Mexico, July 5, 2012
/PRNewswire/ -- Silver Scott Mines,
Inc. (OTC: SILS.pk) is pleased to announce the receipt of mining
and processing permit approval from Semarnat ("Secretaria de Medio
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales"), the Mexican Federal environmental
agency, and the associated granted Change of Use of Soil zoning for
mining within 20 hectares. Payment for change of Soil Use
zoning for the site changing from agriculture to mining was made in
connection with the mining permit.
A 6 year extendable surface land agreement currently is in force
with the surface land owner for exploration within the 1500 hectare
mineral concessions and associated mining or high impact
disturbance within the 20 hectares with change of surface land use
zoning. That agreement was previously announced as completed
for the proposed mining with the Divisaderos Ejido. This mining
permit along with the surface land agreement completes the process
that allows the company to move forward with a planned production
scale bulk tonnage leach test. Discussions have been
ongoing with available mining contractors for contract mining and
crushing of the mineralized material.
An 80,000 tonne test scale heap leach is being planned which
will be expanded if successful. The Company has completed
column and bottle roll leach testing in the past on the project's
mineralized zone and expects that the scale test production will
provide the Company with saleable concentrate product. The
mine site is the location previously reported in the October 2011 news release regarding air track
percussion drill results. That drilling tested an outcropping
mineralized area from which material for this test heap leach will
be derived.
Mel Herdrick, Chief Geologist for
the company commented, "We expect this production testing phase, in
addition to ongoing exploration, to advance the company to precious
metal production status. Our goal, as part of our overall corporate
strategy, is to explore, define, and initiate production of gold
and silver by heap leach mine processing and other low cost
methods, and to continue to build the Company by augment production
as well as expanding resources by exploration."
In other news the Company announces the resignation of Mr.
James Bradshaw from the Board to
pursue other business interests. The Company thanks Mr. Bradshaw
for his devotion to the Company and his valuable business insights
and advice over the past several years.
The source of this news release is Silver Scott Mines, Inc.
This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and
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all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and
therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking
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SOURCE Silver Scott Mines, Inc.