Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the
contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its
accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability
whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon
the whole or any part of the contents of this
(a joint stock limited
company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited
Code: 00753)
Reference is made to the 2021
Circular in relation to, among other things, the continuing
connected transactions of the Company. The Company expects that
certain continuing connected transactions set out in the 2021
Circular will continue to be conducted after 31 December 2024,
therefore, the Company will continue to comply with Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules for such continuing connected
transactions to be conducted in the next three years (i.e. from 1
January 2025 to 31 December 2027) in accordance with the Hong Kong
Listing Rules.
Reference is made to the
announcement of the Company dated 20 September 2022 and the
circular of the Company dated 28 September 2022 in relation to,
among other things, the ACC Transactions. The current term of the
ACC Framework Agreement will expire on 31 December 2024. As the
Company expects that the ACC Transactions will continue to be
conduced after 31 December 2024, on 30 October 2024, the Board
resolved to renew the ACC Framework Agreement for a term of three
years commencing from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, subject
to Independent Shareholders' approval at the EGM.
CNAHC is the controlling Shareholder
of the Company. CNAMC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC.
Therefore, each of CNAHC and CNAMC is a connected person of the
Company as defined under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. The CNAHC
Transactions constitute continuing connected transactions of the
As each of the applicable percentage
ratios (other than the profits ratio) of the continuing connected
transactions (excluding the de minims continuing connected
transactions) contemplated under the Government Charter Flights
Service Framework Agreement, the New Comprehensive Services
Framework Agreement, the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement
and the Media Services Framework Agreement, on an annual basis, is
higher than 0.1% but less than 5%, they therefore fall under Rule
14A.76(2)(a) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Accordingly, these
continuing connected transactions are subject to the reporting,
announcement and annual review requirements under Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules, but are exempted from the Independent
Shareholders' approval requirement. Pursuant to the Shanghai
Listing Rules, the Government Charter Flight Service Framework
Agreement, the New Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement, the
New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement and the Media Services
Framework Agreement shall be approved by the Independent
Shareholders at the EGM.
As a non-wholly owned subsidiary of
CNAHC, the Company's controlling Shareholder, Air China Cargo is a
connected person of the Company as defined under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules, and accordingly the ACC Transactions constitute
continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A
of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. As the highest applicable
percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps of the
transportation service fees of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business payable by the ACC Group under the ACC Transactions is, on
an annual basis, higher than 5%, such transactions are therefore
subject to the announcement, annual review, circular (including
advice of independent financial adviser) and Independent
Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong
Kong Listing Rules.
In respect of ground support
services and other services provided by the Group, as the highest
applicable percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps
of amounts payable by the ACC Group is, on an annual basis, higher
than 0.1% but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore
subject to the announcement and annual review requirements under
Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the
Independent Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of ground support
services and other services provided by the ACC Group, as the
highest applicable percentage ratio in respect of the proposed
annual caps of amounts payable by the Group is, on an annual basis,
higher than 0.1% but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore subject to
the announcement and annual review requirements under Chapter 14A
of the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the Independent
Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of properties leasing
services provided by the Group, as the highest applicable
percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps of amounts
payable by the ACC Group is, on an annual basis, higher than 0.1%
but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore subject to the
announcement and annual review requirements under Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the Independent
Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of properties leasing
services provided by the ACC Group, it is expected that the total
amounts payable by the Group for each of the years 2025, 2026 and
2027 are below the de minimis threshold as stipulated under Rule
14A.76(1)(a) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, and therefore the
transaction will be exempted from announcement, annual review and
the Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter
14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
Pursuant to the Shanghai Listing
Rules, the ACC Transactions shall be approved by the Independent
Shareholders at the EGM.
The Company will convene the EGM for
the consideration and approval of Independent Shareholders on the
CNAHC Framework Agreements, the CNAHC Transactions and the proposed
annual caps for each of the CNAHC Transaction, and the ACC
Framework Agreement, the ACC Transactions and the proposed annual
caps for the ACC Transactions. A circular containing, among others,
(i) details regarding the CNAHC Transactions and the ACC
Transactions; (ii) a letter from the Independent Financial Adviser
to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders
regarding its advice on the Non-exempt Transactions; and (iii) the
recommendation from the Independent Board Committee regarding the
Non-exempt Transactions, will be despatched to Shareholders on or
before 20 November 2024 in accordance with the Hong Kong Listing
Reference is made to the 2021
Circular in relation to, among other things, the continuing
connected transactions of the Company. The Company expects that
certain continuing connected transactions set out in the 2021
Circular will continue to be conducted after 31 December 2024,
therefore, the Company will continue to comply with Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules for such continuing connected
transactions to be conducted in the next three years (i.e. from 1
January 2025 to 31 December 2027) in accordance with the Hong Kong
Listing Rules.
1. Parties and the relationship between the parties
The Company is principally engaged
in providing air passenger, air cargo and related services,
conducts continuing connected transactions with the following
CNAHC directly holds 39.57% of the
Company's shares and holds 11.75% of the Company's shares through
its wholly-owned subsidiary CNACG, and is the controlling
Shareholder of the Company as at the date of this announcement. As
at the date of this announcement, the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is a
controlling shareholder and de facto controller of CNAHC. CNAHC
primarily operates all the state-owned assets and state-owned
equity interests invested by the State in CNAHC and its invested
entities, aircraft leasing and aviation equipment and facilities
maintenance businesses.
CNAMC is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of CNAHC and is therefore a connected person of the Company as
defined under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. CNAMC is primarily
engaged in media and advertising business.
2. Continuing Connected Transactions with the CNAHC Group
2.1 Government Charter Flight Services
The Company (as the carrier) and
CNAHC (as the charterer) entered into the Government Charter Flight
Service Framework Agreement on 29 October 2021. At the 2021 EGM,
the Independent Shareholders approved, among other things, the
continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Government
Charter Flight Service Framework Agreement and the relevant annual
caps for the three years ended/ending 31 December 2022, 2023 and
2024, which are required to be approved by the Independent
Shareholders under the Shanghai Listing Rules.
The current term of the Government
Charter Flight Service Framework Agreement will expire on 31
December 2024. As the Company expects that the transactions
contemplated under the Government Charter Flight Service Framework
Agreement will continue to be conducted after 31 December 2024, on
30 October 2024, the Board resolved to renew the Government Charter
Flight Service Framework Agreement for a term of three years
commencing from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, subject to the
Independent Shareholders' approval at the EGM.
Description of the transaction:
Pursuant to the Government Charter
Flight Service Framework Agreement, CNAHC shall use the charter
flight services of the Company (the "Government Charter Flight Services")
for fulfilling its government charter flight
The parties agreed that the parties
will determine the price for the Government Charter Flight Services
through arm's length negotiations between the parties based on the
cost incurred by the carrier in providing the Government Charter
Flight Services adding a reasonable profit (by referring to the
historical data, the reasonable profit margin generally ranges from
5% to 10%). The costs include direct costs and indirect costs. The
Company considers the profit margin to be fair and reasonable as it
aligns with historical data.
The renewal of the Government
Charter Flight Service Framework Agreement is subject to the
approval by the Independent Shareholders at the EGM. If approved by
the Independent Shareholders, the term of the Government Charter
Flight Service Framework Agreement shall be renewed for three years
commencing from 1 January 2025 and ending on 31 December 2027, and
may be renewed automatically for successive terms of three years
each, subject to the compliance with the requirements of the Hong
Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai Listing Rules and the approval
procedures required under the Hong Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai
Listing Rules. During the term of the Government Charter Flight
Service Framework Agreement, either party may terminate the
Government Charter Flight Service Framework Agreement on any 31
December by giving the other party at least three months' prior
written notice.
Reasons for the transaction:
As the national flag carrier in
China, the Company has historically provided government related
charter flight services to government delegates, national sports
teams and cultural envoys. As the designated government charter
flight carrier, the Company has gained significant brand
recognition. Pursuant to the Government Charter Flight Service
Framework Agreement, the Company may generate revenue from such
transactions based upon the cost-plus charging method.
Historical amounts and proposed caps:
Set forth below is a summary of the
historical annual caps, the actual amounts and the proposed annual
caps for the amounts payable by CNAHC for the Company's provision
of the Government Charter Flights Services:
Unit: RMB Million
Historical Annual
Historical Actual
Proposed Annual
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
Unaudited historical amount for the period
1 January
30 June
annual amount for the year ending
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
Amount payable by CNAHC for the Company's provision of
the Government Charter Flight
Due to the irregular and
unpredictable demand for government charter flights, the
international charter flight services has decreased in 2022 and
2023, resulting in lower-than-expected revenue from the Company's
charter flight in 2022 and 2023. The estimated annual amount for
the Government Charter Flight Services for the year ending 31
December 2024 is derived from the highest historical payment made
by CNAHC for the Company's provision of the Government Charter
Flight Services. Furthermore, with the gradual resumption of
government delegations' travel activities, this will result in an
increase in the estimated amount for the year ending 31 December
Basis for the annual caps for the next three years:
In arriving at the above annual
caps, the Directors have considered the historical and expected
transaction amount for the same type of transactions as set out in
the table above. Although international charter flight business has
decreased in 2022 and 2023, it is expected that government
delegations' travel activities will gradually resume and
continuously increase. Therefore, it is proposed to maintain the
annual caps for the Government Charter Flight Services at RMB900
million from 2025 to 2027, which is consistent with the historical
annual caps for the Government Charter Flight Services for the
three years ending 2024.
2.2 Property Leasing
The Company and CNAHC entered into
the Properties Leasing Framework Agreement on 29 October 2021. At
the 2021 EGM, the Independent Shareholders approved, among other
things, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under
the Properties Leasing Framework Agreement and the relevant annual
caps for the three years ended/ending 31 December 2022, 2023 and
2024 which are required to be approved by the Independent
Shareholders under the Shanghai Listing Rules.
The current term of the Properties
Leasing Framework Agreement will expire on 31 December 2024. As the
Company expects that the transactions contemplated under the
Properties Leasing Framework Agreement will continue to be
conducted after 31 December 2024, on 30 October 2024, the Company
and CNAHC entered into the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement. ACC Group was excluded from the definition of CNAHC
Group under the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement.
Description of the transaction:
Pursuant to the New Properties
Leasing Framework Agreement, the Group and the CNAHC Group agreed
to continue to lease from each other certain properties (including
ancillary facilities) and land use rights owned by each other for
their respective production and operation, office and storage use.
The properties (including ancillary facilities) and land use rights
leased between the Group and the CNAHC Group are differentiated by
their locations. Both the Group and the CNAHC Group select specific
properties and land use rights to lease from each other based on
their respective needs at different locations.
The Group (as lessor) may rent out its own
properties (including properties constructed by the Group or
customized upon the request of the CNAHC Group) or land with legal
use rights to the CNAHC Group for its production and operation,
office and storage use. The pricing principles and conducting of
the transaction shall be as follows:
First, the Group shall provide
quotation for the leased properties or land to the CNAHC Group
after taking into account the factors including the relevant costs,
tax and reasonable profit margin relating to the properties or
land. The related costs include, among others, construction costs,
depreciation costs, funding costs and maintenance costs. The
reasonable profit margin is usually around 10%, mainly with
reference to the historical average price for similar services
(where possible) in the property leasing industry and/or the profit
margin of comparable services disclosed by other listed
Then, the rent payable for the
leased properties or land shall be determined through arm's length
negotiations between the Group and the CNAHC Group after the CNAHC
Group takes into account the factors such as the location of the
leased properties or land and the service quality. Such rent shall
not be lower than the rent offered by the Group to an independent
third party (if any) in comparable circumstances.
The Group (as lessee) may lease properties owned
by the CNAHC Group and land with legal use right from the CNAHC
Group based on its production and operation, office and storage
needs. The pricing principles and conducting of the transaction
shall be as follows:
First, the Group shall conduct
market research and collect, consolidate and analyze information in
respect of provision of leasing services by independent third
parties for the same type of properties or land (if any) in close
proximity to the required leasehold properties or land. Generally,
the Group shall assign a department or an officer to verify the
price and terms available from at least two independent third
parties (if any) by email, fax or telephone.
Then, (i) if a comparable market
for the same type of transaction is identified through market
research, the parties shall determine the rental prices for the
leased properties or land through arm's length negotiations with
reference to the market price for the same type of services
available from at least two independent third parties and take into
account certain factors. The relevant factors include, among
others, the location, function and layout, furnishing, ancillary
facilities and property management of the property or land as well
as the specific needs of the lessee; (ii) if there is no comparable
market for the same type of transaction is identified in the
neighboring areas through market research, the price shall be
determined by adopting the cost-plus approach: the rental price of
the leased properties or land shall be determined through arm's
length negotiations between the parties based on the relevant
costs, tax and reasonable profit margin of the properties or land
offered by the CNAHC Group. The relevant costs include, among
others, construction costs, depreciation costs, funding costs and
maintenance costs. The reasonable profit margin shall be determined
mainly with reference to the historical average price
of similar services (where possible) in the property leasing
industry and/or the profit margin of comparable services disclosed
by other listed companies, and the reasonable profit margin of the
CNAHC Group shall not exceed 10%. The abovementioned rental prices
shall not be higher than those offered by the CNAHC Group to the
independent third parties (if any) in comparable
When leasing each other's
properties or land, the parties may determine the price for leasing
their respective properties or land based on the above pricing
principles, and then exchange the lease of properties or land use
right in accordance with the principle of equivalent
Pursuant to the New Properties
Leasing Framework Agreement, in general, the leasing term of
properties or land for both parties shall not exceed three years.
However, (i) if there are specific government and/or industry
requirements, the leasing term of properties or land shall comply
with such requirements; or (ii) if the property(ies) is/are custom
built by the Group according to the requirements of the CNAHC
Group, the leasing term of the property(ies), in principle, shall
not exceed the useful life of the leased property(ies).
Pursuant to the New Properties
Leasing Framework Agreement, the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement shall take effect upon the approval by the Shareholders
at the general meeting of the Company, and shall be valid from 1
January 2025 to 31 December 2027 (the "Initial Term"). Upon expiration of the
Initial Term, the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement may be
automatically renewed for successive terms of three years each,
subject to the compliance with requirements under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules/Shanghai Listing Rules and the approval procedures
required under the Hong Kong Listing Rules/ Shanghai Listing Rules.
During the term of the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement,
either party may terminate the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement on any 31 December by giving the other party at least
three months'prior written notice.
Reasons for the transaction:
In the ordinary course of business,
the Group has entered into similar property leasing transactions
with various parties including both connected persons and
independent third parties.
Historical amounts and proposed caps:
Set forth below is a summary of the
historical annual caps for and actual rent paid and received by the
Group to and from CNAHC Group under the Properties Leasing
Framework Agreement, and the proposed annual caps for the rent
payable and receivable by the Group to and from CNAHC Group under
the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement:
Unit: RMB Million
Historical Annual
Historical Actual
Proposed Annual
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
annual amount for the year
31 December
annual amount for the year
31 December
Unaudited historical amount for the period
from 1 January
2024 to 30
June 2024
annual amount for the year ending
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
Total value of right-of-use assets relating to the
leases entered into by the Group as the lessee
Total annual rent receivable by the Group as the lessor (excluding the below
Single Rent)
Single Rent recorded by the Group in relation to the
leasing of
Customized Properties
Note: As International
Financial Reporting Standard 16 "Lease" took effect from 1 January
2019 and became applicable to financial years starting on or after
1 January 2019, pursuant to the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange, the annual caps for the continuing connected transactions
of property leasing with the Group as the lessee for 2025, 2026 and
2027 are set based on the total value of right-of-use assets
relating to the leases entered into by the Group.
As the construction of the relevant
project has not yet started, there were no historical actual amount
recorded in relation to the leasing of Customized Properties under
the Properties Leasing Framework Agreement.
Basis for the annual caps for the next three years:
In arriving at the above annual
caps for the total value of right-of-use assets relating to the
leases that the Group will enter into as a lessee under the New
Properties Leasing Framework Agreement, the Directors have
considered (i) the historical transaction amounts, which were
RMB111 million and RMB63 million for the years ended 31 December
2022 and 2023, respectively, and RMB14 million for the six months
ended 30 June 2024; and (ii) the future growth of rent payable by
the Group to the CNAHC Group (estimated at approximately 5% per
year. The estimated annual growth rate of 5% is referencing
forecasts of China's GDP growth made by relevant institutions) and
the increasing demand for leasing driven by the Group's business
development. Therefore, it is expected that the total future annual
rent to be paid by the Group to the CNAHC Group from 2025 to 2027
will not exceed RMB120 million, RMB130 million and RMB140 million,
respectively. On such basis, the value of right-of-use assets,
calculated by discounting the total estimated future rent with a
discount rate ranging 3% to 5% applicable to the Company's leasing
business (which is determined by reference to the market borrowing
interest rate level), is expected to be no more than RMB250
million, RMB260 million and RMB270 million for the years 2025 to
In arriving at the above annual
caps for the annual total rent payable by the CNAHC Group to the
Group under the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement, the
Directors have considered (i) the historical transaction amounts,
which were RMB4 million and RMB51 million for the years ended 31
December 2022 and 2023, respectively, and RMB12 million for the six
months ended 30 June 2024; and (ii) the anticipated future growth
in rent payable by the CNAHC Group to the Group (estimated to be
approximately 5% per year. The estimated annual growth rate of 5%
is referencing forecasts of China's GDP growth made by relevant
institutions) and the increasing demand for leasing driven by CNAHC
Group's business development. Currently, the CNAHC Group mainly
leases from the Company. Considering that the Company's
subsidiaries may also lease to the CNAHC Group under the New
Properties Leasing Framework Agreement in the future, this could
lead to an increase in the rent payable by the CNAHC Group to the
Group under the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement.
Therefore, it is expected that the total future annual rent to be
paid by the CNAHC Group to the Group from 2025 to 2027 will not
exceed RMB120 million, RMB130 million and RMB140 million,
In addition, the Group expects to
enter into customized leasing transactions with CNAHC Group in
accordance with the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement in
the next three years. That is, the Group will build property(ies)
Property(ies)") upon CNAHC Group's request on the land to
which the Group has the right of use, and lease out the Customized
Property(ies) to CNAHC Group and commence the leasing terms thereof
following the completion of the construction. The rent of such
leasing transactions comprises of the single rent to be charged
prior to the commencement of the leasing term and accounted for as
a finance lease from the inception of the leasing term (which
generally equals to the construction costs of the property(ies))
(the "Single Rent") and the
annual rent to be paid upon the commencement of the leasing term
(the "Annual Rent"). The
Annual Rent has been included in the annual caps for the total rent
payable by CNAHC Group to the Group under the New Properties
Leasing Framework Agreement. In respect of the Single Rent, since
the Single Rent will be accounted for as a finance lease at the
inception of the leasing term, the Company will therefore set the
annual transaction cap for the Single Rent with reference to the
mechanism of setting a cap for finance lease transactions. Based on
the current estimation, the potential Customized Property(ies)
transactions to be entered into between the Group and CNAHC Group
in the next three years include the Zhejiang Zhongyu catering
building. Considering that the construction of Zhejiang Zhongyu
catering building is expected to commence in 2025 and be completed
and put into operation by the end of 2026, or possibly extended to
2027, along with an estimated project investment in the amount of
RMB220 million, as well as the potential increase in costs due to
construction delays, such as increased labor costs, it is expected
that the Single Rent to be recorded by the Group for leasing the
Customized Property(ies) under the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement for 2026 and 2027 will not exceed RMB260 million and
RMB270 million, respectively.
Independent Financial Adviser's opinion on the leasing term of
properties under the New Properties Leasing Framework
As mentioned above, under the New
Properties Leasing Framework Agreement, the leasing term of the
properties or land should not exceed three years with the exception
that (i) there are special government and/or industry requirements
on the duration of the tenure of the leased property(ies) or land;
and (ii) custom built by the Group according to the requirements of
the CNAHC Group, where the duration of the tenure shall not exceed
to useful life of the leased property(ies) (collectively the
According to Rule 14A.52 of the
Hong Kong Listing Rules, the period for the agreement for a
continuing connected transaction must not exceed three years except
in special circumstances where the nature of the transaction
requires a longer period. In this case, the listed issuer must
appoint an independent financial adviser to explain why the
agreement requires a longer period and to confirm that it is
normal business practice for agreements of this type to be of such
duration. Accordingly, the Company has engaged BaoQiao Partners as
the Independent Financial Adviser. BaoQiao Partners has formulated
its opinion based on its researches and analysis and its discussion
with the management of the Company in respect of the lease terms of
the Property(ies) as follows:
As both the Group and the CNAHC
Group are operated in related business sectors, both groups have
similar demands on certain type of properties and/or properties in
specific areas (for example, properties within or adjacent to
airports) owned by each other for their general and /or business
operation purposes.
Based on BaoQiao Partners'
discussion with the management of the Company, the Properties
include (i) properties that may be subject to the oversight and
administration of specific
government or industrial authorities
and the requirements of the corresponding
government or industrial authorities with specific
regulations/requirements on the duration of the tenure, which may
exceed three years when leased from time to time and it is normal
business practice for the Group with regards to the compliance with
applicable government/industrial regulations or requirements for
leasing of Properties; (ii) properties that, if upon request of
CNAHC Group, will be custom-built by the Group on the land to which
the Group has the rights of use, and then lease out such Properties
to CNAHC Group and commence the lease terms thereof following the
completion of the construction of such Properties. As the design
and construction costs of the such Properties will be borne by
CNAHC Group, CNAHC Group (as the lessee) will be incurring
substantial capital expenditure for building and construction of
the Properties, it would be commercially justifiable for CNAHC
Group to request for longer lease terms (which would be reference
to the useful life of such Properties) to ensure stable and smooth
operations and justifiable costs for building the
As advised by the management of the
Company, although there is currently no leasing arrangement between
the Group and CNAHC Group that is subject to special government
and/or industry requirements, BaoQiao Partners has obtained and
reviewed the relevant contracts on the existing leasing
transactions of the Properties governed by the General
Administration of Customs of the PRC ("GAC") and entered into between the
Group and the ACC Group in January 2017 with an initial term of 6
years and renewed in 2023 for an additional 3 years ("Existing Regulated Property
Transactions"). BaoQiao Partners understands that the
initial lease term of 6 years was agreed between parties in
compliance with the Rules of the General Administration of Customs
of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Customs Control
Premises 《(
the "GAC Rules") issued by the GAC on 30
January 2008, which required, among others, the lease term of
property for the use of loading, unloading, storage, delivery and
shipping of import and export goods in the areas that are subject
to the oversight and supervision of GAC to be at least five
Despite the GAC Rules were
superseded by the new rules issued by GAC on 1 November 2017 and
there is no specific lease term requirement under the new rules, as
advised by the management of the Company, the Company cannot rule
out the possibility that the government or industrial authorities
(including GAC) will require the lease term of such Properties to
be more than 3 years during the term of the New Properties Leasing
Framework Agreement. From the perspective of the Company, the
entering into the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement with
flexibility on the leasing period to satisfy the regulatory
compliance and industry requirements for the leasing of the
Properties will not only allow the Group (as the lessee) to obtain
the right of use of the Properties owned by CNAHC Group for the
Group's operation, while also providing the flexibility for the
Group (as the lessor) to lease out its vacant Properties for rental
income, which aligns with the Group's long-term strategies and
signifies the lasting cooperation commitment between the Group and
the CNAHC Group.
In respect of the custom-built
Properties by the Group under the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement, BaoQiao Partners notes from the information provided by
the Company that the Company intends to cooperate with an indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC in relation to the construction of
the Zhejiang Zhongyu catering building, a Property for the
provision of catering service. The construction of the Zhejiang
Zhongyu catering building will commence in 2025, and the lease term
of which is expected to be 10 to 20 years. From the perspective of
the Company as the lessor, such leasing arrangement will allow the
Company to obtain the property rights of the Properties and thus,
enhance the value of the idle land(s) and the asset base of the
Company. In addition, it would be commercially reasonable to have
the longer lease tenure (which would be reference to the useful
life of such Properties) for such properties taking into account
(i) the time of construction of the Properties (i.e. 1-2 years as
advised by the management of the Company); and (ii) it would be
difficult to lease the idle lands or such custom-built buildings to
other external parties given the business nature of the Company and
CNAHC Group.
Review of comparable transactions
In considering whether it is a
normal business practice for the lease of the Properties under the
New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement to have a duration
longer than three years, BaoQiao Partners has identified and
selected 18 comparable transactions (the "Comparable Transactions") based on the
following selection criteria, (a) continuing connected transactions
announcements related to leasing arrangements of land and
properties for general and/or business operation purposes published
by companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2021; (b)
the transactions with lease term longer than three
Based on BaoQiao Partners' review
of the Comparable Transactions, it is not uncommon to enter into
long-term leases for properties leasing in the PRC and 17 out of 18
of the Comparable Transactions were related to leasing arrangements
for PRC land/properties. BaoQiao Partners also notes that the lease
terms of these Comparable Transactions ranged from 5 years to 50
years, with an average of approximately 13 years. In addition, 3
out of 18 Comparable Transactions were similar with that of
custom-built arrangements. Two of them involved properties for
airline operations entered into by China Eastern Airlines
Corporation Limited ("CEA"), a peer company within the
Chinese aviation industry with lease term of 6 years in 2021 and
2022 and the other was leasing of land for construction of factory
buildings/facilities with lease term of 20 years. The use of
properties under these 18 Comparable Transactions included
industrial production, commercial operation, hospital operation and
offices for general and/or business operations purposes. Although
there was no Comparable Transaction that involved leasing of
regulated properties as the Company, BaoQiao Partners considers the
Comparable Transactions can represent the general market practices
of the property leasing arrangements for general and/or business
operation purposes in the PRC, regardless the types of properties
As such, based on BaoQiao Partners'
review of the Comparable Transactions with lease terms ranged from
5 years to 50 years and the Existing Regulated Property
Transactions with initial tenure of 6 years, BaoQiao Partners
considers that the lease term of the Properties under the New
Properties Leasing Framework Agreement, which requires lease term
of more than 3 years, (i) if subject to special government and/or
industry regulations/requirements, and (ii) will up to 10 to 20
years for purpose-built Properties, fall within the range of the
Comparable Transactions and/or the Existing Regulated Property
Having considered the principal
factors discussed above, BaoQiao Partners is of the view that it is
normal business practice for the Group and CNAHC Group to enter
into leases for the Properties under the New Properties Leasing
Framework Agreement with terms of more than three years and to be
of such duration for agreements of this type.
2.3 Media Services
The Company and CNAMC entered into
the Media Services Framework Agreement on 29 October 2021. At the
2021 EGM, the Independent Shareholders approved, among other
things, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under
the Media Services Framework Agreement and the relevant annual caps
for the three years ended/ending 31 December 2022, 2023 and 2024
which are required to be approved by the Independent Shareholders
under the Shanghai Listing Rules.
The current term of the Media
Services Framework Agreement will expire on 31 December 2024. As
the Company expects that the transactions contemplated under the
Media Service Framework Agreement will continue to be conducted
after 31 December 2024, on 30 October 2024, the Board resolved to
renew the Media Services Framework Agreement for a term of three
years commencing from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, subject
to the Independent Shareholders' approval at the EGM.
Description of the transaction:
Pursuant to the Media Services
Framework Agreement,
CNAMC has agreed to provide Media Services to the
Group. Of which, the Company grants CNAMC an exclusive right to
distribute in-flight reading materials, movies, TV series, music,
sound track and other cultural contents.
the Company has commissioned CNAMC as the general
service provider with respect to the Media Services of the Company
which CNAMC shall provide the Company with the following Media
Services (the "Entrusted
(1) in-flight entertainment system business and in-flight network
platform business;
(2) brand
communication and product marketing business: including but not
limited to brand research, consultation and planning, design and
copywriting planning, print film and television production, public
relation activities, media advertising, promotion materials and IP
image production and management, social media operation and
maintenance and intelligent property management;
(3) news
and publicity business, including but not limited to external media
operation and maintenance and internal newspaper
(4) advertisement management business and media cooperation and
management business;
other Media Services entrusted by the Company.
For abovementioned businesses, the
Group will make reference to the service items and specific
requirements, and (1) the parties shall determine the final
transaction price through arm's length negotiations based on the
quotations provided by CNAMC with reference to the market price (if
any) for the same type of services available from at least two
independent third parties after taking into account factors
including the
service standard, service scope, business volume and specific needs
of the parties; and/or (2) the service fees shall be determined
after arm's length negotiations between the parties based on the
costs of CNAMC adding a reasonable service fee, and offering
rewards or imposing penalty depending on the management of CNAMC,
the final settlement of which shall be made on the basis of the
actual transaction amount. CNAMC shall provide information
including but not limited to costs, external procurement conditions
and actual settlement conditions, and the service fee received by
CNAMC shall not exceed 10% of the costs and shall be determined
mainly with reference to the historical average prices in the
relevant industries for similar products or services (where
possible) and/ or profit margin of the comparable products and
In respect of the media products or services other
than the Entrusted Services that are purchased by the Company from
CNAMC, the Group shall determine and pay the relevant services fees
in accordance with the following principles and the arm's length
negotiations with CNAMC:
(1) if
government-set or guided price is available, government-set or
guided price shall be adopted;
(2) in the
absence of government-set or guided price, the final transaction
price shall be determined after arm's length negotiations between
the parties based on the quotation provided by CNAMC with reference
to the market price (if any) for the same type of services
available from at least two independent third parties in the market
after taking into account certain factors including the service
standard, service scope, business volume and specific needs of the
(3) if open
market price is not available or there are no identical or similar
business activities in the market, the parties shall settle the
actual transaction amount based on the costs of CNAMC adding a
reasonable service fee, and offering rewards or imposing penalties
depending on the management of CNAMC. CNAMC shall provide
information including but not limited to costs, external
procurement and actual settlement conditions, and the service fee
received by CNAMC shall not exceed 10% of the costs and shall be
determined mainly with reference to the historical average prices
in the relevant industry for similar products or services (where
possible) and/or profit margin of the comparable products and
In respect of the Company's media used by CNAMC in
operating the Media Services, CNAMC shall pay the Company an annual
media resource fee of RMB13.8915 million for each of the three
years of 2025, 2026 and 2027.
The Company will enter into
relevant business agreements with CNAMC in accordance with its
business requirements. The Company is responsible for business
implementation standards, business requirements, budgeting and
evaluation, and CNAMC is responsible for the overall business
implementation. If CNAMC provides the Media Services to
subsidiaries of the Company, the parties shall enter into relevant
business implementation agreements in accordance with the
principles contemplated under the Media Services Framework
The renewal of the Media Services
Framework Agreement is subject to the approval by the Independent
Shareholders at the EGM. If approved by the Independent
Shareholders, the term of the Media Services Framework Agreement
shall be renewed for three years commencing from 1 January 2025 and
ending on 31 December 2027, and may be renewed automatically for
successive terms of three years each, subject to the compliance
with the requirements of the Hong Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai
Listing Rules and the approval procedures required under the Hong
Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai Listing Rules. During the term of
the Media Services Framework Agreement, either party may terminate
the Media Services Framework Agreement on any 31 December by giving
the other party at least three months' prior written
Reasons for the transaction:
CNAMC has extensive experience in
in-flight advertising operations and has a wide range of
advertising sponsorship channels. As a longstanding company having
engaged in the aviation media business, CNAMC possesses
professional qualifications and teams and has a profound
understanding of the corporate culture and brand of the Company as
well as extensive experience in aviation media business sectors
such as entertainment programmes production and advertising agency,
and has proven channels of advertising sponsors to draw upon, which
has certain advantage.
Historical amounts and proposed caps:
Set forth below is a summary of the
historical annual caps for and the actual amounts paid by the Group
to CNAMC under the Media Services Framework Agreement, and the
proposed annual caps for the amount payable by the Group to CNAMC
under the Media Services Framework Agreement:
Unit: RMB million
Historical Annual
Historical Actual
Proposed Annual
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
Unaudited historical amount for the period
1 January
annual amount for the year ending
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
Amount payable by the
The actual amount paid by the Group
to CNAMC in the years from 2022 to 2024 in respect of receiving the
Media Services was lower as compared to the annual caps of the
respective years which was mainly attributable to the combined
effect of the following factors: (i) the significant decrease in
the procurement of aviation media business such as in-flight video
and audio programmes and advertising agency by the Group as the
scale of the international transport capacity has not yet recovered
to pre-pandemic level (as of the end of 2023, the number of
international and regional weekly flights was recovered to 74% of
that in the same period of 2019); and (ii) the refined management
strengthened by the Company in respect of costs and fees against
the impact of the pandemic.
Basis for the annual caps for the next three years:
In arriving at the annual caps of
the amounts to be paid by the Group to CNAMC under the Media
Services Framework Agreement, the Directors have considered the
historical transaction amounts, which were RMB115 million and
RMB109 million for the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2023,
respectively, and RMB64 million for the six months ended 30 June
2024, for the same type of transactions as set out in the table
above, along with the following factors: (i) considering the
transaction amounts for the first half of 2024 and the possibility
of upgrading the in-flight entertainment system in the second half
of 2024, as well as the addition of media services due to the
introduction of new aircraft, the Group anticipates that the
transaction amount payable to CNAMC in 2024 will be around RMB195
million; (ii) it is expected that the transport capacity of the
Group will gradually return to the pre-pandemic level over the next
three years, leading to an increased demand for aviation media
services such as in-flight video and audio programs, as well as
advertising agency services; and (iii) the Company's service
development strategy emphasizes the continuous improvement of
service quality, necessitating increased investment in the
purchase, production, promotion and dissemination of aviation media material,
which will result in a greater engagement of CNAMC for more Media
Services. As a result of the above factors, it is expected that the
transaction amounts from 2025 to 2027 will increase as compared to
the historical actual transaction amounts. Based on the estimated
transaction amount to be paid by the Group to CNAMC for 2024 and
the expected business growth described above, it is expected that
the transaction amount will not exceed RMB400 million, RMB500
million and RMB600 million for 2025 to 2027,
For each of the three years ending
31 December 2025, 2026 and 2027, the aggregate annual amount
payable by CNAMC to the Group under the Media Services Framework
Agreement is expected to fall below the de minimis threshold as
stipulated under Rule 14A.76(1)(a) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
Therefore, the above transaction will be exempt from the reporting,
annual review, announcement and independent shareholders' approval
requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules for
continuing connected transactions.
2.4 Comprehensive Services
The Company and CNAHC entered into
the Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement on 29 October 2021.
At the 2021 EGM, the Independent Shareholders approved, among other
things, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under
the Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement and the relevant
caps for the three years ended/ending 31 December 2022, 2023 and
2024 which are required to be approved by the Independent
Shareholders under the Shanghai Listing Rules.
The current term of the
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement will expire on 31
December 2024. As the Company expects that the transactions
contemplated under the Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement
will continue to be conducted after 31 December 2024, on 30 October
2024, the Company and CNAHC entered into the New Comprehensive
Services Framework Agreement. ACC Group was excluded from the
definition of CNAHC Group under the New Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement, and the service scope under the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement was expanded. The types
of services differ, as the expertise of each of the Group and the
CNAHC Group aligns with the needs of the other party.
Description of the transaction:
Pursuant to the New Comprehensive
Services Framework Agreement,
The Group accepts CNAHC Group's appointment to
provide CNAHC Group with products or services including but not
limited to retiree management services, human resources services
(which refer to the provision of archival information management,
social insurance management services etc. provided
by the Group to the CNAHC Group),
information technology services (mainly include information
technology system maintenance), procurement services, training
services, air passenger transportation and sales services, the
comprehensive support services (mainly include support services for
staff refectories and ground transportation services provided by
the Group to CNAHC Group), entrusted operational management and
provision of in-flight supplies.
For the relevant products or
services provided by the Group to CNAHC Group, except as otherwise
agreed in the agreement, the price to be charged by the Group will
be determined after arm's length negotiations between the parties
on the basis of the costs of the Group adding a reasonable service
fee (generally ranging from 3% to 10% of the costs) and/or with
reference to the price for the same type of products or services
provided by the Group to other parties under non-related
(non-connected) transactions, or as a percentage of the
revenue/income of CNAHC Group for the relevant products or
services. For the relevant products or services sold or provided
through the Group's platform, the price to be charged by the Group
will be determined as a percentage of the revenue/income of CNAHC
Group for such products or services. The Group can obtain the
revenue/income of CNAHC Group for the relevant products or services
because these products or services are sold or provided through the
Group's platform, granting the Group access to the necessary
CNAHC Group was appointed by the Group as the
provider of ancillary production services or the administrator of
supply services of the Group for which CNAHC Group shall provide
the following products or services to the Group including but not
limited to (provided that the provider has obtained the relevant
(1) on-board catering and food supply management services on
global flights;
(2) catering and meal support and cleaning services (including but
not limited to catering and meal support services for passengers
and employees both board and on the ground and cleaning services
for areas such as Air China lounges);
(3) services for the delivery, placement and laundering of various
in-flight supplies;
operation and management services of aircrew
(5) property
management services in office buildings and the regions at which
the office buildings are located including but not limited to
Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Wuhan
and Hohhot; and the services of which include but not limited to
cleaning services, plantation services, laundry services, parking
management services, procurement and repair services, energy
management services;
(6) support
services for resident group, support services for delayed flights
passengers and venue usage services;
(7) information
technology services (mainly include information technology system
in-flight supplies and scenario mileage payment
products; and
(9) labor
services (which refer to temporary worker services provided by
CNAHC Group according to the Group's needs), entrusted operational
management and other commissioned services.
For the above mentioned products or
services to be provided by CNAHC Group to the Group, the parties
shall, except as otherwise agreed in the agreement, according to
the service items and specific needs, determine the relevant
service fees through arm's length negotiations in accordance with
the following principles: (i) the final transaction price shall be
determined after arm's length negotiations between the parties
based on the quotations provided by CNAHC Group, with reference to
the market price (if any) for the same type of services available
from at least two independent third parties in the market and take
into account factors including the service standard, service scope,
business volume and specific needs of the parties; and/or (ii) the
service fee shall be determined after arm's length negotiations
between the parties based on the costs of CNAHC Group adding a
reasonable service fee, and offering rewards or imposing penalties
depending on the management of CNAHC Group, the final settlement of
which shall be made on the basis of the actual transaction amount.
In the case of item (ii), CNAHC Group shall provide information
including but not limited to its own costs, external procurement
and actual settlement conditions. The service fee received by CNAHC
Group shall not exceed 10% of the costs, and shall be determined
mainly by reference to the historical average prices in the
relevant industry for similar products or services (where
possible), and/or the profit margin of the comparable products or
services disclosed by other listed companies.
CNAHC Group was engaged by the Group as one of the
providers of ancillary production or supply services of the Group,
which CNAHC Group shall provide the Group with the following
products or services including but not limited to (provided that
the provider has obtained the relevant qualifications):
Hotel accommodation and staff recuperation
services; and
Air ticket printing services and other printed
For the above mentioned products or
services to be provided by CNAHC Group to the Group, the Group will
determine the relevant service fees through arm's length
negotiations with CNAHC Group in accordance with the following
(1) if
government-set or guided price is available, government-set or
guided price shall be adopted;
(2) in the
absence of government-set or guided price, the final transaction
price shall be determined after arm's length negotiations between
the parties with reference to the market price (if any) for the
same type of products or services available from at least two
independent third parties in the market, by taking into account
certain factors including the service standard, service scope,
business volume and specific needs of the parties. If the service
demand of the service recipient changes, the transaction price
shall be adjusted appropriately through negotiations between the
parties based on the extent of changes in relevant costs, service
quality or other factors;
(3) if open
market price is not available or there are no identical or similar
business activities in the market, the parties shall settle the
actual transaction amount based on the costs of CNAHC Group adding
a reasonable service fee, and offering rewards or imposing
penalties depending on the management of CNAHC Group. CNAHC Group
shall provide information including but not limited to its own
cost, external procurement and actual settlement conditions. The
service fee received by CNAHC Group shall not exceed 10% of the
costs, and shall be determined mainly by reference to the
historical average prices in the relevant industry for similar
products or services (where possible) and/or the profit margin of
the comparable products or services disclosed by other listed
The Group and CNAHC Group commission each other
for the human resources sharing business within the two groups. In
principle, the transaction price shall be determined through arm's
length negotiations between the parties based on the labor costs
incurred, and the transaction price shall be fully borne by the
worksite employer.
CNACD Group is regarded by the Group as the
primary service provider for its property management projects. In
principle, the Company shall entrust the CNACD Group with project
management work for all of its new construction and expansion
projects (except for projects with a total investment of RMB5
million (inclusive) or less in certain regions), the construction
and renovation of properties such as Air China lounges, and repair
projects with a total cost of more than RMB5 million (inclusive)
(excluding deductible value-added tax). The subsidiaries of the
Company may choose to entrust the CNACD Group with project
management work.
For the above mentioned services to
be provided by CNACD Group, the service fees charged by CNACD Group
will be determined based on the engineering and financial audit
amounts of the specific entrusted projects in accordance with the
entrusted management contracts. The fees will be calculated as
follows: (i) 3% of the financial audit amount of the investment
relating to the management entrusted by the Company (the 3% rate
was determined based on historical data. On the basis upon the
historical data, the 3% rate is considered fair and reasonable, as
it aligns with established expectations of the Company), with
penalties or bonuses applied based on project management progress
and remaining funds as agreed by both parties in the specific
project management contract; or/and (ii) based on the scale or
investment of the project, the fees will be determined according to
the labor input of CNACD Group verified by the Company, including
the actual full labor cost and any associated penalties or bonuses
(such as rewards for labor cost savings, rewards and penalties
relating to project timeline management and rewards and penalties
relating to investment control balance), with specific terms
outlined in the relevant agreements. Subsidiaries of the Company
may refer to these pricing principles and determine the service
fees for entrusted management services with CNACD Group after arm's
length negotiations.
For the entrusted operational management services
provided by the Group or CNAHC Group to the other party, both
parties will (1) determine the service fees after arm's length
negotiation and based on the service projects and specific
requirements, considering the service provider's costs and
reasonable service fee rates, with rewards given based on the
entrusted management performance. The service fee rates mentioned
above are primarily determined with reference to the historical
average prices published for similar products or services in the
relevant industry (where possible) and/or the profit margins
for comparable products or services
disclosed by other listed companies, with the service fee rate
adopted by CNAHC Group not exceeding 10%; or (2) determine the
relevant financial/business indicators (including but not limited
to sales revenue, net profit, return on equity, etc.) based on the
service projects and specific requirements, and determine the
service fees using a fixed management fee plus a variable
management fee approach through arm's length negotiation. The fixed
management fee is calculated considering the overall scope of
services and the resources allocated. The variable management fee,
on the other hand, is determined based on variables which would be
resulted from the entrusted operational management services
provided. The circumstances under which the respective indicators
will be used to adjust pricing will be agreed upon through arm's
length negotiations between the parties. The Company has referenced
several listed companies with comparable businesses, and the
selection of indicators is tailored to the specific projects and
requirements. For example, in entrusted sales operations,
indicators may be based on sales revenue, whereas for entrusted
enterprise management, indicators could be defined according to
profit or equity metrics.
The New Comprehensive Services
Framework Agreement shall take effect upon the approval by the
Shareholders at the general meeting of the Company, and its initial
term is from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027. Upon expiration of
the initial term, the New Comprehensive Services Framework
Agreement may be renewed automatically for successive terms of
three years each, subject to the compliance with the requirements
of the Hong Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai Listing Rules and the
approval procedures required under the Hong Kong Listing Rules/the
Shanghai Listing Rules. During the term of the New Comprehensive
Services Framework Agreement, either party may terminate the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement on any 31 December by
giving the other party at least three months' prior written
Reasons for the transaction:
As the Group possesses service
qualification and excellent professional capabilities in
professional fields such as retiree management and human resources
services, CNAHC Group is willing to continue to cooperate with the
Company in relevant businesses.
For the services to be provided by
CNAHC Group, the Directors believe that CNAHC Group has strengths
that independent third parties in the market do not possess,
including (1) qualifications and specialized knowledge in the
aviation industry, particularly in the areas of catering management
and provisioning, in-flight supplies management and property
management; and (2) a proven track record of quality and timely
service provided in the past. In light of the aforementioned
factors, the Directors believe that it is in the best interest of
the Group to enter into the above transactions with
Historical amounts and proposed caps:
Set forth below is a summary of the
historical annual caps for the total of and the actual amounts paid
and received by the Group to and from CNAHC Group in accordance
with the comprehensive services framework agreement and the
proposed annual caps for the total amount payable and receivable by
the Group to and from CNAHC Group in accordance with the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement:
Unit: RMB Million
Historical Annual
Historical Actual
Proposed Annual
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
annual amount for the year ended
31 December
Unaudited historical amount for the period
1 January
annual amount for the year ending
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
for the
31 December
Amount payable by the
Amount receivable by the Group
As the international transport
capacity has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic level, and hence the
supply of in-flight meals and amenities correspondingly decreased
by a large extent. Furthermore, facing the impact of the pandemic,
the Company enhanced refined management on rigid costs and
controllable expenses. The interplay of the above factors has
caused the actual amounts paid by the Group to CNAHC Group were
lower than the annual caps.
Basis for the annual caps for the next three years:
In arriving at the annual caps for
the amounts payable by the Group to the CNAHC Group under the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement, the Directors have
considered the historical transaction amounts for the same type of
transactions, which were RMB825 million and RMB1,920 million for
the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2023, respectively, and
RMB1,052 million for the six months ended 30 June 2024,
as well as the expected growth of the Group's air passenger
services in the next few years. Considering that (i) the
transaction amount for the year 2023 was RMB1,920 million, and it
is expected that the Group's transport capacity will gradually
return to the pre-pandemic level over the next three years (as of
the end of 2023, the number of international and regional weekly
flights was recovered to 74% of that in the same period of 2019),
leading to a corresponding increase in demand for ancillary
production and supply services, such as in-flight supplies
services, airline catering services and aviation ground services.
Consequently, the transaction amount payable to the CNAHC Group is
expected to increase, leading an estimated transaction amount of
RMB2,571 million for the year 2024; and (ii) the expected increase
in labour cost over the next three years will contribute to an
increase in transaction amount. Additionally, the inclusion of
entrusted property management services in the New Comprehensive
Services Framework Agreement and the provision of services such as
information technology services by the CNAHC Group will lead to an
increase of transaction amount. Based on the above and considering
a reasonable buffer to accommodate potential fluctuations, the
growth rate from 2024 to 2025 is expected to be around 20%,
resulting in an increase in the amount payable by the Group to the
CNAHC Group to no more than RMB3,200 million in 2025. Thereafter,
it is expected that the amount will increase by 3% per year from
2025 onwards (the 3% rate is derived with reference to the forecast
of China's GDP growth by relevant institutions and also reflects
effective cost management). As a result, the amounts payable by the
Group to the CNAHC Group under the New Comprehensive Services
Framework Agreement are expected to not exceed RMB3,300 million and
RMB3,400 million in 2026 and 2027, respectively.
In arriving at the annual caps for
the amount payable by CNAHC Group to the Group under the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement, the Directors have
considered (i) the historical actual transaction amount was RMB57
million for the year 2023. It is expected that the Group will
continue to provide services such as human resources management,
which will result in a corresponding rise in the expenditure of
transaction amount of the CNAHC Group under the New Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement, leading to
an estimated transaction amount of RMB73
million for the year 2024; (ii) the expected increase in labour
costs in the next three years, which will also result in an
increase in the transaction amount of approximately RMB60 million.
Taking into account the abovementioned factors, it is expected that
the amount receivable by the Group from the CNAHC Group in 2024
under the New Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement will not
exceed RMB150 million, and thereafter, the amount is expected to
increase by 6.5% per year (such rate is determined with reference
to the forecast of China's GDP growth by relevant institutions, and
taking into consideration a reasonable growth in income), so that
the amount receivable by the Group from the CNAHC Group will not
exceed RMB160 million and RMB170 million in 2026 and 2027,
3. Internal Control
The Company has adopted the
following measures to ensure that the above continuing connected
transactions will be conducted on normal commercial terms and in
accordance with their respective framework agreements and the
pricing policies of the Company:
Before entering into the above connected
transactions, the Finance Department, the Legal Department, the
Asset Management Department (which has a dedicated subdivision
responsible for managing the connected transactions) and if
applicable, certain other relevant departments of the Company will
review the proposed terms for the individual transactions and
discuss with the relevant business department of the Group to
ensure that such transactions are conducted on normal commercial
terms and the terms of applicable framework agreements and in
compliance with the pricing policies of the Group before these
relevant departments approve the finalized transaction agreements
according to their authority within the Group.
The Asset Management Department of the Company is
responsible for supervising connected transactions. The Asset
Management Department will regularly monitor and collect detailed
information on relevant continuing connected transactions
(including but not limited to the implementation of the pricing
policies, duration of the agreement and the actual transaction
amounts of the above continuing connected transactions) to ensure
that such transactions are conducted in accordance with applicable
framework agreements for continuing connected transactions. In
addition, the Asset Management Department will be responsible for
reviewing and evaluating the actual transaction amount and cap
balance of the above continuing connected transactions on a monthly
basis. If the relevant cap is expected to be exceeded, the Asset
Management Department will report to the management of the Company
and take appropriate measures in accordance with the relevant
requirements of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and/or the Shanghai
Listing Rules.
The Internal Audit Department of the Company is
responsible for carrying out annual assessment on the internal
control procedures of the Group, including but not limited to
information relating to the management of continuing connected
transactions. In addition, the Internal Audit Department is
responsible for preparing the annual assessment report on internal
control and will submit the same to the Board for review and
The independent auditor and the independent
non-executive Directors will conduct annual review on the
non-exempt continuing connected transactions.
4. Hong Kong Listing Rules Implications
As each of the applicable
percentage ratios (other than the profits ratio) of the continuing
connected transactions (excluding the de minims continuing
connected transactions) set out above, on an annual basis, is
higher than 0.1% but less than 5%, they therefore fall under Rule
14A.76(2)(a) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Accordingly, these
continuing connected transactions are subject to the reporting,
announcement and annual review requirements under Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules, but are exempted from the Independent
Shareholders' approval requirement.
Mr. Ma Chongxian, Mr. Wang
Mingyuan, Mr. Cui Xiaofeng and Mr. Xiao Peng are considered to have
material interests in each of the continuing connected transactions
set out above and therefore have abstained from voting in the
relevant Board resolutions in respect of the continuing connected
transactions. Save as disclosed above, none of the Directors have a
material interest in any of the continuing connected transactions
and hence no other Director is required to abstain from voting in
the relevant Board resolutions.
The Board (including the
independent non-executive Directors) considers that the terms and
conditions of the above-mentioned continuing connected transactions
are fair and reasonable. Such continuing connected transactions are
on normal commercial terms or better and in the ordinary and usual
course of business of the Company, and are in the interests of the
Company and its Shareholders as a whole. The Board also considers
that the annual caps for each of the three years ending 31 December
2025, 2026 and 2027 for the abovementioned continuing connected
transactions are fair and reasonable.
5. Shanghai Listing Rules Implications
Pursuant to the Shanghai Listing
Rules, the following agreements shall be approved by the
Independent Shareholders at the EGM:
the Government Charter Flight Service Framework
the New Comprehensive Services Framework
the New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement;
the Media Services Framework Agreement.
Reference is made to the
announcement of the Company dated 20 September 2022 and the
circular of the Company dated 28 September 2022 in relation to,
among other things, the ACC Transactions. The current term of the
ACC Framework Agreement will expire on 31 December 2024. As the
Company expects that the ACC Transactions will continue to be
conducted after 31 December 2024, on 30 October 2024, the Board
resolved to renew the ACC Framework Agreement for a term of three
years commencing from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, subject
to Independent Shareholders' approval at the EGM.
1. Parties and the Relationship between the Parties
Air China Cargo is indirectly owned
as to approximately 45.00% by CNAHC, the controlling Shareholder of
the Company, and is therefore a connected person of the Company
under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Air China Cargo is a joint stock
company incorporated under the laws of the PRC with limited
liability and is principally engaged in air cargo and mail
transportation business.
CNAHC directly holds 39.57% of the
Company's shares and holds 11.75% of the Company's shares through
its wholly-owned subsidiary CNACG, and is the controlling
Shareholder of the Company as at the date of this announcement. As
at the date of this announcement, the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is a
controlling shareholder and de facto controller of CNAHC. CNAHC
primarily operates all the state-owned assets and state-owned
equity interests invested by the State in CNAHC and its invested
entities, aircraft leasing and aviation equipment and facilities
maintenance businesses.
2. Description of the ACC Transactions
The ACC Transactions contemplated
under the ACC Framework Agreement are as follows:
operation of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business:
After arm's length negotiations between both
parties, the Group and the ACC Group have determined to carry out a
long-term collaboration for the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business
under an exclusive operating model. The entire Passenger Aircraft
Cargo Business of the Group will be operated exclusively by the ACC
Group, and the ACC Group shall undertake the overall
responsibilities for transporting the cargos to the consignors with
respect to the cargos which are transported through the passenger
As the term of the exclusive
operation of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business between the
Company and the ACC Group commences from the effective date of the
ACC Framework Agreement (i.e. 14 October 2022) and ends on 31
December 2034 pursuant to the ACC Framework Agreement, pursuant to
Rule 14A.52 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules,
the Company had engaged an independent financial adviser, Somerley
Capital Limited ("Somerley"), to explain why a period
exceeding three years for such agreements is required and the
independent financial adviser had confirmed that it is in the
normal business practice for contracts of these types to be of such
duration. For details of the independent financial adviser's
opinions, please refer to the circular of the Company dated 28
September 2022 (the "2022
Circular"). As disclosed in the 2022 Circular, "Somerley is of the view that a term of longer
than three years is required for the effective operation of the
transactions relating to the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business (the
"Cargo Transactions") and
is a normal business practice in the industry after having
considered the factors (i) Air China Cargo intends to apply for the
listing of A shares and to comply with the applicable guidelines on
initial public offering and listing of shares issued by CSRC, the
Cargo Transactions having a term more than three years is necessary
for facilitating te potential listing of Air China Cargo; (ii)
entering into of the Cargo Transactions could provide a clear
delineation of business and thereby eliminating concerns associated
with competition between the Company and Air China Cargo;
(iii) Air China Cargo is the sole service provider for the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business and is view of the shareholding
structure of both the Group and Air China Cargo, it is not
practical or commercially sensible for the Company to entrust such
services with another party in the PRC as such counterparty would
have to have a reasonable business scale to handle the Group's
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business and possible candidates with such
business scale would normally be under control of an industry
competitor; and (iv) Somerley considers the practice of having a
term of longer than three years is not uncommon in the industry
because Somerley noted that the similar exclusive passenger
aircraft bellyhold space contractual operation arrangement of China
Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited is also for a long term of 12
Ground support
services and other services: The
ground support services and other services provided by the Group to
the ACC Group include but are not limited to operation support
services, IT sharing services, comprehensive support services
(mainly include crew accommodation and meal support, ground
transportation services and medical and health services provided by
the Group to the ACC Group), engine and aircraft-related materials
sharing services, retiree management services, training services,
human resources services (including general, servicing and
information services in respect of personnel employment, archival
information, salaries and benefits, social insurance and employee
services), and procurement and maintenance services. The ground
support and other services provided by the ACC Group to the Group
include but are not limited to ground support services (cargo
terminal services and airport apron services), container and pallet
management services, engine and aircraft-related materials sharing
In respect of the engine and
aircraft-related materials sharing services between the Group and
the ACC Group, they mainly involve the provision of common engine
and aircraft-related materials by the other party when one party's
own engine and aircraft-related materials could not be able to meet
its respective needs (mainly involving high-priced reusable
components on the aircraft), for the purpose of reducing the
procurement costs and timeliness in the event of temporary needs of
the parties, while, on the other hand, improve each of their
inventory utilization efficiency, hence bringing certain source of
The difference between ground
support services and other services provided by the Group and the
ACC Group under the ACC Framework Agreement lies in the specific
nature and expertise required for each type of service. As
described above, the types of services differ, and based on
expertise, the Group requires the specialised capabilities that the
ACC Group offers. The mutual provision of services allows both
parties to leverage their strengths and meet their needs
leasing: The Group may rent out its
own properties or land with legal right of use to ACC Group for its
production and operation, office and storage use, and the Group may
lease self-owned properties and land from the ACC Group in the
event that its own properties could not be able to meet its
business needs such as production and operation, office and
The properties leased to each other
between the Group and the ACC Group differ in terms of aspects such
as geographical location, area and purpose. Currently, the
properties rent out by the Group to the ACC Group are mainly
properties invested and built by the Group in the vicinity of the
Beijing Capital International Airport for warehouse purpose, and
the properties leased by the Group from the ACC Group at present
are mainly properties owned by the ACC Group which are adjacent to
the Group and were leased to the Group for its use under the
circumstances that the Group's own properties could not be able to
meet its office and operation needs.
Generally, the leasing term of
properties or land shall not exceed three years. If there are
specific government and/or industry requirements, the leasing term
of properties or land shall comply with such requirements. When the
terms expired, the leasing terms could be extended with unanimous
consent after negotiation between both parties. The Company will
comply with Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules by
3. Pricing Policies for the ACC Transactions
The consideration of any specific
ACC Transactions shall be determined after arm's length
negotiations between the Group and the ACC Group and on normal
commercial terms, and shall be determined in accordance with the
pricing policies set forth below on a case-by-case
Exclusive operation of the Passenger Aircraft
Cargo Business:
During the exclusive operation
term, the Group shall charge the ACC Group the transportation
service fee regularly in each year. Such transportation service fee
shall be determined based on the ACC Group's actual cargo revenue
generated from the exclusive operation of the Group's Passenger
Aircraft Cargo Business after deducting certain operating fee rate.
The specific formulas are as follows:
Transportation service fee = actual
revenue from the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business × (1 - operating
fee rate)
Operating fee rate = operation
expense rate + reward/punishment rate
Reward/punishment rate = (growth
rate of yield level of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business of the
current year - growth rate of yield level of the cargo business in
the industry of the current year) × 50%
Of which:
(1) The
actual revenue of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business represents
the actual cargo revenue generated by ACC Group's exclusive
operation of the Group's Passenger Aircraft Cargo
(2) The
operation expense rate represents the ratio of operating expenses
to actual revenue from the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business.
Operation expenses are determined by the parties through arm's
length negotiation primarily based on the operation expenses in the
historical years, with reference to factors such as the price level
in the similar market and industry and its variation
(3) In
order to enhance the operating results of the exclusive operation
of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business, the both parties decide
to apply the reward/ punishment rate after negotiation. The basic
index of reward/punishment rate represents 50% of the difference
between the yield level growth rate of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business and the yield level growth rate of the cargo business in
the industry of the current year. The parties may make reasonable
adjustments according to the changes in the market environment and
the operation direction of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business
with unanimous consent after
negotiation. The rate of 50% is determined by the Company and Air
China Cargo through arm's length negotiation with reference to
industry practice. The rate of 50% is the same as the relevant
ratios of similar transactions of comparable companies in the
industry, which will encourage the ACC Group to enhance its
capacity of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business, thereby boosting
the operating efficiency of the Group's Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business, and hence the rate is fair and reasonable.
(4) The
growth rate of yield level of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business
of the current year represents the growth rate of the yield level
of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business of the current year
generated by ACC Group's exclusive operation of the Group's
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business as compared with that of the
previous year.
(5) The
growth rate of yield level of the cargo business in the industry of
the current year represents the growth rate of the revenue of the
cargo business in the industry of the current year as compared with
that of the previous year.
(6) The
yield level of the cargo business represents the revenue of cargo
business divided by the investment amount for the cargo business.
The investment amount for the cargo business represents the total
available cargo and mail traffic measured by the capacity available
for the carriage of the cargo and mail for every route, and the
calculation formula of which is Σ
(capacity available for the carriage of the cargo
and mail of the route multiplied by the distance of the
Ground support services and other services:
Both parties shall, according to
the service items and specific needs, determine the relevant
service fees of the ground support services and other service
provided to or by the Group through arm's length negotiations in
accordance with the following principles:
(1) Follow
the government and industry pricing or guide price if it is
available, including but not limited to the guidance from CAAC and
the International Air Transport Association on the prices of ground
support services and other terms, and the requirements on the
pricing of navigation information stipulated by CAAC and Air
Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB), and the transaction price shall
be determined by the parties through arm's length negotiation with
reference to factors such as comparable prices (if any) in the
market, relevant laws and tax policies. Generally, CAAC and the
International Air Transport Association will publish the guidance
on their official websites from time to time (for the International
Air Transport Association, the guidance may also be provided by
selling to customers).
(2) If no
government and industry pricing or guide price is available, the
final transaction price shall be determined through arm's length
negotiations between the parties with firstly making reference to
the market prices offered by at least two independent third parties
on the market for the same type of service, and then taking certain
factors into account such as the service standard, service scope,
business volume and specific needs of the parties. If any service
needs of the service recipient change, appropriate adjustment will
be made to the transaction price after negotiation between both
parties based on the extent of variation in relevant costs, service
quality or other factors.
(3) If none
of the above prices are applicable, the service price shall be
determined by both parties on the basis of cost plus reasonable
profit. The costs are mainly based on the costs and expenses of the
service provider, including costs of human resources and costs of
facility, equipment and materials. Reasonable profit margin will be
determined with mainly making reference to the historical average
prices on similar products or services (where possible) published
regarding the relevant industry, and/or the profit margin of the
comparable products and services disclosed by other listed
companies. The reasonable profit margin of ACC Group shall not
exceed 10%. The final transaction prices shall be determined on
terms that to the Group are no less favourable than those provided
by independent third parties to the Group or those provided by ACC
Group to independent third parties. The Group generally obtains
historical average prices of the reasonable profit margin of
similar products or services of the relevant industry through
official websites of other listed companies. Besides, prior to
entering into transactions of various ground support services and
other services, the Group will request the ACC Group to provide and
hence obtain the terms of similar and comparable transactions
between the ACC Group and independent third parties whenever
possible as its reference for determining the transaction price.
While making reference to the profit margin of comparable products
and services disclosed by other listed companies, the Group will
try to acquire comparable data as more as possible, and generally
by referring to at least two listed companies' relevant data where
Property leasing services:
The parties shall, according to the
service items and specific needs, determine the relevant service
fees of the property leasing services through arm's length
negotiations in accordance with the following
(1) The
Group as lessor: First, the Group shall provide quotation of the
leased properties or land to ACC Group after taking into account
the factors including the relevant costs, tax and reasonable profit
margin relating to the properties or land. The relevant costs
include construction costs, depreciation costs, funding costs and
maintenance costs. Reasonable profit margin will be determined with
mainly making reference to the historical average prices on similar
services (where possible) published regarding the property leasing
industry, and/or the profit margin of the comparable services
disclosed by other listed companies. Then, the rental prices for
the leased properties or land shall be determined through arm's
length negotiations between the Group and ACC Group after ACC Group
takes into account the factors such as the location of the leased
properties or land and the service quality. Such rental prices
shall not be lower than the rent offered by the Group to an
independent third party (if any) in comparable
(2) The
Group as lessee: First, the Group shall conduct market research and
collect, consolidate and analyze information in respect of
provision of leasing services by independent third parties for the
same type of properties or land (if any) in close proximity to the
properties or land to be leased. Generally, the Group shall assign
a department or an officer to verify the price and terms available
from at least two independent third parties (if any) by email, fax
or telephone. Then, (a) if there is comparable market of the same
type identified through market research, the parties shall
determine the rental prices for the leased properties or land
through arm's length negotiations with reference to the market
price for the same type of services available from at least two
independent third parties after taking into account the relevant
factors. The relevant factors include the geographical location,
function and layout, furnishing, ancillary facilities and property
services of the property or land as well as the specific needs of
the lessee; and (b) if there is no comparable market of the same
type found in the neighboring areas through market research, the
price shall be determined by adopting the cost-plus approach: the
rental price of the leased properties or land shall be determined
through arm's length negotiations between the parties based on the
relevant costs, tax and reasonable profit margin of the properties
or land offered by ACC Group. The relevant costs include
construction costs, depreciation costs, funding costs and
maintenance costs. Reasonable profit margin will be determined with
mainly making reference to the historical average prices on similar
services (where possible) published regarding the property leasing
industry and/or the profit margin of the
comparable services disclosed by other listed companies, and the
reasonable profit margin of ACC Group shall not exceed 10%. The
abovementioned rental prices shall not be higher than those offered
by ACC Group to the independent third parties (if any) in
comparable circumstances.
Group generally obtains historical average prices of the reasonable
profit margin of similar products or services of the relevant
industry through the official websites of other listed companies.
Besides, prior to entering into transactions of various ground
support services and other services, the Group will request the ACC
Group to provide and hence obtain the terms of similar and
comparable transactions between the ACC Group and independent third
parties whenever possible as its reference for determining the
transaction price. While making reference to the profit margin of
comparable products and services disclosed by other listed
companies, the Group will try to acquire comparable data as more as
possible, and generally by referring to at least two listed
companies' relevant data where practicable.
(3) The Group
as lessee and lessor: When leasing each other's properties or land,
as a separate matter, the parties may determine the quotation for
the rental prices of their respective properties or land based on
the above pricing principles, and then exchange the lease of
properties and land use right in accordance with the principle of
equivalent exchange.
(4) The payment
method of rental fee shall be subject to specific agreement.
4. Term of the ACC Framework Agreement
The renewal of the ACC
Framework Agreement is subject to the approval of Independent
Shareholders at the EGM. If the approval of Independent
Shareholders is obtained, the ACC Framework Agreement will be
renewed for a term of three years commencing from 1 January 2025 to
31 December 2027, and may be renewed automatically for successive
terms of three years each, subject to the compliance with the
requirements of the Hong Kong Listing Rules/the Shanghai Listing
Rules and the approval procedures required under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules/the Shanghai Listing Rules. During the term of the
ACC Framework Agreement, the agreement can be terminated upon the
expiry on any 31 December by either party thereto by serving the
other party a prior written notice of not less than three months.
However, the exclusive operation term of the Passenger Aircraft
Cargo Business between the Group and ACC Group under the ACC
Framework Agreement shall not be terminated upon the termination of
the ACC Framework Agreement, provided that the requirements
(including but not limited to obtaining approval and fulfilling
disclosure procedures for the annual caps) under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules/Shanghai Listing Rules shall then be complied
5. Independent Financial Adviser's opinion on the leasing term of
properties under the ACC Framework Agreement
As mentioned above, under the ACC
Framework Agreement, the term of the leases of properties or land
should not exceed three years with the exception where there are
special government and/or industry requirements on the duration of
the tenure of the leased property(ies) or land (the "ACC Property(ties)").
According to Rule 14A.52 of the
Hong Kong Listing Rules, the term for the agreement for a
continuing connected transaction shall not exceed three years
except in special circumstances where the nature of the transaction
requires a longer term. In this case, the listed issuer shall
appoint an independent financial adviser to explain why the
agreement requires a longer term and to confirm that it is normal
business practice for the agreements of this type to be of such
Accordingly, the Company has
engaged BaoQiao Partners as the Independent Financial Adviser, and
BaoQiao Partners has formulated its opinion as follows:
As both the Group and ACC Group are
engaged in related business sectors, both groups have similar
demands on certain type of properties and/or properties in specific
areas (for example, properties within or adjacent to airports)
owned by each other for their general and/or business operation
Based on BaoQiao Partners'
discussion with the management of the Company, the ACC Properties
represents properties (including properties that are custom-built
by the Group, based on industry requirements and at the request of
ACC Group) that may be subject to oversight and administration of
government or industrial authorities with specific
regulations/requirements on the duration of the tenure, which may
exceed three years, when leased from time to time. As such, it is
normal business practice for the Group with regards to the
compliance with applicable government/industrial regulations or
observe the industry requirements for leasing of ACC
As advised by the management of the
Company, there are existing leasing transactions of the ACC
Properties entered into between the Group and the ACC Group (the
"Existing Transactions") in
January 2017 and BaoQiao Partners has obtained and reviewed the
agreements of these Existing Transactions, which were governed by
the GAC. The initial lease terms of these Existing Transactions
were 6 years, which were renewed in 2023 for an additional 3 years
to 2026. BaoQiao Partners understands that the initial lease terms
of 6 years of the Existing Transactions were in compliance with the
GAC Rules issued by the GAC on 30 January 2008, which required,
among others, the lease term of property for the use of loading,
unloading, storage, delivery and shipping of import and export
goods in the areas that are subject to the oversight and
supervision of GAC to be at least five years.
Despite the GAC Rules were
superseded by the new rules issued by GAC on 1 November 2017 and
there is no specific lease term requirement under the new rules, as
advised by the management of the Company, the Company cannot rule
out the possibility that any government or industrial authorities
(including GAC) will require the lease term of the ACC Properties
to be more than 3 years during the period of the ACC Framework
Agreement. Based on BaoQiao Partners' discussion with the
management of the Company, in order to maintain stable and smooth
airline operation needs, both the Company and the ACC Group intend
to continue the leasing arrangement of the Existing Transactions
upon expiry in 2026 and there may be other new ACC Properties
leasing arrangements between the Group and the ACC Group under the
ACC Framework Agreement, which from the perspective of the Company,
the entering into leases of ACC Properties will allow the Group (as
the lessee) to obtain the right of use of ACC Properties owned by
ACC Group for the Group's operation, while also providing the
flexibility for the Group (as the lessor) to lease out its vacant
ACC Properties for rental income. As such, the property leasing
services with flexibility on leasing period to satisfy the
regulatory compliance and industry requirements for the ACC
Properties under the ACC Framework Agreement also align with the
Group's long-term strategies and signifies the lasting cooperation
commitment between the Group and the ACC Group.
Review of comparable transactions
In considering whether it is a
normal business practice for the lease of the ACC Properties under
the ACC Framework Agreement to have a duration longer than three
years, BaoQiao Partners has identified and selected 18 Comparable
Transactions based on the following selection criteria, (a)
continuing connected transactions announcements related to leasing
arrangements of land and properties for general and/or business
operation purposes published by companies listed on the Hong Kong
Stock Exchange since 2021;
(b) the transactions with lease
term longer than three years. Based on BaoQiao Partners' review of
the Comparable Transactions, it is not uncommon to enter into
long-term leases for properties leasing in the PRC and 17 out of 18
of the Comparable Transactions were related to leasing arrangements
for PRC land/properties. BaoQiao Partners also notes that the lease
terms of these Comparable Transactions ranged from 5 years to 50
years, with an average of approximately 13 years. In addition, 3
out of 18 Comparable Transactions were similar with that of
custom-built arrangements. Two of them involved properties for
airline operations entered into by CEA, a peer company within the
Chinese aviation industry with lease term of 6 years in 2021 and
2022 and the other was leasing of land for construction of factory
buildings/facilities with lease term of 20 years. The use of
properties under these 18 Comparable Transactions included
industrial production, commercial operation, hospital operation and
offices. Although there was no Comparable Transaction that involved
leasing of regulated properties as the Company, BaoQiao Partners
considers the Comparable Transactions can represent the general
market practices of the property leasing arrangements for general
and/or business operation purposes in the PRC, regardless the types
of properties involved.
As such, based on BaoQiao Partners'
review of the Comparable Transactions with lease terms ranged from
5 years to 50 years and the Existing Transactions with initial
tenure of 6 years, BaoQiao Partners considers the lease terms of the
Properties under the ACC Framework Agreement, which based on the
representation given by the management of the Company will not be
over 20 years, fall within the range of the Comparable Transactions.
Having considered the principal
factors discussed above, BaoQiao Partners is of the view that it is
normal business practice for the Group and the ACC Group to enter
into leases for the Properties under the ACC Framework Agreement
with terms of more than three years and to be of such duration for
agreements of this type.
6. Reasons for and Benefits of the ACC Transactions
The Directors believe that it is in
the best interest of the Group to continue the ACC Transactions
with the ACC Group having taken into account the following
In respect of the exclusive contracting operation
of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business, by placing the Passenger
Aircraft Cargo Transactions of the Group exclusively with the ACC
Group, the Group is able to better focus its resources on its core
passenger transport business, which will result in a more efficient
utilization of resources and enhance the management and operation
capabilities of the passenger transport business. The collaboration
between the Group and the ACC Group allows Air China Cargo to
utilize its expertise in the cargo industry, providing the Group
with a steady income from contracted cargo business. The aforesaid
collaboration maximizes the economies of scale for the Group and
the ACC Group, while the Group's increased focus on the core
passenger transport business will further strengthen the Group's
brand image and competitiveness in the passenger transport market,
thereby enhancing returns to the Shareholders.
In respect of ground support services and other
services, the long established successful cooperative relationship
between the Company and Air China Cargo is able to provide
streamlined and efficient cooperation and transaction between the
Group and the ACC Group.
In respect of properties leasing services, the
Group has entered into similar property leasing transactions with
various parties including both connected persons and independent
third parties in the ordinary course of business. The leasing of
the Group's properties to the ACC Group is beneficial to the Group
in improving the efficiency of asset utilization and obtaining
rental income. The properties leased by the ACC Group to the Group
are generally located in the vicinity of the Group's office, and
therefore can meet the Group's relevant needs in a more efficient
and convenient way.
7. Historical Amounts and Proposed Caps
The table below sets out (i) the
historical annual caps of the ACC Group or the Group for each of
the three years ended/ending 31 December 2022, 2023 and 2024,
respectively; (ii) the actual amounts for each of the two years
ended 31 December 2022 and 2023 and for the six months ended 30
June 2024, and the estimated amounts payable for the year ending 31
December 2024; and (iii) the proposed annual caps for the next
three years:
Unit: RMB Million
Historical Annual
Actual Historical
31 December
Proposed Annual
31 December
31 December
31 December
31 December
For the
months ended
30 June
31 December
31 December
31 December
Amounts Payable
Group to the
In terms of the transportation service
under the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business
In terms of ground support services and other services
In terms of properties leasing services
Amounts payable by the Group to the
ACC Group
In terms of ground support services and other services
In respect of the passenger
aircraft cargo services provided by the Group to the ACC Group,
given that the transport capacity of passenger aircraft on the
international routes of the Group has not yet recovered to
pre-pandemic levels, the revenue of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business was lower than expected, resulting in a decrease in the
amount of actual revenue from the transportation services under the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business from 2022 to 2024 as compared
with the annual cap for each of the respective year.
In respect of the ground support
services and other services provided by the Group to the ACC Group,
given that the ACC Group delayed its purchase of maintenance
services from the Group based
on the
arrangement under the
aircraft introduction plan,
the corresponding revenue of the Group
has decreased, resulting in a decrease in the amount of actual
revenue from ground support services and other services from 2022
to 2024 as compared with the annual cap for each of the respective
In respect of the ground support
services and other services provided by the ACC Group to the Group,
given that the transport capacity of the passenger aircraft of the
Group has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels, and that the
business volumes of flight-related warehouse and airport apron
operations both decreased accordingly, there was a corresponding
decrease in the relevant fees paid by the Group to the ACC Group,
resulting in a decrease in the amount of actual expenditure
incurred for ground support services and other services from 2022
to 2024 as compared with the annual cap for each of the respective
8. Basis for the Annual Caps for the Next Three Years
Accounts Payable by the ACC Group
to the Group
In arriving at the annual caps for
the transportation service fees of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business payable by the ACC Group to the Group for each of the
three years ending 31 December 2025, 2026 and 2027, the Company has
considered, among other things, the historical transaction amounts,
which were RMB9,666 million and 3,412 million for the years ended
31 December 2022 and 2023, respectively, and RMB3,009 million for
the six months ended 30 June 2024, and the estimated transaction
amounts for 2025 to 2027 along with the following
(i) In 2023, the Group operated at 74% of its pre-pandemic
capacity on international routes. It is expected that international
flight operations may return to pre-pandemic levels by 2025. Based
on the estimated revenue in the amount of RMB8,100 million from the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business for the year 2024, assuming no
reduction in pricing levels and a 30% increase in passenger
aircraft deployment (mainly due to the recovery of international
routes), the revenue from the Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business is
expected to reach RMB11,000 million for the year 2025. For the year
2026 and 2027, an estimated growth rate of 7% has been adopted,
with reference to the target growth rate of 6.5% of the guaranteed
number of takeoff and landing as set out in the "14th Five-Year
Plan" issued by CAAC. As a result, the revenue for the year 2026
and 2027 is estimated to be RMB11,700 million and RMB12,600
million, respectively;
(ii) The
operating fee rate is estimated to be between 7% and 8%. In
determining the estimated operating fee rate, the Company has taken
into account the actual operating fee rates from the past years. It
was observed that the actual operating fee rates were between 7%
and 8% in 2018 and 2019 and ranged from 4% to 9.5% from 2020 to
2023, with an average of 6.3% during those years. Given the
expectation that the Group's international flights will return to
pre-pandemic levels in 2025, along
with the anticipated growth in estimated revenue from the Passenger
Aircraft Cargo Business in the coming years, the operating fee rate
of 7% to 8% is considered fair and reasonable;
(iii) The maximum
transportation service fee is calculated based on the formula
contemplated under the ACC Framework Agreement (i.e. Transportation
service fee = actual revenue from the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business × (1 - operating fee rate)), and
a reasonable buffer is included; and
(iv) Based on the
above, it is estimated that the transportation service fees of the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business payable by the ACC Group to the
Group for year 2025 to 2027 will not exceed RMB11,000 million,
RMB12,000 million and RMB13,000 million, respectively.
In arriving at the annual caps for
the amounts payable by the ACC Group to the Group in connection
with the ground support services and other services provided by the
Group for each of the three years ending 31 December 2027, the
Company has considered, among other things, (i) the historical
transaction amounts which were RMB1,046 million and RMB887 million
for the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2023, respectively, and
RMB326 million for the six months ended 30 June 2024. The Group
expects the transaction amount to be paid to the ACC Group in 2024
will be around RMB1,242 million, among which, the amounts payable
by the ACC Group to the Group for the maintenance services provided
by the Group to the ACC Group are expected to be around RMB600
million to RMB700 million; (ii) the estimated transaction amounts
for 2025 to 2027 (especially taking into account the possible
increase in demand of the ACC Group for pilots and aircraft and
engines maintenance services, for which the Company can provide the
corresponding personnel and services); and (iii) a reasonable
buffer has been included. Based on the above and considering the
peak historical annual cap was in the amount of RMB2,700 million,
it is estimated that the amounts payable by the ACC Group to the
Group in connection with the ground support services and other
services provided by the Group for each of the three years ending
31 December 2027 will not exceed RMB2,100 million, RMB2,300 million
and RMB2,500 million, respectively.
In arriving at the annual caps for
the amounts payable by the ACC Group to the Group in connection
with the properties leasing services provided by the Group for each
of the three years ending 31 December 2027, the Company has
considered, among other things, (i) the annual rentals of the
properties currently leased by the Group to the ACC Group, and the
peak historical transaction amount of which was RMB137 million over
the past two years;
(ii) the potential additional
rentals from the possible new property lease projects from 2025 to
2027 are estimated to be approximately RMB50 million; and (iii) the
peak historical annual cap proposed amounted to RMB250 million.
Accordingly, it is estimated that the annual transaction amounts
for 2025 to 2027 will not exceed RMB250 million.
Amounts payable by the Group to the
ACC Group
In arriving at the annual caps for
the amounts payable by the Group to the ACC Group in connection
with the ground support services and other services provided by the
ACC Group for each of the three years ending 31 December 2027, the
Company has considered
(i) the historical transaction
amounts, which were RMB598 million and RMB681 million for the years
ended 31 December 2022 and 2023, respectively, and RMB420 million
for the six months ended 30 June 2024, (ii) the Group expects the
amounts payable by the Group to the ACC Group in connection with
the ground support services and other services provided by the ACC
Group for 2024 will be around RMB1,116 million; and (iii) the
estimated transaction amounts for 2025 to 2027 (including the
corresponding increase in the scale of ground support services as
the number of flights increase after the end of the pandemic), and
has included a reasonable buffer. Based on the above, it is
estimated that the amounts payable by the Group to the ACC Group in
connection with the ground support services and other services
provided by the ACC Group for each of the three years ending 31
December 2027 will not exceed RMB1,500 million.
9. Internal Control Procedures
The Group has adopted the following
internal control procedures to ensure that the ACC Transactions
will be conducted on normal commercial terms, and in accordance
with the ACC Framework Agreement and the pricing policies of the
Before entering into individual ACC Transactions,
the Finance Department, Legal Department, Asset Management
Department (which has a dedicated sub-division responsible for the
management of connected transactions) and if applicable, certain
other relevant departments of the Company will review the proposed
terms for the individual ACC Transactions and discuss with the
relevant departments of the Group to ensure that such transactions
are conducted on normal commercial terms and in compliance with the
pricing policies of the Group before these relevant departments
approve the finalized transaction agreements according to their
authority within the Group.
The Asset Management Department of the Company is
responsible for overseeing the connected transactions of the
Company. The Asset Management Department will monitor and collect
detailed information on the ACC Transactions on a regular basis,
including but not limited to the implementation of pricing
policies, the terms of the agreement and actual transaction amount
to ensure that the transactions are conducted in accordance with
the framework agreement. In addition, the Asset Management
Department is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the balance
amount of the annual cap for the ACC Transactions on a monthly
basis and if the annual cap for the ACC Transactions is expected to
be exceeded for a particular year, it
will report to the management and take appropriate measures in
accordance with the relevant requirements of the Hong Kong Listing
Rules and/or the Shanghai Listing Rules.
• The
Company's Internal Audit Department is responsible for performing
annual assessment on the internal control procedures of the Group,
including but not limited to the relevant information on the
management of continuing connected transactions. In addition, the
Internal Audit Department is responsible for compiling the annual
internal control assessment report and submitting the report to the
Board for examination and approval.
• The
independent auditor of the Company and the independent
non-executive Directors will conduct an annual review on the
continuing connected transactions of the Group.
The Company considers that the
above internal control procedures could function as effective
measures to regulate continuing connected transactions. The Company
also provides accurate materials in relation to continuing
connected transactions as always to facilitate the annual review
conducted by the independent non-executive Directors and the
independent auditor. Therefore, the Directors consider that the
above internal control procedures could ensure the continuing
connected transactions will be conducted on normal commercial terms
and not prejudicial to the interests of the Company and its
minority Shareholders.
Hong Kong Listing Rules Implications
As a non-wholly owned subsidiary of
CNAHC, the Company's controlling Shareholder, Air China Cargo is a
connected person of the Company as defined under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules, and accordingly the ACC Transactions constitute
continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A
of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. As the highest applicable
percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps of the
transportation service fees of the Passenger Aircraft Cargo
Business payable by the ACC Group under the ACC Transactions is, on
an annual basis, higher than 5%, such transactions are therefore
subject to the announcement, annual review, circular (including
advice of independent financial adviser) and Independent
Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong
Kong Listing Rules.
In respect of ground support
services and other services provided by the Group, as the highest
applicable percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps
of amounts payable by the ACC Group is, on an annual basis, higher
than 0.1% but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore
subject to the announcement and annual review requirements under
Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the
Independent Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of ground support
services and other services provided by the ACC Group, as the
highest applicable percentage ratio in respect of the proposed
annual caps of amounts payable by the Group is, on an annual basis,
higher than 0.1% but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore
subject to the announcement and annual review requirements under
Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the
Independent Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of properties leasing
services provided by the Group, as the highest applicable
percentage ratio in respect of the proposed annual caps of amounts
payable by the ACC Group is, on an annual basis, higher than 0.1%
but less than 5%, these transactions are therefore subject to the
announcement and annual review requirements under Chapter 14A of
the Hong Kong Listing Rules but are exempt from the Independent
Shareholders' approval requirement.
In respect of properties leasing
services provided by the ACC Group, it is expected that the total
amounts payable by the Group for each of the years 2025, 2026 and
2027 are below the de minimis threshold as stipulated under Rule
14A.76(1)(a) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, and therefore the
transaction will be exempted from announcement, annual review and
the Independent Shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter
14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
The Board (including the
independent non-executive Directors) considers that the ACC
Transactions are on normal commercial terms or better, and are
entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of the
Group, and the terms and conditions contained therein and the
proposed annual caps are fair and reasonable and in the interests
of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
Mr. Ma Chongxian, Mr. Wang
Mingyuan, Mr. Cui Xiaofeng, Mr. Patrick Healy and Mr. Xiao Peng are
considered to have material interests in the ACC Transactions and
therefore have abstained from voting in the relevant Board
resolutions in respect of the continuing connected
Save as disclosed above, none of
the Directors have a material interest in ACC Transactions and
hence no other Director is required to abstain from voting in the
relevant Board resolutions.
Shanghai Listing Rules Implications
Pursuant to the Shanghai Listing
Rules, the renewal of ACC Framework Agreement and the propose
annual caps thereunder shall be approved by the Independent
The Company will convene the EGM
for the Independent Shareholders to consider and approve the CNAHC
Framework Agreements, the CNAHC Transactions and the proposed
annual caps for each of the CNAHC Transactions, and the ACC
Framework Agreement, the ACC Transactions and the proposed annual
caps for the ACC Transactions.
In respect of the CNAHC
Transactions, pursuant to Rule 14A.36 of the Hong Kong Listing
Rules, any Shareholder with a material interest in the CNAHC
Transactions is required to abstain from voting on the relevant
resolutions at the EGM. As at the date of this announcement, CNACG
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC. Therefore, CNAHC and CNACG
are required to abstain from voting on the resolutions in respect
of the CNAHC Transactions at the EGM.
In respect of the ACC Transactions,
pursuant to Rule 14A.36 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, any
Shareholder with a material interest in the ACC Transactions is
required to abstain from voting on the relevant resolution at the
EGM. As at the date of this announcement, CNAHC, the controlling
Shareholder of the Company, indirectly held approximately 45.00%
equity interest in Air China Cargo. CNACG, a substantial
shareholder of the Company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC.
In addition, Cathay Pacific is a substantial shareholder of the
Company and Air China Cargo. Therefore, CNAHC, CNACG, Cathay
Pacific and their respective associates are required to abstain
from voting on the resolution in respect of the ACC Transactions.
The Independent Board Committee
comprising all the independent non-executive Directors has been
established to advise the Independent Shareholders on the
Non-exempt Transactions. BaoQiao Partners has been appointed as the
Independent Financial Adviser of the Company to advise the
Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in
this regard.
A circular containing, among
others, (i) details regarding the CNAHC Transactions and the ACC
Transactions; (ii) a letter from the Independent Financial Adviser
to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders
regarding its advice on the Non-exempt Transactions; and (iii) the
recommendation from the Independent Board Committee regarding the
Non-exempt Transactions, will be despatched to Shareholders on or
before 20 November 2024.
In this announcement, unless the
context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the
meanings as set out below:
"2021 Circular"
the circular issued by the Company
on 12 November 2021 to the Shareholders in respect of, among other
things, certain continuing connected transactions
"2021 EGM"
the extraordinary general meeting
of the Company held on 30 December 2021
"ACC Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement dated 20
September 2022 entered into between the Company and Air China Cargo
in respect of the ACC Transactions
"ACC Group"
Air China Cargo and the
corporations or other entities in which Air China Cargo holds 30%
or more equity interests or voting rights at the general meeting or
the majority directors of which are controlled, directly or
indirectly, by Air China Cargo
"ACC Transactions"
the continuing connected
transactions contemplated under the ACC Framework Agreement between
any member of the Group on the one hand, and any member of the ACC
Group on the other hand
"Air China Cargo"
Air China Cargo Co., Ltd., a joint
stock company incorporated under the laws of the PRC with limited
has the meaning ascribed to it by
the Hong Kong Listing Rules
the board of Directors
the Civil Aviation Administration
of China
"Cathay Pacific"
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
China National Aviation
Construction and Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC
and is primarily engaged in businesses such as entrusted asset
management, real estate development and construction project
implementation and supervision
"CNACD Group"
CNACD and the corporation or other
entities in which CNACD holds 30% or more equity interests or
voting rights at the general meeting or the majority directors of
which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by CNACD
China National Aviation Corporation
(Group) Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong
and a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC and a substantial shareholder
of the Company, which directly holds approximately
11.75% of the Company's issued share capital as at the date of this
China National Aviation Holding
Corporation Limited, a PRC state-owned enterprise and the
controlling Shareholder of the Company, directly and through its
wholly-owned subsidiary CNACG, holding approximately 51.32% of the
issued share capital of the Company in aggregate as at the date of
this announcement
" C N A H C F r a m
e w o r k Agreements"
the Government Charter Flight
Services Framework Agreement, the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement, the Media Services Framework Agreement and the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement
"CNAHC Group"
CNAHC and the corporation or other
entities in which CNAHC holds 30% or more equity interests or
voting rights at the general meeting or the majority directors of
which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by CNAHC (excluding
the Group, Air China Cargo and the corporations or other entities
in which Air China Cargo holds 30% or more equity interests or
voting powers or the majority of the directors of which are
controlled, directly or indirectly, by Air China Cargo)
"CNAHC Transactions"
the continuing connected
transactions contemplated under the Government Charter Flight
Services Framework Agreement, the New Properties Leasing Framework
Agreement, the Media Services Framework Agreement and the New
Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement for the three years
ending 31 December 2027
China National Aviation Media Co.,
Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC
"Company" or "Air China"
Air China Limited, a company
incorporated in the PRC, whose H Shares are listed on the Hong Kong
Stock Exchange as its primary listing venue and on the Official
List of the UK Listing Authority as its secondary listing venue,
and whose A Shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock
"Comprehensive Services
Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of comprehensive
services entered into between the Company and CNAHC on 29 October
"connected person(s)"
has the meaning ascribed thereto
under the Hong Kong Listing Rules
the director(s) of the Company
the extraordinary general meeting
of the Company to be held to consider and approve the continuing
connected transactions set out in this announcement
"Government Charter Flight Service Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of government charter
flight service entered into between the Company and CNAHC on 29
October 2021
the Company and its subsidiaries
Hong Kong dollar, the lawful
currency of Hong Kong
"Hong Kong"
Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region of the PRC
"Hong Kong Listing Rules"
The Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
"Hong Kong Stock Exchange"
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
"H Share(s)"
ordinary share(s) in the share
capital of the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which
are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as primary listing venue
and have been admitted into the Official List of the UK Listing
Authority as secondary listing venue
"H Shareholder(s)"
holders of the H Shares
"Independent Board Committee"
a board committee comprising Mr. He
Yun, Mr. Xu Junxin and Ms. Winnie Tam Wan-chi, all being the
independent non- executive Directors, to advise the Independent
Shareholders on the Non-exempt Transactions
"Independent Financial Adviser" or
"BaoQiao Partners"
BaoQiao Partners Capital Limited, a
corporation licensed to carry out Type 6 (advising on corporate
finance) regulated activities under the SFO, being the independent
financial adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the
Independent Shareholders to advise on the Non-exempt Transactions,
and also being the independent financial adviser to give opinion on
the leasing term of properties under the New Properties Leasing
Framework Agreement and the ACC Framework Agreement
"Independent Shareholders"
In respect of the CNAHC
Transactions, the Shareholders of the Company other than CNAHC and
its associate(s); in respect of the ACC Transactions, the
Shareholders of the Company other than CNAHC, CNACG, Cathay Pacific
and their respective associates
"Media Services"
including but not limited to the
operation, design, creation, planning, production, promotion and
dissemination in relation to aviation-related all-media business
sectors such as in-flight entertainment
system, in-flight network platform,
brand management, media publicity
management, advertisement management,
platform management, media cooperation
management and copyright management
"Media Services Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of media services
entered into between the Company and CNAMC on 29 October
"New Comprehensive Services
Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of comprehensive
services entered into between the Company and CNAHC on 30 October
"New Properties Leasing Framework Agreement"
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of properties leasing
entered into between the Company and CNAHC on 30 October
"Non-exempt Transactions"
the relevant transactions of the
Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business under the ACC Framework Agreement
and the relevant annual caps for the three years ending 31 December
"Passenger Aircraft Cargo Business"
all passenger aircraft cargo
businesses and a series of relevant business operation activities
(including but not limited to sales, pricing and settlement of
aircraft cargo space) operated by the Group (including all airlines
controlled by the Group)
"Properties Leasing Framework
the framework agreement for the
continuing related (connected) transactions of properties leasing
entered into between the Company and CNAHC on 29 October
Renminbi, the lawful currency of
the PRC
"Shanghai Listing Rules"
The Rules Governing the Listing of
Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange
holder(s) of the shares of the
"substantial shareholder(s)"
has the meaning ascribed thereto
under the Hong Kong Listing Rules
the supervisor(s) of the
"Zhejiang Zhongyu"
Zhejiang Zhongyu Aviation
Development Co., Ltd.
per cent
By Order of the Board
Air China Limited
Xiao Feng
Huen Ho Yin
Joint Company Secretaries
Beijing, the PRC, 30 October
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the
Company are Mr. Ma Chongxian, Mr. Wang Mingyuan, Mr. Cui Xiaofeng,
Mr. Patrick Healy, Mr. Xiao Peng, Mr. He Yun*, Mr. Xu Junxin* and
Ms. Winnie Tam Wan-chi*.
* Independent non-executive
director of the Company