/C O R R E C T I O N -- Cimmetry Systems/
November 27 2006 - 12:15PM
PR Newswire (US)
In the news release, Cimmetry Releases Autovue 19.1 For EMC
Documentum, issued earlier today by Cimmetry Systems over PR
Newswire, we are advised by the client that the first paragraph,
third line should read "for Documentum 5.3 SP2 and SP3" rather than
"for Documentum 5.2.5 and 5.3." The second paragraph, third line
should read "Documentum WDK and Webtop Clients" rather than
"Documentum Desktop, RightSite Intranet, WDK, and Webtop Clients"
as originally issued inadvertently. DATASOURCE: Cimmetry Systems