Accounting rulemakers approved a change Wednesday that will give a boost to technology companies and other firms by allowing them to recognize some revenues faster.

The change okayed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board helps companies that sell goods and services in bundles - like smart phones and other high-tech devices combining hardware and software, or home appliances that come with installation and service contracts.

Under current accounting rules, companies must often defer large portions of their revenue from such sales - recognizing them gradually over time, instead of immediately when the sale is made. The rule change would give companies more flexibility in crediting more of that revenue to their results upfront.

The move wouldn't change the total revenues and earnings a company reports over time, and the cash flowing into a company remains the same. But companies contend the change would better align their reported results with the true performance of their business.

Apple Inc. (AAPL) is expected to be one of the major beneficiaries of the change, since it would dramatically change how the company reports revenues from its iPhone. Currently, Apple recognizes iPhone revenue over a two-year period, and said recently that overall revenues and earnings in its latest quarter would have been much higher if it didn't have to defer revenues for the iPhone and its Apple TV product. An Apple spokesman couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

Apple has pushed for the change; among the other tech companies that have publicly supported it are Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), Palm Inc. (PALM), Xerox Corp. (XRX), Dell Inc. (DELL), International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) and Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ).

The change will take effect in 2011 for most companies, though companies will be allowed to adopt it earlier.

- Michael Rapoport, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2176;