Washington, D.C. 20549
of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of August,
Commission File Number 001-41129
Nu Holdings Ltd.
(Exact name of registrant as specified
in its charter)
Nu Holdings Ltd.
(Translation of Registrant's
name into English)
Campbells Corporate Services
Limited, Floor 4, Willow House, Cricket Square, KY1-9010 Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
+1 345 949 2648
(Address of principal executive
Indicate by check mark whether
the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F (X) Form 40-F
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing
the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes No (X)
Independent Auditors' Report
Independent Auditors’ report on review of
Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
To Board of Directors and Shareholders
Nu Holdings Ltd.
Cayman Islands
We have reviewed the accompanying
interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position of Nu Holdings Ltd. (“Company”) as at June 30, 2023, the condensed
consolidated statements of profit or loss and comprehensive income or loss for the three and six-month periods then ended, changes in
equity and cash flows for the six-month period then ended, and notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Management is responsible for the
preparation and presentation of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements in accordance with IAS 34, ‘Interim
Financial Reporting’ issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion
on these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements based on our review.
Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance
with Brazilian and International Standards on Review (NBC TR 2410 - Revisão de Informações Intermediárias
Executada pelo Auditor da Entidade and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor
of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible
for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than
an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that
we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has
come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements as
of June 30, 2023, are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34, ‘Interim Financial Reporting’.
São Paulo, August 15, 2023.
KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda.
CRC 2SP-027685/O-0 F SP
Rodrigo de Mattos Lia Accountant 1SP252418/O-3
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated
Statements of Profit or Loss
For the three and six-month
periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars, except
earnings (loss) per share)
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
Note |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Interest income and gains (losses) on financial instruments |
6 |
1,500,225 |
853,013 |
2,755,679 |
1,472,456 |
Fee and commission income |
6 |
368,415 |
304,548 |
731,628 |
562,372 |
Total revenue |
1,868,640 |
1,157,561 |
3,487,307 |
2,034,828 |
Interest and other financial expenses |
6 |
(453,426) |
(407,500) |
(893,638) |
(680,503) |
Transactional expenses |
6 |
(42,797) |
(48,036) |
(95,575) |
(82,484) |
Credit loss allowance expenses |
7 |
(590,434) |
(338,492) |
(1,065,229) |
(614,214) |
Total cost of financial and transactional services provided |
(1,086,657) |
(794,028) |
(2,054,442) |
(1,377,201) |
Gross profit |
781,983 |
363,533 |
1,432,865 |
657,627 |
Operating expenses |
Customer support and operations |
8 |
(113,309) |
(77,703) |
(221,124) |
(139,274) |
General and administrative expenses |
8 |
(256,408) |
(229,505) |
(493,289) |
(474,613) |
Marketing expenses |
8 |
(33,923) |
(36,208) |
(53,195) |
(63,816) |
Other income (expenses) |
8 |
(54,366) |
(44,729) |
(97,651) |
(72,187) |
Total operating expenses |
(458,006) |
(388,145) |
(865,259) |
(749,890) |
Profit (loss) before income taxes |
323,977 |
(24,612) |
567,606 |
(92,263) |
Income taxes |
Current taxes |
29 |
(263,071) |
(96,249) |
(468,935) |
(195,301) |
Deferred taxes |
29 |
163,960 |
91,011 |
267,946 |
212,710 |
Total income taxes |
(99,111) |
(5,238) |
(200,989) |
17,409 |
Profit (loss) for the period |
224,866 |
(29,850) |
366,617 |
(74,854) |
Profit (loss) attributable to shareholders of the parent company |
224,866 |
(29,697) |
366,617 |
(74,798) |
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
- |
(153) |
- |
(56) |
Earnings (loss) per share – Basic |
9 |
0.0475 |
(0.0064) |
0.0777 |
(0.0160) |
Earnings (loss) per share – Diluted |
9 |
0.0464 |
(0.0064) |
0.0758 |
(0.0160) |
Weighted average number of outstanding shares – Basic (in thousands of shares) |
9 |
4,730,272 |
4,670,972 |
4,719,948 |
4,665,688 |
Weighted average number of outstanding shares – Diluted (in thousands of shares) |
9 |
4,843,835 |
4,670,972 |
4,833,455 |
4,665,688 |
The accompanying notes are an integral
part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated
Statements of Comprehensive Income or Loss
Loss for the three and six-month
periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
Note |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Profit (loss) for period |
224,866 |
(29,850) |
366,617 |
(74,854) |
Other comprehensive income or loss: |
Effective portion of changes in fair value |
13,690 |
(7,193) |
15,685 |
(26,244) |
Changes in fair value reclassified to profit or loss |
(12,549) |
4,696 |
(15,423) |
5,875 |
Deferred income taxes |
2,356 |
(3,794) |
5,382 |
3,268 |
Cash flow hedge |
19 |
3,497 |
(6,291) |
5,644 |
(17,101) |
Changes in fair value |
(1,820) |
(19,765) |
8,504 |
(16,557) |
Deferred income taxes |
(978) |
1,945 |
(793) |
(3,047) |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
(2,798) |
(17,820) |
7,711 |
(19,604) |
Currency translation on foreign entities |
140,710 |
(49,457) |
251,215 |
14,017 |
Total other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently |
141,409 |
(73,568) |
264,570 |
(22,688) |
Changes in fair value - own credit adjustment |
20 |
23 |
(228) |
68 |
3,329 |
Total other comprehensive income or loss that will not be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently |
23 |
(228) |
68 |
3,329 |
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax |
141,432 |
(73,796) |
264,638 |
(19,359) |
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period, net of tax |
366,298 |
(103,646) |
631,255 |
(94,213) |
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to shareholders of the parent company |
366,298 |
(103,493) |
631,255 |
(94,157) |
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
- |
(153) |
- |
(56) |
The accompanying notes are an integral
part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Unaudited Interim Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
As of June 30, 2023 and December 31,
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Note |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
11 |
6,175,049 |
4,172,316 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
182,769 |
133,643 |
Securities |
12 |
156,233 |
91,853 |
Derivative financial instruments |
19 |
26,223 |
41,485 |
Collateral for credit card operations |
22 |
313 |
305 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
7,479,797 |
9,947,138 |
Securities |
12 |
7,479,797 |
9,947,138 |
Financial assets at amortized cost |
17,135,460 |
13,684,484 |
Credit card receivables |
13 |
10,387,713 |
8,233,072 |
Loans to customers |
14 |
2,433,209 |
1,673,440 |
Compulsory and other deposits at central banks |
15 |
2,826,879 |
2,778,019 |
Other receivables |
16 |
1,346,560 |
521,670 |
Other financial assets |
141,099 |
478,283 |
Other assets |
17 |
706,514 |
541,903 |
Deferred tax assets |
29 |
1,224,983 |
811,050 |
Right-of-use assets |
16,414 |
18,982 |
Property, plant and equipment |
35,246 |
27,482 |
Intangible assets |
18 |
254,378 |
182,164 |
Goodwill |
18 |
397,473 |
397,397 |
Total assets |
33,608,083 |
29,916,559 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated
Statements of Financial Position
As of June 30, 2023 and December 31,
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Note |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Liabilities |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
190,403 |
218,174 |
Derivative financial instruments |
19 |
41,715 |
9,425 |
Instruments eligible as capital |
20 |
3,766 |
11,507 |
Repurchase agreements |
144,922 |
197,242 |
Financial liabilities at amortized cost |
26,547,815 |
23,448,892 |
Deposits |
21 |
18,033,728 |
15,808,541 |
Payables to network |
22 |
7,749,565 |
7,054,783 |
Borrowings and financing |
23 |
764,522 |
585,568 |
Salaries, allowances and social security contributions |
150,033 |
90,587 |
Tax liabilities |
562,206 |
511,017 |
Lease liabilities |
19,171 |
20,353 |
Provision for lawsuits and administrative proceedings |
24 |
4,653 |
17,947 |
Deferred income |
25 |
54,882 |
41,688 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
29 |
85,048 |
41,118 |
Other liabilities |
26 |
349,273 |
636,000 |
Total liabilities |
27,963,484 |
25,025,776 |
Equity |
Share capital |
30 |
84 |
83 |
Share premium reserve |
30 |
4,970,786 |
4,963,774 |
Accumulated gain (losses) |
30 |
546,742 |
64,577 |
Other comprehensive income (loss) |
30 |
126,987 |
(137,651) |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company |
5,644,599 |
4,890,783 |
Total equity |
5,644,599 |
4,890,783 |
Total liabilities and equity |
33,608,083 |
29,916,559 |
The accompanying notes are an integral
part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Unaudited Interim Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
For the six-month period ended June
30, 2023 and 2022
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Other comprehensive income (loss) |
Note |
capital |
reserve |
Accumulated gains (losses) |
Translation reserve |
Cash flow hedge reserve |
Financial Assets
Own credit revaluation reserve |
Total equity |
Balances as of December 31, 2022 |
83 |
4,963,774 |
64,577 |
(108,356) |
(7,486) |
(22,298) |
489 |
4,890,783 |
Profit for the six-month period |
- |
- |
366,617 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
366,617 |
Share-based compensation, net of shares withheld for employee taxes |
10 |
- |
- |
94,015 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
94,015 |
Shares issued to service providers |
30 / 34 |
- |
- |
21,533 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21,533 |
Shares issued |
30 |
1 |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Stock options exercised |
- |
7,013 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7,013 |
Other comprehensive income or loss, net of tax |
30 |
Cash flow hedge |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5,644 |
- |
- |
5,644 |
Fair value changes - financial assets at FVTOCI |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7,711 |
- |
7,711 |
Currency translation on foreign entities |
- |
- |
- |
251,215 |
- |
- |
- |
251,215 |
Own credit adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
68 |
68 |
Balances as of June 30, 2023 |
84 |
4,970,786 |
546,742 |
142,859 |
(1,842) |
(14,587) |
557 |
5,644,599 |
Attributable to shareholders of the parent company |
Other comprehensive income (loss) |
Note |
capital |
reserve |
Accumulated gains (losses) |
Translation reserve |
Cash flow hedge reserve |
Financial Assets
Own credit revaluation reserve |
Total |
Total non- controlling interests |
Total equity |
Balances as of December 31, 2021 |
83 |
4,678,585 |
(128,409) |
(110,936) |
1,487 |
1,741 |
(1,519) |
4,441,032 |
1,509 |
4,442,541 |
Loss for the six-month period |
- |
- |
(74,798) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(74,798) |
(56) |
(74,854) |
Share-based compensation, net of shares withheld for employee taxes |
10 |
- |
- |
107,296 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
107,296 |
- |
107,296 |
Stock options exercised |
- |
3,304 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,304 |
- |
3,304 |
Shares issued on business acquisition |
34 |
- |
36,671 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
36,671 |
- |
36,671 |
Shares issued on IPO over-allotment |
30 |
- |
247,998 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
247,998 |
- |
247,998 |
Transactions costs from IPO over-allotment |
- |
(3,985) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3,985) |
- |
(3,985) |
Loss of control of subsidiary |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1,453) |
(1,453) |
Other comprehensive income or loss, net of tax |
Cash flow hedge |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(17,101) |
- |
- |
(17,101) |
- |
(17,101) |
Fair value changes - financial assets at FVTOCI |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(19,604) |
- |
(19,604) |
- |
(19,604) |
Currency translation on foreign entities |
- |
- |
- |
14,017 |
- |
- |
- |
14,017 |
- |
14,017 |
Own credit adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,329 |
3,329 |
- |
3,329 |
Balances as of June 30, 2022 |
83 |
4,962,573 |
(95,911) |
(96,919) |
(15,614) |
(17,863) |
1,810 |
4,738,159 |
- |
4,738,159 |
The accompanying notes are an integral
part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Unaudited Interim Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the six-month period ended June
30, 2023 and 2022
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Note |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Reconciliation of profit (loss) to net cash flows from operating activities: |
Profit (loss) for the six-month period |
366,617 |
(74,854) |
Adjustments: |
Depreciation and amortization |
8 |
27,156 |
18,088 |
Credit loss allowance expenses |
7 |
1,106,800 |
625,185 |
Deferred income taxes |
29 |
(267,946) |
(212,710) |
Provision for lawsuits and administrative proceedings |
2,502 |
(1,958) |
Unrealized losses (gains) on other investments |
21,720 |
(5,067) |
Unrealized losses (gains) on financial instruments |
51,705 |
38,458 |
Interest accrued |
40,139 |
8,907 |
Share-based payments |
116,850 |
135,656 |
1,465,543 |
531,705 |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: |
Securities |
2,221,786 |
(773,539) |
Compulsory deposits and others at central banks |
(46,123) |
(635,319) |
Credit card receivables |
(3,246,823) |
(2,459,157) |
Loans to customers |
(1,245,332) |
(1,145,997) |
Other receivables |
(778,678) |
(335,367) |
Other assets |
163,262 |
(145,172) |
Deposits |
2,100,527 |
3,755,012 |
Payables to network |
655,859 |
1,086,143 |
Deferred income |
12,455 |
6,149 |
Other liabilities |
197,455 |
230,430 |
Interest paid |
(36,152) |
(8,274) |
Income tax paid |
(410,151) |
(234,444) |
Interest received |
740,431 |
670,462 |
Cash flows (used in) generated from operating activities |
1,794,059 |
542,632 |
Note |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment |
(11,403) |
(7,425) |
Acquisition of intangible assets |
(87,257) |
(45,611) |
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired |
- |
(10,346) |
Acquisition of securities - equity instruments |
- |
(2,500) |
Cash flow (used in) generated from investing activities |
(98,660) |
(65,882) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Issuance of shares for over-allotment in IPO |
- |
247,998 |
Transactions costs for over-allotment in IPO |
- |
(3,985) |
Payments of securitized borrowings |
- |
(10,633) |
Proceeds from borrowings and financing |
23 |
95,419 |
353,878 |
Payments of borrowings and financing |
23 |
(10,546) |
(38,305) |
Lease payments |
(3,803) |
(2,416) |
Exercise of stock options |
30 |
7,013 |
3,304 |
Cash flows (used in) generated from financing activities |
88,083 |
549,841 |
Change in cash and cash equivalents |
1,783,482 |
1,026,591 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of the period |
11 |
4,172,316 |
2,705,675 |
Foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
219,251 |
(31,246) |
Cash and cash equivalents - end of the period |
11 |
6,175,049 |
3,701,020 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
1,783,482 |
1,026,591 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part
of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars,
unless otherwise stated)
Nu Holdings Ltd. ("Company" or "Nu
Holdings") was incorporated as an exempted Company under the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands on February 26, 2016. The address
of the Company's registered office is Willow House, 4th floor, Cricket Square, Grand Cayman - Cayman Islands. Nu Holdings has
no operating activities with clients.
The Company’s shares are publicly traded
on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") under the symbol “NU” and its Brazilian Depositary Receipts ("BDRs")
are traded on B3 - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão ("B3"), the Brazilian stock exchange, under the symbol "NUBR33". The
Company holds investments in several operating entities and, as of June 30, 2023, its significant operating subsidiaries were:
| ● | Nu Pagamentos S.A. - Instituição de Pagamento (“Nu
Pagamentos”) is an indirect subsidiary domiciled in Brazil. Nu Pagamentos is engaged in the issuance and administration
of credit cards and payment transfers through a prepaid account, and participation in other companies as partner or shareholder. Nu Pagamentos
has as its primary products: (i) a Mastercard international credit card (issued in Brazil which allows payments for purchases to be made
in monthly installments), fully managed through a smartphone app, and (ii) "Conta do Nubank", a 100% digital smartphone app,
maintenance-free prepaid account, which also includes features of a traditional bank account, such as electronic and peer-to-peer transfers,
bill payments, withdrawals through the 24 Hours ATM network, instant payments, prepaid credit for mobile top ups and prepaid cards similar
in functionality to debit cards. |
| ● | Nu Financeira S.A. – SCFI (“Nu Financeira”)
is an indirect subsidiary also domiciled in Brazil, with personal loans and retail deposits as its main products. Nu Financeira offers
customers in Brazil the possibility to obtain loans that can be customized in relation to amounts, terms and conditions, number of installments,
and transparent disclosure of any charges involved in the transaction, fully managed through the above-mentioned smartphone app. Loan
issuance, repayment, and prepayments are available 24/7 through "Conta do Nubank", directly in the app. Nu Financeira also grants
credit to Nu Pagamentos credit card holders, due to overdue invoices, bill installments and revolving credit, and accepts on-demand
and fixed term deposits from customers. |
| ● | Nu Invest Corretora de Valores S.A. ("Nu Invest")
is an indirect subsidiary acquired in June 2021, domiciled in Brazil, and is a digital investment broker dealer. |
| ● | Nu Distribuidora de Titulos e Valores Mobiliarios
Ltda. ("Nu DTVM") is an indirect subsidiary that executes securities brokerage
activities in Brazil. |
| ● | Nu México Financiera, S.A. de C.V., S.F.P. ("Nu Financiera")
is an indirect subsidiary domiciled in Mexico. Nu Financiera is engaged in the issuance and administration of credit cards and payment
transfers through a prepaid account, in addition to offering "Nu Cuenta", a 100% digital account. It commenced operations in
the Mexican market in November 2022 and officially launched in December 2022. The credit card and "Nu Cuenta" have similar characteristics
to the Brazilian operation: (i) an international credit card, with no
annual fee, under the Mastercard banner, 100% managed by a digital app on a smartphone and (ii) a maintenance-free prepaid account, which
also includes features of a traditional bank account, such as electronic and peer-to-peer transfers, bill payments, withdrawals through
the 24 Hours ATM. |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
| ● | Nu Colombia S.A. (“Nu Colombia”) is an indirect
subsidiary domiciled in Colombia, with operations related to credit cards, which was launched in September 2020. On August 10, 2022, the
Financial Superintendence of Colombia ("SFC") approved the Group's request to incorporate a financing company in Colombia, Nu
Colombia Compañía de Financiamiento S.A ("Nu Colombia Financiamiento") ("Incorporation License"). Nu
Colombia Financiamiento requested the license to operate as a financial company, which is still pending approval. If the request is approved,
it will enable Nu Colombia to offer deposit products in the future, amongst other financial products. |
The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries
are referred to in these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements as the “Group” or "Nu”.
The business plan of Nu provides for the
continued growth of its Brazilian, Mexican, and Colombian operations, not only related to existing businesses, such as credit cards, personal
loans, investments, and insurance, but also complemented by the launch of new products. Accordingly, these unaudited interim condensed
consolidated financial statements were prepared based on the assumption of the Group continuing as a going concern.
The business is affected by customer behavior
throughout the year and demonstrates seasonality effects. Historically, the Group benefited from a higher volume of transactions and related
revenue in the fourth quarter of the year due to the holiday season. However, the growth has masked this seasonality in the past, and
this may become more pronounced in the future.
The Company’s Board authorized the
issuance of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements on August 15, 2023.
a) Level III BDR Program
On June 28, 2023 the CVM Collegiate approved
the plan for the discontinuance of the Company's Level III BDRs Program and the cancellation of the Company's registration with the CVM
as a foreign public issuer of category "A" securities. The plan provides that the current holders of the BDRs must decide during
a 30-day period, from July 13, 2023 to August 11, 2023 ("Choice Period"), between: (i) remaining as the Company’s shareholder
through the receipt of class A ordinary shares traded on the NYSE; (ii) remaining as holders of the Company's BDRs through the receipt
of Unsponsored Level I BDRs; or (iii) if no declaration is made, the Company will sell the underlying shares on NYSE and former holders
will receive the equivalent amount.
b) Nucoin
In February 2023, Nu initiated the distribution
of Nucoin, which is the native crypto token issued from Nu that enables the loyalty network ("Nucoin Network") between Nu and
its customers. Over time, Nu aims to have other sponsoring companies (“Sponsors”) that commit to use Nucoin as their loyalty
program. These Sponsors will be entitled to a certain number of Nucoins to distribute to their customers, and will be required to offer
benefits to Nucoins’ holders to incentivize the network adoption and increase the overall utility to the community.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
These unaudited interim condensed consolidated
financial statements do not include all the information required for a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“IASB”).
However, selected condensed explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to understanding the
changes in the Company’s financial position and performance since the issuance of its last annual financial statements.
The Group’s unaudited interim condensed
consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting issued by IASB. Accordingly,
this report is to be read in conjunction with the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 (the "Annual
Financial Statements”).
a) Functional currency
and foreign currency translation
The presentation of the functional currency
and foreign currency translation disclosed in note 2a. of the Annual Financial Statements remain valid for these unaudited interim condensed
consolidated financial statements.
The functional currency for Nu Holdings and
the presentation currency of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements is the U.S. Dollars (“US$”).
The functional currency of the Brazilian operating entities is the Brazilian real, for the Mexican entities, Mexican peso and for the
Colombian entity, the Colombian peso.
The financial statements of the foreign subsidiaries
held in functional currencies that are not US$ are translated into US$, and the exchange differences arising from the translation to US$
of the financial statements denominated in functional currencies other than the US$ are recognized in the consolidated statements of comprehensive
income or loss (OCI) as an item that may be reclassified to profit or loss within “currency translation on foreign entities”.
b) New or revised accounting
pronouncements adopted in 2023
The following new or revised standards have
been issued by IASB, were effective for the period covered by these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements, and
had no significant impact.
| ● | Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2); |
| ● | Definition of Accounting Estimates (Amendments to IAS 8); and |
| ● | Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction (Amendments to IAS 12). |
c) Other new standards
and interpretations not yet effective
| ● | Non-current Liabilities with Covenants (Amendments to IAS 1). |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Management does not expect the adoption of
the amendments described above to have a significant impact, other than additional disclosures, on the consolidated financial statements.
These unaudited interim condensed consolidated
financial statements include the accounting balances of Nu Holdings and all those subsidiaries over which the Company exercises control,
directly or indirectly. Control is achieved where the Company has (i) power over the investee; (ii) is exposed, or has rights, to variable
returns from its involvement with the investee; and (iii) can use its power to affect its profits.
The Company re-assesses whether it maintains
control of an investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the three above mentioned elements
of control.
The consolidation of a subsidiary begins
when the Company obtains control over it and ceases when the Company loses control over it. Assets, liabilities, income, and expenses
of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the reporting period are included in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated statements
of profit or loss from the date the Company gains control until the date the Company ceases to control the subsidiary.
The financial information of the subsidiaries
was prepared in the same period as the Company and consistent accounting policies were applied. The financial statements of the subsidiaries
are fully consolidated with those of the Company. Accordingly, all balances, transactions and any unrealized income and expenses arising
between consolidated entities are eliminated in the consolidation, except for foreign-currency gain and losses on translation of intercompany
loans. Profit or loss and each component of other comprehensive income or loss are attributed to the shareholders of the parent and to
the non-controlling interests, when applicable.
The subsidiaries below are the most relevant
entities included in these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements:
Entity |
Control |
Principal activities |
Functional currency |
Country |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Nu Colombia S.A. (“Nu Colombia”) |
Indirect |
Credit card operations |
Colombia |
100% |
100% |
Nu Pagamentos S.A. - Instituição de Pagamentos (“Nu Pagamentos”) |
Indirect |
Credit card and prepaid account operations |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Nu Financeira S.A. – SCFI (“Nu Financeira”) |
Indirect |
Loan operations |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Nu Distribuidora de Titulos e Valores Mobiliarios Ltda. ("Nu DTVM") |
Indirect |
Securities distribution |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Nu Invest Corretora de Valores S.A ("Nu Invest") |
Indirect |
Investment platform |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Nu México Financiera, S.A. de C.V., S.F.P. ("Nu Financiera") |
Indirect |
Multiple purpose financial company |
Mexico |
100% |
100% |
In addition, the Company consolidated the
following investment fund for June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, in which the Group’s companies hold a substantial interest or
the entirety of the interests and are therefore exposed, or have rights, to variable returns and have the ability to affect those returns
through power over the entity:
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Name of the entity |
Country |
Fundo de Investimento Ostrum Soberano Renda Fixa Referenciado DI (“Fundo Ostrum”) |
Brazil |
Nu Pagamentos, Nu Financeira, Nu DTVM and Nu Invest,
Brazilian subsidiaries, are regulated by the Brazilian Central Bank (“BACEN”), Nu México Financiera, S.A. de C.V.,
S.F.P. ("Nu Financiera"), a Mexican subsidiary, is regulated by both the Mexican Central Bank ("BANXICO") and Mexican
National Banking and Stock Commission (“CNBV”) and Nu Colombia, a Colombian subsidiary, is regulated by Industry and Commerce
Superintendency, and as such, there are some regulatory requirements that restrict the ability of the Group to access and transfer assets
freely to or from these entities within the Group and to settle liabilities of the Group.
The significant accounting
policies adopted by the Group in the preparation of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent
with those adopted and disclosed in the Annual Financial Statements and therefore should be read in conjunction.
Use of estimates and judgments
The preparation of financial statements requires
judgments, estimates, and assumptions from management that affect the application of accounting policies, and reported amounts of assets,
liabilities, revenues, and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates, and estimates and assumptions are reviewed on a periodic
basis. Revisions to the estimates are recognized prospectively.
The significant assumptions and estimates
used in the preparation of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and six-month periods ended
June 30, 2023 were the same as those adopted in the Annual Financial Statements.
Credit losses on financial
The Group recognizes a loss allowance for
expected credit losses on credit cards and loans receivables that represents management’s best estimate of allowance as of each
reporting date.
Management performs an analysis of the credit
card and loan amounts to determine if credit losses have occurred and to assess the adequacy of the allowance based on historical and
current trends as well as other factors affecting credit losses.
Key areas of judgment
The critical judgments made by management
in applying the expected credit losses ("ECL") allowance methodology are:
| b) | Forward-looking information used for the projection of macroeconomic scenarios; |
| c) | Probability weights of future scenarios; |
| d) | Definition of significant increase in credit risk and lifetime; and |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
| e) | Look-back period, used for parameters estimation (probability of default - PD, exposure at default - EAD
and loss given default - LGD). |
Sensitivity analysis
On June 30, 2023, the probability weighted
ECL allowance totaled US$2,032,872 of which US$1,674,271 related to credit card operations and US$358,601 to loans. The ECL allowance
is sensitive to the methodology, assumptions and estimations underlying its calculation. One key assumption is the probability weighting
of the macroeconomic scenarios between upside, base and downside as the carrying amount of the credit loss allowance is determined based
on the weighted average of these scenarios. The table below illustrates the ECL that would have arisen if management had applied a 100%
weighting to each macroeconomic scenario.
Weighted average |
Upside |
Base case |
Downside |
Credit card and lending ECL |
2,032,872 |
1,896,834 |
2,004,368 |
2,200,655 |
a) Interest income and gains
(losses) on financial instruments
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Interest income – credit card |
593,855 |
243,916 |
1,041,551 |
410,056 |
Interest income - lending |
353,082 |
228,035 |
640,025 |
422,182 |
Interest income – other assets at amortized cost |
191,446 |
95,449 |
345,609 |
136,395 |
Interest income – other receivables |
96,609 |
32,108 |
183,580 |
55,488 |
Interest income and gains (losses) on financial instruments at fair value |
265,233 |
253,505 |
544,914 |
448,335 |
Financial assets at fair value |
245,759 |
264,464 |
516,953 |
459,364 |
Other |
19,474 |
(10,959) |
27,961 |
(11,029) |
Total interest income and gains (losses) on financial instruments |
1,500,225 |
853,013 |
2,755,679 |
1,472,456 |
The interest income presented
above from credit card, lending, other assets at amortized cost and other receivables represents interest revenue calculated using the
effective interest method. Financial assets at fair value comprises interest and the fair value changes on financial assets at fair value.
b) Fee and commission income
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Interchange fees |
277,805 |
224,437 |
543,185 |
413,943 |
Late fees |
42,866 |
25,515 |
79,225 |
46,216 |
Recharge fees |
7,703 |
19,244 |
32,753 |
35,189 |
Rewards revenue |
5,654 |
6,022 |
11,201 |
12,354 |
Other fee and commission income |
34,387 |
29,330 |
65,264 |
54,670 |
Total fee and commission income |
368,415 |
304,548 |
731,628 |
562,372 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Fee and commission income are presented by fee
types that reflect the nature of the services offered by the Group. Recharge fees comprise the selling price of telecom prepaid credits
to customers, net of acquisition costs.
c) Interest and other financial
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Interest expense on deposits |
401,073 |
362,842 |
796,189 |
610,059 |
Other interest and similar expenses |
52,353 |
44,658 |
97,449 |
70,444 |
Interest and other financial expenses |
453,426 |
407,500 |
893,638 |
680,503 |
d) Transactional expenses
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Bank slip costs |
5,978 |
8,942 |
12,284 |
16,455 |
Rewards expenses |
13,717 |
10,932 |
25,833 |
21,039 |
Credit and debit card network costs |
7,911 |
15,879 |
26,851 |
22,909 |
Other transactional expenses |
15,191 |
12,283 |
30,607 |
22,081 |
Total transactional expenses |
42,797 |
48,036 |
95,575 |
82,484 |
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 13) |
483,652 |
222,624 |
866,259 |
392,680 |
Recovery |
(18,691) |
(6,209) |
(32,077) |
(9,754) |
Credit card receivables |
464,961 |
216,415 |
834,182 |
382,926 |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 14) |
131,211 |
123,072 |
240,541 |
232,505 |
Recovery |
(5,738) |
(995) |
(9,494) |
(1,217) |
Loans to customers |
125,473 |
122,077 |
231,047 |
231,288 |
Total |
590,434 |
338,492 |
1,065,229 |
614,214 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Three-month period ended 06/30/2023 |
Customer support and operations |
General and administrative expenses |
Marketing expenses |
Other income (expenses) |
Total |
Infrastructure and data processing costs |
45,770 |
41,871 |
- |
- |
87,641 |
Credit analysis and collection costs |
20,773 |
8,643 |
- |
- |
29,416 |
Customer services |
17,147 |
1,922 |
- |
- |
19,069 |
Salaries and associated benefits |
18,765 |
71,356 |
4,864 |
- |
94,985 |
Credit and debit card issuance costs |
4,032 |
12,380 |
- |
- |
16,412 |
Share-based compensation (note 10) |
- |
66,587 |
- |
- |
66,587 |
Specialized services expenses |
- |
12,683 |
- |
- |
12,683 |
Other personnel costs |
4,012 |
9,965 |
621 |
- |
14,598 |
Depreciation and amortization |
2,777 |
11,200 |
- |
- |
13,977 |
Marketing expenses |
- |
- |
28,438 |
- |
28,438 |
Others (i) |
33 |
19,801 |
- |
54,366 |
74,200 |
Total |
113,309 |
256,408 |
33,923 |
54,366 |
458,006 |
(i) "Others" mainly includes federal
taxes on financial income, taxes related to international transactions and foreign exchange rate variation.
Three-month period ended 06/30/2022 |
Customer support and operations |
General and administrative expenses |
Marketing expenses |
Other income (expenses) |
Total |
Infrastructure and data processing costs |
29,462 |
34,496 |
- |
- |
63,958 |
Credit analysis and collection costs |
12,371 |
10,902 |
- |
- |
23,273 |
Customer services |
19,074 |
2,708 |
- |
- |
21,782 |
Salaries and associated benefits |
11,399 |
70,414 |
3,781 |
- |
85,594 |
Credit and debit card issuance costs |
2,795 |
12,953 |
- |
- |
15,748 |
Share-based compensation (note 10) |
- |
61,076 |
- |
- |
61,076 |
Specialized services expenses |
- |
9,529 |
- |
- |
9,529 |
Other personnel costs |
1,693 |
8,717 |
254 |
- |
10,664 |
Depreciation and amortization |
815 |
9,618 |
- |
- |
10,433 |
Marketing expenses |
- |
- |
32,173 |
- |
32,173 |
Others (i) |
94 |
9,092 |
- |
44,729 |
53,915 |
Total |
77,703 |
229,505 |
36,208 |
44,729 |
388,145 |
(i) "Others" mainly includes federal
taxes on financial income, taxes related to international transactions and foreign exchange rate variation.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Six-month period ended 06/30/2023 |
Customer support and operations |
General and administrative expenses |
Marketing expenses |
Other income (expenses) |
Total |
Infrastructure and data processing costs |
85,937 |
87,820 |
- |
- |
173,757 |
Credit analysis and collection costs |
38,440 |
18,349 |
- |
- |
56,789 |
Customer services |
39,404 |
3,848 |
- |
- |
43,252 |
Salaries and associated benefits |
35,980 |
135,452 |
10,136 |
- |
181,568 |
Credit and debit card issuance costs |
8,930 |
26,817 |
- |
- |
35,747 |
Share-based compensation (note 10) |
- |
126,092 |
- |
- |
126,092 |
Specialized services expenses |
- |
15,931 |
- |
- |
15,931 |
Other personnel costs |
7,610 |
21,556 |
1,121 |
- |
30,287 |
Depreciation and amortization |
4,755 |
22,401 |
- |
- |
27,156 |
Marketing expenses |
- |
- |
41,938 |
- |
41,938 |
Others (i) |
68 |
35,023 |
- |
97,651 |
132,742 |
Total |
221,124 |
493,289 |
53,195 |
97,651 |
865,259 |
(i) "Others" mainly includes federal
taxes on financial income, taxes related to international transactions and foreign exchange rate variation.
Six-month period ended 06/30/2022 |
Customer support and operations |
General and administrative expenses |
Marketing expenses |
Other income (expenses) |
Total |
Infrastructure and data processing costs |
48,856 |
63,083 |
- |
- |
111,939 |
Credit analysis and collection costs |
20,408 |
19,722 |
- |
- |
40,130 |
Customer services |
39,067 |
4,721 |
- |
- |
43,788 |
Salaries and associated benefits |
20,356 |
141,417 |
6,939 |
- |
168,712 |
Credit and debit card issuance costs |
6,394 |
22,202 |
- |
- |
28,596 |
Share-based compensation (note 10) |
- |
138,793 |
- |
- |
138,793 |
Specialized services expenses |
- |
19,162 |
- |
- |
19,162 |
Other personnel costs |
2,718 |
17,175 |
533 |
- |
20,426 |
Depreciation and amortization |
1,381 |
16,707 |
- |
- |
18,088 |
Marketing expenses |
- |
- |
56,344 |
- |
56,344 |
Others (i) |
94 |
31,631 |
- |
72,187 |
103,912 |
Total |
139,274 |
474,613 |
63,816 |
72,187 |
749,890 |
(i) "Others" mainly includes federal
taxes on financial income, taxes related to international transactions and foreign exchange rate variation.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Earnings (loss) attributable to shareholders of the parent company |
224,866 |
(29,697) |
366,617 |
(74,798) |
Weighted average outstanding shares - ordinary shares - basic (thousands) |
4,730,236 |
4,670,972 |
4,719,912 |
4,665,688 |
Adjustment for the basic earnings per shares: |
Deferred M&A shares that will be issued solely based on the passage of time |
36 |
- |
36 |
- |
Weighted average outstanding shares - ordinary shares - basic (thousands) |
4,730,272 |
4,670,972 |
4,719,948 |
4,665,688 |
Adjustment for the diluted earnings per share : |
Share based payment |
110,144 |
- |
107,755 |
- |
Business acquisition |
3,419 |
- |
5,752 |
- |
Total weighted average of ordinary outstanding shares for diluted EPS (in thousands of shares) |
4,843,835 |
4,670,972 |
4,833,455 |
4,665,688 |
Earnings (loss) per share – basic (US$) |
0.0475 |
(0.0064) |
0.0777 |
(0.0160) |
Earnings (loss) per share – diluted (US$) |
0.0464 |
(0.0064) |
0.0758 |
(0.0160) |
Antidilutive instruments not considered in the weighted number of shares (in thousands of shares) |
769 |
309,679 |
29,524 |
309,679 |
The Company has instruments that will become common
shares upon exercise, acquisition, conversion (SOPs and RSUs described in note 10), or satisfaction of specific business combinations
conditions. The effects of the potential antidilutive instruments were calculated using the treasury stock method and they are included
in the total weighted average of ordinary outstanding shares for diluted EPS if the effects are considered dilutive. The antidilutive
instruments not considered in the weighted number of shares, for the periods presenting negative results, correspond to the total number
of shares that could be converted into ordinary shares.
Share settled awards
The Group’s employee incentives include
share settled awards in the form of stock, offering them the opportunity to purchase ordinary shares by exercising options (Stock Options
– “SOPs”), receiving ordinary shares (Restricted Stock Units – “RSUs”) upon vesting, and receiving
shares upon the achievement of market conditions and passage of time ("Awards").
The cost of the employee services received
with respect to the SOPs and RSUs granted is recognized in the statement of profit or loss over the period that the employee provides
services and according to the vesting conditions. The Group also issued Awards in 2020 that grant shares upon the achievement of market
conditions related to the valuation of the Company, the Awards issued in 2021 were canceled at the end of 2022. RSUs incentive was implemented
in 2020 and is the main incentive since then.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
There were no changes to the terms and conditions
of the SOPs and RSUs after the grant date. The changes in the number of SOPs and RSUs are as follows. WAEP is the weighted average exercise
price and WAGDFV is the weighted average fair value at the grant date.
Six-month period ended |
SOPs |
06/30/2023 |
WAEP (US$) |
06/30/2022 |
WAEP (US$) |
Outstanding on January 1 |
101,276,327 |
0.72 |
143,889,439 |
0.50 |
Exercised during the period |
(28,359,725) |
0.16 |
(31,617,827) |
0.10 |
Forfeited during the period |
(1,505,673) |
(4,505,483) |
Outstanding on June 30 2023 / June 30 2022 |
71,410,929 |
0.93 |
107,766,129 |
0.69 |
Exercisable on June 30 2023 / June 30 2022 |
59,490,297 |
0.80 |
79,186,733 |
0.48 |
Six-month period ended |
RSUs |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Outstanding on January 1 |
72,401,895 |
5.46 |
80,924,937 |
4.82 |
Granted during the period |
31,919,306 |
4.58 |
20,608,194 |
6.03 |
Vested during the period |
(14,291,816) |
4.40 |
(10,486,188) |
3.41 |
Forfeited during the period |
(9,146,169) |
(5,472,887) |
Outstanding on June 30 2023 / June 30 2022 |
80,883,216 |
5.31 |
85,574,056 |
5.29 |
The following tables present the total amount of share-based compensation expense for the three and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023
and 2022, and the provision for taxes as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022.
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
SOP and RSU expenses and related corporate and social security taxes expenses |
52,417 |
15,922 |
105,206 |
59,677 |
RSUs and SOPs grant - business combination |
29,621 |
4,612 |
37,081 |
16,223 |
Awards expenses and related taxes |
4,961 |
39,252 |
9,892 |
61,603 |
Fair value adjustment - hedge of corporate and social security taxes (note 19) |
(20,412) |
1,290 |
(26,087) |
1,290 |
Total share-based compensation expenses (note 8) |
66,587 |
61,076 |
126,092 |
138,793 |
Share-based compensation, net of shares withheld
for employee taxes |
43,253 |
50,591 |
94,015 |
107,296 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Liability provision for taxes presented as salaries, allowances and social security contributions |
63,702 |
32,554 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Reverse repurchase agreement in foreign currency |
431,476 |
59,519 |
Short-term investments |
510,087 |
153,743 |
Voluntary deposits at central banks |
3,816,410 |
2,451,150 |
Bank balances |
1,417,072 |
1,506,727 |
Other cash and cash equivalents |
4 |
1,177 |
Total |
6,175,049 |
4,172,316 |
Cash and cash equivalents are held to meet
short-term cash needs and include deposits with banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three-months
or less and with an immaterial risk of change in value.
The reverse repurchase agreements and short-term
investments are mainly in Brazilian Reais, and the average rate of remuneration as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, was 99% of
the Brazilian CDI rate, which is set daily and represents the average rate at which Brazilian banks were willing to borrow/lend to each
other for one day.
Voluntary deposits at central banks are deposits
made by the subsidiary Nu Financeira at the Brazilian Central Bank, the average rate of remuneration as of June 30, 2023 and December
31, 2022, was 100% of the Brazilian CDI rate, with daily maturity.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
a) Financial instruments
at fair value through profit and loss ("FVTPL")
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Maturities |
Financial instruments at FVTPL |
Cost |
Fair Value |
No maturity |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Fair Value |
Government bonds |
Brazil |
188 |
188 |
- |
188 |
- |
163 |
Total government bonds |
188 |
188 |
- |
188 |
- |
163 |
Corporate bonds and other instruments |
Bill of credit (LC) |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
- |
138 |
Certificate of bank deposits (CDB) |
1,573 |
1,571 |
- |
928 |
643 |
3,712 |
Real estate and agribusiness letter of credit |
128 |
127 |
- |
43 |
84 |
1,197 |
Corporate bonds and debentures |
53,501 |
55,654 |
- |
- |
55,654 |
46,680 |
Equity instrument (i) |
12,568 |
22,249 |
22,249 |
- |
- |
22,082 |
Investment funds |
26,279 |
26,279 |
26,279 |
- |
- |
- |
Time deposit |
50,192 |
50,063 |
- |
50,063 |
- |
905 |
Real estate and agribusiness certificate of receivables |
113 |
101 |
- |
- |
101 |
16,976 |
Total corporate bonds and other instruments |
144,355 |
156,045 |
48,528 |
51,035 |
56,482 |
91,690 |
Total financial instruments at FVTPL |
144,543 |
156,233 |
48,528 |
51,223 |
56,482 |
91,853 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Amounts in |
Amounts in |
Financial instruments at FVTPL |
Original Currency |
US$ |
Original Currency |
US$ |
Currency: |
Brazilian Reais |
370,376 |
77,397 |
334,783 |
63,401 |
U.S. Dollars |
56,577 |
56,577 |
6,370 |
6,370 |
Others |
6,783,719 |
22,259 |
1,826,954 |
22,082 |
Total |
156,233 |
91,853 |
(i) Refers to an investment in Jupiter, a neobank for
consumers in India, and an investment in Din Global ("dBank"), a Pakistani fintech company. As of June 30, 2023, the total fair
value of these investments corresponded to US$22,249 (US$22,082 on December 31, 2022), classified as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy,
as described in note 28.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
b) Financial instruments
at fair value to other comprehensive income ("FVTOCI")
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Maturities |
Financial instruments at FVTOCI |
Cost |
Fair Value |
No maturity |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Fair Value |
Government bonds (i) |
Brazil |
5,973,511 |
5,985,047 |
- |
1,832,611 |
4,152,436 |
8,222,115 |
United States of America |
160,201 |
157,199 |
- |
- |
157,199 |
171,184 |
Mexico |
1,509 |
1,392 |
- |
- |
1,392 |
1,382 |
Total government bonds |
6,135,221 |
6,143,638 |
- |
1,832,611 |
4,311,027 |
8,394,681 |
Corporate bonds and other instruments |
Corporate bonds and debentures |
1,014,478 |
995,027 |
- |
124,340 |
870,687 |
788,948 |
Investment funds |
107,685 |
107,685 |
6,193 |
- |
101,492 |
302,779 |
Time deposit |
210,868 |
212,004 |
- |
140,021 |
71,983 |
445,531 |
Real estate and agribusiness certificate of receivables |
21,442 |
21,443 |
- |
- |
21,443 |
15,199 |
Total corporate bonds and other instruments |
1,354,473 |
1,336,159 |
6,193 |
264,361 |
1,065,605 |
1,552,457 |
Total financial instruments at FVTOCI |
7,489,694 |
7,479,797 |
6,193 |
2,096,972 |
5,376,632 |
9,947,138 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Amounts in |
Amounts in |
Financial instruments at FVTOCI |
Original Currency |
US$ |
Original Currency |
US$ |
Currency: |
Brazilian Reais |
30,522,966 |
6,378,352 |
45,527,868 |
8,622,049 |
U.S. Dollars |
1,100,053 |
1,100,053 |
1,323,707 |
1,323,707 |
Others |
23,838 |
1,392 |
26,949 |
1,382 |
Total |
7,479,797 |
9,947,138 |
(i) Includes
US$1,734,114 (US$2,252,464 on December 31, 2022) held by the subsidiaries for regulatory purposes, as required by the Brazilian Central
Bank. It also includes Brazilian government securities margins pledged by the Group for transactions on the Brazilian stock exchange in
the amount of US$144,748 (US$160,485 on December 31, 2022). Government bonds are classified as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy, as
described in note 28.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Composition of receivables
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Receivables - current (i) |
5,149,092 |
4,236,235 |
Receivables - installments (i) |
5,881,659 |
4,259,979 |
Receivables - revolving (ii) |
1,005,367 |
770,011 |
Total receivables |
12,036,118 |
9,266,225 |
Fair value adjustment - portfolio hedge (note 19) |
10 |
(51) |
Total |
12,036,128 |
9,266,174 |
Credit card ECL allowance |
Presented as deduction of receivables |
(1,648,415) |
(1,033,102) |
Presented as "Other liabilities" (note 26) |
(25,856) |
(17,566) |
Total credit card ECL allowance |
(1,674,271) |
(1,050,668) |
Receivables, net |
10,361,857 |
8,215,506 |
Total receivables presented as assets |
10,387,713 |
8,233,072 |
(i) "Receivables - current" is
related to purchases, withdrawals, payment slips ("boleto") and PIX (BACEN instant payments) financing made by customers
in a single installment and due on the next credit card billing date. Receivables - installments” is related to purchases in installments.
Credit card receivables can be paid by our clients in up to 12, 24 and 36 monthly installments in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, respectively.
The cardholder’s credit limit is initially reduced by the total amount and the installments become due and payable on the cardholder's
subsequent monthly credit card statement. Brazil makes the corresponding payments to the credit card network (see note 22) following a
similar schedule. As receipts and payments are aligned, the Group does not incur significant financing costs with this product, however
it is exposed to the credit risk of the cardholder as it is obliged to make the payments to the credit card network even if the cardholder
does not pay. “Receivables - installments” also includes the amounts of credit card bills not fully paid by the customers
and that have been converted into payments in installments with a fixed interest rate ("fatura parcelada"), in addition
to bill financing, which comprise bills paid in installments through the credit card, banking payment slips ("boleto")
and PIX financing in more than one installment.
(ii) "Receivables - revolving"
is related to the amounts due from customers that have not paid in full their credit card bill. Customers may request to convert these
receivables into loans to be paid in installments. In accordance with Brazilian regulation, revolving balances that are outstanding for
more than 2 months are mandatorily converted into fatura parcelada - a type of installment loan which is settled through the customer’s
monthly credit card bills.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
a) Breakdown by maturity
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Amount |
% |
Amount |
% |
Receivables not overdue due in: |
<= 30 days |
5,211,928 |
43.4% |
4,036,414 |
43.5% |
30 < 60 days |
2,047,757 |
17.0% |
1,604,056 |
17.3% |
> 60 days |
3,543,654 |
29.4% |
2,823,966 |
30.5% |
Total receivables not overdue |
10,803,339 |
89.8% |
8,464,436 |
91.3% |
Receivables overdue by: |
<= 30 days |
361,570 |
3.0% |
237,531 |
2.6% |
30 < 60 days |
137,978 |
1.1% |
91,604 |
1.0% |
60 < 90 days |
117,026 |
1.0% |
74,917 |
0.8% |
> 90 days |
616,205 |
5.1% |
397,737 |
4.3% |
Total receivables overdue |
1,232,779 |
10.2% |
801,789 |
8.7% |
Total |
12,036,118 |
100.0% |
9,266,225 |
100.0% |
Overdue installments consist mainly of revolving
balances, and not overdue installments which consist mainly of current receivables and future bill installments ("parcelado").
b) Credit loss allowance
- by stages
As of June 30, 2023, the credit card ECL
allowance totaled US$1,674,271 (US$1,050,668 as of December 31, 2022). The provision is estimated using modeling techniques, consistently
applied, and is sensitive to the methods, assumptions, and risk parameters underlying its calculation.
The amount that the credit loss allowance
represents in comparison to the Group’s gross receivables (the coverage ratio) is also monitored, to anticipate trends that could
indicate credit risk increases. This metric is considered a key risk indicator and it is monitored across multiple committees, supporting
the decision-making process and is discussed in the credit forums.
All receivables are classified through stages,
where: (i) stage 1 include all receivables not classified in stages 2 and 3; (ii) stage 2 is primarily related to all receivables more
than 30 (thirty), but less than 90 (ninety), days in arrears, or with an increase in client's behavior risk score compared to the time
of the origination; and (iii) stage 3 when receivables are more than 90 (ninety) days in arrears, or there are indications that the financial
asset will not be fully paid without a collateral or financial guarantee.
The majority of the Group's credit card portfolio was
classified as stage 1, followed by stages 2 and 3, respectively as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The proportion of stage 3 exposures
increased to 7.7% on June 30, 2023 from 6.5% on December 31, 2022. The stage 3 movement is primarily due to credit expansions done in
the past which are maturing in the portfolio, as well as increases in early delinquency observed in the previous quarters.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio (%) |
Stage 1 |
9,867,386 |
81.9% |
485,957 |
29.0% |
4.9% |
Stage 2 |
1,246,107 |
10.4% |
385,066 |
23.0% |
30.9% |
Absolute Trigger (Days Late) |
319,913 |
25.7% |
226,045 |
58.7% |
70.7% |
Relative Trigger (PD deterioration) |
926,194 |
74.3% |
159,021 |
41.3% |
17.2% |
Stage 3 |
922,625 |
7.7% |
803,248 |
48.0% |
87.1% |
Total |
12,036,118 |
100.0% |
1,674,271 |
100.0% |
13.9% |
12/31/2022 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio (%) |
Stage 1 |
7,750,270 |
83.6% |
322,970 |
30.7% |
4.2% |
Stage 2 |
917,178 |
9.9% |
254,181 |
24.2% |
27.7% |
Absolute Trigger (Days Late) |
215,209 |
23.5% |
140,167 |
55.1% |
65.1% |
Relative Trigger (PD deterioration) |
701,969 |
76.5% |
114,014 |
44.9% |
16.2% |
Stage 3 |
598,777 |
6.5% |
473,517 |
45.1% |
79.1% |
Total |
9,266,225 |
100.0% |
1,050,668 |
100.0% |
11.3% |
c) Credit loss allowance
- by credit quality vs. stages
06/30/2023 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio (%) |
Strong (PD < 5%) |
7,612,446 |
63.2% |
164,107 |
9.8% |
2.2% |
Stage 1 |
7,591,468 |
99.7% |
163,729 |
99.8% |
2.2% |
Stage 2 |
20,978 |
0.3% |
378 |
0.2% |
1.8% |
Satisfactory (5% <= PD <= 20%) |
1,995,058 |
16.6% |
176,029 |
10.4% |
8.8% |
Stage 1 |
1,656,594 |
83.0% |
147,300 |
83.7% |
8.9% |
Stage 2 |
338,464 |
17.0% |
28,729 |
16.3% |
8.5% |
Higher Risk (PD > 20%) |
2,428,614 |
20.2% |
1,334,135 |
79.8% |
54.9% |
Stage 1 |
619,324 |
25.5% |
174,928 |
13.1% |
28.2% |
Stage 2 |
886,665 |
36.5% |
355,959 |
26.7% |
40.1% |
Stage 3 |
922,625 |
38.0% |
803,248 |
60.2% |
87.1% |
Total |
12,036,118 |
100.0% |
1,674,271 |
100.0% |
13.9% |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
12/31/2022 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio (%) |
Strong (PD < 5%) |
6,097,909 |
65.8% |
113,780 |
10.8% |
1.9% |
Stage 1 |
6,081,551 |
99.7% |
113,525 |
99.8% |
1.9% |
Stage 2 |
16,358 |
0.3% |
255 |
0.2% |
1.6% |
Satisfactory (5% <= PD <= 20%) |
1,477,414 |
15.9% |
118,825 |
11.2% |
8.0% |
Stage 1 |
1,227,610 |
83.1% |
100,190 |
84.3% |
8.2% |
Stage 2 |
249,804 |
16.9% |
18,635 |
15.7% |
7.5% |
Higher Risk (PD > 20%) |
1,690,902 |
18.3% |
818,063 |
78.0% |
48.4% |
Stage 1 |
441,109 |
26.1% |
109,255 |
13.4% |
24.8% |
Stage 2 |
651,016 |
38.5% |
235,291 |
28.8% |
36.1% |
Stage 3 |
598,777 |
35.4% |
473,517 |
57.9% |
79.1% |
Total |
9,266,225 |
100.0% |
1,050,668 |
100.0% |
11.3% |
When compared to December 31, 2022, a change
in the credit quality distribution is observed, with relative exposure moving to higher PD stages. This movement is explained below in
item d) Credit loss allowance - changes. There is still a significant concentration of receivables at stage 1 based on credit quality.
Receivables with satisfactory risk are distributed between stages 1 and 2, but primarily stage 1.
Defaulted assets at stage 3 are classified
as higher risk. There is also a large proportion of stage 2 exposures classified as higher risk.
Stage 1 receivables classified as higher risk are those customers with low credit risk scores.
d) Credit loss allowance
- changes
The following tables show the reconciliations
from the opening to the closing balance of the credit loss allowance by stages of the financial instruments.
06/30/2023 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Credit loss allowance at beginning of period |
322,970 |
254,181 |
473,517 |
1,050,668 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(39,463) |
39,463 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
43,187 |
(43,187) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(36,038) |
(159,499) |
195,537 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
10,781 |
5,390 |
(16,171) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(385,835) |
(385,835) |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 7) |
140,953 |
254,961 |
470,345 |
866,259 |
New originations (a) |
52,501 |
4,055 |
1,112 |
57,668 |
Changes in exposure of preexisting accounts (b) |
117,702 |
2,912 |
(27) |
120,587 |
Net drawdowns, repayments, net remeasurement and movements due to risk changes |
(85,275) |
211,100 |
461,952 |
587,777 |
to models used in calculation (c) |
56,025 |
36,894 |
7,308 |
100,227 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
43,567 |
33,757 |
65,855 |
143,179 |
Credit loss allowance at end of the period |
485,957 |
385,066 |
803,248 |
1,674,271 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2022 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Credit loss allowance at beginning of period |
127,358 |
126,392 |
136,929 |
390,679 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(18,388) |
18,388 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
25,161 |
(25,161) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(11,112) |
(68,384) |
79,496 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
1,069 |
569 |
(1,638) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(100,089) |
(100,089) |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 7) |
82,709 |
166,535 |
143,436 |
392,680 |
New originations (a) |
72,306 |
5,156 |
1,571 |
79,033 |
Changes in exposure of preexisting accounts (b) |
84,647 |
2,025 |
137 |
86,809 |
Net drawdowns, repayments, net remeasurement and movements due to risk changes |
(74,244) |
159,354 |
141,728 |
226,838 |
Changes to models used in calculation (c) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
4,936 |
4,737 |
4,404 |
14,077 |
Credit loss allowance at end of the period |
211,733 |
223,076 |
262,538 |
697,347 |
(a) Considers all accounts originated from
the beginning to the end of the period. ECL effects presented in the table were calculated as if risk parameters at the beginning of the
period were applied.
(b) Reflects the movements in exposure of
accounts that already existed in the beginning of the period, as increase in credit limits. ECL effects were calculated as if risk parameters
of the exposures at the beginning of the period were applied.
(c) Relates to methodology changes that occurred
during the period, according to the Group’s processes of model monitoring.
The following tables present changes in the
gross carrying amount of the credit card portfolio to demonstrate the effects of the changes in the loss allowance for the same portfolio
as presented above. “Net change of gross carrying amount” includes acquisitions, payments, and interest accruals.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross carrying amount at beginning of period |
7,750,270 |
917,178 |
598,777 |
9,266,225 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(550,362) |
550,362 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
244,336 |
(244,336) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(232,938) |
(314,098) |
547,036 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
14,138 |
7,160 |
(21,298) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(385,835) |
(385,835) |
Net change of gross carrying amount |
1,737,480 |
218,509 |
104,268 |
2,060,257 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
904,462 |
111,332 |
79,677 |
1,095,471 |
Gross carrying amount at end of the period |
9,867,386 |
1,246,107 |
922,625 |
12,036,118 |
06/30/2022 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross carrying amount at beginning of period |
4,525,689 |
440,105 |
196,359 |
5,162,153 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(321,566) |
321,566 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
132,966 |
(132,966) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(77,329) |
(151,583) |
228,912 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
1,356 |
754 |
(2,110) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(100,089) |
(100,089) |
Net change of gross carrying amount |
1,613,610 |
206,278 |
29,239 |
1,849,127 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
227,163 |
18,607 |
6,240 |
252,010 |
Gross carrying amount at end of the period |
6,101,889 |
702,761 |
358,551 |
7,163,201 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Lending to individuals |
2,791,818 |
1,976,499 |
Loan ECL allowance |
(358,601) |
(300,223) |
Total receivables |
2,433,217 |
1,676,276 |
Fair value adjustment - portfolio hedge (note 19) |
(8) |
(2,836) |
Total |
2,433,209 |
1,673,440 |
a) Breakdown by maturity
The following table shows loans to customers
by maturity on June 30, 2023, and December 31 2022, considering each installment individually.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Amount |
% |
Amount |
% |
Installments not overdue due in: |
Less than 1 year |
2,418,569 |
86.6% |
1,697,288 |
85.9% |
Between 1 and 5 years |
260,755 |
9.3% |
198,533 |
10.0% |
Total not overdue installments |
2,679,324 |
95.9% |
1,895,821 |
95.9% |
Installments overdue by: |
<= 30 days |
42,564 |
1.5% |
30,509 |
1.5% |
30 < 60 days |
24,474 |
0.9% |
18,191 |
1.0% |
60 < 90 days |
15,376 |
0.6% |
13,315 |
0.7% |
> 90 days |
30,080 |
1.1% |
18,663 |
0.9% |
Total overdue installments |
112,494 |
4.1% |
80,678 |
4.1% |
Total |
2,791,818 |
100.0% |
1,976,499 |
100.0% |
b) Credit loss allowance
- by stages
As of June 30, 2023, the loans to customers
ECL allowance totaled US$358,601 (US$300,223 as of December 31, 2022). The provision is estimated using modeling techniques, consistently
applied, which is sensitive to the methods, assumptions, and risk parameters underlying its calculation.
The amount that the credit loss allowance
represents in comparison to the Group’s gross receivables (the coverage ratio) is also monitored, to anticipate trends that could
indicate credit risk increases. This metric is considered a key risk indicator and it is monitored across multiple committees, supporting
the decision-making process and is discussed in the credit forums.
All receivables are classified through stages.
The explanation of each stage is set out in the Company’s accounting policies, as disclosed in the annual consolidated financial
statements as of December 31, 2022.
The majority of the Group's loans to customers’
portfolio was classified as stage 1, followed by stages 2 and 3, respectively as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The proportion
of stage 1 exposures remained stable, at 76.4% on June 30, 2023 compared to 77.0% on December 31, 2022. The stage 1 coverage ratio movement
is primarily due to the growth of the portfolio due to origination into lower risk segments.
06/30/2023 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio |
Stage 1 |
2,131,969 |
76.4% |
80,338 |
22.4% |
3.8% |
Stage 2 |
512,046 |
18.3% |
176,052 |
49.1% |
34.4% |
Absolute Trigger (Days Late) |
99,358 |
19.4% |
82,826 |
47.0% |
83.4% |
Relative Trigger (PD deterioration) |
412,688 |
80.6% |
93,226 |
53.0% |
22.6% |
Stage 3 |
147,803 |
5.3% |
102,211 |
28.5% |
69.1% |
Total |
2,791,818 |
100.0% |
358,601 |
100.0% |
12.8% |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
12/31/2022 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio |
Stage 1 |
1,521,040 |
77.0% |
76,454 |
25.5% |
5.0% |
Stage 2 |
351,166 |
17.8% |
148,233 |
49.3% |
42.2% |
Absolute Trigger (Days Late) |
87,841 |
25.0% |
75,612 |
51.0% |
86.1% |
Relative Trigger (PD deterioration) |
263,325 |
75.0% |
72,621 |
49.0% |
27.6% |
Stage 3 |
104,293 |
5.2% |
75,536 |
25.2% |
72.4% |
Total |
1,976,499 |
100.0% |
300,223 |
100.0% |
15.2% |
c) Credit loss allowance
- by credit quality vs stages
06/30/2023 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio |
Strong (PD < 5%) |
1,332,891 |
47.8% |
14,196 |
3.9% |
1.1% |
Stage 1 |
1,305,984 |
98.0% |
13,697 |
96.5% |
1.0% |
Stage 2 |
26,907 |
2.0% |
499 |
3.5% |
1.9% |
Satisfactory (5% <= PD <= 20%) |
857,923 |
30.7% |
49,709 |
13.9% |
5.8% |
Stage 1 |
731,642 |
85.3% |
40,592 |
81.7% |
5.5% |
Stage 2 |
126,281 |
14.7% |
9,117 |
18.3% |
7.2% |
Higher Risk (PD > 20%) |
601,004 |
21.5% |
294,696 |
82.2% |
49.0% |
Stage 1 |
94,343 |
15.7% |
26,049 |
7.3% |
27.6% |
Stage 2 |
358,858 |
59.7% |
166,436 |
46.4% |
46.4% |
Stage 3 |
147,803 |
24.6% |
102,211 |
28.5% |
69.1% |
Total |
2,791,818 |
100.0% |
358,601 |
100.0% |
12.8% |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
12/31/2022 |
Gross Exposures |
% |
Credit Loss Allowance |
% |
Coverage Ratio |
Strong (PD < 5%) |
832,448 |
42.1% |
9,344 |
3.1% |
1.1% |
Stage 1 |
819,605 |
98.5% |
9,093 |
97.3% |
1.1% |
Stage 2 |
12,843 |
1.5% |
251 |
2.7% |
2.0% |
Satisfactory (5% <= PD <= 20%) |
642,099 |
32.5% |
40,852 |
13.6% |
6.4% |
Stage 1 |
583,925 |
90.9% |
36,228 |
88.7% |
6.2% |
Stage 2 |
58,174 |
9.1% |
4,624 |
11.3% |
7.9% |
Higher Risk (PD > 20%) |
501,952 |
25.4% |
250,027 |
83.3% |
49.8% |
Stage 1 |
117,510 |
23.4% |
31,133 |
10.4% |
26.5% |
Stage 2 |
280,149 |
55.8% |
143,358 |
47.8% |
51.2% |
Stage 3 |
104,293 |
20.8% |
75,536 |
25.2% |
72.4% |
Total |
1,976,499 |
100.0% |
300,223 |
100.0% |
15.2% |
Most of the credit quality of this portfolio
is classified as strong, followed by satisfactory and higher risk loans. Receivables with satisfactory and strong risk have a high distribution
of stage 1. As of June 30, 2023, the total gross carrying amount of the portfolio increased by 41.3%, or US$815,319, in comparison to
December 31, 2022.
d) Credit loss allowance
- changes
The following tables show reconciliations
from the opening to the closing balance of the provision for credit losses by the stages of the financial instruments. The explanation
of each stage and the basis for determining transfers due to changes in credit risk is set out in the Company’s accounting policies,
as disclosed in the annual consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022.
06/30/2023 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Credit loss allowance at beginning of period |
76,454 |
148,233 |
75,536 |
300,223 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(18,120) |
18,120 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
14,915 |
(14,915) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(12,889) |
(104,086) |
116,975 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
2,315 |
3,628 |
(5,943) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(214,477) |
(214,477) |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 7) |
10,042 |
109,173 |
121,326 |
240,541 |
New originations (a) |
230,835 |
37,739 |
2,926 |
271,500 |
Net drawdowns, repayments, net remeasurement and movements due to exposure and risk changes |
(219,177) |
74,567 |
119,936 |
(24,674) |
to models used in calculation (b) |
(1,616) |
(3,133) |
(1,536) |
(6,285) |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
7,621 |
15,899 |
8,794 |
32,314 |
Credit loss allowance at end of the period |
80,338 |
176,052 |
102,211 |
358,601 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2022 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Credit loss allowance at beginning of period |
68,926 |
72,935 |
55,675 |
197,536 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(16,151) |
16,151 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
6,410 |
(6,410) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(9,810) |
(54,785) |
64,595 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
123 |
1,024 |
(1,147) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(169,452) |
(169,452) |
Net increase of loss allowance (note 7) |
16,567 |
111,484 |
104,454 |
232,505 |
New originations (a) |
159,362 |
26,684 |
2,792 |
188,838 |
Net drawdowns, repayments, net remeasurement and movements due to exposure and risk changes |
(142,795) |
84,800 |
101,662 |
43,667 |
Changes to models used in calculation (b) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
4,246 |
2,037 |
3,405 |
9,688 |
Credit loss allowance at end of the period |
70,311 |
142,436 |
57,530 |
270,277 |
(a) Considers all accounts originated from
the beginning to the end of the period. ECL effects presented in the table were calculated as if risk parameters at the beginning of the
period were applied.
(b) Relates to methodology changes that occurred
during the period, according to the Group’s processes of model monitoring.
The following tables present changes in the gross carrying
amount of the lending portfolio to demonstrate the effects of the changes in the loss allowance for the same portfolio as discussed above.
“Net change of gross carrying amount” includes acquisitions, payments, and interest accruals.
06/30/2023 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross carrying amount at beginning of period |
1,521,040 |
351,166 |
104,293 |
1,976,499 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(198,062) |
198,062 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
78,114 |
(78,114) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(69,678) |
(156,386) |
226,064 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
2,508 |
3,970 |
(6,478) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(214,477) |
(214,477) |
Net increase of gross carrying amount |
615,278 |
150,041 |
25,778 |
791,097 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
182,769 |
43,307 |
12,623 |
238,699 |
Gross carrying amount at end of the period |
2,131,969 |
512,046 |
147,803 |
2,791,818 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2022 |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Total |
Gross carrying amount at beginning of period |
1,129,522 |
200,040 |
62,788 |
1,392,350 |
Transfers from Stage 1 to Stage 2 |
(175,185) |
175,185 |
- |
- |
Transfers from Stage 2 to Stage 1 |
42,861 |
(42,861) |
- |
- |
Transfers to Stage 3 |
(66,348) |
(91,432) |
157,780 |
- |
Transfers from Stage 3 |
140 |
1,165 |
(1,305) |
- |
Write-offs |
- |
- |
(169,452) |
(169,452) |
Net increase of gross carrying amount |
504,392 |
128,306 |
29,355 |
662,053 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
58,029 |
6,283 |
3,248 |
67,560 |
Gross carrying amount at end of the period |
1,493,411 |
376,686 |
82,414 |
1,952,511 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Compulsory deposits |
2,486,301 |
2,026,516 |
Reserve at BACEN |
340,578 |
751,503 |
Total |
2,826,879 |
2,778,019 |
Compulsory deposits are required by BACEN based
on the amount of RDB held by Nu Financeira.
Reserve at BACEN relates to cash maintained in
the Instant Payments Account, which is required by BACEN to support instant payment operations (PIX), and it is based on the average of
PIX transactions per day based on the last month along with including additional funds as a safety margin.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Other receivables |
1,349,226 |
522,734 |
ECL Allowance - Other receivables |
(2,666) |
(1,064) |
Total |
1,346,560 |
521,670 |
Other receivables in the amount of US$1,349,226
(US$522,734 as of December 31, 2022), with an ECL allowance of US$2,666 (US$1,064 as of December 31, 2022), are related to the acquisition
of credit card receivables from acquirers at fair value. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the total amount of the Group's exposure
was classified as stage 1 Strong (PD <5%) and there was no transfer between stages for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 and
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Deferred expenses (i) |
198,621 |
157,439 |
Taxes recoverable |
253,799 |
245,967 |
Advances to suppliers and employees (ii) |
129,400 |
22,662 |
Prepaid expenses |
73,995 |
61,744 |
Judicial deposits (note 24) |
3,288 |
18,864 |
Other assets |
47,411 |
35,227 |
Total |
706,514 |
541,903 |
(i) Refers to credit card issuance costs,
including printing, packing, and shipping costs, among others. The expenses are amortized based on the card’s useful life, adjusted
for any cancellations.
(ii) As
of June 30, 2023, it includes cash deposited with new partners that operate automated teller machines (ATMs). There were no transactions
with these partners during 2022.
| a) | Composition of intangible assets and goodwill |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Cost |
Accumulated amortization |
Net value |
Cost |
Accumulated amortization |
Net value |
Intangibles related to acquisitions |
107,181 |
(33,871) |
73,310 |
107,179 |
(24,802) |
82,377 |
Other Intangibles |
211,000 |
(29,932) |
181,068 |
118,952 |
(19,165) |
99,787 |
Total |
318,181 |
(63,803) |
254,378 |
226,131 |
(43,967) |
182,164 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Goodwill |
Easynvest's acquisition |
381,201 |
381,125 |
Cognitect's acquisition |
831 |
831 |
Spin Pay's acquisition |
5,060 |
5,060 |
Olivia's acquisition |
10,381 |
10,381 |
Total |
397,473 |
397,397 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
| b) | Changes on intangible assets and goodwill |
06/30/2023 |
Goodwill |
Intangible assets |
Intangibles related to acquisitions |
Other Intangibles |
Total Intangibles |
Balance at beginning of the period |
397,397 |
82,379 |
99,785 |
182,164 |
Additions/ (reductions) |
- |
92,050 |
92,050 |
Amortization |
- |
(9,069) |
(10,767) |
(19,836) |
Exchange rate variation |
76 |
- |
- |
- |
Balance at end of the period |
397,473 |
73,310 |
181,068 |
254,378 |
06/30/2022 |
Goodwill |
Intangible assets |
Intangibles related to acquisitions |
Other Intangibles |
Total Intangibles |
Balance at beginning of the period |
401,872 |
57,998 |
14,339 |
72,337 |
Additions/ (reductions) |
7,654 |
40,937 |
46,599 |
87,536 |
Amortization |
- |
(8,691) |
(3,750) |
(12,441) |
Exchange rate variation |
78 |
- |
- |
- |
Balance at end of the period |
409,604 |
90,244 |
57,188 |
147,432 |
The Group executes transactions with derivative financial
instruments, which are intended to meet its own needs to reduce its exposure to market, currency and interest-rate risks. The derivatives
are classified at fair value through profit or loss, except those in cash flow hedge accounting strategies, for which the effective portion
of gains or losses on derivatives is recognized directly in other comprehensive income (loss). The management of these risks is conducted
through determining limits, and the establishment of operating strategies. The derivative contracts are considered level 1, 2 or 3 in
the fair value hierarchy and are used to hedge exposures, but hedge accounting is adopted only for forecasted transactions related to
the cloud infrastructure and certain software licenses used by Nu (hedge of foreign currency risk), to hedge interest of the fixed rate
credit portfolio (hedge of interest rate risk of portfolio) and to hedge the future cash disbursement related to highly probable future
transactions and accrued liabilities for corporate and social security taxes at RSU vesting or SOP exercise, as shown below.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
Fair values |
Notional amount |
Assets |
Liabilities |
Derivatives classified as fair value through profit or loss |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
752,349 |
37 |
278 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
162,484 |
107 |
2,372 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
11,096 |
147 |
- |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
200,100 |
2,089 |
35,280 |
Warrants (i) |
100,000 |
6,188 |
- |
Derivatives held for hedging |
Designated as cash flow hedge |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
225,207 |
196 |
3,509 |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
106,402 |
17,459 |
- |
Designated as portfolio hedge |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
650,787 |
- |
276 |
Total |
2,208,425 |
26,223 |
41,715 |
12/31/2022 |
Fair values |
Notional amount |
Assets |
Liabilities |
Derivatives classified as fair value through profit or loss |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
792,559 |
27 |
105 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
111,634 |
917 |
51 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
10,056 |
50 |
- |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
113,682 |
11,228 |
24 |
Warrants (i) |
100,000 |
27,908 |
- |
Derivatives held for hedging |
Designated as cash flow hedge |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
129,459 |
1,209 |
182 |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
89,726 |
145 |
9,017 |
Designated as portfolio hedge |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
1,551,521 |
1 |
46 |
Total |
2,898,637 |
41,485 |
9,425 |
Futures contracts are traded on the B3, having
B3 as the counterparty. The total value of margins pledged by the Group in transactions on the stock exchange is presented in note 12.
Swaps of interest risk contracts are settled
on a daily basis and are traded over the counter with financial institutions as counterparties.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Nu Holdings entered into non-deliverable
forward contracts to hedge intercompany loans with Nu Colombia in U.S. Dollars with a settlement in December 2023.
Swap TRS contracts are settled only at maturity
and are traded over the counter with financial institutions as counterparties.
(i) Warrants
In September 2021, Nu entered into an agreement
with Creditas Financial Solutions Ltd. (and/or its affiliates in Latin America, or together, “Creditas”) through which Nu
will distribute certain financial products offered by Creditas to its customers in Latin America. These include affordable retail collateralized
loans, such as home and auto equity loans, auto financing, motorcycle financing and payroll loans.
The agreement also provided that Nu would
invest in Creditas’ securitization vehicles, becoming the holder of the senior quotas of the fund. As of June 30, 2023 the Company
had a total of US$78,229 (US$248,181 as of December 31, 2022) invested in Creditas’ securitization vehicles presented as FVTOCI.
In addition, Nu was granted warrants that
provide the right to acquire an equity interest equivalent to up to 7.7% of Creditas, on a fully diluted basis, under a pre-agreed valuation,
proportional to fifty percent of the amount invested in the securitization vehicles and products distributed. The notional amount of the
warrants is US$100,000 and is presented in the table above. Nu can exercise the warrants at any time, but the expiration date is 2 years
after the issuance date.
As of June 30, 2023, the warrants' fair value
was US$6,188 (US$27,908 as of December 31, 2022) calculated using a Black Scholes model, classified as level 3 on the fair value hierarchy,
as shown in note 28. The Company recognized a fair value loss of US$21,710 during the six-month period ended June 30, 2023. The reduction
in the warrant’s fair value resulted from updates in the assumptions used in the related option pricing model, including the reduction
in the remaining exercise period of the warrants, which expire in September 2023.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Breakdown by maturity
The table below shows the breakdown by maturity
of the notional amounts:
06/30/2023 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Assets |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
620,323 |
67,775 |
5,234 |
693,332 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
387,691 |
- |
- |
387,691 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
- |
- |
11,096 |
11,096 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
- |
190,100 |
- |
190,100 |
Warrants |
- |
100,000 |
- |
100,000 |
Total assets |
1,008,014 |
357,875 |
16,330 |
1,382,219 |
Liabilities |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
9,564 |
26,382 |
70,456 |
106,402 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
- |
10,000 |
- |
10,000 |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
- |
- |
59,017 |
59,017 |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
304,773 |
147,679 |
198,335 |
650,787 |
Total liabilities |
314,337 |
184,061 |
327,808 |
826,206 |
Total |
1,322,351 |
541,936 |
344,138 |
2,208,425 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Assets |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
332,497 |
73,286 |
348 |
406,131 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
241,093 |
- |
- |
241,093 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
- |
- |
10,056 |
10,056 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
113,682 |
- |
- |
113,682 |
Warrants |
- |
100,000 |
- |
100,000 |
Total assets |
687,272 |
173,286 |
10,404 |
870,962 |
Liabilities |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
- |
89,726 |
- |
89,726 |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
27,776 |
256,240 |
102,412 |
386,428 |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
590,015 |
858,278 |
103,228 |
1,551,521 |
Total liabilities |
617,791 |
1,204,244 |
205,640 |
2,027,675 |
Total |
1,305,063 |
1,377,530 |
216,044 |
2,898,637 |
The table below shows the breakdown by maturity
of the fair value amounts:
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Assets |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
6,112 |
11,347 |
17,459 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
- |
147 |
147 |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
5 |
32 |
37 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
303 |
- |
303 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
2,089 |
- |
2,089 |
Warrants |
6,188 |
- |
6,188 |
Total assets |
14,697 |
11,526 |
26,223 |
Liabilities |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
4 |
274 |
278 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
5,881 |
- |
5,881 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
35,280 |
- |
35,280 |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
76 |
200 |
276 |
Total liabilities |
41,241 |
474 |
41,715 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Assets |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
145 |
- |
145 |
Interest rate contracts - Swaps |
- |
50 |
50 |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
27 |
- |
27 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
2,126 |
- |
2,126 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
11,228 |
- |
11,228 |
Warrants |
27,908 |
- |
27,908 |
Interest rate contracts - Future - portfolio hedge |
1 |
- |
1 |
Total assets |
41,435 |
50 |
41,485 |
Liabilities |
Equity - Total Return Swap (TRS) |
9,017 |
- |
9,017 |
Interest rate contracts - Futures |
17 |
88 |
105 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Futures |
233 |
- |
233 |
Foreign currency exchange rate contracts - Non-deliverable forwards (NDF) |
24 |
- |
24 |
DI - Future - notes 13 and 14 |
46 |
- |
46 |
Total liabilities |
9,337 |
88 |
9,425 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Analysis of derivatives
designated as hedges
a) Hedge of foreign
currency risk
The Group is exposed to foreign currency
risk on forecast transaction expenses, primarily related to the cloud infrastructure and certain software licenses used by Nu. The Group
managed its exposures to the variability in cash flows of foreign currency forecasted transactions to movements in foreign exchange rates
by entering into foreign exchange contracts (exchange futures). These instruments are entered into to match the cash flow profile of the
estimated forecast transactions, and are exchange-traded and fair value movements are settled on a daily basis.
The Group applies hedge accounting to the
forecasted transactions related to its main cloud infrastructure contract and other expenses in foreign currency. The effectiveness is
assessed monthly by analyzing the critical terms. The critical terms of the hedging instrument and the amount of the forecasted hedged
transactions are significantly the same. Derivatives are generally rolled over monthly. They are expected to occur in the same fiscal
month as the maturity date of the hedging instrument. Therefore, the hedge is expected to be effective. Subsequent assessments of effectiveness
are performed by verifying and documenting whether the critical terms of the hedging instrument and forecasted hedged transaction have
changed during the period in review and whether it remains probable. If there are no such changes in critical terms, the Group will continue
to conclude that the hedging relationship is effective. Sources of ineffectiveness are differences in the amount and timing of forecast
and actual payment of expenses.
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Balance at beginning of the period |
(2,610) |
1,487 |
Fair value change recognized in OCI during the period |
(24,336) |
(12,737) |
Total amount reclassified from cash flow hedge reserve to the statement of profit or loss during the period |
10,664 |
4,585 |
to "Customer support and operation" |
8,642 |
2,287 |
to "General and administrative expenses" |
2,667 |
2,470 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
(645) |
(172) |
Deferred income taxes |
5,382 |
3,268 |
Balance at end of the period |
(10,900) |
(3,397) |
The future transactions that are the object
of the hedge are:
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Total |
Total |
Expected foreign currency transactions |
55,535 |
169,445 |
224,980 |
129,459 |
Total |
55,535 |
169,445 |
224,980 |
129,459 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
b) Hedge of portfolio's
interest rate risk
The Group holds portfolios of customer loan
and refinancing of credit cards receivables at fixed interest rates, in its banking book which are exposed to interest rate risk. To hedge
this risk, the Group entered into DI futures contracts, and applied hedge accounting aiming to eliminate differences between the accounting
measurement of its derivatives and hedged items.
The Group’s overall hedging strategy
is to reduce fair value changes of the part of the fixed rate portfolio as if they were floating rate instruments linked to the attributable
benchmark rates. As such, in order to reflect the dynamic nature of the hedged portfolio, the strategy is to rebalance the DI future contracts
and evaluate the allocated amount by the credit portfolio. Additionally, ineffectiveness could arise from the disparity between expected
and actual prepayments (prepayment risk).
In accordance with its hedging strategy,
the Group calculates the DV01 (delta value of a basis point) of the exposure
and futures to identify the optimal hedging ratio, and monitors in a timely manner the hedge relationship, providing any rebalancing if
needed. The need for the purchase or sale of new DI future contracts will be assessed, to counterbalance the hedged item’s fair
value adjustment, aiming to assure hedge effectiveness between 80% and 125%, as determined on hedge documentation.
The effectiveness test for the hedge is done
on a prospective and retrospective basis. In the prospective test, the Group compares the impact of a 1 basis point parallel shift on
the interest rate curve (DV01) on the hedged object and on the hedge instrument fair value . For the retrospective test, the fair value
change since the inception of the hedged object is compared to the hedge instrument. In both cases, the hedge is considered effective
if the correlation is between 80% and 125%. As of June 30, 2023 the effectiveness ratio for the hedges of the credit card and loan portfolios
were 100% and 99%, respectively.
For designated and qualifying fair value
hedges, the cumulative change in the fair value of the hedging derivative and of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk is recognized
in the consolidated statement of profit or loss in "Interest income and gains (losses) on financial instruments - financial assets
at fair value". In addition, the cumulative change in the fair value of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk is recorded
as part of the carrying value of the hedged item in the consolidated statement of financial position.
Changes in fair value
06/30/2023 |
Hedge object |
Fair value adjustment to the
hedge object |
Derivative hedge
instrument |
Asset |
Liability |
Fair value variation |
Interest rate risk |
Interest rate contracts - Future - portfolio hedge - credit card |
16,976 |
10 |
- |
(13) |
Interest rate contracts - Future - portfolio hedge - loan |
464,511 |
(8) |
- |
(334) |
Total |
481,487 |
2 |
- |
(347) |
c) Hedge of corporate
and social security taxes over share-based compensation
The Group's hedge strategy is to cover
the future cash disbursement related to highly probable future transactions and accrued liabilities for corporate and social security
taxes at RSU vesting or SOP exercise from the variation of the Company's share price volatility. The derivative financial instruments
used to cover the exposure are total return swaps ("TRS") in which one leg is indexed to the Company's stock price and the other leg is indexed to Secured Overnight
Financing Rate ("SOFR") plus spread. The stock fixed at the TRS is a weighted average price. The hedge was entered into by Nu
Holdings and therefore there is no income tax effect.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
The Group applies the cash flow hedge
for the hedge structure thus the market risk is replaced by an interest rate risk. The effectiveness assessment is performed monthly by
(i) assessing the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument; (ii) monitoring the credit risk impact in
the hedge effectiveness; and (iii) maintaining and updating the hedging ratio. Given the possibility of forfeiture impacting the future
cash forecast of the employee benefit plan, the Group manages exposures to keep the hedging level within an acceptable coverage. The derivative
fair value is measured substantially based on the stock price which is also used in the measurement of the provision or payment for corporate
and social security taxes. There is no expectation for a mismatch between the hedged item and hedging instrument at maturity other than
the SOFR.
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Balance at beginning of the period |
(4,876) |
- |
Fair value change recognized in OCI during the period |
40,021 |
(13,507) |
Total amount reclassified from cash flow hedge reserve to the statement of profit or loss during the period (i) |
(26,087) |
1,290 |
Balance at end of the period |
9,058 |
(12,217) |
(i) Presented as share-based compensation
in general and administrative expenses.
Expected cash disbursement
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 1 year |
1 to 3 years |
Above 3 years |
Total |
Total |
Considering the reporting date fair value of the hedged item: |
Expected cash disbursement for corporate and social contributions |
65,073 |
60,829 |
- |
125,902 |
59,058 |
Total |
65,073 |
60,829 |
- |
125,902 |
59,058 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
Instruments eligible as capital |
3,766 |
11,507 |
Total |
3,766 |
11,507 |
There were no defaults or
breaches of instruments eligible as capital or on any financial liability during the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 and year ended
December 31, 2022.
In June 2019, Nu Financeira issued a subordinated
financial note in the amount equivalent to US$18,824 at the issuance date, which was approved as Tier 2 capital by the Brazilian Central
Bank in September 2019, for the purposes of calculation of regulatory
capital. The note bears a fixed interest rate of 12.8%, matures in 2029, and is callable in 2024.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
The Group designated the instruments eligible
as capital at fair value through profit (loss) at its initial recognition. The losses of fair value changes arising from its own credit
risk in the amount of US$68 were recorded in other comprehensive income (gains of US$3,329 in the six-month period ended June 30, 2022).
All other fair value changes and interests in the amount of US$3,029 (US$9,480 in the six-month period ended June 30, 2022) were recognized
as profit (loss).
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Balance at beginning of the period |
11,507 |
12,056 |
Interest accrued, net of gain from repurchase |
(2,999) |
1,226 |
Fair value changes |
795 |
8,254 |
Own credit transferred to OCI |
68 |
(3,329) |
Repurchase |
(6,036) |
- |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
431 |
347 |
Balance at end of the period |
3,766 |
18,554 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
16,708,534 |
14,273,959 |
Deposits in electronic money |
1,317,464 |
1,534,582 |
Bank certificate of deposit (CDB) |
7,730 |
- |
Total |
18,033,728 |
15,808,541 |
In October 2017, Nu launched "Conta
do Nubank" (at the time, referred to as "NuConta"). As a prepaid account, the amounts deposited by customers are classified
as electronic money and must be fully allocated to government securities, in accordance with Brazilian regulatory requirements (see note
12b). Therefore, this type of deposit cannot be used for any other type of investment or as a financing source for credit operations.
In June 2019, Nu Financeira’s RDBs
were included as an investment option inside "Conta do Nubank". Deposits in RDB have guarantees from the Brazilian Deposit Guarantee
Fund (“FGC”). Unlike the deposits in electronic money, after the compulsory deposits requirements (see note 15), Nu is not
required to invest the remaining resources from RDB deposits in government securities, the balance can be used as a financing source for
lending and credit card operations.
The return from both electronic money and
RDB deposits is 100% of the Brazilian CDI rate as of the initial date, if the balances are kept for more than 30 days. Nu also offers
the "Money Boxes" option, in which RDBs generate daily yield as of the deposit date. All of those deposits have daily liquidity.
In September 2020, Nu Financeira launched
a new investment option – a RDB with a defined future maturity date. These RDBs had maturities of up to 27 months and a weighted
average interest rate of 104.5% as of June 30, 2023 (104% on December 31, 2022) of the Brazilian CDI rate.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Currently, deposits in electronic money in
Brazil include "Conta do Nubank" and also "Conta NuInvest" balances, the latter corresponding to on-demand deposits
of the Groups’ investment brokerage clients, with the same characteristics described above. In Mexico, there is no requirement to
invest "CuentaNu" deposits, as it is locally denominated, in specific assets. Therefore, they can be used as a financing source
for the credit card operations, and the return is the Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate "TIIE" -2.5%, as of June 30, 2023.
Breakdown by maturity
06/30/2023 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Deposits in electronic money |
1,317,464 |
- |
- |
1,317,464 |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
16,095,817 |
499,149 |
113,568 |
16,708,534 |
Bank certificate of deposit (CDB) |
- |
6,694 |
1,036 |
7,730 |
Total |
17,413,281 |
505,843 |
114,604 |
18,033,728 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Deposits in electronic money |
1,534,582 |
- |
- |
1,534,582 |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
13,864,513 |
296,292 |
113,154 |
14,273,959 |
Total |
15,399,095 |
296,292 |
113,154 |
15,808,541 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Payables to credit card network (i) |
7,633,288 |
7,054,783 |
Payables to clearing houses |
116,277 |
- |
Total |
7,749,565 |
7,054,783 |
Corresponds to the amount payable to the acquirers related to credit and debit card transactions. Credit card payables are settled
according to the transaction installments, substantially in up to 27 days for Brazilian transactions with no installments and 1 business
day for international transactions. Sales in installments (parcelado) have monthly settlements, mostly, over a period of up to
12 months. For Mexican and Colombian operations, the amounts are settled in 1 business day. The segregation of the settlement is shown
in the table below:
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Payables to credit card network |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 30 days |
3,982,128 |
3,829,398 |
30 to 90 days |
1,930,090 |
1,741,186 |
More than 90 days |
1,721,070 |
1,484,199 |
Total |
7,633,288 |
7,054,783 |
Collateral for credit
card operations
As of June 30, 2023, the Group had US$313 (US$305
on December 31, 2022) of security deposits granted in favor of Mastercard. These security deposits are measured at fair value through
profit (loss) and are held as collateral for the amounts payable to the network and can be replaced by other security deposits with similar
characteristics. The average remuneration rate of those security deposits was 0.39% per month in the six-month period ended June 30, 2023
(0.31% per month in the year ended December 31, 2022).
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Borrowings and financing |
764,522 |
585,568 |
Total |
764,522 |
585,568 |
a) Borrowings and financings
Borrowings and financings maturities are
as follows:
06/30/2023 |
Up to 3 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Borrowings and financings |
Term loan credit facility (i) |
39,243 |
97,868 |
137,111 |
Syndicated loan (ii) |
3,407 |
600,930 |
604,337 |
Financial letter (iii) |
- |
23,074 |
23,074 |
Total borrowings and financings |
42,650 |
721,872 |
764,522 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
12/31/2022 |
Up to 3 months |
3 to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
Borrowings and financings |
Term loan credit facility (i) |
3,100 |
32,632 |
82,462 |
118,194 |
Syndicated loan (ii) |
103 |
2,494 |
464,777 |
467,374 |
Total borrowings and financings |
3,203 |
35,126 |
547,239 |
585,568 |
(i) Corresponds to four term loan credit
facilities obtained by Nu Servicios and reassigned to Nu Financiera, in Mexican pesos.
(ii) Corresponds to two syndicated credit
facilities. The first, in which Nu’s subsidiaries in Colombia and Mexico are the borrowers and the Company is acting as guarantor,
the total amount of the credit facility is US$650,000, of which US$625,000 is allocated to Nu Mexico and US$25,000 to Nu Colombia. The
second, in which Nu Colombia SA has been granted a 3-year facility, the total amount corresponds to US$150,000 from IFC (International
Finance Corporation), also guaranteed by the Company.
(iii) In June 2023, the Group issued financial
letters in Brazilian reais in the amount equivalent to US$22,987 on the issuance dates.
The terms and conditions of the loans outstanding
as of June 30, 2023, are as follows:
06/30/2023 |
Borrowings and financing |
Country |
Currency |
Interest rate |
Maturity |
Principal amount |
Term loan credit facility |
Mexico |
TIIE 182 + 1.0% up to 1.45% |
July 2023 up to November 2024 |
110,000 |
Syndicated loan |
Mexico |
TIIE 91 + 1.00% |
April 2025 |
435,000 |
Syndicated loan |
Colombia |
IBR (1) + 1.0% up to 3.59% |
April 2025 up to January 2026 |
87,500 |
Financial letter |
Brazil |
CDI + 1.8% |
April 2025 up to June 2025 |
22,987 |
| (1) | IBR: Bank Reference Indicator (Indicador Bancario de Referencia). |
Changes to borrowings and financings are
as follows:
06/30/2023 |
Term loan credit facility |
Syndicated loan |
Financial Letter |
Total |
Balance at beginning of the period |
118,194 |
467,374 |
- |
585,568 |
New borrowings |
- |
73,720 |
21,699 |
95,419 |
Payments – principal |
- |
(10,546) |
- |
(10,546) |
Payments – interest |
(5,154) |
(30,939) |
- |
(36,093) |
Interest accrued |
7,534 |
33,946 |
82 |
41,562 |
Transaction costs |
- |
(868) |
- |
(868) |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
16,537 |
71,650 |
1,293 |
89,480 |
Balance at end of the period |
137,111 |
604,337 |
23,074 |
764,522 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2022 |
Bills of
exchange |
Term loan credit facility |
Bank borrowings |
Syndicated loan |
Total |
Balance at beginning of the period |
10,400 |
136,843 |
- |
- |
147,243 |
Addition due to business combination |
- |
- |
4,729 |
- |
4,729 |
New borrowings |
- |
- |
- |
353,878 |
353,878 |
Payments – principal |
(9,556) |
(24,291) |
(4,458) |
- |
(38,305) |
Payments – interest |
(1,910) |
(3,884) |
(568) |
(1,760) |
(8,122) |
Interest accrued |
43 |
3,894 |
158 |
2,564 |
6,659 |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
1,023 |
2,620 |
139 |
1,017 |
4,799 |
Balance at end of the period |
- |
115,182 |
- |
355,699 |
470,881 |
The credit facilities and syndicated loans
above-mentioned have associated restrictive clauses (covenants) which establish the maintenance of minimum financial indicators resulting
from capital, funding and liquidity (cash) position, as well as profitability metrics and leverage ratios including, but not limited to,
net debt to gross profit, in addition to non-financial indicators according to each contract. The non-compliance with financial covenants
is considered as an event of default and may lead to debt acceleration. There are also cross-default clauses triggered in the event Nu
Holdings and/or some subsidiaries fail to pay any material indebtedness. The covenants are monitored on a regular basis.
The Company is guarantor to the above-mentioned
borrowings from Colombia and Mexico. Nu Pagamentos is also a guarantor to certain term loan credit facilities.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Tax risks |
- |
15,747 |
Civil risks |
4,522 |
2,096 |
Labor risks |
131 |
104 |
Total |
4,653 |
17,947 |
The Company and its subsidiaries are parties
to lawsuits and administrative proceedings arising from time to time in the ordinary course of operations, involving tax, civil and labor
matters. Such matters are being discussed at the administrative and judicial levels, which, when applicable, are supported by judicial
deposits. The provisions for probable losses arising from these matters are estimated and periodically adjusted by management, supported
by external legal advisors’ opinion. There is significant uncertainty relating to the timing of any cash outflow, if any, for civil
and labor risk.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
a) Provision
A provision in the amount of US$15,747 on
December 31, 2022 referred to a potential legal obligation related to the increase in the contribution of certain Brazilian taxes (PIS
and COFINS). The Group had a judicial deposit related to this claim, and in June 2019, Nu withdrew the lawsuit. The release of the judicial
deposits in favor of the Brazilian Tax Authorities occurred in May 2023, representing final settlement of the matter with the consequent
use of the provisioned amount.
Civil lawsuits are mainly related to credit
card operations. Based on management’s assessment and inputs from Nu’s external legal advisors, the Group has provisioned
US$4,522 (US$2,096 on December 31, 2022) considered sufficient to cover estimated losses from civil suits deemed probable.
b) Changes
Changes to provision for lawsuits and administrative
proceedings are as follows:
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Tax |
Civil |
Labor |
Tax |
Civil |
Labor |
Balance at beginning of the period |
15,747 |
2,096 |
104 |
17,081 |
980 |
21 |
Additions |
- |
6,170 |
135 |
- |
980 |
11 |
Payments / Reversals |
(16,402) |
(4,085) |
(119) |
(2,382) |
(553) |
(14) |
Effect of changes in exchange rates (OCI) |
655 |
341 |
11 |
1,119 |
43 |
2 |
Balance at end of the period |
- |
4,522 |
131 |
15,818 |
1,450 |
20 |
c) Contingencies
The Group is a party to civil and labor lawsuits,
involving risks classified by management and the legal advisors as possible losses, totaling approximately US$11,222 and US$2,894, respectively
(US$7,128 and US$1,814 on December 31, 2022). Based on management’s assessment and inputs from the Group’s external legal
advisors, no provision was recognized for those lawsuits as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022.
As of June 30, 2023, the total amount of judicial
deposits shown as “Other assets” (note 17) is US$3,288 (US$18,864 on December 31, 2022) and is substantially attributed to
the judicial deposit carried on behalf of the shareholders of Nu Invest, prior to the acquisition, due to a tax proceeding related
to withholding taxes inappropriately deducted from amounts paid to employees.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Deferred revenue from rewards program |
50,305 |
34,546 |
Deferred annual fee from reward program |
3,118 |
3,283 |
Other deferred income |
1,459 |
3,859 |
Total |
54,882 |
41,688 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Deferred revenue from rewards programs is
related to the Group's reward program for its credit card customers, called "Rewards". The program consists of accumulating
points according to the use of the credit card in the ratio of R$1.00 (one Brazilian real, equivalent to US$0.21 as of June 30, 2023 US$0.19
as of December 31, 2022) equal to 1 point and cashbacks. The points do not expire, and there is no limit on the number of Rewards an eligible
card member can earn. Deferred annual fees from the reward program comprise amounts related to the rewards fees which are paid annually
by customers until they are earned.
The redemption of the points occurs when
the customers use them in various purchase categories, such as air tickets, hotels, transportation services, and music.
Nu uses financial
models to estimate the redemption rates of rewards earned to date by current card members, and, therefore, the estimated financial value
of the points, based on historical redemption trends, current enrollee redemption behavior, among others. The estimated financial value
is recorded in the profit or loss when the performance obligation is satisfied, which is when the reward points are redeemed.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Clients transfers - PIX (i) |
- |
305,508 |
Sundry creditors |
113,822 |
122,767 |
Payment transactions - other |
141,025 |
80,798 |
Credit card ECL allowance (note 13) |
25,856 |
17,566 |
Intermediation of securities |
2,484 |
28,340 |
Insurances |
12,899 |
5,182 |
Other liabilities |
53,187 |
75,839 |
Total |
349,273 |
636,000 |
(i) Clients transfers - PIX corresponds to unsettled
PIX transactions on non-business days.
In the ordinary course of business, the Group
may have issued credit cards or loans to Nu’s executive directors, board members, key employees and close family members. Those
transactions, as well as the deposits and other products, such as investments, occur on similar terms as those prevailing at the time
for comparable transactions to unrelated persons and do not involve more than the normal risk of collectability.
As described in note 3, "Basis of consolidation",
all companies from the Group are consolidated in these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements. Therefore, related
party balances and transactions, and any unrealized income and expenses arising from inter-company transactions, are eliminated in the
unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
In 2023, the exchange differences arising from intercompany
loans between entities of the group with different functional currencies are shown as “Interest income and gains (losses) on financial
instruments” in the statement of profit (loss).
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
a) Transactions with other
related parties
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Assets/ (Liabilities) |
Others |
- |
316 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Revenues (expenses) |
Others |
- |
(1,112) |
As of June 30, 2023 the Company did not have any
transaction with other related parties. On June 30, 2021, the Group entered into a service and naming rights agreement with Rodamoinho
Produtora de Eventos Ltda., owned by a former member of the Company’s Board of Directors ("Board"). This director has
not been a member of the Board since September 2022, when the Company ceased recognizing Rodamoinho as a related party. In addition, the
Group did not make payments for Reprograma, a philanthropic project managed by a family member of the Company’s controlling shareholder,
in the six-month period ended June 30, 2023.
The main valuation techniques employed in
internal models to measure the fair value of the financial instruments as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 are set out below. The
principal inputs into these models are derived from observable market data. The Group did not make any material changes to its valuation
techniques and internal models in those periods.
a) Fair value of financial
instruments carried at amortized cost
The following tables show the fair value
of the financial instruments carried at amortized cost as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022. The Group has not disclosed the fair
values of financial instruments such as compulsory and other deposits at central banks, other financial assets, deposits in electronic
money, RDB, and borrowings and financing, because their carrying amounts are a reasonable approximation of fair value.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Carrying amount |
Fair value -
Level 2 |
Fair value -
Level 3 |
Carrying amount |
Fair value -
Level 2 |
Fair value -
Level 3 |
Assets |
Compulsory and other deposits at central banks |
2,826,879 |
2,778,019 |
Credit card receivables (i) |
10,387,703 |
- |
10,650,948 |
8,233,123 |
- |
8,204,077 |
Loans to customers (i) |
2,433,217 |
- |
2,384,504 |
1,676,276 |
- |
1,920,518 |
Other receivables |
1,346,560 |
- |
1,348,817 |
521,670 |
- |
522,359 |
Other financial assets |
141,099 |
478,283 |
Total |
17,135,458 |
- |
14,384,269 |
13,687,371 |
- |
10,646,954 |
Liabilities |
Deposits in electronic money |
1,317,464 |
1,534,582 |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
16,708,534 |
14,273,959 |
Bank certificate of deposit (CDB) |
7,730 |
7,740 |
- |
- |
Payables to network |
7,749,565 |
7,275,570 |
- |
7,054,783 |
6,399,704 |
- |
Borrowings and financing |
764,522 |
585,568 |
Total |
26,547,815 |
7,283,310 |
- |
23,448,892 |
6,399,704 |
- |
| (i) | It excludes the fair value adjustment from the hedge accounting. |
The book value from credit card receivables
and loans to customers includes the amounts that are the hedge items of the portfolio hedge, described in note 19. The credit risk components
for both receivables are not part of the hedge strategy.
Borrowings and financing fair value is equal
to the book value given that any prepayment shall be equal to the total outstanding amount. The fair value of floating rate demand deposits
are assumed to be equal to carrying amounts.
The valuation approach to specific categories
of financial instruments is described below.
i) Fair value models and
card: The fair values of credit card receivables and payables to network are calculated using the discounted cash flow method.
Fair values are determined by discounting the contractual cash flows by the interest rate curve and a credit spread. For payables, cash
flows are also discounted by the Group's own credit spread.
to customers: Fair value is estimated based on groups of clients with similar risk profiles, using valuation models. The fair
value of a loan is determined by discounting the contractual cash flows by the interest rate curve and a credit spread.
receivables: Fair value is calculated by discounting future cash flows by a risk free interest rate and a credit spread.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
b) Fair value of financial
instruments measured at fair value
The following table shows a summary
of the fair values, as of June 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, of the financial assets and liabilities indicated below, classified on
the basis of the various measurement methods used by the Group to determine their fair value:
06/30/2023 |
Published price quotations in active markets
(Level 1) |
Internal Models (Level 2) |
Internal Models
(Level 3) |
Total |
Assets |
Government bonds |
Brazil |
5,985,235 |
- |
- |
5,985,235 |
United States |
157,199 |
- |
- |
157,199 |
Mexico |
1,392 |
- |
- |
1,392 |
Corporate bonds and other instruments |
Certificate of bank deposits (CDB) |
- |
1,571 |
- |
1,571 |
Investment funds |
- |
133,964 |
- |
133,964 |
Time deposit |
- |
262,067 |
- |
262,067 |
Bill of credit (LC) |
- |
1 |
- |
1 |
Real estate and agribusiness certificate of receivables (CRIs/CRAs) |
102 |
21,442 |
- |
21,544 |
Real estate and agribusiness letter of credit (LCIs/LCAs) |
- |
127 |
- |
127 |
Corporate bonds and debentures |
848,569 |
202,112 |
- |
1,050,681 |
Equity instrument |
- |
- |
22,249 |
22,249 |
Derivative financial instruments |
340 |
19,695 |
6,188 |
26,223 |
Collateral for credit card operations |
- |
313 |
- |
313 |
Liabilities |
Derivative financial instruments |
6,435 |
35,280 |
- |
41,715 |
Instruments eligible as capital |
- |
3,766 |
- |
3,766 |
Repurchase agreements |
- |
144,922 |
- |
144,922 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
12/31/2022 |
Published price quotations in active markets
(Level 1) |
Internal Models (Level 2) |
Internal Models
(Level 3) |
Total |
Assets |
Government bonds |
Brazil |
8,222,278 |
- |
- |
8,222,278 |
United States |
171,184 |
- |
- |
171,184 |
Mexico |
1,382 |
- |
- |
1,382 |
Corporate bonds and other instruments |
Certificate of bank deposits (CDB) |
- |
3,712 |
- |
3,712 |
Investment funds |
- |
302,779 |
- |
302,779 |
Time deposit |
- |
446,436 |
- |
446,436 |
Bill of credit (LC) |
- |
138 |
- |
138 |
Real estate and agribusiness certificate of receivables (CRIs/CRAs) |
2 |
32,173 |
- |
32,175 |
Real estate and agribusiness letter of credit (LCIs/LCAs) |
- |
1,197 |
- |
1,197 |
Corporate bonds and debentures |
676,953 |
158,675 |
- |
835,628 |
Equity instrument |
- |
- |
22,082 |
22,082 |
Derivative financial instruments |
2,154 |
11,423 |
27,908 |
41,485 |
Collateral for credit card operations |
- |
305 |
- |
305 |
Liabilities |
Derivative financial instruments |
384 |
9,041 |
- |
9,425 |
Instruments eligible as capital |
- |
11,507 |
- |
11,507 |
Repurchase agreements |
- |
197,242 |
- |
197,242 |
i) Fair value models and
The securities with high liquidity and quoted prices in the active market are classified as level 1. Therefore, all the government bonds
and some corporate bonds are included in level 1 as they are traded in active markets. Brazilian securities values are the published prices
by the 'Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais' ("Anbima"). For US and Mexico
bonds, fair values are the published prices by Bloomberg. Other corporate bonds and investment fund shares, the valuation of which is
based on observable data, such as interest rates and interest rate curves are classified as level 2.
Derivatives traded on stock exchanges are classified as level 1 of the hierarchy. Derivatives traded on the Brazilian stock
exchange are fairly valued using B3 quotations. Interest rate OTC Swaps are valued by discounting future expected cash flows to present
values using interest rate curves and are classified as level 2. The embedded derivative conversion feature from the senior preferred
share was calculated based on methodologies for the share price described in note 10. The options related to the warrant from Creditas
Partnership are fair valued using a Black-Scholes model and are classified as level 3.
instrument: For the fair value of the equity instrument, the Group used contractual conditions as inputs that are not directly
observable, and therefore it is classified as level 3.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
eligible as capital: If the instrument has an active market, prices quoted in this market are used. Otherwise, valuation techniques
are used, such as discounted cash flows, where cash flows are discounted by a risk-free rate and a credit spread. Instruments eligible
as capital were designated at fair value through profit (loss) in the initial recognition (fair value option).
agreements: The fair value is the transaction value itself given that repurchase agreement is a collateralized short-term one
day agreement.
c) Transfers between levels
of the fair value hierarchy
For the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 and
year ended December 31, 2022, there were no transfers of financial instruments between levels 1 and 2 or between levels 2 and 3.
Current and deferred taxes are determined for
all transactions that have been recognized in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements using the provisions of
the current tax laws. The current income tax expense or benefit represents the estimated taxes to be paid or refunded, respectively, for
the current period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences between the financial reporting and tax basis
of assets and liabilities. They are measured using the tax rates and laws that will be in effect when the temporary tax differences are
expected to reverse.
a) Income tax reconciliation
tax on the Group's pre-tax profit differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average tax rate applicable
to profits of the consolidated entities. Thus, the following is a reconciliation of income tax expense to profit (loss) for the period,
calculated by applying the combined Brazilian income tax rate of 40% for the three and six-month
periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
Profit (loss) before income tax |
323,977 |
(24,612) |
567,606 |
(92,263) |
Tax rate (i) |
40% |
40% |
40% |
40% |
Income tax |
(129,590) |
9,845 |
(227,042) |
36,905 |
Permanent additions/exclusions |
Share-based payments |
6,312 |
9,922 |
(205) |
(985) |
Operational losses and others |
(378) |
(2,777) |
(4,190) |
(4,978) |
Foreign exchange variation on investments abroad |
(1,694) |
(3,974) |
83 |
- |
Effect of different tax rates - subsidiaries and parent company |
18,731 |
(17,764) |
22,113 |
(12,792) |
Other non-deductible expenses |
7,508 |
(490) |
8,252 |
(741) |
Income tax |
(99,111) |
(5,238) |
(200,989) |
17,409 |
Current tax expense |
(263,071) |
(96,249) |
(468,935) |
(195,301) |
Deferred tax benefit |
163,960 |
91,011 |
267,946 |
212,710 |
Income tax in the statement of profit or loss |
(99,111) |
(5,238) |
(200,989) |
17,409 |
Deferred tax recognized in OCI |
1,378 |
(1,849) |
4,589 |
221 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
(i) The tax rate used was the one applicable
to the financial Brazilian subsidiaries, which represent the most significant portion of the operations of the Group. The tax rate used
is not materially different from the average effective tax rate considering all jurisdictions where the Group has operations. The effect
of other tax rates is shown in the table above as “effect of different tax rates – subsidiaries and parent company”.
b) Deferred income taxes
The following tables present significant
components of the Group’s deferred tax assets and liabilities as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, and the changes for the periods then
ended. The accounting records of deferred tax assets on income tax losses and/or social contribution loss carryforwards, as well as those
arising from timing differences, are based on technical feasibility studies which consider the expected generation of future taxable income,
considering the history of profitability for each subsidiary individually. The use of the deferred tax asset related to tax loss and negative
basis of social contribution is limited to 30% of taxable profit per year for the Brazilian entities and there is no time limit to use
Reflected in the statement of profit or loss |
12/31/2022 |
Constitution |
Realization |
exchange |
Reflected in OCI |
06/30/2023 |
Provisions for credit losses |
583,791 |
470,692 |
(170,600) |
81,539 |
- |
965,422 |
Provision PIS/COFINS - Financial Revenue |
6,299 |
- |
(6,561) |
262 |
- |
- |
Other temporary differences (i) |
123,103 |
68,094 |
(41,513) |
11,527 |
- |
161,211 |
Total deferred tax assets on temporary differences |
713,193 |
538,786 |
(218,674) |
93,328 |
- |
1,126,633 |
Tax loss and negative basis of social contribution |
97,857 |
55,295 |
(62,149) |
7,347 |
- |
98,350 |
Deferred tax assets |
811,050 |
594,081 |
(280,823) |
100,675 |
- |
1,224,983 |
Futures settlement market |
(13,739) |
(3,076) |
5,431 |
(435) |
- |
(11,819) |
Fair value changes - financial instruments |
(3,291) |
(2,227) |
(136) |
(519) |
(793) |
(6,966) |
Others |
(24,088) |
(55,210) |
14,413 |
(1,378) |
- |
(66,263) |
Deferred tax liabilities |
(41,118) |
(60,513) |
19,708 |
(2,332) |
(793) |
(85,048) |
Fair value changes - cash flow hedge |
(1,758) |
56,058 |
(60,565) |
(875) |
5,382 |
(7,140) |
Deferred tax recognized during the period |
589,626 |
(321,680) |
4,589 |
(i) Other temporary differences are composed
mainly by other provisions and supplier provisions.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Reflected in the statement of profit or loss |
12/31/2021 |
Constitution |
Realization |
exchange |
Reflected in OCI |
06/30/2022 |
Provisions for credit losses |
204,459 |
265,185 |
(92,796) |
5,798 |
- |
382,646 |
Provision PIS/COFINS - Financial Revenue |
5,965 |
- |
- |
362 |
- |
6,327 |
Other temporary differences (i) |
72,343 |
33,351 |
(12,974) |
3,284 |
- |
96,004 |
Total deferred tax assets on temporary differences |
282,767 |
298,536 |
(105,770) |
9,444 |
- |
484,977 |
- |
Tax loss and negative basis of social contribution |
77,985 |
37,256 |
(4,194) |
2,893 |
- |
113,940 |
Deferred tax assets |
360,752 |
335,792 |
(109,964) |
12,337 |
- |
598,917 |
Futures settlement market |
(18,850) |
(12,990) |
8,944 |
(613) |
- |
(23,509) |
Fair value changes - financial instruments |
(2,144) |
(455) |
165 |
(113) |
(3,047) |
(5,594) |
Others |
(8,340) |
(5,822) |
23 |
(41) |
- |
(14,180) |
Deferred tax liabilities |
(29,334) |
(19,267) |
9,132 |
(767) |
(3,047) |
(43,283) |
Fair value changes - cash flow hedge |
1,057 |
7,650 |
(10,633) |
2,983 |
3,268 |
4,325 |
Deferred tax recognized during the period |
324,175 |
(111,465) |
221 |
(i) Other temporary differences are composed
mainly by other provisions and supplier provisions.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
The table below presents the changes in shares issued
and fully paid and shares authorized, by class, as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022.
Shares authorized and fully issued |
Note |
Class A
Ordinary shares |
Class B
Ordinary shares |
Total |
Total as of December 31, 2021 |
3,459,743,431 |
1,150,245,114 |
4,609,988,545 |
Conversion of shares class B to A |
58,312,073 |
(58,312,073) |
- |
SOPs exercised and RUSs vested |
10 |
64,418,580 |
- |
64,418,580 |
Shares withheld for employees' taxes |
10 |
(8,536,770) |
- |
(8,536,770) |
Issuance of class A shares - Cognitect and Juntos acquisitions |
1,362,201 |
- |
1,362,201 |
Issuance of shares due to IPO over-allotment |
27,555,298 |
- |
27,555,298 |
Total as of December 31, 2022 |
3,602,854,813 |
1,091,933,041 |
4,694,787,854 |
Conversion of class B shares in class A shares |
590,000 |
(590,000) |
- |
SOPs exercised and RUSs vested |
42,651,541 |
- |
42,651,541 |
Shares withheld for employees' taxes |
10 |
(4,359,685) |
- |
(4,359,685) |
Shares repurchased |
(290,676) |
- |
(290,676) |
Share issued to service providers |
4,355,374 |
4,355,374 |
Issuance of class A shares - Olivia acquisition |
5,471,479 |
- |
5,471,479 |
Total as of June 30, 2023 |
3,651,272,846 |
1,091,343,041 |
4,742,615,887 |
Shares authorized and unissued |
Class A
Ordinary shares |
Class B
Ordinary shares |
Total |
Business combination - contingent share consideration |
- |
- |
5,107,809 |
Reserved for the share-based payments |
- |
- |
354,717,097 |
Shares authorized which may be issued class A or class B |
- |
- |
43,501,000,417 |
Shares authorized and unissued as of June 30, 2023 |
- |
- |
43,860,825,323 |
Shares authorized issued |
3,651,272,846 |
1,091,343,041 |
4,742,615,887 |
Total as of June 30, 2023 |
- |
- |
48,603,441,210 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
a) Share events
In January 2022, Nu Holdings issued an additional
27,555,298 ordinary class A shares due to the over-allotment option ("Green Shoe") exercised by the underwriters.
In May 2023, the Company concluded private
issuances of a total 4,355,374 Class A shares as consideration paid to acquire services.
As of June 30, 2023, the Company had ordinary
shares authorized and unissued relating to commitments from acquisitions of entities, the issuance due to the share-based payment plans
(note 10) and authorized for future issuance without determined nature and which could be class A or B ordinary shares.
b) Share capital and
share premium reserve
All share classes of the Company had a nominal
par value of US$0.0000067 on June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, and the total amount of share capital was US$84 (US$83 as of December
31, 2022).
Share premium reserve relates to amounts
contributed by shareholders over the par value at the issuance of shares.
The total of exercised Stock Options (SOP)
was US$ 7,013 for the six-month period ended on June 30, 2023.
c) Issuance of shares
The following table presents the amount in
US$ of shares issued, increase in capital and premium reserve in transactions other than business combinations, the exercise of the SOPs
and vesting of RSUs in the six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and 2022:
Capital and share premium reserve |
Event |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Shares issued on IPO over-allotment |
- |
247,998 |
In January 2022, Nu Holdings issued 27,555,298
ordinary Class A shares and raised proceeds of US$247,998 as a result of the exercise of the underwriters’ over-allotment option
("Green Shoe"), related to the IPO in December 2021.
d) Accumulated gains
The accumulated gains (losses) include the
accumulated profit (losses) of the Group and the share-based payment reserve amount, as shown in the table below.
As described in note 10, the Group's share-based
payments include incentives in the form of SOPs, RSUs and Awards. Further, the Company can use the reserve to absorb accumulated losses.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Accumulated losses |
(334,445) |
(701,062) |
Share-based payments reserve |
881,187 |
765,639 |
Total accumulated gains (losses) |
546,742 |
64,577 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
e) Shares repurchased
and withheld
Shares may be repurchased from former employees
when they leave the Group, as a result of contractual terms of deferred payments on business combinations, or withheld because of RSUs
plans to settle the employee’s tax obligation. These shares repurchased or withheld are canceled and cannot be reissued or subscribed.
During the six-month period ended June 30, 2023 and year ended December 31, 2022, the following shares were repurchased:
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Number of shares repurchased |
290,676 |
- |
Total value of shares repurchased |
- |
- |
Number of shares withheld - RSU |
4,359,685 |
8,536,770 |
Total value of shares withheld - RSU |
18,491 |
51,212 |
f) Accumulated other
comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income includes the amounts,
net of the related tax effect, of the adjustments to assets and liabilities recognized in equity through the consolidated statement of
comprehensive income.
Other comprehensive income that may be subsequently
reclassified to profit or loss is related to cash flow hedges that qualify as effective hedges and currency translation that represents
the cumulative gains and losses on the retranslation of the Group’s investment in foreign operations. These amounts will remain
under this heading until they are recognized in the consolidated statement of profit (loss) in the periods in which the hedged items affect
it, for example, in the case of the cash flow hedge.
The own credit reserve reflects the cumulative
own credit gains and losses on financial liabilities designated at fair value. Amounts in the own credit reserve are not reclassified
to profit (loss) in future periods.
The accumulated balances are as follows:
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Cash flow hedge effects, net of deferred taxes |
(1,842) |
(7,486) |
Currency translation on foreign entities |
142,859 |
(108,356) |
Changes in fair value - financial instruments at FVTOCI, net of deferred taxes |
(14,587) |
(22,298) |
Own credit adjustment effects |
557 |
489 |
Total |
126,987 |
(137,651) |
a) Overview
The Group monitors the
risks that could have a material impact on its strategic objectives, including those that must comply with applicable regulatory requirements.
To efficiently manage and mitigate these risks, the risk management structure conducts risk identification and assessment to prioritize
the risks that are key to pursue potential opportunities and/or that may prevent value from being created or that may compromise existing
value, with the possibility of having impacts on financial results, capital, liquidity, customer relationship and reputation.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Risks that are actively
monitored include Credit, Liquidity, Market, Operational, IT, Cyber, Regulatory, Compliance, AML (Anti-money laundering) and Reputational
Risk, Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRBB), Model Risk, and also the risk from Cryptocurrency business.
Nu considers Risk Management an important
pillar of the Group's strategic management. The risk management structure broadly permeates the entire Company, with the objective of
ensuring that risks are properly identified, measured, mitigated, monitored and reported, in order to support the development of its activities.
Risk Management is related to the principles, culture, structures and processes to improve the decision-making process and the achievement
of strategic objectives. It is a continuous and evolving process that runs through Nu's entire strategy, to support Management in minimizing
its losses, as well as maximizing its profits and supporting the Company's values.
The Group's risk management structure considers
the size and complexity of its business, which allows tracking, monitoring and control of the risks to which it is exposed. The risk management
process is aligned with management guidelines, which, through committees and other internal meetings, define strategic objectives, including
risk appetite. Conversely, the capital control and capital management units provide support through risk and capital monitoring and analysis
Each of the risks described below has its
own methodologies, systems and processes for its identification, measurement, evaluation, monitoring, reporting, control and mitigation.
In the case of financial risks, such as credit,
liquidity, IRRBB and market risk, the measurement is carried out based on quantitative models and, in certain cases, prospective scenarios
in relation to the main variables involved, respecting the applicable regulatory requirements and best market practices. Non-financial
risks, such as operational risk and technological/cyber risks, are measured using impact criteria (inherent risk), considering potential
financial losses, reputational damage, customer perception and legal/regulatory obligations, as well as evaluated in relation to the effectiveness
of the respective structure of internal controls.
There were no significant changes to the risk management
structure that was reported in the most recent annual financial statements as of December 31, 2022.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
The Group’s
outstanding balance of financial assets and other exposures to credit risk is shown in the table below:
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Financial assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
6,175,049 |
4,172,316 |
Securities |
156,233 |
91,853 |
Derivative financial instruments |
26,223 |
41,485 |
Collateral for credit card operations |
313 |
305 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
182,769 |
133,643 |
Securities |
7,479,797 |
9,947,138 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
7,479,797 |
9,947,138 |
Credit card receivables |
10,387,713 |
8,233,072 |
Loans to customers |
2,433,209 |
1,673,440 |
Compulsory and other deposits at central banks |
2,826,879 |
2,778,019 |
Other receivables |
1,346,560 |
521,670 |
Other financial assets |
141,099 |
478,283 |
Financial assets at amortized cost |
17,135,460 |
13,684,484 |
Other exposures |
Unused limits (i) |
14,895,719 |
12,971,982 |
Credit Commitments |
14,895,719 |
12,971,982 |
(i) Unused limits
are not recorded in the statement of financial position and are considered in the measurement of the ECL because it represents credit
risk exposure.
sources of funding - by maturity
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Funding Sources |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
% |
Up to 12 months |
Over 12
months |
Total |
% |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
16,594,966 |
113,568 |
16,708,534 |
96% |
14,160,805 |
113,154 |
14,273,959 |
96% |
Borrowings and financing |
42,650 |
721,872 |
764,522 |
4% |
38,329 |
547,239 |
585,568 |
4% |
Bank certificate of deposit (CDB) |
6,694 |
1,036 |
7,730 |
0% |
- |
- |
- |
0% |
Instruments eligible as capital |
- |
3,766 |
3,766 |
0% |
- |
11,507 |
11,507 |
0% |
Total |
16,644,310 |
840,242 |
17,484,552 |
100% |
14,199,134 |
671,900 |
14,871,034 |
100% |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Maturities of financial
The tables below summarize the Group’s
financial liabilities and their contractual maturities:
06/30/2023 |
Financial liabilities |
Carrying amount |
Gross nominal outflow (1) |
Up to 1 month |
1 to 3 months |
3-12 months |
Over 12 months |
Derivative financial instruments |
41,715 |
41,715 |
286 |
5,596 |
35,359 |
474 |
Instruments eligible as capital |
3,766 |
7,911 |
- |
- |
- |
7,911 |
Repurchase agreements |
144,922 |
144,922 |
144,922 |
- |
- |
- |
Deposits in electronic money (*) |
1,317,464 |
1,317,464 |
1,317,464 |
- |
- |
- |
Bank receipt of deposits (RDB) |
16,708,534 |
16,970,179 |
16,103,008 |
168,804 |
558,074 |
140,293 |
Bank certificate of deposit (CDB) |
7,730 |
8,447 |
- |
- |
6,443 |
2,004 |
Payables to credit card network |
7,633,288 |
7,633,288 |
3,982,128 |
1,930,090 |
1,719,282 |
1,788 |
Borrowings and financing |
764,522 |
915,323 |
42,869 |
22,099 |
61,828 |
788,527 |
Total |
26,621,941 |
27,039,249 |
21,590,677 |
2,126,589 |
2,380,986 |
940,997 |
(*) In accordance with regulatory requirements
and in guarantee of these deposits, the Group holds the total amount of US$1,734,114 in eligible securities composed of Brazilian government
bonds as described in note 12b, under a dedicated account within the Brazilian Central Bank as of June 30, 2023 (US$2,252,464 as of December
31, 2022).
(1) The gross nominal outflow was projected
considering the exchange rate of Brazilian Reais, and Mexican and Colombian Pesos to US$ as of June 30, 2023.
The table below
presents the VaR which uses a confidence level of 99% and a holding period of 10 days, by a historical simulation approach, with a 5-year
historical window. For Brazil, it is calculated only for the Trading Book in line with the way portfolios are managed.
VaR |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Nu Financeira (1) / Nu Pagamentos (Brazil) |
407 |
478 |
Nu Holdings (2) |
10,227 |
10,321 |
(1) Includes Nu
Financeira and its subsidiaries Nu Invest and Nu DTVM.
(2) Considers only
financial assets held directly by Nu Holdings as other subsidiaries do not have significant market risk exposures.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
| ● | Interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) |
The following analysis
is the Group's sensitivity of the mark to market fair value to an increase of 1 basis point (“bp”) (DV01) in the Brazilian
risk-free curve, Brazilian IPCA coupon curve, US risk-free curve and Mexican risk-free curve, assuming a parallel shift and a constant
financial position:
DV01 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Brazilian risk-free curve (1) |
(116) |
(41) |
Brazilian IPCA coupon |
(3) |
(5) |
US risk-free curve |
(130) |
(121) |
Mexican risk-free curve |
4 |
1 |
| (1) | Includes FIP, Nu Pagamentos, Nu Financeira, Nu Invest and Nu DTVM. |
The interest rate
risk in Colombia and in Brazilian subsidiaries other than those mentioned above, is not significant as of June 30, 2023 and December 31,
2022. To maintain DV01 sensitivities within defined limits, interest rate futures, traded in B3, and swaps derivatives are used to hedge
interest rate risk.
| ● | Foreign exchange (FX) risk |
The financial information
may exhibit volatility due to the Group’s operations in foreign currencies, such as the Brazilian Real and Mexican and Colombian
Pesos. At the Nu Holdings level, there is no net investment hedge for investments in other countries.
As of June 30, 2023 and
December 31, 2022, none of the entities of the Group had significant financial instruments in a currency other than their respective functional
The purpose of capital management is to maintain
the capital adequacy for Nu's operation through control and monitoring of the capital position, to evaluate the capital necessity according
to the risk taken and strategic aim of the organization and to establish a capital planning process in accordance with future requirements
of regulatory capital, based on the Group's growth projections, risk exposure, market movements and other relevant information. Also,
the capital management structure is responsible for identifying sources of capital, for writing and submitting the capital plan and capital
contingent plan for approval by the Executive Directors.
a) Composition of capital
i) Financial conglomerate
in Brazil
The regulatory capital used to monitor the
compliance of a financial conglomerate with the Basel operating limits imposed by the Brazilian Central Bank, is the sum of two items,
as follows:
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
| ● | Tier I Capital: the sum of Common Equity Tier I, which consists of paid in capital, capital, reserves
and retained earnings, less deductions, and prudential adjustments and the Additional Tier I, which consists of subordinated debt instruments
without a defined maturity that meet eligibility requirements. |
| ● | Tier II Capital: consists of subordinated debt instruments with defined maturity dates that meet eligibility
requirements. Together with the Common Equity Tier I it composes the Total Capital. |
The table below shows the calculation of
the capital ratios and their minimum requirement for the Financial Conglomerate, required by the current regulation in Brazil.
Financial Conglomerate |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Regulatory Capital |
1,615,103 |
1,091,675 |
Tier I |
1,394,793 |
905,782 |
Common Equity Capital |
1,232,284 |
769,640 |
Additional |
162,509 |
136,142 |
Tier II |
220,310 |
185,893 |
Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) |
8,005,724 |
5,106,361 |
Credit Risk (RWA CPAD) |
5,970,343 |
3,958,772 |
Market Risk (RWA MPAD) |
76,230 |
70,159 |
Operational Risk (RWA OPAD) |
1,959,151 |
1,077,430 |
Minimum Capital Required |
840,601 |
536,168 |
Excess margin |
774,502 |
555,507 |
Basel Ratio |
20.2% |
21.4% |
ii) Nu Pagamentos
The subsidiary permanently maintains its
shareholders' equity adjusted by the income accounts in an amount corresponding to, at least, the highest amount between i) 2% of the
monthly average of payment transactions carried out by the subsidiary in the last 12 (twelve) months; or ii) 2% of the balance of electronic
currency issued by the Nu Pagamentos, calculated daily.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
The table below shows the calculation of
the capital ratio for Nu Pagamentos, in accordance with current regulation in Brazil.
Nu Pagamentos |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Adjusted Equity (a) |
1,704,547 |
1,135,199 |
Max Amount (b) |
4,908,226 |
3,923,171 |
Monthly average of payment transactions |
4,908,226 |
3,923,171 |
Balance of electronic currencies |
967,017 |
1,492,236 |
Capital Ratio (a/b) |
34.7% |
28.9% |
iii) Nu Mexico Financiera
Nu Mexico Financiera’s capital management
aims to determine the capital needed for its growth and to plan additional sources of capital, to permanently maintain its Regulatory
Capital higher than the requirements defined by the CNBV.
As of June 30, 2023, its regulatory capital
was equivalent to US$468,029 (US$470,092 as of December 31, 2022), resulting in a Capital ratio of 42% (49% as of December 31, 2022),
with 10% being the minimum required for Category 4 SOFIPO.
In reviewing the operational performance
of the Group and allocating resources, the Chief Operating Decision Maker of the Group (“CODM”), who is the Group’s
Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), reviews the consolidated statement of profit (loss) and comprehensive income (loss).
The CODM considers the whole Group as a single
operating and reportable segment, monitoring operations, making decisions on fund allocation, and evaluating performance. The CODM reviews
relevant financial data on a combined basis for all subsidiaries.
The Group’s income, results, and assets
for this one reportable segment can be determined by reference to the consolidated statement of profit (loss) and other comprehensive
income (loss), as well as the consolidated statements of financial position.
a) Information about
products and services
The information about products and services
are disclosed in note 6.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
b) Information about
geographical area
The table below shows the revenue and non-current
assets per geographical area:
Revenue (a) |
Non-current assets (b) |
Three-month period ended |
Six-month period ended |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Brazil |
1,305,670 |
761,811 |
2,396,229 |
1,374,242 |
612,353 |
551,668 |
Mexico |
89,224 |
42,808 |
169,736 |
69,988 |
32,825 |
17,610 |
Colombia |
16,825 |
3,676 |
30,008 |
5,073 |
10,116 |
5,124 |
Cayman Islands |
- |
- |
- |
- |
41,599 |
43,994 |
Germany |
- |
- |
- |
- |
66 |
88 |
Argentina |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
46 |
United States |
242 |
312 |
811 |
795 |
6,552 |
7,495 |
Total |
1,411,961 |
808,607 |
2,596,784 |
1,450,098 |
703,511 |
626,025 |
(a) Includes interest income (credit card,
lending and other receivables), interchange fees, recharge fees, rewards revenue, late fees and other fees and commission income.
(b) Non-current assets are right-of-use assets,
property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and goodwill.
The Group had no single customer that represented
10% or more of the Group's revenues in the three and six-month periods ended June 30, 2023 and year ended December 31, 2022.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
US$ |
US$ |
Olivia's acquisition - share consideration |
- |
36,671 |
Shares issued to service providers (note 30a) |
21,533 |
- |
a) Accounting for crypto-assets
- Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 ("SAB 121")
March 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") released Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121, which addresses the
rights and obligations of the parties to a crypto asset safeguarding arrangement. SAB 121 explains that an issuer that has obligations
to safeguard digital assets held for their platform users should recognize those digital assets as an asset and a liability to return
them to the customers, both of which are measured at fair value.
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
In June
2022, the Group launched a platform, through its subsidiary Nu Crypto Ltda. ("Nu Crypto"), which allows clients to trade crypto
assets, in partnership with a specialized broker. The custody activity is performed by the broker, which holds the cryptographic key information,
and the Company's contractual arrangements state that its customers retain legal ownership of the crypto; have the right to sell or transfer
the crypto assets; and also benefit from the rewards and bear the risks associated with the ownership, including as a result of any crypto
price fluctuations. The Company maintains an internal recordkeeping of the crypto assets held for the customers.
Group concluded that its activities may create crypto-asset safeguarding obligations (as defined in SAB 121) to its customers as a result
of certain technological, legal and regulatory risks and, therefore, it should record a safeguarding liability and a corresponding asset
at the fair value of the crypto assets held by customers on the Group’s platform.
following table summarizes the balances relating to crypto assets held for customers. For the purpose of these unaudited interim condensed
consolidated financial statements, which were prepared specifically to meet CVM requirements, the asset and liability have not been recognized.
06/30/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
Fair value of the crypto assets held for customers |
33,568 |
18,313 |
| Nu Holdings Ltd. Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the three and six-month periods ended june 30, 2023 | |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Nu Holdings Ltd. |
By: |
/s/ Jorg
Friedemann |
Friedemann Investor
Relations Officer |
Date: August
11, 2023
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