Bill Richardson is Playboy's December Interview
November 02 2007 - 10:37AM
PR Newswire (US)
The Democratic Presidential Hopeful Chats About The Big Issues:
War, Immigration, Abortion and, Of Course, Baseball CHICAGO, Nov. 2
/PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- "Yeah, I swear. Yeah, I smoke a cigar
occasionally. Yeah, I make mistakes. The American people should
know who I am. I'm overweight; I'm trying to lose weight. But I'm
comfortable with who I am," professes Presidential hopeful Bill
Richardson in the December Playboy Interview (on newsstands and at Friday, November 2). "I don't mope
around at night worrying that I didn't look good on Jay Leno-though
I saw myself, and though I've lost 30 pounds I've got to lose
more." CBS News senior political correspondent Jeff Greenfield set
off on the campaign trail to Iowa, New Hampshire and New York with
the governor of New Mexico to talk candidly about why he feels he
would be the best president and his plans if he wins. Following are
selected quotes from Richardson's wide ranging conversation: On if
he would ever conduct a negative campaign: "I will never go
negative. I will never attack them personally. I will, however,
emphasize my advantage over senators Clinton and Obama. The
so-called front-running candidates arrive, do a structured town
meeting with a thousand people in a gym and then leave. I go into
living rooms and meet people directly. I stay for three days, go
into 10 homes a day, each with 100 people. I connect with people.
My message is getting out. My ads are well received. Hell, there
was some political writer who predicted I'll win Iowa. Did you see
that? You never know." On how he competes with the candidates with
more media attention and money: "You target your efforts and
resources in the two most important states in the race, Iowa and
New Hampshire. People there aren't swayed by the smarty-pants set
in Washington and New York." On the troops in Iraq: "I want all
troops out of Iraq. Residual troops, too. The other leading
candidates don't. They leave in 25,000 or 50,000." On how he
responds to those who say withdrawal from Iraq will lead to
disaster: "Too many people in Washington have been listening to the
wrong military and political advisors. That's why we're in this
mess. I would shift our priorities. Our obsession with Iraq has
cost us the ability to form international coalitions and strategies
to deal with international terrorism, nuclear weapons and the like.
It may be the greatest cost of the war." On why he originally
supported the invasion of Iraq: "When we invaded I said I supported
the invasion in order to support the troops. At the time, I felt it
was the best thing. As I look back, it was a mistake. At the time,
however, I was making public statements and wasn't participating in
the decision to invade. The president should have gone to the UN
and used diplomacy, but I didn't push hard enough. I should have
pushed harder for diplomacy. But remember, we were also operating
on limited information. At the time, I thought, I don't have all
the intelligence; Bush says Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.
However, I never bought the Al Qaeda link. So it was a mistake. And
what happened afterward was massive incompetence and massive
deception." On his plan for office, if elected: "The first week I'm
president I would take on three issues, and we would have to come
up with solutions-bipartisan solutions. One is Iraq. We've got to
get out. The second is our $9 trillion deficit. Third is Social
Security and Medicare." On abortion: "I am strongly pro-choice.
I've always been pro-choice, to the consternation of my bishops in
New Mexico. As president I would have a national goal to reduce
abortions, and I'd promote strong adoption procedures. I would
encourage family planning. But I wouldn't apologize for my position
on choice." On his border control plans: "I'll first tell you what
I did as governor. I proposed doubling the number of border-patrol
agents, which is consistent with a 9/11 Commission recommendation.
I can easily see 15,000 at the border. Right now it isn't
adequately protected. I would extend the tour of the National
Guard. Many of us had reservations about using the Guard for this,
but it seems to be working; they're deterring the flow. I would
also increase the detection equipment at the border. My worst
nightmare is nuclear material -- uranium, plutonium -- being
transported by a terrorist across the border. And two years ago I
angered a lot of Hispanic and immigrant groups by being the first
governor to declare a border emergency. At the time, the border
patrol was almost nonexistent in my quarter. There were drugs
coming in, violence -- the flow was huge. I declared a border
emergency, which enabled me as governor to hire local law
enforcement. I took state appropriations to pay for law enforcement
at the border, which is essentially a federal function. Also, I
vetoed legislation that said local law enforcement couldn't
cooperate with federal law enforcement agencies." On meeting Fidel
Castro: "Fidel Castro has an enormously powerful intellect and is
well informed. He told me he reads every newspaper, sees every
morning broadcast and reads prodigiously. He showed me all the
books he read. While I have enormous dislike for his policies --
especially human rights; he incarcerates everybody who disagrees
with him -- he is a fascinating character who tries to intimidate
you with his intellect. Saddam Hussein, on the other hand, tried to
intimidate me with his physical actions. He would try to stare me
down. He had a bunch of the Revolutionary Guard around us. He was
heavily armed. His gestures were menacing. But through his
intellect, Castro would try to destroy every argument I made about
why he should take certain steps." On if he emulates President
Clinton: "I don't try to imitate him. This has always been my
style. But yes, there's a little bit of Bill Clinton in me. One of
the things that used to drive me nuts about him, though, was how he
would try to convince his enemies he was a good guy. He'd sometimes
spend more time talking to his enemies than to his friends. I don't
believe I'm like that, but I do believe you try to seek common
ground in order to convince somebody." On gun control: "I resent
some elites telling me my position on gun control is wrong, for
example. It's a cultural issue in New Mexico and the West, a
respect for a way of life. Most gun owners are law-abiding. I'm not
going to change my position. That's where I may deviate from others
in my party, too, the elites on the coasts. I have very common
tastes." On his "common tastes": "I like sports. I'm a regular
person. I don't make any pretenses. I like the arts -- I like
modern art -- but I'd rather spend time watching a football game or
a baseball game. I go to the opera and leave at intermission. I
like to smoke a cigar." On his favorite baseball team: "I was
asked, 'What is your favorite team?' The Red Sox. Another time, the
Associated Press asked, 'If you weren't running for president, who
would you rather be at this moment?' I said, 'I would like to be
number 7, center field for the New York Yankees, Mickey Mantle.' So
they asked, 'Is he a Yankees fan or a Red Sox fan?' When I was
growing up in Mexico City, the Red Sox didn't exist. The Yankees
were the universal team. Mickey Mantle was the hero of kids around
the world. It was as if the Yankees were America's team. But when I
went to New England, to Middlesex and then to Tufts, I became an
ardent Red Sox fan." DATASOURCE: Playboy Enterprises, Inc. CONTACT:
Theresa Hennessey of Playboy Enterprises, Inc., +1-312-373-2444,
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