Proposed Merger and Offer
11 OCTOBER 2024
· merger of the Companies;
· offer for subscription following
completion of the merger;
· related party transaction with
Foresight; and
· related matters.
Following on from the pre-merger announcements
released by each of the Companies on 26 July 2024, the boards of
the Companies (the "Boards") are pleased to
announce that they have agreed terms to merge the Companies (the
"Merger") and that they are today writing to set
out the merger proposals to their respective shareholders for
consideration. Each of the Companies is managed by Foresight Group
LLP ("Foresight").
The Merger will be effected by TV2 being placed
into members' voluntary liquidation pursuant to a scheme of
reconstruction under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986
("Scheme"). Shareholders should note that the
Merger by way of the Scheme will be outside the provisions of the
City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. It is proposed that the name of
TV1 be changed to "Foresight Ventures VCT plc" immediately
following the Merger.
Upon completion of the Merger, holders of
Ventures Share, Healthcare Share, AIM Share and DP67 Share classes
in TV2 will each be issued with Ordinary Shares of TV1
("Consideration Shares"). The boards of the
Companies have agreed that, if the Merger is approved, the DP67
Shareholders in TV1 following the Merger (the "Enlarged
Company") will be offered an opportunity to have their
Consideration Shares repurchased by the Enlarged Company at a nil
discount to NAV for the six months following completion of the
Each Scheme requires the approval of resolutions
by the TV1 shareholders and the TV2 shareholders.
The Merger will, if effected, result in an
enlarged company with net assets of approximately £121 million.
Estimated costs of the Merger are £495,000, but
Foresight has agreed to contribute 20% of the costs, so net costs
for shareholders of the Companies will be, in aggregate £396,000.
These net costs will be borne 30% and 50% by TV1 and TV2
respectively (and pro rata to the net asset values of the classes
in TV2). Based on the amount of estimated Merger costs to be borne
by TV1 and TV2 of approximately £396,000 and the expected aggregate
annual costs savings of £260,000, such Merger costs would be
recovered in approximately 18 months.
The Enlarged Company will continue to operate
the Investment Policy currently operated by TV1.
Further details of the proposals are set out
below. The approval of resolutions in connection with these
proposals will be proposed at general meetings of the Companies
("Meetings") being convened as set out in the
expected timetable below.
VCTs are required to be listed on the closed ended-investment funds
segment of the Official List, which involves a significant level of
costs associated with the listing as well as related fees to ensure
they comply with all relevant legislation and regulations. A larger
VCT is able to spread the fixed elements of such running costs
across a larger asset base and, as a result, reduce running costs
as a percentage of net assets.
With the above in mind, the Boards and Foresight
entered into discussions to consider a merger of the two Companies
to create a single, larger VCT. The aim of the Merger is primarily
to achieve strategic benefits, reductions in the annual running
costs for each set of shareholders and an enhanced ability to raise
capital in the future.
The Merger will be effected in the following way.
First, TV2 will be placed into members’
voluntary liquidation pursuant to a scheme of consolidation under
section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986, subject to shareholders’
Secondly, all of the assets and liabilities of
TV2 will be transferred to TV1 in consideration for the issue of
Consideration Shares by TV1 directly to the shareholders of
The Scheme requires the prior approval of the
shareholders of TV1 and TV2. If a shareholder of TV2 does not vote
in favour of the Merger and expresses their dissent in writing then
they may require the Liquidators to purchase their shares at their
break-value price, this being an estimate of the amount they would
receive in an ordinary winding up of TV2 if all of the assets had
to be realised. The break-value is expected to be significantly
below the net asset value of TV2.
For these purposes, whilst there will only be
one general meeting of TV1 at which shareholders will be invited to
consider and vote in favour of the Merger, there will be two
general meetings for TV2. At the First General Meeting of TV1, its
shareholders will be invited to approve the Merger. At the Second
General Meeting of TV2, its Shareholders will be invited to pass a
special resolution for the winding up of the company.
In addition to the approval of Shareholders
being sought at the General Meetings, each Scheme is dependent
- notice of dissent not being
received from TV2 shareholders who hold more than 10% in nominal
value of the issued share capital;
- TV1 confirming that it has received
no notice of any claims, proceedings or actions of whatever nature
threatened or commenced against TV2 which the board of TV1 regard
as material; and
- TV1 and TV2 maintaining their VCT
and so will proceed and become effective
immediately after the passing of the special resolution for the
winding up of TV2.
The number of Consideration Shares to be issued
will be as set out below:
Number in issue as at 30 June 2024 |
Consideration Shares to be issued on Merger |
Ventures Shares |
53,236,858 |
53,250,187 |
Healthcare Shares |
23,554,915 |
20,874,090 |
AIM Shares |
2,695,803 |
6,029,714 |
DP67 Shares |
11,192,136 |
6,632,685 |
The Scheme is conditional upon certain
conditions being satisfied as further set out in the circulars
being posted to shareholders today, including resolutions to be
proposed to shareholders of each of the Companies. TV2 will apply
to the UKLA for cancellation of the listing of its shares, upon the
successful completion of its Scheme, such cancellation is
anticipated to take place on 6 December 2024 (the cancellation
requiring the approval of TV2’s shareholders).
The boards of the Companies consider that the
Merger will bring a number of benefits to all of the Companies'
groups of shareholders as described below, in summary:
- the Enlarged Company would have a
net asset base of approximately £121 million and so greater scale
to raise and deploy capital in the future;
- with more capital to deploy, the
Enlarged Company should have greater capacity to support its
portfolio companies
- an enhanced ability to complete
investments in new opportunities;
- although the Companies have
co-invested in a significant number of the same businesses
(approximately 70% of TV2’s investee companies also have TV1 as an
investor), their portfolios are not identical and so the Merger
will create some additional diversification for both sets of
- a simplified strategy and product
offering (including greater simplicity of administration and
performance monitoring for those Shareholders who currently hold
shares in both Companies);
- lower running costs per share due
to the spreading of fixed costs over a larger asset base;
- an enhanced ability to maintain
regular and consistent dividend payments to shareholders; and
- enhanced liquidity and reserves to
buy shares back in the market from those shareholders who want or
need to sell their investment, subject always to shareholder
authority and the availability, at the discretion of the Enlarged
Company’s board, of sufficient cash and distributable reserves.
Note: if the Merger is approved, the Board also intends to reduce
the Company's target discount for buybacks from 5.0% of AV to
Additional attractive features of the Merger
- Foresight has agreed to contribute
20% of the costs of the Merger meaning that TV1 and TV2 will only
bear £396,000 of the £495,000 estimated costs; and
- there is no impact on the tax
position of Shareholders – existing VCT tax reliefs carry over and
attach to the post-Merger shares for all Shareholders.
2024 |
Latest time for the receipt of forms of proxy for the TV1 General
Meeting |
10.30 a.m. on 6 November |
TV1 General Meeting |
10.30 a.m. on 8 November |
Calculation Date |
14 November |
Effective Date for the transfer of the assets and liabilities of
TV2 to TV1 and the issue of Consideration Shares |
15 November |
Announcement of the results of the TV1 General Meeting and
completion of the Scheme |
15 November |
Admission and dealings in the Consideration Shares to commence |
18 November |
CREST accounts credited with the Consideration Shares issued
pursuant to the Schemes |
18 November |
Certificates for Consideration Shares dispatched by |
28 November |
2024 |
Date from which it is advised that dealings in TV2 Shares should
only be for cash settlement and immediate delivery of documents of
title |
1 November |
Latest time for receipt of forms of proxy for the TV2 First General
Meeting |
4:00 p.m. on 6 November |
First TV2 General Meeting |
4:00 p.m. on 8 November |
Latest time for receipt of forms of proxy for the TV2 Second
General Meeting |
11.00 a.m. on 13 November |
TV2 register of members closed |
5.00 p.m. 14 November |
Record Date for TV2 Shareholders’ entitlements |
5.00 p.m. 14 November |
Calculation Date |
after 5.00 p.m. on 14 November |
Dealings in TV2 Shares suspended |
7.30 a.m. on 15 November |
Second TV2 General Meeting |
11.00 a.m. on 15 November |
Effective Date for the transfer of the assets and liabilities of
TV2 to TV1 and the issue of Consideration Shares pursuant to the
Scheme |
15 November |
Cancellation of the listing of the TV2 Shares |
7.30 a.m. on 6 December |
The Boards have considered what the size and
future composition of the TV1 Board should be following the Merger
and it has been agreed that subject to completion of the Merger, Dr
Andrew Mackintosh, currently a director of TV2, will be appointed
to join the existing TV1 Board.
There will be a number of consequential resolutions to be passed by
TV1 shareholders in respect of the Merger:
1. The Enlarged Company will be renamed "Foresight Ventures VCT
2. Re-designation of Ordinary Shares into Deferred Shares
The TV1 Board shall be authorised to convert a
number of TV1’s ordinary shares, up to 150,000,000, into deferred
shares (carrying no substantive rights and which will shortly
thereafter be bought back by TV1 for nominal consideration and
The purpose of this measure is simply to
increase the value per share of the remaining TV1 Ordinary Shares
from the current 45.9p (as at 30 June 2024) to a round £1.00 per
share. This action does not affect in any way the value of each
investor’s overall shareholding, but it does simplify and enhance
future marketing and marks the start of a new growth phase for the
Enlarged Company under the new management of Foresight.
3. Composite authority to renew allotment and repurchase
This is a composite resolution which, if passed,
would authorise the Directors to issue Ordinary Shares pursuant to
the Offer, free from pre-emption rights and also to make market
purchases of Ordinary Shares up to a maximum of 14.99% of the
Ordinary Shares in issue. The TV1 Board intends to utilise the
allotment authority to allot Offer Shares. The authority to
disapply pre-emption rights is limited to the allotment of equity
securities with an aggregate nominal value not exceeding £110,000
which would represent 6.4% of TV1’s ordinary share capital in issue
at the date of the Circular. The authorities granted by that
resolution will lapse on the conclusion of the next annual general
meeting of TV1 unless they are renewed prior to such time.
It is proposed that a new Performance Incentive
Agreement be entered into between TV1 and Foresight pursuant to
which a performance fee would be payable to Foresight at the end of
each Performance Period, subject to the Hurdle being satisfied at
the end of the relevant Performance Period, equal to the lesser of:
(i) 20% of the Distributions per Share paid from available
distributable profits of the Company attributable to the relevant
Performance Period; or (ii) 20% of the Excess Annual Return per
Ordinary Share, in each case, multiplied by the weighted average
number of TV1 Ordinary Shares in issue during the relevant
Performance Period.
For these purposes:
"Distributions" means: |
all payments of whatsoever nature including all income and capital
distributions (whether in cash or in specie) made by the Company
after the Effective Date to holders of its Ordinary Shares in issue
at any time and remaining in issue, stated on a per Ordinary Share
in issue basis as at the date on which, from time to time, the
Performance Fee is calculated;
"Excess Annual Return Per Ordinary Share" means: |
an annual increase in the Total Return Per Ordinary Share which is
higher than the Hurdle;
“Hurdle" means: |
the greater of (i) a Total Return of 110p Per Ordinary Share, as
increased in line with the average Bank of England Bank Rate over
the relevant Performance Period; and (ii) the highest previously
recorded Total Return per Share;
"Performance Period" means: |
the first Performance Period would begin on the Effective Date for
the Merger with TV2, if this is approved by Shareholders, and would
end on 31 March 2025 and each subsequent Performance Period would
be a period commencing on the date immediately following the expiry
of the previous Performance Period and ending 12 months later or,
as the case may be, on the termination of the Investment Services
Agreement; and
"Total Return" means: |
at any particular time, the sum of the Net Asset Value of the
Ordinary Shares; the aggregate of all Distributions paid or made at
any time to Ordinary Shareholders after the Effective Date; and the
aggregate of all Performance Fees previously paid to Foresight
after the Effective Date. |
TV1 is a closed ended investment fund and its
investment manager is Foresight. Accordingly, pursuant to UKLR
11.5.3R, Foresight is a related party of the Company. The entry
into the revised performance incentive arrangements with Foresight
described above will therefore constitute a related party
transaction under the UK Listing Rules (the "Related Party
Transaction"). Accordingly, the approval of Shareholders
for TV1's entry into the Related Party Transaction is required in
accordance with UKLR 11.5.5R(2).The Board of TV1 considers the
Related Party Transaction to be fair and reasonable as far as the
Company’s shareholders are concerned and the Directors have been so
advised by Dickson Minto Advisers LLP, the Company’s Sponsor. In
providing its advice to the directors, Dickson Minto Advisers LLP
has taken into account the Directors’ commercial assessment of the
effects of Related Party Transaction.
As TV1 is required to prepare a prospectus in
connection with the Merger, the opportunity has been taken to also
include an offer for subscription in respect of the Enlarged
Company. This will provide Shareholders and new investors with the
opportunity to invest in the Enlarged Company and benefit from the
tax reliefs available to qualifying investors. Both of the Boards
support the Enlarged Company raising further funds.
The amount sought under the Offer is £5 million
(with an over-allotment facility of a further £5 million) (the
The Offer has been designed for Investors
seeking a portfolio of young growth investments, whilst taking
advantage of the VCT tax reliefs. TV1 is seeking to raise
additional gross proceeds of £5 million, together with an
over-allotment facility of up to a further £5 million.
The new funds raised will allow new and existing
Shareholders to benefit from TV1 being able to participate in
attractive investment opportunities in well managed businesses that
need capital to expand and also support existing portfolio
companies as they develop. By raising more capital, the running
costs per Share in TV1 for existing Shareholders will be reduced as
the fixed costs are spread over a larger asset base.
The Offer opens at 3.00 p.m. on 15 November 2024
and will close at 4:00 p.m. on 30 April 2025 (or earlier at the
discretion of the directors or if full subscription is reached or
later if extended). Applicants who wish to have some or all of
their New Shares allotted in the tax year 2024/25 must return their
completed Application Form, with cleared funds received by the
receiving agent, by 10.00 a.m. on 3 April 2025. Investors must be
over 18 years old.
Foresight Group Promoter LLP (the
"Promoter") is acting as the promoter to the
Offer. The Promoter will receive a fee of either 2.5% or 5.5% of
the amount subscribed under the Offer dependent on the type of
investor. All other costs, charges and expenses of or incidental to
the Offer shall be paid by the Promoter from its fees save for
trail commission (where permissible) which shall be paid by TV1 and
initial commission and the facilitation of up-front adviser charges
each of which shall be paid by TV1 through the application of a
pricing formula. In respect of each investor, the Promoter’s fee
will be reduced by loyalty and early investment discounts.
Foresight Group as Investment Manager has provided a guarantee to
TV1 in respect of the obligations of the Promoter under this
TV1 shareholders will receive a copy of a
circular convening the TV1 general meeting to be held on 8 November
2024 at which TV1 shareholders will be invited to approve
resolutions in connection with the proposals.
The TV2 shareholders will each receive a
circular convening the Target VCTs' first general meetings on 8
November 2024 and the second general meeting on 15 November 2024 at
which TV2’s shareholders will be invited to approve resolutions in
connection with their relevant Scheme.
Copies of the Prospectus, the TV1 circular and
the TV2 circulars have been submitted to the FCA. The Prospectus
accompanies this document and is available in hard copy from the
Companies’ registered office during normal business hours and at and
the national storage mechanism (
For further information, please
Investment Manager to the
Foresight Group LLP
Telephone: 0203 667 8100
Sponsor to TV1
Dickson Minto Advisers LLP
Telephone: 0131 200 1661
The directors and proposed director of TV1
accept responsibility for the information relating to TV1 and its
directors and proposed director contained in this announcement. To
the best of the knowledge and belief of such directors and proposed
directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such
is the case), the information relating to TV1 and its directors and
proposed director contained in this announcement, for which they
are solely responsible, is in accordance with the facts and does
not omit anything likely to affect the import of such
The directors of TV2 accept responsibility for
the information relating to TV2 and its directors contained in this
announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of such
directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such
is the case), the information relating to TV2 and its directors
contained in this document, for which they are solely responsible,
is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely
to affect the import of such information.
Dickson Minto Advisers LLP, which is authorised
and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct
Authority, is acting as sponsor for TV1 and no one else and will
not be responsible to any other person for providing the
protections afforded to customers of Dickson Minto Advisers LLP or
for providing advice in relation to any matters referred to
Foresight Ventures VCT (LSE:TV1)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Foresight Ventures VCT (LSE:TV1)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025