Densitron Technologies plc                           

                           Unaudited Interim Report                            

                    For the Six months ended 30th June 2008                    


*     Orders booked in the period �9.9m (2007: �8.4m) an increase of 17.9% on  
      the same period in 2007.                                                 
*     An increase in the orderbook of �1.6m since 31st December 2007 from �7.4m
      to �9.0m.                                                                
*     Major contract wins in the UK and Germany.                               
*     Two new distributors signed in the UK.                                   
*     A representative appointed in Brazil.                                    
*     A number of new product offerings introduced in the period.              

Financial Highlights on continuing operations

                                         6 months to               6 months to
                                      30th June 2008            30th June 2007
                                          Continuing                Continuing
                                           Unaudited                 Unaudited
                                                  �m                        �m
Revenue                                         8.29                      7.00
Profit from operations                          0.16                      0.13
Profit/(loss) before                            0.08                    (0.02)
Earnings/(loss) per share                      0.01p                   (0.07)p
Orderbook                                       9.00                      6.70

For further enquiries:

Tim Pearson, Group Finance Director                                            
Densitron Technologies plc              Tel: 0207 648 4200                     
John Wakefield / Simon Moynagh                                                 
Blue Oar Securities Plc                 Tel: 0117 933 0020                     

Chairman's Statement

This is my first statement as Chairman, following Ralph Baber's decision to
step down at the Annual General Meeting and it is with some pleasure that I can
announce that the Group has performed ahead of its internal budgets and ahead
of the results achieved for the same period in 2007. The profit before tax is �
80,000 compared with a loss of �18,000 for the same period in 2007.

The emphasis of the Group over the last two years has been to reduce debt to a
level whereby the business can sustain it, divest of loss making businesses and
focus on growing the remaining displays business. The Group has achieved on all
fronts and the displays business, which is discussed in more detail below, has
made some significant progress and has opportunities to grow further.

In total Group revenues have increased from �7.0m in 2007 to �8.3m in 2008 and
gross profit has increased from �2.2m to �2.6m. In the same period the
orderbook has continued to grow and now stands at �9.0m compared with �6.7m at
30th June 2007. It should be noted that part of these increases have been due
to the weakening of the pound against the Euro, Taiwanese dollar and Japanese
Yen. If the results for 2008 had been converted using similar exchange rates as
2007 the Group revenues would have been �7.9m and the gross profit �2.5m.

Administrative expenses have increased from �2.2m in 2007 to �2.5m in 2008.
Converting the administrative expenses incurred in 2008 at the rates used in
2007 the administrative expenses would have been �2.4m. Administrative expenses
continue to be tightly monitored and the increase reflects the planned
investment made in additional personnel and product development. The impact on
the movement in exchange rates on the profit from operations has been

The structure of the Group's borrowings have now been aligned to its operations
with the emphasis far more on trade finance. During the 6 months to 30th June
2008 the remainder of the loan from AB Bronsstadet was repaid along with the
redemption fee and this has resulted in a 48% reduction in the cost of

Operational review

The Group's operations are primarily the design, development, marketing and
selling of electronic displays, the electronics that drive them and the
plastics that house them.

European business - The European business has grown significantly in the 6
months compared with the same period in 2007. Orders were �6.0m compared with �
4.6m in 2007 a growth of 28%. Sales were �4.5m compared with �3.4m in 2007 a
growth of 32%. Gross profit was �1.4m compared with �1.2m in 2007 a growth of
17%. The margin percentage has reduced in the period but was ahead of the
budgeted percentage and reflected the mix of sales made.

During the first six months of the year significant orders have been won in
both the UK and Germany. In the UK an order worth �1.03m was received from a
long standing customer in the hygiene industry for a complete product solution
including the display, motor, PCB and plastic housing. In Germany a
multi-million euro contract was received from a leading industrial
telecommunications company for one of the company's new ranges of OLED
displays. The contract is worth some Euro600k per annum with the first two years
already scheduled for delivery and could have a life span of 7 - 8 years.

The distribution network, which is key to winning business in locations where
Densitron does not have a presence, has been further developed with the
appointment of two further distributors in the UK. The decision to recruit a
dedicated member of staff to manage the relationships and promote Densitron's
products is proving to be vital. In addition further investment has been made
in the period strengthening the engineering facility in the UK in order to make
it a centre of excellence for all European business.

US business - The US business suffered during 2007 as a result of a controller,
which was key in a large part of its installed business, becoming end of life.
This resulted in a considerable amount of this business being re-designed and
re-tendered. Consequently the results for the first 6 months of 2008 are in
line with those achieved in 2007. Orders were �3.4m compared with �3.0m in 2007
a growth of 13%. Sales in 2008 were �3.0m, the same as in 2007 and gross profit
was �0.8m, the same as in 2007.

During the first 6 months of 2008 a great deal of work has continued to be done
to recover the business affected by the end of life issue. In addition work has
been done to create a range of touch-screen displays and a representative has
been appointed in Brazil to promote the Company's products.

Asian business - The Asian business is made up of Densitron Asia, which
provides logistics to the Group in order to source product in the key Taiwanese
and Chinese markets, and Densitron Corporation of Japan which sells Densitron's
products into the Japanese market. In the 6 months to 30th June 2008 orders
were �0.5m compared with �0.8m in 2007 a fall of 37.5%, it should be noted that
some of the orders won in 2007 were at extremely low margin. Sales were �0.8m
compared with �0.5m in 2007 an increase of 60%. Gross profit was �0.3m compared
with �0.2m in 2007, an increase of 50%.

Densitron Asia continues to provide an extremely valuable service to the Group,
having people on the ground means that the subsidiaries around the world can
react to opportunities and resolve issues quickly and effectively. Densitron
Corporation of Japan continues to perform ahead of internal budgets and the
results achieved in 2007, in what is a highly competitive market.

Evervision Electronics Corporation

Evervision is the Group's 24.8% investment in a Taiwanese display manufacturing

Evervision has performed reasonably well in the 6 months to 30th June 2008
exceeding its budgeted operating profit and showing continuing improvement in
production yields in those areas where they have been previously deficient.
Cash continues to be strong despite considerable investment in production plant
and machinery in the 6 months. We are continuing to build on the relationship
that we have built up with the management of Evervision over the last two
years, attending all board meetings and having separate meetings with the
Chairman. We continue to see this as the most effective way of obtaining a
return from this investment.

Land at Blackheath

The land is a 1.25 acre strip of land in Blackheath, south east London, for
which the Board is seeking to gain planning permission for residential housing.

The first half of 2008 has been spent working to ensure that the planning
application, when it is submitted, is as comprehensive as it can possibly be.
Surveys have been carried out and architects plans have been drawn up. It will
be important to ensure that the application is made at the most appropriate
time and we are working with a Chartered Surveyor to ensure that we are in a
position to do this. As in previous Chairman's Statements I would caution
Shareholders that we believe that planning permission will take between 2 and 3
years to achieve.


The marketplace in which the Company operates remains competitive but the work
that has been done and the investment that has been made to differentiate the
Company from its competitors has been successful and gives reason for cautious
optimism. The orderbook continues to grow and the opportunities remain
undiminished. Your Board is continuing to work to realize returns on the
investment in Evervision and the land at Blackheath and consider the approach
currently being taken for them both is the correct approach and we will keep
Shareholders informed of any significant developments.

Jan Holmstrom

4th September 2008

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Income statement

For the six months ended 30th June 2008

                                      6 months to    6 months to        Year to
                                        30th June      30th June       December

                                             2008           2007           2007

                                             �000           �000        Audited
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                     8,289          6,996         14,043
Cost of sales                             (5,717)        (4,767)        (9,727)
Gross profit                                2,572          2,229          4,316
Other operating income                         59            124          1,024
Distribution costs                           (19)           (15)           (30)
Administrative expenses                   (2,455)        (2,209)        (4,198)
Profit from operations                        157            129          1,112
Financial income                               26              2             96
Financial expenses                          (103)          (149)          (390)
Profit/(loss) before tax                       80           (18)            818
Income tax expense                           (63)           (15)          (161)
Profit/(loss) for the period from              17           (33)            657
Discontinued operations                                                        
Profit on disposal and loss for the             -            414            437
period on discontinued operations,                                             
net of tax                                                                     
Profit for the period                          17            381          1,094
Attributable to:                                                               
Equity holders of the parent                    4            366          1,081
Minority interests                             13             15             13
                                               17            381          1,094
Basic earnings per share                                                       
Earnings per share from continuing          0.01p          0.57p          1.67p
and discontinued operations                                                    
Earnings/(loss) per share on                0.01p        (0.07)p          0.99p
continuing operations                                                          
Diluted earnings per share                                                     
Earnings per share from continuing          0.01p          0.55p          1.63p
and discontinued operations                                                    
Earnings/(loss) per share on                0.01p        (0.07)p          0.97p
continuing operations                                                          

Unaudited Condensed Statement of recognised income and expense

For the six months to 30th June 2008

                                        6 months to      6 months       Year to
                                                               to          31st
                                          30th June                            
                                                        30th June      December
                                                             2007          2007
                                                             �000       Audited
Foreign exchange adjustments                   (72)          (12)          (17)
Fair value adjustment of financial                -             -         (508)
Income and expense directly recognised         (72)          (12)         (525)
in equity                                                                      
Profit for the financial period                  17           381         1,094
Total recognised income and expense for        (55)           369           569
the period                                                                     
Attributable to:                                                               
Equity holders of the parent                   (68)           354           556
Minority interests                               13            15            13
                                               (55)           369           569

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30th June 2008

                                          30th June     30th June          31st
                                               2008          2007      December
                                               �000          �000          2007
Non current assets                                                             
Property, plant and equipment                   211           134           208
Goodwill                                        143           143           143
Financial assets                              6,331         7,711         6,589
Deferred tax assets                              23            44            44
                                              6,708         8,032         6,984
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                     799           614           641
Trade and other receivables                   3,959         3,257         2,457
Financial assets                                589           384           765
Income tax recoverable                           60           122            56
Cash and cash equivalents                     1,446         1,447         1,397
                                              6,853         5,824         5,316
Non current assets classified as held             -           218             -
for sale                                                                       
Total assets                                 13,561        14,074        12,300
Current liabilities                                                            
Borrowings                                    3,374         4,144         2,861
Trade and other payables                      2,607         2,632         1,863
Current tax payable                               3            38            72
Provisions                                        -            11             -
                                              5,984         6,825         4,796
Non current liabilities                                                        
Borrowings                                      271           211            94
Provisions                                      283           260           328
Deferred tax liabilities                          8            17             7
                                                562           488           429
Total liabilities                             6,546         7,313         5,225
                                              7,015         6,761         7,075
Share Capital                                 3,483         3,233         3,483
Share premium account                             -        21,204             -
Retained earnings                             3,953      (17,603)         3,838
Available for sale reserve                    (648)             -         (648)
Special reserve                                 367             -           478
Translation reserve                           (200)         (123)         (128)
Equity attributable to shareholders of        6,955         6,711         7,023
Minority interests                               60            50            52
Total equity                                  7,015         6,761         7,075

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Cash flow Statement

For the 6 months ended 30th June 2008

                                        6 months to   6 months to       Year to
                                          30th June     30th June              
                                               2008          2007              
                                               �000          �000              
Cash flows from operating activities                                           
Profit/(loss) before taxation                    80          (18)           818
Loss for the period from discontinued             -          (66)          (46)
Adjustments for:                                                               
Depreciation                                     23            29            43
Profit on disposal of plant, property             -             -         (848)
and equipment                                                                  
Loss on write off of investment                   -             -            12
Net finance expense                              77           147           294
Exchange adjustments                           (69)             6         (279)
                                                111            98           (6)
Change in inventories                         (139)          (14)            89
Change in trade and other receivables       (1,431)         (205)           672
Change in trade and other payables              664         (130)         (187)
Change in provisions                              5          (64)           (7)
                                              (790)         (315)           561
Income tax paid                               (110)            37          (17)
Net cash (used in)/from operating             (900)         (278)           544
Cash flows from investing activities                                           
Interest received                                26             2            66
Proceeds from sale of plant, property             -             -         1,016
and equipment                                                                  
Disposal of discontinued operation              434           843           933
Acquisition of plant, property and             (22)          (18)          (55)
                                                438           827         1,960
Cash flows from financing activities                                           
Proceeds from issue of share capital              -             -           250
Inception of new loans                          250             -             -
Repayment of borrowings                       (394)         (243)       (1,587)
Interest paid                                 (132)         (149)         (380)
Payment of finance leases                      (10)          (11)          (21)
Change in trade finance creditor                154            15         (196)
Change in letters of credit                      80          (66)            95
Dividends paid to minorities                   (10)          (17)          (13)
Net cash used in financing activities          (62)         (471)       (1,852)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and           (524)            78           652
cash equivalents                                                               
Cash and cash equivalents at 1st                872           192           192
Effect of exchange rate fluctuation on           49             1            28
cash held                                                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         397           271           872
the period                                                                     

Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements

For the six months ended 30th June 2008

1. General information

Densitron Technologies plc is a public limited company ("the Company")
incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 1985 (registration
number 1962726).

The Company is domiciled in the United Kingdom and its registered address is
5th Floor, 145 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 5BP. The Company's Ordinary Shares
are traded on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"). The Group's principal
activities are the design, development and delivery of electronic display and
display related technologies.

2. Basis of preparation

This unaudited consolidated interim financial information has been prepared
using the recognition and measurement principles of International Accounting
Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations
adopted for use in the European Union collectively EU IFRSs). The principal
accounting policies used in preparing the interim results are those it expects
to apply in its financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008 and are
unchanged from those disclosed in the group's Annual Report for the year ended
31 December 2007.

The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June
2007 is unreviewed and unaudited and does not constitute the group's statutory
financial statements for those periods. The comparative financial information
for the full year ended 31 December 2007 has, however, been derived from the
audited statutory financial statement for that period. A copy of those
statutory financial statements has been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified, did not
include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way
of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement
under section 237(2)-(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information in the Interim Report is presented in Sterling and
all values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (�'000) except when
otherwise indicated.

3. Revenue

                                            6 months to 6 months to     Year to
                                              30th June   30th June            
                                                   2008        2007            
                                              Unaudited   Unaudited            
                                                   �000        �000            
Revenue by location of reporting entity                                        
Europe                                            4,503       3,378       6,658
USA                                               3,006       2,965       5,994
Asia                                                780         653       1,391
                                                  8,289       6,996      14,043

Gross profit by location of reporting                                          
Europe                                            1,428       1,167       2,230
USA                                                 802         802       1,605
Asia                                                342         260         481
                                                  2,572       2,229       4,316

4. Segmental analysis

                     Continuing Discontinued Eliminations       Head      Total
                       Displays       Gaming                                   
                       division     division                                   
                       6 months  6 months to  6 months to   6 months   6 months
                             to                                   to         to
                                   30th June    30th June                      
                      30th June                            30th June  30th June
                                        2008         2008                      
                           2008                                 2008       2008
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited                      
                      Unaudited                            Unaudited  Unaudited
                                        �000         �000                      
                           �000                                 �000       �000
Total                    10,447            -            -          -     10,447
Intercompany            (2,158)            -            -          -    (2,158)
External                  8,289            -            -          -      8,289
Profit/(loss) before                                                           
Continuing                  371            -            -      (291)         80
Discontinued                  -            -            -          -          -
Total                       371            -            -      (291)         80
                       6 months  6 months to  6 months to   6 months   6 months
                             to                                   to         to
                                   30th June    30th June                      
                      30th June                            30th June  30th June
                                        2007         2007                      
                           2007                                 2007       2007
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited                      
                      Unaudited                            Unaudited  Unaudited
                                        �000         �000                      
                           �000                                 �000       �000
Total                     8,111          244        (244)          -      8,111
Intercompany            (1,115)        (182)          182          -    (1,115)
External                  6,996           62         (62)          -      6,996
Profit/(loss) before                                                           
Continuing                  384            -            -      (402)       (18)
Discontinued                  -          414            -          -        414
Total                       384          414            -      (402)        396
                        Year to Year to 31st Year to 31st    Year to    Year to
                           31st                                 31st       31st
                                    December     December                      
                       December                             December   December
                                        2007         2007                      
                           2007                                 2007       2007
                                     Audited      Audited                      
                        Audited                              Audited    Audited
                                        �000         �000                      
                           �000                                 �000       �000
Total                    16,695          244        (244)          -     16,695
Intercompany            (2,652)        (182)          182          -    (2,652)
External                 14,043           62         (62)          -     14,043
Profit/(loss) before                                                           
Continuing                  522            -            -        296        818
Discontinued                  -          437            -          -        437
Total                       522          437                     296      1,255

5. Taxation

Taxation for the 6 months ended 30th June 2008 has been calculated by applying
the estimated tax rate for the current financial year ending 31st December

6. Dividend

No dividend is to be paid in the period (2007: Nil).

7. Earnings per share

                                            6 months to 6 months to     Year to
                                              30th June   30th June            
                                                   2008        2007            
                                              Unaudited   Unaudited            
                                                   �000        �000            
Profit attributable to ordinary                                                
Continuing operations                                 4        (48)         644
Discontinued operations                               -         414         437
Profit attributable to ordinary                       4         366       1,081
Weighted average number of ordinary                                            
Issued at 1 January                          69,669,106  64,669,106  64,669,106
Effect of shares issued on 21st                       -           -     150,685
December 2007                                                                  
Weighted average number of ordinary          69,669,106  64,669,106  64,819,791
shares at                                                                      
30th June 2008                                                                 
Dilutive effect of warrants                           -   1,488,764   1,375,734
Diluted weighted average number of           69,669,106  66,157,870  66,195,525
ordinary shares at 30th June 2008                                              

8. Related party transactions

Loan from Bronsst�det AB - On 9th June 2008 the Company repaid the balance of a
loan outstanding from Bronsst�det AB, a company owned by the Company's largest
shareholder, Peter Gyllenhammar, together with a 2% redemption fee.

9. Copies of Interim report

The Interim report is available to view and download from the Company's website
at If shareholders would like a hardcopy of the interim
report they should contact the Company Secretary, Tim Pearson.


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