RNS Number:5492G
Terrace Hill Group PLC
23 January 2003


Chairman's statement

I am pleased to present the Group's unaudited half yearly report to 31 October


We are pleased to report that during the half year the Group earned a post tax
profit of #107,000 (half year to 31 October 2001 loss #692,000 and year to 30
April 2002 profit #26,000).

Net assets, after allowing for minority interests, increased to #40,824,000 from
#25,159,000 at 30 April 2002.  This increase was created primarily by the merger
with Westview Group Limited (#10.243 million) which was completed on 19
September 2002 and from a residential portfolio revaluation (#5.47 million).

Bank debt stood at 60% of gross assets.  Our last published pre-merger results
showed net debt at 69% of our residential portfolio value. Other long term
creditors comprise primarily unsecured shareholders' loans, which have now been
substantially reduced, and some development funding obligations.

Strategy and Performance

In our circular of 20 August 2002 with details of the merger with Westview Group
we set out our strategy for the enlarged Group.

Primarily, we were looking to add revenue profits to our valuable asset base.
Already we have seen the beginning of this benefit.  The post tax profit
referred to above was attributable as to a post tax loss of #34,000 by the
original CapitalTech Group and as to a positive contribution of #141,000 from
Westview Group in only six weeks from 19 September 2002 to 31 October 2002.

One has to bear in mind of course that profits from the commercial division are
generally taken upon completion and sale of developments, and will depend on
timing of these, but we do see this as an encouraging start.  The results of the
residential division reflect tight control of portfolio costs.

Secondly, we are hopeful that increasing profits from the commercial division
will help to reduce the discount to net asset value from which our share price
has suffered.   Since we struck the share price for the merger at 12.65p, we
have seen an increase of 28% in our share price to 16.25p.  We still have some
way to go, net asset value per share now being 26.3p and the current price
showing a discount of 38%.

The further aspects of our strategy referred to in our circular were: additional
profit opportunities for the commercial division; the greater ability to
consider paying dividends; the possibility of residential development; the
benefits of our in-house corporate finance and legal services to a larger group;
the ability to consider further investment in commercial property; and, last but
not least, the diversification of risk.

On all of these aspects I am pleased to report that we consider that we have
begun to see benefits or prospective benefits from the merger.


Your directors have decided to pay an interim dividend for the half year under
consideration of 0.125p per share.  This will be paid on 19 March 2003 to
shareholders on the register at 7 March 2003. This illustrates our confidence in
the future and we hope to maintain a progressive dividend policy.

Repurchase of Shares

We also announce a proposed repurchase tender to be issued by the company this
month of up to 750,000 shares at the price of 16.25p.  This again provides an
opportunity for small shareholders to realise at the mid-market price without
costs, and may assist further in strengthening the share price.

Current Trading

In November and December 2002, by completing cash sales of #5.3 million, the
residential division continued to reduce further our residential property
holdings in England.  The commercial division, at a price of #2.4 million, sold
profitably an office building of 12,750 square feet developed by the Group at
Teesdale Business Park near Middlesbrough.

The Future

We shall strive to progress all aspects of our strategy.  This is a time of
economic uncertainty with changes in exchange rates and interest rates
accompanying a world slowdown of economic activity.  Indeed as I write, Germany,
the largest economy in the Eurozone, is likely to be slipping into deflation,
and the prospect of recovery in the United States is probably deferred to 2004.

Our residential property has recently shown substantial increases in value.  I
believe a consensus of forecasts is that we should expect to see further
increases in 2003 but at a slower rate than 2002.  In this regard you should be
aware that our revaluation at 31 October 2002 by the directors has been effected
conservatively(RA1) .  Further, with our residential properties now principally
in Scotland, and almost wholly excluding London and the South East, we believe
we do not hold properties in the regions most likely to be adversely affected by
cyclical changes.

Turning to the commercial division, there have recently been rental falls in
London and parts of the South East. We are concentrating our commitments in the
near term primarily on new schemes to the North East and Bristol markets where
demand looks more promising.

I believe therefore that our diversification from solely holding residential
property to also holding and developing commercial property should allow us to
continue to enhance shareholder value despite the current period of economic
uncertainty.   Where appropriate we shall also seek further opportunities to
expand by acquisition.

Robert F M Adair

23 January 2003


                                                                      6 months to    6 months to    12 months to 
                                                                        31-Oct 02      31-Oct-01       30-Apr-02 
                                                                             #000           #000            #000 
                                                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)       (audited) 
        Continuing operations                                               2,834          1,573           3,185
        Acquisitions                                                        1,854            240           1,658
        Share of joint venture                                                  -              2               4
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
                                                                            4,688          1,815           4,847
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
        GROUP OPERATING PROFIT                                                                                   
        Ongoing operations                                                  1,071            394             634
        Acquisitions                                                          237            200           1,256
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
                                                                            1,308            594           1,890
        Share of operating profit of joint venture                              -              1               1
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
        TOTAL OPERATING PROFIT                                              1,308            595           1,891

        Continuing operations:                                                                                   
        Provision for unlisted investments                                    (21)           (83)           (102)
        Gain / (Loss) on disposal of other fixed asset investment               -              1              (7)
        Net gain/(loss) on disposal of investment properties                  382            (72)          1,090
        Discontinued operations                                                 5              3               3
        Net interest payable                                               (1,599)        (1,141)         (2,821)
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
        PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                
        ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAX                                                  75           (697)             54
        Taxation                                                               45              5             (28)
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
        PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                
        ACTIVITIES AFTER TAX                                                  120           (692)             26

        Minority interest                                                     (13)             -               -        
                                                                            -----          -----           -----
        PROFIT/(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO                                         107           (692)             26
        MEMBERS OF PARENT COMPANY                                           -----          -----           ----- 

        Profit / (Loss) per share - basic and diluted                       0.115p        (1.17p)          0.038p
                                                                            -----          -----           ----- 

                                                                          31-Oct-02     31-Oct-01   30-Apr-02
                                                                               #000          #000        #000
            FIXED ASSETS                                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
            Intangible assets                                                                                
            Positive goodwill                                                 2,707           433         371
            Negative goodwill                                                (3,767)       (1,178)     (4,167)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                             (1,060)         (745)     (3,796)
            Tangible assets                                                                                  
            Investment properties                                           106,562        51,786      74,931
            Other                                                               223            31          12
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                            106,785        51,817      74,943
            Joint venture - share of gross assets                                 -            48          47
                          - share of gross liabilities                            -           (39)        (40)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                                  -             9           7
            Other                                                             1,434           788         279
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                              1,434           797         286
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                            107,159        51,869      71,433
            CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                   
            Work in Progress                                                 36,965             -           -
            Debtors                                                          15,526         1,515       7,038
            Cash at bank and in hand                                          1,627         2,589       1,905
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                             54,118         4,104       8,943
            CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year                                                   
            Borrowings                                                      (26,107)            -      (2,675)
            Other creditors                                                 (13,995)        1,467      (1,507)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                            (40,102)        1,467      (4,182)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
            NET CURRENT ASSETS                                               14,016         2,637       4,761
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
            TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                           121,175        54,506      76,194
            CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year         (79,893)      (35,319)    (51,035)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                             41,282        19,187      25,159
                                                                            -------        ------      ------ 
            CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                             
            Called up share capital                                           3,109         1,487       1,487
            Deferred consideration                                              193           193         193
            Share premium account                                            11,823         9,937       9,908
            Revaluation reserve - investment properties                      13,993         4,658       9,487
            other                                                                 4             3           4
            Capital redemption reserve                                          792           792         792
            Merger reserve                                                   15,800         9,282       9,282
            Profit and loss account                                          (4,890)       (7,165)     (5,994)
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                             40,824        19,187      25,159
            Minority interests                                                  458             -           -
                                                                            -------        ------      ------
                                                                             41,282        19,187      25,159
                                                                            -------        ------      ------ 


                                                                       6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                                                         31-Oct-02     31-Oct-01      30-Apr-02
                                                                              #000          #000           #000
                                                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited)

        Profit/(Loss) attributable to members of the parent company            107          (692)            26
        Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties                      5,504             -          5,282
        Unrealised deficit on revaluation of unlisted investments                -           (35)           (34)
                                                                             -----         -----          -----
        Total recognised gains and losses relating to period                 5,611          (727)         5,274
                                                                             -----         -----          ----- 


                                                                6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                                                  31-Oct-02     31-Oct-01      30-Apr-02
                                                                       #000          #000           #000
                                                                (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)

                Total recognised gains and losses                    5,611           (727)         5,274
                New shares issued                                    1,658            400            340
                Share premium arising on new shares issued           2,111          1,544          1,515
                Merger reserve arising on new shares issued          6,519              -              -
                Purchase of ordinary shares                           (234)          (298)          (238)
                                                                    ------         ------         ------
                Total movements during the year                     15,665            919          6,891
                Opening shareholders' funds                         25,159         18,268         18,268
                                                                    ------         ------         ------
                Closing shareholders' funds                         40,824         19,187         25,159
                                                                    ------          ------         ------ 



The interim financial statements are unaudited and do not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  These statements
have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
Group's 2002 Annual Report and Accounts and were approved by the board of
directors on 23 January 2003.  Financial statements for the year ended 30 April
2002 are abridged statements; full accounts with an unqualified audit report
have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies.


The calculation of basic and diluted loss per ordinary share is based on the

                                                                 6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                                                   31-Oct-02     31-Oct-01      30-Apr-02
                                                                        #000          #000           #000

              Surplus/(Deficit)                                          107          (692)            26
                                                                  ----------     ----------      ---------- 
              The weighted average number of ordinary shares                                             
              in issue during the period:                                                                
              Basic                                               93,303,027    59,046,527     66,637,201
              Dilutive potential ordinary shares arising from                                            
              share option schemes                                         -             -              -
                                                                  ----------    ----------     ----------
                                                                  93,303,027    59,046,527     66,637,201
                                                                  ----------    ----------     ---------- 


The company intends to pay an interim dividend of 0.125p per share.


The half-yearly report will be posted to shareholders shortly and copies will be
available, free of charge for one month, from the Company Secretary, Terrace
Hill Group plc, James Sellars House, 144 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2HG.



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 October 2002 set out on pages 4 to 7 and we have read
the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  Where a company
is fully listed, the directors are responsible for preparing the interim report
in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which
require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim
figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are
disclosed.  The directors of Terrace Hill Group plc have voluntarily complied
with this requirement in preparing the interim review report.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A review consists principally of making
enquiries of management and applying analytical procedures to the financial
information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether
the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless
otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of
controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions.  It is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United
Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance
than an audit.  Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2002.

BDO Stoy Hayward
Chartered Accountants
23 January 2003



                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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