Bouygues: 2024 Full-Year Results
Paris, 06/03/25
- Very
robust Group results for 2024 and guidance achieved: Group
sales of €56.8bn, up 1% year-on-year and Group current operating
profit from activities of €2,535m, up €124m year-on-year
- Very
successful execution of Equans’ strategic plan: margin
from activities of 3.5%, +0.6 points year-on-year, cash conversion
rate (COPA-to-cash flow) before WCR1 of 98% and net cash
position exceeding €1.5bn
- Backlog
in the construction businesses at a record €32.2bn,
providing visibility on future activity
- Group
free cash flow before WCR2
of €1,268m, up 8% year-on-year
Year-on-year improvement in Group net debt at
end-December 2024, including net acquisitions of over €1.1bn
during the year
- All six
business segments SBTi-certified
- Dividend
of €2.00 per share in respect of
20243, up 5.3% versus
The Board of Directors, chaired by Martin
Bouygues, met on 5 March 2025 to close off the full-year 2024
financial statements.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Sales |
56,752 |
56,017 |
+1% |
a |
Current operating profit/(loss) from
activities |
2,535 |
2,411 |
+124 |
Margin from activities |
4.5% |
4.3% |
+0.2 pts |
Current operating profit/(loss) ᵇ |
2,438 |
2,308 |
+130 |
Operating profit/(loss) ᶜ |
2,242 |
2,113 |
+129 |
Financial result |
(392) |
(424) |
+32 |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group |
1,058 |
1,040 |
+18 |
Net surplus cash (+)/net debt (-) |
(6,066) |
(6,251) |
+185 |
(a) Up 1% like-for-like and at constant exchange
(b) Includes PPA amortisation of €97m in 2024 and €103m in
(c) Includes net non-current charges of €196m in 2024 and of €195m
in 2023.
Full-year sales were €56.8 billion, up 1%
versus 2023, driven mainly by Bouygues Construction and Equans.
Like-for-like and at constant exchange rates, sales also increased
1% year-on-year.
Current operating profit from activities (COPA)
was €2,535 million, up €124 million year-on-year, driven
mainly by Equans, where COPA increased €135 million
year-on-year, and to a lesser extent by Bouygues Construction,
where COPA increased €45 million in the period. In a still
challenging market environment, COPA declined €79 million
year-on-year at Bouygues Immobilier, resulting in a current
operating loss from activities of €51 million in the period,
impacted in particular by a sharp decline in its business activity
and provisions booked on operations.
- Net profit attributable to
the Group was €1,058 million, up €18 million
year-on-year. In particular, this comprises:
- amortisation and impairment of
intangible assets recognised in acquisitions (PPA) of
€97 million (of which €54 million at Bouygues SA
related to the acquisition of Equans);
- net non-current charges4
of €196 million, which do not reflect the operational
performance of the business segments. This mainly includes the
Management Incentive Plan at Equans, which was applied to the whole
of 2024 whereas it was only applied to a part of 2023, the impact
on Bouygues Construction’s activities of a regulatory change in the
UK, and the cost of adaptation measures at Bouygues Immobilier. At
the end of the year, Bouygues Telecom booked non-current
income notably related to the sale of data centres and mobile
- financial result of -€392 million,
compared with -€424 million in 2023. This improvement was
notably due to the combined effect of a higher level of net cash
and the return on net cash, given that debt is at fixed rates;
- income tax expense of
€617 million, versus €547 million in 2023;
- share of net profits of joint
ventures amounting to an €11 million loss versus a
€59 million profit in 2023. This change notably results from
losses at certain Bouygues Telecom joint ventures that are
still in investment phase, and a lower contribution from Tipco
Asphalt, a Colas joint venture in Thailand.
- Net debt was
€6.1 billion at end-December 2024, an improvement of
€185 million versus 31 December 2023, including net
acquisitions of more than €1.1 billion over the full year,
especially the acquisition of La Poste Telecom finalised in
November. Net gearing5 was 42% at end-December 2024
(versus 44% at end-December 2023).
The Board of Directors will ask the Annual
General Meeting on 29 April 2025 to approve a 2024 dividend of
€2.00 per share, up 5.3% relative to the 2023 financial year. The
ex-date and payment date have been set at 5 and 7 May 2025
Outlook for the Group
In an uncertain global environment, the Group’s
six business segments will continue to prove their ability to keep
pace with developments in their respective markets. They will
pursue their efforts to improve profitability. As a result, the
Bouygues group is targeting for 2025 a slight increase in sales and
current operating profit from activities (COPA) versus 2024.
The effects of the Finance law and the Social
security financing law for 2025 on net profit attributable to the
Group are estimated to date at around €100 million.
Outlook for Equans
In 2025, Equans will continue to roll out its
strategic Plan. It is targeting:
- Continued organic sales
- A margin from activities close to
- A cash conversion rate
(COPA-to-cash flow6) before working capital requirement
(WCR) of between 80% and 100%.
As a reminder, Equans aims to gradually catch up
with the organic growth of sector peers and to achieve a margin
from activities (COPA margin) of 5% in 2027.
Outlook for Bouygues
For 2025, Bouygues Telecom is targeting:
- A slight increase in sales billed
to customers versus 2024 (like-for-like, excluding La Poste
Telecom), to which is added the contribution from La Poste
- Broadly stable EBITDA after Leases
compared to 2024. In 2025, Bouygues Telecom will no longer benefit
from the very favourable low hedged energy prices arranged in 2020
and 2021. La Poste Telecom’s contribution to EBITDA after Leases
will be limited in 2025, with the full effect expected from 2028
- Gross capital expenditure of around
€1.5 billion (excluding frequencies), including expenditure related
to the preparation for the migration of La Poste Telecom Mobile
customers ;
- Bouygues Telecom will not exercise
its call option in 2025 which would give it a 51% stake in the
SDAIF joint venture8.
As a reminder, Bouygues Telecom is targeting for
20269, excluding La Poste Telecom and excluding any
possible continuation in 2026 of the changes made to taxation first
applied in the 2025 Finance Law:
- Modest growth in sales from
services and EBITDA after Leases versus 2023;
- Gross capital expenditure of around
€1.25bn (excluding frequencies);
- FCF before WCR of around
€600 million10.
The effects of the consolidation and growth of
La Poste Telecom are estimated at this stage to be
- La Poste Telecom’s contribution to
EBITDA after Leases at Bouygues Telecom will be limited in 2025
before reaching a low point close to zero in 2026 and recovering
gradually in 2027, with the full effect of around €140m expected
from 2028.
- In 2026, Bouygues Telecom’s FCF
before WCR11 will be reduced by:
- operating capex assigned to ensure
the successful migration of La Poste Telecom’s customers to its
network (estimated at around €35 million);
- interest expense net of tax
associated with the acquisition of La Poste Telecom (estimated at
around €35 million).
- La Poste Telecom’s contribution to
Bouygues Telecom’s free cash flow before WCR1 will be
gradual: neutral in 2027, it will produce its full effects from
2028 once around 90% of its mobile customers have migrated to
Bouygues Telecom's network.
Outlook for the TF1 group
In an advertising market with limited
visibility, the TF1 group's outlook for 2025 is the following:
- Strong double-digit revenue growth
in digital,
- Broadly stable margin from
activities compared with 2024,
- Aiming for a growing dividend
policy in the coming years
In line with TF1’s distribution policy disclosed
to the market in February 2024, the Board of Directors will propose
to TF1’s Annual General Meeting on 17 April 2025, a dividend of
€0.60 per share, up 9% relative to 2023.
At end-December 2024, the backlog in the
construction businesses (Colas, Bouygues
Construction and Bouygues Immobilier) was a record
€32.2 billion, up 13% year-on-year (up 15% at constant
exchange rates and excluding principal disposals and acquisitions),
and provides visibility on future activity. The backlog for France
and the international backlog both increased year-on-year, by 9%
and 16% respectively, mainly thanks to Bouygues Construction.
The share of the international backlog rose to represent around 68%
of the construction businesses backlog, up from around 63% in
The backlog at Colas totalled €13.1 billion,
rising by €0.7 billion or 6% year-on-year (up 9% at constant
exchanges rates and excluding principal disposals and acquisitions,
notably reflecting the disposal of Colas Rail Italy in the third
quarter whose backlog was around €0.3 billion). The Roads
backlog rose 2% year-on-year, improving by 8% in France and
decreasing by 1% internationally. The Rail backlog was up 14%
year-on-year. Colas recorded an order intake of €13.4 billion
over full-year 2024. The order intake for Roads increased in France
and internationally year-on-year, with notably an acceleration
during the fourth quarter in the US and, to a lesser extent, in
Canada. The Rail order intake was down year-on-year but this is not
representative of business owing to the unfavourable comparison
basis. In the fourth quarter 2024, the Rail intake benefited from
the booking of two major contracts, one to renovate Line 1 of the
Cairo metro in Egypt (worth around €310 million) and the other
to design and install overhead catenary systems for the HS2
high-speed rail line in the UK (worth around
€240 million).
Bouygues Construction’s backlog
stood at €18.2 billion at end-December 2024, up
€3.2 billion or 21% year-on-year (up 20% at constant exchange
rates and excluding principal disposals and acquisitions). This was
driven by its three segments. The backlog rose 42% year-on-year at
Civil Works, 6% year-on-year at International Building and 3%
year-on-year at France Building. Over full-year 2024, Bouygues
Construction’s order intake was €13.3 billion, backed by good
momentum from the normal course of business (contracts of less than
€100 million), representing 49% of total order intake over the
period, with major project awards representing the other 51%. In
the fourth quarter, Bouygues Construction won contracts to build
the northern tunnels on the SRL metro in Melbourne, Australia
(worth around €340 million) and the Bern campus in Switzerland
(worth around €310 million). The order book to be executed in
2025 stood at end-December 2024 at around €9 billion, a level
higher than the previous year.
Bouygues Immobilier continues to face a
challenging market environment. In France, Residential unit
property reservations improved year-on-year. Commercial property
activity remains at a standstill. The backlog was around
€0.9 billion, down €0.1bn or -6% versus end-December 2023.
The construction businesses reported sales of
€27.5 billion in full-year 2024, up 1% year-on-year, driven by
Bouygues Construction. Sales at Colas were slightly lower
year-on-year on a reported basis but stable like-for-like and at
constant exchange rates. Business was driven by Rail (up 6%
year-on-year), helped by the rapid growth of low-carbon alternative
transport infrastructure. Year-on-year, Roads sales were down 1%,
rising 2% in France but declining 3% internationally. Bouygues
Construction’s sales rose 6% year-on-year and 5% like-for-like and
at constant exchange rates. Sales rose slightly for Civil Works (up
2% year-on-year). Sales for International Building increased very
strongly (up 16% year-on-year) while rising slightly for France
Building (up 2% year-on-year). Bouygues Immobilier’s sales declined
17%12 versus 2023, reflecting the challenging market
environment. Sales from Residential property were down 14%
year-on-year and sales from Commercial property were close to
COPA in the construction businesses was
€827 million in 2024, a decline of €24 million
year-on-year, which was fully attributable to Bouygues Immobilier.
COPA margin in the construction businesses decreased slightly (by
0.1 point) over the period to 3.0%.
At Colas, COPA was €552 million, rising €10 million
year-on-year. Its margin from activities was 3.5%, up
0.1 point year-on-year, this despite a material capital gain
booked in the third quarter of 2023 in connection with a land sale
in the US. Bouygues Construction’s COPA increased €45 million
to €326 million at end-December 2024 and its margin from
activities was 3.2%, improving by 0.3 points year-on-year; an
increase notably due to the good progress achieved with the
strategic plan launched 2 years ago.
Bouygues Immobilier reported a current operating loss from
activities of €51 million versus a €28 million profit in
2023. This was due to a sharp fall in business, the adaptation of
its cost structure, customer discounts and provisions booked on
Equans’ backlog was €25.4 billion, which was 3%
higher than at end-December 2023. Equans continues pursuing its
selective approach to contracts strategy and is gradually exiting
the new-build business in the UK (building of new homes, notably
social housing) due to unfavourable market conditions. Equans
posted an order intake of €18.4 billion in 2024, up both in
France and outside France. Throughout the year, momentum remained
strong in installation of solar farms, data centres, hospitals,
high-tech plants. Recurring maintenance contracts and contracts in
the normal course of business performed well. The underlying margin
of the order intake continued improving steadily.
Equans posted a 2% year-on-year increase in sales to €19.2 billion
in 2024, lifted by overall solid momentum in France and abroad.
This was despite the divestment of activities in late 2023 and the
gradual exit from the new-build business in the UK. Sales increased
3% like-for-like and at constant exchange rates.
Current operating profit from activities at Equans was €680
million, up €135 million year-on-year. The margin from
activities was therefore 3.5%, up 0.6 points versus 2023,
reflecting the rigorous execution of the Perform plan in all of
Equans’ operating units. The net cash surplus improved sharply over
the period to €1,517 million versus €981 million at
end-2023, notably driven by strong cash flow from operations.
Bouygues Telecom saw a solid business
performance in Fixed, in terms of both volumes and value. At
end-December 2024, FTTH customers totalled 4.2 million
after 615,000 new customers were added in 2024, of which 207,000 in
the fourth quarter. The Fixed customer base was 5.2 million,
equating to an additional 263,000 versus end-December 2023, of
which 111,000 new adds in the fourth quarter. The share of Fixed
customers subscribing to a FTTH line continued to increase,
reaching 81% versus 73% one year earlier. Bouygues Telecom
continued extending its geographical reach across France. To date,
38 million FTTH premises have been marketed. Bouygues Telecom is
targeting around 40 million by the end of 2026. In the fourth
quarter of 2024, Fixed ABPU increased by €2.0 year-on-year to €33.4
per customer per month.
Bouygues Telecom reported a robust commercial
performance for Mobile in a mature market. Mobile plan customers
excluding MtoM totalled 18.3 million, marking the addition of
2.8 million customers compared with end-December 2023.
This is thanks to the gain of 339,000 new customers over the year
excluding La Poste Telecom (of which 93,000 in the fourth
quarter) and the 2.4 million La Poste Telecom customers.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Mobile ABPU excluding La Poste
Telecom decreased €0.6 year-on-year to
€19.1 per customer per month, in a still competitive market, with
low prices for new customers. Mobile ABPU at La Poste Telecom is
€11 per customer per month.
Sales billed to customers reached €6.2 billion, up 5% versus
2023. Sales from services rose 4% year-on-year. In total, Bouygues
Telecom’s sales were up 1% year-on-year, impacted by the decline in
Other sales (down 9% year-on-year), which mainly consist of
Handset, Accessories and Built-to-suit sales.
EBITDA after Leases came to €2,037 million in
2024, rising by €68 million year-on-year. This was driven by
growth in sales billed to customers combined with continued efforts
to control costs. EBITDA after Leases margin was 32.7%, slightly
lower year-on-year, owing to slight dilution from the acquisition
of La Poste Telecom and higher operating expenses related
to the customer acquisition drive in Fixed.
Current operating profit from activities at Bouygues Telecom was
€795 million, stable year-on-year. The increase in EBITDA
after Leases was offset by the increase in depreciation and
amortisation in line with the gross capex trajectory. Operating
profit was €810 million, and includes net-non-current income of
€41 million notably related to the sale of data centres and
mobile sites.
Gross capital expenditure excluding frequencies amounted to
€1,541 million at end-December 2024, in line with full-year
outlook. Including frequencies, gross capital expenditure amounted
to €1,723 million.
The consolidation of La Poste Telecom into
Bouygues Telecom will be carried out gradually between 2025 and
2027. This will involve, in particular, the launch of a Fixed offer
in the fourth quarter of 2025, and the migration of La Poste
Telecom customers to Bouygues Telecom’s network. Synergies will
also be generated over the period on purchasing, IT licences,
insurance and communication.
TF1 group’s audience ratings remained at a high
level in 2024, with an audience share of 33.5% in the
WPDM 5013 category and of 30.5% among individuals
aged 25-49.
TF1 group reported sales of €2.4 billion in 2024, representing
a 3% increase year-on-year (up 1% like-for-like and at constant
exchange rates):
- Media sales rose by 2%
year-on-year, with advertising revenues up 2% year-on-year, driven
notably by digital, namely the performance of TF1+, where
advertising revenues increased 39% year-on-year, confirming the
platform’s appeal to advertisers. In linear TV, advertising revenue
was stable year-on-year despite unprecedented competition, given
that France Télévisions broadcast the Olympic Games.
- Sales at Newen Studio were €345
million, up 5% relative to 2023. Johnson Production Group (JPG), a
TV film production and distribution company acquired in late July,
added €24 million to sales over five months. Newen’s business was
marked in the fourth quarter by the delivery of flagship shows such
as the second seasons of Marie-Antoinette and Memento
Current operating profit from activities at TF1
was €297 million, up marginally year-on-year, which includes a
€26 million year-on-year increase in cost of programmes and
specific expenditure related to the launch of TF1+ earlier in the
year and a ramp-up of investments on the platform towards the end
of the year, despite a less supportive linear advertising market,
thanks to the divestment of the Ushuaïa brand in the third quarter
of 2024. The margin from activities was 12.6%, an increase of
0.1 points year-on-year, in a year of major transformation at
the TF1 group.
At €15.8 billion, the Group maintained a
very high level of liquidity, which comprised €4.8 billion in
cash and equivalents, supplemented by €11.0 billion in undrawn
medium- and long-term credit facilities.
Net debt at end-December 2024 was
€6.1 billion, versus €6.3 billion at end-December 2023. The
change between end-December 2023 and end-December 2024 reflected
- acquisitions and disposals for
-€1,148 million;
- payment of dividends for -€816
million; and
- net cash from operating activities
and other, which generated €2.2 billion.
During 2024, the change in working capital
requirements (WCR) related to operating activities and other was
€942 million, of which €3 billion in the fourth
Net gearing14 was 42%, an improvement
versus end-December 2023 (44%).
At end-December 2024, the average maturity of
the Group’s bonds was 7.5 years, and the average coupon was
3.01% (average effective interest rate of 2.25%). The debt maturity
schedule is well spread over time, and the next bond redemption
will be in October 2026.
The long-term credit ratings assigned to the
Group by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are: A3, stable outlook,
and A-, negative outlook, respectively.
After Bouygues Telecom in 2022, and Bouygues
Construction, Bouygues Immobilier and TF1 in 2023, Equans’
decarbonisation targets for reducing GHG emissions were endorsed by
the SBTi in 2024.
By 2030, Equans is aiming to:
- Reduce GHG emissions in scopes 1
and 2 by 42% (in absolute terms, excluding energy production
- Reduce GHG emissions from heating
and electricity production activities for customers in scopes 1 and
2 by 68% (in relative terms)
- Reduce GHG emissions by 52% in
scope 3 (in relative terms)
These targets are consistent with the Paris
Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
Colas’ previous targets were endorsed by SBTi in
2021 based on keeping global warming “well below 2°C”. In 2024,
Colas secured approval of its decarbonisation targets aligned with
the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
By 2030, Colas is aiming to:
- Reduce GHG emissions in scopes 1
and 2 by 46.5% (in absolute terms)
- Reduce GHG emissions in upstream
scope 3 by 30% (in absolute terms)
Measured on a constant consolidation scope
basis, the 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent decrease
in the Group’s GHG emissions in 2024 relative to 2023 reflects
continued efforts by the six business segments to reduce their
carbon footprint. The trend in the Group’s GHG emissions may vary
over time, depending on the scopes analysed, the methodologies used
to calculate GHG emissions, the type and geographical mix of the
Group's activities as well as their rate of growth.
At its meeting of 5 March 2025, the Board of
Directors approved the draft resolutions that will be submitted for
approval to the Annual General Meeting on 29 April 2025 with the
purpose of:
- renewing the terms of office of
Olivier Bouygues and SCDM as directors;
- renewing the terms of office for
Félicie Burelle and Clara Gaymard as independent directors;
- appointing Charlotte Bouygues as a
director, replacing SDCM Participations, whose term of office has
not been recommended for renewal;
- appointing Nathalie Bellon-Szabo as
an independent director, replacing Rose-Marie Van Lerberghe, whose
term of office will expire at the end of the AGM.
Nathalie Bellon-Szabo’s main occupation is CEO of
Sodexo Live! and is also a member of the Sodexo group’s executive
committee. She was chosen by the Governance, Selection and
Remuneration Committee following a selection process. As well as
meeting all the requirements of an independent director, Nathalie
Bellon-Szabo has acquired valuable experience as a senior executive
in a multinational. She is recognised as an expert in finance,
innovation and digital, as well as in sustainability and CSR, and
this will be invaluable to the Board in view of the Group’s
priorities and the challenges that lie ahead.
The Board of Directors will furthermore
- renewing the term of office for
Raphaëlle Deflesselle as a director representing employee
shareholders, and
- appointing Sylvie Bruneau as a
director representing employee shareholders, replacing Michèle
These two candidates were put forward by the
Group’s employee share ownership funds (FCPE) following elections
to their respective supervisory boards in January 2025.
Each appointment will be for three years,
expiring at the end of the AGM called to approve the financial
statements for 2027.
Assuming these resolutions are approved at the
AGM on 29 April 2025, the Board would remain at 14 directors, of
which three new female directors, one of whom is independent and
one of whom represents employee shareholders. The proportion of
independent directors would be unchanged at 50%, and female
representation would be 50% (excluding directors representing
29 April 2025: Annual General Meeting (3.30pm
7 May 2025: Dividend payment, subject to approval by the Annual
General Meeting
14 May 2025: First-quarter results (7.30am CET)
31 July 2025: First-half results (7.30am CET)
5 November 2025: Nine-month results (7.30am CET)
The financial statements have been audited and the
statutory auditors have
issued a report certifying them without reserve.
You can find the full financial statements and
notes to the financial statements on
The results presentation for analysts will start at 11.00am (CET)
on 6 March 2025.
Details on how to connect are available on
The results presentation will be available before
the webcast starts on
Bouygues is a diversified services group operating in over 80
countries with 200,200 employees all working to make life better
every day. Its business activities in construction
(Colas, Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Immobilier);
energies & services (Equans);
telecoms (Bouygues Telecom) and
media (TF1) are able to drive growth since they
all satisfy constantly changing and essential needs.
CONTACT: • Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 20 11 01
PRESS CONTACT: • Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 20 12 01
BOUYGUES SA • 32 avenue Hoche •
75378 Paris Cedex 08 •
(€ million) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Colas |
13,124 |
12,428 |
+6% |
a |
Bouygues Construction |
18,185 |
15,007 |
+21% |
b |
Bouygues Immobilier |
923 |
985 |
-6% |
c |
Total |
32,232 |
28,420 |
+13% |
d |
(a) Up 9% at constant exchange rates and
excluding principal disposals and acquisitions.
(b) Up 20% at constant exchange rates and
excluding principal disposals and acquisitions.
(c) Down 6% at constant exchange rates and
excluding principal disposals and acquisitions.
(d) Up 15% at constant exchange rates and
excluding principal disposals and acquisitions.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Mainland France |
3,674 |
3,322 |
+11% |
International and French overseas territories |
9,450 |
9,106 |
+4% |
Total |
13,124 |
12,428 |
+6% |
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
France |
4,451 |
4,052 |
+10% |
International |
8,826 |
6,556 |
+35% |
Total |
13,277 |
10,608 |
+25% |
(€ million) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Residential property |
1,402 |
1,207 |
+16% |
Commercial property |
19 |
86 |
-78% |
Total |
1,421 |
1,293 |
10% |
(€ million) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Total |
25,446 |
24,777 |
+3% |
(‘000) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Mobile customer base excl. MtoM |
18,433 |
15,733 |
+2,700 |
Mobile plan base excl. MtoM |
18,276 |
15,510 |
+2,766 |
Total mobile customers |
26,810 |
23,451 |
+3,359 |
FTTH customers |
4,182 |
3,567 |
+615 |
Total fixed customers |
5,165 |
4,902 |
+263 |
(%) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Total |
33.5% |
34.0% |
-0.5 pts |
(a) Source Médiamétrie – Women under 50 who are
purchasing decision-makers.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Sales |
56,752 |
56,017 |
+1% |
a |
Current operating profit/(loss) from
activities |
2,535 |
2,411 |
+124 |
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets recognised in
acquisitions (PPA) ᵇ |
(97) |
(103) |
+6 |
Current operating profit/(loss) |
2,438 |
2,308 |
+130 |
Other operating income and expenses |
(196) |
c |
(195) |
d |
-1 |
Operating profit/(loss) |
2,242 |
2,113 |
+129 |
Cost of net debt |
(187) |
(254) |
e |
+67 |
Interest expense on lease obligations |
(108) |
(87) |
-21 |
Other financial income and expenses |
(97) |
(83) |
e |
-14 |
Income tax |
(617) |
(547) |
-70 |
Share of net profits/(losses) of joint ventures and associates |
(11) |
59 |
-70 |
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations |
1,222 |
1,201 |
+21 |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
(164) |
(161) |
-3 |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group |
1,058 |
1,040 |
+18 |
(a) Up 1% like-for-like and at constant exchange
(b) Purchase Price Allocation.
(c) Includes net non-current charges of €56m at Bouygues
Construction, of €31m at Bouygues Immobilier, of €96m at Equans,
non-net current income of €41m at Bouygues Telecom, net non-current
charges of €18m at TF1 and of €36m at Bouygues SA.
(d) Includes net non-current charges of €10m at Colas, €81m at
Bouygues Construction, of €13m at Bouygues Immobilier, of €81m at
Equans, non-net current income of €22m at Bouygues Telecom, net
non-current charges of €30m at TF1 and of €2m at
Bouygues SA.
(e) See note 14 to the consolidated financial statements
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Forex effect |
Scope effect |
Lfl &
constant fx ᶜ |
Construction businesses ᵃ |
27,508 |
27,335 |
+1% |
0% |
0% |
+1% |
o/w Colas |
15,907 |
16,015 |
-1% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
10,340 |
9,755 |
+6% |
-1% |
0% |
+5% |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
1,451 |
1,738 |
-17% |
0% |
0% |
-17% |
Equans |
19,170 |
18,761 |
+2% |
0% |
+1% |
+3% |
Bouygues Telecom |
7,820 |
7,727 |
+1% |
0% |
-1% |
0% |
TF1 |
2,356 |
2,297 |
+3% |
0% |
-1% |
+1% |
Bouygues SA and other |
225 |
229 |
nm |
- |
- |
nm |
eliminations ᵇ |
(517) |
(505) |
nm |
- |
- |
nm |
Group sales |
56,752 |
56,017 |
+1% |
0% |
0% |
+1% |
o/w France |
27,639 |
27,750 |
0% |
0% |
0% |
-1% |
o/w international |
29,113 |
28,267 |
+3% |
0% |
+1% |
+3% |
(a) Total of the sales contributions (after
eliminations within the construction businesses).
(b) Including intra-Group eliminations of the construction
(c) Like-for-like and at constant exchange rates.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Group current operating profit/(loss) from
activities |
2,535 |
2,411 |
+124 |
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets recognised in
acquisitions (PPA) |
(97) |
(103) |
+6 |
Interest expense on lease obligations |
(108) |
(87) |
-21 |
Net charges for depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses on
property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
2,398 |
2,328 |
+70 |
Charges to provisions and other impairment losses,
net of reversals due to utilisation |
479 |
334 |
+145 |
Reversals of unutilised provisions and impairment losses and
other |
(470) |
(338) |
-132 |
Group EBITDA after Leases |
4,737 |
4,545 |
+192 |
(a) See glossary for definitions.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
1,189 |
1,423 |
-234 |
o/w Colas |
836 |
960 |
-124 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
383 |
453 |
-70 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(30) |
10 |
-40 |
Equans |
891 |
593 |
+298 |
Bouygues Telecom |
2,037 |
1,969 |
+68 |
TF1 |
680 |
590 |
+90 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(60) |
(30) |
-30 |
Group EBITDA after Leases |
4,737 |
4,545 |
+192 |
(a) See glossary for definitions.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
827 |
851 |
-24 |
o/w Colas |
552 |
542 |
+10 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
326 |
281 |
+45 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(51) |
28 |
-79 |
Equans |
680 |
545 |
+135 |
Bouygues Telecom |
795 |
798 |
-3 |
TF1 |
297 |
287 |
+9 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(64) |
(70) |
+7 |
Group current operating profit/(loss) from
activities |
2,535 |
2,411 |
+124 |
(a) See glossary for definitions.
(€ million) |
PPA amortisation ᵃ |
Construction businesses |
827 |
-9 |
818 |
o/w Colas |
552 |
-8 |
544 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
326 |
-1 |
325 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(51) |
0 |
(51) |
Equans |
680 |
0 |
680 |
Bouygues Telecom |
795 |
-26 |
769 |
TF1 |
297 |
-8 |
289 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(64) |
-54 |
(118) |
Total |
2,535 |
-97 |
2,438 |
(a) Amortisation and impairment of intangible
assets recognised in acquisitions.
(€ million) |
PPA amortisation ᵃ |
Construction businesses |
851 |
-8 |
843 |
o/w Colas |
542 |
-8 |
534 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
281 |
0 |
281 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
28 |
0 |
28 |
Equans |
545 |
0 |
545 |
Bouygues Telecom |
798 |
-29 |
769 |
TF1 |
287 |
-5 |
283 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(70) |
-61 |
(132) |
Total |
2,411 |
-103 |
2,308 |
(a) Amortisation and impairment of intangible
assets recognised in acquisitions.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
818 |
843 |
-25 |
o/w Colas |
544 |
534 |
+10 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
325 |
281 |
+44 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(51) |
28 |
-79 |
Equans |
680 |
545 |
+135 |
Bouygues Telecom |
769 |
769 |
0 |
TF1 |
289 |
283 |
+6 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(118) |
(132) |
+14 |
Group current operating profit/(loss) |
2,438 |
2,308 |
+130 |
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
731 |
739 |
-8 |
o/w Colas |
544 |
524 |
+20 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
269 |
200 |
+69 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(82) |
15 |
-97 |
Equans |
584 |
464 |
+120 |
Bouygues Telecom |
810 |
791 |
+19 |
TF1 |
271 |
253 |
+18 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(154) |
(134) |
-20 |
Group operating profit/(loss) |
2,242 |
a |
2,113 |
b |
+129 |
(a) Includes net non-current charges of €56m at
Bouygues Construction, of €31m at Bouygues Immobilier, of €96m at
Equans, non-net current income of €41m at Bouygues Telecom, net
non-current charges of €18m at TF1 and of €36m at
Bouygues SA.
(b) Includes net non-current charges of €10m at Colas, €81m at
Bouygues Construction, of €13m at Bouygues Immobilier, of €81m at
Equans, non-net current income of €22m at Bouygues Telecom, net
non-current charges of €30m at TF1 and of €2m at
Bouygues SA.
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
455 |
498 |
-43 |
o/w Colas |
310 |
310 |
0 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
235 |
195 |
+40 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(90) |
(7) |
-83 |
Equans |
421 |
305 |
+116 |
Bouygues Telecom |
376 |
414 |
-38 |
TF1 |
95 |
87 |
+8 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(289) |
(264) |
-25 |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group |
1,058 |
1,040 |
+18 |
(€ million) |
End-Dec 2024 |
End-Dec 2023 |
Change |
Colas |
965 |
623 |
+342 |
Bouygues Construction |
4,033 |
3,435 |
+598 |
Bouygues Immobilier |
(384) |
(150) |
-234 |
Equans |
1,517 |
981 |
+536 |
Bouygues Telecom |
(3,800) |
(2,625) |
-1,175 |
TF1 |
506 |
505 |
+1 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(8,903) |
(9,020) |
+117 |
Net surplus cash (+)/net debt (-) |
(6,066) |
(6,251) |
+185 |
Current and non-current lease obligations |
(3,110) |
(3,017) |
-93 |
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
352 |
141 |
+211 |
o/w Colas |
240 |
55 |
+185 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
111 |
82 |
+29 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
1 |
4 |
-3 |
Equans |
186 |
202 |
-16 |
Bouygues Telecom |
1,484 |
1,428 |
+56 |
TF1 |
280 |
298 |
-18 |
Bouygues SA and other |
0 |
48 |
-48 |
Group net capital expenditure – excluding
frequencies |
2,302 |
2,117 |
+185 |
Frequencies |
182 |
0 |
+182 |
Group net capital expenditure – including
frequencies |
2,484 |
2,117 |
+367 |
(€ million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Construction businesses |
537 |
708 |
-171 |
o/w Colas |
352 |
469 |
-117 |
o/w Bouygues Construction |
235 |
236 |
-1 |
o/w Bouygues Immobilier |
(50) |
3 |
-53 |
Equans |
507 |
321 |
+186 |
Bouygues Telecom |
301 |
249 |
+52 |
TF1 |
229 |
178 |
+51 |
Bouygues SA and other |
(124) |
(277) |
+153 |
Group free cash flow – excluding frequencies |
1,450 |
1,179 |
+271 |
Frequencies |
(182) |
0 |
-182 |
Group free cash flow ᵃ |
1,268 |
1,179 |
+89 |
(a) See glossary for definitions.
ABPU (Average Billing Per
- In the mobile segment, it is equal
to the total of mobile sales billed to customers (BtoC and BtoB)
divided by the average number of customers over the period. It
excludes MtoM SIM cards and free SIM cards.
- In the fixed segment, it is equal
to the total of fixed sales billed to customers (excluding BtoB)
divided by the average number of customers over the period.
Available cash: the aggregate
of cash and cash equivalents and the positive fair value of hedging
BtoB (business to business):
when one business makes a commercial transaction with another.
- Colas, Bouygues
Construction, Equans: the amount of work still to be done
on projects for which a firm order has been taken, i.e. the
contract has been signed and has taken effect (after notice to
proceed has been issued and suspensory clauses have been
- Bouygues
Immobilier: sales outstanding from notarised sales plus
total sales from signed reservations that have still to be
Under IFRS 11, Bouygues Immobilier’s backlog
does not include sales from reservations taken via companies
accounted for by the equity method (co-promotion companies where
there is joint control).
Business segment: designates
each one of the Bouygues group’s six main subsidiaries, namely
Colas, Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Immobilier, Equans, Bouygues
Telecom and TF1.
Change in sales like-for-like and at
constant exchange rates:
- At constant exchange rates: change
after translating foreign-currency sales for the current period at
the exchange rates for the comparative period.
- On a like-for-like basis: change in
sales for the periods compared, adjusted as follows:
- For acquisitions, by deducting from
the current period those sales of the acquired entity that have no
equivalent during the comparative period.
- For divestments, by deducting from
the comparative period those sales of the divested entity that have
no equivalent during the current period.
Construction businesses: Colas,
Bouygues Construction and Bouygues Immobilier.
Current operating profit/(loss) from
activities (COPA): current operating profit from
activities equates to current operating profit before amortisation
and impairment of intangible assets recognised in acquisitions
EBITDA after Leases: current
operating profit after taking account of the interest expense on
lease obligations, before (i) net charges for depreciation,
amortisation and impairment losses on property, plant and equipment
and intangible assets, (ii) net charges to provisions and other
impairment losses and (iii) effects of losses of control. Those
effects relate to the impact of remeasuring retained interests.
EBITDA margin after Leases (Bouygues
Telecom): EBITDA after Leases as a proportion of sales
from services.
Energies & services:
Free cash flow: net cash flow
(determined after (i) cost of net debt, (ii) interest expense on
lease obligations and (iii) income taxes paid), minus net capital
expenditure and repayments of lease obligations. It is calculated
before changes in working capital requirements (WCR) related to
operating activities and changes in working capital requirements
(WCR) related to fixed assets.
FTTH (Fibre to the Home):
optical fibre from the central office (where the operator’s
transmission equipment is installed) all the way to homes or
business premises (Arcep definition).
FTTH premises secured: premises
for which the horizontal is deployed, being deployed or ordered up
to the concentration point.
FTTH premises marketed: the
connectable sockets, i.e. the horizontal and vertical deployed and
connected via the concentration point.
Group (or the Bouygues group):
designates Bouygues SA and all the entities that are controlled
directly or indirectly by Bouygues SA as defined in Article
L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.
Liquidity: the aggregate of
available cash, the fair value of hedging instruments and undrawn,
confirmed medium- and long-term credit facilities.
MtoM: machine to machine
communication. This refers to direct communication between machines
or smart devices or between smart devices and people via an
information system using mobile communications networks, generally
without human intervention.
Net surplus cash/(net debt):
the aggregate of cash and cash equivalents, overdrafts and
short-term bank borrowings, non-current and current debt, and the
fair value of financial instruments. Net surplus cash/(net debt)
does not include non-current and current lease obligations. A
positive figure represents net surplus cash and a negative figure
represents net debt. The main components of change in net debt are
presented in Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements
at 31 December 2024, available at
Order intake (Colas, Bouygues
Construction, Equans): a project is included under order
intake when the contract has been signed and has taken effect (the
notice to proceed has been issued and all suspensory clauses have
been lifted) and the financing has been arranged. The amount
recorded corresponds to the sales the project will generate.
Reservations by value (Bouygues
Immobilier): the € amount of the value of properties
reserved over a given period.
- Residential properties: the sum of
the value of unit and block reservation contracts signed by
customers and approved by Bouygues Immobilier, minus registered
- Commercial properties: these are
registered as reservations on notarised sale.
For co-promotion companies:
- If Bouygues Immobilier has
exclusive control over the co-promotion company (full
consolidation), 100% of amounts are included in reservations.
- If joint control is exercised (the
company is accounted for by the equity method), commercial activity
is recorded according to the amount of the equity interest in the
co-promotion company.
Sales from services (Bouygues
Telecom) comprise:
- Sales billed to customers, which
- In Mobile:
- For BtoC customers: sales from
outgoing call charges (voice, texts and data), connection fees, and
value-added services.
- For BtoB customers: sales from
outgoing call charges (voice, texts and data), connection fees, and
value-added services, plus sales from business services.
- Machine-To-Machine (MtoM)
- Visitor roaming sales.
- Sales generated with Mobile Virtual
Network Operators (MVNOs).
- In Fixed:
- For BtoC customers: sales from
outgoing call charges, fixed broadband services, TV services
(including Video on Demand and catch-up TV), and connection fees
and equipment hire.
- For BtoB customers: sales from
outgoing call charges, fixed broadband services, TV services
(including Video on Demand and catch-up TV), and connection fees
and equipment hire, plus sales from business services.
- Sales from bulk sales to other
fixed line operators.
- Sales from incoming
Voice and Texts.
- Spreading of handset subsidies over
the projected life of the customer account, required to comply with
IFRS 15.
- Capitalisation of connection fee
sales, which is then spread over the projected life of the customer
Other sales (Bouygues Telecom):
difference between Bouygues Telecom’s total sales and sales from
It comprises:
- Sales from handsets, accessories
and other.
- Roaming sales.
- Non-telecom services (construction
of sites or installation of FTTH lines).
- Co-financing of advertising.
Wholesale: wholesale market for
telecoms operators.
1 Free cash flow before cost of net debt,
interest expense on lease obligations and income taxes paid.
2 Including frequencies.
3 Submitted for approval by the Annual General Meeting of 29 April
4 Includes net non-current charges of €56m at Bouygues
Construction, of €31m at Bouygues Immobilier, of €96m at Equans,
net non-current income of €41m at Bouygues Telecom, net non-current
charges of €18m at TF1, and net non-current charges of €36m at
Bouygues SA.
5 Net debt/shareholders’ equity.
6 Free cash flow before cost of net debt, interest expense on lease
obligations and income taxes paid.
7 La Poste Telecom’s sales billed to customers were
€320 million in 2024.
8 SDAIF is a joint venture 49%-owned by Bouygues Telecom and
51%-owned by Vauban Infrastructure Partners. SDAIF invests in the
roll-out of fibre in Orange’s part of the Medium Dense Area.
9 Like-for-like.
10 Free cash-flow after tax and interest expense and before WCR,
excluding frequencies.
11 Free cash-flow after tax and interest expense (including
interest expense related to the acquisition of La Poste Telecom),
and before WCR, excluding frequencies.
12 Excluding the share of co-promotions.
13 Women under 50 who are purchasing decision-makers.
14 Net debt/shareholders’ equity.
- PR_Bouygues_2024_financial-results
Bouygues (EU:EN)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Bouygues (EU:EN)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025