and the addition of new prime southern traditional housing sites where the average plot cost is higher.

The Group intends to increase its investment in strategic land as visibility over the effects of the changes to the planning environment improves. The strategic land bank at 31 December 2011 stood at 18,749 potential plots as compared to 17,325 potential plots at 31 December 2010. The Group added circa 2,400 potential plots to the strategic land bank during the year, thus enabling the strategic land bank to grow in size notwithstanding the successful conversion of circa 1,000 plots into the consented land bank.

Improve efficiency of capital employed

The Group has controlled the size and value of the consented land bank during 2011, with a lower number of plots being acquired than in 2010, whilst legal completions have increased and a number of land sales have been successfully delivered. At the same time the Group is increasing the number of active sales outlets, thus employing its capital more effectively.

In order to improve the spread of the Group's land bank to enhance capital turn, the Group has achieved its five targeted consented land sales on selected sites in 2011, particularly on those sites which have a longer trade out period by virtue of their size. Of these, four land sales completed in 2011 and the fifth completed in early January 2012. As a result of the four completed sales, the land bank reduced in size by 532 consented plots.

The Group has tightly controlled work in progress, with the number of units of production held at the end of 2011 reduced to 949 units (2010: 1,093). Additionally, work in progress associated with infrastructure, roads and sewers has been reduced.

Improving returns

Strong growth in profits during 2011 combined with improved efficiency of capital employed has resulted in a significant increase in return on capital employed to 5% in 2011 from 3% in 2010.

The Group is firmly of the view that, based on current market conditions continuing, return on capital employed will further improve in 2012, fuelled by the aforementioned compound positive effect on profit of volume improvement, growth in average sales price and increase in profit margin. Whilst future output capacity will grow, the capital base will remain tightly controlled in respect of land and work in progress. Therefore, assuming current market conditions continue, the Group anticipates achieving a return on capital employed of at least 7% in 2012.

Market conditions

A lack of availability in 2011 of high loan to value mortgage products continued to constrain market demand for new build homes. This was particularly an issue for first time buyers, who, since the financial crisis, have had to provide a higher level of deposit for their home purchase than had historically been the case. Monthly mortgage approval levels have been stable throughout 2011, but at significantly lower levels than the position historically.

With a backdrop of continuing economic and employment uncertainty, trading conditions are expected to remain challenging during 2012. However, the Group regards positively the anticipated launch of the Government backed mortgage indemnity scheme and welcomes the stimulus that this scheme can provide to activity in the new build homes market through the availability of 95% loan to value mortgages. The mortgage indemnity scheme is expected to work in a similar way to the Group's existing Perfect 10 product and the Group will work with the industry, lenders and the Government with the aim of launching the new scheme in good time for the spring market this year. As well as working with the industry, the Group will continue to seek innovative ways to enable its customers to access appropriate mortgage finance.

During 2011, sales prices have been stable with some regional variations. Although the market remains challenging and customer confidence and commitment levels remain subdued, the Group currently believes that the pricing environment will be broadly stable for 2012 as a whole, on the expectation that a limited supply of homes for sale will not satisfy demand from purchasers. At the same time, buyers are likely to remain constrained by mortgage availability. It is anticipated that sales prices will continue to be more robust in the south of England than in the north, which will assist the Group given the southern bias of its sites.

Current trading

The Group entered 2012 with a forward sales order position of 568 homes, a 35% improvement on the 420 homes brought forward at the start of 2011. This improvement was contributed to by the increase in average active sales outlets to 73 in 2011 from 66 during 2010.

Active sales outlets were 83 in the eight weeks to 24 February 2012, up by 28% from 65 in the same period in 2011. This increase has been instrumental in delivering the robust trading achieved in the period to 24 February 2012, with sales enquiries and site visitors higher by 26% and 32% respectively. From these enhanced visitor levels, the Group has achieved 320 net private reservations in the first eight weeks of 2012 against 227 in the comparative period in 2011, an increase of 41%. The average private sales rate was 0.48 net reservations per site per week, an improvement of 10% on the sales rate of 0.44 in the same period in 2011. Sales prices achieved to date have been modestly ahead of Group expectations.

As at 24 February 2012, the Group held 926 net sales for legal completion in 2012, as compared to 647 net sales at the same point in 2011, an increase of 43%. Of these, private sales amounted to 550 units (2011: 428 units) and social housing sales amounted to 376 units (2011: 219 units).


As a result of the robust investment in land in 2010 and 2011, the Group expects to trade from an average of 85 sales outlets in 2012 versus 73 in 2011, an increase of 16%. Given the focus on acquiring land in the south of England, it is anticipated that 75% of the active sales outlets at the end of the 2012 will be southern located versus 60% at the start of 2012. As new sales outlets are opened by the Group, absolute weekly reservation levels are anticipated to increase.

The continued growth in active sales outlets should, based on stable market conditions, enable the Group to deliver increased volumes, at a higher average sales price with improved profit margins. With a clear focus on controlling the capital employed of the Group through rigorous management of the landbank and tight control of work in progress, the Group expects to deliver a strong improvement in returns in 2012 and beyond.

The Board is confident in the Group's prospects for 2012, assuming a continuation of current market conditions. The Board continues to believe that the Group's growth strategy will increase profits, which, combined with improving capital efficiency, will materially improve shareholder returns.

Financial Review


During 2011, the Group generated total revenue of GBP364.8 million, 22% up on 2010 at GBP298.6 million. Housing revenue in 2011 was GBP332.1 million, 13% ahead of the prior year (2010: GBP292.7 million). Other income was GBP2.7 million (2010: GBP5.9 million). Four land sales (representing 532 consented plots) legally completed in 2011, with a total income of circa GBP38 million. With one of these land sales being a land swap, GBP30.0 million was recognised as revenue in 2011. There were no land sales in 2010.

Operating profit

The Group delivered an operating profit for the year ended 31 December 2011 of GBP36.4 million at an operating margin of 10.0%, as compared to GBP21.6 million in the previous year, at an operating margin of 7.2%.

Gross margin (excluding land sales) increased to 20.8% in 2011 from 17.9% in 2010, with the gross margin (excluding land sales) in H2 2011 increasing to 21.2% from 18.9% in H2 2010. The gross margin benefited from the full year positive effect of construction cost savings in 2011 combined with the increased contribution from legal completions on sites acquired post housing market downturn. Subject to current market conditions continuing, with an increasing proportion of legal completions coming from sites acquired since the housing market downturn, the gross margin achieved in 2011 can be further improved in 2012. The profit on land sales was GBP2.7 million, a margin of 9.0%, which resulted in a total gross profit of GBP72.2 million at a gross margin of 19.8%.

Overheads, including sales and marketing costs, increased in 2011 by 13%, as the Group invested to support the growing activity levels. The overheads to revenue ratio improved to 9.8% in 2011 from 10.7% in 2010.

Profit before tax and earnings per share

The Group achieved a profit before tax of GBP32.1 million, comprising operating profit of GBP36.4 million, net financing charges of GBP4.5 million and a profit from the joint venture of GBP0.2 million. This compares to GBP21.6 million of operating profit, GBP3.2 million of net financing charges and a profit from the joint venture of GBP0.1 million, which generated GBP18.5 million of profit before tax in 2010. Profit before tax increased by 74%. Basic earnings per share for the year improved by 65% to 17.5p compared to 10.6p in 2010.


The Group incurred net financing charges of GBP4.5 million in 2011 (2010: GBP3.2 million). With a reduced average net cash position (average net cash of GBP5 million during 2011, compared to average net cash of GBP78 million in 2010), net bank charges for 2011 were GBP2.8 million (2010: GBP2.2 million), which included the amortisation of arrangement fees (GBP0.8 million) and commitment fee charges (GBP2.0 million). The Group incurred a GBP4.3 million finance charge (2010: charge of GBP2.7 million), reflecting the difference between the cost and nominal price of land bought on deferred terms which is charged to the income statement over the life of the deferral of the consideration payable. The Group benefited from a GBP0.6 million (2010: GBP0.2 million) net pension financing credit during 2011, as a result of the expected return on scheme assets being in excess of the interest on the scheme obligations. The Group also benefited from a finance credit of GBP1.6 million (2010: GBP1.2 million) arising from the unwinding of the discount on its available-for-sale financial assets during 2011. There were GBP0.4 million of other financing credits during the year (2010: GBP0.3 million of other credits).


The Group has recognised a tax charge of GBP8.8 million on profit before tax of GBP32.1 million at an effective tax rate of 27.5% (2010: tax charge of GBP4.5 million at an effective rate of 24.1%). The effective rate is above the underlying rate, due to the effects on the deferred tax asset of the reduction of the statutory corporation tax rate. The prior year benefited from land remediation allowances and the finalisation of prior years' tax submissions. The Group has recognised a current tax liability of GBP4.0 million in its closing balance sheet as at 31 December 2011 (2010: current tax liability of GBP1.5 million).


In the light of the ongoing improvement in the performance of the Group and the Board's confidence in the delivery of Group's strategy, the Board has proposed a 2011 final dividend of 3.5p per share. This dividend will be paid on 25 May 2012 to holders of ordinary shares on the register at the close of business on 30 March 2012. The Board intends to offer a scrip dividend alternative, pursuant to which the shareholders may elect to receive the whole or part of their 2011 final dividend in new ordinary shares credited as fully paid instead of cash.

Combined with the interim dividend paid of 1.5p, the dividend for the full year totals 5.0p compared to a total of 3.0p paid in 2010, an increase of 67%. The Board expects to grow dividends progressively as earnings per share increase.

Net assets

Net assets per share as at 31 December 2011 was 545p as compared to 533p at 31 December 2010.

Analysis of net assets 
                                                           2011          2010 
                                                           GBPm          GBPm 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------  -----  ----- 
Net assets at 1 January                                   710.8         692.6 
Profit after tax for the year                              23.3          14.0 
Share capital issued                                        1.9           0.3 
Net actuarial movement on pension scheme 
 through reserves                                          (2.5)          3.0 
Deferred tax recognised on share based 
 payments                                                     -          (0.2) 
Current tax recognised on share based 
 payments                                                     -           0.2 
Adjustment to reserves for share based 
 payments                                                   1.1           0.9 
Dividends paid to shareholders                             (6.0)            - 
--------------------------------------------------------  -----   ----  ----- 
Net assets at 31 December                                 728.6         710.8 
--------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----- 


Taking into account the latest estimates provided by the Group's actuarial advisors, the Group's pension scheme had a deficit of GBP2.4 million at 31 December 2011, an improvement of GBP0.5 million on the opening deficit of GBP2.9 million at 31 December 2010. Scheme assets grew over the year to GBP76.7 million from GBP73.5 million and the scheme liabilities increased to GBP79.1 million from GBP76.4 million. The increase in liabilities was primarily a result of a fall in bond yields. Scheme assets benefited from a GBP2.8 million special cash contribution made by the Group into the scheme in July 2011.

Net cash and cashflow

Having started the year with a net cash balance of GBP51.7 million, the Group generated operating cash inflow pre land expenditure of GBP114 million (2010: GBP93 million), demonstrating the strong underlying cash generation from the Group's existing assets. Net cash payments in 2011 for land investment were GBP96 million (2010: GBP137 million). Non-trading cash outflow was GBP19 million. As at 31 December 2011 the Group's net cash balance was GBP50.8 million with GBP56.2 million of cash in hand, offset by GBP5.0 million of loans received from the Government and GBP0.4 million representing the fair value of an interest rate swap. At the end of the year, the Group had in place a GBP150 million committed syndicated facility, maturing in September 2013, with flexible borrowing terms at a low cost.

Bovis Homes Group PLC Group income statement

For the year ended 31 December                2011       2010 
                                            GBP000     GBP000 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Revenue                                    364,782    298,635 
Cost of sales                             (292,546)  (245,218) 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Gross profit                                72,236     53,417 
Administrative expenses                    (35,876)   (31,784) 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Operating profit before financing costs     36,360     21,633 
Financial income                             2,843      2,406 
Financial expenses                          (7,349)    (5,614) 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Net financing costs                         (4,506)    (3,208) 
Share of profit of joint venture               243         76 
Profit before tax                           32,097     18,501 
Income tax expense                          (8,831)    (4,463) 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Profit for the period attributable 
 to equity holders of the parent            23,266     14,038 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Earnings per share 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 
Basic                                        17.5p      10.6p 
Diluted                                      17.5p      10.6p 
----------------------------------------  --------   -------- 

Group statement of comprehensive income

For the year ended 31 December                2011     2010 
                                            GBP000   GBP000 
------------------------------------------  ------   ------ 
Profit for the period                       23,266   14,038 
Actuarial (losses) / gains on defined 
 benefit pension scheme                     (3,390)   4,320 
Deferred tax on actuarial movements on 
 defined benefit pension scheme                851   (1,255) 
Total comprehensive income for the period 
 attributable to equity holders of the 
 parent                                     20,727   17,103 
------------------------------------------  ------   ------ 

Bovis Homes Group PLC

Group balance sheet

At 31 December                           2011     2010 
                                       GBP000   GBP000 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Property, plant and equipment          11,614   11,307 
Investments                             5,327    4,847 
Restricted cash                           659      138 
Deferred tax assets                     3,498    3,899 
Trade and other receivables             2,017   12,087 
Available for sale financial assets    38,653   31,147 
Total non-current assets               61,768   63,425 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Inventories                           797,756  764,360 
Trade and other receivables            77,422   37,271 
Cash and cash equivalents              56,177   67,003 
Total current assets                  931,355  868,634 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total assets                          993,123  932,059 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Issued capital                         66,836   66,609 
Share premium                         212,064  210,409 
Retained earnings                     449,671  433,799 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent                728,571  710,817 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Bank and other loans                    5,402   15,233 
Other financial liabilities             1,243    2,686 
Trade and other payables               45,451   56,004 
Retirement benefit obligations          2,444    2,870 
Provisions                              1,776    1,995 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total non-current liabilities          56,316   78,788 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Bank and other loans                        -       92 
Trade and other payables              202,665  139,215 
Provisions                              1,535    1,604 
Current tax liabilities                 4,036    1,543 
Total current liabilities             208,236  142,454 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total liabilities                     264,552  221,242 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total equity and liabilities          993,123  932,059 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

These financial statements were approved by the Board of directors on 24 February 2012.

Bovis Homes Group PLC

Group statement of changes in equity

                                     Total    Issued    Share    Total 
For the year ended 31 December    retained   capital  premium 
                                    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------------  ---------   -------  -------  ------- 
Balance at 1 January 2010          415,815    66,570  210,181  692,566 
Total comprehensive income 
 and expense                        17,103         -        -   17,103 
Deferred tax on other employee 
 benefits                               36         -        -       36 
Issue of share capital                   -        39      228      267 
Share based payments                   845         -        -      845 
Deferred tax on share based 
 payments                             (160)        -        -     (160) 
Current tax on share based 
 payments                              160         -        -      160 
Balance at 31 December 
 2010                              433,799    66,609  210,409  710,817 
-------------------------------  ---------   -------  -------  ------- 
Balance at 1 January 2011          433,799    66,609  210,409  710,817 
Total comprehensive income 
 and expense                        20,727         -        -   20,727 
Issue of share capital                   -       227    1,655    1,882 
Share based payments                 1,121         -        -    1,121 
Dividends paid to shareholders      (5,976)        -        -   (5,976) 
Balance at 31 December 
 2011                              449,671    66,836  212,064  728,571 
-------------------------------  ---------   -------  -------  ------- 

Bovis Homes Group PLC

Group statement of cash flows

For the year ended 31 December                    2011       2010 
                                                GBP000     GBP000 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the year                             23,266     14,038 
Depreciation                                       747        636 
Adjustment for sale of assets to joint 
 venture                                           234        963 
Impairment of available for sale assets          1,274        713 
Financial income                                (2,843)    (2,406) 
Financial expense                                7,349      5,614 
(Profit) / loss on sale of property, 
 plant and equipment                               (33)         8 
Equity-settled share-based payment expense       1,121        845 
Income tax expense                               8,831      4,463 
Share of result of joint venture                  (243)       (76) 
Increase in trade and other receivables        (37,951)   (23,951) 
Increase in inventories                        (33,396)  (133,650) 
Increase in trade and other payables            47,517     84,335 
Decrease in provisions and retirement 
 benefit obligations                            (3,484)    (1,731) 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Cash inflow / (outflow) generated from 
 operations                                     12,389    (50,199) 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Interest paid                                   (2,311)    (3,028) 
Income taxes paid                               (5,085)      (762) 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating 
 activities                                      4,993    (53,989) 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                  420        660 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment    (1,073)      (402) 
Proceeds from sale of plant and equipment           52         24 
Investment in joint venture                       (500)    (4,228) 
Movements in loans with joint venture             (125)    (1,451) 
Dividends received from joint venture              200          - 
Investment in restricted cash                     (522)      (138) 
Net cash outflow from investing activities      (1,548)    (5,535) 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Dividends paid                                  (4,146)         - 
Proceeds from the issue of share capital            52        267 
(Repayment) / drawdown of borrowings           (10,177)    13,706 
Costs associated with refinancing                    -     (2,041) 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from financing 
 activities                                    (14,271)    11,932 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents      (10,826)   (47,592) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January          67,003    114,595 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December        56,177     67,003 
---------------------------------------------  -------   -------- 

Notes to the financial statements

   1       Basis of preparation 

Bovis Homes Group PLC ('the Company') is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom. The consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2011 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as 'the Group') and the Group's interest in associates and joint ventures.

The consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the directors on 24 February 2012. The financial statements were audited by KPMG Audit Plc.

The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2011 or 2010 but is derived from those financial statements. Statutory financial statementsfor 2010 have been delivered to the registrar of companies, and those for 2011 will be delivered in due course. The auditors have reported on those financial statements; their reports were (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The consolidated financials statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU, and the accounting policies have been applied consistently for all periods presented in the consolidated financial statements.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

 2              Basis of consolidation 

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) made up to 31 December. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group controls another entity. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

Associates are those entities in which the Group has significant influence, but not control, over the financial and operating policies. The consolidated financial statements include the Group's share of the total recognised gains and losses of associates on an equity accounted basis, from the date that significant influence commences until the date that significant influence ceases.

Joint ventures are those entities in which the Group has joint control over the financial and operating policies. The consolidated financial statements include the Group's share of the total recognised gains and losses of joint ventures on an equity accounted basis, from the date that joint control commenced until joint control ceases.

   3              Accounting policies 

There have been no changes to the Group's accounting policies. These accounting policies will be disclosed in full within the Group's forthcoming financial statements.

   4              Reconciliation of net cash flow to net cash 
                                          2011      2010 
                                        GBP000    GBP000 
-------------------------------------  -------   ------- 
Net decrease in net cash and cash 
 equivalents                           (10,826)  (47,592) 
Repayment / (drawdown) of borrowings    10,177   (13,706) 
Fair value adjustments to interest 
 rate swaps                               (315)      245 
Fair value adjustment to interest 
 free loans                                 61       473 
Net cash at start of period             51,678   112,258 
-------------------------------------  -------   ------- 
Net cash at end of period               50,775    51,678 
-------------------------------------  -------   ------- 
Analysis of net cash: 
Cash and cash equivalents               56,177    67,003 
Unsecured loans                         (4,995)  (15,233) 
Fair value of interest rate swaps         (407)      (92) 
Net cash                                50,775    51,678 
-------------------------------------  -------   ------- 
   5              Income taxes 

Current tax

Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year, calculated using a corporation tax rate of 26.5% applied to the pre-tax income or loss, adjusted to take account of deferred taxation movements and any adjustments to tax payable for previous years. Current tax receivable for current and prior years is classified as a current asset.

   6              Dividends 

The following dividends were declared by the Group:

                                            2011    2010 
                                          GBP000  GBP000 
Prior year final dividend per share 
 of 3.0p (2010: GBPnil)                    3,982       - 
Current year interim dividend per share 
 of 1.5p (2010: GBPnil)                    1,994       - 
----------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Dividends declared                         5,976       - 
----------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

The Board has decided to propose a final dividend of 3.5p per share in respect of 2011.

   7              Earnings or Loss per share 

Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share at 31 December 2011 was based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP23,266,000 (2010: GBP14,038,000) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 31 December 2011 of 132,860,480 (2010: 132,664,656), calculated as follows:

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

                                         2011     2010 
                                       GBP000   GBP000 
------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Profit for the period attributable 
  to ordinary shareholders             23,266   14,038 

Weighted average number of ordinary shares

                                               2011          2010 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Issued ordinary shares at 1 January    133,218,325   133,138,968 
 Effect of own shares held                (474,109)     (528,808) 
 Effect of shares issued in year            116,264        54,496 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares at 31 December                 132,860,480   132,664,656 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Diluted earnings per share

The calculation of diluted earnings per share at 31 December 2011 was based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP23,266,000 (20010: GBP14,038,000) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 31 December 2011 of 132,944,264 (2010: 132,685,679).

The average number of shares is diluted by reference to the average number of potential ordinary shares held under option during the period. This dilutive effect amounts to the number of ordinary shares which would be purchased using the aggregate difference in value between the market value of shares and the share option exercise price. The market value of shares has been calculated using the average ordinary share price during the period. Only share options which have met their cumulative performance criteria have been included in the dilution calculation.

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted)

                                                      2011          2010 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  at 31 December                               132,860,480   132,664,656 
 Effect of share options in issue which 
  have a dilutive effect                            83,784        21,023 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  (diluted) at 31 December                     132,944,264   132,685,679 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
   8              Circulation to shareholders 

The consolidated financial statements will be sent to shareholders on or about 26 March 2012. Further copies will be available on request from the Company Secretary, Bovis Homes Group PLC, The Manor House, North Ash Road, New Ash Green, Longfield, Kent DA3 8HQ.

Further information on Bovis Homes Group PLC can be found on the Group's corporate website www.bovishomesgroup.co.uk, including the slide presentation document which will be presented at the Group's results meeting on 27 February 2012.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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