RNS Number : 0758O

Beacon Energy PLC

29 September 2023

29 September 2023

Beacon Energy plc

("Beacon Energy" or the "Company")

Interim Results

Beacon Energy (AIM:BCE), the full-cycle oil and gas company with a portfolio of production, development, appraisal and exploration onshore German assets through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Rhein Petroleum GmbH ("Rhein Petroleum"), is pleased to announce its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2023.

Mark Rollins, Non-Executive Chairman of Beacon Energy, commented:

" During the period, the Board has worked tirelessly and has made excellent progress in delivering the Company's strategy which is to pursue the acquisition of value enhancing opportunities to develop and grow a self-funding upstream oil & gas company.

The data we have gathered during the drilling of the SCHB2(2.) well indicates the potential for substantial reserve and production upside for the Stockstadt Mitte segment - up to and potentially more than the High Case (5.8 mmbbls) outlined in the Company's December 2022 CPR which clearly bodes well for the long-term value we believe we can realise from the asset.

With the SCHB-2(2.) now safely and successfully completed, the Company's priority is establishing flowrates through clean-up of the wellbore, and eventual installation of an Electrical Submersible Pump.

Based on the technical data acquired through the drill which demonstrated the high quality reservoir encountered at the well location, the Company's technical analysis indicates that with a successful clean-up operation and implementation of artificial lift initiatives, the well has the potential to deliver in the region of 900 bopd net production to Beacon. At those flow rates, the Company would expect to deliver operating cash flows in excess of US$1.5 million per month (assuming $80/bbl Brent).

I would like to thank our new and existing shareholders for their ongoing support of the Company, management team and our strategy. We are very excited about the year ahead with an active work programme designed to create long-term value for Beacon's shareholders."


 Beacon Energy plc 
  L arry Bottomley (CEO) / Stewart MacDonald 
  (CFO)                                            +44 (0)20 7466 5000 
 Strand Hanson Limited (Financial and Nominated 
  Rory Murphy / James Bellman                      +44 (0)20 7409 3494 
 Buchanan (Public Relations) 
  Ben Romney / Barry Archer / George Pope          +44 (0)20 7466 5000 
 Tennyson Securities Limited (Joint Broker) 
  Peter Krens / Ed Haig-Thomas                     +44 (0)20 7186 9030 

Chairman's Statement

Dear fellow shareholders,

I am delighted to present the following statement in support of the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023.

During the period, the Board has worked tirelessly and has made excellent progress in delivering the Company's strategy which is to pursue the acquisition of value enhancing opportunities to develop and grow a self-funding upstream oil & gas company.

On 16 December 2022, the Company was pleased to announce that it had entered into a conditional Share Purchase Agreement with Tulip Oil Holding B.V. and Deutsche Rohstoff A.G. for the purchase of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Rhein Petroleum GmbH, (the "Transaction"), an established company with a full-cycle portfolio of largely operated production, development, appraisal and exploration assets located onshore Germany.

The Company successfully completed a fundraise of GBP6.0 million with new and existing shareholders in March 2023 despite challenging market conditions, providing capital to complete the Transaction. Critically, as the upfront consideration for the Transaction was paid in shares, the net funds raised for the acquisition process were to be deployed into the work programme and the Company was able to acquire the existing production facility, production, reserves and resources associated with Rhein Petroleum for zero upfront cash consideration. Following receipt of shareholder approval, the Company completed the Transaction on 11 April 2023. This represented a transformational, value enhancing transaction for shareholders, which was fully aligned with Beacon Energy's growth strategy and provides the Company with a strong platform, underpinned by core value, to deliver the longer-term growth strategy.

Immediately upon completion of the Transaction, the Company secured a drilling rig to drill the SCHB-2 development well on the Erfelden field. Drilling operations commenced on 19 June 2023. Notwithstanding operational issues encountered during drilling, the Schwarzbach-2(2.) ("SCHB-2(2.)") well reached total drill depth of 2,255m metres (1,717 metres True Vertical Depth) on 13 August 2023 with electric wireline well logging completed shortly thereafter.

On 11 September 2023, the Company announced an update on the SCHB-2(2.) well. The key updates in respect of the SCHB-2(2.) well were as follows:

-- The SCHB-2(2.) well encountered an excellent 34-metre gross interval containing 28 metres of oil-bearing net reservoirs in the Pechelbronner-Schichten ("PBS") sandstones within the Stockstadt Mitte segment of the Erfelden field.

-- These oil-bearing reservoirs were encountered approximately 25 metres high and 10 metres thicker than prognosis, with porosities averaging 18% in the Lower PBS and 21% in the Upper PBS, with no water-bearing sands in the 42m hydrocarbon column.

-- With all these metrics above or at the top of the range of pre-drill expectations, the likelihood is that this will result in a material upgrade to recoverable reserves in Stockstadt Mitte and a de-risking of 2.4 million barrels of contingent resources already ascribed to Schwarzbach South.

-- Based on these excellent reservoir properties and the light oil recovered, standard oil-industry analysis indicates that an initial production rate in excess of 900 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") could be achieved. Higher rates of production have been achieved on historic wells in the area.

-- Following perforation and acidization, reservoir clean-up operations commenced on 8 September 2023, and since that time the well has produced a mixture of oil, gas and drilling fluids.

-- Given delays in the programme, the drilling rig was released on 10 September 2023, with clean-up of the well to continue on site.

As a result of excellent drilling results and increased expectations around recoverable volumes and production, the Company successfully completed an oversubscribed fundraise of GBP4.3 million with new and existing shareholders on 15 September 2023. The additional funds will be utilised to satisfy outstanding costs associated with the well, fund further activities required to realise the full potential of the well and provide liquidity during the well clean-up process. As a result, the Company moves considerably closer to its goal of becoming a self-funding business.


With the SCHB-2(2.) now safely and successfully completed, the Company's priority is establishing flowrates through clean-up of the wellbore, and eventual installation of an Electrical Submersible Pump. Based on the technical data acquired through the drill which demonstrated the high quality reservoir encountered at the well location, the Company's technical analysis indicates that with a successful clean-up operation and implementation of artificial lift initiatives, the well has the potential to deliver in the region of 900 bopd net production to Beacon. At those flow rates, the Company would expect to deliver operating cash flows in excess of US$1.5 million per month (assuming $80/bbl Brent).

In parallel, work will commence immediately to quantify expected reserve and resources increases and existing development plans will be updated to reflect learnings from the SCHB-2(2.) well and increased resource base with the aim of accelerating drilling and maximising the value of this highly attractive asset.

It only remains for me to thank our new and existing shareholders for their ongoing support of the Company, management team and our strategy. We are very excited about the year ahead with an active work programme designed to create long-term value for Beacon's shareholders. We very much see the acquisition of Rhein Petroleum and the drilling of our first well as the first steps in our strategy to build a material international upstream oil and gas business with a focus on cash generative assets and those with the potential to add significant value in the short to medium term.

We look forward to providing updates on our progress as we move through the rest of the year.

Mark Rollins

Non-Executive Chairman

29 September 2023

Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                 Unaudited                           Unaudited 
                                                Six months                          Six months 
                                                     ended         Audited               ended 
                                                    30 Jun    Period ended              31 Oct 
                                                      2023     31 Dec 2022                2022 
                                       Notes         $'000           $'000               $'000 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Operating income                                      313               -                   - 
 Other income                                            2               -                   - 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total income                                          315               -                   - 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Crude oil purchase from partners                    (130)               -                   - 
 Operating expenses                                  (448)               -                   - 
 Operating loss                                      (263)               - 
   Other administrative expenses           4         (659)         (1,004)               (896) 
 Net loss before Finance Costs 
  and Taxation                                       (922)         (1,004)               (896) 
 Finance costs                                       (201)            (47)                (55) 
 Impairment of investment                  6       (2,941)               -                   - 
 Loss before tax                                   (4,064)         (1,051)               (951) 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Tax expense                                           324               -                   - 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Loss after tax attributable to 
  owners of the parent                             (3,740)         (1,051)               (951) 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total comprehensive loss for 
  the year attributable to owners 
  of the parent                                    (3,740)         (1,051)               (951) 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Basic and diluted loss per share 
  attributable to owners of the 
  parent during the year 
  (expressed in US cents per share)        7        (0.07)          (0.08)              (0.07) 
------------------------------------  ------  ------------  --------------  ------------------ 

The accompanying notes from an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                            Unaudited    Audited   Unaudited 
                                               30 Jun     31 Dec      31 Oct 
                                                 2023       2022        2022 
                                    Notes       $'000      $'000       $'000 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant & equipment                   11,569          -           - 
 Intangible assets                              1,597          -           - 
                                               13,166          -           - 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Other receivables                              1,844        564         408 
 Restricted cash                     8          2,075          -           - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      4,491        306         616 
                                                8,410        870       1,024 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                  21,576        870       1,024 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables            9        (2,070)      (411)       (493) 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Non-current liability                 10     (5,571)          -           - 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                            (7,641)      (411)       (493) 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                    13,935        459         531 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the company 
 Share premium                                 54,278     48,128      48,128 
 Share reserve                                  2,047      2,036       2,008 
 Merger reserve                                11,055          -           - 
 Accumulated deficit                         (53,445)   (49,705)    (49,605) 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total shareholder funds                       13,935        459         531 
-------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes from an integral part of these consolidated financial statements

Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                     Share   Share reserve   Merger Reserve   Accumulated     Total 
                                   premium                                        deficit    equity 
                                    $'000s           $'000            $'000        $'000s    $'000s 
 Balance at 1 May 2022              47,656           1,445                -      (48,654)       447 
 Loss for the period to 
  31 October 2022 (unaudited)            -               -                -         (951)     (951) 
------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                -               -                -         (951)     (951) 
 Transactions with equity 
  shareholders of the parent: 
 Share based payments                    -             563                -             -       563 
 Proceeds from shares issued           490               -                -             -       490 
 Cost of share issue                  (18)               -                -             -      (18) 
 Balance at 31 October 
  2022 (unaudited)                  48,128           2,008                -      (49,605)       531 
 Loss for the period to 
  31 December 2022 (audited)             -               -                -         (100)     (100) 
------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                -               -                -         (100)     (100) 
 Transactions with equity 
  shareholders of the parent: 
 Share based payments                    -              28                -             -        28 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2022 (audited)                    48,128           2,036                -      (49,705)       459 
------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Loss for the period to 
  30 June 2023 (unaudited)               -               -                -       (3,740)   (3,740) 
------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                -               -                -       (3,740)   (3,740) 
 Transactions with equity 
  shareholders of the parent: 
 Share based payments                    -              11                -             -        11 
 Proceeds from shares issued         7,496               -                -             -     7,496 
 Cost of share issue               (1,346)               -                -             -   (1,346) 
 Merger reserve                          -               -           11,055             -    11,055 
 Balance at 30 June 2023 
  (unaudited)                       54,278           2,047           11,055      (53,445)    13,935 
------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  -------- 

The accompanying notes from an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Interim Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                   Unaudited   Audited   Unaudited 
                                                      30 Jun    31 Dec      31 Oct 
                                                        2023      2022        2022 
                                           Notes       $'000     $'000       $'000 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities: 
 Loss before tax                                     (3,740)   (1,051)       (951) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Share-based payment                                      11       591         563 
 Impairment at acquisition                             2,941         -           - 
 Tax expense                                           (324)         -           - 
 Change in working capital items: 
 Movement in other receivables                       (1,280)     (475)       (319) 
 Movement in trade and other payables                  1,659       107         189 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in operations                           (733)     (828)       (518) 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Investment in subsidiary - cash 
  balances acquired                            8       2,196         -           - 
 Purchase of property, plant & 
  equipment                                          (1,031)         -           - 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                                           1,165         -           - 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of share 
  capital                                              7,496       490         490 
 Share issue costs                                   (1,346)      (18)        (18) 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                           6,150       472         472 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                 6,582     (356)        (46) 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Effect of exchange rate changes                       (322)         -           - 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                                    306       662         662 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                                        6,566       306         616 
---------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes from an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

   1          Reporting entity 

Beacon Energy plc (the "Company") is domiciled in the Isle of Man. The Company's registered office is at 55 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1LA. These consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group"). The Group is primarily involved in the E&P business.

Events during the period

On 11 April 2023, the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of Rhein Petroleum GmbH, an upstream oil and gas business operating in Germany. The Company's shares were re-admitted to trading on AIM on 11 April 2023.

   2          Basis of accounting 

These interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". These interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2022, which were prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the United Kingdom. However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Group's financial position and performance since the last annual financial statements.

In preparing these interim financial statements, management has made judgements and estimates that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those disclosed in the Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.

The interim conciliated financial statements are presented in US Dollars unless otherwise indicated.

There are no IFRSs or IFRIC interpretations that are effective for the first time for the financial period beginning on or after 1 May 2022 that would be expected to have a material impact on the Group.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the period ended 31 December 2022 are available upon request from the Company's registered office at 55 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man or the Company's website www.beaconenergyplc.com

These interim consolidated financial statements have been approved and authorised for issue by the Company's Board of directors on 29 September 2023.

   3         Going concern 

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The Group monitors its cash position, cash forecasts and liquidity on a regular basis and takes a conservative approach to cash management.

On 11 April 2023, the Group completed the acquisition of Rhein Petroleum GmbH. Drilling operations for the SCHB-2 well commenced on 19 June 2023. The well encountered a material oil accumulation with excellent reservoir properties however, due to significant operational issues during drilling, delays and additional costs were experienced and as a result the rig had to be released in mid-September, prior to completion of the clean-up of the well. Installation of the rod pump is expected to be undertaken during October 2023. In the interim period reservoir clean-up will continue into the wellbore.

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

As a result of excellent drilling results and increased expectations around recoverable volumes and production, the Company successfully completed an oversubscribed fundraise of GBP4.3 million with new and existing shareholders on 15 September 2023.

As at 28 September 2023, the Group had cash resources excluding 'restricted cash' of approximately US$6.5 million.

Management's base case is that the SCHB-2 well will continue to clean-up and by the end of November 2023 production flow rates from the well will be consistent with, or exceed, the "best estimate" outlined in the Competent Persons Report ("CPR") published in December 2022.

Management have also considered a number of downside scenarios, including scenarios where the well clean-up is more protracted, the production flow rate from the well is materially below the "best estimate" outlined in the CPR, or additional activities (and expenditure) are required in order to increase flow rates.

Under the base case forecast, the Group will have sufficient financial headroom to meet forecast cash requirements for the 12 months from the date of approval of these consolidated financial statements.

However, in the downside scenarios, in the absence of any mitigating actions, the Group may have insufficient funds to meet its forecast cash requirements. Potential mitigants include deferral and/or reduction of expenditure and raising additional equity or debt funding.

Accordingly, after making enquiries and considering the risks described above, the Directors have assessed that the cash balance and forecast cash flows provide the Group with adequate headroom for the following 12 months. As a result, the Directors are of the opinion that the Group is able to operate as a going concern for at least the next twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements.

Nonetheless, these conditions indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would be required if the Group were unable to continue as a going concern.

   4               Expenses 

Administration fees and expenses consist of the following:

                                               Unaudited          Audited       Unaudited 
                                              Six months                       Six months 
                                                   ended     Period ended           ended 
                                             30 Jun 2023      31 Dec 2022     31 Oct 2022 
                                                   $'000            $'000           $'000 
                                          --------------  ---------------  -------------- 
  Corporate overheads: 
     *    Directors' fees                            394              393             292 
     *    Professional fees                          170              103             129 
     *    Audit fees                                  22               20               2 
     *    Administration costs                        73               63              48 
     *    Share based payments-warrants                -              425             425 
     *    Employee costs                               -                -               - 
  Total expenses                                     659            1,004             896 
                                          --------------  ---------------  -------------- 

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

   5               Directors' remuneration 

The remuneration of those in office during the period ended 30 June 2023 was as follows:

                                      Unaudited                         Unaudited 
                                     Six months           Audited      Six months 
                                          ended                             ended 
                                    30 Jun 2023      Period ended     31 Oct 2022 
                                          $'000       31 Dec 2022           $'000 
                                  -------------  ----------------  -------------- 
  Salaries paid in cash                     171               117              88 
  Salary deferrals                           96               110              66 
  Accrued entitlement to shares 
   and warrants                              98               166             138 
  Directors' pension                         13                 -               - 
  Directors' health insurance                16                 -               - 
                                            394               393             292 
                                  -------------  ----------------  -------------- 

It should be noted that (a) the Directors (other than Ross Warner) have agreed to receive Director Fee Shares in lieu of a proportion of their proposed fees for the 24 month period following Admission, calculated on the basis of the Fundraise Price; and (b) Ross Warner has agreed for the 24 month period following from Admission to waive one third of the fees due to him under his NED appointment letter. Larry Bottomley and Mark Rollins have agreed to take 55 percent. and 50 percent., respectively, of their proposed fees as Director Fee shares, and Stewart MacDonald, Leo Koot and Stephen Whyte have agreed to take 33 percent. of their proposed fees as Director Fee Shares.

Share options and warrants with a value of $98,000 were issued to employees accrued during the 6- month period to 30 June 2023. In the period ended 31 December 2022, the warrants issued to employees and advisors accrued with a value of $166,000.

   6               Business Combination 

On 11 April 2023, the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of Rhein Petroleum GmbH, an upstream oil and gas business operating in Germany. This transaction can be best described as a business combination under IFRS3.

The reverse takeover transaction consisted of equity consideration of 3,488,549,633 ordinary shares and an associated consideration of 1,186,953,301 warrants at a price of 0.11 pence which is the fair value per share. On the basis that the net assets acquired exceeded the consideration paid, negative goodwill arose. This negative goodwill has been written off through the profit and loss. Details of the purchase consideration and the net assets acquired are as follows:

 Consideration transferred at Fair value             5,143 
 Less: Net identifiable assets at acquisition     (11,050) 
 Goodwill at acquisition                           (5,907) 
 Less: Adjustments of loan balance acquired       (27,463) 
 Add: Deferred Tax assets on acquisition            30,409 
 Goodwill at reporting date                        (2,961) 

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

   7               Earnings per share 

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

                                              Unaudited        Audited      Unaudited 
                                            Outstanding    Outstanding    Outstanding 
                                              at 30 Jun      at 31 Dec      at 31 Oct 
                                                   2023           2022           2022 
  Loss attributable to owners 
   of the Group 
   (USD thousands)                              (3,740)        (1,051)          (951) 
  Weighted average number of 
   ordinary shares in issue (thousands)       5,496,704      1,350,063      1,291,201 
  Loss per share (US cents)                      (0.07)         (0.08)         (0.07) 

In accordance with International Accounting Standard 33 'Earnings per share', no diluted earnings per share is presented as the Group is loss making.

   8               Restricted cash 

At reporting date, the Group had US$2,075,000 restricted cash, which is backing guarantees to the mining authority related to future decommissioning. This amount forms part of the US$2,196,000 cash balances acquired shown within the cash flow statement.

   9               Trade and other payables 

Trade and other payables are obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business if longer). If not, they are presented as non-current liabilities. Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value, and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The increase in trade payables reflects increased spend related to the SCHB-2(2) well.

                                   Unaudited        Audited      Unaudited 
                                 Outstanding    Outstanding    Outstanding 
                                   at 30 Jun      at 31 Dec      at 31 Oct 
                                        2023           2022           2022 
                                     US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
 Trade payables                        1,793            230            151 
 Accruals and other payables             277            181            342 
                               -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                       2,070            411            493 
                               -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

   10             Non-current liabilities 

The non-current liabilities consist of a loan with Tulip Oil Holding B.V and provisions in relation to future abandonment and decommissioning costs.

                                     Unaudited        Audited      Unaudited 
                                   Outstanding    Outstanding    Outstanding 
                                     at 30 Jun      at 31 Dec      at 31 Oct 
                                          2023           2022           2022 
                                       US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
 Tulip Oil Holding loan payable          3,433              -              - 
 Provision for decommissioning           2,097              -              - 
 Other non-current liabilities              41              -              - 
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                         5,571              -              - 
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   11               Shares in issue 

The number of shares in issue at the beginning of the period was 1,527,613,961. The number of options and warrants on issue at the start of the period was 618,259,511. On 11 April 2023 there was an issue of 5,491,516,026 ordinary shares for GBP0.011 to raise GBP6.0 million. A further 3,488,549,633 shares were issued as consideration shares. The number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period is 10,507,679,620. The number of options and warrants increased to 2,709,564,441.

Options and warrants in issue:

                                                     Outstanding   Issued/(Expired)     Outstanding 
                                                  at 31 December         during the      at 30 June 
                                                            2022             period            2023 
                                                ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
     *    Issued Pre 1/2/2020                            450,000                  -         450,000 
     *    Issued 1/2/2020                             13,750,000                  -      13,750,000 
     *    Issued 8/7/2020                              2,500,000                  -       2,500,000 
     *    Issued 19/4/2021                            83,710,000                  -      83,710,000 
     *    Cancelled options FY 2022                 (66,600,000)                  -    (66,600,000) 
     *    Issued during FY 2022                       30,000,000                  -      30,000,000 
     *    iIssued during FY 2023                               -        770,542,318     770,542,318 
                                                      63,810,000        770,542,318     834,352,318 
                                                ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
     *    Issued 10/12/2020                               54,545                  -          54,545 
     *    Issued during 19/04/2021 - employee          3,851,159                  -       3,851,159 
     *    Issued during 19/04/2021 - adviser          45,553,120                  -      45,553,120 
     *    Issued warrants 26/07/2022                 500,000,000                  -     500,000,000 
     *    Issued warrants 11/04/2023                           -      1,325,753,299   1,325,753,299 
                                                     549,458,824      1,325,753,299   1,875,212,123 
                                                ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
  Total options and warrants                         613,268,824      1,325,753,299   2,709,564,441 
                                                ----------------  -----------------  -------------- 

Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

   12             Commitments and contingencies 

There were no capital commitments authorised by the Directors or contracted other than those provided for in these financial statements as at 30 June 2023 (31 December 2022: None).

   13             Subsequent events 

On 15 September 2023, the Company announced that it had issued 2,867,000,000 new ordinary shares by way of placing and a Primary Bid Offer at a fundraise price of 0.15 pence to raise GBP4.3 million (the "Fundraise"). The net proceeds of the Fundraise together with the Company's existing cash resources will be used for general working capital prior to receipt of proceeds from the sale of commercial production from SCHB-2(2.). Following admission, the Company now has 13,374,679,620 ordinary shares in issue.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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