Turmalina Metals Corp. (“
Turmalina”, or the
pleased to announce that it has entered into a Mineral Property
Option Agreement (the “
Option Agreement”) with
Compania De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (the
Optionor”) and Aurora Copper Peru, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company (“
Turmalina SubCo”),
whereby the Optionor has granted Turmalina SubCo the option (the
Option”) to acquire 100% of the Optionor’s title
and interest in nine (9) mining concessions located in Peru (the
Colquemayo Project”). The Optionor is at arm’s
length from the Company and Turmalina SubCo.
- Option to acquire 100% of the
advanced brownfields Colquemayo Project.
- Colquemayo is an epithermal and
porphyry Cu-Ag-Au exploration project located in the Moquegua
Province, Southern Peru.
- Historic drill results include an
intersection that returned 237.3 m at 2.4% Cu, 0.08 g/t Au
& 10 g/t Ag, including 161.2 m at 3.4% Cu,
0.09 g/t Au & 14 g/t Ag and 31.3 m at 14.8%
Cu, 0.2 g/t Au & 47 g/t Ag.
- Exploration to date has identified
multiple epithermal and porphyry targets with significant drill
intercepts as well as several undrilled targets throughout the
6,600 hectare property.
- Highlights of previous drilling
include:Amata Epithermal Breccia:
- 70 m @ 1.3% Cu, 0.24 g/t Au & 252 g/t Ag
(COQ-10-36, from 192 m), including:
- 7.8 m @ 0.79% Cu, 0.14 g/t Au & 1,866 g/t
Ag (from 192 m).
- 237.3m @ 2.4% Cu, 0.08 g/t Au & 10 g/t Ag
(COQ-10-36, from 306.2 m) including:
- 161.2 m @ 3.4% Cu, 0.09 g/t Au & 14 g/t Ag
(from 306.2 m), including:
- 31.3 m @ 14.8% Cu, 0.2 g/t Au & 47 g/t Ag
(from 392.5 m.).
- 67.8 m @ 0.9% Cu, 0.07 g/t Au & 9 g/t Ag
(COQ-11-37, from 295.2 m), including:
- 31.5 m @ 1.2% Cu, 0.10 Au and 12 g/t Ag (from
310.4 m).
- 55.5 m @ 1.25% Cu (COQ-11-44, from 264.5
- 68.9 m @ 0.30% Cu, 0.38 g/t Au & 7 g/t Ag
(COQ-11-40, from 367.1 m).
- 104.2 m @ 72 g/t
Ag (COQ-10-31, from 0 m), including:
- 28.3 m @ 193 g/t
Ag (from 66.5 m) and
- 3 m @ 161 g/t
Ag (from 131.6 m).
- 111.0 m @ 47 g/t Ag
& 0.06 g/t Au (COQ-10-32, from 1.6 m) and 183
m @ 0.21% Cu, 0.12 g/t Au & 10 g/t Ag (from 217.1 m),
- 22.5 m @ 1.21% Cu, 0.48 g/t Au & 29 g/t Ag
(from 330.9 m).
- 58.1 m @ 1.64% Cu, 0.23 g/t Au & 30 g/t Ag
(AM-02, from 208 m).Cairani Epithermal
- 99 m @ 0.17% Cu & 0.16
g/t Au (AME-14-03, from 65.5 m), including:
- 24.5 m @ 0.46% Cu &
0.18 g/t Au (from 133.4 m) and 24.3 m @ 1.22% Cu,
0.05 g/t Au & 15 g/t Ag (from 216.3 m).
Coripuquio Epithermal
- 98.9 m @ 0.35 g/t
Au (COQ-10-27, from 75.3 m).
- 54.7 m @ 0.35 g/t Au &
0.14% Cu (COQ-10-12, from 117 m).
- 133.3 m @ 0.47 g/t
Au (COQ-10-06, from 21.3 m).
- 47.5 m @ 0.56% Cu &
0.12 g/t Au (COQ-10-16, from 226.2 m).
- 103 m @ 0.3 g/t Au
(COA-10-21, from 153 m) and 37 m @ 1.34% Cu & 0.17 g/t
Au (from 290.1 m), including:
- 12.6 m @ 3.7% Cu, 0.31 g/t
Au & 8 g/t Ag (from 314.5 m).
Chief Executive Officer, James Rogers
“Since its inception
Turmalina has been focussed on identifying high-quality assets in
South America. The Colquemayo project is the culmination of our
team's most recent efforts in identifying and acquiring such
prospective projects.
Colquemayo represents
an exceptional opportunity for our team to create substantial value
for Turmalina shareholders. The mineralized system at colquemayo
has many similarities to large porphyry systems in the Andes such
as Filo del Sol. We intend to advance the understanding of the
project through systematic exploration of the exciting epithermal
and porphyry copper targets and through an efficient advance from
brownfields exploration towards resource definition and initial
economic evaluation of the project.
We look forward to
commencing permitting and early works as we take over the
Colquemayo project. Meanwhile, Turmalina will also continue to
advance our San Francisco Project in San Juan, Argentina, where we
identified a new epithermal vein camp in 2023."
Vice President, Business Development, Chico
Azevedo adds:
“Colquemayo has the
characteristics that our team in South America has been looking for
in the past few years: a project with economically-relevant drill
intercepts with further potential for exploration. The properties
cover 6,600 hectares with Cu-Ag-Au mineralization in high
sulphidation epithermal systems hosted by phreatomagmatic and
hydrothermal breccias emplaced into andesitic volcanic rocks of
Paleocene to Pliocene age. Intense hydrothermal alteration has been
mapped over an area of 10 km by 3 km.
Previous work by Rio
Tinto and Buenaventura identified and drill tested at least three
centres with strong hydrothermal alteration and epithermal-style
Cu-Ag-Au mineralization, where drilling has proven the presence of
intercepts with high grade copper. These intercepts will be
followed up after detailed modelling of the mineralized breccia
bodies. Drilling and surface mapping and sampling also have
identified porphyry-style copper mineralization at the Cairani
target, which requires further investigation. A large data set –
geology, alteration mapping, geochemistry, spectral data and
geophysics - is available and will be systematically evaluated and
validated in order to plan the next exploration phases at
Location, Access and
The Colquemayo project is located in General
Sanchez Cerro province in Moquegua department, near the border with
the Arequipa department, in southern Peru. The project area is in
the Coalaque district and within the Amata and Palcamayo rural
community areas, at elevations between 4,300 and 4,800 meters amsl.
The main access to Colquemayo is through the 34-D highway from
Arequipa, then MO-516 road and 115 highway, and finally a turnoff
to the south for 20 km. The energy supply is secured by a
transmission line and a transformation substation located 15 km to
the southwest in Puquina town, while a second highway is under
construction between the Puquina and Omate. This highway will
connect Omate town with Moquegua city and the Ilo sea port (see
Figure 1).
Regional Geology
The Cu-Ag-(Au) Colquemayo project is situated in
the late Miocene to Pliocene epithermal belt in southern Peru,
hosted by volcanic units of the early Miocene to Pliocene age Maure
and Barroso Groups. At a regional scale, the project is spatially
related to upper Cretaceous to Pliocene intrusions and a major
regional fault that put in contact the Coastal Basal Complex
(neo-Proterozoic) with the Mesozoic sedimentary units (Figure
Colquemayo is located to the east of the
productive Cu-Mo Paleocene to Eocene porphyry belt hosting the
copper mines of Cerro Verde, Cuajone, Quellaveco and Toquepala, and
to the west of the Au-Ag Late Miocene to Pliocene epithermal belt
with important projects and mines such as San Gabriel, currently
under construction, and the Aruntani mining district (>2 Moz Au
Previous Work, Geology and
Previous work by Rio Tinto and Buenaventura
between 2003 and 2014 includes detailed geological mapping and
intensive surface geochemistry with ~9,800 rock chip and ~1,500
channel samples. Detailed topography (1 m resolution) and
geophysical surveys (magnetometry, chargeability and resistivity)
have been completed at two of the hydrothermal centres identified
to date.
Initial surface mapping and sampling identified
several breccias that returned significative gold, silver and
copper assays. These breccias, when drill tested at depth, proved
to be phreato-magmatic and hydrothermal breccias cutting a thick
sequence (~600 meters) of andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic
rocks. Alteration mapping shows the zonation typical of a
high-sulphidation epithermal system, including argillic alteration
with kaolinite and dickite, advanced argillic alteration with
quartz and alunite, and some deeper pyrophyllite zones, along with
zones of massive and vuggy silica (see figures 3 and 4).
In 2003 Rio Tinto drilled 16 diamond drill holes
in several targets, including Amata, Cairani and Coripuquio, with
the best intercepts returned from Amata and Coripuquio. Between
2010 and 2014 Buenaventura drilled 67 diamond drill holes, focusing
on the Amata, Coripuquio and Yanarico targets. The best results
were obtained at Amata and Coripuquio. At Amata, enargite-pyrite
rich breccias were the main hosts for mineralization (see figures
5, 6, 14, 15 and 16). At Coripuquio some intercepts of oxidised
breccias returned gold values of 0.5 to 1 g/t Au, indicating
potential for low-grade oxide gold for an open pit/heap leach
operation and requires further drilling for proper evaluation (see
figure 7 and 15). Sixteen holes have tested and confirmed the
presence of mineralization between 400 and 600 meters depth. In
total 83 diamond drill holes for ~27,000 meters were completed. All
surface and core samples (~13,700 samples) have complete
geochemical analyses – fire assay for gold and ICP for
multi-elements, along with systematic spectral analyses for mineral
The dimensions of the hydrothermal centres are
at least 5 km by 2 km for the Amata-Cairani-Coripuquio centre, and
3 km by 2 km for the Yanarico system. Drilling was concentrated in
the areas where the advanced argillic alteration and massive and
vuggy silica were better exposed. The available mapping shows that
this alteration system is continuous for at least 10 km along the
southern portion of the property. Preliminary field reconnaissance
conducted by the Turmalina geological team confirmed the presence
of similar alteration patterns with related potential
mineralization between Coripuquio and Yanarico (see figures 3 and
The mineralized breccia bodies include monomitic
and polymitic breccias with a pyrite-enargite +barite cement.
Locally there is abundant silica flooding. Enargite is the main
copper mineral in most of the drilling completed to date (figures
13 and 14), but at some holes (e.g. hole AM-14-03) at Cairani,
chalcocite and covellite are the main copper minerals. This
mineralogy, associated with the presence of wormy textures, typical
porphyry-style veining, dacite porphyry intrusives, elevated
molybdenum and lower arsenic, suggests a transition towards
porphyry-style mineralization at Cairani, that still requires drill
testing (figures 9, 11, 12 and 13.).
The systematic spectral geology carried out in
the drill core identified a pyrophyllite zone (figure 8) that is
coincident with a portion of the best hole drilled at the project
(COQ10-36), and also indicates a potential zonation towards
porphyry-style mineral assemblages at depth.
Colquemayo Exploration Plan
It is anticipated that the permitting process to
resume drilling in Colquemayo will take 14 to 18 months. During
this timing, a detailed core review is planned to build geological
models for the breccia bodies with significant drill intercepts,
- Validation of the logged geology using the geochemical
- Determining the geometry of the breccia bodies based on surface
mapping and drill core information.
- Review, modelling and interpretation of the geophysical
- Mapping of alteration zones to define potential source areas –
including porphyry intrusions with Cu-Mo mineralization.
Exploration will also focus on areas in the
property outside the three centres of hydrothermal alteration
identified and drill tested to date. In some of these areas
argillic and advanced argillic alteration have been recognized
locally, with limited exposure because of overlying lower
temperature alteration assemblage (chlorite, epidote and
carbonate). These areas may represent less eroded parts of
epithermal systems, with potential for definition of new
hydrothermal centres for initial drilling. Additional geophysics to
cover the remaining part of the property will also be
Commercial Terms
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
Option Agreement, in order to exercise the Option, Turmalina SubCo
(i) pay the Optionor an aggregate of
US$1,560,000 in cash (collectively, the “Cash
Payments”), as follows:
- $60,000 on or prior to the one (1) year anniversary of the date
that is three (3) business days following the TSX Venture
Exchange’s (the “TSXV”) approval of the Option
Agreement and all transactions contemplated therein (such date
being referred to as the “Effective Date”);
- $200,000 on or prior to the one (1) year anniversary of the
date that is the later of (i) the one (1) year anniversary of the
Effective Date, and (ii) the date which an exploration permit is
granted with respect to the Colquemayo Project (such date being
referred to as the “Trigger Date”);
- $250,000 on or prior to the two (2) year anniversary of the
Trigger Date;
- $250,000 on or prior to the three (3) year anniversary of the
Trigger Date;
- $800,000 on or prior to the four (4) year anniversary of the
Trigger Date; and
(ii) incur an aggregate of $6,200,000 in
exploration expenditures on the Colquemayo Project, as follows:
- $200,000 of exploration expenditures by the one (1) year
anniversary of the date on which the Option Agreement is
- cumulative exploration expenditures of $1,200,000 by the one
(1) year anniversary of the Trigger Date;
- cumulative exploration expenditures of $2,200,000 by the two
(2) year anniversary of the Trigger Date;
- cumulative exploration expenditures of $4,200,000 by the three
(3) year anniversary of the Trigger Date; and
- cumulative exploration expenditures of $6,200,000 by the four
(4) year anniversary of the Trigger Date.
However, the Company may satisfy up to 50% of
the Cash Payments by issuing the Optionor common shares in the
capital of the Company (the “Consideration
Shares”). The Consideration Shares, if issued, will be
subject to a statutory hold period of four months plus a day from
the date of issuance in accordance with applicable securities
Following the exercise of the Option, Turmalina
SubCo must pay the Optionor a 2.0% net smelter returns royalty on
the Colquemayo Project (the “Royalty”). Turmalina
SubCo may repurchase 1.0% of the Royalty, on or any time prior to
the one (1) year anniversary of the commencement of commercial
production on the Colquemayo Project, for a one-time cash payment
of $2,500,000, thus reducing the Royalty to 1.0%.
On Behalf of the Company,
James Rogers, Chief Executive Officer and Director.
Website: turmalinametals.comAddress: #1507 - 1030 West Georgia
St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3M5.
For Investor Relations enquiries, please contact +1 833 923 3334
(toll free) or via info@turmalinametals.com.
About Turmalina Metals and our
projects: Turmalina Metals is a TSXV-listed exploration
company focused on developing our portfolio of high-grade
gold-copper-silver projects in South America. Turmalina Metals is
led by a team responsible for multiple gold-copper-silver
discoveries. Our projects are characterised by open high-grade
mineralization on established mining licenses that present
compelling drill targets. The principal project held by Turmalina
is the San Francisco project in San Juan, Argentina. For further
information on the San Francisco Project, refer to the technical
report entitled “NI43-101 Technical Report San Francisco Copper
Gold Project, San Juan Province, Argentina” dated November 17, 2019
under the Corporation’s profile at www.sedarplus.ca.
Forward Looking
Statement: This news release includes certain
statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All
statements in this news release, other than statements of
historical facts, that address events or developments that the
Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical
facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words
“expects”, “plans”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”,
“estimates”, “projects”, “potential” and similar expressions, or
that events or conditions “will”, “would”, “may”, “could” or
“should” occur. Although the Company believes the expectations
expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on
reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of
future performance and actual results may differ materially from
those in the forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements
in this news release include statements related to TSXV approval of
the Company’s acquisition of the Option and the Option Agreement.
Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially
from those in forward-looking statements include market prices,
continued availability of capital and financing, and general
economic, market or business conditions, as well as legal, social,
and economic conditions in Argentina and Peru, where the Company’s
mineral exploration properties are located. Investors are cautioned
that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance
and actual results or developments may differ materially from those
projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the
Company’s management on the date the statements are made. Except as
required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event
that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors,
should change.
Due Diligence: As part of
the Company’s due diligence Turmalina staff has visited the Project
several times to review and validate mapping and logging, with
assays from rock chip samples taken by Turmalina matching the level
of mineralization reported in historic assay data. Several key
drill holes were relogged by the Company, with observed geology and
mineralisation matching historic drill data. Drilling data from
Buenaventura has also been validated against the original
laboratory assay certificates and has passed a QA/QC review by both
the Company and by the Qualified Person. Turmalina did not have
access to the original laboratory certificates for the assays in
the one drill hole included in this news release that was completed
by Rio Tinto (AM-02). The Company also engaged with local
communities and stakeholders to understand their perceptions of the
project, and has reviewed required permitting with local
authorities. Table 1 shows the location, depth and azimuth of the
holes discussed, and Table 2 lists the main intercepts.
Qualified Person: All
scientific and technical information in this news release has been
approved by Dr. Rohan Wolfe, Technical Advisor, MAIG, who serves as
the Qualified Person (QP) under the definition of National
Instrument 43-101. Dr Wolfe has conducted a review of
historic data at the project, reviewed the Company’s due diligence
study of the Project and has conducted an independent QA/QC review
of historic drilling assays, and consents to the inclusion of this
information in the form and context in which it appears.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release or has in any way approved
or disapproved of the contents of this news release.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is
available by clicking on this link.
Hole |
East |
North |
Altitude |
Dip |
Azimuth |
Zone |
AM-02 |
276698 |
8167959 |
4497 |
568.00 |
-57 |
28 |
Amata |
COQ10-31 |
276741 |
8168222 |
4511 |
233.30 |
-50 |
190 |
Amata |
COQ10-32 |
276741 |
8168222 |
4511 |
400.00 |
-40 |
190 |
Amata |
COQ10-33 |
276827 |
8168119 |
4437 |
220.55 |
-50 |
190 |
Amata |
COQ10-36 |
276853 |
8168307 |
4529 |
543.55 |
-53 |
200 |
Amata |
COQ11-37 |
276850 |
8168308 |
4528 |
570.65 |
-56 |
185 |
Amata |
COQ11-40 |
276741 |
8168222 |
4511 |
504.75 |
-46 |
3 |
Amata |
COQ11-44 |
277050 |
8168270 |
4481 |
338.95 |
-41 |
184 |
Amata |
COQ11-45 |
276948 |
8168325 |
4531 |
499.45 |
-55 |
196 |
Amata |
AME14-03 |
277622 |
8168239 |
4242 |
322.70 |
-45 |
181 |
Cairani |
COQ10-06 |
279382 |
8169833 |
4415 |
256.15 |
-50 |
180 |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-12 |
279075 |
8169766 |
4417 |
260.55 |
-50 |
0 |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-16 |
279346 |
8169858 |
4413 |
273.70 |
-50 |
120 |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-21 |
279236 |
8169771 |
4445 |
561.30 |
-44 |
90 |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-27 |
279074 |
8169943 |
4520 |
300.40 |
-60 |
0 |
Coripuquio |
Table 1 – Location, depth, dip
and azimuth of drillholes mentioned in this release at the
Colquemayo project. Coordinate system WGS 84, UTM Zone 18
Hole |
Composite |
Zone |
AM-02 |
58.1 m @ 1.64% Cu, 0.23 g/t Au and 30g/t Ag from 208 m. |
Amata |
COQ10-31 |
104.2 m @ 72 g/t Ag from 0m, including 28.3 m @ 193 g/t Ag from
66.5m and 3m @ 161 g/t Ag from 131.6 m. |
Amata |
COQ10-32 |
111 m @ 47g/t Ag and 0,06 g/t Au from 1.6 m, and 183 m @ 0.21% Cu,
0.12 g/t Au and 10 g/t Ag from 217.1 m, including 22.5 m @ 1.21%
Cu, 0.48 g/t Au and 29 g/t Ag from 330.9 m. |
Amata |
COQ10-33 |
32.2 m @ 76 g/t Ag from 14.6m and 30.7 m @ 30g/t Ag from 82.9
m. |
Amata |
COQ10-36 |
70 m @ 1.3% Cu, 0.24 g/t Au and 252 g/t Ag from 192m, including 7.8
m @ 0.79% Cu, 0.14 g/t Au and 1,866 g/t Ag from 192 m, and 237.3 m
@ 2.4% Cu 0.08 g/t Au and 10 g/t Ag from 306.2 m, including 161.2 m
@ 3.4% Cu, 0.09 g/t Au and 14 g/t Ag from 306.2 m, including 31.3 m
@ 14.8% Cu, 0.2 g/t Au and 47 g/t Ag from 392.5 m. |
Amata |
COQ11-37 |
67.8 m @ 0.9% Cu, 0,07 g/t Au and 9 g/t Ag from 295.2 m, including
31.5 m @ 1.2% Cu, 0.10 g/t Au and 12 g/t Ag from 310.4 m. |
Amata |
COQ11-40 |
68.9 m @ 0.30% Cu, 0.38 g/t Au and 7 g/t Ag from 367.1 m. |
Amata |
COQ11-44 |
55.5 m @ 1.25% Cu from 264.5 m, including 16.6 m @ 2.0 % Cu from
299.1 m. |
Amata |
COQ11-45 |
41.5 m @ 0.36% Cu from 446.4 m. |
Amata |
AME14-03 |
99 m @ 0.17% Cu and 0.16 g/t Au from 65.5 m, including 24.5 m @
0.46% Cu and 0.18 g/t Au from 133.4 m, and 24.3 m @ 1.22% Cu, 0.05
g/t Au and 15 g/t Ag from 216.3 m. |
Cairani |
COQ10-06 |
133.3 m @ 0.47g/t Au from 21.3 m. |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-12 |
54.7 m @ 0.35 g/t Au and 0.14% Cu from 117 m. |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-16 |
47.5 m @ 0.56% Cu and 0.12 g/t Au from 226.2 m. |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-21 |
103 m @ 0.3 g/t Au from 153 m and 37 m @ 1.34% Cu and 0.17 g/t Au
from 290.1 m, including 12.6 m @ 3.7% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au and 8 g/t Ag
from 314.5 m. |
Coripuquio |
COQ10-27 |
98.9 m @ 0.35 g/t Au from 75 m. |
Coripuquio |
Table 2: Main composites in
diamond drill holes at the Colquemayo project.
Turmalina Metals (TSXV:TBX)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Turmalina Metals (TSXV:TBX)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025